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and are non-canon to the Classic Continuity.Click here to see the canon version
NRG is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Prypiatosian-B from the planet Prypiatos in the Andromeda Galaxy.
NRG is a humanoid alien, a physical being constantly emitting pure, orange, radioactive energy wearing a heavy, dark grey oven-like containment suit with five slits capable of containing high levels of radiation and heat, a black hat on top of his suit, a pair of glasses and black boots, with his brown hair sticking out of the suit.
While in his suit, NRG wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest seal, crooked at the 2:00 position.
- NRG first appeared in Ben 10 Franklin, where his inability to fly while inside his containment suit caused him and a boat carrying George Washington and his men to plummet to the ground.
Season 1[]
- Ben 10 Franklin (first appearance)
- This depiction of NRG predates the Prime Timeline version, since Ben 10 Franklin originally aired on November 1, 2010, whereas The Forge of Creation originally aired on November 12, 2010.