Icon-shinkengerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Samurai.

"Aw, nuts."
―Vulpes when something bad happens.[src]

"Aw, nuts. Come on!"
―Vulpes' last words before his first destruction.[src]

"You're definitely gonna lose it. You haven't seen anything yet!"
―Vulpes when becoming a Mega-Monster.[src]

"Aah! Hey, now! Come on!"
―Vulpes' last words before his second destruction.[src]

Vulpes is a tengu/fox-themed Nighlok. Vulpes was a master of magic and served Octoroo. He serves as the main antagonist of the episode "Unexpected Arrival".


Vulpes is one of the Nighloks who served Octoroo and was a friend of fellow Nighlok, Steeleto.

In the thirteenth episode, Octoroo sent Vulpes to spy on Jayden and find out of the symbol of power to seal Master Xandred with his mirror which he calls the "enchanted eye". Vulpes was tasked with finding out if Jayden possessed the ability to use the Sealing Symbol.

The Nighlok entered the human world, setting off the Gap Sensor, but his mastery of invisibility meant that when the Rangers arrived, they could not spot him. He then tagged a spell on Jayden and began monitoring him. However, Jayden was able to sense his presence and after talking with the other Rangers, splashed some water on his face, causing Vulpes to withdraw his presence.

The following day, Vulpes resumed spying on Jayden when he went to the lake and used a mist to cover himself, forcing the Nighlok to venture out into the human world once again without his invisibility. Jayden then burst from the lake and confiscated his mirror, revealing that he had been aware of his presence all along. There, the Rangers arrived and broke it, but he still was highly powerful and defeated them by reflecting their attacks at them.

However, Antonio arrived and transformed into the Gold Ranger. Vulpes was amused by his stance and sent his Moogers after them, but all were destroyed and he was quickly forced to fight him. The Nighlok summoned crows, but Jayden morphed and helped Antonio by destroying the crows and knocking Vulpes down. Then Antonio battled and destroyed the Nighlok with his Barracuda Bite Attack.

Vulpes returned as a Mega-Monster and became invisible, allowing him to easily attack the Battlewing Megazord, but Antonio summoned the OctoZord, which used its ink cloud and made Vulpes visible. The Battlewing Megazord then destroyed Vulpes.Tvicon TV STORY-Unexpected Arrival

In "Room for One More", it was revealed that Vulpes was good friends with Steeleto. Tvicon TV STORY-Room for One More

Although Vulpes is not seen but heard, he did attend the Halloween party at the Nighlok Heaven. He tells his fellow Nighloks of his first battle with the Samurai Gold Ranger. Tvicon TV STORY-Party Monsters


Vulpes was a cunning, arrogant, and manipulative Nighlok who won't stop at his mission, which was given to him by Octoroo to discover Jayden's Symbol Power. He was also arrogant and confident as he underestimated Antonio and it caused his defeat. But he is also loyal to Octoroo. He was also mentioned to be good friends with Steeleto.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mirror Spells: Vulpes can create a lot of mirror spells.
  • Gap Teleportation: Vulpes can teleport using gaps.
  • Fox Reflection Steel: He can open a black and dark orange portal to reflect back the Rangers' sword attacks and copy them.
  • Fox Cyclone: He was able to summon a grand cyclone around him.
  • Vulpes Vail: Vulpes is able to turn invisible until he gets hit.
  • Fox Fire: He is able to expel blue flames that follow the opponent.
  • Fox Flare: He is also able to expel light blue flares from his eyes.
  • Fierce Fox Flock: Vulpes can release a flock of crows and bats from his crow head-shaped shoulder pads.
  • Enlarging: Like all other Nighloks, Vulpes possesses the ability to enlarge himself at will.


  • Strength: Vulpes possesses a big deal of strength, enough to battle Antonio, though he was later outmatched.
  • Moogers Summoning: Vulpes can summon Moogers.
  • Skilled Fighter: Vulpes is also skilled fighter and was able to stand against Antonio for some time.


  • Neutralized Invisibility: Vulpes' Vulpes Vail can be neutralized by powerful attacks, such as the OctoZord's ink cloud.


  • Fox Sword: Vulpes wields a sword in battle.
    • Implosion Empowerment: Vulpes can power up his sword and cause a large white explosion on contact with the enemy.
  • VULPES16

    Enchanted Eye

    Enchanted Eye: Vulpes has a mirror that can go observe people and scare them. It was destroyed by Jayden.
    • Mirror Spying: Vulpes is also able to use his mirror to spy on people.
      • Paranoia Inducement: When spying on people with his mirror, Vulpes can make them paranoid by making them think something is there when it isn’t.

Behind the Scenes[]



to be added


  • His name is from back to the Latin word "vulpes," which means "fox", reflecting his fox-themed design and his cunning, sly nature, which are characteristics often associated with foxes.


  • Vulpes is the first Nighlok to fight Antonio and be defeated by him while human-sized.
  • Unlike the other S1 Nighlok monsters in Nighlok Heaven in Party Monsters, Vulpes’ voice is heard, but he physically isn't seen due to the fact that he only appears in Sentai footage.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Icon-shinkenger Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai Icon-supersamurai
Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Lauren Shiba
Samuraizer - Samurai Morpher - Black Box - Power Discs - Spin Sword - Mega Blade - Fire Smasher - Hydro Bow - Sky Fan - Forest Spear - Earth Slicer - Barracuda Blade - Shark Sword - Bullzooka - Mega Mode - Super Mode - Super Mega Mode - Shark Attack Mode - Mega Shark Mode - Shogun Mode - Samurai SUV
Mentor Ji - Farkas Bulkmeier - Spike Skullovitch - Eugene Skullovitch - Cody - Scott Truman
Zords and Megazords
Lion FoldingZord - Dragon FoldingZord - Turtle FoldingZord - Bear FoldingZord - Ape FoldingZord - BeetleZord - SwordishZord - TigerZord - OctoZord - Samurai ClawZord - LightZord - SharkZord - BullZord
Samurai Megazord - Beetle Blaster Megazord - Swordfish Fencer Megazord - Tiger Drill Megazord - Samurai Battlewing - Battlewing Megazord - Octo Spear Megazord - Claw Battlezord - Claw Armor Megazord - Samurai Battle Cannon - Light Megazord - Samurai Shark Megazord - Bull Megazord - Samurai Gigazord - Samurai Lightzord - Samurai Shark Gigazord
Master Xandred - Octoroo - Serrator - General Gut - Moogers - Spitfangs - Furry Warts - Papyrox
Deker - Dayu
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Tooya - Scorpionic - Rofer - Doubletone - Dreadhead - Negatron - Yamiror - Madimot - Desperaino - Robtish - Vulpes - Steeleto - Antberry - Splitface - Arachnitor - Rhinosnorus - Sharkjaw - Sergeant Tread
Armadeevil - Switchbeast - Eyescar - Crustor - Skarf - Duplicator - Grinataur - Epoxar - Maldan - Trickster - Pestilox - Fiera - Gigertox - Gred