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For other uses, see Leviathan (disambiguation)
Angry Prescod
"News service says one thing, website says another."
The subject of this article belongs to an installment of the MCU that has conflicting statements regarding its canon status. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"I am sorry, Ana. For whatever it's worth. I should have taken you in. I did not understand
 what you could do. I did not think I was strong enough. I was wrong."
―Louise Hastings to Ana Helstrom

Leviathan is the sixth episode of the first season of the television series Helstrom.


A dark force creates a melee forcing Hastings and Ana to work together. Daimon and Gabriella discover the events of the Blood Hotel are connected. The demon’s identity is revealed, shaking Ana and Daimon to their core. Yen gets the upper hand.


Spivey Residence

Some kids are being ushered into a room and instructed to be quiet by a worried mother. She closes the door to talk to Spivey. He looks right through hiswife, but then bites her lower lip as she screams. He then leaves to join Joshua Crow in a car while his kids watch helplessly from inside the house.

At Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health, Yen is now a patient there and appears to be back to his normal self. Ana Helstrom is curious as to what Yen experienced, but he explains that he did not understand exactly what was going on. Apparently, the two of them go all the way back to their foster homedays. He then brings up the fact that back when she was younger she used to cry for her mom and that it is okay for her to want her mother. Ana can not take the lecture and gets up to leave. Yen is scratching at the bandages on his arms, almost drawing blood. He thinks that he can leave and acts like he is fine, but she does not believe him for a second and instead pushes him back in. Yen yells for the skull.

Elsewhere, Daimon Helstrom and Rosetti are busy taking boxes of documents out of the hotel. Daimon is not happy that Caretaker brought Rosetti and that Dr. Hastings never told him. He is convinced that his dad murdered the Blood people and freed all of the demons they were keeping sedated here. Just as they are making their way out, there is someone at the end of the hall. Rosetti wants to help the woman who is dying. She gives the woman her last rites before Daimon does his exorcism.

Dr. Hastings tells Ana she needs her help while Daimon is busy trying to figure out what is going on. She needs Ana to check on her mom while she makes her rounds. Ana and Victoria Helstrom have a rough start when it comes to having a mother and daughter conversation. Thus, Ana decides she wants to talk about things as they are now. She questions if Victoria knew that their dad was a serial killer. But Victoria did not see him as a serial killer. To her, she was charming when they were together. It took time for her to realize that there was darkness within him but still, she was not sure. Ana questions why Victoria did not run. Her answer is that Dad did not reveal who he really was until he wanted her to see it.

Rosetti is speeding back to the ward just in case Daimon's dad makes his way there. He reveals that he does not want to go back due to the guilt he feels about getting his mom committed. The two get a flat tire and are able to make it to a gas station. There the duo get some help, but they have to wait. Daimon makes a quick call to Dr. Hastings to inform her of what is going on.

Back at the hospital, Spivey somehow makes it into the security room and attacks the guard before he can hit that panic button.

Spivey makes his way to Victoria's room but she is not there. She's out in the garden with Ana, who keeps her focus on talking about the past. Victoria explains that Dad saw Ana as his little protégé but forgot that she is half hers. It is a cute moment between the two women. Victoria wishes that Daimon had found a life like Ana did.

Later Daimon, suddenly notices that the cashier is not around. Outside, their car has been left alone but there is noise inside. Daimon goes to check it and instructs Ana to get inside the car. He finds the mechanic dead under a car and a patient from the hotel is there, waiting. Gabriella does not listen at all and ends up getting snatched when she gets out of the car. Luckily, Daimon saves her before she is cut up.

Ana decides to tell Victoria about what is going on with her Dad and the folks who are possessed by demons. Dr. Hastings finds the dead guard and prepares for whatever is to come. She informs another guard that they have a code yellow and to lock down the ward. Ana wants to give Victoria a fighting chance but soon they find out that they are locked in the facility from the outside. Then the lights go out.

Indoors, Spivey, the priest, and another perpetrator are possessing people. Daimon warns Ana but finds out that the demons are already inside. Patients are freaking out. In Dr. Hastings's office, a newly possessed Dr. Lawrence snatches the Keeper's Skull out of Victoria's arms then flees. Ana wants to search for it, but Hastings reminds her that she nearly died the last time she went toe to toe with Dad. The patients are let loose, including Yen who finds a weapon.

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Daimon finally arrives with Rosetti who insists that she is not staying in the car again. Ana and Dr. Hastings go on a search for the skull. Dr. Hastings apologizes for not taking Ana in, claiming she did not feel strong enough to handle what Ana was capable of. Ana instructs her not to get herself killed. The two women are attacked by the priest and another patient, during which Ana holds her own by knocking the two out.

Elsewhere, Victoria is hiding when she notices on a security monitor in Dr. Hastings's office, a patient who walks up to the door, looks into the camera, then walks away.

Dr. Lawrence begins talking to the skull when he is attacked by Yen holding an axe. Ana finds Yen with the skull. He then claims that he got it for her. However, when she reaches for it, he does not hand it over. Ana tells Yen that he was right about her missing Victoria. They all eventually regroup. The two siblings talk about what their next plan is when Victoria interrupts them. She wants to choose her future. She tells Ana she wishes Dad took her instead and thanks Daimon for being there for her. If he had not committed her, she would have died years ago.

Then a nearby elevator opens as Spivey takes everyone out and swiftly snatches Victoria then takes her down the elevator. Ana and Daimon take the stairs.


As it turns out, Spivey's body can not contain Marduk Kurios and as result, Ana easily takes him out. In the process, the Keeper's skull slips out the bag and tumbles underneath a car. Daimon attempts to take on his Dad alone, but it is not an easy feat. Victoria desperately tries to reach the Keeper. A possessed Spivey then opens up his ribcage, which shows the teeth and mouth that devours people, when Victoria finally gets the skull. Ana shoves the skull into this mouth. Daimon stands up and uses his powers to make a fiery flame that ruptures the body in half.

What life is left, Ana speaks to, informing him that she will never be like him. Just when she walks away, Dad grabs her, which makes her see things and her Dad chuckles over the ordeal he put his family through.


Unfortunately, Victoria is no longer there with her kids, as she is in the back of a truck but Mother has her reins on her. Mother takes the body of who they thought was their Dad into the aforementioned truck and tells the kids that she hopes they have said their farewells to Victoria. The back of the truck closes, and then it is driven off by the priest. Daimon thinks that they will be able to find her again and that Dad will not be able to come back from what just happened. Ana does not think that is true because the body that was burned up was not dad but someone else.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






To be added

Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
You Are My Sunshine Johnny Cash End credits.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Leviathan (episode).

External Links[]

Season One Mother's Little Helpers ‱ Viaticum ‱ The One Who Got Away ‱ Containment ‱ Committed ‱ Leviathan ‱ Scars ‱ Underneath ‱ Vessels ‱ Hell Storm