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Ectonurites[1][2] are a ghost/phantom based species from Anur Phaetos in the Anur System.[Bandai 1] Their Ecto-Lord is Zs'Skayr.[pop-up 1][3]


With their outermost layer of skin, Ectonurites look like a classical ghost with a track for their eye to travel upon.

Without their outermost layer of skin, Ectonurites look like misshapen horrors. They possess an exposed skull with sparse teeth for a head, only one eye, dark blue skin, exposed bones on certain parts of their bodies, black claws, a big gaping hole in their chest with black and white striped tentacles hanging out, and speak with an eerie, creepy voice. Ectonurites can rotate their heads so they can be upside-down or the right way up. Ectonurites can also develop deformities such as having one arm larger than the other, having three heads, having more than one eye, or having pink lips.

Ectonurites on Anur Transyl usually conceal their faces. Their outermost skins resemble sheets, with patches and stitches commonplace. They also have stitches on their bodies.

When an Ectonurite is at its full power, spikes erupt from its shoulders and its hands, and their teeth and claws grow in size.

Powers and Abilities[]

By manipulating their protoplasm,[4][5] Ectonurites can make themselves intangible and invisible as both a powerful defense and a way of infiltrating high-security locations.[6] As an extended technique, Ectonurites can choose to selectively make parts of himself corporeal or slightly corporeal to still interact with the world or fight, the most deadly example of which being when Ghostfreak passed into Thumbskull's body and incapacitated him without a chance to fight back.[2] An additional effect of an Ectonurite's intangibility is that they can make those they pass through suddenly feel deathly cold.[5] Ectonurites are also capable of making other objects or people intangible and transparent through physical contact;[7] first demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[3] Additionally, Ectonurites are able to disrupt electronics by phasing through them, as also demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[8]

Ectonurites are able to possess the bodies of their enemies and control their movements, to the point where they can cause them to fly around like themselves, and can even stop possessing them midair to let them slam into walls.[2][3] They can also access the abilities of other beings that possess superpowers.[7] Additionally, an Ectonurite can completely erase someone's consciousness while possessing them if their willpower is strong enough, as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[8]

Ectonurites can possess Humans, Florauna,[pop-up 2][3] Vladats,[DJW 1][9] Transylians,[3] Necrofriggians,[DJW 2] Atrocians, Polymorphs,[DJW 3] Galvanic Mechamorphs, Microchips, Chronosapiens,[DJW 4] Celestialsapiens[DJW 5] and even other members of their species.[DJW 6]

Ectonurites can expose tentacles from their chests, either by drawing back their outermost layer of skin or by bursting their tentacles through their skin.[10][11] These prehensile tentacles are very useful for grabbing objects[2][12] and/or coiling around people or objects;[11] stabbing;[10] and generally increasing their scare factor.[13]

Ectonurites are capable of telekinesis, shown off by Zs'Skayr while he was still in the Omnitrix, when he used his telekinesis to make flames erupt from Bunsen burners.[2] Ectonurites are also capable of telepathy.[CN 1]

Ectonurites can regenerate lost skin if needed, as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr when he was in control of Ghostfreak's body.[14]

Ectonurites are capable of flight and levitation, which they can use to soar through the air at high speeds.[15][12]

Ectonurites have sharp claws, which can easily tear through Vilgax's Mechadroids.[16]

Ectonurites possess enhanced strength, as shown when Ghostfreak lifted a large wrestling mat with Acid Breath on top[2] and used his tentacles to grab a bus full of people.[12]

Ectonurites have enhanced durability, as Ghostfreak was able to withstand punches from Kraab and Vilgax (using the Shield of Seagle), both which threw him against a wall.[5][14]

Ectonurites can survive in the vacuum of space; as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[3]

Ectonurites are immune to having their manna absorbed by energy absorbing opponents, such as Michael Morningstar. This is because Ectonurites do not have manna, as they are not alive in the same conventional way that most other life forms are.[7][DJW 7]

Ectonurite tails are prehensile, as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr when he was in control of Ghostfreak's body.[14]

Ectonurites have an eerie, glowing eye[Bandai 1] that can move around through the black lines on their bodies, which functionally give them 360-degree vision.[5] Additionally, like all Anur System aliens, Ectonurites can see in the dark.[DJW 8]

Ectonurites are able to store small objects under his skin flaps, as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[17]

Ectonurites can alter their shape and deform like gas by making themselves into a grey, somewhat transparent smoke-like wispy form.[5][6] While in this form, they are immune to being absorbed by Gutrot's species.[DJW 9]

Ectonurites may be able convert other species into members of their species, where then they are able to manipulate them into doing what they want.[14][note 1]

True Form[]

Ectonurites can project powerful energy beams from either their chests and or their hands whenever their skin is peeled back, as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[3][14]

In their true forms, an Ectonurite's telekinesis is greatly enhanced, being able to even move an entire pillar without effort.[14]

In his true form, while exposed to total darkness, like that of space, the powers and abilities of Ectonurites would be greatly enhanced to their full potential; this feat was also demonstrated with Zs'Skayr.[3]

Ectonurites can rotate their skulls,[DJW 10] as demonstrated by Zs'Skayr.[8]


Ectonurites are very vulnerable to sunlight.[2][note 2] Furthermore, Ectonurites are also very vulnerable to bright lights, such as that generated by Prypiatosian-Bs and members of Atomix's Species, as demonstrated with Zs'Skayr.[8]

If an Ectonurite's protoplasm is solidified, they will be unable to turn intangible or invisible. Certain substances can solidify their protoplasm, such as a special orange liquid used by Kraab.[5] It is possible that Gutrot's species can replicate this liquid in a gaseous form.[DJW 11]

An Ectonurite's intangibility requires conscious thought to activate, so opponents will be able to hit them if they are caught off-guard, as seen when Ghostfreak got hit by a punching bag that Thumbskull threw at him while he was distracted.[2]

There are a number of weaknesses that Ectonurites are vulnerable to if they remain tangible and caught off-guard. For example:

Ectonurites can be tracked by opponents who can sense heat or use thermographic vision, as demonstrated by Kraab.[5]

An Ectonurite's possession abilities can be countered. The Omnitrix is capable of protecting its users from Ectonurite possession. As such, Ectonurites are unable to possess Omnitrix wielders and their transformations,[2] including the Sentient Ultimate forms (even when inside the Ultimatrix).[18] Even in the wielder's regular form, the Omnitrix is capable of holding off Ectonurites for a short time.[2]

There are certain beings Ectonurites cannot possess. For example, they cannot possess zombies due to them lacking minds of their own.[11] Likewise, they are unable to possess Dagon.[DJW 12] Even if an Ectonurite does possess someone, it may be possible for their victim to reject them out of their body, as shown with Ma Vreedle.[19]

Ectonurites cannot survive on Anur Vladias.[DJW 13]

Ectonurites can be scared by Toepick's species.[DJW 14]

Ectonurites can be affected by a Nemuina's sleeping dust.[DJW 15]

Notable Ectonurites[]

Notable Ectonurite Hybrids[]

Non-Canon Ectonurites[]

  • Unknown (the Omega Doom's DNA sample of an Ectonurite)

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
Portuguese (Br) Ectonuritas
Spanish (HA) Ectonurite
Ectonurito (Rook Tales)
From the original English name.


The name Ectonurite comes from ectoplasm.



  1. Zs'Skayr gained this ability sometime after the Original Series.[DM 1] It is unknown whether Ghostfreak, and by extension, other Ectonurites, can do this naturally.
  2. Ghostfreak's page was created on August 11, 2007, by a user named Ghostfreak. This earliest revision made indirect mention of Zs'Skayr's form being "sun-weakened" and without "protective skin". Thus, Ectonurites had been, for the longest time, portrayed on the wiki as only weak to sunlight when without a outermost layer of skin. However, in Ghostfreaked Out, both Ben and Zs'Skayr mention that it is explicitly Zs'Skayr's merging with the Omnitrix's wielder, and benefiting from the device's power, that would allow him to surpass his vulnerability to sunlight. It is inferred from this that the Omnitrix is ultimately what keeps Ghostfreak from being hurt by the sun.


Crew Statements[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Dwayne McDuffie[]

Pop-Up Trivia[]

Cartoon Network[]



Ben 10: Protector of Earth[]

Sapient Species AcrosianAerophibianAmperiAnoditeAppoplexianAquarianArachnachimpArburian PelarotaAtrocianBiotsavartianCelestialsapienCerebrocrustaceanChimera Sui GenerisChronosapienChurlCitrakayahConductoidContumeliaCrystalsapienDetroviteDracosianEctonuriteElvesFloraunaGalileanGalvanGalvanic MechamorphGeochelone AeriosGimlinopithecusGourmandHavoc BeastHighbreedHulexHuman (Osmosian)IckthyperambuloidIncurseanKineceleranKraahoLenopanLepidopterranLewodanLimaxLoboanLucubraMaxatomerMerlinisapienMethanosianMuroidNecrofriggianNemuinaNosedeenianOpticoidOrishanOrmerowonOrthopterranOryctiniPantophagePetrosapienPiscciss PremannPiscciss VolannPlanchakülePolar ManzardillPolymorphProtostPrypiatosian-APrypiatosian-BPugnavorePyroniteRevonnahganderSegmentasapienSlime-BiotSonorosianSotoraggianSphoeroidSplixsonSylonnoidSynthroidTalpaedanTentacle TrooperTetramandThalassianThep KhufanTo'kustarTransylianUxoriteVaxasaurianVladatVreedleVulpimancerVulpinic TortuganWigzellian Orc BeastYetiZaroffian
Unnamed Sapient Species Argit'sAstrodactyl'sAtomix'sBall Weevil'sDagger AliensDecka'sDragon'sEnforcer Alien'sGutrot'sHobble'sKickin' Hawk'sMedic'sMole-Stache'sNightmarish AlienPakmar'sPickaxe AliensProbity'sRock MonstersSmoothie Vendor'sTack'sTentacle Vendor'sTiny'sToepick's
Evolved Sapient Species Evolved AppoplexianEvolved ArachnachimpEvolved Arburian PelarotaEvolved GalileanEvolved GalvanEvolved HumanEvolved MethanosianEvolved NecrofriggianEvolved Polar ManzardillEvolved SonorosianEvolved To'kustarEvolved VaxasaurianEvolved Vulpimancer
Non-Sapient Species Aldebaran BeidafangAnubian BaskurrBuglizardCassiopeian Dream EaterChupacabraCrabdozerDasypodidaeDravekGracklflintKaosseffexx UltimasauriaKrakkenMammothMicrochipMycetian Swamp HoppersNight MareNull GuardianOmnivoraciousPanuncianPsycholeopterranPterodactylPyroxovoreQuartilloptusRoot SharkSandripperScreegitScrutinSlammoidTime BeastsTyrannosaurus RexVicetopusVolaticus biopsisXenociteZombie Clown Virus
Unnamed Non-Sapient Species Alien VerminFungal ForceKhoros Reptilian MountMagical PumpkinMucilator'sGiant Sea Squid/ArachnidPallorfang'sSquid MonsterTerroranchula's
Evolved Non-Sapient Species Evolved Panuncian
Non-Canon Sapient Species BasaltCephalod-aeChronianHumpbackusLaurianSool and Gontu'sVulpitine
Non-Canon Non-Sapient Species Cyber SquidMacerootSnap DragonThornhoundVulpin Serpent
Non-Ben 10 Species EVO