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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"No, I can't talk to a 10 about embarrassing man stuff. She could be my next fiancée."
―Dennis Bukowksi[src]

Dennis Bukowski is an attorney at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.


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This is an in-depth biography of Dennis Bukowski. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Legal Career[]

Working with Jennifer Walters[]

"This is going to land better coming from me. Plenty of time to switch things up and let me do the closing."
―Dennis Bukowski to Jennifer Walters[src]
Dennis Bukowski & Nikki Ramos

Bukowski speaking with Jennifer Walters

Bukowski was at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, listening to Jennifer Walters' speech along with Nikki Ramos in her office. Bukowski said the speech would have more impact if he said it, Ramos passively-aggressively said she would kill him and Walters would not sue her, Walters jokingly said it was a conflict of interest and also reinforced that she does not condone murder. Ramos then kicked Bukowski out of the room, as they all exited the room as well.[1]

Courthouse Disturbance[]

Jennifer Walters, Dennis Bukowski and Nikki Ramos

Bukowski at the hearing at the courthouse

"Don't screw this up, Walters."
―Dennis Bukowski to Jennifer Walters[src]

Later that day, Bukowski was present at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Courthouse for the trial. When Walters was going to give her speech, he told her not to mess it up, still feeling he should be giving the speech himself. She then began to give her speech, when suddenly a large piece of the courtroom exploded, leaving a gaping hole, and Titania charged through. He watched as she was then confronted by Walters, who had transformed into She-Hulk and punched the woman away from them, rendering her unconscious. Bukowski got very interested in Walter's abilities.[1]

Night at the Bar[]

Dennis Bukowski (Legal Ease)

Bukowksi speaking with She-Hulk at the bar

"There's a hot chick over there. I'm gonna go to talk to it."
―Dennis Bukowski[src]

That night, Bukowski joined Jennifer Walters and Nikki Ramos to Legal Ease Bar & Grill. He approached Walters, who had transformed into She-Hulk, due to the popular demand from the attendees to see her. When he had overstayed his time, Ramos walked over with drinks for her and Walters, and told him it to go. Bukowksi left them, opting to talk to a woman he had seen there.[2]

Dating "Megan Thee Stallion"[]


Bukowski soon began a relationship with the famous Megan Thee Stallion, whom he found on a Hollywood dating app. The two dated for a while while Bukowski bought her many gifts like a new car. They also had dinner a lot and went to private islands. Suddenly, it was revealed that Megan Thee Stallion was actually a shapeshifting Asgardian named Runa, who was posing as Megan Thee Stallion.[3]

Bukowski v. Runa[]

Dennis looks at Mallory Book

Bukowski in Holliway's office

Bukowski arrived at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway to discuss a suit against Runa. He wanted to get the lawyer from the Superhuman Law division, but soon learned it was Jennifer Walters. Bukowski refused to take her and instead asked for Augustus Pugliese. Mallory Book then walked in, leading Bukowski to say she did not want her because she was too hot to be his lawyer. Pugliese asked him why he needed the Superhuman Law Division, so Bukowski explained, leading Walters to walk away laughing.

Augustus Pugliese & Dennis Bukowski

Bukowksi is represented by Pugliese in court

Bukowski talked about the case to Pugliese, who thought of ways to go about it. On the way out, Bukowski talked about his Cybertruck. At the courtroom, Pugliese simply talked about how it seemed to be an open and shut case. However, Judge Price believed that it was hard to comprehend how Bukowski would believe he was dating Megan Thee Stallion, so he called for another day of trials.

Pug, Dennis & Jennifer

Bukowski with Pugliese and Walters upon winning the case

The next day, Walters arrived and gave a testimony on how Bukowski was stupid enough to think he was in fact dating Megan Thee Stallion. When she kept saying bad things about him, Bukowski called for objection, but was told it was his own witness and that he was not representing himself. They eventually won the case due to Walters. Bukowski turned around to see Megan Thee Stallion in attendance, On the way out, he asked Pugliese if he thought he should go back and try to get Megan Thee Stallion. Pugliese told him no, so Bukowski talked about how he wished they could prohibit Runa's powers.[3]

Interview about She-Hulk[]

Dennis Bukowski (The Conversation with Jefferson Coop)

Bukowski expressing his annoyance with Walters in an interview

When She-Hulk went on a rampage, landing herself in prison, Bukowski went on public television and used to voice his annoyance with Walters. He claimed that they dated and she was psycho, even before her powers.[4]


"How would you characterize Mr. Bukowski in relation to his romantic life?"
"Self-absorbed, chauvinistic, conceited. He once described himself as a New York 10 and an LA 11."
―Augustus Pugliese and Jennifer Walters[src]

Bukowski is arrogant and sexist, this is revealed when he belittles Nikki Ramos for being a paralegal and claims that Jennifer Walters' speech would have more impact if it came out of his mouth. And when he wanted to flirt with a woman at a bar, he referred to her as "it".[1] He is also extremely narcissistic, which can make him deluded, and truly believed “Megan Thee Stallion” would date him and self proclaimed himself as a "New York 10" and "LA 11."


This section requires expansion
  • Expert Lawyer: To be added






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Dennis "Buck" Bukowski is an Assistant District Attorney and a former rival to Jennifer Walters.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dennis Bukowski.

External Links[]
