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Character Overview
―Homer when he makes a mistake.[src]
"Why you little...!"
―Homer strangling or trying to strangle Bart/or someone else.
―Homer when something good happens to him.
"Mmm... (food)... *drooling*"
―Homer's catchphrase, usually when hungry.
"Stupid Flanders!"
―Homer to his neighbor.
"Shut up Flanders!"
―Homer also to his neighbor.
―Homer when hurt.
"Lisa, knock off that racket!"
―Homer when Lisa plays her saxophone.
"Uh oh, the boss."
―Homer when Mr. Burns shows up.
"Let's all go out for frosty chocolate milkshakes!"
―Homer in the Tracey Ullman era.
"Whatever, I'll be at Moe's."
―Homer during or after his mishaps.
"I am evil Ho-mer! I am evil Ho-mer! I am evil Ho-mer!"
―Homer revealing in his mishaps.[src]
"Better them than me."
―Push notification when a character other than Homer finishes a job.[src]
"Better them than me... Oh wait, that was me."
―Push notification when Homer finishes a job.[src]
"Marge, my face hurts again!"
―Homer in The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield in voodoo doll form.

Homer Jay Simpson (born May 12, 1956) is a man from Springfield and the protagonist of the animated television series The Simpsons.

He is a crude, ignorant, and slobbish individual, although he is fundamentally a good person and shows great caring and loyalty to his family, friends and on occasion, to those he barely knows or those he considers his enemies.

Homer works as a low-level safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant in Sector 7G, although he is often incompetent and negligent towards his duties. He spends a great deal of his time at Moe's Tavern with his friends Barney Gumble, Carl Carlson, Lenny Leonard, and Moe Szyslak. At home, he can often be found sitting on the couch mindlessly watching TV while snacking on food and drinking Duff. Homer is also the only son of Abe Simpson II and the late Mona Simpson, but he has two illegitimate half-siblings on Abraham's side.[40][41] He is married to Marge Simpson and has three children with her: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. When provoked, he often strangles Bart for pressuring him. Even though he mutually hates his wife's sisters Patty Bouvier and Selma Bouvier, he played Selma's husband for her to adopt Ling and agreed to be the minister for Patty's intended homosexual marriage. As a result of this, Homer is her legal adoptive father.[42]

Homer could just simply be a normal man, but he has had many great achievements and experiences in his life. He has won a Grammy, an Academy Award, a Pulitzer Prize, been to space and saved Springfield many times.

In Death Tome, Homer is the husband of Marge and the father of Bart and Lisa. He is shown to be drunk while having dinner with his boss Mr. Burns after his son Bart mysteriously disappeared before the events of Treehouse of Horror XXXIII until his daughter Lisa found him after he faked to be “L”.

Quick Answers

Who is Homer Simpson? toggle section
Homer Jay Simpson, born on May 12, 1956, is the main protagonist of the long-running animated sitcom The Simpsons. He is the husband of Marge and the father of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. He works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.
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What is Homer's IQ? toggle section
Homer Simpson's IQ is 55. In the episode "HOMЯ" it was revealed that he had a crayon lodged in his brain since he was a child. Upon removing it, his IQ went up to 105, but upon learning that being smart doesn't equal being happy, he reinserts another crayon to lower his IQ back to 55.
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How old was Homer Simpson when he died? toggle section
Homer is still alive.
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What was Homer Simpson named after? toggle section
Homer Simpson was named after Homer Groening, the father of Matt Groening, who created The Simpsons.
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Born somewhere in Springfield, Homer has a floating timeline, making his birth and childhood difficult to place. Homer once had a driver's license issued in 1992 which gave his date of birth as May 12, 1956.[6] Similarly, he said he was 24 years old in 1980.[43] In the 1990s, Homer daydreamed about watching President John F. Kennedy on television and scaring cows as a child in 1963.[44] In the 2000s, Homer mentioned being ten years old in "the '60s or '50s, or maybe it was the early '70s".[45] He was in high school somewhere from 1974[46][47] to 1999.[48] Homer was also depicted as a young adult in the mid to late 1990s.[49] His mother was said to have disappeared the year of an early Super Bowl in the 1960s which Joe Namath was in,[50] or circa the 1980s to 1990s, about 30 years before the Patriots traded Brady.[51]

Homer Jay Simpson[52] was born to Abraham Simpson and the now late Mona Simpson. He was raised on the Simpson family farm until they were forced to move out because Homer was jumping out of a hay bale and scaring the cows into giving sour milk, making the bank to foreclose it.[44] At some point in his childhood, Homer started to drink alcohol like his father did and accidentally caused a traffic jam in a Playskool car. According to a family tree designed by Matt Groening, the creator of the show, Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns, his boss, is a distant relative of him. You could view the family tree showing Homer's known family members and ancestry here if you'd like.

When Homer was around six[53][54] or nine years old,[51] his mother went into hiding following a run-in with the law. Homer mentioned Abe told him she died while Homer was at the movies[50] although in another episode's flashback Abe told Homer she was dead when she had already been missing for a while.[51] Before her disappearance, Mona took Homer and Abe to Woodstock, where Homer ended up briefly adopting the hippie lifestyle, much to Abe's disapproval.[52] Homer discovered she was alive either seven[51] or twenty-seven years later.[50]

When Homer was 10 years old, his father forced him to attend Camp See-A-Tree, where he went on a date with Marge Bouvier from Camp Land-A-Man; unfortunately, though, he fibbed about his name and sustained an injury while Marge was changing her appearance. Later Homer, accidentally stumbled into Camp Flab-Away and escaped too late to meet up with her again, which is something that left him as heartbroken as Marge.[45]

When Homer was 12, he, Lenny, Carl, and Moe went to a deep gorge to swim but the water was drained. When investigating why the lake was reduced to a muddy pit, he stumbled upon a decomposing corpse inside a nearby pipe, greatly traumatizing him.[55]

When he was 15, Homer participated in a drinking contest by lying that he was 22. However, he became so intoxicated to the point that he ended up drinking a whole entire beer keg used to fill the other contestants cups. Eventually he was hungover enough that he missed almost a complete month of school.

Before he began high school, Homer convinced his best friend Barney Gumble to have a can of beer while his father was asleep. Barney, an aspiring student preparing for Harvard, was annoyed and reluctantly drank it. However, he took to alcohol so quickly he permanently became an even worse drunken wreck than Homer and presumably failed at his SAT tests.[56]

When Homer attended Springfield High School, he began to fall in love with an older and unrecognizable Marge after she ultimately rejected Artie Ziff.[46] He failed remedial science and thus didn't graduate from high school.[47] Marge and Homer later on bought an apartment at Springfield Place together. During this time, Marge received a letter accepting her into a college. To pay for her tuition, Abe gave his son a job at Simpson Laser Tag. The couple broke up for some time after Homer started a grunge band called Sadgasm. Marge later realized that she really loved Homer and went back to him.[49] According to other episodes, however, Marge did not pursue a career or go to college because she stayed with Homer,[57][58] or because her parents filed for bankruptcy after being sued for Lenny falling off the roof of Marge's house at a party Sasha Reed held.[48]

At some point between finishing high school and marrying Marge, Homer served in the U.S. Army for a brief amount of time but never saw combat. Due to a clerical error, he was discharged early, and years later, after a disastrous dinner party with his old sergeant, Homer was forced to complete his tour of duty.

I Married Marge -00164

Homer and Marge kissing on their wedding day.

In his 20s, Homer was working at Sir Putt-A-Lot's Merrie Olde Fun Centre, turning the crank that spun the windmill. He was still dating Marge, although Homer lived in an apartment with Barney, while Marge was now living with her sisters and mother. After a night out with Marge, he learned that he'd prematurely impregnated her with their first child, who they decided to name "Bart" if it turned out to be a boy. He got married with Marge at Shotgun Pete's, a small wedding chapel across the state line. They spent their wedding reception alone at a truck stop before ending up at the house of Marge's family.

After an unsuccessful attempt to get a job at the power plant, Homer eventually left Marge to support his family. He went to work at the restaurant Gulp 'n' Blow until Marge convinced him to return home with her. As a result, Homer confronted Charles Montgomery Burns and secured a job at the plant.[43] Homer and Marge later moved into a tiny apartment together on the Lower East Side of Springfield. When Marge became pregnant with Lisa, Homer and Marge moved into their first house.[59] Homer's second leap to stardom was his success as the lead singer and songwriter for the barbershop quartet The Be Sharps, even winning a Grammy. During his time with the group, Homer was frequently absent which put stress on his marriage. After the group broke up due to creative differences, Homer went back to Springfield.[60]

When in his 30s, Homer prepared a budget so that he could work at his dream job, a pin monkey at the Bowlarama Bowling Alley, owned by Barney's uncle Al Gumble. The budget included buying regular toilet paper and that only one of the kids could go to college. Unfortunately for Homer, Marge became pregnant once more with Maggie around this time, and he reluctantly went back to the nuclear plant in order to support his family.[61] Since then, Homer has started many jobs, but in the end, he always comes back to his job at the Nuclear Plant.

Childhood Summary

Homer's childhood was a tragic one. His mother had to exile at a young age and his father never took notice to Homer. This caused Homer to be very insecure about himself and underachieving things, thinking he lacked the skills to do so, which left him behind in almost everything and likely caused him to be what he is today.


Main article: List of Homer's jobs
"(To his safety rally) Friends, you have come to depend on me as your safety watchdog so you won't scrape yourself or stub your toes or blow yourselves up. But you can't depend on me all your life. You have to learn that there's a little Homer Simpson in all of us, and I'm going to have to live without your respect and awe. The only reason I'm telling you this is I'm going to be leaving you, but don't worry. I have just been appointed the new safety inspector at this very plant with a big, fat raise!"
―Homer Simpson[src]

Homer had quite an amount of jobs throughout the show's run. The episode "Homer Scissorhands" had him work as a hairdresser, but then he got tired of it and returned to his old job at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.[62]

In the episode "Homer's Odyssey", he worked at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant as a technical supervisor. He was fired by Barry Mackleberry (right in front of Bart Simpson), who was his supervisor, for creating a deadly gas leak. He was later rehired to safety inspector for Sector 7G, after complaining about the safety of the plant itself. Ironically, the accidents that occur at the plant have doubled every year since Homer was made safety inspector.[63]


Homer as Santa.

Homer rarely attends his job, and yet seldom gets fired (and when he does get fired, he always ends up rehired in some way) and always has his job waiting when he plans to get rehired and has impulsively quit occasionally to pursue other careers, although he always ends up quitting or losing these jobs. On one occasion, Homer has misinterpreted a threat about losing his job as a hint that he can take the following day off.

Homer also applied for a job as Santa, to make up for his missed Christmas bonus at the power plant.[64]

Criminal Record

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Homer has committed a very wide range of crimes and infractions, from ticket-worthy offenses to felonies. He spent little time in jail for his actions, but if he were to be found guilty of all the counts detailed below, he could find himself sentenced to life in jail for more than 350 years and fined somewhere in the range of $120 million (and lose custody of his children, in the child abuse/neglect case). Here is a list of run-down of Homer's crimes, along with some prime examples:

  • Animal cruelty: In "Homer Goes to College", Homer steals mascot Sir Oinks-A-Lot and makes it drink malt liquor. In "Girly Edition", he allows a helper monkey to eat to exhaustion. In "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"", he hits a lemur at the zoo with a slingshot, triggering rhinos to escape. In "Kill the Alligator and Run", he runs over and injures an alligator with an airboat. In "She of Little Faith", he shoots a hamster into the air in a model rocket. In "The Frying Game", he injures an endangered species, the Screamapillar. In "Bonfire of the Manatees", he sends a manatee to work as his replacement, causing it to dehydrate. In "We're on the Road to D'oh-where", he runs over a horse on the way to pick up Bart from camp; asks Bart to wipe the blood off the car before getting in. In "Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)", he drives off-road to get to Marge's art show, running over an owl, a bear, and a boy scout. In "Homerazzi", he has a photo of him strangling a deer. In "Goo Goo Gai Pan", he strangles a baby panda after he gets bitten by him.
  • Enforced murder: In "Treehouse of Horror XXII", in the story "Dial 'D' for Diddily", Homer impersonates God and, by using a voice-changer and a speaker, gets Ned Flanders to murder his enemies including Snake Jailbird, Charles Montgomery Burns, Robert Terwilliger, Patty Bouvier, and Selma Bouvier. However, the cover is blown when he greets Bart.
  • Fraud in "The Great Money Caper" Homer and Bart scam people using guilt.
  • Bail jumping: In "Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes", Homer jumps bail on fighting charges; pursued by Flanders.
  • Blast fishing: In The Simpsons Movie, Homer uses a bug zapper to electrocute the fish in a lake.
  • Burglary (Unarmed): In "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo", Homer tries to rob Flanders's house. In "Insane Clown Poppy", he steals a violin from Fat Tony. In "'Tis the Fifteenth Season", he steals the town's Christmas presents, a la the Grinch. In "Fat Man and Little Boy", he steals plutonium from the power plant.
  • Buying illegal fireworks: In "Summer of 4 Ft. 2", Homer buys illegal fireworks from a convenience store at the beach.
  • Telemarketing: In "Lisa's Date with Density", Homer manages to aggravate his neighbors and his boss, Mr. Burns by using an auto-dialer to perform tele panhandling until The Springfield Police Department destroy it with their guns.
  • Destruction of Property: In the episode "Homer Badman", Homer opens a can of Buzz Cola and pop rocks and puts the cola in the pop rocks, then shaking it up to agitate the contents. He then throws it at the angry mob in the candy convention and the mixture explodes, causing the windows to shatter as Homer exits flying out of the building.
  • Grifting: Homer and Bart swindle people out of their money in "The Great Money Caper".
  • Endangerment
  • Extreme pollution: The events of the Simpsons Movie revolve around the family saving Springfield after Homer Simpson dumps a silo of pig poo into Lake Springfield, severely polluting it.
  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
  • Theft: Just a single example would be "King-Size Homer", where an obese Homer tried to get a ride, but then stole an ice cream truck.
  • Trespassing: In "Simpsons Roasting On an Open Fire", Homer drives through the Christmas tree lot where a "No Trespassing" sign is posted. He saws down the Christmas tree and gets chased down by 2 barking guard dogs after the unseen owner observes him before firing his gun in Homer's path.
  • Panhandling
  • Child neglect/abuse: Homer strangles Bart very often and is shown to have also choked others. In "Like Father, Like Clown", when he tells Bart he doesn't have to follow in his footsteps, Bart says he won't even use the bathroom after him, and Homer strangles him. In "Lisa's Pony", a home video of him being too busy strangling Bart to notice Lisa saying "Dada". In "Radio Bart", he strangles Bart after he realizes Bart fooled him with a fake radio announcement. In "Lisa's First Word", he strangles baby Bart for calling him "Domer" and for flushing his wallet down the toilet. In "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show", he strangles Bart after he admits to shaking up the beer can. In "Secrets of a Successful Marriage", while teaching a class on building a successful marriage, Homer strangles Bart when he says that Homer dared him to steal mail and throw it down a sewer. In "Lisa the Tree Hugger", while protesting in a tree, Lisa looks at the house through binoculars and sees Homer strangling Bart. In "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala-D'oh-cious", just when magical nanny Shary Bobbins thinks she's cured the family's problems, she sees Homer strangling Bart. In "Children of a Lesser Clod", he strangles Bart after he shows a video of Homer's bad behavior as he's receiving a citizenship award. In "Brawl in the Family", he strangles Bart after he discovers that he's been cheating at Monopoly by using Lego blocks as hotels. In "Mayored to the Mob", he knocks Bart and Lisa unconscious with a Vulcan death grip maneuver.
  • Defying a court order: In "The Parent Rap", Homer escapes with Marge from a tether and stocks.
  • Driving without a license: In "Homer vs. Patty and Selma", Homer drives a limousine without a chauffeur's license.
  • Manslaughter: Homer had inadvertently killed Maude Flanders.
  • Hit & Run: In "Dogtown", Homer hit Gil Gunderson with his car, breaking his neck.
  • Attempted Hate Crime: Probably Homer's worst crime in "Mypods and Boomsticks". He tried to kill a Muslim family using an American flag cake that had poison in it.
  • Cannibalism: In "Treehouse of Horror XXVIII", he ate himself and he also ate several people as a blob in "Treehouse of Horror XVII".
  • Attempting to smuggle a panda: In "Goo Goo Gai Pan", Homer attempted to smuggle a giant panda cub from Beijing, China.
  • Drunk Driving: Homer has drove drunk numerous times, usually after visiting Moe's Tavern.
  • Piracy: In "Steal This Episode", Homer started an outdoor cinema screening pirated movie, with no ads. The FBI arrested him after Marge told them about Homer's illegal cinema, however he escaped them. The Simpson family then sought asylum at the Consulate of Sweden in Springfield.



Homer's first appearance.


Homer The Fluppet as seen in "The Fight Before Christmas".

Homer's Belly (1)

Evolution of his belly.

Homer's appearance is that of an overweight balding man. Despite his overweight status, and hate for exercise, he has on occasion shown surprising physical prowess and agility for a man of his body type, such as when training for Whacking Day and he hits several pop-up Snakes with kicks and even back-flipping. His baldness is contributed by several factors, such as upon finding out whenever Marge was pregnant, he would tear out a substantial amount of his hair. Another contribution is working at the nuclear plant for so many years that the exposure to radioactivity has caused most of his hair to fall out. Another frequent topic on Homer's obesity is his large posterior which is often joked about by Bart. His eyes are blue, and he is 6 feet tall (183 cm).[6] While his weight is debatable, the most common weight given is 239 pounds (though many jokes about his weight would suggest he is much heavier than that). He wears a white polo shirt, blue jeans, white underpants, and gray loafers.

He and the rest of his family were initially really crudely drawn and badly animated in the early seasons of The Tracey Ullman Show (as shown in the 1st picture you spot above from the Good Night short), but they eventually streamlined the characters and they now look like what they do today.


"(To Lisa) Now, you lost someone special and it hurt. I never lost anyone special to me. Everyone special to me is under this roof. It's true. Now, you'll have lots of special people in your life. There's probably a place they hang out and the food is good, and guys like me are serving drinks. Maybe I can't explain all this, but I can fix your dollhouse. At least I'm good at monkey work. You know, monkey? You know what I mean? I can hold these nails in place with my tail."
―Homer Simpson[src]
"Marge, I have always carried myself with a certain quiet dignity. Tonight, you robbed me of it."
―Homer Simpson[src]
"Look, Marge. You don't know what it's like. I'm the one out there putting his ass on the line. And I'm not out of order. You're out of order! The whole freakin' system is out of order. You want the truth? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! 'Cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo that was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do! Forget it, Marge. It's Chinatown!"
―Homer Simpson[src]
"How dare you talk about Ned Flanders like that. He's a wonderful, kind, caring man. Maybe even more so than me. There have been times when I lost patience with him, even lashed out at him, but this man has turned every cheek on his body. If everyone here were like Ned Flanders, there'd be no need for Heaven. We'd already be there."
―Homer Simpson[src]
Homer brain

An X-ray of Homer's true brain

Homer is a pure moron who can go back and forth from being downright terrible to an extremely caring and loving man. Homer's personality is one of frequent immaturity, frequent stupidity, selfishness, laziness, and explosive anger; one might say it's like that of the "Average Joe". He also suffers from a short attention span, which complements his intense but short-lived passion for hobbies, enterprises, and various causes. Despite his family flaws, he is a loving and devoting father and husband, even if he can be ignorant or oblivious to his family's feelings and ideas. When he thinks he's let anyone he loves down, it really does affect him, and in the end, he will do anything for them. Another contribute to his "Working Joe" persona is that he has also shown to be sensitive about his masculinity; being initially upset over Marge becoming a police officer as he thought it made her "the man of the house", as well as refusing to call a contractor when Marge wanted her kitchen remodeled as to not emasculate his pride.

Homer is noticeably prone to emotional outbursts; he gets very envious of his neighbors, the Flanders family, and is easily enraged at his son, Bart, and strangles the boy in an exaggerated manner. His trademark phrase to strangling Bart is "Why you little...!" and on one occasion, "Why you little bastard!" [65] He also spanks Bart sometimes and, in one case, Lisa. One time, he was too busy to spank them, so he told them to go to their rooms and spank themselves. He does not show compunction about this, and is not attempting to hide his actions from people outside the family, even showing disregard for his son's well-being in other ways, such as leaving Bart alone at a port,[66] or allowing Bart to go court for skateboarding naked on his dare when all he would have to do is attend a one-hour parenting class signifying not only his disregard for Bart but his extreme laziness.[67]


Homer grossing out Patty and Selma

Homer also possesses an extreme dislike for his sisters-in-law, Patty and Selma Bouvier. This is because they often talk down on him for the kind of man he is, selfish and dimwitted. He also openly calls them ugly. He uses labels such as "The Gruesome Twosome",[68] "Fatty and Smellma"[69] and "Two Sobbing Trolls". He also gave his children the impression that Patty and Selma are horrible and nasty witches, which is the reason why the kids don't like spending time with their aunts. The sisters in turn, hate Homer as much he hates them. Patty and Homer have a very vile, antagonistic relationship but his relationship with Selma has rarely softened up over the years.

Homer Simpson Angry

Homer's anger

While Homer has repeatedly upset people and caused all sorts of mayhem in Springfield, these events are usually caused by either his explosive temper or lack of foresight. Except for expressing annoyance at Ned Flanders, Homer's actions are usually unintentional. Most of his explosive anger is targeted on Bart, because of something stupid or bad he says or does. Despite their disadvantages, these common outbursts saved Homer from dying of a pent-up, rage-induced heart attack.[70] Although he usually has an explosive temper, there are a few instances, usually in very serious situations, where Homer's anger was so subdued yet so immense that he outwardly appeared calm and spoke in an even-handed tone despite very clearly being outraged. Notable examples of this include when he learned that Bart had gone on a road trip via a fake license and are stuck in Tennessee doing odd jobs: He outwardly acted as if he was calm, and had to obscure his face to vent his anger enough to fog up his visor before adopting his calm exterior and vowed to send him money to get home before darkly stating that he'll murder him as soon as he gets home before Lisa talks him out of it.[71] Another instance of this was when learning that Mr. Burns didn't address him in his thank you card, where, after lowering the letter in an angry manner, he calmly requests that Bart and Lisa step outside for a second, with Bart and Lisa doing so without question and immediately due to being very scared at Homer's evidently furious appearance (although he then promptly manages to scream what is heavily implied to be the f-bomb after they've left in a loud enough volume that all of Springfield stopped what they were doing in shock).[72] He also reacted like this to his father after the latter revealed that not only was Homer's own conception an accident, but implied that he would have been happier if he had never been born: After learning this, Homer gasped and braked to a stop immediately, before twice sternly telling Abraham Simpson to step out of the car in a calm yet clearly infuriated tone while scowling and not even looking at him, and then promptly driving away fast.[44] He also initially acted like this when forced to adopt a swear jar and having to put coins in the swear jar to curb his swearing habits. When getting himself injured twice by accidentally breaking his thumb by whacking his thumb as well as impaling his foot with a nail deep enough as to require a tetanus shot, he initially robotically stated his first injury and then talking in a pseudo-kindly manner the second time while twitching with rage, before stating that, while he won't swear, he will kick the doghouse down, the last part he states by screaming it out in clear rage.[73]


Homer performing manual labor

While Homer's stupid antics often upset his family, he has also performed acts that reveal him to be a surprisingly loving father and husband, such as selling his cherished ride on the Duff Blimp and using the money to enter Lisa in a beauty pageant so she could feel better about herself,[74] giving up his chance at wealth to allow Maggie to keep a cherished teddy bear;[75] spearheading an attempt to dig Bart out after he had fallen down a well, even though he hates doing physical labor[76] and arranging a surprise second wedding with Marge to make up for their lousy first ceremony, even going so far as to hire one of The Doobie Brothers as part of the wedding band and getting a divorce from Marge, essentially making their second wedding a "real" one.[77]

Despite his hatred of manual labor, Homer does a surprising amount of DIY work around his home. He built a jungle gym, a costume of Florida for Lisa, a birdhouse and spice rack for Marge (however, these are shabby at best and two of them actually fell apart). He also remodeled his kitchen when Marge felt insecure about hers after meeting the neighbor's deluxe one, however, this was more because he felt emasculated when Marge tried to phone a contractor.[78]


Homer asleep in Church

Homer's stupidity and ignorance make him clueless to sensitive matters as well as when he is being insulted or his life is in danger. An example is when he came close to drinking a beaker of sulfuric acid but was spared after his colleague, Frank Grimes knocked the acid out of his hand. Instead of being shocked, Homer only responded with jovial delight and laughter. He was also completely oblivious to Grimes' hostility towards him, only being aware that the two of them were enemies after the latter made it painstakingly clear. Homer was an atheist and anti-gay. He adheres to no religion and only goes to church because Marge constantly forces him to. However, he was once referenced to be Muslim in "Peeping Mom". In "Homer the Heretic", he quits church altogether but later chooses to go as he was saved from an inferno, which is in his eyes a miracle. In the climax of the same episode, he is seen falling asleep during Reverend Lovejoy's sermon. He also paid no respect to Jesus' resting place after being granted a trip to Bethlehem by Ned Flanders; however, he did come to believe himself a messiah after suffering a hallucination from days in the desert while searching for Ned (who actually just got a glass of tepid water).

Homer tends to derive amusement from the misfortune of others. One time, he was even amused by a documentary about car crashes which result from alcoholism.[6] He is a chronic thief and borderline kleptomaniac which ranges from petty to grand theft, stealing everything from TV trays to power tools and air conditioners, even an entire room of the Flanders House from Ned Flanders. He has also stolen golf balls from the local driving range, office supplies (including computers) from work, and beer mugs from Moe's Tavern.

Homer holding a doughnut

Homer has a vacuous mind, but he is still able to retain a great amount of knowledge about very specific subjects. He often shows short bursts of astonishing insight, memory, creativity, and fluency with many languages! Homer is also extremely confident; no matter how little skill or knowledge he has about anything he tries to do; he has no doubt that he will be successful. However, his brief periods of intelligence are overshadowed by much longer and more consistent periods of ignorance, forgetfulness, and stupidity. Homer has a low IQ due to many factors. Some of which include: his alcohol problem, exposure to radioactive waste, repetitive cranial trauma, and the crayon lodged in the frontal lobe of his brain. He also implied that he would have been at least a bit smarter and more athletic, if not by a substantial amount, if his father had tried to give him encouragement rather than beat him down.[44] Another large factor of Homer's unintelligent is his inheritance of the "Simpson Gene" which causes all male members of the Simpson family to become more and more unintelligent as they grow older. It is also implied Homer repeated second grade.[79]


Young Homer shoving crayons up his nose

Aside from the Simpson Gene, the cause of his simple-mindedness has been attributed to either Homer lodging a crayon in the right lobe his brain at the age of six[80] or from head trauma, also at the age of six, from Homer accidentally tying his laces along with some cans to the bumper of Grampa and Rita LaFleur's car after their wedding and being dragged along the asphalt by mistake.[53]

Despite his handicap, Homer does have a degree of long-term, calculated planning of what might happen, such as when, shortly before taking his "forget-me-shot" from Moe Szyslak, requested for their anniversary party to have a Moon Jump, due to realizing exactly what will happen afterwards.[79]

While Homer's lack of intelligence and short attention span normally just results in him looking like a fool, it also sometimes causes him to unintentionally bring harm to the people around him. One example is when he dumps a piece of industrial garbage in the garbage can at Krusty Burger, followed by a lit match which he used to light a victory cigar. The combination of the two caused a fire on the supply lines for the fast-food chains of spring field and caused chain reaction destroying all the restaurants in the process.[81]

Also, it also makes him less aware of how what he says might affect people emotionally, like for a note quiz where he asked Ned Flanders about his sexual life, forgetting that his wife had passed away six months prior.[82] His ignorance at one point even cost his family their home since he didn't understand how a home equity loan worked, putting them massively in debt and making it so they could no longer afford their mortgage. Though luckily, the house was purchased by Ned, who allowed them to rent the living space.[83] Later on, Homer and Marge were again the legal owners of the property.[84]


Homer imagines himself in the Land of Chocolate

Homer has at times debated against his brain. Occasionally, a specific body part such as his face, stomach or liver is also shown debating with his brain. In one notable scene, Homer's mind actually leaves his body out of boredom, causing him to collapse.[85] Homer is also inclined to retreat into fantasy, such as daydreaming of Germany as "the land of chocolate".[86][87]

Homer's attitudes toward women, romance, and sex are occasionally shown. While Homer's marriage with Marge is occasionally strained, it seems generally happy. Despite this, Homer is often tempted with other women, and usually shows no qualms with gawking at (and drooling over) attractive women. Homer almost had an affair with Mindy Simmons,[88] but ended up not wanting to. He has made the occasional remark denoting his attraction to other women (including his neighbor's wife), even in front of Marge on an occasion, but always shows his devotion to Marge in the end.

In earlier seasons (such as Season 1), Homer's personality was different. Homer was an angry, grumpy, ignorant man who got embarrassed by his family (instead of the other way around) but generally loved them. He also was prone to angry outbursts, such as yelling at Bart and Lisa, strangling Bart (which has continued in later seasons), and giving Krusty the Clown the middle finger in court after Homer had assumed it was him who robbed the Kwik-E-Mart.


Homer looking and behaving like The Incredible Hulk

Homer has since developed into a less intelligent and meaner person in later seasons. Homer's "angry personality" still sometimes surfaces up, usually whenever getting pressured by Bart. One of the more notable examples of this is when Bart published a series of Angry Dad animated cartoons which made fun of Homer's anger and stupidity. Ironically, Homer responded by only reinforcing his angry personality, which culminated in him spilling green paint on himself and making noises similar to those of The Incredible Hulk.[70]

Based on the "Disco Sucks" bumper sticker he removed from his old car when about to sell it before leaving Marge, he was not fond of the Disco genre.[43]

Religious Beliefs

"God I gotta ask you something; what's the meaning of life?
Homer I can't tell you that.
Come on.
You'll find out when you die!
I can't wait that long.
You can't wait six months?"
―Homer asking God about the meaning of life

Despite attending church every Sunday, Homer is not very religious, and is not a Christian. Homer only attends church because Marge makes him go. Homer, Bart, and Lisa complain about going to church. He does not seem to practice Christian morals and frequently sleeps in church, much to the annoyance of Reverend Lovejoy. He also admitted that in addition to sleeping in church, he also mentally undresses the female churchgoers.[89] He often mispronounces the name of the Christ, calling Him "Jebus". In "The Simpsons Movie", before entering church, he says, "Relax, those pious morons are too busy talking to their phony-baloney God."

When asked by Bart what religion Homer belongs to, he replies, "You know, the one with all the well-meaning rules that don't work out in real life. Uh Christianity".[90]


Homer's brief cultist opinion about real Christian

Despite this, he willingly gives church another try after Ned, Apu, and Krusty saved him from a house fire. He was also inadvertently baptized by Ned when he tried to baptize Bart, Lisa, and Maggie without permission from Marge and Homer, initially reacting violently before speaking in a religious manner, and returning to his normal self thereafter when questioned by Ned. Homer also tried to become a good Christian in "'Tis the Fifteenth Season".

However, in "The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed", Homer thinks that he is the Messiah due to Jerusalem syndrome.

Homer had actually met God face to face several times and has even gotten permission from him in a dream to skip church.[91][92]


Homer became a superhero named Pie Man when the Rich Texan offends Lisa. He chucks pies in the faces of evildoers or people who deserve to be pied, uses the basement as a Pie Cave and his car as the Piemobile. Bart is his sidekick as Cupcake Kid. He also tried to don a graffiti alias as "El Homo", which was meant to be a Mexican take on his name but erased it when he realized the alias was Spanish for homosexual.[93]




The Guys

Homer is one of the four best friends (Lenny, Carl, Moe), who call themselves "The Guys".

Skills and Abilities

Physical Prowess

Homer and Bart as Pie Man and Cupcake Kid

Homer's skills seem to vary greatly. Sometimes, Homer can find it difficult to run to the smallest distances before passing out from exhaustion, and other times, he has exceeded the prowess of gold medal Olympians. He can have trouble understanding the simplest of concepts to being able to build a functional robot with a working A.I.[94] His physical strength is just as random: At times, he is too weak to even kill a fly by punching it,[16] while at other times, he is able to lift a motorbike above his head, and use it as a sword effortlessly and throw punches that send people flying with ease.[95]

Additionally, in his youth, Homer was once a very talented gymnast, even catching high school Marge's eye with his ability. Unfortunately, his father's lack of faith in him caused him to blunder in front of the entire school, which promptly led to the end of his career.

Homer also is a proficient bowler. He once bowled a perfect game, leading to short-term fame for him.


Homer has shown to have near-superhuman endurance and durability, repeatedly surviving accidents that could easily kill other people. His well-padded stomach allowed him to survive direct cannon fire to the stomach with no immediate injuries, although later it was found that repeated fire had destroyed his stomach which could have killed him.


Homer injured

Homer's skull is a quarter-inch thicker than the average skull (dubbed "Homer Simpson Syndrome") that protects him completely from cranial injury up to a certain point allowing him to be beaten by normal folk with no effect but can be hurt by significant force such as getting punched in the face by the world heavyweight boxing champion or falling repeatedly down Springfield Gorge. At one point, Homer even survived having every bone in his body broken from a fall that would have liquefied a regular person. Another time, he managed to get back up and walk around from being mauled by a badger in a failed and foolish attempt to get it out of Santa's Little Helper's doghouse despite having his entire gut torn out and exposing his intestines (which the badger somehow accomplished without ripping his shirt. This could have been accomplished by the badger going under Homer's shirt instead of attacking him through it).

Homer is constantly ending up in sticky situations, such as being caught in a fire on at least four occasions, almost drowning, animal attacks and more. In some episodes, he "almost dies" twice, and in one episode, Frank Grimes' son was trying to murder Homer, and all through the episode Homer ended up in situations that would normally kill a person. In Homer Scissorhands, he tries to commit suicide by drinking a container of disinfectant. Once realizing it did nothing to him, he questions why nothing ever seems to kill him, even several simultaneous heart attacks.


Homer in the hospital

Homer is not a stranger to pain. He gets hurt in one form or another in almost every episode and frequently breaks bones and ends up in the hospital. He has also needed several life-saving operations, such as a triple bypass and suffering four simultaneous heart attacks. In one episode, Marge gets concerned at how much Homer almost dies as a result of sticky situations and begs him to get life insurance where we find out that he has also had three strokes and is, therefore, not insurable.

In an interview with Matt Groening, he jokingly states that Homer is unable to die due to God finding him far too entertaining to kill off and enjoys his pain-induced suffering.


One skill that remains somewhat consistent throughout the series is his musical talent. Homer can play the guitar amazingly well, play the piano like a natural, and is an accomplished singer and songwriter. He has been part of several bands which were all extremely popular. He won a Grammy for barbershop,[60] numerous golden records for his grunge band, which is also a music style he claimed to have invented,[49] and was able to help Lisa win a music contest using songs he wrote for her.[96] While lying on his back, Homer possesses a powerful operatic voice that while at hospital stops crying babies and even revives a flat-lined patient, leading him to become a wildly popular opera star.[97]He is even a great conductor, being able to lead the untrained kids of Springfield Elementary into playing a flawless rendition of Stars and Stripes Forever. [98]He also been shown to play the bass.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills, Fighting Prowess and Superhuman Strength

Homer is a talented fighter, fighting with great combat prowess in his duel with Peter Griffin, Smithers, Tom, Meathook and George H.W. Bush. Homer's immense physical strength often varies for comedic purposes, though he is portrayed as being considerably strong, able to lift a motorbike above his head, and use it as a sword effortlessly.


Like Bart, Homer is a polyglot, someone with the ability to pick up languages fairly quickly, perhaps even a hyper polyglot (a polyglot fluent in more than six languages). He has been shown to speak Spanish, Chinese, Penguin[99] and Drunk[100] and when he and Bart were imprisoned in Japan for a seemingly short amount of time due to unknowingly assaulting Emperor Akihito, he was able to speak the language fluently by the time he left.[101] He was also able to pick up a few Indian words by watching Apu and Manjula argue (though it is highly likely that he wrongly interpreted some part of their argument, as Homer claimed he thinks "Manjula" is some kind of spaceship, though the other word interpreted by Homer, Saala, does mean "jerk" in some sense in Hindi[102]).[103] He was also shown to mimic people's voices especially well. This was evidenced in a flashback in Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy, where Homer, after watching a televised speech made by then-President John F. Kennedy, proceeded to flawlessly mimic Kennedy's speech pattern and mannerisms.

Defying the Laws of Science

In addition to being able to accomplish what no man of his health and standing could, Homer has been able to accomplish things that defy all logic and reason whatsoever, such as causing cornflakes and milk to burst into flames and cause a nuclear meltdown in a testing van, despite no fissionable materials being present in it at the time.


Even though Homer is consistently depicted as being unpopular his entire life, he has been able to incite a mob on multiple occasions. He has incredible sway over crowds and is able to motivate people for just causes, such as shutting down the nuclear plant, and also to calm down an angry mob- something very difficult to do- such as when he prevented the destruction of Springfield's burlesque house. Like Bart, he is almost always made leader in whatever bizarre situation he comes across, although, unlike Bart, that leadership isn't always appreciated, such as when Homer becomes the leader of the Stonecutters, which shortly afterwards causes all of the members to quit.


Homer's appetite is so insatiable, Captain McCallister remarked him as a "Remorseless Eating Machine". He once cleaned out The Frying Dutchman, and effectively sued the place for running out of food, thus not being able for him to eat "All He Can Eat", because he was still not full.



Homer while varying in physical ability from episode to episode has been consistently portrayed as a binge drinking, overeating, accident-prone daredevil who puts absolutely no thought into what his actions will cost him, all of which has made it impossible to get any form of insurance which concerns his health. A magazine health test calculated Homer's lifestyle would lead him to pass on at 42.

Homer is in the hospital in at least one episode every season and has had several life-saving operations, not including the one for his triple heart bypass which he needed after his arteries were clogged with cholesterol. He also had at least two separate series of stress-induced heart attacks from learning of how much money Mr. Burns offered Lisa to repay her for her "help" in restoring his fortune and especially her refusal of said money: The first, upon witnessing Lisa tear up the check, was severe enough that he promptly collapsed and, according to Dr. Hibbert, underwent four simultaneous heart attacks. The second, which was after Lisa corrected him regarding just how much she actually refused, was severe enough that it caused a Code Blue alert at the Hospital.[104]

Years of working in a substandard nuclear facility have left his blood irradiated to show up on an x-ray without the dye that is normally required to make the blood visible having to be administered, as well as having rendered him sterile.


Homer's gluttonous eating habits

Homer loves food, he can almost always be seen eating far more than any one man could possibly eat alone. His favorites are foods which he knows are bad for him and will blatantly refuse healthy food such as oatmeal and fruit in favor of fatty meals. He particularly enjoys donuts. Though he has tried multiple times to switch to a healthier diet, he has always ended up reverting to his unhealthy eating habits after a relatively short amount of time. He was once willing to die upon eating a poisoned éclair despite knowing it would kill him, only to throw it away in horror when Lisa claimed it was low fat. There was only one known time where he DIDN'T engage in gluttonous eating patterns, or indeed, ANY eating at all, which was when Kent Brockman was breaking down on the air when attempting to apologize for commiting fraud regarding news stories, with his admitting he was too shocked and mesmerized by Kent Brockman having a visible breakdown on the air to even attempt to eat.

Homer once grew to 300 pounds so that he could go on disability for work.

Homer also seems to have a problem with his sense of hearing, as the result of both attending and putting on loud rock concerts regularly in his youth.[105] In addition, an incident with Bart shown in the episode "Barthood" in which Bart blasted an airhorn into his ear until it began bleeding may have further compounded this. This may explain why he can so easily phase out what people are saying to him, intentionally or otherwise.

Homer has been shown as having concentration problems.[106]


Homer is the same age as Marge,[107] making him about 34 at the time Marge took bowling lessons with Jacques.[108] While telling the story of hi was 32 and marriage to Marge, Homer recalled being 33 on the night Shinnosuke was conceived 6 years earlier, making him 35.[43] In 1993, Homer's driver's license, issued in July 1992, gave his date of birth as May 12, 1956, making him 37 years old by the time his license was revoked.[6] When Homer and Grampa began selling the Simpson & Son Revitalizing Tonic, Grampa said Homer was an accident after he took the tonic 38 years ago.[109] At the time Homer started boxing, Marge said he was 38 years old.[16] At the time Homer decided to become an inventor, Marge said he was 39.[110] Later, during his road trip to Oregon, Homer said he was 38 years old.[111] When Lisa discovered Marge had a college diploma, she said Homer and Marge were "almost 40" and calculated they could not have had 10-year-old Bart until "way after high school".[49] Later on, after Grampa briefly moved back in to Evergreen Terrace, Homer said that "Sometimes you have to wait until you're 38 to discover who you really are." Some accounts suggested Homer's age is as low as 33, as his mother Mona disappeared 27 years before Mona found Homer alive in his grave,[50] and Homer was six years old when Grampa gave up Bongo[54] and when Rita LaFleur left Springfield,[53] both of which happened after Mona left her family.[53][54] In another episode, however, Homer recalled that his childhood trauma of losing his mother happened when he was nine.[51] In The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family, a book written by The Simpsons' creator, Matt Groening, Homer is 36 years old.[112]

Hair Loss

There are multiple theories on how Homer lost his hair. Earlier episodes suggested that he was simply a victim of male pattern baldness (A problem he told Bart was "Hereditary"). One theory suggests that Homer ripped out some of his hair when he realized Marge was pregnant with Bart, then more when he found out she was pregnant with Lisa, and tearing out a single hair when he found out she was pregnant with Maggie (this couldn't be possible as he is shown having different reactions to the realization that his wife was pregnant[43][59]). It is also very possible he lost his hair from the radiation at the nuclear plant.

"Marge on the Lam" was the closest to the truth, and possibly the truth, as it is (almost) explained visually: Homer also volunteered for an army experiment because he didn't want to have dinner with Marge's sisters. The army doctor attempted to warn him that the side effects of the experiment were "hair loss, giddiness and the loss of equilibrium", but Homer ignored him.

Another theory is that Homer's hair was once squirted with some kind of acid, thus causing permanent hair loss.[113]



Despite being married to Marge throughout the entire show, Homer has had a number of romantic encounters.

Marge Simpson


Homer is the husband of Marge Simpson. They met when they were younger without learning who each other was before meeting again properly in high school. They have had three weddings.[65][77] The pair have a very strong marriage which has survived cheating, amnesia and many arguments. They have been in love since their high school senior year.[46]

Other Love Interests/Wife

Mindy Simmons

Mindy Simmons was an attractive employee at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant who has nearly everything in common with Homer. They attended a convention together and nearly had an affair.[88] After Homer turned her down, he later says that she "hit the bottle pretty hard and got fired".

Lurleen Lumpkin

Lurleen is a waitress who Homer helped in launching a successful singing career. She attempted to seduce him without any success. She has been married multiple times to men that all look like Homer.[114]


Amber was a waitress at a casino in Las Vegas and was Homer's Vegas wife. Homer accidentally married her when he and Ned Flanders got drunk. Ned married the other waitress at the casino named Ginger. Doing the only decent thing they could, they ran from them.[115]However, after a long time, the waitresses managed to track them to Springfield, and Amber went to live to the Simpsons house and revealed to Marge and the children about her marriage to Homer, which infuriated Marge to the point to she threw Homer out of the house, and later the family managed to get her drunk and made her marry Abe, which made her run back to Vegas. Amber died from a drug overdose.[116]


When Homer becomes a famous Opera singer, he attracts the attention of horde of fans including a stalker by the name of Julia. She confesses to Homer that she is his to do with as he wants, becoming his personal assistant and attempting to seduce him at every turn. When he proclaims that his heart belongs to Marge, she attempts to kill him with no success.[97]

Wasted potential love interests

Annie Crawford

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Annie was an FBI agent who was investigating Homer after Lisa said he could be a terrorist. What makes this interesting is that we know Homer does consider her attractive, and he even called her beautiful in her debut episode. It's implied in "Homerland" that she has romantic feelings for him, but nothing came from it since it was her first and so far, only appearance.


Moe Szyslak

"I could never stay mad at you, Moe. After all, you get me drunk."
―Homer, on Moe[src]

Homer in jail

Moe is the owner of Moe's Tavern and is Homer's main supply of beer, making him a very important person in Homer's life. Homer spends a lot of his time talking to Moe in his tavern and seems to go to him whenever he has a problem in his life. Homer has also helped Moe with his love life. Moe has told Homer before that he is his best friend and they both seem to be in understanding that the two are "life partners." Despite this, Moe once risked Homer's life in exchange for a shot at being a notable name in the boxing community again, but in the end, his friendship for Homer proved stronger than his dream and he literally flew in and saved Homer from getting beaten during a match. Even so, Moe has been known to point a shotgun at Homer for various reasons (see "Pygmoelian" and "The Parent Rap").

Barney Gumble

Barney 88

Barney Gumble is one of Homer's best friends. They were both born in 1956, making Homer the same age as Barney. They have been friends since childhood (one time getting drunk from Abe Simpson II's beer and "wrapping Homer's wagon around a tree") but have been best friends since high school. Homer was the one who first convinced Barney to try beer and inadvertently caused him to throw away a potential life at Harvard and instead become an alcoholic.[56]

Lenny Leonard and Carl Carlson


Lenny and Carl are Homer's co-workers at the Nuclear Power Plant, and they were familiar with Homer in their childhood days.[45] They are Homer's most frequent companions at Moe's Tavern, after Barney. Abe Simpson claimed to have bribed Lenny and Carl to be his friends at a young age. Even though both Lenny and Carl have wives, they seem to be attracted to each other.

Charles Montgomery Burns


Homer has been depicted as friends with Monty Burns on many occasions, such as when they got drunk together at a baseball game or were on a bowling team together. On the other hand, Burns has also sworn eternal vengeance against Homer on just as many occasions, and even more so than that Burns seems to be unable to remember who Homer Simpson is (a running gag on the series) despite the fact that almost all of his major life events are related in some way to Homer. Usually, Homer is afraid of Burns and acknowledges his presence with a scream, but it has been shown that once the two warm up to each other, they get along famously until Homer inadvertently does something to end the friendship.

In addition, although Homer usually takes Mr. Burns' failure to remember his name in stride, there has been one instance where this caused a lot of anger from Homer, which was during the Sun Blocker incident. Homer attempted to get Mr. Burns to remember his name, with his eventually sending a chocolate box with a photo of the family stuck in. However, he didn't get thanked for this (although in that case, it's because Mr. Burns ended up throwing away the box while one candy was left, with the last candy obscuring Homer's face), causing him to be infuriated enough to give a horrendous swear in a loud enough volume that all of Springfield stopped in shock. He eventually resorted to vandalizing Mr. Burns' office to spray-paint his name and even physically assault his boss to force him to remember his name, although this ended up failing with Mr. Burns referring to him as an "unidentified assailant". Ironically, the one time he DOES remember Homer's name actually nearly got Homer into deep trouble when he was considered the suspect for the shooting against Mr. Burns, which had him assaulting Mr. Burns at the hospital to stop him from claiming that he shot him (unaware that Mr. Burns was simply parroting Homer Simpson's name in a half-lucid state due to regaining consciousness). Because of this, Homer was notably one of two characters whose grudge against Mr. Burns during that time had absolutely nothing to do with either Burns Slant Drilling Co. or the Sun Blocker, the only other being his daughter Maggie Simpson, the actual culprit.

Ned Flanders


Homer telling Ned how crazy he is.

Ned Flanders is Homer's perfect neighbor whose belongings are usually "borrowed" by Homer and are never given back. Homer takes obvious advantage of his push-over neighbor and is usually an avid participant in the one-sided rivalry the two have going on, although Ned sometimes gets caught up in Homer's taunts (such as when the two pit their sons against each other in a putt-putt tournament). It has also been hinted that Homer lusts after Flanders' wife, Maude (now deceased). Homer enjoys insulting Flanders and making his life more difficult, which Flanders all takes in stride. Even so, Homer has genuine feelings for his neighbor; he feels truly guilty when he causes Flanders' business to sink and takes it upon himself to save the Leftorium, he makes it his personal duty to revive Flanders' love life after Maude passes, and he also invites Flanders to his barbecues and other events with genuine enthusiasm. He has also acknowledged that Ned is his best friend, referring to him on one point as "Stupid Best Friend Flanders". Homer loves to see Flanders struggle because he perceives the Flanders' lives to be the unobtainable perfection that he will never have, and he especially loves beating Flanders, but he hates when Flanders is totally crushed. There are also incidents where Homer inadvertently causes harm to Flanders. A notable example of this is when Homer ends up unwittingly releasing a radioactive ape into Flanders' house after the ape in question tricked Homer, resulting in it occupying the attic. This incident also resulted in Flanders having to report it to Chief Wiggum at the Police Station, a report caught on CCTV camera, and eventually acquired illegally by Comic Book Guy.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon


Apu and Homer are good friends; their families get together for dinners and they regularly have conversations when Homer is purchasing some confection at Apu's Kwik-E-Mart. When Apu lost his job at the Kwik-E-Mart, he stayed with the Simpsons, Apu's wedding was also held at the Simpsons, and when Apu needs help with some problem the wacky solution and implementation usually include Homer (stealing Apu's children from the zoo, letting Apu use Homer's family as his own when his mother visits to dodge having to go through with an arranged marriage).

Clancy Wiggum


Clancy Wiggum is a friend of Homer and he and Homer have shown their relationship in "Chief of Hearts", when Homer gave sandwiches to him. They have been friends since. Even before then, they also were at the very least acquaintances, notably being invited to barbecues by Homer, as well as Homer and Wiggum, alongside the other townspeople, often plotting to do activities when they are annoyed at recent events (such as their wives pushing them away because of Apu overindulging his wife for Valentine's Day, and the events of the Presidential Election in Springfield).


Homer's relationship with his children fluctuates greatly from episode to episode.



Homer's highly abusive tendencies

Homer's relationship with his son Bart is a rather strange one, indeed; Homer has threatened Bart with murder before and attacks him occasionally, yet at other times, the two get along better than anybody else. Homer usually refers to Bart as "the boy" and has mentioned spanking and beating Bart before. All that is ever shown, however, is either Homer growling and lunging for Bart, chasing him, or else strangling him. Homer was held in a mental hospital once due to his aggression with Bart, although, once the doctors realized that Bart was, in fact, real, they released him. It is implied that Bart is the reason that Homer is bald. Since he calls his son a troublemaker, Homer blames most of his misfortunes on Bart and is the strict abuser of Bart in the strict abusive family. As a result, Bart usually takes advantage of his father's stupidity to humiliate him (as he does with most authority figures). Because of their often-turbulent relationship, Bart commonly refers to Homer as Homer instead of Dad, especially when Bart is humiliating him. Homer has also implied that he wouldn't mind if Bart changed 100% and that he isn't very attached to him as he is.


Bart and Homer are relaxed

Homer and Bart share the same sense of humor and adventure and therefore are almost always partners during wild escapades, such as when Homer became a truck driver or when they were arrested together in Japan. They spend a lot of time together watching TV, and although they spend a lot of time together, Homer doesn't take much of an interest in his life while Bart mostly ignores Homer. Whenever Homer does partake in a father-son activity with Bart, it is usually to beat Flanders at something, although, interestingly, Homer is truly offended when Bart gets a "big brother" to spend time with. Although Bart oftentimes acts resentful of Homer, he really loves when his father shows an interest in him, in fact, when he cheated on an IQ test and was labeled a genius, consequently winning Homer's affection, he was reluctant to admit he had cheated (even though he was miserable at school) simply because he didn't want matters to go back to how they had been with Homer and his greatest fear is Bart becoming a homosexual.

A possible explanation for Homer's frequent mistreatment or neglecting of Bart was provided in "Barthood". There, Homer states that the day he found out about Bart was the day his life of youthful independence was over, which frightened him as it meant he had to become a breadwinning patriarch despite his unreadiness. Truth be told, Homer admits to being just as insecure and misunderstood as his son and also like him, only wants to be accepted by his loved ones.

However, Homer also frequently shows genuine care for Bart and has expressed that he loves him, in spite of their differences and treatment of one another. He truly is ashamed whenever he embarrasses Bart and he tries to be a better father to Bart than Abe was to him, for example, he overly supports Bart when he is on the football team because his father never once supported him. Homer has even risked his life to impress Bart, such as taking a cannonball to the stomach because he realized that doing so caused Bart to idolize him. He was even willing to jump across Springfield Gorge to help Bart understand the stupidity of risking one's life for short-lived thrills and glory. At times, Homer can also be protective of Bart. As when George Bush spanked him, Homer, in a rage, started a pranking war that led to a brutal fight against the former president. When Bart was trapped down a well, his father stopped at nothing to dig a hole to find and save him. He was even enraged that Bart's former therapist strangled him and sued the man. In addition, Homer has also "protected" Bart from the horrible sight of a nude Patty by bleaching his son's eyes, something that his son appreciated. Also, when he took note of Bart's rather merciless mimicking of Abe's "Gorgeous Godfrey" persona on other children, Homer berated his father for this.


Homer holding baby Lisa

Homer is very protective of Lisa and shows a soft side to her that Bart has never seen. She is his little girl and when Homer disappoints her or makes her sad, he will often times go to the end of the earth to make things right. Homer sometimes does activities with Lisa which he doesn't enjoy simply to make her happy, such as attending the ballet. That being said, Lisa and Homer do not get along very well. When Homer does accompany Lisa on such intellectual trips, he oftentimes embarrasses her, usually by either falling asleep, saying something rude or unintellectual, or else displaying disgusting habits (scratching his butt, burping, etc.). When Lisa becomes upset, Homer can't usually figure out what it is he did wrong. They have little to talk about because of their differences in interests and intellectual caliber, so Homer far prefers to do tasks with Bart and leave Lisa alone.

He is often annoyed by her love of her saxophone and constantly yells at her to tell her to stop making a racket. Lisa is also the moral center of the family, which leads to further clashes between her and Homer, who doesn't really care about the ethics of the various situations he has been involved in. Lisa's intelligence is likely the largest cause that Homer and she do not get along better. Whenever Lisa does make an attempt to protest or explain something to her father, she usually uses such advanced vocabulary that Homer simply nods and replies, "Yes, sweetie," even though it makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the conversation.

However, Homer is very proud of Lisa's intelligence and will brag about it to friends and co-workers. Lisa acknowledges her father's shortcomings but does love him and appreciates when he puts in the effort to better himself for her sake. Although he is often insensitive to her and her needs (once turning her room into a cellular tower without a second thought and then forcing her to bunk with Bart- also without a second thought), Homer does try to be a good father and puts her happiness above anything else. For example, when he was first told that she was gifted and that she should find a mental stimulation to help with her gift, he gave up the $200 dollars the family had saved for a new air conditioner to buy her saxophone instead and earned gratitude from her. In Homer Is Where the Art Isn't, Lisa secretly got an art painting out while switching the painting with a bag, and Lisa wanted to be closer with Homer.


Homer and maggie

Homer with Maggie

Homer forgets Maggie exists—frequently. Once, when talking about their "two" children, Marge interrupted and told Homer that they had three children, to which he replied that the dog didn't count as a child before recalling Maggie. Similar dialogue is recurrent throughout the series. Also, whenever Maggie is referred to by her full name, Margaret, Homer has no clue as to who is being referenced. When Homer does try to interact with Maggie, he oftentimes frightens her unintentionally.

Homer is highly irresponsible with Maggie, often giving her dangerous objects to play with and once completely losing her because she crawled out of her crib. Maggie was an accident baby (as was Bart and Lisa) and having her meant that Homer had to quit his dream job at the bowling alley and instead take his job back at the nuclear power plant so that he would make enough money to support a third child. This was not ideal for Homer because he had only recently quit from the power plant in a very rude and flamboyant fashion. When he returned, Smithers and Burns had a good gloat that he was crawling back and, to further depress him, installed a plaque dead center in front of his desk that read, "don't forget, you're here forever".

Because of all this, Homer fiercely resented the prenatal Maggie, but, as soon as he first laid eyes on her, he immediately fell in love. There are no baby pictures of Maggie in the Simpson household because Homer hangs them "where he needs the most cheering up"-- at work. In his office, he has created a mural of Maggie's baby pictures which strategically cover up one half of the N and the entire T of don't, the GET of forget, the YOU'RE, the E of here, and the FOREVER on his plaque with pictures of Maggie, so that it reads "do it for her." It can be argued from this that Maggie cheers up Homer more than his other two children.

Although they don't communicate well, Homer and Maggie share a special bond and he loves her deeply. Maggie's first word was "daddy", which he couldn't hear (due to being out of Maggie's room and shutting the door as he exited). Maggie once saved a captive Homer, who was impressed and grateful to his daughter. He has shown love for Maggie as he protected her from bullying babies in "Eeny Teeny Maya, Moe" and earned a hug from his daughter who punched out a baby that knocked him down. Homer later saved her from being carried off by a bald eagle and made sure to hold her close, while punching the bird so it wouldn't try to take her again.

Hugo Simpson II

Ssi 5 The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.

In Treehouse of Horror VII, Hugo lives in the attic and lives off fish heads. He is said to be Bart's conjoined twin, but this is non-canon. He locked up Hugo in the attic in chains.

Non-Canon Appearances

Ssi 5 The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.


In one possible future, eight years from the present, Marge left Homer after he blew the family savings on an underwater house. She started dating Krusty the Clown, and eventually, Homer fought him to win her back. Homer was beaten, but Marge still chose to go back to him.[117]

In one possible future, 15 years from the present,[118] Homer was still working at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant in sector 7G. Milhouse Van Houten was his supervisor.[119]

In one possible future, Homer was killed by the police aged 59 after after he left the food bank with a sub sandwich.[120]

In one possible future, Marge buried Homer 127 times, as Professor Frink kept cloning Homer's body and implanting his memories into them before running out of bodies. 30 years from the present, Homer's became a head in a screensaver that frequently froze, and moved out of the house with Bart. Homer gained a robot body and got back with Marge.[121]

In one possible future, 31 years from the present,[122] Homer attended a high school reunion still in human form. He arrived with a toilet plunger on his head in front of Principal Dondelinger, refuting what he said to Marge in the present about having nothing to be ashamed about at his next high school reunion.[47]

In one possible future, 40 years from the present, Homer took Bart to see a rerelease of The Itchy & Scratchy Movie at the theater, believing that Bart learnt his lesson after being set on the right path.[123]

In one possible future, 43 years from the present,[124] Homer and an elderly music instrument version of Homer watched the presidential debate between Lisa and Isabel Gutiérrez.[125]

"Treehouse of Horror VI"

In this episode, Homer goes to the third dimension, but accidentally ends up in the real world.

Treehouse of Horror deaths

  1. Treehouse of Horror VI Intro: Hanged along with Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
  2. Treehouse of Horror VII Intro: Killed by the Grim Reaper while trying to get to the couch along with Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
  3. Treehouse of Horror VIII Intro: Electrocuted on the couch along with Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
  4. Treehouse of Horror IX Intro: Hit by Marge's car.
  5. I Know What You Diddly-Iddly Did: Mauled by the werewolf Ned Flanders.
  6. Life's A Glitch, Then You Die: Dies after escaping the ship going towards the sun because of no oxygen in space.
  7. Treehouse of Horror XI Intro: Killed by an angry mob along with Marge, Bart, and Abraham.
  8. G-G-Ghost D-Dad: Chokes to death on a piece of broccoli.
  9. Send in the Clones: The original fell off the cliff with the clones chasing the giant donuts as one of the clones without a belly button replaced him.
  10. The Fright To Creep And Scare Harms: Shot by Moe, who took the time machine immediately afterward.
  11. Treehouse of Horror XIV Intro: Shot by Marge twice.
  12. Treehouse of Horror XV Intro: Cooked by Kang and Kodos and eaten by their boss, along with Marge, Lisa, and Maggie.
  13. The Ned Zone: Shot by Ned twice and killed in a nuclear explosion.
  14. The Day The Earth Looked Stupid: Killed in Kang and Kodos' invasion.
  15. Heck House: Cut to pieces by his own hammock.
  16. Treehouse of Horror XIX Intro: Sucked into a voting booth and shot out of it.
  17. How to Get Ahead in Dead-Vertising: Head blasted off by the deceased Krusty the Clown.
  18. Treehouse of Horror XX Intro: Decapitated by monsters at a Halloween party.
  19. War and Pieces: Possibly dies from sliding down in the Drops and Rises game, he is presumably resurrected after Bart finishes the game
  20. Tweenlight: Falls from a great height when not able to fly back home as a vampire bat.
  21. Dial D For Diddly: Choked to death by God.
  22. Treehouse of Horror XXIII Intro: Crushed by a giant foot.
  23. Oh, The Places You'll D'oh!: Impaled with an umbrella by Maggie.
  24. Freaks No Geeks: Announced to have died in a newspaper, along with Babe Ruth and Stalin.
  25. The Others: Beaten to death with a toaster by 1987 Homer.
  26. Treehouse of Horror XXV Intro: eaten the small intestine himself.
  27. Moefinger: stabbed in the back by Bart.
  28. Mmm... Homer: Ate himself.
  29. Treehouse of Horror XXX Intro: Impaled by a monument along with Marge and Ned.
  30. Heaven Swipes Right: Choked to death on a Hot Dog.
  31. Into The HomerVerse: Zapped with a taser by Mr. Burns.

Role in Video Games


Homer, as he appears in The Simpsons Game

The Simpsons Arcade Game

Homer is one of the playable characters along with Bart, Lisa, and Marge in The Simpsons Arcade Game. When Maggie is kidnapped by Mr. Burns and Smithers, Homer, Bart, Lisa, and Marge go on an adventure to save her.

The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants

Homer only makes small cameos in The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants.

The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World

Homer only makes a cameo in The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World.

Bart's House of Weirdness

Homer plays a small role in Bart's House of Weirdness. After Bart pranks Homer and Marge too much, they ground him.

The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts

Homer has a cameo in The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Juggernauts.

Krusty's Fun House

Homer has his somewhat first major role since The Simpsons Arcade Game in Krusty's Fun House. Homer is the runner of one of the extermination devices that exterminate the rats.

The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man

Homer has a minor appearance in The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man.

Bart's Nightmare

Homer has a minor appearance in Bart's Nightmare. In the second half of the "Bartzilla" stage, Homer plays the role of a "King Kong" type ape monster on the top of the building Bart is climbing. After Bart completes the game, his role changes depending on how well Bart does in the game. In the worst ending, Homer and the rest of the family are disappointed in Bart. If Bart's grade is slightly higher, Homer is proud of him while Lisa is still disappointed. If Bart gets an outstanding grade, Homer and the whole family is all proud of Bart.

The Simpsons: Bart and the Beanstalk

Homer has a somewhat major role once again. After Bart sells the family cow for some beans, Homer sends Bart to his room after mistaking the beans for food and spitting them out into the ground. Once Bart goes up the beanstalk from the beans, he is locked in a war with a giant who looks just like Homer. Once Bart defeats the Homer giant, the family uses the earned gold to buy a new cow and plenty of doughnuts for Homer.

Virtual Bart

Homer has an antagonist role (although not directly) in Virtual Bart. Homer appears as a caveman and is the main antagonist of the "Dinosaur" section along with Moe.

The Simpsons Cartoon Studio

Homer has a big role in The Simpsons Cartoon Studio. Homer is one of the things the player can manipulate to create cartoons in the game.

The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield

Homer is one of the things the player can interact within The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield.

The Simpsons Bowling

Homer is one of the playable characters in The Simpsons Bowling, along with Marge, Bart, Lisa, Mr. Burns, Apu, Krusty, Groundskeeper Willie, and Abe (Grandpa) Simpson. Homer has the most accuracy (along with Willie) of any bowler in the game.

The Simpsons Wrestling

Homer is one of the playable characters in The Simpsons Wrestling, along with Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Marge Simpson (and Maggie Simpson), Barney Gumble, Krusty the Clown, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Groundskeeper Willie, Bumblebee Man, Itchy, Scratchy, Moe Szyslak, Ned Flanders, Professor Frink, Mr. Burns (and Waylon Smithers), and Kang (and Kodos). Like every one of the characters, Homer has his own original moves and fighting style.

The Simpsons: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror

Homer is one of the main protagonists of The Simpsons: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie (only in certain segments) are playable.

The Simpsons Road Rage

Homer is (arguably) the main protagonist of The Simpsons Road Rage. Homer has a major role in the story. Mr. Burns has converted the Springfield buses into nuclear-powered ones and now, they're wreaking havoc on the streets of Springfield. Homer leads a taxi service with the residents of Springfield to put the Nuclear Buses out of business. Homer has the most cars out of any playable character in the game.

The Simpsons Skateboarding

Homer is one of the main characters of The Simpsons Skateboarding. He is playable along with Marge Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Nelson Muntz, Otto Mann, Professor Frink, Krusty the Clown, and Chief Wiggum.

The Simpsons: Hit and Run

Homer (along with Bart) is the main protagonist of The Simpsons: Hit and Run. He is playable in level 1 and level 7. He is playable, along with Bart, Lisa, Marge, and Apu. He starts with running errands for the family but then starts investigating the wasp cameras. After falsely accusing Mr. Burns and failing, Homer is reduced to shopkeeper/minor character for most of the rest of the game. In the final level though, he returns. Homer is set off the get supplies for the apocalypse for his family. Homer finds the UFOs, so he steals cars, puts radioactive waste in the cars, and makes the UFOs abduct the cars, causing the UFO to explode. Homer is considered a hero by the town, and a comedy King by the aliens.

The Simpsons: Minutes to Meltdown

Homer is the main protagonist of The Simpsons: Minutes to Meltdown, and the only playable character. After a nuclear meltdown will occur due to Homer's incompetence (and Plopper), Homer must prevent a nuclear meltdown.

The Simpsons Game

Homer is one of the main protagonists of The Simpsons Game. He is playable, along with Bart, Lisa, Marge, and Maggie (only on certain parts). Once Homer and his family find out they are in a video game, they must go on a quest to find the creator of the game.

Homer has powers in the game (see Homer's Powers)

The Simpsons: Tapped Out

Homer is a major character in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. After accidentally destroying Springfield, Homer must get the town back, and rebuild it with the help of the player.

Family Guy


In the opening sequence in "PTV", Homer is being chased into his garage a la the opening sequence to The Simpsons, with Homer being flattened by Stewie's tricycle. Peter then opens the garage door, notices Homer unconscious, and asks Stewie who the man is.

"Movin' Out (Brian's Song)"

Homer is also heard from in "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)". He walks in on his wife Marge cheating on him with Glenn Quagmire. Panicked, Quagmire pulls out a gun, killing Homer and Marge. Their kids, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, witness the murders, thus, they are killed as well. It has been debated whether Maggie was killed in the segment, as Maggie appears to have lots of experience with guns.

"The Juice Is Loose"

He briefly appears in "The Juice Is Loose" and was voiced by impressionist Jeff Bergman. He was the Simpson whose presence Mayor Adam West did not want in Quahog.

"Cool Hand Peter"

In "Cool Hand Peter", the jury of the trial of Peter, Joe, Quagmire, and Cleveland consisted of Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, and Maggie Simpson, Krusty the Clown, Comic Book Guy, Groundskeeper Willie, Edna Krabappel, Ned Flanders, Otto Mann, Moe Szyslak, and Mr. Burns. Peter is at first relieved to find that it's a jury of their peers, but Joe points out that they don't see it that way.

"Ratings Guy"

In "Ratings Guy", Homer rushes to report having broken television only to have Peter brag that they beat them to it. Here, he is voiced by his regular voice actor Dan Castellaneta.

"The Simpsons Guy"

Main article: The Simpsons Guy.

Lego Dimensions (The Simpsons)

Homer is also in Lego Dimensions, but you can also play as Bart Simpson and Krusty. Homer is one of the level pack characters in the game. The story level is called The Mysterious Voyage of Homer. Homer's ability in the game is super strength and Big Transform Sonar Smash. Homer's dialogue in the game is recycled from past episodes, including "The Mysterious Voyage of Homer", "Treehouse of Horror VII", etc.

Foreign dubs

Homer's name is rarely translated, though exceptions occur. In the Arabic version, Homer becomes Omar, and it was heavily modified, with alcohol and pork being removed. The Latin American version translates Homer to Homero.


  • Vlastimil Bedrna (Seasons 1-12, passed away)
  • Vlastimil Zavřel (Season 13-present)


  • Niels Ellegaard (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Norbert Gastell (1991–2015, passed away)
  • Christoph Jablonka (2015–present)


  • Reinder van der Naalt (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Markku Toikka (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Chris Van den Durpel (The Simpsons Movie)

French (France)

French (Canada)


  • Eyal Nachmias (The Simpsons Movie)




  • Tooru Oohira (Season 1-14)
  • Jouji Tokoro (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Andrzej Snarski (Season 1)
  • Paweł Burczyk (Season 2)
  • Mikołaj Klimek (Season 3)
  • Miłogost Reczek (The Simpsons Movie)

Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Waldyr Sant'anna (Seasons 1-8; Seasons 15-18)
  • Júlio Cézar Barreiros (Seasons 8-14)
  • Carlos Alberto Vasconcellos da Silva (Season 18-present)

Portuguese (Portugal)

  • José Jorge Duarte (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Boris Bystrov (Seasons 1-16; Season 19-present)
  • Oleg Forostenko (Seasons 16-17)
  • Alexander Kotov (Season 18)


  • Carlos Revilla (Seasons 1-11; Spain)
  • Carlos Ysbert (Season 12-present; Spain)
  • Humberto Vélez (Seasons 1-15, 32-present; Latin America)
  • Víctor Manuel Espinoza (Season 16-31; Latin America)


  • Per Sandborgh (Short lived Swedish dub of the Simpsons)
  • Anders Byström (The Simpsons Movie)


  • Yevhen Malukha (Season 1-present)
  • Mykola Lutsenko (The Simpsons Movie)

Behind the Laughter


Matt Groening first conceived the Simpson family in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. He had been called in to pitch a series of animated shorts, and had intended to present his Life in Hell series. When he realized that animating Life in Hell would require him to rescind publication rights for his life's work, Groening chose to go in another direction. He hurriedly sketched out his version of a dysfunctional family and named the characters after members of his own family, with Homer being named after his father. Homer then made his debut with the rest of the Simpsons clan on April 19, 1987, in the Tracey Ullman short "Good Night". He was the first character to speak in the series. Homer's middle initial "J", which was revealed to stand for "Jay",[52] was a "tribute" to Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose from Rocky and Bullwinkle, a show Matt Groening loved as a child.[126] According to Matt Groening, the whole family was designed so that they would be recognizable in silhouette.[127][128]

Homer is named after Matt Groening's late father Homer Groening. In a series of interviews in 1990, Groening reportedly stated that he named the character after the Homer Simpson in The Day of the Locust, a 1939 novel by Nathanael West according to Planet Simpson, but neither explanation is considered definitive.


Homer's voice sounds different on the shorts and Season 1 to early/mid-Season 2 of the half-hour show than the seasons that followed. Dan Castellaneta's earliest portrayal began as a loose impression of Walter Matthau, but developed into a more robust and humorous voice during late-Season 2 and Season 3, allowing Homer to convey a wider range of emotions.[129] Castellaneta changed the voice, as he could not sustain his Matthau impression for the 9-10 hour long recording sessions and had to find something easier.[130] During an interview with the cast of the show on Inside the Actors Studio, Castellaneta stated that Homer's voice was based in part on his own father who often spoke with an exuberant tone.


Main article: D'oh!

Starting in the "Punching Bag" short, the phase has now become part of the English Dictionary

He also popularized the catchphrase "Mmm...". Many examples of other "Mmm..."s are "Mmm... candy", "Mmm... pointy", or "Mmm... hug". He has used it less lately.

He also has another catchphrase: "Woo Hoo!" He says this when something goes right for him. When something goes wrong for him, he says, "D'oh!".


On May 30, 2003, Homer was made an honorary citizen of Winnipeg, Canada, in recognition of Matt Groening's father Homer Groening, who is believed to be from the Manitoba capital.[131]

Homer placed second on TV Guide's 2015 Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters, behind Bugs Bunny.[132] In 2005, Homer was listed fifth on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters, one of only four cartoon characters on that list.[133] British TV viewers voted him as the greatest TV character of all time.[134] In 2007, Entertainment Weekly placed Homer ninth on their list of the "50 Greatest TV icons".[135]

The Simpsons has been recommended for use in the teaching of sociology to modern-day college students. The journal Teaching Sociology appraised it as "particularly effective for illustrating sociological themes and encouraging critical thinking among today's undergraduates".[136] The non-academic book, The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer, includes a chapter analyzing Homer's character from the perspective of Aristotelian virtue ethics, whatever that is.

Homer was voted the greatest television character of all time by Channel 4 viewers. For voicing Homer, Castellaneta has won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance and a special-achievement Annie Award. In 2000, Homer and his family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Homer Simpson syndrome

A 5-year study of more than 2,000 middle-aged people in France found a possible link between weight and brain function, dubbed the "Homer Simpson syndrome".[137] Results from a word memory test showed that people with a BMI of 20 (considered to be a healthy level) remembered an average of nine out of sixteen words. Meanwhile, people with a BMI of 30 (inside the obese range) remembered an average of just seven out of sixteen words[137]


Golden Homer

A golden figurine of Homer from Burger King in 2007

Homer's inclusion in many Simpsons publications, toys, and other merchandise is evidence of his enduring popularity. He has played central roles in the Simpsons Comics series. The Homer Book, written about Homer's personality and attributes has been published and is commercially available. Numerous other items such as bottle openers, alarm clocks, and other merchandise are widely available for purchase.


  1. "I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T!" (SMRT means death in Czech)[138]
  2. "I promised I wouldn't eat? Never! You lie!"[139]
  3. "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try!"[140]
  4. "In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"[141]
  5. "To alcohol... the cause of and solution to all life's problems."[142]
  6. "Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?"[143]
  7. "The Internet? Is that thing still around?"[101]
  8. "I never apologize, Lisa. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am."[144]
  9. "I hope I didn't brain my damage."[145]
  10. "I won't sleep in the same bed with a woman who thinks I'm lazy! I'm going right downstairs, unfold the couch, unroll the sleeping ba--uh, goodnight."[146]
  11. "Hello, operator? Give me the number for 911."[147]
  12. "Hey! Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."[148]
  13. "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women."[149]
  14. "You had me at 'five-course', you lost me at 'romantic', and you got me back at 'dinner'."[150]
  15. "I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?"[151]
  16. "My last words will be! I CAN OUTRUN THAT LION!" [114]
  17. "OWWW!!!! OH, gee! ow! what the hell is wrong with you?!?!"


  • A character named Homer Simpson in The Day of the Locust, a 1939 novel by Nathanael West, may have been another inspiration for Homer's name.
  • His Social Security number is 568-47-0008.
  • Originally, Bart was the character the show focused on, but by Season 3 they focused more on Homer instead of him. Additionally, Homer is the star of The Simpsons Movie.
  • It is indicated that he is farsighted given that he wears reading glasses.
  • In "Today, I Am a Clown", it reveals that Homer is an animal whisperer.
  • Homer has an email address on AOL called Chunkylover53, and this email belongs in fact to Simpsons writer Matt Selman, and can be emailed to receive Homer-style replies from Matt Selman himself (However, Matt Selman may not respond to emails that were sent to him, mainly because he's doing work for the show). As it was hacked, Matt Selman made a new AOL email for Homer called If you receive an email from this email address, it is simply a reply for an email, if you sent one.
  • His blood type is either A positive[152] or AB, as displayed on his sperm donor profile, Thad Supersperm.[153]
  • In "Homer's Triple Bypass", it is implied that Homer's bloodstream has a continuous regulation of radioactivity, as Dr. Hibbert was explaining to Marge Simpson that they injected Homer with a radioactive dye to see his circulatory system from an X-ray until he learns that the nurse hadn't even injected the dye yet (resulting in Hibbert saying "Good Lord" in a shocked manner).
    • In the same episode, it was also revealed that his fat can jiggle upwards to at least an hour, as when Dr. Hibbert did a fat analysis test to see how long it would go, it became apparent that it was going for long enough to force Hibbert to cancel an upcoming 1:00 medical appointment he was supposed to attend.
  • His personality is very similar to that of Peter Griffin from Family Guy, which premiered ten years after The Simpsons began. In "Treehouse of Horror XIII", Peter Griffin appeared as one of Homer's clones. But Homer may be smarter than Peter, since in Family Guy, it is revealed that Peter is actually low intellect,
  • He has met Peter Griffin in "The Simpsons Guy", where he and Peter fought, where it seemed that Peter won in that same episode, but in the end, either of them did and they called it to just to be equal and agreed that they would be happy to coexist, as long as it was miles away from each other.
  • Homer owns the Denver Broncos, despite wanting to own the Dallas Cowboys.
  • It is believed that Homer is diabetic as mentioned in "That '90s Show". However, if this was true, Homer would most likely be dead because he has never been seen taking insulin and the amount of food that Homer eats would just ensure that he would already be dead by the point the episode was shown.
  • In "Fear of Flying", it is shown his favorite song (at the time) was "It's Raining Men".
  • Homer has temporarily died twice outside of Treehouse of Horror episodes. As shown in "Homer's Triple Bypass", when he died of a heart attack, but was revived when Mr. Burns mentioned a ham. And again in "Million Dollar Maybe", when he was trying to calm himself down after stressing about being rich and not being able to tell Marge, but was revived when he realized he was dead and made a desperate attempt to return to his body. He dies the most times (now 20) in the Treehouse of Horror segments, but they are non-canon.
  • According to "The Blunder Years", his constant eating was a direct result of his trauma from finding Waylon Smithers, Sr.'s corpse.
  • Homer was originally supposed to have an illegitimate, long-lost daughter in the episode that would have become Insane Clown Poppy, but the writers decided to change it to having Krusty have the long-lost illegitimate daughter instead of in order to not make the plot too far-fetched for it to be canon.
  • He looks like his father when he is dehydrated.[154]
  • On one episode of Jeopardy!, there was a category called "Readings From Homer" in which Homer's voice provided the clues.
  • Homer weighs 313.05641230253 lbs.
  • In all Simpsons video games where you can play as multiple characters, Homer is always the first unlocked character.
  • In "Trilogy of Error", Homer had his thumb cut off. However, it was sutured by one of Fat Tony's helpers as Lisa's Science Fair Project.
  • Homer's sideburns and ear used to say M and G, respectively, for Matt Groening. They decided to keep the "M", but Groening wanted Homer's ear to look like a real ear.
  • Homer only has an IQ of 55. It was revealed in "HOMЯ" that the reason Homer's IQ is so low is because he had a crayon lodged in his brain since he was six. Upon removal of the crayon, his IQ jumped from 55 to 105.
    • In "Frink Gets Testy", everyone thought Homer's IQ is 265, but that was due to a test mix-up between his IQ test and Bart's because Homer has terrible handwriting.
  • In one of the segments in the Treehouse of Horror series, which is Season 34, Homer is shown to be a drunk person in Death Tome.
  • Homer shares his middle initial J with Philip J. Fry from Futurama, Matt Groening's second successful show, but unlike Homer, whose initial actually means Jay, Fry's was never defined. Homer only found out what his middle name was when he went to his mother's old gypsy camp, and found a mural/ painting of him as a boy, and above it was his full name.
  • He is one of the three Simpson family members to break a leg in the series and have the injury last through the majority of the episode,[155] the others being Marge[156] and Bart[157].
  • Throughout the series, Homer has shown to be highly patriotic. He has also displayed a small form of nationalism by insulting other countries, making fun of their culture and its people, as well as putting his country ahead of all others.
  • In "Rednecks and Broomsticks", Homer has shown to have a strong sense of taste by being able to taste moonshine inside the town's water reservoir. His taste buds could, to some extent, be compared to that of a wine taster.
  • Homer starts out as an anti-hero in The Simpsons Movie when he makes Springfield the most polluted city in the history of the planet. However, he later has an epiphany when he realizes that other people are just as important as him and saves everyone from being blown up by Russ Cargill.
    • Also in The Simpsons Movie, Homer is hinted to be an atheist when he complains while going into church saying "Everyone's busy talking to their phony-baloney God!". However, in other episodes, he shows belief in God.
  • In "Marge vs. the Monorail", the news shows a picture of Homer with what appears to be a mouthful of unlit cigarettes. This joke was recreated several years later as a meme for the game Team Fortress 2 with the Spy class doing the same thing, only the cigarettes are lit.
  • There was a temporary belief among fans that Homer has a disorder called Intermittent Explosive Disorder where the sufferer overreacts when angered resulting in violent outbursts and property damage.
  • According to "Super Franchise Me", Homer calls Ned's quotes, such as "diddly", "Flanderisms".
  • Despite his low intelligence, there have been a few times where he is able to show higher intelligence. These include accurately predicting the outcome of the comet in "Bart's Comet", accurately assuming the cause of the smoke inside a fireproof safe then guessing its eventual explosion in "Homerazzi", and being capable of describing the difference between envy and jealousy which caused Lisa to look in a dictionary and confirm his description in "Covercraft". He also, when hearing of the term "think tank", imagines think tank as the word was intended rather than a literal and inaccurate definition in E. Pluribus Wiggum, with him also telling his shocked family "Hey, I can't get one right?" afterwards to highlight it.
  • Homer is unintentionally responsible for Maude Flanders' death.
  • He is the only main Simpson family member who doesn't have anything colored red in his everyday clothes, unlike Marge (her pearls), Bart (his t-shirt), Lisa (her dress and sandals), and Maggie (her pacifier).
Homer license

A screenshot of Homer's license from Duffless

  • Details from Homer's license indicate that he holds a class C license and has no hair.
  • It is also true that he has a tattoo on his back which says "Marge madness", as seen in "Waiting for Duffman".
  • Homer was IGN's number one 90s cartoon character.
  • It has been shown multiple times that Homer has Arachnophobia, which is a fear of arachnids (mainly spiders). This is considered true in "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily", where he panics when a spider appears next to his keys. It also happened in "Treehouse of Horror XXII", where he panics when he realizes that the spider Halloween decoration was a real black widow spider, and panics again when a second spider appears later, and in "Mobile Homer" where he becomes unsettled by the sight of a spider when he was asked by Marge to kill the spiders in the garage and gets into a frenzy when more spiders attack him. This has happened in more episodes than the mentioned three.
  • Homer is right-handed, unlike most other characters, such as Bart and Ned.
  • He has a subscription for Mad Magazine[158], and considers it to be "our nation's largest mental illness-themed humor magazine".[154]
  • Homer has had multiple tattoos in the show but these are mostly shown as gags.
    • In "Cape Feare", Bart somehow managed to tattoo the words "Wide Load" above his buttocks.
    • In "'Round Springfield", he revealed to Lisa that he has a tattoo on his arm, but is dismayed when he realized that the tattoo was of "Starland Vocal Band".
    • In "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution", he starts panicking when his pants start tearing because he fears people will see his tattoo of "Donald Duck smoking a doob".
    • In "Waiting for Duffman", he is shown to have a tattoo on his back which says "Marge madness".
  • Homer is the only member of the main Simpsons family (excluding Grandpa and Santa's Little Helper) to have a male voice actor: Dan Castellaneta.
  • Homer's tattoo reading "Marge madness" is a reference to the phrase "March Madness". Which was a brand name for the "NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament". The term "March Madness" came from the idiomatic phrase "(As) mad as a March hare", which was based on the amorousness of male hares during mating season.
  • Homer is unable to pronounce 'Oprah'.
  • Homer is the only member of the Simpson family to both appear and have a speaking role in every episode. Marge has no lines in "Krusty Gets Kancelled", Lisa has no lines in "Chief of Hearts" and "Moho House" and is completely absent in "Carl Carlson Rides Again", Bart has no lines in "My Fare Lady" and "The Incredible Lightness of Being a Baby" and is completely absent in "Four Great Women and a Manicure", and Maggie is absent from multiple episodes. "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" is the only episode that Homer does not physically appear in. He also does have loads of cameos and a couple of lines in "Little Girl in the Big Ten".

See also


  1. Treehouse of Horror IV (Bart Simpson's Dracula)
  2. Bart's Inner Child
  3. Cape Feare
  4. The Serfsons
  5. Some Enchanted Evening
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 "Duffless"
  7. Homer to the Max
  8. Million Dollar Abie
  9. The Dad Who Knew Too Little
  10. Colonel Homer
  11. The Way We Weren't
  12. Dancin' Homer
  13. They Saved Lisa's Brain
  14. Homer the Smithers
  15. There's Something About Marrying
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 "The Homer They Fall"
  17. Donnie Fatso
  18. Homer Scissorhands
  19. In Marge We Trust
  20. Duffless
  21. What to Expect When Bart's Expecting
  22. The Simpsons: Tapped Out
  23. Marge Gets a Job
  24. New Kid on the Block
  25. Lisa's First Word
  26. Selma's Choice
  27. Tapped Out - Career Aspirations Pt. 4
  28. Tapped Out - Career Aspirations Pt. 5
  29. Tapped Out - Start The Mutant Army of Dr. Hibbert Pt. 1
  30. Last Exit to Springfield
  31. The Simpsons: Tapped Out - The Price of Donuts Pt. 4
  32. I've Been Robbed/Appearances
  33. Homer's Barbershop Quartet
  34. Cape Feare
  35. Marge on the Lam
  36. Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood
  37. $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
  38. Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass
  39. Homer's Crossing
  40. "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
  41. "The Regina Monologues"
  42. "Goo Goo Gai Pan"
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 I Married Marge
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy"
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 "The Way We Weren't"
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 "The Way We Was"
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 "The Front"
  48. 48.0 48.1 "The Star of the Backstage"
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 "That '90s Show"
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 "Mother Simpson"
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 "Mothers and Other Strangers"
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 "D'oh-in' in the Wind"
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 "Gone Abie Gone"
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 "To Cur, with Love"
  55. "The Blunder Years"
  56. 56.0 56.1 "Mr. Plow"
  57. "She Used to Be My Girl"
  58. "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life"
  59. 59.0 59.1 "Lisa's First Word"
  60. 60.0 60.1 "Homer's Barbershop Quartet"
  61. "And Maggie Makes Three"
  62. "Homer Scissorhands"
  63. "Homer's Odyssey"
  64. "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
  65. 65.0 65.1 "Wedding for Disaster"
  66. "The Great Money Caper"
  67. The Simpsons Movie
  68. Krusty Gets Busted
  69. The Fat and the Furriest
  70. 70.0 70.1 "I Am Furious (Yellow)"
  71. "Bart on the Road"
  72. "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)"
  73. "Bart the Lover"
  74. "Lisa the Beauty Queen"
  75. "Rosebud"
  76. "Radio Bart"
  77. 77.0 77.1 "A Milhouse Divided"
  78. "All's Fair in Oven War"
  79. 79.0 79.1 "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind"
  80. "HOMЯ"
  81. "E. Pluribus Wiggum"
  82. "Kill the Alligator and Run"
  83. "No Loan Again, Naturally"
  84. "Opposites A-Frack"
  85. "Burns, Baby Burns"
  86. "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
  87. The Simpsons Game
  88. 88.0 88.1 "The Last Temptation of Homer"
  89. "Homer's Triple Bypass"
  90. "Homerpalooza"
  91. "Homer the Heretic"
  92. Thank God It's Doomsday
  93. "Simple Simpson"
  94. "Homer the Moe"
  95. "Take My Wife, Sleaze"
  96. "A Star is Torn"
  97. 97.0 97.1 "The Homer of Seville"
  98. "Dark Knight Court"
  99. "Simpson Tide"
  100. Gal of Constant Sorrow
  101. 101.0 101.1 "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo"
  103. "I'm with Cupid"
  104. "The Old Man and the Lisa"
  105. "The Otto Show"
  106. "Bart Gets an "F""
  107. "Regarding Margie"
  108. "Life on the Fast Lane"
  109. "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy"
  110. "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace"
  111. "We're On the Road to D'oh-where"
  112. Groening, Matthew Abram (1997). The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family. Harper Perennial.
  113. Shown in a flashback scene in a Simpsons comic. [More specific citation needed.]
  114. "Papa Don't Leech"
  115. "Viva Ned Flanders"
  116. "Brawl in the Family"
  117. "Future-Drama"
  118. "Lisa's Wedding" originally aired in 1995, and the predicted future is set in 2010.
  119. "Lisa's Wedding"
  120. "Flanders' Ladder"
  121. "Days of Future Future"
  122. "The Front" originally aired in 1993, and the flashforward is set in 2024.
  123. "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie"
  124. "The Kid is All Right" originally aired in 2013 and the flashforward is set in 2056.
  125. "The Kid is All Right"
  126. J is for Jay. BBC. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
  127. Groening, Matt; Al Jean, Mike Reiss. (2001). The Simpsons season 1 DVD commentary for the episode "There's No Disgrace Like Home" [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  128. Groening, Matt; James L. Brooks, David Silverman. (2001). The Simpsons season 1 DVD commentary for the episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  129. Brownfield, Paul. "He's Homer, but This Odyssey Is His Own", Los Angeles Times,. 
  130. Larry Carroll. "'Simpsons' Trivia, From Swearing Lisa To 'Burns-Sexual' Smithers", MTV,. Retrieved on 2007-07-29. 
  131. Romaniuk, Ross. "Is Homer Simpson Canadian?". Winnipeg Sun. May 30, 2003.
  132. "TV Guide's 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time", CNN,. Retrieved on 2007-08-25. 
  133. The 100 Greatest TV Characters. Bravo. Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  134. 100 Greatest TV characters
  135. "The 50 Greatest TV Icons", Entertainment Weekly{{{date}}}. Retrieved on 2007-11-15. 
  136. Scanlan, Stephen J. and Seth L. Feinberg. "The Cartoon Society: Using"The Simpsons" to Teach and Learn Sociology." Teaching Sociology Volume 28, #2. p. 127-139. April 2002.
  137. 137.0 137.1 "Obese people lose IQ through 'Homer Simpson effect'", Thisislondon,. Retrieved on 2019-12-13. 
  138. "Homer Goes to College"
  139. "The War of the Simpsons"
  140. "Burns' Heir"
  141. "The PTA Disbands"
  142. "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment"
  143. "Marge vs. the Monorail"
  144. "Trash of the Titans"
  145. "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)"
  146. "Marge Gets a Job"
  147. "Bart vs. Thanksgiving"
  148. "Lisa's Substitute"
  149. "Lisa's Rival"
  150. "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?"
  151. "Crook and Ladder"
  152. "Blood Feud"
  153. "Adventures in Baby-Getting"
  154. 154.0 154.1 "New Kids On The Blecch"
  155. "Children of a Lesser Clod"
  156. "Little Big Mom"
  157. "Bart of Darkness"
  158. "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson"
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