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"Jungle P" is the ninth opening of the One Piece anime.


We see the Straw Hats' Jolly Roger as multiple multi-color "One Piece" titles flash across the screen before we see Luffy running to toward a hill with Sunny in the background. The Straw Hats (including Franky) all turn and smile toward him as he stretches out his arm and grab onto the ship (similar to the first opening) before pulling himself in though his straw hat flies off in the process. As the title come up, Luffy stretches out his arm and grab it as it floats down.

A shot of the ship sailing with the steering wheel to the left. A pan of the crew on the deck of the ship come up next follow before a gloomy setting full moon and a ruined ship. Brook appears, laughs, and raise his hat as we see different reactions from the Straw Hats'. The crew (excluding Luffy and in reverse order of which they joined) show off different attacks. A view of the The Sunny masts and observation deck in the sunset. Shots of the crew milling around, before we see pan shots of the Accino Family and the Thriller Bark cast as well as flashes of various characters.

Then to Luffy as he stretches out a leg and smashes a marine ship before landing on another and attacking its crew. Shots of the Sunny's solider dock system before ending with a Coup De Burst which propels the ship into the air. As it flies along, we see the crew enjoying the ride. Multiple multi-color "One Piece" covers the screen, once again. Finally the Straw Hats watch an sunrise smiling with each other before ending with a shot of sparkling gold and treasure.


Japanese Kanji Japanese Rōmaji English Translation
世界中の海を股にかけて行く 雄たけびあげて sekaijuu no umi o mata ni kakete yuku otakebi agete Traveling throughout the world’s ocean, Let us call out in joy!
心が晴れたら出発の合図を 響かせ行こう kokoro ga haretara shuppatsu no aizu o hibikase yukou When my heart’s rested, Let’s ring the signal to start!
定められた航路(みち)を抜けて 空と海の境目に sadamerareta michi o nukete sora to umi no sakai me ni Walking the unpaved path, In between the sky and the sea.
今僕ら、漕ぎ出して行くのさ ima bokura, kogi dashite yuku no sa We are now steering our ship. Out here in the dark deep ocean,
暗い海の底に、息潜めるアドベンチャー kurai umi no soko ni ikihisomeru adobencha The adventure that’s waiting,
想像するだけで楽しくならないか? souzou suru dake de tanoshiku naranaika? Doesn't it sounds fun just thinking about it?
世界中の海を股にかけて行く 雄たけびあげて sekaijuu no umi o mata ni kakete yuku otakebi agete Traveling throughout the world’s ocean, Let us call out in joy!
心が晴れたら出発の合図を 響かせ行こう kokoro ga haretara shuppatsu no aizu o hibikase yukou When my heart’s rested, Let’s ring the signal to start!
船出の時の「あの気持ち」 funade no toki no "ano kimochi" The feeling we had when we started out journey
ずっと忘れずにいたい zutto wasurezu ni itai Don’t want to loose that memory.
そうすれば 何も怖く無いから… sousureba nanimo kowakunai kara Now that I think about it, Nothing seems scary to me…
今高鳴る鼓動、抑えずにTRIPしよう ima takanaru kodou, osaezu ni torippu shiyou With this pace, Let us continue this trip.
シャイなハート達が刻む冒険のリズム shai na ha-to tachi ga kizamu bouken no rizumu The rhythm of adventure that shy hearted people feel.
そこら中の宝をかっさらいながら 高���いして sokorajuu no takara o kassarai nagara takawarai shite Find all the treasure and laugh out in pride.
バカ騒ぎの宴で飛ばしてゆけ しぶきあげて… baka sawagi no utage de tobashite yuke shibuki agete... Use it all up during a great party and spray it out!
Life is “Adventurous” Life is “Adventurous” Life is “Adventurous”
Be aware it's “Dangerous” Be aware it's “Dangerous” Be aware it's “Dangerous”
Who's gonna be “One of us” Who's gonna be “One of us” Who's gonna be “One of us”
And a trip goes on because, And a trip goes on because, And a trip goes on because,
We da pirate of the “Mass” We da pirate of the “Mass” We da pirate of the “Mass”
To the West, To the East To the West, To the East To the West, To the East
Gotta find my way, Sail away Gotta find my way, Sail away Gotta find my way, Sail away
All the way to “One Piece”!! All the way to “One Piece”!! All the way to “One Piece”!!
カラッポの胸に夢を詰め込んで ツバサ広げて KARAPPO no mune ni yume o tsumekonde tsubasa hirogete Bringing dreams to an empty heart, Spread your wings.
吹き抜ける風に心を染めたなら いざ進もう fuki nokeru kaze ni kokoro o someta nara iza susumou Take a deep breath and continue on!
そこら中の宝をかっさらいながら 高笑いして sokorajuu no takara o kassarai nagara takawarai shite Find all the treasure and laugh out in pride.
バカ騒ぎの宴で飛ばしてゆけ しぶきあげて… baka sawagi no utage de tobashite yuke, shibuki agete... Use it all up during a great party and spray it out!


  • The "P" stands for Party.
  • This is the first intro with the Thousand Sunny and the first intro with Franky appearing as part of the crew. Brook also appears in this theme; however, he is not yet revealed as a member of the crew.
  • This is the second intro to include non-canon characters. The first was Believe.
  • The US Netflix stream of the series would continue using this song well into the Amazon Lily Arc, while still retaining the visuals for the later openings.

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