The First Season of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law premiered on Disney+ on August 18, 2022 and concluded on October 13, 2022.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follows Jennifer Walters as she navigates the complicated life of a single, 30-something attorney who also happens to be a green 6-foot-7-inch superpowered hulk.[1]

Jennifer Walters, who is a paralegal, and her cousin, Bruce Banner, drive on a road while Banner explains his Hulk Inhibitor Device. Suddenly, a Sakaaran Class-Eight Courier Craft drops down in front of them causing Walters to swerve off the road and over a cliff. An injured Walters gets out of the crashed car and tries to help Banner, who yells at her to get away from his exposed gamma radiated blood. However, she doesn't listen and tries to help further. Banner's blood gets into Walters' open wound. She starts to turn into a hulk while Banner fights his own Hulk. Walters runs away only to wake up later all dirty. She is soon tackled by Banner, who reverted into Hulk form.

Walters wakes up at Bruce Banner's Island and is explained by her cousin that the mutated blood turned her into a Hulk. Banner decides to train her to become a hero as well as control her Hulk. Much to his surprise, Walters is able to willingly go back and forth between Hulk and Human as well as being able to be conscious in Hulk form. The two train for many days, but Walters is eager to get back to her law firm. She tries to leave, but Banner attempts to stop her, causing a fight between the cousins that ends with them crashing into the bar. They calm down and fix the bar together before Banner decides to let Walters return to her life.

She-Hulk is hired by Holden Holliway
Months later, Walters practices her closing argument while her best friend, Nikki Ramos, critiques her. In court, Walters prepares her closing argument when Titania crashes through into the court room. Walters hulks out and defeats her before delivering her closing argument. This event causes the world to know her as She-Hulk. Walters is promptly fired for being a liability due to the biasness for her new powers. After many failed interviews, Walters is finally offered a job by Holden Holliway to work at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway. Walters agrees, but unbeknownst to her, the only way she gets the job is if she is always She-Hulk at work. She will be head of the Superhuman Law Division.

Emil Blonsky in prison
Walters gets her first case: the parole of Emil Blonsky, otherwise known as famous Hulk enemy, Abomination. Walters has an immediate conflict of interest, but Holliway explains that Blonsky knows and waived the problem, allowing her to represent him. While talking to her new client, Blonsky explains that he is a new man who made up with all of his enemies. The next day, Walters calls Banner for help deciding on if she should take the case. Banner assures her that Blonsky and him made up for their past. He then explains that he will be gone for a little bit as he hangs up. He then looks out the window as a Sakaaran ship flies off with him on it. Walters turns on the television to find that footage has leaked of Abomination in an underground fighting ring, meaning he has escaped undetected before. This greatly hinders Walters' case.

Wong arrives for his testimony
Walters marches into Blonsky's cell and he explains her was forced to leave by Sorcerer Supreme: Wong. She-Hulk works in her office when Wong arrives and explains that he made Abomination break out of jail so he could fight him to train. She-Hulk has him state this to the jury. At the hearing, with Wong's testimony, the jury decides that Blonsky is a changed man and lets him out of jail on the condition that he wear an inhibitor to prevent him from turning into Abomination. Meanwhile, Augustus Pugliese takes a case from Dennis Bukowski who wants to sue an Asgardian Light Elf, who he claims shapeshifted into Megan Thee Stallion and dated him. Pugliese uses a testimony from Walters that proves Bukowski is so egotistical that he would truly believe that he dated Megan Thee Stallion. Further proving his win, the shapeshifter, Runa, turns into the judge for fun. Walters later signs Megan Thee Stallion as a client. At night, She-Hulk is ambushed by the Wrecking Crew, who have come to steal her blood. She defeats them and they escape.

Donny Blaze performs magic
At a magic show, Donny Blaze performs Eldritch Magic and uses a Sling Ring to send Madisynn King to Wong on accident. An annoyed Wong enlists the help of She-Hulk to sue Blaze for his misuse of the Mystic Arts. She-Hulk and Wong give Blaze a cease and desist. In court, Blaze wins the case because the jury decides that you cannot sue for magic. Meanwhile, Walters creates a Matcher account to find a date, but to no luck. She then decides to make an account as She-Hulk and gets many dates including one with Todd Phelps, who is very creepy about her powers. She finally finds a match with Arthur. During one of their dates, Blaze accidentally lets Demons into the world. Wong interrupts her date to get her to help. She-Hulk helps on the condition that Blaze agrees to the cease and desist. Afterwards, she jumps back through the portal into her home and has sex with Arthur. However, she wakes up to find him gone.

Titania loses her hearing
Walters gets delivered a message saying that Titania has trademarked the name "She-Hulk" for her new perfume. This sends the two superpowered beings into court. With the help of Mallory Book, Walters is able to prove to the court that she had used the name She-Hulk before the copyright, allowing her to win the rights to the name. Meanwhile, Ramos and Pugliese go on a mission to find the new Iron Man Three's from a man known as the Drip Broker. This leads them to find Luke Jacobson, a superhero suit designer. Ramos recommends Walters to him so he could make her a business suit that fits her.

Walters uses one of these dresses made by Jacobson to attend her friend, Lulu's wedding. However, Lulu wants none of She-Hulk and makes Walters turn back to Human form. During the wedding, Walters meets Josh Miller and the two connect right away. They talk the whole day until Titania suddenly shows up. Walters tries to fight her, but Titania claims she is there for her friend Lulu. Later, Walters walks until Titania sneaks up on her and punches her. This causes a fight between the two that ends when Titania is knocked to the ground, destroying her teeth. She runs away humiliated.

Meanwhile, Book and Ramos help Craig Hollis in his case against his many spouses who are all suing him for faking his death multiple times to get out of their marriage. Hollis explains that he never fakes his death, because he does technically die, but his power is that he is immortal. They give every spouse a fair deal. Later, they find a website called Intelligencia that spreads hate and death threats against She-Hulk. The leader of Intelligencia, HulkKing has their scientists use a sample of She-Hulk's blood to make a serum.

Jennifer Walters texts Josh Miller
Throughout a week, Walters and Miller date and she falls in love with him. However, his alternate motive is that he works for Intelligencia. While the two have sex, Miller records it and then hacks Walters' phone and gets a blood sample without her knowing. He then leaves, much to Walters confusion. This heartbreak and unknowing betrayal leads Walters to sadness. However, she is called by Chuck Donelan, Blonsky's advisor, who says Blonsky's inhibitor went off. He enlists her help just in case there is an out of control monster on the loose. Walters meets him at Blonsky's estate, Summer Twilights. They find that Blonsky's inhibitor was just malfunctioning. Walters goes to leave, but Ăguila and Man-Bull destroy her car. This forces Walters to stay with barely any service.

She-Hulk explains her troubles
She walks around and finds Blonsky leading a support group for superpowered outcasts like Ăguila, Man-Bull, Saracen, and Porcupine. She witnesses the support group until Dirk Garthwaite arrives. She immediately recognizes him as a member of the Wrecking Crew. She immediately attacks him, but the fight is broken up. Garthwaite explains that he has moved on from that life and he is sorry. The group makes Walters calm down and make her admit why she gets so mad. She explains the deal with Miller and they convince her to move on and delete his contact. She does so and feels way better. She leaves the retreat feeling way better.

Leapfrog catches on fire
Leapfrog tries to stop some criminals stealing a television. However, as he uses his jetpack boots, they catch on fire causing burns on his legs. He enlists the help of Walters in suing the manufacturer: Luke Jacobson. Walters turns it down as Jacobson is an ally, but Holliway makes her take the case. She tries to talk with Jacobson before hand, but he rips her dress that he has been working on and blacklists her from his company. This sparks an anger that lasts until the hearing. In court, Jacobson seems to be representing himself, but his lawyer, Matt Murdock, finally arrives. The blind Murdock apologizes saying that his driver got lost. During the hearing, Murdock smells the fuel coming out of Leapfrog's boots: jet fuel. This is something that Jacobson told him not to use as fuel, thus allowing Jacobson to win the case.

Daredevil fights the goons
Walters goes to the bar, angry at Patilio for withholding information from her. Murdock approaches her and they talk for a while before he abruptly leaves. Walters gets a call from Phelps who needs her help. Just like many times before, he creepily hits on her and she angrily leaves. Walters then gets called by Patilio who explains he is getting attacked. She-Hulk arrives at a parking garage and attacks the assailant, Daredevil. They exchange attacks until Leapfrog gets away and She-Hulk is able to unmask Daredevil, revealing him to be Murdock, who is blind, but has enhanced senses. Murdock explains that Leapfrog kidnapped Jacobson. Walters then goes with him to help. The break in through a blue lit hallway. They defeat the goons and break Jacobson out. Leapfrog is arrested after falling on his legs.

She-Hulk smashes the screen
Jacobson forgives Walters. The two heroes talk for a while before returning to Walters apartment and having sex. Daredevil then leaves for New York. Later, She-Hulk goes to a gala for female lawyers. However, the big screen is hacked by Intelligencia and shows a sex tape of Walters and Miller. An Intelligencia member speaks over the video stating bad things about She-Hulk. Before Walters gets nude on the recording, She-Hulk smashes the screen and goes after an assailant in rage. She is then arrested by Damage Control.

Abomination speaks to Intelligencia
Book helps Walters get freed from custody on the condition that she wear an inhibitor. Walters and Ramod then work to find the identity of HulkKing so they could sue them. With everything that has happened, Walters goes to Summer Twilights to talk with Blonsky. Meanwhile, Pugliese infiltrates an Intelligencia with the help of Ramos. Coincidentally, the meeting is taking place at Summer Twilights in order for Abomination to make an appearance. Blonsky does so as Abomination, breaking his deal, but is unknowing of Intelligencia's true nature.

Todd Phelps turns into a hulk
Phelps attends the meeting revealing himself as the HulkKing. He believes that Walters doesn't deserve her powers. Suddenly, Walters makes her way to the meeting in search of Blonsky. She sees Blonsky as Abomination as well as Phelps, realizing he is HulkKing. Phelps goes on a rant to Walters before using a serum developed from her blood to give himself hulk powers. Walters confusingly asks the audience if this makes sense. Titania suddenly breaks through the wall into the fight. Abomination picks up Walters to save her. Just then, Hulk breaks in thinking Abomination is attacking her. The two engage in a fight. Walters says that the plot lines make no sense.

Jennifer Walters speaks to K.E.V.I.N.
Suddenly, the Disney+ home screen pops up. Walters breaks her inhibitor and uses her strength to break through the home screen. She then hops into Assembled and is able to get into the real world Marvel Studios Headquarters from there. She talks to the head of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: a machine named K.E.V.I.N.. Through complaining, she is able to convince K.E.V.I.N. to change the script. She explains that Phelps doesn't need to become a hulk to prove his point. Thus, his hulk plot line gets erased. She then wants Blonsky to realize his actions. She also erases Hulk's appearance as it makes no sense. She also asks for Daredevil to come back. K.E.V.I.N. complies, but fixes the glitch that allowed this to happen.

Matt Murdock has lunch with the Walters
Walters returns to her world and sees the arrested Phelps, telling him she will see him in court. Titania is also arrested along with Blonsky for breaking his plea deal. Suddenly, Daredevil arrives, but is too late. Later, Murdock joins Walters to a feast with her family. Suddenly, Hulk arrives revealing his son, Skaar. In the coming days, Walters is cleared of her crimes and returns to work. Meanwhile, Wong breaks Blonsky out of jail.
Starring Cast[]
- Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk
- Josh Segarra as Augustus Pugliese
- Jameela Jamil as Mary MacPherran/Titania
- Ginger Gonzaga as Nikki Ramos
- Jon Bass as Todd Phelps
- Griffin Matthews as Luke Jacobson
- Megan Thee Stallion as Herself
- Mark Linn-Baker as Morris Walters
- Tess Malis Kincaid as Elaine Walters
- Steve Coulter as Holden Holliway
- Drew Matthews as Dennis Bukowski
- Rhys Coiro as Donny Blaze
- Patti Harrison as Lulu
- Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil
- Benedict Wong as Wong
- Renée Elise Goldsberry as Mallory Book
- Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination
Recurring Cast[]
- George Bryant as Judge Price
- Vas Sanchez as Pedro
- Nicholas Cirillo as Ched
- Nick Gomez as Dirk Garthwaite/Wrecker
- Trevor Salter as Josh Miller
Image | Title | Number | Airdate | Writers | Directors |
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A Normal Amount of Rage | 1.01 | August 18, 2022 | Jessica Gao | Kat Coiro |
Jen Walters's world is turned upside down after a freak accident leaves her with superpowers. | |||||
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Superhuman Law | 1.02 | August 25, 2022 | Jessica Gao | Kat Coiro |
Jen is hired at a prestigious law firm but must practice as She-Hulk and rep a complicated client. | |||||
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The People vs. Emil Blonsky | 1.03 | September 1, 2022 | Francesca Gailes & Jacqueline Gailes | Kat Coiro |
She-Hulk represents Emil Blonsky aka The Abomination, but his parole hearing doesn't go as planned. | |||||
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Is This Not Real Magic? | 1.04 | September 8, 2022 | Melissa Hunter | Kat Coiro |
She-Hulk's new client Wong is suing a magician for unauthorized use of the Mystic Arts. | |||||
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Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans | 1.05 | September 15, 2022 | Dana Schwartz | Anu Valia |
She-Hulk discovers Titania owns the name "She-Hulk" and is suing her for trademark infringement. | |||||
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Just Jen | 1.06 | September 22, 2022 | Kara Brown | Anu Valia |
Jen is a bridesmaid at a friend's wedding, a stressful event compounded by uniquely She-Hulk issues. | |||||
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The Retreat | 1.07 | September 29, 2022 | Zeb Wells | Anu Valia |
Jen visits Blonsky's wellness retreat, meets new friends and gets in touch with her inner She-Hulk. | |||||
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Ribbit and Rip It | 1.08 | October 6, 2022 | Cody Ziglar | Kat Coiro |
She-Hulk represents Leapfrog who was injured due to a malfunction in his custom-made super suit. | |||||
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Whose Show is This? | 1.09 | October 13, 2022 | Jessica Gao | Kat Coiro |
Jen finds herself in trouble with the law and struggles to pick up the pieces of her life. |
Phase Four | Films | Black Widow âą Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings âą Eternals âą Spider-Man: No Way Home âą Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness âą Thor: Love and Thunder âą Black Panther: Wakanda Forever |
TV Series | âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Season One)
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Specials | âą | |
Phase Five | Films | Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania âą Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 âą The Marvels âą Deadpool & Wolverine âą Captain America: Brave New World âą Thunderbolts* |
TV Series | âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą | |
Phase Six | Films | The Fantastic Four: First Steps âą Avengers: Doomsday âą Spider-Man 4 âą Avengers: Secret Wars |
TV Series | âą âą âą | |
Unknown Phase | Films | Blade âą Armor Wars |
TV Series |