Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a two-part episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

"Welcome Power Rangers. This promises to be a momentous occasion. You are about the meet the newest member of your team. As you are aware, the Green Ranger’s power was completely decimated by his last few battles. Alpha and I felt it was time to create an even more powerful Ranger to combat Lord Zedd and his diabolical evil. To that end, a candidate was selected and a new Power Ranger was created. And now, my friends, I present to you the White Ranger. Welcome, White Ranger! The time has come to reveal your identity. (...) So Power Rangers, may I assume that you are pleased with the new leader of the power team? (...) I’m sorry for being secretive, we had to guard against Lord Zedd’s interference."
― Zordon introducing Tommy Oliver as the new Mighty Morphin White Ranger.

White Light is a two-part episode and the seventeenth & eighteenth episodes of the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and one of the most famous episodes in the franchise's history.

It featured the return of Tommy Oliver to the team as the White Ranger and new team leader.


Lord Zedd launches an attack with Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel, a monster so powerful that she could summon two assistant monsters that the Power Rangers are hopelessly outmatched, but hope shines bright when their greatest ally returns with new powers. In the meantime, Bulk and Skull have found a familiar-looking Dumpster and are trying to open it, unaware of its cackling occupant.


Part 1[]

The day begins at Angel Grove Youth Center when Kimberly tells Billy and Trini that Tommy wrote her in a letter that he would be coming home at the end of the week and the Rangers decide a surprise party must be planned for his return.

Meanwhile, Zordon and Alpha 5 embark on a secret mission and shut down the Command Center. This change in energy alerts Lord Zedd in the Lunar Palace on the moon and he decides that now is the time to destroy the Rangers, so he alters the Sentinel Statue in Angel Grove Park—a statue of a giant fist—with his magic. When matured, the statue will transform into his strongest monster yet, Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel.

Back in Angel Grove Park, Bulk and Skull continue their never-ending quest to find out the Rangers' identities and, when a meteor crash lands to Earth, they find the Dumpster in which Lord Zedd imprisoned Rita Repulsa and take it to Mr. Skullovitch's workshop at Skull's house to attempt to open it which they assume it contains secrets of the Power Rangers. Meanwhile, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini discover that the Sentinel Statue is covered in foul-smelling slime and attempt to contact Zordon with no return response. Billy and Jason, after investigating the spot where Rita's Dumpster used to be, teleport to help investigate the statue themselves just as Zedd sends the Z-Putties to attack and distract them. The teens make quick work of the clay soldiers and attempt to contact Zordon again but still with no return response. Sensing something is wrong, the Rangers teleport to the Command Center, failing to notice that the Sentinel Statue has suddenly grown a porcelain mask behind itself.

Meanwhile, Tommy is just finishing a swim in a lake in a remote location, and as he dries himself off, he is suddenly teleported off the face of the Earth. Back in Angel Grove, when the Rangers arrive at the Command Center, they find Zordon and Alpha gone and the place dark, but Billy discovers a disk that records the recent activity of the Command Center. Before he can fully decipher the recent recorded binary code, however, Zedd brings his monster to life, and it attacks the city. The Rangers morph and teleport to stop Nimrod but are easily overpowered. Zedd wastes no time in making his monster grow and the Thunder Megazord is summoned. However, Nimrod summons his minions, AC and DC. All three blast the Megazord, severely damaging it.

Billy heads back to the Command Center to see if he can find out what happened and manages to open the hidden door of white light which, after a moment of freefalling, leads him into another room where he hears Alpha and Zordon's voices. He looks through a grate into a lower room and is amazed to see the twosome in the process of creating a new Power Ranger.

Part 2[]

Billy hurries back to his lab where the other Rangers have returned to regroup after Nimrod seriously damaged the Thunder Megazord and relays his findings to his friends who act with initial disbelief and ask him if he's absolutely sure it's a new Ranger, and who is it. Billy confirms that he is certain a new Ranger is being created but doesn't have any more information. Kimberly mopes about Tommy, saying he should have been the one to be selected to be this new Ranger. Zack and Trini begin to agree with her however Jason trusts that Zordon and Alpha have their reasons. Billy agrees, reminding them that Lord Zedd has proven to be far more powerful than Rita and the team needs a new Ranger, no matter who it is.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull have tried everything they can to open Rita's Dumpster, but nothing has worked so Skull suggests seeing Ernie about a way to open it. When they leave, Rita struggles to open her dumpster herself but is unable to.

Back at the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon restore full power to the systems and summon the Rangers. Before heading there, the Rangers agree that they need to respect Zordon's judgement no matter what. Arriving, Zordon announces the Rangers are about to meet the newest member of their team, saying that since the Green Ranger powers were completely destroyed, he was convinced a new Ranger was needed. A candidate was selected and now it is time for the five to meet the White Ranger. The White Ranger descends from the sky, landing in front of them. Zordon tells the White Ranger to reveal his identity and the mysterious newcomer removes his helmet surprising everyone. Billy smiles, and Kimberly faints on the spot.

The White Ranger is then revealed to be none other than Tommy and the others are very happy to find that their old friend has been repowered. Tommy and everyone else greets each other and Tommy then gently wakes Kimberly up and she is more than happy to see him and they hug. Zordon apologizes to the other Rangers for being secretive, but he and Alpha had to ensure that Lord Zedd doesn't interfere. Kimberly thought that Tommy lost his powers for good, but Alpha corrects her that it was the Green Ranger powers that were gone for good. Zordon tells everyone that Tommy has proven himself with his courage and strength and made him an obvious choice to take on the new powers which have been created by the light of goodness and can never be taken away by evil magic like the Green Ranger's were. Zordon presents Tommy with a new Zord—the White Tigerzord—and a new white saber that he can use to operate it named Saba which has the ability to talk. He also reveals that Tommy is the new leader of the team.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull return to the Skullovitch workshop with a giant can opener and attempt again to open the Dumpster, while at the Command Center, the Rangers are alerted to Nimrod's next attack as well as Bulk and Skull's attempt to free Rita. The Rangers must split up to repair the Zords, secure Rita's Dumpster, and battle Nimrod all at once. Billy and Trini are sent to repair the Zords, while Jason, Zack, and Kimberly are given the task of securing the Dumpster. As for Tommy, he is sent to battle Nimrod until the others are able to aid him in defeating the Scarlet Sentinel.

The Rangers (minus Billy and Trini) morph and teleport to their assigned locations. Jason, Zack, and Kimberly must battle the Putties before they can reach Bulk and Skull and steal the Dumpster from them while Tommy, after a brief argument with Saba, sends in the White Tigerzord against Nimrod. It converts to Warrior Mode and battles the monster. Tommy almost wins until Nimrod summons AC and DC again and the threesome triangulate their attacks and shut the new Zord down.

Fortunately, the Rangers have just repaired their Zords, and Jason summons the Red Dragon Thunderzord to aid Tommy. Tommy brings his Tigerzord back on-line, and Red Dragon Thunderzord leaps on Tigerzord Tiger Mode's back, riding it into battle. Then, after it leaps off the Tigerzord's back, Tommy reinitiates the Tigerzord Warrior Mode, and the Thunderzord Assault Team is summoned. The White Tigerzord joins with the Assault Team Zords to become the Mega Tigerzord, who quickly disposes of Nimrod and its minions.

The Power Rangers then head for the Skullovitch workshop and put Rita, who has just escaped from her prison and scared Bulk and Skull into unconsciousness, back in her dumpster and send her back into deep space. Afterwards, at the Angel Grove Youth Center, the Rangers as well as others celebrate Tommy's return to Angel Grove with the planned surprise party but as Jason remarks to Tommy "But I think that your surprise... was more of a surprise... than our surprise." During the celebration, Richie shows off his karate trophy and the Rangers convince him to show them one of his moves. However, he ends up kicking the cake out of Ernie's hands and it hits Bulk and Skull who always seem to conveniently arrive in the wrong place at the right time. The episode concludes with Tommy remarking, "It's good to see some things never change."





  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers All-Time Favorites: White Light - The Mini-Series (1996) VHS
  • Power Rangers Power Playback: Classic Ranger Edition - White Ranger Adventure (2000) VHS
  • The Best of the Power Rangers: The Ultimate Rangers (2003) DVD
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series (2012) DVD
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2, Vol. 1 (2013) DVD
  • Power Rangers Legacy: The First 20 Years (2013) DVD
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series [25th Anniversary Limited Edition Steelbook] (2018) DVD
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2 [Limited Edition Steelbook] (2019) DVD


Part I[]

  • Zedd says he needs to wait for the statue to be ready before Nimrod is fully created, before growing impatient and deciding to transform the statue regardless. However, since his debut Zedd has had no trouble creating monsters instantly.
  • When Billy stated in the Thunder Megazord cockpit that he needed to return to the Command Center, the footage was flipped.

Part II[]

  • In one shot of White Ranger descending into the Command Center, one of the background lights moves down with him since he is not actually descending, the camera is moving upwards to create the illusion.
  • Alpha exclaims to the Rangers that Bulk and Skull are just about to open up Rita’s dumpster when he saw it on the Viewing Globe, but Bulk and Skull still weren’t anywhere close, not even the slightest of opening the dumpster themselves from any of their failed attempts, including their last one when they were seen using the giant can opener.
  • Tommy initiates his first morph as the White Ranger, despite him already wearing his new costume and with his helmet off.
  • When Jason summoned the Red Dragon Thunderzord, RyuuRanger can be seen on its head.
  • Lord Zedd’s staff can be seen with duct tape wrapped around it.
  • When the Rangers are sending Rita back into space, it is sunset, but, at the Youth Center, the sun is still in the sky.


  • Originally, Jason was supposed to remain the leader of the Power Rangers after Tommy became the White Ranger, but this was changed to have Tommy become the leader due to Austin St. John (as well as Walter Jones and Thuy Trang) leaving the show not long after the episode was filmed. This is why Jason is not shown reacting to his otherwise random demotion.
  • Brad Hawkins of VR Troopers was originally going to be the White Ranger. Hawkins would later be brought in to voice the Gold Zeo Ranger in the episodes before his identity was publicly revealed, but was ultimately never cast as a Power Ranger himself.
  • When Tommy first morphs, the song White Ranger Tiger Power is not played, but rather his Green Ranger theme music, with the word "White" substituted for "Green". His proper theme song plays when he jumps atop the White Tigerzord.
  • Part II is the first time a Ranger physically takes off their helmet on camera; all previous times Rangers have appeared without them.
  • The creation of the White Ranger is the only time he appears without the black-and-gold shield on his upper torso.
  • Part II is the last episode to have the Season 2 intro with Tommy as the Green Ranger. The following episode would update the opening credits with the addition of Tommy as the White Ranger.
  • Tommy's identity as the White Ranger had been spoiled long before the episode aired, through previews of Jason David Frank's Green Ranger Kata Video, which was included on the VHS releases of "The Wanna-Be Ranger", "Putty on the Brain", "Bloom of Doom" and "Alpha's Magical Christmas", from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as well as "Error in the System", "Lost Memories", "Oh Brother", Computer Captive", and "The Virtual V-6" from VR Troopers.
  • Jason's line "Let's show him the power of thunder!" is recycled from "The Mutiny, Part III".
  • Scenes from these episodes are adapted in Go Go Power Rangers Issue 25, Go Go Power Rangers Issue 26 and Go Go Power Rangers Issue 27.
  • Starting with this episode until Rangers in Reverse, the team is at six members again.

See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-mightymorphin List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episodes
Season 1

0: Day of the Dumpster (pilot) • 1: Day of the Dumpster • 2: High Five • 3: Teamwork • 4: A Pressing Engagement • 5: Different Drum • 6: Food Fight • 7: Big Sisters • 8: I, Eye Guy • 9: For Whom The Bell Trolls • 10: Happy Birthday, Zack • 11: No Clowning Around• 12: Power Ranger Punks • 13: Peace, Love and Woe • 14: Foul Play in the Sky • 15: Dark Warrior • 16: Switching Places • 17-21: Green With Evil • 22: Itsy Bitsy Spider • 23: The Trouble with Shellshock • 24: The Spit Flower • 25: Life's a Masquerade • 26: Gung Ho! • 27: Wheel of Misfortune • 28 & 29: Island of Illusion • 30: The Rockstar • 31: Calamity Kimberly • 32: A Star Is Born • 33: The Yolk's on You! • 34 & 35: The Green Candle • 36: Birds of a Feather • 37: Clean-Up Club • 38: A Bad Reflection on You • 39 & 40: Doomsday • 41: Rita's Seed of Evil • 42: A Pig Surprise • 43: Something Fishy • 44: Lions & Blizzards • 45: Crystal of Nightmares • 46: To Flea or Not to Flee • 47: Reign of the Jellyfish • 48: Plague of the Mantis • 49 & 50: Return of an Old Friend • 51: Grumble Bee • 52: Two Heads are Better than One • 53: Fowl Play • 54: Trick or Treat • 55: Second Chance • 56: On Fins and Needles • 57: Enter… The Lizzinator • 58: Football Season • 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants • 60: An Oyster Stew

Season 2

1-3: The Mutiny • 4: The Wanna-Be Ranger • 5: Putty on the Brain • 6: Bloom of Doom • 7: The Green Dream • 8: The Power Stealer • 9: The Beetle Invasion • 10: Welcome to Venus Island • 11: The Song of Guitardo • 12 & 13: Green No More • 14: Missing Green • 15: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park • 16: Beauty and the Beast • 17 & 18: White Light • 19: Two for One • 20: Opposites Attract • 21: Zedd's Monster Mash • 22-24: The Ninja Encounter • 25: A Monster of Global Proportions • 26: Zedd Waves • 27 & 28: The Power Transfer • 29: Goldar's Vice-Versa • 30: Mirror of Regret • 31: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger? • 32: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun • 33: Lights, Camera, Action • 34: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire • 35: Scavenger Hunt • 36: The Great Bookala Escape • 37: Forever Friends • 38: A Reel Fish Story • 39 & 40: Rangers Back in Time • 41-43: The Wedding • 44-46: Return of the Green Ranger • 47: Best Man for the Job • 48 & 49: Storybook Rangers • 50 & 51: Wild West Rangers • 52: Blue Ranger Gone Bad

Season 3 & Alien Rangers

1-3: A Friend in Need • 4-7: Ninja Quest • 8: A Brush with Destiny • 9: Passing the Lantern • 10: Wizard for a Day • 11: Fourth Down and Long • 12 & 13: Stop the Hate Master • 14: Final Face-Off • 15: The Potion Notion • 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger • 17 & 18: A Ranger Catastrophe • 19-21: Changing of the Zords • 22: Follow that Cab! • 23-25: A Different Shade of Pink • 26: Rita's Pita • 27: Another Brick in the Wall • 28: A Chimp in Charge • 29-31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor • 32: The Sound of Dischordia • 33: Rangers in Reverse • 34 & 35: Alien Rangers of Aquitar • 36: Climb Every Fountain • 37: The Alien Trap • 38: Attack of the 60' Bulk • 39: Water You Thinking? • 40: Along Came a Spider • 41: Sowing the Seas of Evil • 42 & 43: Hogday Afternoon

Movies & Specials

Alpha's Magical Christmas • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie • Power Rangers (2017) • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

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