Villainous Benchmark Wiki
Villainous Benchmark Wiki
“ Clayton: What's going on here!?
Tarzan: Clayton! Clayton, help!
Clayton: Have we met? Ah yes, the ape-man.
Tarzan: you!
Clayton: I'm so sorry about the rude welcome, old boy. But I couldn't have you making a scene when we put your "furry friends" in their cages.
Tarzan: Why?
Clayton: Why? For 300 pounds sterling a head! Actually, I have you to thank, my boy. Couldn't have done it without you. Lock him up with the others.
~ Clayton revealing his true nature.
“ Breathe...easy, easy... You remember this one, right? Shame the government didn't approve, there' a lotta applications for inducing short-term paralysis. Ah, Tony... When I, uh, ordered the hit on you, I was worried I might've been killing the golden goose. But it was just FATE that you soldiered through it, and marched your way outta that cave alive. Because ya had one last golden egg to give. You really think that just because you HAVE an idea, it BELONGS to you? Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb. Now what sorta world would it be today if he'd been as selfish as you? Oh, it's beautiful. Tony, THIS is your Ninth Symphony. What a masterpiece, look at it. This's your legacy The next generation of Stark weaponry, with THIS at it's heart. Weapons that'll help steer the balance of power back in OUR hands. The RIGHT hands. I wish you could see my prototype. It's not as...well, not as conservative as yours. Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this. Would've preferred she lived. „
~ Stane to Tony Stark as he paralyzes and rips the Arc Reactor out of his chest compartment.

Villainous Benchmarks who betray their allies for personal gain.

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