Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

"Are you inferring that you're smarter than me because your head is bigger?"
"No, I'm
implying that I'm smarter than you because my brain is bigger."

Azmuth and Brainstorm.[2]

Brainstorm (alternatively spelled as Brain Storm)[credits 1] is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Cerebrocrustacean[3][4] from the planet Encephalonus IV.[Bandai 1]


Ben as Brainstorm[]

Brainstorm has a light orange crab-like appearance with pincers for hands. He can open his skull plates at will to reveal his huge, corrugated brain, which is pink in color.

In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Brainstorm had six legs and wore a silver and black neck brace with the original Omnitrix/Ultimatrix symbol on it.

In Heroes United, Brainstorm looked mostly the same except his shell was a more vibrant orange and his skull plates were black.

In Omniverse, Brainstorm has a black loincloth with a green stripe in the center of it on the bottom of his body. He also has a black stripe in the center of his head with a green stripe running across it. He now has four legs instead of six, and each leg has a single joint instead of two, with a black stripe on each one. The spines on Brainstorm's face and forehead are now longer, and his eyes connect to a large black strip that extends around his forehead. He also has two spikes on each elbow, and he wears the Omnitrix symbol on a white and green neck brace.

Albedo as Negative Brainstorm[]

In Ultimate Alien, Negative Brainstorm looked just like Ben's Brainstorm in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien except his eyes were recolored red and he lacked an Ultimatrix symbol.

In Omniverse, Negative Brainstorm looks just like Ben's Brainstorm in the same series, except his shell is recolored pale pink, his teeth are recolored yellowish, his eyes and shell stripes are recolored red, and he wears a red Ultimatrix symbol on a red and white neck brace.


Brainstorm usually speaks with very high vocabulary, which can make it difficult for others to understand what he is talking about.[5] He can also come off as arrogant and egotistical due to his intelligence, as according to him, he has skill, not luck.[6][7]

Powers and Abilities[]

Their advantage: superior numbers. My advantage: superior intelligence!

– Brainstorm, analyzing the Vengers.[6]

Brainstorm's cranium holds an immense brain, giving him super-massive intelligence that is too high to be measured on a human scale.[Bandai 2] Technically speaking, his IQ is shown to be 10^30, or one nonillion.[6] He can solve very difficult calculations mentally in roughly seconds, and can visualize equations and trajectories of objects as if they're actually there.[8] He can even determine the mechanical values and physical properties of things by simply looking at them. In combat, Brainstorm is shown to be able to perfectly intuit and predict the mindsets, mannerisms, weaknesses, and attacks of his enemies; as well as being able to use his environment and any ordinary objects within it to win the fight with the minimal amount of moves. After defeating the Vengers, Brainstorm even got the idea for Ben to briefly quit being a superhero, having calculated that their individual egos would turn them against each other in a matter of months; though he was proven wrong (they only lasted a few hours).[6]

Brainstorm can produce and manipulate electricity[note 1] by both thinking hard enough[AF Mini Bible 1][Bandai 1] and opening the exoskeleton plates on his skull. This electrical energy can be used in a variety of ways, such as electrocuting or launching enemies and disabling or destroying machinery. He can also charge up his electrical energy to produce a concentrated beam of electricity strong enough to blast Ship out of the air.[10] Additionally, he can control the voltage of his electrokinetic attacks.[6] Brainstorm can also generate constructs with his electricity, as shown when Ultimate Kevin created a shield made of electricity to block Argit's quills.[11]

Brainstorm is capable of conducting his electricity throughout his body, as shown when Negative Brainstorm did so through his closed skull plates to get Astrodactyl off of him,[9] and when Brainstorm fired electricity from out of his pincers.[1]

Brainstorm can use his electrokinesis to telekinetically move objects, the size and mass of which ranging from trains to living beings without damaging or hurting them.[12] Brainstorm can also control machinery and other technology with his electricity, giving him a form of technokinesis.[13]

Brainstorm can generate pulses from his brain to block attacks and knock away enemies,[1] generate protective force fields powerful enough to topple an Evolved Arburian Pelarota,[14] and even produce electrical storms.[Bandai 1]

Brainstorm can levitate several stories above the ground.[12][1]

Brainstorm is strong enough to pin opponents against walls,[6] rip off an Arachnachimp's webs,[7] or crush a refrigerator with his pinchers.[Bandai 2] His pincers are also sharp enough to stab through metal.[6]

Despite having a soft body,[Bandai 1] Brainstorm is very durable thanks to his shell,[6] which can withstand laser and gun fire.[Bandai 2] His exoskeleton can also act like a protective coat, which can resist the cold temperatures of places such as mountains.[13]

Brainstorm is very agile and can perform acrobatics such as somersaults and forward rolls.[15]

Brainstorm is capable of breathing underwater thanks to his gills, which he has to keep moist when he is on land.[DM 1]

Brainstorm can scale walls[6] and walk on an Arachnachimp's webs.[7]


Brainstorm's electric attacks are ineffective against weapons that were made specifically for electrokinetic aliens, such as the Shock Staff.[16]

If Brainstorm's shell is closed when releasing electricity, it will shock and injure his brain, as demonstrated with Dr. Psychobos.[4]

Because Brainstorm needs to concentrate to use his electrokinesis,[AF Mini Bible 1][Bandai 1] things that causes him headaches, such as the sonic screams of a Sonorosian, can impair him.[17]

Being a Cerebrocrustacean, Brainstorm is at a massive disadvantage against a Vicetopus due to their large size and resistance to electricity.[18]

Brainstorm has difficulty walking on slippery surfaces, such as snow and ice.[13]

Though Brainstorm can tear it off, he can be immobilized by an Arachnachimp's webbing if he gets hit with enough of it.[7]


Alien Force[]

Ultimate Alien[]


  • In Malefactor, a kid failed to dunk Brainstorm before the latter was successfully dunked by another kid.
  • In A Fistful of Brains, Negative Brainstorm briefly fought Astrodactyl until they both reverted.
  • In The Vengers, Brainstorm defeated the Vengers and soon afterwards formulated a plan which comprised their fellowship.
  • In A New Dawn, Brainstorm appeared for a short time when Ben was cycling through his aliens.

Original Future[]


Season 1
Season 2

Season 1
Season 3
Season 3

Season 2
Season 6
Season 8
Season 4

Cartoon Network Action Packs
Alien Force


Ultimate Alien
Chapter Books
Alien Force
Graphic Novels
Alien Force
Other Comics
Alien Force
Ultimate Alien

Video Games[]

Brainstorm VA

Brainstorm in Vilgax Attacks

Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks[]

Brainstorm is a playable alien in the game. He can launch energy bolts and create large energy blasts.

Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable Versions[]

Due to the Omnitrix rebooting after Ben's abuse of the quick-change feature during his battle with an animated Mr. Smoothy mascot, Brainstorm was temporarily locked until Ben's arrival on Encephalonus IV.

Brainstorm is able to use his vast intellect to interact with computers for a variety of purposes, such as uploading a virus or unlocking a sealed gate. Similar to Chromastone, Brainstorm's unique block animation allows him to redirect focused energy beams to provide power to structures.

Lightning Storm is an unlockable combo move for Brainstorm.

Brainstorm is vital for progression on the Bellwood, Encephalonus IV, and MorOtesi levels of the game.

Nintendo DS Version[]

Brainstorm and Big Chill are reunlocked upon Ben's arrival on Encephalonus IV.

Brainstorm is able to provide power to lifts scattered around Encephalonus IV.

Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hex[]

Brainstorm is a playable alien in the game.

Due to the Omnitrix shorting out after Ben fiddled with it, Brainstorm and Swampfire were the only aliens available on Ben's arsenal at the beginning of the game.

Brainstorm is able to power generators, in order to move platforms or to open sealed gates.

Brainstorm's small size allows him to navigate areas that most of Ben's aliens and Ben himself are unable to access.

Brainstorm is the only alien form capable of defeating Techadon Kevin.

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
Albanian Mendjendrituri, Truri From mendjendritur, bright minded and trur, brain
Arabic برينستورم From the original English name
Bulgarian Мозъчен Щурм/Mozŭčen šturm From мозък/mozŭk, brain and щурм/shturm, rush
Chinese 蟹甲智多星 From 蟹甲 (Xiè Jiǎ), crab armor, and 智多星 (Zhì Duō Xīng), sage
Croatian Intelekus From intelekt, intellect
Danish Hjernestorm From hjernestorm, brainstorm
Dutch Brainstorm From the original English name
French Méga-Méninges From méga, mega and méninges, brain
German Superhirn From Superhirn, mastermind/ brainiac
Greek Εγκέφαλος From εγκέφαλος, brain
Hebrew ראש גדול From ראש, head and גדול, big
Hungarian Észlény From ész, mind and lény, being
Italian Cervellotico From cervellotico, mastermind
Korean 브레인스톰 From the original English name
Norwegian Brainstorm From the original English name
Polish Łebkrab From łeb, brain and krab, crab
Portuguese (Br) Artrópode From artrópode, arthropod
Romanian Encefal from encefal, brain
Russian Мудрый Краб
From мудрый, wise and краб, crab
From краб, crab
Serbian Intelektus From intelekt, intellect
Spanish (HA) Cerebrón
Brainstorm (The Vengers)
From cerebrón, big brain
From the original English name
Spanish (Spain) Cerebro From cerebro, brain
Swedish Hjärnstorm From hjärn, brain and storm
Turkish Fırtına Beyin From fırtına, storm and beyin, brain


Brainstorm's name comes from the word "brainstorm", which means a spontaneous group discussion to create new ideas and solve problems. It references how he always creates new ideas and solves problems with his IQ. It also refers to the electrical powers in his brain, as electricity is usually produced from "storm" clouds.



  1. Brainstorm's electricity was originally yellow in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien before being recolored green in Omniverse. Meanwhile, alternate versions of Brainstorm are shown generating electricity in different colors. For example, Negative Brainstorm's electricity is colored red.[9]


Production Material[]

Script Outlines[]

Alien Force Series Mini Bible[]

End Credits[]

  1. Some end credits of Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, as well as the story books

Crew Statements[]

Dwayne McDuffie[]

Eric Canete[]

Glenn Wong[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Duncan Rouleau[]

Pop-Up Trivia[]



Introduced in Ben 10 ArctiguanaBlitzwolferBuzzshockCannonboltDiamondheadDittoEvil Way BigEye GuyFour ArmsFrankenstrikeGhostfreakGrey MatterHeatblastRipjawsSnare-OhSpitterStinkflyUpchuckUpgradeWay BigWildmuttWildvineXLR8
Introduced in Alien Force Alien XBig ChillBrainstormChromastoneEcho EchoGoopHumungousaurJetrayLodestarNanomechRathSpidermonkeySwampfire
Introduced in Ultimate Alien AmpfibianArmodrilloChamalienClockworkEatleFasttrackJuryriggNRGShocksquatchTerraspinWaterhazard
Introduced in Omniverse AstrodactylAtomixBall WeevilBloxxBullfragCrashhopperFeedbackGravattackGutrotKickin' HawkMole-StachePesky DustThe WorstToepickWalkatroutWhampire
Future Aliens SandboxShellheadSnakepit
Ultimate Aliens AlbedoArctiguanaBenBig ChillCannonboltEcho EchoGravattackHumungousaurRathSpidermonkeySwampfireWay BigWildmutt
Fusion Aliens Atomic-XBig ChuckCrashockerDiamond MatterFourmungousaurHeat JawsHumungoopsaurStink ArmsUprigg
Concept Fusion Aliens GravadactylXLRG
Competition Winners Alien Maker Contest WinnerMoyoInvinciblePortalerShadowmanStretcheleo
MAD ChromastoneFour ArmsHumungousaurJetrayNRGSwampfire
Total Access AntigraviteslaBob the BlobPlantapocalypse
Ben 10: Science Hero CaetSektoid TransformationShafarnianSteeler
Tim 10 BloxxFour ArmsHeatblastSkateasaurusUpchuckXLR8
Other Cartoon Network AlienEon (retconned)Evil Way Big (Cosmic Destruction)Fuel Run AlienGrendene AlienK-Zone AlienRobot AlienRocksSquidstrictor