Icon-zenkaigerThis article is about a set of collectibles in Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger and Avataro Sentai DonbrothersIcon-donbrothers

The Sentai Gears (センタイギア Sentai Gia) are the collectible item of the Zenkaigers based on previous Super Sentai installments.


Sentai Gears

The Sentai Gears were created by Kaito Goshikida's parents, scientists Isao Goshikida and Mitsuko Goshikida. Inspired by the previous 44 Super Sentai in the parallel worlds they observed, they made the Sentai Gears in their image, alongside the Geartlingers to help protect their own world should the time come.

Using the Hero Side (ヒーローサイド Hīrō Saido) of their personal Sentai Gear with the Geartlinger, the user can transform into a Zenkaiger. When a Zenkaiger uses a Legend Sentai Gear, the Gear grants a part of the team or the entire team a power, attacks, or weapons used by the Sentai represented by the Gear. This is usually visualized by an image of the Sentai's members "jumping" into their target Zenkaiger's. Flipping the personal Sentai Gear to its Kikai Side (機界サイド Kikai Saido), the Kikainoid Zenkaigers enlarge and Zenkaizer can combine them to form ZenkaiOh.

The Zenkaigers gain momentary knowledge during this, as they note several times that their bodies move on their own when the Gear is active. The team have a habit to utter something attributed to the Gear being used (e.g. Takaharu Igasaki's catchphrase or even the ToQ Changer's standby announcement). This trait extends to the Transformation Gears as well, as noted by Magine suddenly claiming she has Magical Power and Vroon with Rumbling Power.

Although Kaito believes that his parents created their Sentai Gears from scratch, this was put to the test when Twokaizer revealed the origin of his Sentai Gears, whose plans were stolen from the Tojitendo Dynasty. Flint Goldtsuiker even managed to recreate several Sentai Gears exclusively for Twokaizer's use, inspired by a single viewing of Zenkaizer's Sentai Gear. After Hakaizer and the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon entered the picture, it was later determined that the Dynasty itself copied the Goshikidas' gear technology, later pirated by the World Pirates. Izirude himself would later confirm the theory reluctantly after the battle against Diamond World, as Hakaizer's identity was no longer his secret and was now common knowledge to both the Zenkaigers and the Tojitendo Dynasty.

Sentai Gear usage varies greatly between the core Zenkaigers, Twokaizer, and the situation at hand. Generally, when a core Zenkaiger uses a Sentai Gear, they summon and use the powers of the core Rangers of that Sentai, or only one warrior for some situations. Typically, the core Zenkaigers will gain the powers of past Rangers of their respective colors or their closest analog, with the exception of Zenkaizer, who usually gains the powers of Red Rangers, and Juran, who usually gains the powers of either Green or Black Rangers.

When Twokaizer uses a Sentai Gear, he summons warriors aside from the core Rangers, That means his summons vary wildly from the others, as he has been shown to summon additional Rangers (e,g, Gekiranger's GekiChopper and JAKQ's Big One), Sixth Rangers, and even one off temporary Rangers (e.g. the second Blue Turbo).

For currently unknown reasons, certain Hitotsuki monsters contain specific Sentai Gears in their bodies. A Sentai Gear can evolve into an Avataro Gear.

The Sentai Gears in Donbrothers seem to be scattered, as when Zenkaizer opens his buckle for the first time to add the Ryusoulger Gear to his collection, the buckle is empty. Whenever a Donbrother defeats a Hitotsuki, that gear appears to be released.

Tojiru Gears

The Tojiru Gears were used by the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo to capture several entire universes. Each Tojiru Gear represents a universe conquered by the Tojitendo, including those of the past 44 Super Sentai. Although it was believed that the Goshikidas based the Sentai Gear system on the Tojiru Gears, it was eventually revealed that it was the other way around, with Izirude having kidnapped Isao and Mitsuko to develop the Tojiru Gears.

As discovered by Izirude, a Tojiru Gear would transform a Kudakk into a World inspired by the world within the Gear. When the World is destroyed, the Tojiru Gear is released. Afterwards, if a Kudaitest steps on the Tojiru Gear, or is within the Gear's vicinity, the Gear reacts with the Kudaitest and turns it into an empowered Great World inspired by the Gear. If the Great World is then destroyed, the Tojiru Gear is released and shatters, liberating the universe within.

A released Tojiru Gear will shatter within a period of time if it does not react with a Kudaitest. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 25-kai! Start Over! Zenkaiger-kai!

A Tojiru Gear that does not contain a captured parallel world is colored completely white rather than being colored black and grey.Tvicon TV STORY-No. 45-kai! Is it the Lowest Fortune?!

Once Bokkowaus himself had been told of the revelation that someone had been leaking their most recent plans to the Zenkaigers themselves, he finally had enough of the heroes' continued persistence which had been hindering his progress of conquering the Zenkaigers' homeworld time and time again. And thus, as part of his final gambit against the Zenkaigers, he had commanded Izirude to bring him any and all of the remaining Tojiru Gears that had not been used and destroyed yet. Once the aforementioned Tojiru Gears had been brought before him, Bokkowaus proceed to use his power to absorb all of the Tojiru Gears in question into his body so that he could enhance his already fearsome power. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 46-kai! A Little God Who Jumped Out! Tvicon TV STORY-No. 47-kai! Enter The Palace! I'm Proud Even In Front of The Boss!

As a result of absorbing any and all of the remaining Tojiru Gears that the Tojitendo itself had not used yet, Bokkowaus had demonstrated his new and formidable powers that had initially gave him the advantage in the final fight against the Zenkaigers themselves. For example, he could change the location of a fight that he is participating in to the environment of an absorbed parallel world that is best suited to his liking and he could also use the powers, attacks as well as weapons that are normally used by each and every one of the Super Sentai teams that act as the heroes of some of the parallel worlds that he had absorbed beforehand.

However, in spite of facing Bokkowaus' formidable power as well as their respective transformation Sentai Gears being destroyed as a result, the five Zenkaigers themselves refuse to give up which had caused the collective powers of each and every one of the 44 Super Sentai teams whose respective homeworlds had been absorbed by Bokkowaus beforehand to eject themselves from the aforementioned tyrant's body due to said powers reacting to the Zenkaigers' displayed unwavering resolve in taking Bokkowaus down even though each and every one of the parallel worlds that serve as the homes of the aforementioned Super Sentai teams are still trapped inside the Tojiru Gears that had been absorbed by Bokkowaus himself.

As a result, the collective powers of each and every one of the Super Sentai teams themselves had not only repaired the Zenkaigers' transformation Sentai Gears but the powers in question had also upgraded them which had, in turn, enabled the Zenkaigers themselves to finally defeat Bokkowaus himself as well as liberate each and every one of the parallel worlds that had been imprisoned inside the absorbed Tojiru Gears for good. And thus, finally freeing the entire multiverse from the Tojitendo's tyranny.

Unfortunately, as the heroes themselves are celebrating their long awaited victory, a mysterious god that had been secretly pulling the strings of the yearlong conflict in question had proceeded to take the presented opportunity to use a machine that the now fallen dynasty had utilized to imprison any and all parallel worlds into Tojiru Gears as part of his own sinister agenda. He proceeded to use the machine itself to not only recapture each and every one of the recently liberated parallel worlds into Tojiru Gears once again but he had also used it to capture Kikaitopia into a Tojiru Gear albeit he had chose to spare Kaito Goshikida's homeworld from the aforementioned process. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 48-kai! Sky Full of Stars, The Dynasty Collapses!

Fortunately, despite the god's attempt of erasing the memories of each and every one of the natives of Kaito's homeworld regarding the parallel worlds themselves as well as the natives of said parallel worlds, Kaito would gradually regain all of his original memories and this had resulted in both Kaito himself and the god himself to have one final fight against each other. Thankfully, Kaito had managed to win the decisive showdown in question once and for all along with Kaito himself convincing the aforementioned god to keep on making as many new parallel worlds as he desires as well as being a good god that takes care of all of the natives of each and every parallel world that he has ever created which, in Kaito's words, would make the multiverse itself a more fun and interesting place for the god himself.

Before they both parted ways with each other on amicable terms, the god himself would tell Kaito that the Tojiru Gear machine is secretly located atop the Tokyo Skytree as well as being rendered invisible by the aforementioned machine's stealth functionality in order to keep it hidden. Then, once Kaito himself had reached the location in question, he then proceeds to use the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon in order to completely destroy the machine itself.

As a result of the aforementioned machine's destruction, each and every one of the parallel worlds that had been imprisoned inside the Tojiru Gears themselves are now permanently liberated. And thus, restoring the entire multiverse back to its' rightful place for good. Tvicon TV STORY-Last-kai! My World, Everyone's World

Dark Sentai Gears

The Dark Sentai Gears (ダークセンタイギア Dāku Sentai Gia)[1], alternatively referred to as the Dark Gears (暗黒ギア Ankoku Gia) by Izirude, are the evil counterparts of the Sentai Gears. They are used by Stacy to summon the manifestations of past Sentai teams and/or Giant Robos to fight against the Zenkaigers. These gears are identical to the Sentai Gears, with their rims colored purple and the ranger image colored white.[2] Five of these gears, including the Gorenger Dark Gear, were destroyed by Zocks in his debut.

Much like the core Zenkaigers, Stacaesar summons the core Rangers or primary Mecha of a team. This means that for a team like JAKQ Dengekitai, he will summon the first four members, but not the additional Big One.

After Stacaesar's upgrade by Izirude, he can now summon past Sentai Rangers in their power-up forms, usually one Ranger per Gear. He is also given Dark Sentai Gears in the image of Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon to summon Black JuranTyranno and Black GaonLion respectively, though after ZenkaiOh Black JuraGaon's destruction he has not used them again.

List of Sentai Gears


Number Image Name Ranger Uses
KSZe-Zenkaizer Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Damaged)


Zenkaizer Gear (ゼンカイザーギア Zenkaizā Gia) Zenkaizer/Zenkaizer Black Used for Zenkaizer (Black) transformation; Kikai Side manifests a giant Zenkaizer that initiates a Zenkai Gattai.
KSZe-Zenkai Juran Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

KSZe-Zenkai Juran Gear (Damaged)


Zenkai Juran Gear (ゼンカイジュランギア ZenkaiJuran Gia) Zenkai Juran Used for Zenkai Juran & JuranTyranno transformations. Used by Zenkaizer Black on the Kikai Side to summon JuranTyranno.
KSZe-Zenkai Gaon Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Gaon Gear (ゼンカイガオーンギア ZenkaiGaōn Gia) Zenkai Gaon Used for Zenkai Gaon & GaonLion transformations.
KSZe-Zenkai Magine Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Magine Gear (ゼンカイマジーヌギア ZenkaiMajīnu Gia) Zenkai Magine Used for Zenkai Magine & MagineDragon transformations.
KSZe-Zenkai Vroon Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Vroon Gear (ゼンカイブルーンギア ZenkaiBurūn Gia) Zenkai Vroon Used for Zenkai Vroon & VroonDump transformations.
KSZe-Twokaizer Gear

KSZe-Twokaizer Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Twokaizer Gear (ツーカイザーギア Tsūkaizā Gia) Twokaizer Used for Twokaizer transformation; Kikai Side summons Battleship CrocoDaiOh.

Number Image Name Ranger Uses
KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Red)

KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (Red) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkaiger Gear (Red) (ゼンカイジャーギア(レッド) Zenkaijā Gia (Reddo)) Zenkai Red Used for Zenkai Red transformation.
KSZe-Zenkaiger Gear (2022 ver
Zenkaiger Gear (2022 ver.) (ゼンカイジャーギア(2022ver.) Zenkaijā Gia (Nisen-nijūni Bāshion)) Zenkaigers Upgraded from the core Zenkaigers' damaged Gears; allows the core Zenkaigers to transform.
KSZe-Twokai Flint Gear

KSZe-Twokai Flint Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Twokai Flint Gear[3] (ツーカイフリント TsūkaiFurinto Gia) Twokai Flint Used for Twokai Flint transformation.
Broken (破 Ha)
Hakaizer Gear (ハカイザーギア Hakaizā Gia) Hakaizer Theorically used for Hakaizer transformation
Only appears during the transformation sequence and no phisycal version of it has appeared yet.

Legend Sentai

Number Image Name Sentai Team Uses
KSZe-Gorenger Gear

KSZe-Gorenger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gorenger Gear (ゴレンジャーギア Gorenjā Gia) Gorengers Activates Gorenger Hurricane.


(Kikai Side)

J.A.K.Q. Gear (ジャッカーギア Jakkā Gia) J.A.K.Q. For Twokaizer, it summons Big One's Big Baton. He then embodies Big One's "authority" over the JAKQ team, allowing Twokaizer to take control of Stacy's fakes.
KSZe-Battle Fever Gear

KSZe-Battle Fever Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Battle Fever Gear (バトルフィーバーギア Batoru Fībā Gia) Battle Fever J Allows the users to perform the individual dances of Battle Fever.
KSZe-Denziman Gear

KSZe-Denziman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Denziman Gear (デンジマンギア Denjiman Gia) Denzimen Summons the Denzi Punch.
KSZe-Sun Vulcan Gear

KSZe-Sun Vulcan Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Sun Vulcan Gear (サンバルカンギア San Barukan Gia) Sun Vulcan Summons the Vulcan Ball.
KSZe-Goggle-V Gear

KSZe-Goggle-V Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Goggle-V Gear (ゴーグルファイブギア Gōguru Faibu Gia) Goggle-V Summons ribbons akin to those used by Goggle-V.
KSZe-Dynaman Gear

KSZe-Dynaman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dynaman Gear (ダイナマンギア Dainaman Gia) Dynamen Allows Kaito to perform DynaPink's Rose Finale. Also summons a parabolic megaphone, to deflect sound-based attacks from an opponent.
KSZe-Bioman Gear

KSZe-Bioman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Bioman Gear (バイオマンギア Baioman Gia) Biomen Able to shoot the Bio Electro Beam attack from the Geartlinger.
KSZe-Changeman Gear

KSZe-Changeman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Changeman Gear (チェンジマンギア Chenjiman Gia) Changemen Allows the users to use the Griffon Magma Galaxy.
KSZe-Flashman Gear

KSZe-Flashman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Flashman Gear (フラッシュマンギア Furasshuman Gia) Flashmen Used as ammo for the Geartlinger Bazooka used exclusively by the enlarged Kikainoid Zenkaigers.
KSZe-Maskman Gear

KSZe-Maskman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Maskman Gear (マスクマンギア Masukuman Gia) Maskmen Grants the users Aura power and levitation.
KSZe-Liveman Gear

KSZe-Liveman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Liveman Gear (ライブマンギア Raibuman Gia) Livemen Summons the Falcon Saber and allows one to utilize Red Falcon's swordsmanship.
KSZe-Turboranger Gear

KSZe-Turboranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Turboranger Gear (ターボレンジャーギア Tāborenjā Gia) Turborangers Grants the users enhanced speed.
KSZe-Fiveman Gear

KSZe-Fiveman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Fiveman Gear (ファイブマンギア Faibuman Gia) Fivemen Heightens the user's intellect using Five Red’s power as a science teacher to be able to solve a problem.
KSZe-Jetman Gear

KSZe-Jetman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Jetman Gear (ジェットマンギア Jettoman Gia) Jetmen When the entire team is present, it re-enacts the infamous ending of the finale where Ryu Tendo and Kaori Rokumeikan get married and Gai Yuki gets stabbed, with the World taking Gai's place. Alternatively, it summons Yellow Owl to throw a tomato he likely grew at an enemy.
KSZe-Zyuranger Gear

KSZe-Zyuranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zyuranger Gear (ジュウレンジャーギア Jūrenjā Gia) Zyurangers Allows the Zenkaigers to perform the Babel Attack.
KSZe-Dairanger Gear

KSZe-Dairanger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dairanger Gear (ダイレンジャーギア Dairenjā Gia) Dairangers Summons the Dairen Rods. Alternatively, it uses ShishiRanger's illusion powers to summon the Phantom Sotetsu Liner. For Twokaizer, it summons Byakkoshinken.
KSZe-Kakuranger Gear

KSZe-Kakuranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kakuranger Gear (カクレンジャーギア Kakurenjā Gia) Kakurangers Activates Kakure-style ninja techniques, such as allowing one to escape in a puff of smoke.
KSZe-Ohranger Gear

KSZe-Ohranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ohranger Gear (オーレンジャーギア Ōrenjā Gia) Ohrangers Allows the user to perform the Superpower Star Knuckle attack.
KSZe-Carranger Gear

KSZe-Carranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Carranger Gear (カーレンジャーギア Kārenjā Gia) Carrangers Gives the user the ability to dismantle any mechanical object with extreme speed. Dropped from Gekisoki after its defeat.
KSZe-Megaranger Gear

KSZe-Megaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Megaranger Gear (メガレンジャーギア Megarenjā Gia) Megarangers Grants a flat surface the ability to glide akin to the Cyber Sliders.
KSZe-Gingaman Gear

KSZe-Gingaman Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gingaman Gear (ギンガマンギア Gingaman Gia) Gingamen For Twokaizer, he uses BullBlack’s power, which allows him to calm bulls down.
KSZe-GoGoFive Gear

KSZe-GoGoFive Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

GoGoFive Gear (ゴーゴーファイブギア GōGō Faibu Gia) GoGoFive Allows the users to use professional rescue techniques.
KSZe-Timeranger Gear

KSZe-Timeranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Timeranger Gear (タイムレンジャーギア Taimurenjā Gia) Timerangers Enables the user to rewind and manipulate time to change the outcome of a battle.
KSZe-Gaoranger Gear

KSZe-Gaoranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gaoranger Gear (ガオレンジャーギア Gaorenjā Gia) Gaorangers Sharpens the users' instincts to attack wildly.
KSZe-Hurricaneger Gear

KSZe-Hurricaneger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Hurricaneger Gear (ハリケンジャーギア Harikenjā Gia) Hurricanegers Activates HurricaneRed's Super Ninpou Sky Dash attack. It can also activate the Super Ninpou: Shadow Dance attack. For Twokaizer, it summons the Shuriken's Bat and activates the Miracle Thousand Knock attack.
KSZe-Abaranger Gear

KSZe-Abaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Abaranger Gear (アバレン��ャーギア Abarenjā Gia) Abarangers For Twokaizer, it summons AbareKiller’s Wing Pentact, which can create any object he needs to defeat his enemies simply by drawing it.
KSZe-Dekaranger Gear

KSZe-Dekaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dekaranger Gear (デカレンジャーギア Dekarenjā Gia) Dekarangers Summons the D-Wapper for a quick arrest and causes the affected Zenkaigers to act like police officers.
KSZe-Magiranger Gear

KSZe-Magiranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Magiranger Gear (マジレンジャーギア Majirenjā Gia) Magirangers Summons a corresponding number of MagiSticks for the number of users present. Alternatively in the Zenkaiger Final Live Tour 2022, it summons Tsubasa Ozu equipped with the Magi Punch to attack an opponent.
KSZe-Boukenger Gear

KSZe-Boukenger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Boukenger Gear (ボウケンジャーギア Bōkenjā Gia) Boukengers Allows the users to shoot Hyper Concrete from any ranged weapon.
KSZe-Gekiranger Gear

KSZe-Gekiranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gekiranger Gear (ゲキレンジャーギア Gekirenjā Gia) Gekirangers Summons the SaiBlade for Twokaizer.
KSZe-Go-Onger Gear

KSZe-Go-Onger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Go-Onger Gear (ゴーオンジャーギア Gōonjā Gia) Go-Ongers For Twokaizer, it grants his and another's weapons the Mission Six state of the Rocket Daggers, granting flight while being able to attack.
KSZe-Shinkenger Gear

KSZe-Shinkenger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Shinkenger Gear (シンケンジャーギア Shinkenjā Gia) Shinkengers Allows the user to summon a duplicate of Shinken Red’s Rekka Daizantou to perform the Shinken Strike. It also creates some kanji with the Shinkengers’ Mojikara power.
KSZe-Goseiger Gear

KSZe-Goseiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Goseiger Gear (ゴセイジャーギア Goseijā Gia) Goseigers Summons a Tensouder and a Gosei Card appropriate for the situation, allowing for Tensou Technique usage. For Twokaizer, it allows him to transform into the Groundion Headder.
KSZe-Gokaiger Gear

KSZe-Gokaiger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gokaiger Gear (ゴーカイジャーギア Gōkaijā Gia) Gokaigers Allows the users to fight like the Gokaigers, being able to switch their weapons.
KSZe-Go-Busters Gear

KSZe-Go-Busters Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Go-Busters Gear (ゴーバスターズギア Gōbasutāzu Gia) Go-Busters Activates abilities akin to the primary Go-Busters: Consisting of Red Busters speed, Blue Buster’s strength and Yellow Buster’s jumping ability. When used by Twokaizer in the Zenkaiger Final Live Tour, it summons Masato Jin with his Morphin Blaster to shoot an opponent.
KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kyoryuger Gear (キョウリュウジャーギア Kyōryūjā Gia) Kyoryugers Allows the users to fight like the Kyoryugers, with a samba dance style, ending with a coloured explosion.
KSZe-ToQger Gear

KSZe-ToQger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

ToQger Gear (トッキュウジャーギア Tokkyūjā Gia) ToQgers Activates a train-like linked dash attack.
KSZe-Ninninger Gear

KSZe-Ninninger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ninninger Gear (ニンニンジャーギア Ninninjā Gia) Ninningers Activates a sword strike attack akin to that of AkaNinger's Ninja Retsu Zan.
KSZe-Zyuohger Gear

KSZe-Zyuohger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zyuohger Gear (ジュウオウジャーギア Jūōjā Gia) Zyuohgers Manifests Zyuoh Eagle's wings for flight. For Twokaizer, it summons the Zyuoh The GunRod but with a side effect of Misao Mondou's depression after usage. Dropped from Doubutsuki after its defeat.
KSZe-Kyuranger Gear

KSZe-Kyuranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kyuranger Gear (キュウレンジャーギア Kyūrenjā Gia) Kyurangers Greatly enhances the user's luck akin to Shishi Red. For Twokaizer, he gains Koguma Sky Blue’s ability to turn giant sized.
KSZe-Lupinranger Gear

KSZe-Lupinranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Lupinranger Gear (ルパンレンジャーギア Rupanrenjā Gia) Lupinrangers Gives the user enhanced agility and the ability to open safes. Also allows the user to do the Itadaki Strike.
KSZe-Patranger Gear

KSZe-Patranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Patranger Gear (パトレンジャーギア Patorenjā Gia) Patrangers Brings a group of people together into one area, evoking Patren Ugou. Dropped from Keisatsuki after its defeat.
KSZe-Ryusoulger Gear

KSZe-Ryusoulger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ryusoulger Gear (リュウソウジャーギア Ryūsōjā Gia) Ryusoulgers Summons the Ryusoul Kens. Dropped from Kishiryuki after its defeat.
KSZe-Kiramager Gear

KSZe-Kiramager Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kiramager Gear (キラメイジャーギア Kirameijā Gia) Kiramagers Summons smaller versions of the primary Kiramai Mashins to attack opponents. Alternatively, it can also creates confetti sparkles.
Non ( Hi)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger GearMovieicon MOVIE STORY-Saber + Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki (アキバレンジャーギア Akibarenjā Gia) Akibarangers Make the user's enemies cowardly and say death flags, causing them to later spontaneously explode from second hand embarrassment.

These Sentai Gears are special red variants of the Legend Sentai Gears used by Zenkai Red.

Number Image Name Sentai Team Uses
KSZe-Gorenger Gear (Super Red Ver

KSZe-Gorenger Gear (Super Red Ver

(Kikai Side)

Gorenger Gear (Super Red Ver.) (ゴレンジャーギア (スーパーレッドVer。) Gorenjā Gia (Sūpā Reddo Bāshion)) Gorengers
KSZe-Lupinranger Gear (Super Red Ver

KSZe-Lupinranger Gear (Super Red Ver

(Kikai Side)

Lupinranger Gear (Super Red Ver.) (ルパンレンジャーギア (スーパーレッドVer.) Rupanrenjā Gia (Sūpā Reddo Bāshion)) Lupinrangers
KSZe-Patranger Gear (Super Red Ver

KSZe-Patranger Gear (Super Red Ver

(Kikai Side)

Patranger Gear (Super Red Ver.) (パトレンジャーギア (スーパーレッドVer。) Patorenjā Gia (Sūpā Reddo Bāshion)) Patrangers Allows the user to do the Ichigeki Strike.
KSZe-Kiramager Gear (Super Red Ver

KSZe-Kiramager Gear (Super Red Ver

(Kikai Side)

Kiramager Gear (Super Red Ver.) (キラメイジャーギア (スーパーレッドVer。) Kirameijā Gia (Sūpā Reddo Bāshion)) Kiramagers


Number Image Name Ranger Uses
KSZe-TwokaiRicky Gear

KSZe-TwokaiRicky Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

TwokaiRicky Gear (ツーカイリッキギア TsūkaiRikkī Gia) Twokaizer Used by Twokaizer to access his Ohran Form; Kikai Side assembles TwokaiOh Ricky. After the SDtopia curse was undone and Ricky was restored to his human form, the Gear was modified to allow him to switch between his human and SD forms.
KSZe-TwokaiCutanner Gear

KSZe-TwokaiCutanner Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

TwokaiCutanner Gear (ツーカイカタナールギア TsūkaiKattanā Gia) Twokaizer Used by Twokaizer to access his Shinken Form; Kikai Side assembles TwokaiOh Cutanner. After the SDtopia curse was undone and Cutanner was restored to his human form, the Gear was modified to allow him to switch between his human and SD forms.

"Zenkaiju Gear!"
―Activation announcement for Sentai Gear Mode[src]

"Kaiju! Kaiju!"
―Cranking announcement in the Geartlinger and Geardalinger[src]

―Equipping announcement in the Geartlinger and Geardalinger[src]

"Babang! Babang! Babang! Babang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang! Chou Zenkai!"
―Transformation announcement in the Geartlinger[src]

―Announcement when hitting the steering wheel on the Geardalinger[src]

"Yōsorō! Chou Twokai ni Revolution!

Translation: Keep Steady! Super Twokai Revolution! (ヨーソロー! 超ツーカイにレボリューシヨン!)"
―Transformation announcement in the Geardalinger[src]

"Big Bang!"
―Enlargement announcement[src]

"Zenkai Gattai!"
―Combination activation announcement[src]

―Combination announcement for ZenKaijuOh[src]

The Zenkaiju Gear (ゼンカイジュウギア Zenkaijū Gia) is a special, sentient gear created by Flint that is used by Zenkaizer & Twokaizer to transform into their Super forms. Chomping with the mouth in Sentai Gear Mode once allows them to become Giant Super Zenkaizer and Super Twokaizer SD, respectively. Chomping once again afterwards combines the two into ZenKaijuOh. Secchan only intended for Flint to build one for Kaito's usage, but to his surprise she also built a second one meant for the World Pirates.

The Zenkaiju Gear's Kaiju Mode is based on the V-Rex, while its Sentai Gear Mode is modeled directly after DragonCaesar's head.

"Kiramai Go!"
―Insertion announcement in the Geartlinger and Geardalinger[src]

"Ki-Ra-Mai! Ki-Ra-Mai!"
―Cranking announcement in the Geartlinger and Geardalinger[src]

―Equipping announcement in the Geartlinger and Geardalinger[src]

"Babang! Babang! Babang! Babang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang! Chou Zenkai!"
―Transformation announcement in the Geartlinger[src]

―Announcement when hitting the steering wheel on the Geardalinger[src]

"Yōsorō! Chou Twokai ni Revolution!

Translation: Keep Steady! Super Twokai Revolution! (ヨーソロー! 超ツーカイにレボリューシヨン!)"
―Transformation announcement in the Geardalinger[src]

The Kirameki Zenkaiju Gear (キラメキゼンカイジュギア Kirameki Zenkaijū Gia) is a version of the Zenkaiju Gear created by Kiramai Red with Blue Diamond. It is used by Zenkaizer and Twokaizer to access their Kirameki forms.


Number Image Name Kamen Rider Uses
KSZe-Kamen Rider Zi-O Gear

KSZe-Kamen Rider Zi-O Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kamen Rider Zi-O Gear (仮面ライダージオウギア Kamen Raidā Jiō Gia) Kamen Rider Zi-OIcon-crosswiki Allows the user to see the future and perform Zi-O II's King Giri Giri Slash using any sword weapon they have.
KSZe-Kamen Rider Zero-One Gear

KSZe-Kamen Rider Zero-One Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kamen Rider Zero-One Gear (仮面ライダーゼロワンギア Kamen Raidā Zerowan Gia) Kamen Rider Zero-OneIcon-crosswiki Allows the user to perform Zero-One's Rider Kick, Rising Impact.
KSZe-Kamen Rider Saber Gear

KSZe-Kamen Rider Saber Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kamen Rider Saber Gear (仮面ライダーセイバーギア Kamen Raidā Seibā Gia) Kamen Rider SaberIcon-crosswiki Summons Kaenken RekkaIcon-crosswiki, allowing the user to perform Saber's Kaen Juujizan.

These are Sentai Gears that do not fit any of the preceding categories.

Number Image Name Sentai Team or Ranger Uses
KSZe-All Red Gear

KSZe-All Red Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

All Red Gear (オールレッドギア Ōru Reddo Gia) Sentai Red Rangers Summons all Sentai Red Rangers from teams before Zenkaiger.
KSZe-Donbrothers Gear
Donbrothers Gear (ドンブラザーズギア Donburazāzu Gia) Donbrothers Summons Don Momotaro and his Superbike Enya Rideon.
KSZe-Blank Sentai Gear

List of Dark Sentai Gears

Number Image Name Ranger Uses
Dark ( Kura)
KSZe-Stacaesar Gear

KSZe-Stacaesar Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Stacaesar Gear (ステイシーザーギア Suteishīzā Gia) Stacasear Used for Stacasear transformation and summons Battle Caesar Robo, his main mech.
KSZe-Zenkai Juran Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zenkai Juran Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Juran Gear (ゼンカイジュランギア ZenkaiJuran Gia) Stacasear Summons Black JuranTyranno
KSZe-Zenkai Gaon Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zenkai Gaon Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Gaon Gear (ゼンカイガオーンギア ZenkaiGaōn Gia) Stacasear Summons Black GaonLion
KSZe-Zenkai Magine Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zenkai Magine Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Magine Gear (ゼンカイマジーヌギア ZenkaiMajīnu Gia) Stacasear Theoretically, it can summon Black MagineDragon when used but it was never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Zenkai Vroon Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zenkai Vroon Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkai Vroon Gear (ゼンカイブルーンギア ZenkaiBurūn Gia) Stacasear Theoretically, it can summon Black VroonDump when used but it was never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Twokaizer Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Twokaizer Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Twokaizer Gear (ツーカイザーギア Tsūkaizā Gia) Stacasear It is unknown what kind of ability it can give Stacaesar as it was never used throughout the show's run.

Number Image Name Sentai Team Uses
KSZe-Gorenger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Gorenger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gorenger Gear (ゴレンジャーギア Gorenjā Gia) Gorengers Summons the Gorengers. Destroyed by Twokaizer.


(Kikai Side)

J.A.K.Q. Gear (ジャッカーギア Jakkā Gia) J.A.K.Q. Summons the J.A.K.Q..
KSZe-Battle Fever Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Battle Fever Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Battle Fever Gear (バトルフィーバーギア Batoru Fībā Gia) Battle Fever J Summons Battle Fever Robo.
KSZe-Denziman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Denziman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Denziman Gear (デンジマンギア Denjiman Gia) Denzimen Summons DaiDenzin.
KSZe-Sun Vulcan Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Sun Vulcan Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Sun Vulcan Gear (サンバルカンギア San Barukan Gia) Sun Vulcan Summons Sun Vulcan Robo, and the Sun Vulcan team (used in Zenkaiger G-Rosso stage show).
KSZe-Goggle-V Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Goggle-V Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Goggle-V Gear (ゴーグルファイブギア Gōguru Faibu Gia) Goggle-V Summons Goggle Robo.
KSZe-Dynaman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Dynaman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dynaman Gear (ダイナマンギア Dainaman Gia) Dynamen Summons Dyna Robo.
KSZe-Bioman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Bioman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Bioman Gear (バイオマンギア Baioman Gia) Biomen Summons Bio Robo.
KSZe-Changeman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Changeman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Changeman Gear (バイオマンギア Chenjiman Gia) Changemen Summons Change Robo.
KSZe-Flashman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Flashman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Flashman Gear (フラッシュマンギア Furasshuman Gia) Flashmen Summons the Flashmen and Flash King.
KSZe-Maskman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Maskman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Maskman Gear (マスクマンギア Masukuman Gia) Maskmen Summons the Maskmen and Great Five.
KSZe-Liveman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Liveman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Liveman Gear (ライブマンギア Raibuman Gia) Livemen Summons Live Robo.
KSZe-Turboranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Turboranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Turboranger Gear (ターボレンジャーギア Tāborenjā Gia) Turborangers Summons Turbo Robo.
KSZe-Fiveman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Fiveman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Fiveman Gear (ファイブマンギア Faibuman Gia) Fivemen Summons the Fivemen and Fiverobo.
KSZe-Jetman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Jetman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Jetman Gear (ジェットマンギア Jettoman Gia) Jetmen Summons Jet Icarus. Never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Zyuranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zyuranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zyuranger Gear (ジュウレンジャーギア Jūrenjā Gia) Zyurangers Summons the Zyurangers and Daizyuzin.
KSZe-Dairanger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Dairanger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dairanger Gear (Dairangersギア Dairenjā Gia Gia) Dairangers Summons RyuseiOh.
KSZe-Kakuranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Kakuranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kakuranger Gear (カクレンジャーギア Kakurenjā Gia) Kakurangers Summons Muteki Shogun.
KSZe-Ohranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Ohranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ohranger Gear (オーレンジャーギア Ōrenjā Gia) Ohrangers Summons the Ohrangers and Ohranger Robo.
KSZe-Carranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Carranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Carranger Gear (カーレンジャーギア Kārenjā Gia) Carrangers Summons RV Robo.
KSZe-Megaranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Megaranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Megaranger Gear (メガレンジャーギア Megarenjā Gia) Megarangers Summons Galaxy Mega.
KSZe-Gingaman Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Gingaman Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gingaman Gear (ギンガマンギア Gingaman Gia) Gingamen Summons GingaiOh.
KSZe-GoGoFive Gear (Dark)

KSZe-GoGoFive Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

GoGoFive Gear (ゴーゴーファイブギア GōGō Faibu Gia) GoGoFive Summons Victory Robo.
KSZe-Timeranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Timeranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Timeranger Gear (タイムレンジャーギア Taimurenjā Gia) Timerangers Summons TimeRobo.
KSZe-Gaoranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Gaoranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gaoranger Gear (ガオレンジャーギア Gaorenjā Gia) Gaorangers Summons the Gaorangers and GaoKing.
KSZe-Hurricaneger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Hurricaneger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Hurricaneger Gear (ハリケンジャーギア Harikenjā Gia) Hurricanegers Summons Senpuujin.
KSZe-Abaranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Abaranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Abaranger Gear (アバレンジャーギア Abarenjā Gia) Abarangers Summons AbarenOh. Summons AbareMax when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-Dekaranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Dekaranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Dekaranger Gear (デカレンジャーギア Dekarenjā Gia) Dekarangers Summons Dekaranger Robo.
KSZe-Magiranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Magiranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Magiranger Gear (マジレンジャーギア Majirenjā Gia) Magirangers Summons the Magirangers and MagiKing.
KSZe-Boukenger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Boukenger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Boukenger Gear (ボウケンジャーギア Bōkenjā Gia) Boukengers Summons the Boukengers and DaiBouken.
KSZe-Gekiranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Gekiranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gekiranger Gear (ゲキレンジャーギア Gekirenjā Gia) Gekirangers Summons GekiTouja. Summons Super GekiRed when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-Go-Onger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Go-Onger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Go-Onger Gear (ゴーオンジャーギア Gōonjā Gia) Go-Ongers Summons Engine-O.
KSZe-Shinkenger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Shinkenger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Shinkenger Gear (シンケンジャーギア Shinkenjā Gia) Shinkengers Summons the Shinkengers and ShinkenOh. Summons Super Shinken Red when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-Goseiger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Goseiger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Goseiger Gear (ゴセイジャーギア Goseijā Gia) Goseigers Summons Gosei Great. Summons Super Gosei Red when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-Gokaiger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Gokaiger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Gokaiger Gear (ゴーカイジャーギア Gōkaijā Gia) Gokaigers Summons GokaiOh.
KSZe-Go-Busters Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Go-Busters Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Go-Busters Gear (ゴーバスターズギア Gōbasutāzu Gia) Go-Busters Summons Go-Buster Oh. Summons Red Buster Powered Custom when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Kyoryuger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kyoryuger Gear (キョウリュウジャーギア Kyōryūjā Gia) Kyoryugers Summons Kyoryuzin. Summons Kyoryu Red Carnival when used by Stacaesar Kyoka.
KSZe-ToQger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-ToQger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

ToQger Gear (トッキュウジャーギア Tokkyūjā Gia) ToQgers Summons ToQ-Oh.
KSZe-Ninninger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Ninninger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ninninger Gear (ニンニンジャーギア Ninninjā Gia) Ninningers Summons Shurikenjin.
KSZe-Zyuohger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Zyuohger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zyuohger Gear (ジュウオウジャーギア Jūōjā Gia) Zyuohgers Summons ZyuohKing.
KSZe-Kyuranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Kyuranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kyuranger Gear (キュウレンジャーギア Kyūrenjā Gia) Kyurangers Summons KyurenOh.
KSZe-Lupinranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Lupinranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Lupinranger Gear[4] (ルパンレンジャーギア Rupanrenjā Gia) Lupinrangers Summons LupinKaiser. Never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Patranger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Patranger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Patranger Gear[4] (パトレンジャーギア Patorenjā Gia) Patrangers Summons PatKaiser. Never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Ryusoulger Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Ryusoulger Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Ryusoulger Gear[4] (リュウソウジャーギア Ryūsōjā Gia) Ryusoulgers Summons KishiRyuOh. Never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-Kiramager Gear (Dark)

KSZe-Kiramager Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Kiramager Gear[4] (キラメイジャーギア Kirameijā Gia) Kiramagers Summons Kiramaizin. Never used throughout the show's run.

Number Image Name Ranger Uses
KSZe-TwokaiRicky Gear (Dark)

KSZe-TwokaiRicky Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

TwokaiRicky Gear[4] (ツーカイリッキギア TsūkaiRikkī Gia) Stacasear Theoretically, it can summon a black colored duplicate of TwokaiRicky so that Stacaesar could utilize the power of Twokaizer's Ohran Form but it was never used throughout the show's run.
KSZe-TwokaiCutanner Gear (Dark)

KSZe-TwokaiCutanner Gear (Dark) (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

TwokaiCutanner Gear[4] (ツーカイカタナールギア TsūkaiKattanā Gia) Stacasear Theoretically, it can summon a black colored duplicate of TwokaiCutanner so that Stacaesar could utilize the power of Twokaizer's Shinken Form but it was never used throughout the show's run.

List of Tojiru Gears

  • Tojiru Gear (トジルギア Tojiru Gia) - Evil gears that contain the sealed parallel worlds which are used to create the World monsters. Once a Tojiru Gear is destroyed, the parallel world sealed within it is set free.[5]
    • Mushroom Tojiru Gear (キノコトジルギア Kinoko Tojiru Gia) - a mushroom-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Mushroom World.
    • Ice Tojiru Gear (コオリトジルギア Kōri Tojiru Gia) - an ice-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Ice World.
    • Kickboxing Tojiru Gear (キックボクシントジルギア Kikkubokushingu Tojiru Gia) - a kickboxing-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Kickboxing World.
    • Boxing Tojiru Gear (ボクシングコトジルギア Bokushingu Tojiru Gia) - is a boxing-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Boxing World.
    • Presski Tojiru Gear (プレスキトジルギア Puresuki Tojiru Gia) - a machine press-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Presski World.
    • Sushi Tojiru Gear (スシトジルギア Sushi Tojiru Gia) - a sushi-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Sushi World.
    • Garbage Tojiru Gear (ゴミトジルギア Gomi Tojiru Gia) - a garbage-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Garbage World.
    • Super Warumono Tojiru Gear (スーパー悪者トジルギア Sūpā Warumono Tojiru Gia) - a totem pole/villain-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Super Warumono World.
    • Door Tojiru Gear (ドアトジルギア Doa Tojiru Gia) - a door-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Door World.
    • Sakura Mochi Tojiru Gear (サクラモチトジルギア Sakuramochi Tojiru Gia) - a sakura mochi-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Sakura Mochi World.
    • Sun Tojiru Gear (サントジルギア San Tojiru Gia) - a sun-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Sun World.
    • Kashiwa Mochi Tojiru Gear (カシワモチトジルギア Kashiwamochi Tojiru Gia) - a kashiwa mochi-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Kashiwa Mochi World.
    • Noon Tojiru Gear (マヒルトジルギア Mahiru Tojiru Gia) - a noon-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Noon World.
    • Onigokko Tojiru Gear (オニゴッコトジルギア Onigokko Tojiru Gia) - an Onigokko-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Onigokko World.
    • Snail Tojiru Gear (カタツムリトジルギア Katatsumuri Tojiru Gia) - a snail-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Snail World.
    • Recycling Tojiru Gear (リサイクルトジルギア Risaikuru Tojiru Gia) - a recycling-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Recycling World.
    • Retro Tojiru Gear (レトロトジルギア Retoro Tojiru Gia) - a retro-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Retro World.
    • Magnet Tojiru Gear (ジシャクトジルギア Jishaku Tojiru Gia) - a magnet-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Magnet World.
    • Invisible Tojiru Gear (トウメイトジルギア Tōmei Tojiru Gia) - an invisibility-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Invisible World.
    • Love Tojiru Gear (レンアイトジルギア Renai Tojiru Gia) - a love-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Love World.
    • Kabutomushi Tojiru Gear (カブトムシトジルギア Kabutomushi Tojiru Gia) - a beetle-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Kabutomushi World.
    • Orihime Tojiru Gear (オリヒメトジルギア Orihime Tojiru Gia) - an Orihime-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Orihime World.
    • Hikoboshi Tojiru Gear (ヒコボシトジルギア Hikoboshi Tojiru Gia) - a Hikoboshi-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Hikoboshi World.
    • Copy Tojiru Gear (コピートジルギア Kopī Tojiru Gia) - a copy-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Copy World.
    • Thief Tojiru Gear (快盗トジルギア Kaito Tojiru Gia) - is a thief-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Thief World.
    • Bullfighting Tojiru Gear (トウギュウトジルギア Tougyuu Tojiru Gia) - a bullfighting-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Bullfighting World.
    • Vacances Tojiru Gear (バカンストジルギア Bakansu Tojiru Gia) - a vacation-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Vacances World.
    • Sundial Tojiru Gear (ヒドケイトジルギア Hidokei Tojiru Gia) - a time-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Sundial World.
    • Manga Tojiru Gear (マンガトジルギア Manga Tojiru Gia) - a manga-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Manga World.
    • Tennis Tojiru Gear (テニストジルギア Tenisu Tojiru Gia) - a tennis-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Tennis World.
    • Dried Persimmon Tojiru Gear (ホシカキカキトジルギア Hoshikaki Tojiru Gia) - a Dried Persimmon-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Persimmon World.
    • Milk Tojiru Gear (ギュウニュウトジルギア Gyuunyuu Tojiru Gia) - a Milk-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Milk World.
    • Inverted Tojiru Gear (サカサマトジルギア Sakasama Tojiru Gia) - a Inverted-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Inverted World.
    • School Tojiru Gear (ガクエントジルギア Gakuen Tojiru Gia) - a School-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into School World.
    • Halloween Tojiru Gear (ハロウィントジルギア Harowin Tojiru Gia) - a Halloween-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Halloween World.
    • Diamond Tojiru Gear (ダイヤモンドトジルギア Daiyamondo Tojiru Gia) - a Diamond-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Diamond World.
    • Surprise Box Tojiru Gear (ビックリバコドトジルギア Bikkuri Bako Tojiru Gia) - a Surprise Box-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Surprise Box World.
    • Daikon Tojiru Gear (ダイコントジルギア Daikon Tojiru Gia)- a Daikon Box-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Daikon World.
    • Bonn Tojiru Gear (ボントジルギア Bon Tojiru Gia)- a Bonn Festival-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Bonn World.
    • Shougatsu Tojiru Gear (ショウガツトジルギア Shougatsu Tojiru Gia)- a New Year-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Shougatsu World.
    • Noodle Tojiru Gear (メントジルギア Men Tojiru Gia)- a Noodle-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Noodle World.
    • Kotatsu Tojiru Gear (コタツトジルギア Kotatsu Tojiru Gia)- a Kotatsu-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Kotatsu World.
    • Headwind Tojiru Gear (ムカイカゼトジルギア Mukaikaze Tojiru Gia)- a Wind-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Headwind World.
    • SD Tojiru Gear (SDトジルギア Esu Dī Tojiru Gia, lit. "Super-deformed" Tojiru Gear)- a SD-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into SD World.
    • Pirate Tojiru Gear (カイゾクトジルギア Kaizoku Tojiru Gia)- a Pirate-themed Tojiru Gear.
    • Omikuji Tojiru Gear (オミクジトジルギア Omikuji Tojiru Gia)- a fortune-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Omikuji World.
    • Carrot Tojiru Gear (ニンジントジルギア Ninjin Tojiru Gia)- a Carrot-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Carrot World.
    • Sapphire Tojiru Gear (サファイアトジルギア Safaia Tojiru Gia)- a Sapphire-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Sapphire World.
    • Bat Tojiru Gear (コウモリトジルギア Koumori Tojiru Gia)- a Bat-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Bat World.
    • Beef Rib Tojiru Gear (カルビトジルギア Karubi Tojiru Gia)- a Beef Rib-themed Tojiru Gear that was used to transform a Kudakk into Beef Rib World.


to be added

Toy-Exclusive Gears

  • Merry Christmas Gear (メリークリスマスギア Merī Kurisumasu Gia) - A toy-exclusive Sentai Gear given away as a prize with the purchase of a Charadeco Christmas Cake from Bandai during the 2021 holiday season.[7]

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Akibaranger, Premium Bandai would release the Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger 10th Anniversary Set (非公認戦隊アキバレンジャー 10周年記念セット Hikōnin Sentai Akibarenjā Jū-shūnenkinen Setto), featuring 6 Sentai Gears and 5 Ranger Keys. However, only one of the Gears is classified as a Sentai Gear (i.e. the one that appeared in Superhero Senki) while the other 5 are called "Sesotai Gears" (セソタイギア Sesotai Gia), which are essentially meant to be the Akibarangers’ imitations of Sentai Gears. Unlike the normal Akibaranger Gear, the Sesotai Gears have flat faces on the front and back decorated with stickers instead of an embossed design.[8][9]

Number Image Name Akibaranger Uses
Non ( Hi)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (AkibaBlue Ver

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (AkibaBlue Ver.)[8] (アキバレンジャーギア (アキバブルーVer.) Akibarenjā Gia (AkibaBurū Bāshion)) AkibaBlue
Non ( Hi)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (AkibaYellow Ver

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (AkibaYellow Ver.)[8] (アキバレンジャーギア (アキバイエローVer.) Akibarenjā Gia (AkibaIerō Bāshion)) AkibaYellow
Pain ( Ita)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver.)[8] (アキバレンジャーギア (シーズン痛Ver.) Akibarenjā Gia (Shīzun-tsū Bāshion)) AkibaRed
Pain ( Ita)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Blue Ver

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Blue Ver.)[8] (アキバレンジャーギア (シーズン痛ブルーVer.) Akibarenjā Gia (Shīzun-tsū Burū Bāshion)) AkibaBlue
Pain ( Ita)
KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Yellow Ver

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Yellow Ver.)[8] (アキバレンジャーギア (シーズン痛イエローVer.) Akibarenjā Gia (Shīzun-tsū Ierō Bāshion)) AkibaYellow

Number Image Name Ranger Uses
KSZe-Zenkaiger de Asobou Gear

KSZe-Zenkaiger de Asobou Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenkaiger de Asobou Gear[10] (ゼンカイジャーであそぼうギア Zenkaijā de Asobo Gia) Zenkaizer
KSZe-2-Dai Hero Gear

KSZe-2-Dai Hero Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

2-Dai Hero Gear[11] (2大ヒーローギア Ni-dai Hīrō Gia, lit. "Two Great Heroes Gear") Zenkaizer
Kamen Rider SaberIcon-crosswiki
45 (Hero Side)
01 (Kikai Side)
KRZe-Zenbuno Sentai Tamashii Gear

KRZe-Zenbuno Sentai Tamashii Gear (Kikai Side)

(Kikai Side)

Zenbuno Sentai Tamashii Gear[12] (ゼンブノ戦隊魂ギア Zenbuno Sentai Tamashī Gia) Zenkaizer

Unused Gears

These are Sentai Gears that have sounds programmed into the DX Geartlinger, but have no confirmation regarding their presence in the show, and exist here for completion's sake.[13]

Behind the Scenes


  • The Donbrothers and 2022 Zenkaiger Gears are one-sided and have shuriken-styled "teeth" and red borders. These features are identical to the following Avataro Gears, reinforcing Donbrothers' status as a sequel to Zenkaiger. However, the Avataro Gears have a different graphic style, while the 2022 Sentai Gears use the Zenkaiger graphic style. Additionally, the new gear designs lack Kikai Sides, and cannot be inserted into the Geartlinger, Geartozinger, or Geardalinger flipped.


External links



Icon-zenkaiger Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kaito Goshikida - Juran - Gaon - Magine - Vroon - Zocks Goldtsuiker - Stacy - Isao Goshikida
Special-Exclusive: Zenkai Red - Flint Goldtsuiker
Transformation Devices
Transformation Gun Geartlinger (Geartozinger) - World Thief Transformation Gun Geardalinger - DonZenkai Blade
Sentai Gear-related
Sentai Gears (Dark Sentai Gears) - Zenkai Buckle (Twokai Buckle)
Juran Sword and Juran Shield - Gaon Claw - Magine Stick - Vroon Picker - Zenkai Tenlance - Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon
Mecha and Robos
JuranTyranno - GaonLion - MagineDragon - VroonDump - Battleship CrocoDaiOh (CrossKaiOh - CrawlingOh) - Zenryoku Eagle
Superbike Enya Rideon
Giant Robos
Zenkai Gattai ZenkaiOh (JuraGaon - VrooMagine - JuraMagine - VrooGaon - SuperJuran - SuperVroon - DonZenkaiOh) - Kaizoku Gattai TwokaiOh (TwokaiOh Ricky - TwokaiOh Cutanner - Super TwokaiOh - CrocoDai Bazooka) - Cho Zenkai Gattaiju ZenKaijuOh (ZenKaijuDrill) - Zenryoku ZenkaiOh
Secchan - Yatsude Goshikida - Isao Goshikida - Mitsuko Goshikida - Flint Goldtsuiker - TwokaiRicky - TwokaiCutanner
Legendary Sentai Rangers: Tsuyoshi Kaijo - Sokichi Banba - Tsuruhime - Doggie Kruger - Chiaki Tani - Captain Marvelous - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Raptor 283 - Shou Ronpo - Kairi Yano - Juru Atsuta - Tametomo Imizu - Sena Hayami - Shiguru Oshikiri - Sayo Oharu - Takamichi Crystaria - Taro Momoi - Shinichi Saruhara - Haruka Kitou - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Tsuyoshi Kijino - Jiro Momotani - Don Murasame
Others: Sonoi - Sononi - Sonoza - Mother
Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo
Leaders: Great King Bokkowaus - King Potdeus
Generals: Mobile Commander Barashitara - Mechanic Officer Izirude - Gege - Stacy/Stacaesar - Hakaizer
Worlds: Mushroom World - Ice World (Presski World) - Boxing World (Kickboxing World) - Sushi World - Garbage World (Recycle World) - Door World - Super Warumono World (Normal Warumono World) - Kashiwa Mochi World (Sakura Mochi World) - Noon World (Sun World, Sundial World) - Onigokko World - Snail World - Retro World - Magnet World - Invisible World (Thief World) - Love World - Kabutomushi World - Hikoboshi World (Orihime World) - Copy World - Bullfighting World - Vacances World - Manga World - Tennis World - Dried Persimmon World - Milk World - Inverted World - School World - Halloween World - Diamond World - Surprise Box World - Daikon World - Rider World - Bon World - Shougatsu World - Noodle World - Kotatsu World - Headwind World - SD World - Omikuji World - Carrot World - Sapphire World - Bat World - Beef Rib World - Match World - Traffic Light World - Theater World
Great Worlds: Great Mushroom World - Great Ice World (Great Presski World) - Great Boxing World (Great Kickboxing World) - Great Sushi World - Great Garbage World (Great Recycle World) - Great Door World - Great Kashiwa Mochi World - Great Noon World - Great Onigokko World - Great Snail World - Great Retro World - Great Magnet World - Great Invisible World (Great Thief World) - Great Love World - Great Kabutomushi World - Great Hikoboshi World - Great Copy World - Great Bullfighting World - Great Vacances World - Great Manga World - Great Tennis World - Great Persimmon World - Great Milk World - Great Inverted World - Great School World - Great Halloween World - Great Diamond World - Great Surprise Box World - Great Daikon World - Great Bon World - Great Shougatsu World - Great Noodle World - Great Kotatsu World - Great Headwind World - Great SD World - Great Omikuji World - Great Carrot World - Great Sapphire World - Great Bat World - Great Beef Rib World
Recycle Sentai Great Worldgers: Great Recycle World - Great Mushroom World - Great Ice World - Great Boxing World - Great Sushi World
Fake Zenkaigers: Fake Kaito - Fake Zocks
Grunts: Kudakks - Kudaiters - Kudaitests (New Kudaitests)
Mecha: Battle Caesar Robo (Battle Caesar Robo II - Battle Caesar Robo III) - ZenkaiOh Black JuraGaon (Black JuranTyranno - Black GaonLion) - HaKaijuOh - Izirudestroyer IV
Others: God - Dr. Iokal - Doetamu (Tanuki SP) - Kikaiki
Icon-donbrothers Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
Taro Momoi - Shinichi Saruhara - Haruka Kitou - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Tsuyoshi Kijino - Jiro Momotani/Dangerous Jiro - Don Murasame
Noto Trio: Sonoi - Sononi - Sonoza
Former Donbrothers: Marina Maeda - Shirai - Ryuji Inui
Future Donbrothers: Shinichi Saruhara - Haruka Kitou
Zenkaigers: Kaito Goshikida
Jin Momoi - Natsumi Kuramochi - Yuriko Kitou
Transformation Devices
Transformation Gun DonBlaster - Ryuko no Geki - Tiguardora - Ninjarksword - Noto Brace - Omikoshi Phoenix - DonZenkai Blade
Transformation Gun Geartlinger
Avataro Gear-related
Avataro Gears (Avataro Gear Alters - Robotaro Gears) - Donbro Buckle
Sentai Gear-related
Sentai Gears - Zenkai Buckle
Zanglassword - Full Konbou
Mecha and Robos
Donbrothers Mecha
Don Robotaro - Saru Brother Robotaro - Oni Sister Robotaro - Inu Brother Robotaro - Kiji Brother Robotaro - Don Robogoku - Don Robobolt - Omikoshi Phoenix
Zenkaiger Mecha
Superbike Enya Rideon - JuranTyranno
Main Alters
Don Momotaro Alter - Don Doragoku Alter - Don Murasame Alter
Auxiliary Alters
ToQger Alter - Ninninger Alter - Zyuohger Alter - Lupinranger Alter - Patranger Alter - Ryusoulger Alter
Gokaiger Alter - Go-Busters Alter - Kyoryuger Alter - Kyuranger Alter - Kiramager Alter
Giant Robos
Don Zenkai Gattai DonZenkaiOh - Dai Gattai Don Onitaijin - Dai Gattai Toradoragonjin - Black Onitaijin Murasame - Chouzetsu Dai Gattai Toradora Onitaijin - GolDon OniTaijin - Toradora Onitaijin Kiwami
Don Clan
Robots: DonKiller - DonKillerKiller
Leaders: Noto Council
Generals: Sonoi - Sononi - Sonoza - Sonoshi - Sonogo - Sonoroku - Sonona - Sonoya
Hitotsuki (Hitotsukings): Benitsuki - Shisotsuki - Kishiryuki/Kishiryuking - Resshaki/Resshaking - Kaitouki - Chorikiki - Keisatsuki/Keisatsuking - Doubutsuki - Chikyuki/Chikyuking - Mashinki - Tokumeiki - Kaizokuki - Shurikenki - Uchuchi/Uchuking - Zyudenki/Zyudenking - Kousokuki/Kousokuking - Gekisouki - Kyoryuki/Kyoryuking - Chojinki/Chojinking - Engineki/Engineking - Goseiki/Goseiking - Ninpuki - Samuraiki - Denjiki/Denjiking - Jukenki/Jukenking - Ninjaki/Ninjaking - Daiki/Daiking - Mahouki/Mahouking - Kagakuki/Kagakuking - Bakuryuki/Bakryuking - Choshinseiki/Choshinseiking - Tensouki (I - II) - GoGoki - Taiyoki - Tokusoki/Tokusoking - Chojuki/Chojuking - Kyukyuki/Kyukyuking - Seijuki/Seijuking - Denshiki - Jakki/Jakking - Miraiki/Miraiking - Hikariki - Himitsuki/Himitsuking - Chodenshiki - Entotsuki - Hyakujuki/Hyajujuking - Dengekiki/Dengekiking - Sekaiki/Sekaiking - Ohsamaki - Kikaiki
Grunts: Anoni
Others: Mother - Don Murasame/Future Don Murasame
Penguin Juto: Terasaki - "Taro Momoi"
Crane Juto: Miho Kijino
Cat Juto: "Kenji Sayama" - Unnamed Bus Guide - "Shizuka Hanamura" - "Tsubasa Inuzuka"
Other villains
Kashiwa Mochi World - Mr. À la Carte