PR2020 logo This article is about a/an set of power ups in the Power Rangers franchise.
"Cockpit Modes" is a title based upon conjecture.

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Ninja Steel Megazord Cockpit (Ninja Master Mode)

The Ninja Steel Rangers in Ninja Master Mode piloting a Megazord

Cockpit Modes or Pilot Suits are modes used exclusively inside the cockpits as either a form of protection or some kind of enhancement tied to the Zords themselves. The mode is exclusive to Power Rangers, specifically the "Saban Brands Era" and has never been used in Super Sentai. It was first seen in Samurai, but its necessity and capabilities were only explained in the next series that features the concept: Dino Charge. These modes are different from Enhancement Modes which are essentially Super Modes that enhance the Rangers in ground battles instead.

Most of the teams who use Cockpit Modes facilitate it with a sword which is exclusive to this form, though Dino Charge only began using the concept of a Cockpit Mode's sword in their Cockpit Mode, Dino Drive's extension form, Dino Super Drive.

Samurai and Super Samurai[]


Blue, Green, Yellow and Pink Rangers in Super Mega Mode with Red Ranger being the only core Ranger in Shogun Mode

Unlike previous seasons, Samurai and Super Samurai have not one power-up mode, but six - however, only two out of these forms are used for ground battles, with the rest serving as pilot suits.

Mega Mode[]

Mega Mode is used by the Samurai Rangers as their pilot suits for their Zords with cockpits that show a statue face of their Zord. In Samurai Forever, the rangers de-morphed and put their Spin Swords in the cockpits like their counterparts, the Shinkengers, do when they are inside their machinery.

  • Stats:
    • Helmet Modification with embossed mouthplates (except for the Gold Ranger)
    • Suit changes: armor in specific areas of the body, such as the chest, elbows, and non-armor padding which blends in with the black upper legs
    • No skirts for the female Rangers
    • Black accents for the Gold Ranger
    • The core Rangers' Spin Swords morph into the Mega Blades when assuming Mega Mode
  • Activation:
    • The Rangers first have the kanji for "super" (chō) appear on their Samuraizers' screens and write the kanji overhead of their FoldingZords' closed modes (Note: the Gold Ranger is the only Ranger who does not write "super" on his Zords but instead the kanji just appears on his Morpher's screen with no writing straight after) Activation call: "Mega Mode Power!"
  • When a Nighlok grows to Megazord size after its first life, the Rangers use their FoldingZords to defeat them. However, their suits change to an armored mode while being transported to their Zords.

Super Mega Mode[]

Super Mega Mode is the result of activating Mega Mode while in Super Samurai Mode. As it is the ordinary Mega Mode now being combined with the powers of the Black Box-accessed Super Samurai Mode, it is used by one Ranger at a time. Mega Mode is modified only with its Ranger-colored chest armor being replaced with white armor, as well as the Black Box now being attached to the Mega Blade either when the blade is attached to the control console when closed, meaning that the Black Box is locked above the Mega Blade's handle, or when the blade is separated from the console and opened, meaning the Black Box is attached to the handle's bottom section. When in Super Mega Mode, Jayden has been shown piloting the Samurai Battlewing and the Battlewing Megazord on his own, and Kevin has been shown summoning Antonio's Clawzord and Octozord even though Antonio himself wasn't present.

  • Super Mega Mode was designed for all seven rangers by PLEX, but the Gold Ranger never used it in the show.

Mega Shark Mode[]


Shark Attack Mega Mode is the result of activating Mega Mode while in Shark Attack Mode. As there is only one Shark Disc, it carries the same single user limit as with Super Mega Mode. It is identical to that mode in appearance, but with the crimson and light blue color scheme of Shark Attack Mode.

Shogun Mode[]

While used as a cockpit power-up, this is actually battle armor worn by The Grand Shogun and his team, and is considered a Battlizer. When the BullZord is uncovered and the Grand Shogun and his team therefore pass the powers of Shogun Mode upon the present generation Samurai Rangers, the belt buckle section of all of the three different Mega Mode types seen over the course of Samurai and Super Samurai before the introduction of Shogun Mode is replaced with the matching Shogun Buckle which accesses Shogun Mode - this instant replacement of the Mega Modes' buckle with the Shogun Buckle is introduced in Super Samurai' sixth episode, The BullZord

Dino Charge[]

Dino Drive[]

Dino Drive is a mode that was developed by Kendall as a pilot suit for the Dino Charge Rangers to double the power of the Megazord's attacks. It is not required in order to control a Megazord.

  • Activation: To activate Dino Drive, the Rangers press the switch on their Dino Drive Chargers to set the Chargers' powers into standby for use. Activation call: "Dino Drive! Activate!".
  • Stats:
    • Silver torso armor (gold for the Silver Ranger) with the form of a gold Dino Charger (blue for the Gold Ranger and red for the Silver Ranger).
    • Enhanced power and protection.
    • Increase power of Megazord

Dino Super Charge[]

Dino Super Drive[]

Main article: Dino Super Drive Saber

Dino Super Drive is a Cockpit Mode that was developed by Kendall as an enhancement of Dino Drive to power the Rangers' Megazord formations; unlike Dino Drive, this mode can improve the abilities of any Megazord's final attack.

  • Activation: To activate Dino Super Drive, one Ranger who is currently in Dino Drive presses the switch on the Dino Super Drive Charger and summons the Dino Super Drive Saber (Summoning call: "Dino Super Drive Saber!") straight after for insertion of the Charger. (Charger insertion call of Dino Super Drive Saber: "Dino Super Drive Charger, Engage!") That Ranger is the first of all of the Rangers present in a single Megazord cockpit during this time, and therefore in Dino Drive, to morph into the mode before the mode is spread upon the other present Rangers (Call for placing Dino Super Drive Mode upon all of the other Rangers who are in Dino Drive Mode: "Dino Super Drive, Activate!") and completing the morph. Note: Multiple rangers can simultaneously summon a copy of this weapon ONLY if they are occupying different Megazords.
  • Stats:
    • Torso armor, same as Dino Drive, but now with pieces on the arms and legs. These additional pieces are silver for every Ranger.
    • Additional spikes protection, similar to Dino Steel, but in all extremities.
    • Helmet Modifications: black mouthplate, silver stripes at the top and around the "eyes".
      • Note: Ivan's silver stripes seem to be shaped after lightning.
    • Protection in the Dino Com.
    • Glove color changes from white to Ranger color.

Ninja Steel[]

Ninja Master Mode[]

Main article: Ninja Master Blade

When the Ninja Steel Rangers use this cockpit mode, they gain a giant Ninja Power Star-like armor that goes over their heads and folds over their suits. When either a single Zord morphs into or a set of Zords combine into a Megazord, the Rangers need to access Ninja Master Mode in order to operate the Megazord. Using the Ninja Master Mode Star, the Rangers can access the Ninja Master Blade to perform attacks with said Megazord.

Super Ninja Steel[]

Ninja Super Steel Mode[]

Ninja Super Steel Mode replaces Ninja Master Mode due to the use of the Ninja Super Steel. It is an upgrade of the original with black arm and shin guards with gold highlights over all the armor pieces. Also the visors have lion fangs on the edges.

Beast Morphers[]

Cheetah Beast Blaster Mode[]

The Red Ranger's helmet changes to a scope-like mode whenever the Cheetah Beast Blaster is used.

Legendary Ranger Devices[]


  • Cockpit modes, while exclusive to Power Rangers, are still designed by PLEX and as such stay true to the aesthetic of their particular series.
  • It is only speculated what the purpose of Cockpit Modes are. For some, it is to facilitate new Zord cockpit footage for Super Sentai cockpit scenes that are deemed unusable for Power Rangers. The other popular theory is that it is to boost toy sales, which in effect is correct as Cockpit Modes in toys can multiply the amount of Ranger action figure collectibles, especially when some Rangers who either do not have a cockpit mode onscreen or may have a cockpit mode that is not enhanced are still sold in the design of such modes regardless.