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â—„ Bart's Inner Child
Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood
The Last Temptation of Homer â–º

“ All done! If you survive, please come again. „
~ Apu serves an all-syrup Squishee

"Boy-Scoutz N the Hood" is the eighth episode of Season 5.


After Bart and Milhouse go on a sugar bender after finding a $20 bill (that Homer found under the couch while looking for a peanut and lost when he slipped on the very peanut he was trying to find) and spending most of the money on a Squishee made of syrup, Bart wakes to find that he's a member of the geekiest club known to man: The Junior Campers (not affiliated with The Boy Scouts of America).

Full Story []

We open on a typical day at Noiseland Arcade. Martin Prince is playing an arcade version of My Dinner with Andre while the other kids are playing the more fun and exciting games. When Bart and Milhouse lose at Panamanian Strongman (Manuel Noriega gets shot down and George H.W. Bush announces, "Winners don't use drugs!" and kicks Noriega's corpse) and run out of money for another round, two security officers send The Squeaky-Voiced Teen out to ask the two to leave. Despite a homeless man telling two boys not to kill time and seize the day (before asking them for change so he can get loaded), Bart and Milhouse have nothing to do.

Meanwhile, Homer is sitting back and ready to read his favorites (while Marge goes out shopping for steak, despite that the family doesn't have the money for it), starting with the ingredients label to a can of peanuts. He goes to eat the last one, but it falls behind the couch. Homer fishes for it (passing by something pointy, something slimy, and something moving), but only gets a $20 bill. After Homer's brain reminds him that he can use the $20 to get more peanuts because " can be exchanged for goods and services," Homer runs out, but slips on the very peanut he was trying to find. The $20 bill goes out the window and finds its way to Bart and Milhouse, who have been punching each other in the upper arm to stave off boredom. They take the newfound $20 and go to the Kwik-E-Mart to order a large Squishee, made entirely out of syrup, which shocks everyone there (including Snake as he's in the middle of robbing Apu's brother, Sanjay). With their senses reeling from the cocaine-like sugar high, Bart and Milhouse spend the rest of the money on a night out in town, where they get temporary tattoos, watch the musical Cats, blow bubble gum that covers them when the bubble bursts (with Homer randomly walking by and tasting the "free goo" on the street), play at an arcade with a VIP section, test out skateboards, and generally cause mischief. The next morning, Bart wakes up with a hangover and realizes that in the revelry of the night before, he joined the Junior Campers, which even Lisa finds geeky. Milhouse, on the other hand, got a dirty word shaved in his head (which Skinner sees and punishes Milhouse by shaving him bald), while Barney Gumble (who took a sip of the syrup Squishee) wakes up on a Greek boat carrying baklava in burlap sacks (something that, according to Barney's "Oh, no. Not again!", has happened before).


Although Bart initially intends to drop out of the group as soon as possible, he plans to attend a meeting to avoid a pop quiz at school. Bart doesn't like the first meeting (which contains such fun activities as "Sponge Bathe the Old Folks Day" and putting peanut butter on a pine cone to make a makeshift birdfeeder), but when he finds out that he gets to have a pocket knife, he chooses to keep attending (even though he has to read a book on knife safety and pass a test. Though Bart does exactly that, he's only able to get a rubber training knife and reaches the rank of "pussy willow"). After a while, Bart starts to enjoy being a member of the Junior Campers, which Homer mocks him relentlessly for (though Bart gets back at Homer for that, thanks to learning how to set up traps for wild animals).

Next, a father-son rafting trip is to be held, so Bart has to bring Homer (despite visions of Homer embarrassing Bart with his oafish antics). Homer does not enjoy the experience, especially when he learns that he and Bart have to share the same raft with Ned Flanders and his older son, Rod. Due to Homer losing the map, they accidentally take the wrong turn and find themselves lost at sea. They stay stranded helplessly with no food or water for a long amount of time. Ned eventually goes berserk, but Homer then slaps him to snap him out of it. Homer, however, takes it too far, as he continuously slaps Ned. When the raft springs a leak after Homer accidentally drops a pocket knife, all seems lost, but then Homer smells his way to a Krusty Burger on an off-shore oil rig that was about to shut down due to Krusty's poor business decision. They are saved, with Bart proud of Homer.

Meanwhile, the other Junior Campers, led by "special celebrity dad", Ernest Borgnine, take the correct route, but they end up in an even worse position: they find themselves trapped in a dark, tangled swamp (while being hunted by mountain men). Later, they are confronted by a bear and Borgnine tries to defend everyone using his Swiss Army Knife, but he is at a loss because Homer had stolen the knife to give it to Bart as a present. The episode ends with Borgnine and the surviving campers who aren't Bart, Homer, Ned, and Rod gathered around a campfire singing "Bingo" as an unseen figure lurks in the woods and pounces on Borgnine.

