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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"My client list is very exclusive because my work is impeccable."
―Luke Jacobson[src]

Luke Jacobson is an outfit designer for the superhero community.


Making Clothing for Superheroes[]

Superpowered Clients[]

Having earned a reputation as an impeccable designer, Luke Jacobson ventured into serving the superhero community, although the clients he accepted were very exclusive. He accepted requests from Leapfrog and Daredevil and made suits for them.[1]

Hired by She-Hulk[]

Setting an Appointment[]
"Fifteen-minute consultation. My assistant will set up the appointment."
―Luke Jacobson to Nikki Ramos and Augustus Pugliese[src]

Nikki Ramos and Augustus Pugliese came to Jacobson to hire him to make a costume for She-Hulk. Initially, he declined, seeing two Avengers fans. However, they pushed on further. Ramos claimed to be in association with Titania, but Jacobson saw her shrug, knowing she was lying. She then said they were there for an Avenger. Jacobson became intrigued and gave them fifteen minutes. Ramos and Pugliese then danced and celebrated, but Jacobson told them he could still see them.[1]

Making Suits for She-Hulk[]
Luke Jacobson meets She-Hulk

Jacobson meets She-Hulk

"I made you a little something extra."
"I don't know that I'll really have an–"
"Just say thank you, Jennifer."
―Luke Jacobson and She-Hulk[src]

Ramos took Jennifer Walters to meet with Jacobson. Jacobson was still hesitant to take on Walters as a client, but Ramos claimed that she was going to be a part of the Avengers and revealed that she was the Hulk's cousin. Walters clarified that she only needed a business suit, which did not interest Jacobson until he learned that he would be making a suit that fitted and adapted to Walters in both human and Hulk form.

Luke Jacobson hands clothes

Jacobson hands clothes to She-Hulk

Walters returned to Jacobson to collect her suits. Jacobson retrieved a whole rack of suits and gave Walters one to try on. When Walters entered the changing room, she was impressed with what Jacobson had designed and began to try it on. As she was getting changed, Jacobson told Walters that he had also made her something extra, a superhero costume. Walters didn't think she needed it, but Jacobson told her to accept it. Jacobson reprimanded his employee Tinsley for violating client confidentiality and leaving Daredevil's helmet exposed.[1]

Sued by Leapfrog[]

Luke Jacobson and Shulkie

She-Hulk attempts to strike a deal with Jacobson

Jacobson was making She-Hulk's dress for her upcoming gala when he saw Walters in the background. He told her not to rush him, but she simply said that she was there to discuss her client, Leapfrog, who wanted to sue Jacobson. She was there to try to strike a deal before it went to court. Jacobson grew mad at She-Hulk's decision, as well as her doubting his perfection, and ripped apart her dress, saying she was blacklisted. Angry, She-Hulk said he was going down.

Matt Murdock defending Luke Jacobson

Jacobson is represented by Matt Murdock

At court, Jacobson worriedly looked around the room as his lawyer was not there. Judge Price asked if he was representing himself, but Jacobson said he was not an idiot. His lawyer, Matt Murdock, then arrived, apologizing that he was late, claiming that his driver got lost. Jacobson had called Murdock as a favor for making his Daredevil Suit.

Luke Jacobson rejects Shulkie

Jacobson rejects She-Hulk

As Murdock and Walters bickered, Price sided with Jacobson. Suddenly, Murdock asked Patilio what he put in his boots. Patilio said jet fuel, which is specifically what Jacobson told him not to do, thus allowing him to win the case. As Jacobson walked out, Walters apologized, saying she had no idea how stupid Patilio was. Jacobson did not want to hear it.[2]

Kidnapped By Leapfrog[]
Luke Jacobson and Eugene Patilio

Leapfrog forcing Jacobson to make him a new suit

Later, Jacobson was kidnapped by Leapfrog and taken to the Lily Pad. Jacobson managed to get a hold of Daredevil, telling him where he was. As Jacobson was forced to make a new Leapfrog suit, Daredevil and She-Hulk arrived. They easily took down Leapfrog's men and defeated them. Outside, Walters asked Jacobson if he could make her dress again. Jacobson agreed to do it, but told Walters to not put on any weight.[2]


"Everything I make stands up to the highest combat standards. I don't make basic shit."
―Luke Jacobson to She-Hulk[src]

Due to his background and work in the fashion world, Jacobson has an arrogant and flamboyant behavior, showing little empathy and concern about how their actions affect others.[1]

Jacobson seems to oscillate between likes and dislikes with relative ease. However, Jacobson is not entirely lacking in mercy, being able to forgive those who help him.[2]


"She needs a suit that's gonna fit her both as Jen and as She-Hulk. Something that requires a lot of talent."
―Nikki Ramos to Luke Jacobson[src]
  • Master Engineer:
    Luke Jacobson at work

    Jacobson creating a suit for She-Hulk

    Jacobson is a very talented fashion designer and tailor, famous for making suits for superheroes. The suit he made for Leapfrog is inflammable with a 900-degree threshold and even rocket boosters, although jet fuel would compromise its effectiveness. He also replicated the suit and billy club made by Melvin Potter for Daredevil, and the suit he made for She-Hulk can adjust to her physical transformation.



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To be added






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Luke Jacobson is famous fashion designer, who won numerous awards. He later hired Dakota North for protection, after receiving numerous threats.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Luke Jacobson.

External Links[]
