The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
I'm hiding for your surprise party.
Warning! This page contains spoilers regarding upcoming media. Continue reading at your own risk.

This is a complete list of recurring gags from the franchise.

Frequent running gags[]

Loud family[]

McBride family[]

  • Clyde: His former crush on Lori, such as talking about her beauty, wanting to date her, acting like a robot, and/or getting nosebleeds when around her, breathing into a paper bag when scared, passing out, and quoting Dr. Lopez.
  • Howard and Harold: Getting scared easily, getting emotional, contacting Dr. Lopez, and being overprotective.
  • Cleopawtra: Being aggressive.

Santiago family[]

  • Ronnie Anne: Insulting Lincoln playfully and insisting she is not Lincoln's girlfriend.
  • Bobby: Doing stupid things, having several jobs, and acting romantic with Lori.

Casagrande family[]


  • Any character: Saying "Dang it."
  • Street Cats: Attacking people.
  • Rusty: Trying to be a ladies' man.
  • Flip: Being a cheapskate and being gross in both behavior and physiology.
  • Mr. Grouse: Yelling at the Louds, addressing the Louds by last name.
  • Paula: Being told she can stand due to her bad leg.
  • Liam: Sharing obscure farm-related knowledge, making farm-related similes, and owning manure.
  • Zach: Being a conspiracy theorist (this applies to his parents as well).
  • Benny: Telling jokes.
  • Laird: Being clumsy or unlucky.
  • Morag: Her hair becoming more and more frizzled as she becomes more annoyed or stressed by the Louds' actions.

Lincoln's fourth wall breaks[]

S8E01A Lori's taking a gap year from college and moving back home

This list recounts all the times Lincoln has broken the fourth wall.

Main article: Lincoln Loud/Fourth Wall Breaks

Lori saying "literally"[]

S8E04B Oh, Patchy, you literally don't have a clue

This list recounts all the times Lori has said "literally."

Main article: Lori Loud/Literally

Leni's dumb moments[]

S7E19A Thanks again for filling in for Tanya

This list recounts all the times Leni says or takes things the wrong way.

Main article: Leni Loud/Dumb Moments

Luna's song references[]

S4E07A You might just find

This list recounts all the times Luna's dialogue references a song title or song lyrics.

Main article: Luna Loud/Song References

Luan's jokes and pranks[]

S6E12 Hey, what kind of cow produces oat milk

This list recounts all the times Luan has delivered a joke or pulled or a prank to her siblings or to others.

Main article: Luan Loud/Jokes and Pranks

Lynn's sports[]

S6E05A Lynn running with the ball

This list recounts all the times Lynn has been playing a sport of some kind.

Main article: Lynn Loud/Sports

Lucy's pop-ups[]

S4E24B Principal Huggins

This list recounts all the times Lucy popped out of nowhere and jumpscared people.

Main article: Lucy Loud/Pop-Ups

Lana's gross moments[]

S6E16A Luna climbs in the other trash can

This list recounts all the times Lana has done something that is considered unruly.

Main article: Lana Loud/Gross Moments

Lola's mean moments[]

S1E14A Wrath of Lola

This list recounts all the times Lola has done something horrid, directly towards her siblings or not.

Main article: Lola Loud/Mean Moments

Lisa's experiments and inventions[]

S2E05A Lisa working on the antidote

This list recounts all the times Lisa has created a new invention or try to test her experiments on her siblings.

Main article: Lisa Loud/Experiments and Inventions

Lily saying "Poo-Poo"[]

S7E12B Lily wide awake and causing a ruckus

This list recounts all the times Lily has said "poo-poo."

Main article: Lily Loud/Poo-Poo

Clyde's Lori moments[]

S3E15A Principal Clyde

This list recounts all the times Clyde has swooned over Lori.

Main article: Clyde McBride/Lori Moments

Lynn Sr.'s crying moments[]

S5E18 They both land in a poison ivy bush and tearfully hug each other

This list recounts all the times Lynn Sr. has cried.

Main article: Lynn Loud Sr./Crying Moments

Bobby's dumb moments[]

S1E25A Bobby spelt Lori's name wrong

This list recounts all the times Bobby has taken the wrong approach.

Main article: Bobby Santiago/Dumb Moments

Carlos' fact recitements[]

S4E02B Is that K-pop music I hear

This list recount all the time Carlos has recited a random fact.

Main article: Carlos Casagrande/Fact Reciting

Frida's crying moments[]

CS2E01B She saw the review

This list recounts all the times Frida has cried.

Main article: Frida Puga-Casagrande/Crying Moments

Rosa's bossy moments[]

CS1E06A Rosa furious on Carlos

This list recounts all the times Rosa has bossed somebody around.

Main article: Rosa Casagrande/Bossy Moments

Hector's sleeping moments[]

CS1E15A Hector dreaming of Rosa

This list recounts all the times Hector has been sleeping.

Main article: Hector Casagrande/Sleeping Moments

Carlota's fashion moments[]

S6E25A Perfect vintage fabric collection

This list recounts all the times Carlota has dressed herself and given others makeovers.

Main article: Carlota Casagrande/Fashion Moments

Sergio's jerk moments[]

CS1E10B Poop lands on Bobby's head

This list recounts all the times Sergio has been a jerk.

Main article: Sergio/Jerk Moments

Carl's scam moments[]

S3E09B Carl sneaks into Bobby's Room

This list recounts all the times Carl has scammed.

Main article: Carlino Casagrande/Scam Moments

Carlitos' copycat moments[]

Carlitos shhhh

This list recounts all the time Carlitos has mimicked somebody.

Main article: Carlitos Casagrande/Copycat Moments

Fourth wall breaks not by Lincoln[]

Although Lincoln speaks to the viewing audience in most episodes, characters in bold have been observed doing so as well while others look at the fourth wall, not speaking to the audience, but breaking the fourth wall nonetheless.

The Loud House[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

The Casagrandes[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

The Really Loud House[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Lincoln's long operation names[]

Main article: Lincoln Loud/Long operation names

Lincoln's title card appearances[]

Main article: Lincoln Loud/Appearances in title cards

Characters saying, "Dang it!"[]

Season 1[]

  • "Left in the Dark" - Lincoln, after he accidentally cut off the power when he was trying to plug in the old TV.
  • "The Sweet Spot" - Lincoln, when he realizes he forgot about the broken lock on the van.
  • "Space Invader" - Lynn, when she tries to playfully punch Lucy, and Lucy doesn't flinch.
  • "Undie Pressure"
    • Lana, when Lincoln informs her that she can't play in the mud.
    • Lucy, after she gets eliminated.
  • "Linc or Swim" - Lincoln, when the bee stings a hole in his pool.
  • "Changing the Baby"
    • Lincoln, when he's about to give Lily an orange shirt and realizes she's gone.
    • Lincoln, when he's in Lily's room, after saving her from Lisa's experiment, and realizes she's gone again.
    • Lana, when she has Lily and runs into their other sisters.
  • "Sleuth or Consequences" -
    • Lincoln, when he fails to do the card trick wrong.
    • Lucy, when the poster falls off her wall exposing Princess Pony.
  • "Butterfly Effect" - Lisa, when Leni corrects her on aloha's meaning.
  • "A Novel Idea" - Lincoln, when he sets off the 'laser grid' after seizing 'The President's Tooth'.
  • "Cereal Offender"
    • Lincoln, when Luna starts rocking out over the store's intercom.
    • Lincoln, when he sees that his doppelganger escaped.
  • "Come Sale Away"
    • Lincoln, after he knocks over his stand.
    • Leni, whenever she realizes that she didn't have Lily's blankie.
  • "Dance, Dance Resolution" - Lincoln, after Rusty knocks over the table he's hiding under.
  • "One of the Boys" - Lincoln, after a second line forms for the bathroom.
  • "Snow Bored"
    • Lola, after the ice she's skating on breaks.
    • Lisa, after she realizes she was one second off about when the ice was going to break.
    • Lincoln, after Lisa causes Lynn to crash and destroy his igloo.
  • "The Price of Admission" - Lincoln, after Lynn fell asleep while playing basketball with him.
  • "One Flu Over the Loud House"
    • Lincoln, when he sees Lucy in the hands of the sick.
    • Lincoln, when he realises his walkie-talkie has dead batteries.
    • Lisa, when Lucy sneezes on her.
    • Lincoln, after he sneezes on Leni.
  • "Homespun"
    • Whenever someone breaks a knob.
      • Lori and Bobby: Bathroom
      • Lisa, Lynn, Lori, and Lincoln: Bedroom
      • Leni: Refrigerator
      • Lucy: Attic
      • Luna: Toilet
      • Whole Loud family: Front door
    • Leni, when she was plugging all the leaks in the walls, and her phone started vibrating.

Season 2[]

  • "11 Louds a Leapin'" - Lynn, after Lucy sees that there are no presents under the sofa.
  • "The Old and the Restless"
    • Lincoln, after Sue locks the door.
    • Albert, after he hears that it's time for room check.
  • "Brawl in the Family" - Lynn Sr., after he boards himself, Rita, and Lily in their room, and Rita asks him if he remembered the bucket.
  • "Suite and Sour"
    • Lincoln, when he was last from "Nose Goes."
    • Lynn Sr., when he didn't get a chance to pee.
  • "Back in Black"
    • Lincoln, when he drops his solar system after Fangs scares him.
    • Lincoln, when Rusty faints at the end of the episode.
  • "Cheater by the Dozen" - Clyde, when Bobby closes the curtain at Pam's house.
  • "Lock 'n' Loud" - Bobby, after Rita points out that he said her and Lynn Sr.'s names and business, which he was asking them for.
  • "The Whole Picture" - Lincoln, when his sisters decided to head to the mall instead of helping him.
  • "No Such Luck" - Lincoln, after he runs into Lynn, and she asks him if he'll be at her softball game.
  • "Fed Up"
    • Lynn Sr., when he sees that all his goulash ingredients are missing.
    • Lynn Sr. again, when Lola knocks the power out.
    • Lincoln, after Lynn Sr. discovers meat in his shoes.
  • "Pulp Friction" - Lincoln, when he realizes that Principal Huggins locked him and Clyde in the detention room.
  • "Potty Mouth" - Lincoln, when he loses "Nose Goes" and has to change Lisa.
  • "L is for Love"
    • Lana, whenever she swallows her gum.
    • All of Lori and Lily's non-brown-haired siblings, when they realize the letter isn't for them. (Lily also says "Poo-poo" in a similar manner.)
  • "Room with a Feud"
    • Leni, when she looks at Lynn's answer on Lincoln's compatibility test, and thinks that she got her answer wrong.
    • Lynn, after she got angry with Lana.
  • "Fool's Paradise"
    • Lynn Sr., after Vanzilla "dies."
    • Leni, when she loses "Nose Goes."
  • "Job Insecurity" - Lynn Sr., whenever he spills his coffee.
  • "Garage Banned"
    • Luan, to Luna, after the latter's fog machine warps Mr. Coconuts' face.
    • Mr. Grouse, after he knocks down his garage.
  • "Health Kicked" - Rita, when she drops her keys.
  • "Future Tense" - Rita, after she and Lynn Sr. see the Yates save a turtle.
  • "Lynner Takes All" - Lisa, after her beaker explodes.
  • "No Spoilers" - Lana, when she runs out of balloons.
  • "Read Aloud" - Lincoln, when he realizes that Lola tricked him.
  • "The Crying Dame"
    • Lincoln, when everyone leaves him for the second time after successfully letting Lily fall asleep without Fenton.
    • The Loud siblings, when they see Fenton get destroyed.
  • "Snow Way Out"
    • Lana, when she opens her wrapper and it's not a winning one.
    • The Loud siblings, when Lana uses the burger warming lamp and the power goes out.

Season 3[]

  • "Tripped!"
    • Both Lynns, when Jerry Kling passes Vanzilla for the second time.
    • Rita, when she thinks she forgot Lily again, but realizes she was holding her.
    • The escaped prisoner, when the crop duster runs out of fuel.
  • "Insta-gran" - Seymour, when Pop-Pop was about to body slam him at the Retirement pool.
  • "A Fridge Too Far" - Lynn Sr., when he realizes he forgot the truffle oil.
  • "Selfie Improvement" - Lori, when Lynn's baseball lands in her strawberry lemonade.
  • "No Place Like Homeschool" - Lincoln, when he loses "Nose Goes."
  • "City Slickers" - Lincoln, after Ronnie Anne beats him at Muscle Fish.
  • "Pipe Dreams"
    • Rita, after she and Lynn Sr. find a ring of water on the toilet seat.
    • Lynn Sr., after he gets electrocuted by his own security system.
  • "Head Poet's Anxiety" - Young Luan, when Charles pees on her shoe.
  • "The Mad Scientist" - Lucy, when Lisa tells her that her heart rate is still robust.
  • "Missed Connection"
    • Lori and Bobby, when they both realize they each drove to the other's home to see each other.
    • Flip, after he breaks the bathroom doorknob.
  • "Deal Me Out" - Clyde, when he starts tearing up after their flashback to when he and Lincoln met.
  • "Pasture Bedtime" - Clyde, when he and his friends already have plans to go to Liam's barnyard sleepover.
  • "Breaking Dad" - Lynn Sr., when he realizes that he lost Lily.
  • "Ruthless People" - Lynn Sr., when he gets angry that he has to stay at Aunt Ruth's.
  • "What Wood Lincoln Do?" - Lincoln, when he realizes that Rita would be a really great mother.
  • "Crimes of Fashion" - Lincoln, when Clyde reminds him that they can't just barge into a fitting room.
  • "Absent Minded" - Lincoln, when Principal Huggins tells him to go back to class.
  • "Game Boys"
    • Lincoln, when he realizes the game is over.
    • Clyde's thoughts, when Clyde tells Lincoln that he can borrow the snap.
  • "Everybody Loves Leni" - Leni, when she tries to tell her friends off and fails.
  • "Jeers for Fears" - Lincoln, when Chandler and his cronies arrive at the House of Terror.
  • "The Loudest Thanksgiving" - Ronnie Anne, after the Louds take advantage of Bobby's love of theater.
  • "Predict Ability" - Lincoln, after Coach Pacowski volunteers him to go first for pole vault.
  • "The Write Stuff" - Rita, after Principal Huggins catches the writing club at the Burnt Bean.
  • "Racing Hearts" - Lisa, when Luna zaps her and Darcy.
  • "Antiqued Off" - Lincoln, when his smoke popper doesn't make him disappear.

Season 4[]

  • "Power Play with the Casagrandes" - Ronnie Anne, after her failed attempt to shower, brush her teeth, and wash her clothes all at the same time.
  • "Washed Up"
    • Lola, when she realizes that the boat's oars are painted on.
    • Luna and Luan, after their S.O.S. is washed away by the waves.
    • Lynn Sr., when he drops a papaya.
  • "Can't Hardly Wait" - Lori, when she forgets Cheryl and Huggins' orders.
  • "Rocket Men"
    • Lincoln, when Starship Groupers goes to commercial.
    • Lincoln again, when he misses the trash can with the map.
  • "Tails of Woe" - Stella, when the bell rings.
  • "Last Loud on Earth"
    • Lincoln, when he sees the dumpster of zombies headed for the mall.
    • Lisa, when everyone tells her that her passcode is her birthday.
  • "Stall Monitor"
    • Lincoln, when he "accidentally" forgets his shirt.
    • Mrs. Johnson, when she finds herself locked out.
  • "A Pimple Plan" - Luan, when Lisa's laser doesn't remove her pimple.
  • "A Star is Scorned" - Lola, while acting during the shooting of the Gus' Games and Grub commercial.
  • "Friends in Dry Places" - Lincoln, after falling down a hole in the dunes.
  • "Kings of the Con"-Lincoln, when the cat gave him and Clyde a slip.

Season 5[]

  • "Schooled!"
    • Lincoln, when Chandler kicks his chair in class.
    • Lynn Sr., when Lily refuses to use her potty.
  • "Family Bonding" - Lincoln, when Clyde tells him that Lola blew their cover.
  • "Blinded by Science" - Flip, after a steel drum falls on his foot for the second time that day.
  • "Band Together" - Mr. Grouse, when Scoots lands on him.
  • "Cow Pie Kid" - Liam, when Lynn benches him to rest his arm.
  • "Saved by the Spell" - Lincoln, when Leni leaves her seat after his magic trick.
  • "Season's Cheatings" - Mr. Grouse, after Lincoln startles him into falling over.
  • "No Bus No Fuss" - Lincoln, when he sees he and his friends are on a ferry.
  • "Silence of the Luans"
    • Lincoln, when he hears explosions in the Loud House.
    • Luan, when she falls through a hole in the attic.
  • "Electshunned" - The assistant, when she realized the copier was broken.
  • "Much Ado About Noshing" - Todd, when Lisa reminds him that his job is to report the identity of New_Nosher_123 to her, not to destroy whoever it is.
  • "Camped!"
    • Lynn Sr., when his call with Leonard cuts out.
    • Flip, when he sees the Louds beat him to the treasure as he only made it to the wolverine and got attacked.
  • "High Crimes" - Flip, after some elders knock over his tower of Flippees.

Season 6[]

  • "A Bug's Strife" - Lynn Sr., when he realizes he's locked himself out of the Loud House and later when he's stuck in the chimney.
  • "All the Rage" - Lincoln, just before the Action News Team is pummeled in dodgeball by Girl Jordan's team.
  • "Eye Can't" - Lynn Sr., when traffic is suddenly stopped after Lisa hacks the system.
  • "Sofa, So Good" - Lincoln, upon realizing Flip still has the couch.
  • "Bummer Camp"
    • Lily, when she loses "Nose Goes."
    • Leonard, when he accidentally shoots a deer on the rear.
  • "Prize Fighter" - Lola, after Cricket explains the Minnie McFiggle award is not cursed.
  • "Time Trap!"
    • Lisa, when she realizes the garage is stuck and ruining her big reveal.
    • Lily, when Leni blows the Loud siblings' cover.
  • "Hiccups and Downs" - Luna, when she realizes her hiccups would prevent her from competing.
  • "Cheer Pressure" - Lynn, when she and her friends start floating upon realizing their "cheer" was one of Lucy's spells.
  • "The Orchid Grief" - Lincoln, after a piranha chomps the rope he and Clyde are using to follow the orchid thief.
  • "Pop Pop the Question" - Lana, after she hits a shuffle boarding puck at a hedge, decapitating it.
  • "Small Blunder" - Todd, after his lollipop is broken.
  • "Doom Service" - Lana and Lynn Sr., after Gilly pops Vanzilla's tires.
  • "The Hurt Lockers" - Liam, after realizing the cheerleaders' cheers are rubbing off on him.

Season 7[]

  • "Master of Delusion" - Lincoln, after slipping on soap and crashing while cleaning a doves' cage.
  • "Road Trip: Bizarritorium" - Lily, when Lincoln drags her back to the RV as she eats pancakes off a car.
  • "Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon" - Lynn Sr., after realizing that he didn't set the parking brake on Vanzilla.
  • "Road Trip: Hide and Sneak" - Lynn Sr., upon noticing Sergio.
  • "Too Cool for School" - Lincoln, when Principal Ramirez says that they'll resume the Astrid Method on Monday.
  • "Bye, Tanya" - Leni, when she accidentally bangs Tanya's head on a "SALE!" sign, knocking it off.
  • "What Lies Beneath" - Dante, when the Morticians Club pays for a broken headstone.
  • "Dread of the Class" - Benny, after Luan reveals she heard him sneaking up on her.
  • "Welcome to the Doll Heist"
    • Lincoln, when Lily causes him to accidentally trap himself in his own net.
    • Lana, upon realizing the box of treats she was feeding to Ingrid's dog (as well as herself) is empty.
  • "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas" - Lisa, while telling Lana that Lynn Sr. has said 14 utterances of "Ding-dang darn it!!!" while pretending to be sick.
  • "Beg, Borrow and Steele" - Lincoln, after opening his second-to-last box and finding another Lackey Larry figure.
  • "Riddle School" - Lincoln, after getting stuck behind Mr. Bolhofner in the lunch line.

Season 8[]


  • The Loud House Movie - Lincoln, after failing to catch Lynn's trophy.
  • No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie
    • Myrtle, when henchmen board the fishing boat during her and Albert's fishing trip.
    • Lincoln, when he looks around Rubiner's but finds no sign of Ham Hand after losing sight of him.
    • Lincoln, when he accidentally triggers a laser that brings a door down, causing his family to be separated into two groups.
    • Lincoln, when the henchmen aim their weapons at him, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lily, and Pop-Pop as they stand still on the catwalk.

Season 1[]

  • "Walk Don't Run" - Ronnie Anne, when she sees there are no squirrels in the park.
  • "Vacation Daze" - Ronnie Anne, when she realizes that she has her mom's phone.
  • "New Haunts" - Ronnie Anne, when she realizes the party in the park was a costume party.
  • "Snack Pact" - Ronnie Anne, when she sees the tamale truck is parked right outside the building.
  • "Finders Weepers" - Bobby, when his pants fall down.
  • "Operation Dad":
    • Bobby, when Ronnie Anne beats him and their dad at cards.
    • Ronnie Anne, when she sees Carlota gave her a Burger Barn tattoo for her disguise.
  • "Slink or Swim" - Carlota, Ronnie Anne, and CJ (later Carlos, Hector, and Abuela), when there's actually a chocolate bar instead of poop after they ran out of the pool.
  • "Karma Chameleon" - Ronnie Anne, when she's outside Mrs. Kernicky's apartment and sees Cam is gone.
  • "New Roomie" - Vito singing in his sleep while his dogs howl, and Vito going into people's apartments and getting kicked out.

Season 2[]

  • "Guilt Trip" - Ronnie Anne, when she accidentally knocks the prize wheel from Korea to new fridge.
  • "Fool's Gold" - Stanley, when he sees his train leaving without him.
  • "Saving Face" - Ronnie Anne, after failing to get La Tormenta's mask back on her face.

There Will Be Chaos[]

  • The Call - Lincoln, when his sisters appear next to him far away.
  • Lost Control - Lincoln, in Geo's bad ending when the remote breaks.

There Will Be More Chaos[]

  • Bagged and Boarded - Lincoln, whenever something bad happens with his comic.
  • The Borrowers - Lincoln, when he forgets the code to his safe and is unable to open it to get his phone out.

Live Life Loud![]

  • My Yard, My Property - Lincoln, when Mr. Grouse takes his remote-controlled airplane.
  • Hiccup Hijinks - Lana, the first time she hiccups.

Family Tree[]

  • Treehouse of Solitude - Lincoln, both times he loses his video game.
  • Situation Soufflé - Lynn Sr., when his soufflé deflates.
  • Citizen Loud - Lincoln, when Lynn's soccer ball ruins his first take.

After Dark[]

  • Whenever someone (except for Lola) falls victim to one of Luan's pranks.
  • Ships in the Night - Lily, in her dream when her rocket ship goes out of control.
    • She technically says, "Pbbt!" but it is translated.
  • Tub Time - Lynn Sr., when he knocks down a shelf in the garage.
    • He also says, "Double dang it!" as more shelves fall down.

Loud and Proud[]

  • Bands on the Run
    • Luna, when she and Sam miss the Popcorn Balls.
    • Luna again, when she realizes they missed Months and Months.
  • Brag Race - Lori, when she gets stuck in heavy traffic.

The Struggle is Real[]

  • Game Over - Lincoln, when he gets tied in a knot on the rope.
  • Flipping the Script - Lincoln and Clyde, when they discover that "Ace Savvy" is actually just Flip in cosplay.
  • Out of Tune - Lincoln, when he forgets which channel his walkie talkie is supposed to be on.

Livin' La Casa Loud![]

  • Feeding Frenzy - Lincoln, when he realizes he forgot to feed Charles, Cliff, Geo, and Walt.
  • Snowball-ed - Lincoln, when Geo rolls him out the door.
  • City Trickers - Lincoln, when Luan booby-traps her bag of pranks.

Who's the Loudest?[]

  • Lincoln, when the pool water disappears.
  • Lincoln, twice, after he fails to catch a fish.

Ultimate Hangout[]

  • Rita, when her parking spot gets taken.
  • Rita, when she realises Lori, Leni, and Lola are gone.
  • Lynn Sr., when his and Lincoln's friends cross the barrier.

Summer Special[]

  • Lincoln, when he loses sight of all of his sisters, including the pets Geo, Cliff, Walt, and Charles.

Winter Special[]

  • Lincoln, when Geo breaks the Ace Savvy-themed gingerbread man.

Love Out Loud[]

  • Lincoln, when he crashes on his skateboard.

Guessing Games[]

  • Lincoln, when he falls over.
  • Lynn Sr., when his sunglasses break for the second time.

Super Special[]

  • Sid, when she realizes she didn't copy the selfie she took with Ronnie Anne and Twelve Is Midnight.

Bump It Loud[]

  • Lincoln, when the photo at Dairyland expires.

Anything for Familia[]

  • Ronnie Anne, when she steps in dog droppings.


  • Germ Squirmish - Lincoln, if he runs into a pile of germs unprotected.
  • Loud Laundry - Lincoln, if the whites and colors get mixed together.
  • Ultimate Treehouse - Lincoln, when the player doesn't have enough coins to purchase something.


  • "Muscle Fish" - Lincoln, when he and Clyde wake up from their shared dream.

Listen Out Loud[]

  • "Meet the Loud Family" - Lincoln, when Lynn Sr. calls the kids down for dinner.
  • "Lola Loud" - Leni, when she picks the lock but is blocked by Lola's barricade.
  • "Luan Loud" - Luan, when she forgets she has nailed the bathroom door shut.
  • "Lincoln Loud" - Lincoln, after tripping due to his butt being asleep.
  • "Lisa Loud"
    • - Lynn Sr., when he realizes he forgot the ricotta.
    • -

Imaginary sequences[]

Main article: List of imaginary sequences