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- "Ninja Spin!"
- ―Ninja Steel Rangers activating the Ninja Stars[src]
The Ninja Power Stars (also called Ninja Stars) are throwing stars used by the Ninja Steel Rangers to morph into Power Rangers. Additional stars were forged in the Ninja Nexus Prism in order to unlock their attacks and summon and operate their Zords. The Ninja Steel Rangers can also throw copies of their Morphing Power Stars for various kinds of attacks.[1]
to be added
The Ninja Power Stars were at one time part of a unified Power Star that was kept within the Ninja Nexus Prism. Dane Romero was known to have used it when the warrior Galvanax descended upon Earth. Romero also scraped off the Ninja Steel from the outer edges of the Prism to make the weapons he needed in battle, saving what he did not use in an old sports trophy. As Dane and Galvanax struggled for control of the Prism, however, the "Master Power Star" was split into six smaller shuriken, each with a different color of energy. Though the battle ended in a stalemate, both of Dane's sons were captured. The Prism and the resultant stars would remain hidden for the next decade. Dane himself went missing.
Galvanax would return to Summer Cove in an effort to locate the Prism and claim the Power Stars for himself, using his hit competition show Galaxy Warriors as cover for his plans, unaware that two of his slaves, Brody Romero and Mick Kanic, were hatching an escape plot. By the time Galvanax was to send soldiers to get his slaves back, the pair landed in Summer Cove and made for the hidden Prism. Brody enrolled at Summer Cove High School, where he met four other teens who would join him and Mick. Each claimed one of the first five shuriken to become the Ninja Steel Rangers, and each would gain ninja powers based on their most treasured possession, hobby, or companion: Brody had his robot buddy Redbot; Hayley Foster had her Siberian Husky pup Kody, Calvin Maxwell had his truck, "Nitro"; Preston Tien loved magic and received a dragon; and Sarah Thompson would draw her powers from her hoverboard. The sixth shuriken in Gold went unclaimed for a time. Meanwhile, Mick, an alien shapeshifter from the Lion Galaxy, created a persona for himself as a shop teacher and was immediately hired by the school.
The Prism would be found and installed in a hidden room of Summer Cove High; and from there, Mick and the Rangers used its forging powers together with the remains of Dane's Ninja Steel to create new powers to stop Galvanax and his monster goons from claiming the core Power Stars and the Prism. Thus, as Galvanax sent his warriors down to claim the Power Stars, they were defeated.
The Gold Power Star would fall into the enemy's hands; but before they could do anything with it, another slave would claim it and make for Earth. He took up the name Levi Weston and a gig as a popular country singer. A chance encounter with the Ninja Steel Rangers would reveal that Levi was in fact Brody's missing brother Aidan, and, after gaining control of powers based on his music, joined their battle.
Eventually, Galvanax returned to Earth for one last battle with the Rangers, having collected and smelted all but the Red Ninja Power Star.as a fortifying serum During the fight, and with the Rangers on the ropes, the Ninja Nexus Prism divided the shuriken into three pieces, one of which held Dane. With his help, the team felled Galvanax once and for all. However, the Prism was left weak and vulnerable to control by evil forces. At this point, a meteorite rich in a new, stronger form of Ninja Steel crashed into the Galaxy Warriors stage vessel. Galvanax's second-in-command, Madame Odius, survived the crash and took the fragments of the meteorite back to Earth, where she had hoped to corrupt the Prism completely and use it to conquer Earth. She and the Rangers clashed until, by a miraculous turn of fortunes, the Prism returned to the side of good and the Ninja Steel was recovered by the team.
Odius picked up where Galvanax failed and staged a second season of Galaxy Warriors, this time hellbent on universal domination. She overwhelmed the Rangers with her very own Foxatron mecha; but with the revived Prism and the Super Ninja Steel, the Rangers reforged their powers and gained new, stronger Zords to counter it and anything else Odius sent their way.
When Madame Odius was at last destroyed, the Ninja Nexus Prism returned to the cosmos, reclaiming all of the shuriken forged from it and resealing itself in the Ninja Steel. It would only return to Earth in times of greatest need; and with its return, Mick Kanic would also return to prepare the then-current Ranger teams for the dangers to come.
Mick would see the Red Ninja Steel powers restored to him in the great war between the forces of good and a resurrected Lord Zedd backed by Squid Ink Inc. He and his students fought in the climactic final battles of the war and brought peace to the universe once more.
List of Stars[]
These Power Stars are used by the Ninja Steel Rangers to unlock their powers and forms. They are re-formed shards of the Ninja Nexus Star.
All nine Stars dissolved with the "death" of the Ninja Nexus Prism TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but after Madame Odius rejuvenated the Prism with her magic and then attempted to use it to reforge a portion of Super Ninja Steel into evil Power Stars, the Prism instead transformed the steel into new copies of the core six Power Stars and the Lion Fire Armor Star, along with a handful of others.
TV STORY-Echoes of Evil
- Red Ninja Power Star - Allows the Red Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "red" (赤 Aka). In Galvanax Rises, it was broken into three pieces to keep it away from Galvanax, and was regenerated into three full copies of itself by the Ninja Nexus Prism. The reforged Stars were then used by Brody, Mick Kanic and Dane Romero in the battle that followed.
- Blue Ninja Power Star - Allows the Blue Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "blue" (青 Ao).
- Yellow Ninja Power Star - Allows the Yellow Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "yellow" (黄 Ki).
- White Ninja Power Star - Allows the White Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "white" (白 Shiro).
- Pink Ninja Power Star - Allows the Pink Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "pink" (桃 Momo).
- Gold Ninja Power Star - Allows the Gold Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "star" (星 Hoshi). After the other five Rangers defeated Ripperat, it was shown in the hands of Madame Odius.
TV STORY-Forged in Steel It was later revealed that Aiden Romero (as Levi Weston) had claimed the Star, and had been kidnapped by Madame Odius, who took the Star from him, almost immediately afterward.
TV STORY-Gold Rush He eventually recovered the Star and escaped.
TV STORY-Hack Attack
- Lion Fire Armor Star - Allows a Ranger to power-up into their Lion Fire Mode. The Armor Star itself carries a lion motif, with the kanji for "super" (超 Chō) located inside the mouth itself. It was among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but a second copy was later forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Echoes of Evil
- Superstar Mode Star - Allows the Gold Ranger to power-up to his Superstar Mode. It's identical to the Gold Ninja Power Star, however in place of the kanji, it just shows many stars. It only works in conjunction with the Superstar Blade.
TV STORY-Happy to Be Me

Ninja Nexus Star
The Ninja Nexus Star, later the Ninja Nexus Super Star, is the Power Star which is the source of the six Ninja Power Stars. In Return of the Prism, it was destroyed by Dane Romero to stop Galvanax from stealing its power. It then somehow managed to get back inside of the Ninja Nexus Prism, and reformed into the six main Ninja Power Stars. Eventually, Madame Odius recreates the star out of Ninja Super Steel and does what Galvanax attempted to do; absorbing its power to become stronger. The Rangers counter that with their own Power Stars, now made of Super Steel, and Preston's magic, filling themselves with Nexus energy. After destroying Odius, the Rangers return their Stars and Nexus energy to the Prism, which in turn reforms into a new Nexus Super Star. The Prism then coats itself in Super Steel and flies into space with the Super Star safely inside. TV STORY-Reaching the Nexus
- Element Star - An elemental Ninja Star marked with the kanji for "five" (五 Go), this Star is capable of launching Ninjutsu attacks based on five elements marked with their respective kanji by turning the blade to the appropriate setting of choice before being inserted into the Ninja Star Blade. Five copies of this Star were created, with the first shown being created from a throwing star made of Ninja Steel and thrown into the Ninja Nexus Prism.
TV STORY-Live and Learn They were among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but new versions were later forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Echoes of Evil
- Fire (火 Hi)
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Fire Attack, which has two variations:
- Makes the Ninja Star Blade shoot a stream of fire at the enemy.
TV STORY-Live and Learn
- The Ninja Star is slammed into the ground, which makes many great pillars of fire erupt from the ground.
TV STORY-Presto Change-O
- Makes the Ninja Star Blade shoot a stream of fire at the enemy.
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Fire Attack, which has two variations:
- Water (水 Mizu)
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Water Attack, which has three variations:
- Makes the Ninja Star Blade release a stream of water that splashes onto the enemy.
TV STORY-Presto Change-O
- Turns the weapon into a self-propelled surfboard for the user to ride.
TV STORY-Live and Learn
- Makes the weapon release a mass of water and turns it into a watery mirror that can reflect enemy attacks back at the enemy.
TV STORY-Hack Attack
- Makes the Ninja Star Blade release a stream of water that splashes onto the enemy.
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Water Attack, which has three variations:
- Forest (木 Ki) (Dubbed Wood in the toyline)
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Forest Attack which has three variations:
- Summoning vines that are used to bind an enemy.
TV STORY-Live and Learn
- Creating a net of vines to catch civilians.
TV STORY-The Royal Rival
- Turns a leaf into a big kite which works like a jetpack.
TV STORY-Grave Robber
- Summoning vines that are used to bind an enemy.
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Forest Attack which has three variations:
- Metal (金 Kin, Note: this is typically the kanji for "Gold")
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Metal Attack, which has two variations:
- Summons a gold-colored metal washing pan that falls onto the head of the enemy.
TV STORY-Presto Change-O
- Summons chains to restrain an enemy.
TV STORY-Live and Learn
- Summons a gold-colored metal washing pan that falls onto the head of the enemy.
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Metal Attack, which has two variations:
- Earth (土 Tsuchi, Note: this is typically the kanji for "Soil")
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Earth Attack, which has two variations:
- Makes the ground under the enemy protuberant.
TV STORY-Hack Attack
- Summons a pitfall trap under the enemy.
TV STORY-The Ranger Ribbon
- Makes the ground under the enemy protuberant.
- Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Earth Attack, which has two variations:
- Fire (火 Hi)
- Storm Star - An elemental Ninja Star capable of launching Ninjutsu attacks based on either wind or lightning by flipping the panel on the Star itself to the desired elemental setting of choice, with the settings being marked with their respective kanji. It was created by Mick Kanic for Aiden Romero after he joined the team as Levi Weston. It was among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but a second copy was later forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Tough Love
- Tornado (風 Kaze) - Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Tornado Attack:
- Creates a human-sized cyclone that is powerful enough to pick up a squad of Basherbots.
TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
- Creates a human-sized cyclone that is powerful enough to pick up a squad of Basherbots.
- Lightning (雷 Kaminari) - Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Lightning Attack:
- Forms a thundercloud over the target's head and sends a stream of lightning, zapping the target underneath.
TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
- Forms a thundercloud over the target's head and sends a stream of lightning, zapping the target underneath.
- Tornado (風 Kaze) - Allows the user to perform the Element Star: Ninja Tornado Attack:

Ninja Fusion Star
- Ninja Fusion Star[2] - A powerful Ninja Star that is made from the powers of all six Ninja Power Stars, marked with the kanji for "combine" (合 Gō).
- Creates three Ninja Star Blades made from pure energy to trap the enemy while the user attacks the enemy with the powers of 5 Ninja Star Blades.
TV STORY-Family Fusion
- Is specifically used during Megazord battles to combine the Ninja Steel Megazord and the Bull Rider Megazord into the Ninja Fusion Zord.
- It was among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but a new version was later shown to have been forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Tough Love
- Was also used on one occasion by General Tynamon to fuse 6 Skullgators into Megamauler.
TV STORY-Happy to Be Me
- Creates three Ninja Star Blades made from pure energy to trap the enemy while the user attacks the enemy with the powers of 5 Ninja Star Blades.

Ninja Ultra Star
- Ninja Ultra Star - A powered-up variant of the Ninja Fusion Star (with its blade edges recolored crimson instead of gold), this Star combines the Ninja Steel, Bull Rider, and Lion Fire Megazords into the colossal Ninja Ultrazord. It was among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but a new version was later shown to have been forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Moment of Truth The Ninja Ultra Star also combines the Ninja Blaze, Bull Rider, and Lion Fire Megazords into the Ninja Blaze Ultrazord.

Ninja Clone Star
- Ninja Clone Star - This Ninja Star bears a likeness to Ninja Steel Red and is marked with the kanji for "bun" (分 ), reflecting Sarah's Clone technology abilities.
- When used on the Ninja Steel Megazord, it casts illusions of the mecha so that it can surround the enemy before striking them.
TV STORY-Gold Rush
- When used on a Ranger, it creates physical clones of themselves, with the individual clones being capable of passing themselves off as the Ranger who summoned them.
TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling
- It was among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but a new version was later shown to have been forged from Ninja Super Steel.
TV STORY-Tough Love
- When used on the Ninja Steel Megazord, it casts illusions of the mecha so that it can surround the enemy before striking them.
The Zord Stars are used by the Ninja Steel Rangers to summon their Zords. They were created when shurikens made of Ninja Steel were fed back into the Ninja Nexus Prism after the Rangers were shown a vision of their Zords. The first five shurikens were spat back out by the Prism looking similar to the Ninja Power Stars except for the robotic face of the Megazord on the center. They were among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but new versions were later shown to have been forged from Ninja Super Steel, with the Prism recreating the Lion Fire Zord Star.
TV STORY-Echoes of Evil and Mick recreating the six core Zord Stars
TV STORY-Moment of Truth and Astro Zord Star.
TV STORY-Tough Love

Robo Red Zord Star
- Robo Red Zord Star - Summons the Robo Red Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Ninja Steel Megazord. This Star, along with the other color-marked Zord Stars, is marked with the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki). It was originally a throwing star that Dane Romero forged from Ninja Steel. Ten years later, it and four others were placed within the Ninja Nexus Prism, which changed them into their current forms for the Rangers.

Dragon Zord Star
- Dragon Zord Star - Summons the Dragon Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation. This Star, along with the other color-marked Zord Stars, is marked with the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki). It was originally a throwing star that Dane Romero forged from Ninja Steel. Ten years later, it and four others were placed within the Ninja Nexus Prism, which changed them into their current forms for the Rangers.

Nitro Zord Star
- Nitro Zord Star - Summons the Nitro Zord. This Star, along with the other color-marked Zord Stars, is marked with the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki). It was originally a throwing star that Dane Romero forged from Ninja Steel. Ten years later, it and four others were placed within the Ninja Nexus Prism, which changed them into their current forms for the Rangers.

Kodiak Zord Star
- Kodiak Zord Star - Summons the Kodiak Zord. This Star, along with the other color-marked Zord Stars, is marked with the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki). It was originally a throwing star that Dane Romero forged from Ninja Steel. Ten years later, it and four others were placed within the Ninja Nexus Prism, which changed them into their current forms for the Rangers.

Zoom Zord Star
- Zoom Zord Star - Summons the Zoom Zord. This Star, along with the other color-marked Zord Stars, is marked with the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki). It was originally a throwing star that Dane Romero forged from Ninja Steel. Ten years later, it and four others were placed within the Ninja Nexus Prism, which changed them into their current forms for the Rangers.

Bull Rider Zord Star
- Bull Rider Zord Star - Summons both the Robo Rider Zord and Ninja Bull Zord, which the Robo Rider rides on. Also used to combine both Zords into and completes the helmet for the Bull Rider Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "cattle" (牛 Ushi). It was created, along with the Storm Star, by Mick off-screen.

Rumble Tusk Zord Star
- Rumble Tusk Zord Star - Summons the Rumble Tusk Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "elephant" (象 Zō). Forged from the Ninja Nexus Prism after Mick saw a vision of an elephant herd, threw one of the stars forged from Ninja Steel into the Prism, and then sent it to Brody, allowing him to free himself from Tangleweb’s webbing and then use the Zord to vacuum up all the web that the monster was creating.
TV STORY-Tough Love

Astro Zord Star
- Astro Zord Star - Summons the Astro Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Astro Ninja Steel Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "orbit" (宙 Chū). Forged from the Ninja Nexus Prism after Mick saw a vision of the Astro Zord itself, threw one of the stars forged from Ninja Steel into the Prism, and then sent it to the Rangers to aid in their battle with Hacktrack, allowing the Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation to transform into the Astro Ninja Steel Megazord and chase Hacktrack all the way into outer space and the moon.

Sub Surfer Zord Star
- Sub Surfer Zord Star [3] - Summons the Sub Surfer Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "wave" (波 Nami).

Lion Fire Zord Star
- Lion Fire Zord Star - Allows Brody Romero to call upon the Lion Fire Zord. Also completes the helmet for the Lion Fire Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "lion" (獅 Shi).

Ninja Blaze Zord Star
- Ninja Blaze Zord Star[4] - Summons the Ninja Blaze Zords. Also completes the helmet for the Ninja Blaze Megazord. This Star is marked with the kanji for "heat" (熱 Netsu). Six copies of this Star were created.
These Stars are used by the Ninja Steel Rangers to access Cockpit Modes, which power their Megazords while the Rangers enter to pilot them.

Ninja Master Star
Five copies of the Ninja Master Mode Star appeared inside the cockpit of the Ninja Steel Megazord, which were used to activate a new Cockpit Mode for the Rangers. These are used to activate the Ninja Master Blade and perform the Megazord attacks. TV STORY-Live and Learn A sixth copy appeared for Aiden Romero (as Levi Weston) when he joined them in the cockpit for the first time
TV STORY-Gold Rush; it also appeared in the cockpit of the Bull Rider Megazord.
TV STORY-Rocking and Rolling They were among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax.
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises

Ninja Super Steel Mode Star
The Super Ninja Steel Mode Stars first appeared inside the cockpits of the remade Ninja Steel Megazord and Bull Rider Megazord, acting to replace the lost Ninja Master Mode Stars. Like their predecessors, they grant access to the Ninja Master Blade, but can also summon a single copy of the Ninja Super Steel Blaster, which is used to perform the Megazord's finishers. TV STORY-Moment of Truth
Mega Morph Cycle Star
The Mega Morph Cycle Star was created by Mick and Calvin, which was attached to Calvin's newly built motorcycle, turning it into the Mega Morph Cycle. Mick made four more copies so that the other Rangers could summon the cycle. TV STORY-Drive to Survive Rather than being placed into the Ninja Battle Morpher or Ninja Star Blade to summon the cycle, the Rangers instead say "Mega Morph Cycle Star, Rev Up!" They then throw the star and it materializes the cycle.
TV STORY-My Friend, Redbot They were among the Ninja Stars melted down and drunk by Galvanax
TV STORY-Galvanax Rises, but new versions were later shown to have been forged from Ninja Super Steel by Mick.
TV STORY-Moment of Truth
The Legendary Power Stars are a special type of Power Stars associated with the Ninja Steel Rangers' Power Ranger predecessors. They have a similar appearance to the Morphing Stars, only with the faces of the represented past Rangers (particularly Red for the Red Stars) or the core members of the represented team for the Team Stars as opposed to the Ninja Steel Rangers, making them somewhat similar to the Legendary Dino Chargers. They also sport the symbols of that team, such as the Ninja Storm Power Star's Wind Ninja Academy emblem and the Alien Ranger Power Star's ligtning bolt.
Power Stars representing Ninja Steel Red's Ninja-themed predecessors, the Red Aquitar Ranger and Red Wind Ranger, originally appeared in episode 7, of Ninninger. However, the Red Aquitar Ranger's star was instead adapted into the Ninja Clone Star and the abilities of the Red Wind Ranger's star were instead made into one of the Robo Red Zord's abilities.
A Power Star representing Space Sheriff Skyfire's counterpart, Jiraiya, appeared in Ninninger episode 34, but was ultimately never adapted.
- "Legendary Red Star! Activate!"
- ―announcement in the DX Ninja Battle Morpher[src]
All Legendary Red Stars feature the teams' Red Ranger, their emblem, and the kanji for "red" (赤 Aka).
- "Legendary (color) Star! Activate!"
- ―announcement in the DX Ninja Battle Morpher[src]
All Legendary Sixth Stars feature the teams' Sixth/Extra Ranger, their emblem, and the kanji for whatever color they represent.[5]
- "Legendary Team Star! Activate!"
- ―announcement in the DX Ninja Battle Morpher[src]
All Legendary Team Stars feature the core team, their emblem, and a kanji representing the team's motif.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "dragon" (竜 Ryū).
- Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "ninja" (忍 Nin).
- Zeo Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "power" (力 Chikara).
- Turbo Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "car" (車 Kuruma).
- In Space Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "orbit" (宙 Chū).
- Lost Galaxy Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "orbit" (宙 Chū).
- Wild Force Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "beast" (獣 Juu).
- Ninja Storm Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "ninja" (忍 Nin).
- Dino Thunder Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "dragon" (竜 Ryū)
- S.P.D. Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "commandment" (警 Kei).
- Mystic Force Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "spirit" (魔 Ma).
- Operation Overdrive Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "rumble" (轟 Gō).
- Jungle Fury Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "fist" (拳 Ken).
- Samurai Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "samurai" (侍 Samurai).
- Megaforce Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "heaven" (天 Ten).
- Super Megaforce Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "sea" (海 Umi).
- Dino Charge Ninja Power Star - Marked with the kanji for "electric" (電 Den)
All Legendary Zord Stars feature one of the Ranger’s Zords, their emblem, and the kanji for "machine" (機 Ki).[5]
- The kanji used on some of the Legendary Power Stars reflect the teams' Super Sentai counterparts rather than the Power Rangers versions. For example, the Megaforce Star uses "heaven" (天 Ten) in reference to the Goseigers being the Tensou Sentai (天装戦隊 Tensō Sentai, Heaven Equiped Squadron), while the Super Megaforce Star uses "sea, ocean" (海 Kai), the Gokaigers being the Kaizoku Sentai (海賊戦隊 Kaizoku Sentai, Pirate Squadron).
- Conversely, the Space Rangers Star and Galaxy Rangers Star use "orbit" (宙 Chū), part of the Japanese word for "space" (宇宙 Uchū), reflecting Power Rangers in Space and Power Rangers Lost Galaxy rather than the consumer electronics theme of Denji Sentai Megaranger or the nature theme of Seiju Sentai Gingaman, since these Power Rangers seasons had more emphasis on space than their Sentai counterparts. Other ones:
- Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers's "忍" (Nin-) refers to Ninja Sentai Kakuranger (忍者戦隊カクレンジャー)
- Power Rangers Zeo's "力" (Power) refers to Choriki Sentai Ohranger (超力戦隊オーレンジャー )
- Power Rangers Operation Overdrive's "轟" (Rumble) refers to GoGo Sentai Boukenger (轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャー )
- Power Rangers Jungle Fury's "拳" (Fist) refers to Juken Sentai Gekiranger (獣拳戦隊ゲキレンジャー )
- Power Rangers Dino Charge's "電" (Electro-) refers to Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー )
- Conversely, the Space Rangers Star and Galaxy Rangers Star use "orbit" (宙 Chū), part of the Japanese word for "space" (宇宙 Uchū), reflecting Power Rangers in Space and Power Rangers Lost Galaxy rather than the consumer electronics theme of Denji Sentai Megaranger or the nature theme of Seiju Sentai Gingaman, since these Power Rangers seasons had more emphasis on space than their Sentai counterparts. Other ones:
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
- Episode 1: Return of the Prism
- Episode 2: Forged in Steel
- Episode 3: Live and Learn
- Episode 4: Presto Change-O
- Episode 5: Drive to Survive
- Episode 6: My Friend Redbot
- Episode 7: Hack Attack
- Episode 8: Gold Rush
- Episode 9: Rocking & Rolling
- Episode 10: The Ranger Ribbon
- Episode 11: Poisonous Plots
- Episode 12: Family Fusion
- Episode 13: Ace and the Race
- Episode 14: The Royal Rival
- Episode 15: The Royal Rumble
- Halloween Special: Grave Robber
- Episode 16: Monkey Business
- Episode 17: The Adventures of Redbot
- Episode 18: Abrakadanger
- Episode 19: Helping Hand
- Episode 20/Finale: Galvanax Rises
- Christmas Special: Past, Presents, and Future
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
- Episode 1: Echoes of Evil
- Episode 2: Moment of Truth
- Episode 3: Tough Love
- Episode 4: Making Waves
- Episode 5: Game Plan
- Episode 6: Attack of the Galactic Ninjas
- Episode 7: The Need for Speed
- Episode 8: Caught Red-Handed
- Episode 9: Outfoxed
- Episode 10: Dimensions in Danger
- Episode 11: Love Stings
- Episode 12: Fan Frenzy
- Episode 13: Prepare To Fail
- Episode 14: Sheriff Skyfire
- Episode 15: Tech Support
- Episode 16: Car Trouble
- Episode 17: Happy to Be Me
- Halloween Special: Monster Mix-Up
- Episode 18: Magic Misfire
- Episode 19: Doom Signal
- Episode 20/Finale: Reaching the Nexus
- Christmas Special: The Poisy Show
Power Rangers Dino Fury
- Season 1
- Episode 8: Unexpected Guest (archive footage only)
- Season 1
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
- Episode 1: Lightning Strikes
- Episode 4: Team Work
See Also[]
- Nin Shuriken - Super Sentai counterpart in Ninninger. See comparison page.