A Triple Battle in Pokémon White Version
A Triple Battle is a type of Pokémon battle introduced in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.
A Triple Battle involves three Pokémon actively participating in the battle on each side of the field, like Rotation Battles but more directly. Triple Battles require each side to have three Pokémon with them.
Triple Battles are similar to Double Battles, which involve two Pokémon battling on each side, but a major difference with Triple Battles is that the position of a Pokémon influences which moves can target which Pokémon.
On each side, the first Pokémon is sent into battle on the left, the second in the middle, and the third on the right. The player can use the "shift" function to switch the positions of their Pokémon present, although this uses up a turn. If a Pokémon is defeated, the next Pokémon that a trainer sends out fills in the position of the defeated Pokémon. If only the player's left Pokémon and the opponent's right Pokémon (or vice versa) are remaining after a round, both relocate to the middle position, changing it into a regular Pokémon battle. When a Triple Battle concludes, experience points are awarded equally to all Pokémon involved on the winner's side.
Most moves work identically as in regular or Double Battles, with the exception that some can only affect nearby Pokémon. Certain moves can also attack distant opponents if the user is in the left or right position, notably for nearly every type physical move. There are also healing moves that heal not only nearby partners but also the distant partner. If a move hits multiple Pokémon, it inflicts 25 percent less damage.
-There are eight moves that are effective only in Triple Battles or other types of multiple battles, including After You, Ally Switch, Aromatic Mist, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Quash, and Rage Powder.
Core series[]
Triple Battles are the preferred battle style in Pokémon White Version, just as Rotation Battles are for Pokémon Black Version, so a majority of Triple Battles in Pokémon Black Version are Rotation Battles instead. The only Triple Battle in Pokémon Black Version is fought against Ace Trainer Glinda at the Marvelous Bridge.
In Pokémon White Version, the player can participate in a Triple Battle against Ace Trainers Lou and Eileen in the Battle House at Opelucid City.
Triple Battles were mentioned in the Pokémon the Series when Ash traveled through Kanto to battle various Frontier Brains. When Ash fought Arena Tycoon Greta, her battle rules involved spinning a wheel to decide if the battle would be Single, Double, or a Triple Battle, but Ash got a Double Battle.
An informal Triple Battle was featured in "Chim-Charred!", when Ash and Dawn each used three Pokémon during Ash's training for the upcoming Gym Leader battle in Pastoria City Gym. Ash uses Pikachu, Turtwig, and Buizel, while Dawn relies on Ash's Staravia, Chimchar and her own Piplup.
"A Maractus Musical!" is first episode in which a Triple Battle appears, as well as Ash's involvement in one. Toby uses his three Maractus against Ash's Pikachu, Snivy and Tepig The battle ends when the Maractus collapse after a failed combo.
In "Got Meltan?", Ash and Kiawe both train in a Triple Battle at the local Pokémon School, with Ash using Pikachu, Torracat, and Lycanroc against Kiawe's Turtonator, Marowak, and Charizard.
Triple Battles appear in some chapters of the Black & White Chapter in Pokémon Adventures. One is first seen in "Black's First Trainer Battle", when Black learns from Andy how to face off in a Triple Battle. Later, during "Welcome to Striaton City!!" and "Their First Gym Battle", Black, Cheren, and Bianca participate in a Triple Battle against Cilan, Cress, and Chili, something that does not occur in the Generation V games.