For other uses, see Henry (disambiguation) |
- "'The unhappiest man is one trapped in past memory or future hope. Incapable of living in the present.'"
- âCaretaker[src]
Henry, also known as Caretaker, is a guardian of knowledge of the occult who fights demonic forces. He was also a member of the Blood.
Early Life[]
Rebellious Youth[]
Henry grew up in a family that were members of the Blood, although Henry did not want to be involved in the war between demons and humans, so he rebelled against his family.[2] He spent a lot of years on the road, choosing to follow his own dreams instead of maintaining the family funeral home. One Christmas, he went home and found that his younger brother was possessed by a demon, having been marked by Marduk Kurios. Henry, however, could not save him and he died.[3] His parents also eventually died, and he decided to join the war between demons and humans. Throughout his time, he collected several knives, including some which were manmade.[2]
Taking in Ana Helstrom[]

Caretaker finds Ana Helstrom
Caretaker eventually found Marduk Kurios once again and followed the trail. He eventually came across some dug up dirt. Suddenly, a hand popped through the ground as someone had been buried alive. Caretaker rushed over and dug around, finding the young daughter of Marduk, who had been buried alive by her father. Caretaker hugged that young girl, worried for her life. He then brought her to Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health.

Caretaker watches Ana Helstrom
Caretaker and Dr. Louise Hastings met at Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, discussing what they should do about Ana and Daimon Helstrom. Hastings told Caretaker that Ana had an ability that made people faint and feel like they are dying just from a touch, which happened to a nurse. Caretaker explained that the Blood would be hunting the Helstroms out of fear that they end up like their father, whom they had been hunting for a long time. Hastings was upset by this, so Caretaker suggested that they separate the children and keep them out of sight to prevent it.

Caretaker talks to Louise Hastings
Hastings asked Caretaker to deal with Ana, and he explained that she was in the foster care system, and he would check in on her occasionally. He then asked if she could handle Daimon, and Hastings nodded. Caretaker reminded Hastings that the children's lives depended on them. Ana then broke the glass separate the rooms they were in, startling Hastings.[2] Caretaker continually visited Ana Helstrom, who always wanted him to stay with her, although he never did,[4] which he came to regret as he realized that he did it out of fear of getting too close and losing her.[5]
Working in Colma[]
Caretaker came across a knife, a copy of a Sumerian dagger which was stolen during the Battle of Baghdad, and added it to his collection.[2] He accepted a job at a cemetery in in Colma, California, unaware that the cemetery had a crypt underneath it.[1] Ana Helstrom gave him a key to her auction house.[6]
Helstrom Reunion[]
Finding the Keeper's Skull[]

Caretaker meets with Ana Helstrom in Colma
Caretaker spent time in Texas until heard about a crypt in Colma, California that had been broken into, so he called Ana Helstrom for help investigating. The two entered together after explaining to Helstrom his whereabouts, and found the remains of two of the people who had broken in. Caretaker explained to Helstrom that the skeleton they found in a casket belonged to a Keeper, and that the being that the Keeper was stopping from getting out might have been her father.

Caretaker and Ana Helstrom find the skull
Helstrom failed to use her psychometric powers on a book the Keeper was holding, as Caretaker began to explain the importance of not telling anyone what they had discovered, including Chris Yen. He buried the two bodies in a single bad in a different grave. He found the remains of their outfits and discovered that they were patients of Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health.[1] He called Helstrom to tell her about it, prompting her to return to Portland.[6]
Looking for Ana Helstrom[]

Caretaker finds Chris Yen
- "Don't ever let pride get in your way."
"It's not pride, its rage. There's a difference." - âCaretaker and Ana Helstrom[src]
Caretaker visited Ana Helstrom's Auction House, looking for Helstrom, but instead found Chris Yen. Yen was distracted by something else, so Caretaker loudly cleared his throat, getting Yen's attention. Caretaker asked where Helstrom was, but Yen also did not know. Yen explained that Helstrom said she had personal things to deal with, so Caretaker figured out that she had returned to Portland. He pointed out to Yen that one of their antiques was fake and asked whether Helstrom took the Keeper's Skull with her to Portland, and Yen asked what he meant.

Caretaker talks to Chris Yen
Caretaker visited Esther Smith, who was accompanied by several members of the Blood watching them. He told them that the Keeper's presence in the Colma crypt meant that the demon that had escaped was powerful. He also told Smith that Helstrom had returned to Portland, upsetting Smith. He told Smith about his plan to go to Portland, and Smith told him about a Blood Hotel in Portland, and she texted Caretaker the address. Smith explained that the only reason Helstrom had not been killed was out of respect for Caretaker, but that if Helstrom were to act out, she would be killed. Caretaker left and went to Portland.[6]

Caretaker meets with Ana Helstrom
He found Helstrom at The Nines Hotel in Portland, where he waited for her in the lobby and ate pancakes. Helstrom demanded to know whether Caretaker was following her, and Caretaker instead asked whether she was avoided him and offered her pancakes. Helstrom asked the purpose of his arrival, and Helstrom shared that her father had returned, confirmed by Kthara. Helstrom explained her intention to kill her father, so Caretaker tried to explain that he was too dangerous, although Helstrom refused to listen. Caretaker advised her not to let her pride get in her way, but Helstrom said that she was experiencing rage rather than pride and left.[7]
Reunion with Louise Hastings[]

Caeretaker meets with Louise Hastings
Caretaker visited Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, where he found Louise Hastings. He asked why he felt as though Hastings was hiding something, and Hastings said she would talk to him more. Hastings then mentioned needing to see Kthara, and Caretaker asked to see her as well. Caretaker continued to try to convince her, but Hastings continued to refuse. Caretaker reminded Hastings of the problems that would occur if word got out that Daimon and Ana Helstrom had reunited, and Hastings allowed Caretaker to see Kthara, who quickly shut the door panel on him before he could get too good of a look.

Caretaker finds the pill bottle
Caretaker later asked Hastings when the Helstrom siblings would be returning, and Hastings said that she did not know. Caretaker asked whether she was lying, and Hastings responded by saying that she was going to get lunch. Caretaker decided to accompany her, and Hastings mentioned wanting to go to a taco truck that she had heard about. As Caretaker began to leave, Tooms attacked him, pushing him against a window. Caretaker managed to overpower him, but not before Tooms threw Hastings to the ground. Caretaker helped Hastings up, and then noticed that she had dropped a pill bottle, which Hastings took back.

Caretaker advises Louise Hastings to get help
Back in Hastings' office, she explained that Tooms was not usually violent, and Caretaker explained that it was the result of Kthara's manipulation. He explained that since Kthara could also manipulate the Helstrom siblings, the two needed to be on the same page. Caretaker figured out that she had cancer, and Hastings said that it was lung cancer. She explained that she hired Gabriella Rosetti as her replacement, who had come recommended from the church. Caretaker embraced Hastings, who told him that her doctor was the only other person on staff, saying that she was refusing chemotherapy. She asked Caretaker to get tacos with her, and he agreed.

Caretaker talks about the Helstroms
They went to El Cartel Food Truck and ordered food, discussing Gabriella Rosetti's fitness to replace Hastings. Caretaker insisted that Hastings was irreplaceable due to their history protecting the Helstrom siblings together and offered to help her through her challenging times, explaining that more danger was on the way since they had reunited.[7]
Teaching Gabriella Rosetti[]
- "Who are all these people?"
"They've been marked. Possessed." - âGabriella Rosetti and Caretaker[src]

Caretaker secures the demon trap
The next day, Caretaker bought donuts from Gary & Roy's Doughnuts and put them in the back of his truck. He brought them to Daimon Helstrom's house, where he met with Helstrom, Ana Helstrom, Gabriella Rosetti, and Louise Hastings, offering the donuts. Hastings introduced Caretaker to Rosetti, and the two exchanged greetings. Daimon explained that his and Ana's father had likely returned, and Ana asked how to destroy him. Caretaker said that it was against the laws of nature to destroy a demon, since it was a being of energy, but that a Keeper Demon could contain it, such as the one whose skull Ana had left in San Francisco. Ana left to retrieve the skull, and Daimon followed her.

Caretaker talks about Marduk Kurios
Rosetti tried to rationalize the Helstrom's father's return from the dead, and Caretaker made fun of her for believing in Jesus' resurrection, but not that it was possible to return for the dead. Rosetti went on to say that it should be impossible to capture a soul, despite Caretaker's experience, arguing that it was immoral to do so. Caretaker tried to explain that the Helstroms' father was worse than other demons, being pure evil, and Rosetti posed the question of what that meant for his children.

Caretaker defeats Raum
Caretaker followed Rosetti to a church as she went to confessional, getting attacked by Raum, who had possessed Father Joshua Crow. Caretaker defeated him, using a Keeper Talisman to contain him. Rosetti asked whether he had been following her, and he simply explained he wanted to make sure she could be trusted. He told her that there was something that she needed to see.

Caretaker meets with Finn Miller
He brought her to the Blood Hotel and explained the Keeper Talisman, as well as Keeper Demons. He met with Finn Miller, insisting that he allow Rosetti to be with them and discretely telling him about the demon in his car. This caused Rosetti to realize that they were not in a normal hotel. Rosetti asked who all of the residents were, and Caretaker explained that they had been possessed and were being kept in comas, safe. He and Rosetti watched Raum get put into a coma, as Caretaker told her that demons are kept in comas forever.

Caretaker shows Gabriella Rosetti the hotel
Caretaker talked to Miller, who said that the Blood Hotel's activities were supposed to be under his purview, although Caretaker continued to act with authority. As Miller walked away, Rosetti showed Caretaker files describing Florence Williams and Edward Thompson, trying to prove to him that the Blood's actions were immoral. She suggested having Daimon Helstrom exorcise demons, although Caretaker told her that Helstrom simply allowed the demon to continue to plot against humans. Upset, Rosetti entered Raum's room to check on Crow. Miller, who had overheard the conversation glared at Caretaker.

Caretaker grabs Gabriella Rosetti
While Rosetti was in Raum's room, he woke up and started attacking, so Caretaker took her out. He told her that if she could not handle being involved, she could leave, even though he could not due to his family's involvement in the Blood. Rosetti asked Caretaker whether Hastings knew about the Blood Hotel. When he did not answer, she left angrily.[8]
Search for the Keeper's Skull[]

The group discusses Chris Yen
Upon hearing that Chris Yen had taken the Keeper's Skull to Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, Caretaker searched the premises while Louise Hastings, Daimon Helstrom, and Ana Helstrom checked security footage, neither of them finding anything. When Ana explained that the skull was influencing Yen, Caretaker realized that it must be attracted to Kthara due to the skull's blood oath, connecting Kthara and the Helstroms' father through lineage of possession. Caretaker then explained that Victoria Helstrom would be in more danger the longer she was exposed to the skull, and Hastings realized that Yen likely had it beneath the hospital. So, Caretaker joined Ana and Daimon in looking for him underground.

Caretaker talks to Daimon Helstrom
Daimon wanted to know how bad Yen's behavior might have been, and Ana talked about how it convinced Yen to go through the sewers. Daimon mentioned that he killed someone under the skull's influence, and Ana responded sarcastically. Caretaker watched the conversation play out as they left, and insisted on joining despite Daimon telling him not to. Daimon insisted on destroying the skull since it was hurting their mother, but Ana and Caretaker agreed that it was a bad idea since it was their own weapon against their father. Daimon feigned shock and suggested that he was only siding with Ana because it benefitted him, and Ana showed them Yen's bag. While Caretaker and Daimon saw that Yen was eating mice, Ana disappeared.

Caretaker searches the cave
Caretaker and Daimon Helstrom went looking for his sister, discussing their shared past of dealing with her problematically big sense of independence. Caretaker asked whether Helstrom was sure he could continue caring for his mother, and offered to allow the Blood to help. However, this only frustrated Helstrom, who was aware of the Blood's desire to kill him and his sister. Caretaker explained that he and Hastings had been protecting them, and Helstrom responded saying that their current search was evidence that he was not doing a good job. Helstrom got ahead of Caretaker, who caught up and found the Helstrom siblings arguing, when he noticed that Ana's powers nearly let a pipe fall on the two of them, pushing them out of the way in time. Ana then realized that Yen had run away during their argument. The three of them followed his trail to where they saw a latter leading into Saint Teresa's, and climbed their way into the hospital.

Caretaker saves Daimon Helstrom
Once the tension was relieved and the skull was given to Victoria so that she could contain Kthara, Caretaker joined Hastings and Ana in checking on Yen, who had been admitted due to his obsession with the skull. He and Hastings assured Helstrom that the obsession should subside. Helstrom then expressed disappointment that her best friend's mind had been damaged, despite everyone else's positive feelings about her mother's victory.[9]

Caretaker is taken
Caretaker's loyalty to the Blood came into question when Basar massacred the Blood members working at the Blood Hotel and freed the demonic patients. A bag was placed over his head, and he was tied up in his van by Lee, who eventually took the bag off. Caretaker commented on the theatrics, and Lee explained that they were told to take every precaution. He also told Caretaker about the massacre, which he did not know about. He was taken out of the car to find that he had been taken to his house, where Esther Smith was waiting for him.

Caretaker being threatened by Esther Smith
She tied Caretaker to a chair and sat him down, telling him about an attack on Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, during which Kthara escaped. Caretaker asked to do his job, although Smith explained that he already failed to do his job of keeping Ana and Daimon Helstrom under control. Caretaker tried to convince Smith that the Helstrom were not enemies of the Blood, which Smith ignored to bring up her surprise that he kept his house, despite memories of his rebellious youth and the potential that he could have stopped his family's deaths had he joined the Blood earlier. She then turned her attention to Caretaker's knife collection, asking which one he had found with Ana Helstrom. Caretaker said that he had buried Shard, and Smith said that she would find out the hard way. She had Lee open his shirt, revealing his scar, which Smith said she would use to determine which knife was Marduk Kurios's, so that she could use it to kill demons.

Caretaker bleeds from his chest
While Smith used Caretaker's phone to call Daimon Helstrom, Lee continued testing knives on Caretaker. He pulled out a manmade one and tested it, even though Caretaker had already assured him that it was not the knife they were looking for, explaining that it was a fake, stolen from a museum in Iraq. Smith returned while Caretaker was talking about innocent lives lost, and they debated whether Ana Helstrom belonged in the same category as demons such as her father. Smith then found the correct dagger and tested it, as the scar created a sizzling sound once it touched the broken knife. Caretaker begged Smith not to use the knife, saying that he would not help Smith bring out the worst in demons. Smith then ordered the Blood to untie him.[2] The Blood had a plan to ambush Daimon Helstrom, and Caretaker tried to convince them not to, although they refused to listen and did so anyway.

Caretaker breaks out
While being moved in a truck, Caretaker asked two Blood members to go the bathroom. They refused to stop, so he asked for a bottle to relieve himself in. The two laughed and asked how he would use the bottle with his hands cuffed, so he revealed that he had gotten out of the cuffs. He attacked the two and broke out.[5]
Returning to Louise Hastings[]

Caretaker reunites with Louise Hastings
Caretaker reunited with Louise Hastings, who embraced him, relieved to see him alive. He explained how the Blood betrayed them all and how he has escaped, lying about the amount of struggle he faced. Caretaker he was pleased to know that Daimon and Ana Helstrom were safe, and explained that he and Hastings were still targets. He suggested the two of them escape and start fresh in Mexico, but Hastings told him that it would be impossible since she was starting to get treated for her lung cancer. Caretaker was relieved to hear the news and took her hand, promising to support her through all of it.[5]
Daimon Helstrom Possessed[]

Caretaker and Louise Hastings walk in on Ana Helstrom's fight
Caretaker and Louise Hastings returned to Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, where they saw Ana Helstrom drop a chandelier on Basar, who had possessed Daimon Helstrom. Unaware of the possession, Hastings scolded Helstrom, and they took him to another room. Caretaker told Helstrom that he had been taken by the Blood, and Helstrom explained that her brother had been possessed, although they did not believe it to be possible. They saw Daimon fighting against Basar when he suddenly woke up and said that Daimon was possessed and Gabriella Rosetti was dead, and that they were too late to stop it. As they discussed their plans and Helstrom blamed herself for her brother's possession, Caretaker left to find Rosetti. He told Helstrom and Hastings that Helstrom's father's dagger was the only thing that could save Daimon Helstrom, even though it might kill him.

Caretaker advises Ana Helstrom
He found Ana Helstrom sitting alone in the hospital later and asked to be the one to cut Basar out of her brother, but Helstrom insisted on being the one to do it. He asked her to do it as a way of making up for not being there for her growing up, confessing that it was because he was afraid of losing her. She assured him that he did not lose her, and told him that he was not strong enough to take on her brother, having to be the one to do it. Helstrom received a call from her mother saying that Rosetti was pregnant, and Helstrom realized that it was a new body for Kthara. She sent to Caretaker to her brother's house to watch over her as she prepared to use her father's dagger. He took the smaller piece of the dagger with him as he drove to the house.

Caretaker catches Louise Hastings
While on the way, he received a call from Chris Yen, who had a problem. Although Caretaker was at first disinterested, focused on the problem at hand, Yen mentioned that his issues with the Keeper's Skull were not over, so Caretaker asked exactly what was happening.[5] He made it to the house and stabbed Magoth, who was threatening Hastings and Helstrom. Magoth attacked Caretaker with a fire poker, although Hastings jumped in the way to save him, getting stabbed herself. While Magoth and Raum escaped, Caretaker held Hastings while Helstrom went for help. She got taken into ambulance, which Caretaker rode in to get to the hospital.

Caretaker checks the Keeper's markings
While Hastings was in surgery, Yen and Ana Helstrom approached him, asking for help. Caretaker looked at the marks on Yen's arms, and he explained that they were pulling at him. Caretaker told Yen that he had become a Keeper Demon, causing him to panic. He tried to quit, although Caretaker told Helstrom that it could be a good thing for her brother. They returned to Saint Teresa's, and Esther Smith contacted Caretaker to tell him that the demons had captured Rosetti and the Blood were tailing them. Caretaker relayed the news to Ana and Victoria Helstrom while Yen examined Ana's father's dagger. Caretaker explained that the weapon needed to be reforged, and Yen, listening to the whispers in his head, said that only Ana could do it, and she hesitantly agreed to do it with her mother.

Caretaker and Victoria Helstrom talk
Caretaker returned to the hospital, where Victoria Helstrom went to check on him and Hastings. She told him the weapon had been reforged, and went to see if he could help. Helstrom assured Caretaker they could handle it, expressing a lack of knowledge about Keepers. Caretaker began to explain it, although Helstrom stopped, saying she preferred ignorance. Caretaker agreed and said that he did not want to know until he had to. Helstrom asked about it, so he talked about the loss of his family and how it brought him into the war. A doctor then came out and said that Hastings was alive and out of surgery, but not stable, since she had to be revived on the operating table twice. He told them that the following twelve hours would be critical. Caretaker and Helstrom visited her, and Helstrom comforted him.

Caretaker sees Louise Hastings wake up
However, the machines monitoring Hastings started beeping, so Caretaker called for a nurse. As doctors helped Hastings, Caretaker and Helstrom were ushered out of the hospital room. He eventually returned to the room and sat beside Hastings, holding her hand. Hastings woke up, and Caretaker asked how she was feeling, to which Hastings said that she was hungry and asked to get a taco. He told her that the doctors fixed her liver, took out a liver, and took out her cancer cells. Hastings was relieved to hear this, and asked about everyone else. He assured Hastings that they were alive, but not doing well.[3]
Helstrom Family United[]

Caretaker eats with the Helstroms
Once the dust settled, Caretaker and Louise Hastings arrived shortly after Victoria Helstrom and Ana Helstrom had finished making dinner at Daimon Helstrom's home. Caretaker and Ana bonded over the baby, discussing who would change its diaper. Caretaker put the baby to sleep and read one of Daimon's books about Socrates, when Daimon brought him a beer. He suggested to Daimon that he lives in the moment as everyone sat down for dinner. Victoria proposed a toast to her children and the people who raised them, and they all ate together as a blended family.[3]
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Caretaker fights a patient
- Combatant: Caretaker was able to effectively protect himself from the man trying to kill him in Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health.
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Other Equipment[]
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Enemies[] |
- In the comics, Caretaker was a member of the Blood and became involved in the lives of two Ghost Riders, including Johnny Blaze.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Caretaker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Sam Elliott.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Helstrom: 1.01: Mother's Little Helpers
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Helstrom: 1.07: Scars
- â 3.0 3.1 3.2 Helstrom: 1.10: Hell Storm
- â Helstrom: 1.08: Underneath
- â 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Helstrom: 1.09: Vessels
- â 6.0 6.1 6.2 Helstrom: 1.02: Viaticum
- â 7.0 7.1 Helstrom: 1.03: The One Who Got Away
- â Helstrom: 1.04: Containment
- â Helstrom: 1.05: Committed