
Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.
—In-Game Description

Neurodes Neurodes are a rare resource that can be found on Earth, Deimos, Eris and Lua.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the resource until better facts are proven.

Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconGrineerB Earth Mariana Exterminate 1 - 3 Grineer Sealab
IconCorpusB Lua Tycho Survival 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
IconInfestedB Earth Tikal Excavation (Dark Sector) 6 - 16 Grineer Forest
IconInfestedB Eris Isos Capture 32 - 36 Infested Ship

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
Annihilation Annihilation (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Cephalon Capture Cephalon Capture (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Exterminate Kuva Fortress Exterminate Resource Caches C 10.79% 1 0.1079
Exterminate Lua Exterminate Resource Caches C 10.82% 1 0.1082
Exterminate Lua Exterminate Resource Caches C 10.82% 2 0.2164
Exterminate Jupiter Exterminate Resource Caches C 15.1% 1 0.151
Exterminate Jupiter Exterminate Resource Caches C 4.4% 2 0.088
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stages 2 & 3 A 20% 1 0.2
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 1 B 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 1 C 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 4 B 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 4 A 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 4 of 5 B 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 4 of 5 A 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 4 C 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stage 1 A 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 4 of 5 C 16.67% 1 0.1667
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stages 2 & 3 B 20% 1 0.2
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 1 A 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stages 2 & 3 C 20% 1 0.2
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stages 2 & 3 C 20% 1 0.2
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 1 B 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stage 1 C 33.33% 1 0.3333
Fortuna Bounty Fortuna Bounty Lvl 40-60 Stages 2 & 3 A 20% 1 0.2
Fortuna Bounty Steel Path Fortuna Bounty Lvl 100-100 Stages 2 & 3 B 20% 1 0.2
Lunaro Lunaro (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Sabotage Hive Sabotage Resource Caches C 15.49% 2 0.3098
Sabotage Orokin Derelict Resource Caches B 15.18% 1 0.1518
Sabotage Hive Sabotage Resource Caches C 15.49% 1 0.1549
Sabotage Tier 1 Reactor Sabotage C 5.5% 2 0.11
Sabotage Orokin Derelict Resource Caches B 4.42% 2 0.0884
Sabotage Tier 1 Reactor Sabotage C 15.1% 1 0.151
Sabotage Tier 3 Reactor Sabotage C 3.67% 2 0.0734
Sabotage Tier 2 Void Sabotage Resource Caches C 3.67% 2 0.0734
Sabotage Tier 2 Void Sabotage Resource Caches C 18.88% 1 0.1888
Sabotage Tier 3 Reactor Sabotage C 12.58% 1 0.1258
Sabotage Tier 2 Reactor Sabotage C 4.4% 2 0.088
Sabotage Earth Sabotage Resource Caches C 15.1% 1 0.151
Sabotage Tier 4 Void Sabotage Resource Caches C 25.29% 1 0.2529
Sabotage Earth Sabotage Resource Caches B 12.18% 1 0.1218
Sabotage Tier 2 Reactor Sabotage C 15.1% 1 0.151
Team Annihilation Team Annihilation (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Weekly Conclave Challenge Reward Weekly Conclave Challenge Reward B 12.5% 10 1.25

Complete all weekly Conclave challenges to get this reward in your in-game inbox:

  • Match Won: Win 6 matches of any game type.
  • Match Complete: Complete 20 matches of any game type.
  • Conditioning: Complete 10 Daily Challenges.

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]
Kuva Larvling 5% 50% 2.5% 40 1 0.025
Leekter 25% 100% 25% 4 1 0.25
Saturn Six Fugitive 5% 50% 2.5% 40 1 0.025
Shik Tal 25% 100% 25% 4 1 0.25
Vem Tabook 50% 100% 50% 2 1 0.5
Zealot Baptizer 5% 50% 2.5% 40 1 0.025
Zealot Herald 5% 50% 2.5% 40 1 0.025
Zealot Proselytizer 5% 50% 2.5% 40 1 0.025

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Blueprints Requiring Neurodes[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Neurodes
Blueprint Type Quantity
Acceltra Acceltra Primary 4
Akarius Akarius Secondary 3
Amesha Wings Component 5
Amphis Amphis Melee 2
Ash Locust Helmet Cosmetic 2
Ash Scorpion Helmet Cosmetic 2
AtlasIcon272 Atlas Neuroptics Component 5
Atlas Tartarus Helmet Cosmetic 2
Ballistica Ballistica Secondary 3
Banshee Chorus Helmet Cosmetic 2
Banshee Reverb Helmet Cosmetic 2
Baruuk Meroe Helmet Cosmetic 2
Bishamo Helmet Cosmetic 10
Bishamo Pauldrons Cosmetic 10
Bolto Bolto Secondary 2
Boltor Boltor Primary 2
Bronco Bronco Secondary 2
Bubonico Bubonico Primary (20)
Cestra Cestra Secondary 2
ChromaIcon272 Chroma Chassis Component 2
Chroma Drac Helmet Cosmetic 1
Chroma PrimeIcon272 Chroma Prime Neuroptics Component 4
ChromaIcon272 Chroma Systems Component 1
Daikyu Daikyu Primary 2 (1)
DarkDagger Dark Dagger Melee 2
DarkSword Dark Sword Melee 2
Ember Backdraft Helmet Cosmetic 2
Ember Phoenix Helmet Cosmetic 2
Excalibur Avalon Helmet Cosmetic 2
Excalibur Pendragon Helmet Cosmetic 2
Forma Forma Enhancement 1
Frost Aurora Helmet Cosmetic 2
Frost Squall Helmet Cosmetic 2
Furis Furis Secondary 4
Galvarc Ship Ordnance (1)
Galvarc Mk I Ship Ordnance (1)
Galvarc Mk II Ship Ordnance (1)
GaraIcon272 Gara Neuroptics Component 2
Gara Virago Helmet Cosmetic 2
Gauss Mag Helmet Cosmetic 2
GazalMachete Gazal Machete Melee (2)
Grakata Grakata Primary 2
Grendel Glutt Helmet Cosmetic 2
Grustrag Bolt Release Item 1
Harrow Suffragan Helmet Cosmetic 2
HeatSword Heat Sword Melee 1
Hek Hek Primary 5
Hema Hema Primary (50)
Hildryn Asuron Helmet Cosmetic 2
Hind Hind Primary 6
Hydroid Triton Helmet Cosmetic 2
InarosIcon272 Inaros Chassis Component 3
Infested Catalyst x5 Gear (14)
Itzal Systems Component 2
IvaraIcon272 Ivara Neuroptics Component 5
Ivara PrimeIcon272 Ivara Prime Systems Component 4
Juttni Brace Amp 6
Karak Karak Primary 2
Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment Orbiter Segment (2)
Keratinos Keratinos Gauntlet Component 4
Kraken Kraken Secondary 2
Lavos Cordatus Helmet Cosmetic 2
Lenz Lenz Primary (50)
Lesion Lesion Melee 4
Limbo Magrite Helmet Cosmetic 2
LimboIcon272 Limbo Neuroptics Component 2
Loki Enigma Helmet Cosmetic 2
Loki Essence Helmet Cosmetic 2
Loki Swindle Helmet Cosmetic 2
Longwinder Trophy Decoration 10
Mag Coil Helmet Cosmetic 2
Mag Gauss Helmet Cosmetic 2
Mesa Longhorn Helmet Cosmetic 2
Mesa Ovis Helmet Cosmetic 2
MirageIcon272 Mirage Neuroptics Component 1
Mirage PrimeIcon272 Mirage Prime Neuroptics Component 5
Nagantaka Nagantaka Primary 3
NamiSkyla Nami Skyla Melee 2 (1)
NezhaIcon272 Nezha Neuroptics Component (1)
NidusIcon272 Nidus Chassis Component 3
Nova Flux Helmet Cosmetic 2
Nova Quantum Helmet Cosmetic 2
Nyx Menticide Helmet Cosmetic 2
Nyx Vespa Helmet Cosmetic 2
Oberon Markhor Helmet Cosmetic 2
Oberon Oryx Helmet Cosmetic 2
Octavia Cadenza Helmet Cosmetic 2
OctaviaIcon272 Octavia Chassis Component 3
Odonata Prime Wings Component 1
Odonata Systems Component 1
Odonata Wings Component 1
Onorix Onorix Arch-Melee 3
OrokinReactor Orokin Reactor Enhancement 1
Pathocyst Pathocyst Melee 5
Quatz Quatz Secondary 5
Rhino Thrak Helmet Cosmetic 2
Rhino Vanguard Helmet Cosmetic 2
Saryn Chlora Helmet Cosmetic 2
Saryn Hemlock Helmet Cosmetic 2
Scimitar Avionics Component 6
Shaku Shaku Melee (10)
Sigma Plating Mk I Ship Component (1)
Sigma Plating Mk II Ship Component (1)
Sigma Plating Mk III Ship Component (1)
Sobek Sobek Primary 5
Stubba Stubba Secondary 2
Stug Stug Secondary 3
Synthula Synthula Resource 1
Taxon Sentinel 1
Tenora Tenora Primary 5
TitaniaIcon272 Titania Neuroptics Component 2
Trinity Aura Helmet Cosmetic 2
Trinity Meridian Helmet Cosmetic 2
TwinGremlins Twin Gremlins Secondary 5
Tysis Tysis Secondary 2
Umbra Forma Enhancement 1
Valkyr Bastet Helmet Cosmetic 2
Valkyr Kara Helmet Cosmetic 2
Vasto Vasto Secondary 4
Vauban Esprit Helmet Cosmetic 2
Vauban Gambit Helmet Cosmetic 2
Vectis Vectis Primary 4
Veritux Veritux Arch-Melee 2
Volt PrimeIcon272 Volt Prime Neuroptics Component 2
Volt Pulse Helmet Cosmetic 2
Volt Storm Helmet Cosmetic 2
Wisp Gaoth Helmet Cosmetic 2
Wukong PrimeIcon272 Wukong Prime Neuroptics Component 4
WukongIcon272 Wukong Systems Component 2
Xiphos Avionics Component 6
Zephyr PrimeIcon272 Zephyr Prime Systems Component 3
Zephyr Tengu Helmet Cosmetic 2
Zymos Zymos Barrel Component 4
HildrynPrimeIcon272 Hildryn Prime Systems Component 3
BaruukPrimeIcon272 Baruuk Prime Neuroptics Component 8
RevenantPrimeIcon272 Revenant Prime Chassis Component 10
KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime Systems Component 3
GarudaPrimeIcon Garuda Prime Systems Component 3
HarrowPrimeIcon Harrow Prime Systems Component 3
NidusPrimeIcon272 Nidus Prime Systems Component 3
YareliIcon272 Yareli Neuroptics Component (1)
Total 357 (+158)
Research Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Last updated: Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64 10 for 1 Neurodes.
—In-Game Description

Neurodes can be purchased directly from the market for Platinum64 10, or as a reusable blueprint for Platinum64 100.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 1 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 2
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge10 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: PlatinumLarge 100

Gathering Tips[]

These are based on opinions and may not be true. These should be viewed as advice unless proven undoubtedly true. Check comments for confirmation. Results may vary. Please note each of the tips below is a subjective average, and may not necessarily represent your experiences.

  • Plato (Lua) guarantees a spawn of Sentients within the first couple of minutes. This is the most effective way of farming Neurodes, but bring a party, as Sentients do prove difficult.
  • Playing the assassination node of Lephantis (Magnacidium on Deimos) is one of the easiest ways to acquire Neurodes (1-2 average every run).
  • Newer players might find it helpful to search missions in Earth for Neuroptic Masses, the resource container for Neurodes. The chance for enemies to drop Neurodes is very low, making it worth spending time to search for the containers instead.
  • Sentient fighters spawning on Lua have a relatively high chance of dropping Neurodes (can be accessed upon completing The Second Dream quest).
  • Eris survivals and defense (including Dark Sectors) do NOT yield many Neurodes, about 1 for every 20 minutes/waves.


  • The singular form of Neurodes is Neurodes, according to the game.
  • The descriptions of Neural Sensors and Neurodes were swapped several times, at one point completely reversing what the components clearly were. This was finally reverted in Hotfix 15.16.2 (2015-03-11) to properly fit their obvious designs.
  • In computing, Neurodes (likely a portmanteau of neuron and node) serve as the building blocks of artificial neural networks.
  • Prior to the removal of Trials, a reusable Neurodes blueprint could be acquired as a reward from The Law of Retribution Nightmare Raid.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 5.0.5 (2012-12-27)

  • Fixed Neurode components not available. These rare resources are now found in the Earth region.


  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)