Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

Nice 'stache, bro...

Fistrick complimenting Mole-Stache.[1]

Mole-Stache[DJW 1] is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an unknown species from an unknown planet.


Mole-Stache is a rodentoid alien with a green and black jumpsuit in which his ears stick out and also has a pair of white gloves. He has a big blonde mustache and beaver-like teeth, as well as a slight potbelly. He also wears a green and white belt in which the Omnitrix symbol is located.


Mole-Stache speaks in a stereotypical gentleman manner and tends to use high vocabulary.

Powers and Abilities[]

Mole-Stache's mustache is free-forming and about as maneuverable as any limb, able to stretch and form itself into a variety of shapes. While doing so, he can perform with it feats like wrapping enemies up, forming hands, catching drafts, and carrying himself around. It can also be used as a parachute or propellers.

Mole-Stache appears to have skill in hand-to-hand combat with the mustache, as he easily defeated Fistrick with it.[1]

Mole-Stache can fly by twirling his mustache around like a helicopter.[1][2]

Mole-Stache's mustache is strong enough to lift a truck[1] and a tree.[3] On his own and despite his small size, however, Mole-Stache is strong enough to carry a Revonnahgander with his bare hands while flying and without any trouble.[1]

Mole-Stache can dig into hard surfaces, much like a real mole.

If Mole-Stache's mustache is cut or shaved off, it would quickly regenerate.[DJW 2]


BP (472)

Struggle Balancing

Mole-Stache can have trouble staying upright while carrying something as heavy as a truck with his mustache. When reverting to Ben, his nose will also hurt.[1]





Season 2
Season 3
Season 7
Season 8

Ben 10: Omniverse

Video Games[]

Mole-Stache (Reboot)

Mole-Stache in Omni-Charged

Ben 10: Omni-Charged[]

Mole-Stache is a playable alien character in the game. His design is largely the same as in Omniverse except his belt has been recolored black and he does not have a noticeable Omnitrix symbol.

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
Bulgarian Къртосташ From the original English name
Chinese 怪胡鼠 From 怪胡 (Guài Hú), weird moustache and (Shǔ), mouse
French Mole-Stache From the original English name
German Maulwurf From Maulwurf, mole
Greek Μουστοπόντικας From μουστάκι, mustache, and τυφλοπόντικας, mole
Italian Baffi di Talpa From baffi, mustache, di, of, and talpa, mole
Polish Kretowąs From kret, mole, and wąs, moustache
Portuguese (Br) Bigotóide From bigode, mustache, and -óide, suffix "similar to"
Romanian Mole-Stache From the original English name
Russian Усатый
From усатый, whiskered
From the original English name
Spanish (HA) Mole-Stache From the original English name


Mole-Stache's name is a portmanteau of the words "mole", referring his appearance, and "mustache", which alludes to his ability to fight with his malleable mustache.


  • The design for Mole-Stache came from Jerry, drawn by Steven Choi or Chap Yaep.[DJW 4]
  • In his first appearance, Mole-Stache shared the same voice as Ben due to the Omnitrix malfunctioning. The out-of-universe reason for this was because the crew originally did not envision him as a usable alien for later episodes.[DJW 5]
    • Mole-Stache's voice was eventually changed to a British accent in Breakpoint because the crew liked how he turned out.[DJW 6] Mole-Stache speaks with this accent because the British are stereotyped as behaving gentlemanly.
  • Mole-Stache is one of four aliens unlocked by Driba and Blukic; the other three being Walkatrout, Pesky Dust, and The Worst.[4]
  • Ben 23 does not have an alternate counterpart to Mole-Stache in his Omnitrix.[5]
  • Mole-Stache was initially planned to appear in No Honor Among Bros, where he would master his powers during a fight with Yetta, but the scene had to be cut for time.[DJW 3][TJ 1]
  • Albedo is unable to transform into Mole-Stache.[DJW 7]
  • There were no plans to feature Mole-Stache in the reboot because the crew envisioned him as being only being exclusive to the Ben 10: Omni-Charged game based on the show.[DR 1]
    • PHL Collective requested for Mole-Stache's inclusion in Omni-Charged,[DR 2] partially because he worked well with the VR mechanics for the game.[NM 1]


Crew Statements[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Duncan Rouleau[]

Tanner Johnson[]

Nick Madonna[]

Introduced in Ben 10 ArctiguanaBlitzwolferBuzzshockCannonboltDiamondheadDittoEvil Way BigEye GuyFour ArmsFrankenstrikeGhostfreakGrey MatterHeatblastRipjawsSnare-OhSpitterStinkflyUpchuckUpgradeWay BigWildmuttWildvineXLR8
Introduced in Alien Force Alien XBig ChillBrainstormChromastoneEcho EchoGoopHumungousaurJetrayLodestarNanomechRathSpidermonkeySwampfire
Introduced in Ultimate Alien AmpfibianArmodrilloChamalienClockworkEatleFasttrackJuryriggNRGShocksquatchTerraspinWaterhazard
Introduced in Omniverse AstrodactylAtomixBall WeevilBloxxBullfragCrashhopperFeedbackGravattackGutrotKickin' HawkMole-StachePesky DustThe WorstToepickWalkatroutWhampire
Future Aliens SandboxShellheadSnakepit
Ultimate Aliens AlbedoArctiguanaBenBig ChillCannonboltEcho EchoGravattackHumungousaurRathSpidermonkeySwampfireWay BigWildmutt
Fusion Aliens Atomic-XBig ChuckCrashockerDiamond MatterFourmungousaurHeat JawsHumungoopsaurStink ArmsUprigg
Concept Fusion Aliens GravadactylXLRG
Competition Winners Alien Maker Contest WinnerMoyoInvinciblePortalerShadowmanStretcheleo
MAD ChromastoneFour ArmsHumungousaurJetrayNRGSwampfire
Total Access AntigraviteslaBob the BlobPlantapocalypse
Ben 10: Science Hero CaetSektoid TransformationShafarnianSteeler
Tim 10 BloxxFour ArmsHeatblastSkateasaurusUpchuckXLR8
Other Cartoon Network AlienEon (retconned)Evil Way Big (Cosmic Destruction)Fuel Run AlienGrendene AlienK-Zone AlienRobot AlienRocksSquidstrictor
Introduced in Season 1 CannonboltDiamondheadFour ArmsGaxGrey MatterHeatblastOverflowStinkflyUpgradeWildvineXLR8
Introduced in Season 2 RathShock Rock
Introduced in Season 3 Crossover Nexus TransformationsHumungousaurSlapback
Introduced in Season 4 GoopJetrayWay Big
Introduced in Season 5 Alien XAmpfibianBig ChillBloxxBuzzshockChromastoneRipjawsSpidermonkeySurge
Omni-Enhanced Aliens CannonboltDiamondheadFour ArmsGrey MatterHeatblastOverflowStinkflyWildvineXLR8
Omni-Kix Aliens CannonboltDiamondheadFour ArmsHeatblastHumungousaurJetrayRathShock RockSlapbackXLR8
Omni-Naut Aliens HeatblastJetrayHumungousaurShock Rock
Fusion Aliens Amalgam BenGrey ArmsXLRArmBlastDiamondHeat
Ben 10 Battle Builder Banana AlienRocket Flyer AlienRustbucket AlienScooter AlienTank Alien
Non-Canon Fusion Aliens Diamondhead-Humungousaur FusionOmnitrix Glitch FusionRath ArmsShock Blast
Other Black Hat AlienHot Dog AlienCarousel AlienMole-StacheSamson