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Well, I wish you wouldn't. Because, aside from the fact that he has the same frailties as all human beings, he's the only father I have. Therefore, he is my model of manhood, and my estimation of him will govern the prospects of my adult relationships. So I hope you bear in mind that any knock at him is a knock at me. And I am far too young to defend myself against such onslaughts.
~ Lisa Simpson to her aunt Patty about Homer Simpson.[src]
~ Lisa's first word[src]
If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room.
~ Lisa's "catchphrase"[src]
Quit it, Bart!
~ Lisa's catchphrase
~ Lisa's catchphrase
~ Lisa's second word[src]
David Hasselhoff.
~ Lisa's third words[src]
~ Lisa's fourth word[src]
Having never received encouragement, I'm not sure how it should sound, but here goes: I believe in you.
~ Lisa to Bart[src]
Shut up, Meg.
~ Lisa to Meg Griffin[src]
The truth must be told.
~ Lisa Simpson[src]
I hope these are recyclable.
~ Lisa Simpson[src]
Yeah, Bart!
~ Lisa's original catchphrase[src]

Lisa Marie Simpson is the elder daughter and middle child of the Simpson family and one of the two tritagonists (along with Marge,) of The Simpsons. She was named after a train called Lil' Lisa on her parents' 1st anniversary.[16] In "Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words", she called herself Lisa Bouvier after estranging herself from her father after he bet against her in a crossword tournament.

Lisa Simpson is a charismatic 8-year-old girl who made her debut on December 17, 1989, from Season 1 through Season 3, Episode 1 (September 19, 1991) when she turns 8 years old for the duration of the series. From Season 3 onwards she is an 8-year-old girl who exceeds the standard achievement of the intelligence level of children her age. Not to everyone's surprise, she is also the moral center of her family. In her upbringing, Lisa lacks parental involvement of Homer and Marge, which leads to hobbies such as playing saxophone and guitar, riding and caring for horses, and interest in advanced studies. In school, Lisa's popularity is affected by those who view her as a geeky overachiever, which leaves her with only a few friends. She focuses on her goals and strives to reach her potential, and at the age of eight, she is already a member of Mensa with an IQ of 159. Her lack of parental involvement also leads to her lashing out at those who she deems lower than her or even above her. She has extreme jealousy from time to time and will do whatever it takes to reclaim her title as the smartest; but only if she deems it necessary. Otherwise, she's the intelligent and rational one who usually thinks things through.

She is voiced by Yeardley Smith.


Young Lisa

Younger Lisa

In one episode, Lisa was conceived in 1983 and born either during the 1984 Summer Olympics or the day the "Where's the beef?" debate between Walter Mondale and Gary Hart was reported in the newspapers.[17] Later on however, Lisa and her older brother Bart were unfamiliar with 1990s culture.[18][19][20] Bart said he was 2 years and 38 days older than Lisa.[21]

Lisa is quite eclectic in her knowledge and is notably more concerned with world affairs and problems than her cohorts, which has led her to alienate herself from her peers. Lisa also deeply values her integrity, sometimes at the expense of others' needs and happiness, as demonstrated when she cheats on a test in The Wind in the Willows to attain her highest grade of A-plus, but later admits her dishonesty to an unreceptive Principal Seymour Skinner despite the fact that such a grade allowed the school to gain the extra income it 'desperately' needs. (She later regrades the test as an F.[22]) Also, Lisa was willing to tell everyone about Bart faking his own kidnapping to go to a rap concert (despite the fact that absolutely everybody involved in the case was better off) just because she could.

Despite her intellect, Lisa has received detention, like her brother Bart, quite a number of times, often because of her rebellious and sometimes bitter attitude and antisocial behavior that is capable of deeply embarrassing authority figures. Although her rebellion against social norms is usually constructive, Lisa can be crazy, cruel, and rebellious at times. When she believes herself to be right, she won't admit that others could be as well and will often force her beliefs onto people. Notably, her increasing sense of moral righteousness regarding her vegetarianism leads her to proselytize, culminating in her spiteful disruption of a "meat-based" barbecue prepared by Homer (an act she comes to rue).[23] At times, Lisa appears to resist certain situations merely for the sake of resisting them, not because of any genuine ideological opposition. She appears to enjoy breaking the norm for its own sake; at one time, she triumphantly declares that she, a girl, would like to join the football team. When it is revealed that there are already girls on the team, she declares her distaste for a sport that would use a pig's skin to make its ball. When it is revealed that the ball is actually synthetic and the proceeds of buying it go in part to charity, she is at a loss for words and runs off visibly upset.[24] She also seems to dislike having her intellect challenged, which is evident on occasions such as when she was temporarily promoted to the third grade or when Miss Hoover gave her a B+ on her final grade for conduct and actually caused her physical harm because of it. Lisa's first word was Bart.

Despite her high IQ, cuteness, and beauty, Lisa does have typical childhood issues, sometimes requiring adult intervention. She once tricked Homer into allowing her to ride the bus alone, only to become hopelessly lost when she mistakenly took a wrong bus. After his coworkers Lenny and Carl point out that he allowed his young daughter to ride a bus by herself, Homer comes to her rescue.[25] Lisa has a Jewish imaginary friend named Rachel Cohen who "just got into Brandeis University." Even with a high intellect, Lisa displays personality traits typical for her age, including obsessing over getting a pony, being addicted to TV, and fighting with Bart. Lisa once got addicted to secondhand smoke to maintain an impressive level of ballet competence; Homer tries to prevent the addiction unsuccessfully, and in the end, Lisa overcomes the addiction herself through means of "Hello Kitty" nicotine patches.[26] She also displays a surprising amount of skill in driving, especially for her age, sometimes even taking the wheel whenever Homer ended up distracted from driving.[27]

In "The Girl Who Slept Too Little", she struggled with nightmares after a cemetery was moved next to the Simpsons' house. She overcame her fear after spending a night in the cemetery and realized that it was acceptable to suffer from fear despite her intelligence. It was revealed in this episode that Lisa largely had to raise herself due to Homer and Marge dealing with Bart's antics thus ensuring a lack of nurturing for her. Lisa has been known in earlier seasons to have a bit of a sassy attitude.

Lisa is a heavy supporter of animal rights and often tries to prevent any kind of animal abuse/testing she learns of. However, most likely because of her young age, she typically sides with cuter animals that are often seen as harmless and innocent, such as bunnies and whales. It wasn't until "The Squirt and the Whale" where Lisa realized other activists were right in that "Being a true eco-activist means supporting every animals struggle for life." She finally accepted that she could not support one side if it meant damage to the other side.

Like Bart and most siblings in families, Lisa has been known to tease Bart herself, examples such as crushes Bart has developed, or advice on writing to someone (in this one case, his teacher), even just plain sassing him for attention. Deep down inside, Lisa loves her brother deeply.


Lisa with normal hair

Lisa with a normal haircut in "22 Short Films About Springfield"

Lisa has yellow skin, blue eyes (although the pupils look like 2 black dots just like the other characters), and a blonde "starfish" hairstyle that is styled into eight points and matches the color of her skin. She doesn't have any visible hairline. She's usually seen wearing a short, strapless red-orange dress with a zigzag hem, matching red-orange Mary-Jane shoes, and a white pearl necklace (given to her by Marge). She's 4'2" tall.[28]

She has had two different outfits for church and family outings: a magenta long-sleeved dress with a ruffled collar and magenta pumps for church and a baby pink short-sleeved tutu dress with a darker pink belt, dark pink collar, and pink Mary-Jane shoes; and she occasionally wears a matching wide-brimmed hat. At night, she dresses in a turquoise nightgown with a frilly white collar and matching cuffs, as well as turquoise slippers; and in "Podcast News", she wears lilac footie pajamas with gray pads on the bottom of the feet. When Lisa swims, she wears a magenta or red swimsuit.

Her hair has been styled out of its star shape a few times, such as in 4 episodes "The President Wore Pearls", "22 Short Films About Springfield", "Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles", and "The Last Traction Hero". It's also shown to be about chin or sometimes shoulder length. In future appearances as an adult and teenager, her hair "points" are usually worn in a styled-back fashion, usually in a curled/feathered style as a teen/young adult and a straighter style when she’s in her mid 20s and older.

Lisa inherited her father's chubby fingers, which somewhat affects her dexterity. While she doesn’t not appear overweight, she seems to be self-conscious about her body, with "Sleeping With The Enemy" having kids at school make fun of her for supposedly having a big butt.


Hockey Lisa

Female hero

Lisa is an innovative, insightful, a sometimes girly, cute, slightly shy, sometimes sassy, and extremely intelligent girl, far exceeding the standards of a second grader especially in Springfield. Part of her intelligence is due to being so dissociated from her idiotic father whilst growing up and it was strongly implied that her brains were a result of her grandmother; Homer could never keep up with his daughter's startling intelligence due to his slow wit and stupidly, his laziness and their contradicting vices and opinions caused a strained relationship and she practically grew up without a father figure, specifically not a model one (although Homer probably wouldn't have been much help even if he was involved in Lisa's life). As intelligent as she is, her family never encouraged her gifts, and her school lacked the resources to blossom her IQ further but overall, Lisa has the most promising future. Since she was a baby, Lisa has displayed intellectual independence from changing her own diapers and solving mathematical solutions when she was only an infant. She could be classified as a child prodigy.

Her overall role in the Simpson family is depicted as the voice of reason. Despite her young age, Lisa is a good girl and has a strong sense of right, wrong, and morality; and she is always there to contradict Homer, Bart and on one occasion Marge whenever they do something reckless, idiotic or illegal, doing her very best to sway them to the path of the righteous due to fearing greatly for her father and brother's immortal soul but her standing as an outsider in her own family cause her to be ignored despite her best intentions. In an argument, Lisa's ethical and logical viewpoint almost always gives her the moral high ground, her family also realizes that Lisa is usually right whenever they do something immoral but Homer's tendency to ignore her, uses the excuse of age to send her to her room when they realize that they are in the wrong. In earlier seasons, however, Lisa has been depicted as intelligent yet not as mature due to her squabbling and physical fights with Bart, but she has developed into a more practical being yet her young age also makes her sense of right and wrong slightly malleable at times as she has shown to engage in childish and reckless behavior, proving herself to be like any other Simpson but more grounded and mature. Despite her above-average intelligence, she displays tendencies average for kids her age, such as obsessing over celebrities and playing with dolls.

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Lisa the vegetarian

Despite her young age, Lisa is extremely passionate about ideologies and other social movements. She has been shown to support PETA (although she has eaten eggs and dairy) and the Free Tibet movement, is highly against animal cruelty and has adopted a diet of vegetarianism from Season 7; she would later on become a full-on vegan, though this has shown to be more of an occasional feature rather than a permanent one. She encourages the idea of feminism, women's rights, and the crusade against objectification and stereotypes of women. Lisa's role models and ideals are based on Mohandas Gandhi's enforcement of nonviolent pacifism and Emmeline Pankhurst.

While her social movements are generally considered to be heroic, Lisa's reasoning is not solely to make the world a better place. A life of being shunned and ignored by her family has developed attention-seeking traits and a desire to be heard, once going to a dig site solely for the basis to complain about it, an area where she is usually ignored further. She used to force her beliefs on others due to a sense of self-righteousness and moral superiority, specifically her vegetarianism, but Apu also taught her a degree of tolerance for others' beliefs. Lisa is against ignorance on others' behalf, believing the truth is the truth and is unable to be dissuaded no matter what it was, which she learned from Marge. Without anyone else caring she continued to pester that the town founder, Jebediah Springfield was in actuality a murderous pirate and only refrained herself from revealing the truth when she realized how it brought the town together.

At her school, Lisa is considered to be a nerd because of her bookish and quiet nature. A teacher's pet and proud of it, she's depicted as an introvert with few friends and those she does have are as much as a nerd as she is. Her lack of popularity is generally purposeful yet her lack of social skills and different hobbies to what is considered fun to the rest of the girls leads her to want more friends. On one example she changed her personality to fit a more rebellious nature like Bart and actually gained an entourage of friends at the Flanders beach house but when her true academic nature was revealed, they continued to befriend her due to viewing her as a kind, gentle person rather than just a nerd. Lisa has had a few boyfriends, though all of them were brief, despite her status as a geek such as Nelson Muntz, Ralph Wiggum and Colin.


Lisa breathing in the smoke

Lisa Nictone Patches

Lisa's nicotine patches

Extremely nonathletic, she fails at sports completely, and her liberal stance and high intelligence gives her little bonding ground with her peers and Homer who is also passionate about sports and connects with Bart more for this reason. Lisa is so weak that she could barely through a piece of paper into a rubbish can that was one away. However, she also displayed an uncharacteristic level of hand-eye coordination when she caught an incoming hockey puck from Apu and proved herself to be an extreme hockey player when she was a goalie. This non-athleticness is further shown when she joins a ballet team where the other members of the team have a smoking addiction. Initially, Lisa denounces them, claiming to not be allowed to smoke. She then begins to inhale second-hand smoke, before eventually becoming addicted to cigarettes. The episode ends with her addicted to nicotine. Even showing her nicotine patches in the last few seconds. This implies that she never actually got help with her addiction and continues to be an addict. However, most likely, as it is never further mentioned, that she is still addicted. The nicotine patches were never shown again.

Similar to Bart, Lisa's high academic intelligence and her desire to go far in life is greatly driven by her future goals. Bart never focused on his book work as he and basically everyone else knew that he would amount to very little when he grew up whereas this is the opposite for Lisa who saw the potential in her life to achieve fantastic goals. When her career aptitude test came back that she would likely become a housewife when she grew up and her music teacher told her she could never achieve her dream of a jazz musician on account of "stubby fingers", crushed her dreams. After this, the quality of Lisa's work and behavior declined drastically as Bart's improved exponentially after his career aptitude came back that he would become a police officer, such as refusing to go to band practice, encouraging the bad girls to deface Skinner's puma statue and being rude to her teachers. She went as far to steal everybody's Teacher's Editions, a line that even Bart Simpson would not cross. Lisa would have undoubtedly become an even worse rebel than that of her brother if Bart hadn't taken the blame for her crime. That said the prospect of a dull future also encourages Lisa to study further rather than immediately omit defeat as she did her very best to not become a housewife like Marge when their paths became very similar.

Overall, though, Lisa's tendency to lash out towards her family is based on the beliefs that they don't understand her rather than actual spite. This proves to be true as jazz is the only thing that expresses her inner thoughts and how she is feeling whilst her family only silence her creativity further due to their great annoyance with her saxophone. She often embraces relationships with other paternal figures that encourage her to embrace her passions to fill the void that her real lazy and uninterested father left. When she became depressed in the second season and none of her family seemed to understand the reason behind this, opened up more to the troubled jazz musician, Bleeding Gums Murphy who told her to sing what she felt helped her emotional state greatly. She became deeply close to her substitute teacher, Mister Bergstrom, who again noticed and encouraged her intelligence to blossom. Over time, Lisa, although embarrassed by her family, is no longer ashamed to be a Simpson.

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One of her negative traits would be her penchant for narcissism. In one of her daydreams, she envisioned herself as bringing about world peace and being revered by world-famous scientists, chanting in her presence "we're not worthy". She prides herself on her intelligence and integrity but if her ego is at risk, displays a willingness to breach her morals such as sabotaging her rival Alison's diorama at the school fair, humiliating her in front of her peers. Even so, Lisa's conscience is too strong to commit an unethical act and not punish herself such as giving herself an F for her test which she cheated in and apologizing to Alison for her act of sabotage.

She's one of the few characters in Springfield who doesn't have a signature trademark or catchphrase, shown specifically at the end of "Bart Gets Famous" when Marge, Bart, Homer, Nelson, Ned Flanders, Mr. Burns, and Barney all do their trademark catchphrases, waiting for her to do anything, Lisa dryly replies "if anyone needs me, I'll be in my room", leading Homer to ask, "What kind of catchphrase is that?"



It's mentioned that Lisa has an IQ of 159.[29] She's a high-ranking member of Mensa Springfield as well as being the youngest member. Lisa demonstrates an early intelligence by changing her own diaper as an infant and knowing advanced words to describe things. Because she is aware of how smart she is, Lisa often voices her disapproval of not being in a better school that could nurture her gifts and provide a better future for her.

Lisa's intelligence lends itself to many of the situations the family faces, be it financial or chaotic shenanigans. Like the rest of her paternal family, she can pick up a new language fairly quickly, she was able to learn fluent Italian from Milhouse in a fairly short amount of time.

Unfortunately, Lisa has a tendency to act in a know-it-all manner which can make her somewhat smug at times and tries to push her knowledge/personal beliefs onto others. Another downside of her intellect is assuming things will work out how she hopes/daydreams, such as believing a romantic relationship will turn out happily after making her own assumptions or thinking her projects and schoolwork will automatically be the top rank of the class. Because of this, if she receives any grade under an A/A+ she will often spiral into a frenzy wondering why she did not score higher and/or will judge others around her if they happen to score better than her or accuse the person who graded/judged her of not understanding her work properly or playing favorites. Because she is usually one of, if not the, top students in the school, she is used to being the best academically and often cannot stand or feels threatened when someone is able to rival her. When this happens, Lisa will often push herself to great lengths and stress to maintain her status as the top student, even going so far as to sabotage others' work so she will stay number one.


Lisa's political convictions are generally leftist and rather liberal. She is a vegetarian and a supporter of the Free Tibet movement. Lisa yells "Free Tibet!" after winning the school spelling bee. An "End Apartheid" poster can be seen in her bedroom in episodes from the early 1990s. She, like her mother, supported Democrat Mary Bailey over Right-Winged Mr. Burns; the duo revealed that Mr. Burns was a liar and Mary Bailey wins in a landslide, the only known supporters being Waylon Smithers, Bart, and Homer. While still supportive of the Christian church she was raised in, Lisa is now a practicing Buddhist following her decision to follow the Noble Eightfold Path.[30] Though apparently not an adherent, she mentions that she considers Wicca "very empowering".[31] She also appears to be a big believer in science, even stating in one episode when she was scared of the graveyard outside her bedroom, that she only believed in science. Lisa is also a big believer of women's rights and has called herself a feminist.


When the family had taken a trip to a young children's fairytale land and visited the petting zoo, Lisa became so enamored with a highly adorable lamb that she became a devout vegetarian that same night. Because of her sudden change, she struggled with the change at first and nearly reverted back to eating meat after a few days but received support from Paul McCartney to stay a vegetarian. Coupled with her goal of ending animal cruelty, Lisa firmly sticks to the vegetarian lifestyle, but it did present drawbacks when she began suffering low iron levels and is implied to have been eating meat in her sleep. Despite going vegetarian for good intentions, this decision is not very accepted by her family, most notably Marge who had admitted to Becky that she slips meat juices into Lisa's food and was the first to blame the vegetarian diet for Lisa's iron deficiency.


Lisa playing the Sax
Lisa playing the Sax

Lisa's musical abilities are extensive, she sings with a powerful voice (she once entered a singing competition and won) and has been seen playing the acoustic six-string,[32] electric bass guitar, accordion and piano proficiently. But her great love is playing jazz on her baritone saxophone. Her musical inclinations were nurtured by her relationship with the late jazz musician Bleeding Gums Murphy. She most likely inherited her musical ability from Homer, who is also musically inclined. She can also play the trumpet in some intros as well as violin, tuba, and French horn.

Similar to her academics, Lisa sees herself as the top musician in the school. She often tries to get others interested in jazz music but is often turned down. While she is often welcoming of new sax players to the school band, she will become jealous and cold when discovering they are better than her.


As the middle child and brainy student, Lisa often shows jealousy and anger when she does not receive enough attention from her parents or the school faculty. Because Bart and Maggie often draw more of their parents' attention and she is well behaved and more mature than her siblings, Lisa usually does not get much of their one-on-one attention and this has been one of her greater jealousy points.

Other areas she becomes jealous of are school and music. Because Lisa takes great pride in being the best when it comes to schoolwork and playing the sax, she usually becomes incredibly competitive and angry if a rival is able to match or outdo her in areas that she excels in despite many claims of needing a challenge or someone to relate to with the same issues. As she is not used to being the second best, her jealousy can at times make her act out in troublesome ways.

Independent Learning

She is fluent in Italian (learned from Milhouse Van Houten before going to Italy), as well as some French and German verbs (with the help of a German verb wheel[33]), as well as Spanish. In "The Great Simpsina" she studied under the great Raymondo to become a skilled magician.

Life as a student

Lisa attends Springfield Elementary School alongside students such as Bart Simpson and Milhouse Van Houten, and alongside other gifted pupils, like Martin Prince and Database, she is one of the most academically advanced students at the school, and is often praised by staff members for her achievements yet at the same time is so successful that her accomplishments no longer surprise or inspire anyone. She is normally well-behaved; however, despite this, she has received detention a few times: Elizabeth Hoover in Sorry Not Sorry, from Dewey Largo and an unnamed teacher (in "Grift of the Magi" and "Lisa's Date with Density", respectively).

Criminal record

Despite her stance as a good-natured girl, Lisa has indeed committed some crimes.




Lisa has a somewhat labored relationship with Homer. Like many others, Lisa knows Homer and his behavior well. She can often tell when he has ulterior motives or is doing something that will mainly benefit himself. She has expressed hurt when he does not show genuine interest in spending time with either herself, her siblings, or Marge, and is very concerned about how much fatty food he eats and his high consumption of alcohol. During the times they are able to truly connect, Lisa and Homer work well together and stick up for one another. Even knowing Homer's flaws, Lisa does love Homer.


Lisa and her mother Marge generally get along well, with both being logical and wise women to a more impulsive and short-tempered man (Bart and Homer, respectively), although there have been moments of friction between the two. When Lisa decides to become a vegetarian, Marge, along with the rest of the family, makes fun of her by, unintentionally, participating in a conga line with Bart and Homer chanting, "You don't make friends with salad!" During the moments when Lisa had several permanent changes, such as religion and vegetarianism, Lisa found Marge to be one of the those she received less support from as her mother firmly believes she is just going through phases.

Similar to Homer, Lisa knows Marge very well and how she tends to act or think during certain moments. However, she does respect and admire Marge far more than most others but has admitted that she does not want her own life to turn out like Marge's; being that Marge had an incredibly bright future before her but became a housewife in the end.



Bart and Lisa


Bart and Lisa meeting for the first time.

Being siblings, Lisa and Bart constantly get into brawls, one time after Bart destroys Lisa's centerpiece for Thanksgiving.[34] The two once competed against each other in hockey and tried to win over Homer's love.[35] However, the two have teamed up together many times, and they genuinely love each other. This is shown when the two were placed in the third grade in the same class (Lisa was moved up from Second Grade and Bart was moved down). The two got lost in a field trip in Capital City, forcing them to work together to survive.[36] When Milhouse temporarily left Springfield, Bart spent more time with Lisa and the two developed a stronger bond.[37] When Milhouse returned, Bart tried to keep their new bond intact by promising to do her chores and giving her a hug. In one episode, Lisa almost tells two college girls that she thinks Bart is cute but takes back the statement after remembering that she is talking about her brother. While Bart and Lisa have had their share of rivalry, Lisa has been shown to be less than a good sister to him on several occasions, such as boasting about how she and Maggie have a sisterly bond that Bart will never have (due to not having a brother of his own),[38] leaving him in a chasm instead when he needed medical attention after the bullies chased him,[39] treating Bart poorly at the school's medieval festival and blaming him for a prank he didn't commit,[40] and kicking him down twice in Season 21.[41][42] Despite treating Bart poorly on several occasions, she has shown several times that she really does care about him and his well-being.[43] She often gives Bart advice when he needs it and will help him with any situation he's put in.[44][45][46] Also, as a baby, her first word was "Bart" after hearing it so many times.

A common phrase their relationship is described as is "They are each other's worst enemy, but greatest ally".


As Lisa's baby sister, the former undoubtedly cherishes Maggie and is usually seen getting along fine with her, such as in "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?", where they play dress-up in the dark together during the snowstorm, and even mocks Bart for not being able to enjoy such sisterly activities. However, in "Smart and Smarter", Lisa becomes jealous when Maggie is crowned as the smartest person in the Simpson family, and even has a dream of her and Maggie as adults and ends up killing the latter in the dream. Lisa then decides to run away from home in order to not let Maggie's intellect outshine hers, although by the end of the episode, when it's revealed that Lisa was only helping Maggie pass the tests she was given by telling her the answers from the sidelines. The sisters are able to rekindle their relationship without any long-lasting damage to it.

Romantic Interests

Throughout the series Lisa has had a few different crushes and even a couple of brief relationships on rare occasions, though all of them were only temporary. As is typical of her age, they are rather simple and childlike, brief, and somewhat infrequent.


Lisa had a dream crush on a celebrity from local teen magazines named Corey Masterson, mostly in the earlier seasons.

Langdon Alger

Lisa admitted to Homer that she liked a boy from school, Langdon Alger, although she later professed, she didn't like him anymore and may have been joking before. (The episode never actually shows Langdon, which leads one to believe he may be someone Lisa made up rather than a real person, but Langdon's appearances in the comics prove he's an actual person.)

Jesse Grass

One time, the Krusty Burger came under fire from a non-violent environmentalist protest group named Dirt First. Lisa develops a crush on its leader, Jesse Grass (who refuses to eat anything that casts a shadow). When Springfield's oldest redwood tree is cut down with Lisa, who had been staying inside the tree as an act of protest, believed inside and dead, Jesse cuts off his favorite dreadlock and puts it on her memorial.


Lisa and Colin with their hands against the dome

Two young lovers, separated by the dome.

Before the Trappuccino incident, Lisa fell in love with an Irish environmental boy named Colin. He can play the piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass guitar (and despite Lisa thinking so, his father is not Bono of U2). Lisa tells Marge that the best part about him is that he's not imaginary, and Marge says back that the most important thing is that he listens to Lisa. Later on, Colin reappears in minor roles but is not mentioned again, implying they broke up at some point.

Nelson Muntz

Nelson and Lisa
Nelson and Lisa

Lisa's first relationship was with a schoolyard bully, Nelson Muntz. Lisa developed a crush on him when she got detention after she found herself attracted to his grungy lifestyle enough to ask him out. After Nelson lied to Lisa about not being involved in pranking Skinner, she chose to break up with him when she realized he would not accept the changes she wanted him to make. Since then, their romantic relationship has been referred to a few different times throughout the series, most notably in the Season 22 episode, Loan-a Lisa, in which Lisa invests in Nelson's business venture and several future set episodes where they each admit that she still holds feelings for one another.

Luke Stetson

Luke Stetson[47] was another of Lisa's crushes when the family stayed on a dude ranch and Luke was an animal, environment, and music lover like herself. She became so enamored that she became instantly jealous, thinking Clara was his girlfriend but later learned Clara was Luke's sister. which led to Luke becoming angry at her actions and stating he did not want to have anything to do with her anymore.

Ralph Wiggum

Ralph Wiggum once had a crush on Lisa after she sent him a Valentine's Day card when nobody else in their class would. Ralph gave her tickets to the 25th anniversary Krusty the Clown Show, but his heart was broken after Lisa publicly admitted on TV that she doesn't like him and the only reason that she gave him that card because no one else would. They're now just friends.

Milhouse Van Houten


Milhouse is Lisa's Italian tutor

Of all the boys Lisa has encountered, the most desperate and most prominent one is Milhouse Van Houten, who always makes attempts to win Lisa's heart. Unfortunately for Milhouse, Lisa doesn't like him the same way. However, on a few occasions, she has begun to like him more, but they are rather infrequent and always momentary.

Also, due to Eliza Simpson's marriage with Milford Van Houten (as revealed in "The Color Yellow"), Milhouse is Lisa's distant cousin.

Non-Canon Appearances

The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.


Lisa and Hugh
Lisa and Hugh

At 10 years old, Lisa has glasses and mentions that she's the student of the month at Springfield Elementary for 48 consecutive months, which angers her brother on his own birthday.

When Lisa was 12, she was saved from a house fire by Milhouse.

At 13 years old, she goes to the Mayo Clinic Pre-Medical Summer Camp with Marge, where she learns chest compressions. Because of that, she's able to revive Bart after he blacks out after one of his BMX tricks at a competition, once again angering him.

On her 14th birthday Bart and Leon Kompowsky sing new verses of her birthday song and Homer brings a cake reading "Happy 12th Birthday". Lisa returns home from school in the bus and discovers a letter in a suitcase while placing some packs in Marge's closet, saying that she has left Homer 7.0 and opened a bed and breakfast with the other kids, there is also a tablet with Artie Ziff mocking Homer for it. However, Marge hasn't left yet. While having dinner, Marge gets irritated at Homer for drinking beer in front of the kids and tells him to go to Moe's Tavern to drink. Marge goes into the kitchen to cry and Lisa is ready to take action. At the tavern, Lisa enters to tell Moe that Marge is going to leave Homer, and that makes Moe promise that Homer will stop drinking. He calls his sponsor to help Homer to stop, and it is Ned. He succeeds and the marriage is saved.

At 15 years old, she's shown applying to Harvard College and having difficulty writing her admission essay.

At 16 years old, she goes to Milhouse's graduation party, where Bart gets angry because she's always overshadowing him. She confronts her brother, saying she's sick and tired of him, blaming her for every setback in his life, and confesses that she thinks Bart is a great artist, but he doesn't use his talent for anything. She also graduated from Springfield High School two years early and is going to go to Yale to study science on a scholarship provided by Mr. Burns. Although, Yale University is now owned by McDonald's and has banned men from taking science. Shortly after she lost her virginity to him, she tells Milhouse that she doesn't ever intend to ever get married, breaking his heart. Although she still goes to the prom with him, which she reluctantly agreed to after he saved her from the house fire. Shortly after Lisa discovered that the fire was caused by him. So she dumps Milhouse. However, Bart takes Lisa's Yale scholarship, much to her fury, in order to get his girlfriend Jenda back. Lisa gets back together with Milhouse, thinking she has no other choice, but Bart saves her after seeing how awful her future with Milhouse could be, and gives her back her scholarship. However, Harvard also accepts her, they send a drone to deliver her acceptance letter and shoot down the drones of other university's including Yale. So Lisa accepts Harvard's offer.

Lisa quickly becomes overwhelmed after her roommate outclasses her in every field. She feels ready to give up, until Bart - who is there making out with girls to infuriate their parents - inspires her to stay. Afterward, she goes back to her room, where she meets her second roommate who is also feeling overwhelmed. Lisa discovers that she also plays jazz and they jam before becoming close. Their relationship eventually became romantic. Lisa had two more lesbian affairs while at Harvard. Lisa studies at Harvard for the next three years.

At 18, she is dating Nelson, whose personality has changed entirely, and they visit Bart in his bike shop, only to discover a giant mural on her homage.

At 19, Lisa has broken up with Nelson by now. Lisa practices her graduation speech in an empty stadium when she notices that Nelson is pushing training equipment into the storage room. The two of them talk about their past together and the time they dated. Nelson then takes Lisa back to his house, which is the bell tower of the Memorial Church. The two of them spend the entire night talking to each other and watching the sun rise the next morning. Bart then comes up the tower, looking for Lisa because the family wants to have breakfast together. Bart ends up giving Nelson his rent money then the family goes off to breakfast together. Later, Lisa performs her speech, with Nelson watching from his bell tower. As the family leaves the town, Lisa imagines what her life would be like with Nelson. Not liking what she thought about, she leaves town without saying goodbye to home.

At age 20, one after finishing her degree in science at Harvard College, Lisa discovers that she also has a place at Yale. So, Lisa decides to do another three-year degree in an unknown subject at Yale University.

At age 23, Lisa is finishing her degree at Yale. Where she falls in love with a handsome British young man named Hugh Parkfield who she then is going to marry. She takes Hugh to meet her family, where they, especially Homer 8.0, act embarrassing as she feared, but on the day of the wedding where she discovers Hugh refused to wear the pig cufflinks that Homer 8.0 gave to him and that Hugh wants to take her back to England because he hates her family, she dumps him since she would rather have her family. Later, Lisa entered a relationship with Hubert Wong. Hubert proposed to her on the moon, and she said yes.

At age 24, Lisa and Hubert are on a train leaving Springfield. They watch as Snake is chased by a bounty hunter called Rott. As Snake tries to escape the train, Nelson arrives and stops him. Nelson and Lisa reunite again and Nelson reveals that he and Rott are in a relationship together. Hubert is annoyed to find that Lisa used to have a thing for Nelson, since Nelson used to bully him. The two couples then tell their relationship stories. Hubert proposed to Lisa on the moon, whilst Rott brought Nelson in as he had an overdue library book. When Lisa and Rott leave to get drinks, Hubert rips into Nelson, thinking that his life is so much better than his and that he has the last laugh, since he got Lisa and Nelson didn't. Nelson then wedgies Hubert and hangs him from a coat hook. When Lisa finds Hubert like that, she tells Nelson that he hasn't changed.

At age 25, Lisa divorced Hubert and married Milhouse. She's apparently unhappy in this marriage though, as she doesn't smile in the photo taking place after their wedding, almost as if she has feelings of regret. At some point she made up with Nelson and they had an affair. She also had a child with Milhouse called Zia.

At the age of 29, Nelson and Lisa encounter each other again in a phone store owned by Hubert. By this time, Lisa has divorced Milhouse, who has taken full custody of their daughter, Zia. Nelson and Lisa go out for coffee together at Buzz Light Roast and come close to starting a relationship. However, just before they make a decision, Hubert teleports in and asks Lisa to take him back, claiming he has changed. To apologize, Hubert uses drones to display messages in the sky, including Lisa's graduation speech. Encouraged by Nelson to follow her heart, Lisa ultimately agrees to give Hubert another chance.

At the age of 30, Jimbo and Sophie are getting married and ask Lisa And Nelson to be their maid of honor and best man. She agrees and attends the wedding. To her surprise, she finds Nelson there. During the ceremony, Lisa notices Nelson leaving in tears. She glances at Hubert, who is preoccupied with his phone, and decides to follow Nelson. When she catches up to him, Lisa tells Nelson that she wants to be with him, and they share a kiss.

At some point in the next seven years, she breaks up with Nelson again. She also remarries Milhouse, and retakes shared custody of Zia.

At age 37, Lisa ran for president against Isabel Gutiérrez. They went to a presidential debate that was hosted by Anderson Cooper. In response to a question of how to end America's war in Afghanistan, she suggests throwing in the towel and just making them a sate. An aged Homer, who is watching the election on television with his Musicville counterpart, Hoba, proudly exclaims, "That's my girl!" Hoba agrees with a toot.

At the age of 38, Lisa is the first female President of the United States of America. Zia is now 13. When Bart needed a digestive tract transplant, she tried to solve the mystery of 'fish logs'. She asks townspeople who tell her the story which takes place when she was still 8. She then finds out that fish logs brought Bart into the hospital in the first place. Later on, the country is broke and is forced to bring a tax hike, but things get worse when Bart interrupts everything. The leaders of the other countries are about to beat her until Bart saves her. To make it up to him, she legalizes the use of cannabis. Lisa's daughter Zia is now a bratty teenage girl who spends all her time plugged into the Ultranet. She and Bart get drunk in their old treehouse, and she asks him if she should've gone with Nelson. She takes Zia to spend Christmas with her parents while Milhouse nurses his seasonal allergies. Lisa tries to take Marge's suggestion of giving Zia space, but she eventually goes into the Ultranet and looks up Zia's personal Internet room, where she learns she's actually quite studious and looks up to her, having a photo of her hung up with other inspirational women. Zia catches her, and the two reconcile.

Not long after Christmas, Milhouse says except for the squirrel that eats their bird food, he and Lisa have nothing to talk about. However, he gets bitten by a zombie at a zombie soup kitchen that Lisa is volunteering at, and Lisa ends up finding him more attractive after he fights off bullies trying to mug them. Dr. Hibbert tells her he can reverse him, although Lisa wishes to keep Milhouse the way he is. So Milhouse remains permanently a zombie, to the delight of Lisa.

At age 43, one year after finishing her term has president, Lisa lives with Marge on Mars and when Lisa says that she wants to leave Mars for Venus.

Lisa dies at age 98 from natural causes after realizing that she wasted her entire life.

Fake Futures

The future episode "Mother and Child Reunion" contradicts the majority of the futures that are shown in other episodes. However, in this episode the future is shown to Lisa by Werner Herzog, who is probably not a reliable source for the future of Lisa Simpson. So the future that we see in this episode can be considered non-canon. This is the future of Lisa Simpson in this episode. It starts with a teenage Lisa who is having her final day of high school finished. As Lisa arrives at home the whole family is there to celebrate Lisa going to college. She is invited in every college but makes the shocking decision to not go to college. Marge is hurt by hearing this and asks if Lisa really doesn't wants to go to college. As Lisa says she isn't going to college at all. Marge is angry on Lisa and goes into the house. A few days Later Marge bakes some Brownies to change Lisa's mind. But Lisa holds on her decision. Lisa gets a job at a fast food restaurant in Springfield mall. As she slides into an empty room, she finds a bunch of uneducated people and has the idea to teach them. Later, Lisa starts a college for uneducated people that expands countrywide. In the next scene Kent Brockman reports about the superintendent election where Lisa and Gary Chalmers debate. Meanwhile, Marge is still mad about Lisa's decision as she hears that Lisa was elected to president. As Lisa stands at the balcony, Bart comes to see her watching fireworks. Bart then goes to see Marge who comes and apologizes to Lisa.

Video Games

The Simpsons Arcade

Lisa is one of the playable characters in the game.

Bart vs. the Space Mutants

She has small cameos in the game, though she is prominently featured in level 3 where she optionally aids Bart by dropping bowling balls on Sideshow Bob depending on whether the player managed to spell Lisa's name after defeating disguised aliens.

Bart vs. the World

Lisa has cameos in the game.

Bart Simpson Escapes Camp Deadly

Lisa accompanies Bart after they were tricked into going to the infamous Camp Deadly. She aids Bart via supplying him with boomerangs and various outfits during both rounds of Capture the Flag, and also plans with Bart to escape Camp Deadly by scaling Mt. Deadly. She eventually ended up captured by the camp's head, Warden Burns, although she took advantage of a blackout caused by Bart to escape her chains.

Bart's Nightmare

A fairy-like version of Lisa appears in the dream sequence. Aside from this, she also appears in the ending, where she sneers at Bart in anger if he got a bad grade. If the player gets the highest possible grade, however, she expresses surprise and constantly looks at Bart and the grade in shock.

The Simpsons Bowling

Lisa, or rather, her likeness was a playable character in The Simpsons Bowling.

The Simpsons Road Rage

In The Simpsons Road Rage, Lisa drives the Elec-Taurus car and is one of the default characters. You may also pick her up off the streets when not playing as her.

The Simpsons Hit & Run

Lisa is playable in the third level of The Simpsons: Hit and Run as she looks for Bart after his disappearance. However, she makes an appearance in the first level in Springfield Elementary School, where Homer has to give her the science project she forgot. By the time the seventh level has come around, Lisa is back in the Simpson house and tells her father to go out and stock up on supplies. However, by the fourth mission, Lisa is back at the school, where she suggests that Homer goes to Mr. Burns to buy nuclear waste, which is the aliens' weakness. When characters use the Malibu Stacy car or the Electaurus in levels four, five, and six Lisa appears in the car.

The Simpsons Game

In The Simpsons Game, Lisa's powers are playing her saxophone to stun enemies, which is upgraded to force enemies to attack each other. She can also use the "Hand of Buddha" to pick up and drop big things telekinetically. This power is later upgraded, enabling her to attack with lightning and ice as well. She is the third character to unlock, in Lisa the Tree Hugger, after Homer and Bart and before Marge who carries Maggie around on her back.

Behind the Laughter


Matt Groening first conceived the Simpson family in the lobby of James L. Brooks' office. He had been called in to pitch a series of animated shorts and had intended to present his Life in Hell series. When he realized that animating Life in Hell would require him to rescind publication rights for his life's work, Groening decided to go in another direction.[48] He hurriedly sketched out his version of a dysfunctional family, and named the characters after various members of his own family, and Lisa is the name of one of his sisters.[48] Lisa then made her debut with the rest of the Simpsons clan on March 18, 1987, in the Tracey Ullman short "Good Night".[49] Nancy Cartwright, originally auditioned for the role of Lisa, but was soon told that her voice would be better suited voicing Bart.[50] Yeardley Smith had initially been asked to audition for the role of Bart but casting director Bonita Pietila believed her voice was too high, so Smith was given the role of Lisa instead. In order to perform the voice, Smith lifts her voice up a little.[51]


In the Tracey Ullman Show shorts, Lisa was more of a "female Bart" and was as equally mischievous as her brother.[52] As the series progressed, Lisa began to develop into a more intelligent and more emotional character with "Krusty Gets Busted" being one of the first episodes where her true intelligence is fully shown.[53] Many episodes focusing on Lisa have an emotional nature, the first one being "Moaning Lisa". The idea for the episode was pitched by James L. Brooks, who had wanted to do an emotional episode where Lisa is sad because the show had done a lot of "jokey episodes".[54] In fact, over the years, there were many episodes where Lisa played the main role. In Season 2, she was more of an intelligent person, examples include; Bart the Daredevil, One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish, The War of the Simpsons, and Bart vs. Thanksgiving. In later and current seasons, she is very much like any 8-year-old girl, but still shows her intelligence.

Cultural influence

In 2003, Lisa received a special "Board of Directors Ongoing Commitment Award" at the Environmental Media Awards.[55] "Lisa the Vegetarian", an episode from the seventh season, won both an Environmental Media Award for "Best Television Episodic Comedy"[56] and a Genesis Award for "Best Television Comedy Series, Ongoing Commitment". Lisa was also listed at number 11 in TV Guide's "Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time". In Japan, the broadcasters of the series found they were able to turn the apparent viewer dislike of the series around by focusing marketing attention on Lisa. Lisa's well-intended but ill-fated struggles to be a voice of reason and a force of good in her family and city struck a chord with the Japanese.


  • Her first and middle name are Lisa Marie, like Elvis Presley's daughter.
  • In South Park, there are two characters who are similar to her. Wendy Testaburger and Bebe Stevens. Wendy because she and Lisa are both well behaved and intelligent, and Bebe because they are both blonde and voices are almost similar.
  • Lisa is the only Simpson who smokes and has a smoking problem.
  • Lisa is also the only person in her family who does not have blue in her design, helping her stand out from them.
  • For a long time, Lisa's saxophone solos were provided by jazz baritone saxophonist Terry Harrington.
  • Milhouse Van Houten is Lisa's far cousin because Eliza Simpson married with Milford Van Houten.
  • According to Milhouse, Lisa's eyes are said to be gray. However, according to Spud in "Bart Carny", Lisa's eyes are said to be blue. So that means that Milhouse is probably color-blind or just plain wrong.
  • Her romantic relationship with Nelson has been mentioned or referred to throughout the series, evident in "Lisa's Date with Density", "Love, Springfieldian Style", "Simpsons Tall Tales", "Sleeping with the Enemy", "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken", and "Gorgeous Grampa", as well as mentioned in several Future episodes.
  • She speaks Italian, with the help of Milhouse. She also seems to understand and know Swedish to a certain degree, as seen when Professor Frink won the Nobel Prize in "Treehouse of Horror XIV", however, this is only a non-canon source.
  • Her IQ is different in several episodes. It's 156 ("Homer's Enemy"), 159 ("Smart and Smarter"), 167 ("They Saved Lisa's Brain").
  • Lisa is a member of Mensa and PETA.
  • In "To Surveil With Love", she dyed her hair brown to prove that the judges were biased against blondes.
  • Like her siblings, she is of French, Scandinavian, and Native American descent.
I am brown-haired now!

Lisa with brown hair

  • In the "My Sister, My Sitter" episode it is stated that Lisa is 2 years and 38 days younger than Bart. Bart was born on April 1, so Lisa's birthday would fall on May 9.
  • Her email is revealed in "The President Wore Pearls" to be smartgirl63_\
  • Lisa was the first identified Simpson in the series, being the only character, whose name is mentioned in Good Night.
  • In "Lisa's Wedding", it's hinted that she may lose her virginity to Milhouse. While picking out a wedding dress she asks if "white is still okay", to which Marge replies "Milhouse doesn't count!" to which they both laugh.
  • In "Treehouse of Horror XX", it's revealed that her godmother is Helen Lovejoy.
  • In "Holidays of Future Passed", Lisa is shown with three different women, holding their hands. It's heavily implied they are her girlfriends.
  • In "No Loan Again, Naturally", Bart jokes that Lisa is gay. Instead of rebutting that claim, she sarcastically remarks, "I'd hate to be gay like my heroes."
  • Lisa is allergic to pollen, especially from plants in Cypress Creek.
  • Lisa once became an insectivore.
  • Until Lisa became a vegetarian, fried shrimp was implied as her favorite food.
  • Even in episodes after she becomes a vegetarian, there are rare instances where her plate has meat. She does not eat it though.
  • Lisa has been shown on several occasions to have an interest in Native American culture. According to the Simpson family tree, she does have Native American heritage. This is confirmed again in "Little Big Girl".
  • A running theme in some episodes centered on Lisa is that Lisa becomes jealous of people who have been able to upstage her on the levels of intelligence or skills resulting in antisocial behavior. In "Lisa's Rival", Lisa gets jealous of Allison Taylor's skills and achievements to the point of trying to sabotage her in a diorama contest being helped by Bart. A notable example of jealousy would be in "Smart and Smarter" where Lisa tried to teach Maggie the wrong answer when it's revealed that Maggie is more intelligent than her then she chose to run away from home when she feared that there is nothing to benefit from not being the smartest in the family. A notable example of her being envious would be in "Jazzy and the Pussycats" where she felt cheated and believed that Bart shouldn't have his fame and popularity because of his drumming skills after he upstages her and becomes a celebrity at a jazz concert.
  • Along with Marge, Lisa appeared in every episode until "Carl Carlson Rides Again".
  • Her voice actress Yeardley Smith is one of the only main actors on the show to only voice one character, the other one was Marcia Wallace who voiced Edna Krabappel.
  • Throughout the Ullman Shorts and most of the first season, she is a rude and disrespectful troublemaker and not particularly bright, much like her brother. This might have been changed to have more variety in the Simpsons' personalities or to have someone for Bart to almost always be at odds with like many typical brothers and sisters. In the second season, she showed more of her intelligent side such as "Bart the Daredevil", "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish", and "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment".
  • In "How Lisa Got Her Marge Back", her pearls were revealed to be a gift from Marge when she was first able to read at a twelfth-grade level.
  • Lisa named her pony Princess, after Homer was working two jobs just to get it.
  • Lisa is right-handed.
  • Lisa's religion has changed three times throughout the series, first from Christianity to Paganism in the Ullman short 'The Pagans', back to Christianity in "The Telltale Head, and Buddhism since "She of Little Faith".
  • Lisa may have middle child syndrome as shown in some episodes. (Examples: "Hardly Kirking", "Mr. Lisa's Opus", "Smart and Smarter".)
  • Lisa is the only Simpson who has indirectly attempted to kill at least 1 person and also the only Simpson who has tried to cover up a murder.
  • Despite having an I.Q. of 159, she believes that unicorns are real.
  • In "Brother from Another Series", it is implied that her favorite Restaurant is Dairy Queen.
  • In "Sleeping with the Enemy", it reveals she suffers from BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and she is a possible Anorexic.


As one of the five major title characters of the series, Lisa appears in almost every episode, as well as The Simpsons Movie. She had no lines in "Chief of Hearts" and "Moho House", only one line in "Two Bad Neighbors", "The Simpsons Spin-off Showcase", "My Fare Lady", "Dad Behavior" and “The Incredible Lightness of Being a Baby”, and only appears in a picture in "Carl Carlson Rides Again".

External links


  1. "Girls Just Want To Have Sums"
  2. "The Dad Who Knew Too Little"
  3. "Boy Meets Curl"
  4. "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken"
  5. "Fland Canyon"
  6. "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)"
  7. "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily"
  8. "Girly Edition"
  9. "Hurricane Neddy"
  10. The Front
  11. Boyz N the Highlands
  12. The Monkey Suit
  13. Elementary School Musical
  14. Loan-a Lisa
  15. The Dad-Feelings Limited
  16. "Dangers on a Train"
  17. "Lisa's First Word" compresses the timeline of 1984. While the Olympics opened in July in the real world, the Mondale—Hart debate was in March and the Soviet Union and its allied countries announced their boycott of the Olympics in May.
  18. "That '90s Show"
  19. "A Midsummer's Nice Dream"
  20. "The Star of the Backstage"
  21. "My Sister, My Sitter"
  22. Lisa Gets an "A"
  23. Lisa the Vegetarian
  24. Bart Star
  25. Lost Our Lisa
  26. Smoke on the Daughter
  27. Bart Star
  28. Lisa Gets the Blues
  29. Homer's Enemy
  30. She of Little Faith
  31. Rednecks and Broomsticks
  32. Last Exit to Springfield
  33. The Canine Mutiny
  34. Bart vs. Thanksgiving
  35. Lisa on Ice
  36. Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
  37. Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
  38. O Brother, Where Bart Thou?
  39. Homer vs. Patty and Selma
  40. The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star
  41. The Great Wife Hope
  42. The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed
  43. The Boys of Bummer
  44. Special Edna
  45. A Test Before Trying
  46. Dark Knight Court
  47. Dude, Where's My Ranch?
  48. 48.0 48.1 BBC. (2000). 'The Simpsons': America's First Family (6 minute edit for the season 1 DVD) (DVD). UK: 20th Century Fox.
  49. Richmond, Ray; Antonia Coffman (1997). The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to our Favorite Family. Harper Collins Publishers, pg. 14. ISBN 0-00-638898-1
  50. Bart's voice tells all. BBC News (2000-11-10). Retrieved on 2007-05-16.
  51. Charles Miranda. "She who laughs last", The Daily Telegraph,, p. 8E. Retrieved on 2008-02-09. 
  52. Mirkin, David. (2004). The Simpsons season 5 DVD commentary for the episode "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood" [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  53. Reiss, Mike. (2001). The Simpsons season 1 DVD commentary for the episode "Krusty Gets Busted" [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  54. Reiss, Mike. (2001). The Simpsons season 1 DVD commentary for the episode "Moaning Lisa" [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  55. W. Reed Moran. "Lisa Simpson animates environmental awards", USA Today,. Retrieved on 2007-10-17. 
  56. "Awards for "The Simpsons"", Internet Movie Database{{{date}}}. Retrieved on 2007-10-17. 
Characters voiced by Yeardley Smith
Lisa Simpson | Maggie Simpson | Zia Simpson | Lisa, Jr.
Simpson family
Simpson Family
Homer Simpson Marge Simpson Bart Simpson Lisa Simpson Maggie Simpson
Santa's Little Helper Snowball V
Homer's living relatives
Abe Simpson II Abbey Herbert Powell Tyrone Simpson Dr. Simpson Cyrus Simpson Chet Simpson Stanley SimpsonBill SimpsonCousin FrancineCyrus' 15 wives
Marge's living relatives
Jacqueline Bouvier Selma Bouvier Patty Bouvier Ling Bouvier Jub-Jub Bouvier Eunice Bouvier
Homer's deceased relatives
Amber Simpson
Mona SimpsonHubert Simpson Aunt Hortense
Orville SimpsonBonita SimpsonElrita SimpsonTwitta Simpson Yuma Hickman
"Old Tut" Simpson Gaston Simpson Hugo Simpson IDulcine SimpsonLou SimpsonFloyd Simpson "Happy" Simpson
Howland SimpsonZeke SimpsonPippa Simpson Gabby Crouse
Garwood SimpsonIvy SimpsonGalston SimpsonPrudence SimpsonTrixie Simpson Clowta Stillman
Rupert Simpson Lambert Simpson Winifred Running GoatHumphrey Little GoatJane Nervous Goat
Sven Simpson Claretta EthridgeMary Frowning CloudJoe Puffing Goat
Marge's deceased relatives
Clancy BouvierUncle LouAlvarine BisqueUncle ArthurAlfreda Bouvier IIFrançoise BilloutAntoine BouvierAxel BouvierBambi BouvierCharlene BouvierChester BouvierDorothé BouvierJoJo BouvierMonique BouvierPépé BouvierVictor BouvierVictor Bouvier IICléo BouvierDidi BouvierFerdinand GurneyAunt GladysHonoré BouvierAlfreda LeDouxAngelique MarceauMarcel BouvierBambi PetitboisPierre BouvierRowena BouvierYves Bouvier
Non-canon Characters
Hugo Simpson II Zia Simpson Skippy Simpson Jiff Simpson Maggie Simpson, Jr. Bart Simpson, Jr. Lisa and Ralph's children Lisa and Nelson's child Ishmael Simpson Ezekiel Simpson Silas Simpson Gentleman Jim Simpson 19th-century Whaler Homer Simpson Abe Simpson Sr. Olidia Simpson Rube Ella Simpson Luke Simpson Jason Simpson Tori-Mae Simpson Lisa Marie Simpson Baby Leroy Simpson Zeke Simpson Zza-Zza Simpson
Other Pets
Bart JuniorChirpy Boy and Bart JuniorColtraneDuncanGreyhound PuppiesHenry the CanaryLaddieLouMojoPinchyPlopperPrincessSmileySnowball I Snowball IISnowball IIISnowball VSnuffyStampyStranglesShe's the Fastest
The Simpsons Characters
The Simpsons and relatives
Homer SimpsonMarge SimpsonBart SimpsonLisa SimpsonMaggie Simpson
Santa's Little HelperSnowball IIAbraham SimpsonPatty BouvierSelma BouvierMona SimpsonJacqueline BouvierLing BouvierHerb Powell
Around Springfield
Jasper BeardlyComic Book GuyKumiko AlbertsonBarney GumbleMaude FlandersNed FlandersProfessor FrinkGil GundersonJulius HibbertLionel HutzHelen LovejoyReverend Timothy LovejoyCaptain Horatio McCallisterAkiraHans MolemanMarvin MonroeBleeding Gums MurphyApu NahasapeemapetilonMayor Joe QuimbyDr. Nick RivieraAgnes SkinnerCletus SpucklerDisco StuSqueaky-Voiced TeenMoe SzyslakSam and LarryKirk Van HoutenLuann Van HoutenClancy WiggumEddieLouCrazy Cat LadyLindsey NaegleCookie KwanWiseguyBrandine SpucklerThe Yes GuySanjay NahasapeemapetilonBlue-haired LawyerJudge Roy SnyderRich TexanLuigi RisottoOld Jewish ManMrs. Glick
Media Personalities
Itchy & ScratchyKent BrockmanKrusty the ClownTroy McClureSideshow MelRainier Wolfcastle | Arnie PyeRadioactive ManDuffmanBumblebee ManBill and MartyDrederick TatumMr. TeenyScott ChristianBooberellaGabboLurleen LumpkinCelebrities
Springfield Elementary School faculty and students
Superintendant ChalmersSeymour SkinnerEdna KrabappelElizabeth HooverGroundskeeper WillieOtto MannLunchlady DorisDewey LargoRayshelle PeytonDr. J. Loren PyrorMilhouse Van HoutenRalph WiggumNelson MuntzMartin PrinceRod FlandersTodd FlandersSherri and TerriWendell BortonDatabaseJimbo JonesKearney ZzyzwiczDolph StarbeamÜter ZörkerJaney PowellLewisRichardBashir bin Laden
Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
Charles Montgomery BurnsWaylon SmithersCarl CarlsonLenny LeonardCharlieBlinky
Snake JailbirdKang & KodosHermanSideshow BobFat TonyFrankie the SquealerJohnny TightlipsLegs and Louie
The SimpsonsThe BouviersThe FlandersThe Van HoutensThe Wiggums
Guest Stars
Matt GroeningConan O'BrienStan LeeStephen HawkingMark ZuckerbergKaty PerryLady GagaElon MuskLizzoTaika Waititi
Fictional charactersOne-Time CharactersLGBT charactersParodied celebritiesAnimals