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For other uses, see Black Sky (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Elektra, see Elektra's Character Hub

"I know who I am. The Hand did not reduce me to this. This is who I've always been."

Elektra Natchios is an assassin who was trained under Stick to join the Chaste. She fell in love with Matt Murdock during a mission for Stick to bring Murdock into the organization. She returned to his life after years of absence, putting her beliefs and methods at conflict with his own. Later, she was revealed to potentially be the Black Sky, the one who is supposed to lead the Hand. However, Elektra chose to help Murdock defeat the malevolent organization and was killed in the final fight with Nobu Yoshioka. The Hand then retrieved Elektra's corpse from the grave and placed it in a stone chamber to be exposed to the Resurrection Elixir.

Alexandra Reid manipulated a resurrected Elektra and took her under her wing, re-training her to truly become the Black Sky and the Hand's most lethal weapon. Elektra fought the Defenders, which reawakened her past self through her interactions with Daredevil, and dediced to take over the Hand by killing Reid. In the final confrontation of the Hand against the Defenders, Elektra was buried under the Midland Circle building alongside Daredevil.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Elektra. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Child Killer[]

Trained by the Chaste[]

"You told me to fight, you told me to finish it."
"I didn't tell you to kill him. He is an asshole, but at the end of the day he's on our side of the war."
―Elektra and Stick[src]

Elektra during her brutal combat training

Elektra was raised from a young age by Stick, a member of the Chaste, under whom she was trained in combat. Combat lessons with Stick often involved Elektra fighting three grown men at the same time at the young age of twelve, although she would be able to take on the opponents with general ease, using speed to her advantage as she avoided their blows and counter punched until she would subdue them.


Elektra being given some advice from Stick

Stick stopped the lesson and checked on Elektra, whom he called Ellie. When Elektra noted that her fists were hurting, Stick told her it was because she was bending her wrists before punching, once again showing her the proper way to make a fist, noting that her form was improper and ordering her to breathe just like he had taught her. Elektra pointed out Star who was standing nearby was not watching the fight but had been watching her, but Stick told her to just ignore him and finish the fight. Despite being curious about the man and why he was still looking at her, Elektra did as instructed by Stick.


Elektra's rampage is calmed down by Stick

While Elektra returned to the fight, the man questioned where Elektra had been found before he told Stick that she needed more training as they would need real warriors, referencing the Chaste's upcoming war against the Hand. While Elektra was still fighting, one of her opponents blew her a kiss to distract her, allowing another man to strike her across the face. This enraged Elektra who then violently subdued her opponents before striking the man who blew the kiss multiple times across the face until Stick was forced to step in and stop her from killing him, calming his student down.


Elektra speaks to Stick about her future

Once they were alone, Elektra spoke with Stick about what had just happened, noting that Stick had told her to finish the fight, but the latter admitted that he had not ordered her to kill him. Going on, Stick told Elektra it was wrong for her to kill one of their members, although Elektra insisted that it did not feel wrong. Kneeling down to her own level, Stick then told Elektra that she must control what was inside of her until the right moment, telling her that there would come a time when she could unleash it. They then stood up and continued their own combat training, as Stick fought against her.


Elektra kills another member of the Chaste

While Elektra was alone and punching a boxing bag that night, one of the members of the Chaste entered with the intent to kill her. Seeing it was the man she had almost killed during their training, Elektra at first attempted to apologize for her actions as she had noted she had gone too far but stopped when she saw the man had come in armed with a knife. As he attacked, Elektra fought back and managed to flip him onto his back at which point she broke his arm before she then used his own knife to slash open his throat, killing him and spraying his blood across her own face.


Elektra is rescued from execution by Stick

The murder was discovered by Star who immediately imprisoned Elektra as a result before furiously confronting Stick for bringing "it" into the Wall of the Chaste, claiming that she put the lives of their people in danger. Star then said that he intended to kill Elektra, however, Stick said she was his responsibility and that he would take care of the consequences. While Elektra then watched and awaited her fate, Stick swung his sword and killed Star before releasing the highly confused Elektra from her cage, Stick then told Elektra that it was time to go and pulled her away to safety.[2]

Diplomat's Daughter[]


Elektra is adopted by a kind wealthy couple

"Why can't I stay with you?"
"Because we'll be hunted the rest of our lives."
"We can take them!"
―Elektra and Stick[src]

Elektra was sent by Stick to become the adoptive daughter of an ambassador and his wife who could not have a daughter of their own. Despite Elektra telling him that she would never allow herself to become a part of this family, Stick told her to be smart and analyze how they acted, saying it was a good skill to have to be able to play the role of somebody rich and fancy in order to disguise herself later in life. Elektra, however, continued to insist that she did not want to leave Stick.

Goodbye Ellie

Elektra says her sad goodbyes to Stick

When Elektra asked why she could not stay with Stick and continue running with him, he told her that if they were to stay together then they would be hunted by the Chaste for the rest of their lives. Seeing Elektra was still not convinced by his reasons, Stick informed her that someday, somebody would come searching for her and change her life forever, and he would be dedicating himself to preventing that. Just before he left, Elektra accused Stick of leaving her to go and train another student, but Stick insisted he would never forget about her before walking away from her, leaving Elektra alone.[2]

Dating Matt Murdock[]

Elektra back then

Elektra meets Matt Murdock while at a party

"See, I think you were dying on the vine of this tight-ass party, because Daddy's money can't buy you the one thing you really need."
"And what's that?"
"The unexpected."
"Maybe you're not so dumb. Elektra Natchios."
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]

Seeking to check on his former trainee's whereabouts and activities, Elektra was sent by Stick to locate and seduce Matt Murdock.[7] Soon finding him at Columbia University, Elektra attended a party function attended by also by Murdock and Foggy Nelson, and before long, Murdock left Nelson to get a new drink when he found Elektra sitting at the bar waiting for him. Elektra noticed Murdock walking toward her, but before he reached her, he was caught by a security guard who forced him to leave the venue for being uninvited to the party.


Elektra being impressed by Matt Murdock

As he was being forced out, Elektra intervened, saying that Murdock was with her and invited him to sit with her. Sat at the bar, Murdock ordered another martini for Elektra. Elektra found Murdock perceptive but changed her own drink order. Murdock thanked Elektra and their conversation began to change as Elektra said that Murdock clearly wanted to be somewhere with someone, instead of sneaking into fancy parties, and continued to analyze him. Murdock then gave his thoughts on Elektra, saying that while charming and rich, she was bored of living a part of her father's privileged lifestyle.

Elektra and Matt drive

Elektra and Matt Murdock stealing a car

Impressed by Murdock's insight into her, Elektra mockingly told him that maybe he was not stupid as she had first thought. They then introduced themselves and Elektra finished her drink before inviting Murdock to leave with her. Once outside, Elektra got Murdock to sit in a beautiful new sports car before revealing that she was actually intending to steal the sports car as it did not belong to her, much to Murdock's amusement as they drove away.[1] They both enrolled in the same Spanish class, causing Nelson to joke that Murdock only took the class to be near her while they were studying.[8]


Elektra and Matt Murdock discuss his father

The two went to Fogwell's Gym and Elektra used Murdock's walking stick to break the glass on the door and grant them access, much to Murdock's dismay as he noted he would have to pay for the repair. Elektra and Murdock then talked about his father's history as a struggling boxer, and how he was murdered by Roscoe Sweeney for failing to throw a fight. Elektra asked Murdock if he had ever gone searching for Sweeney to get his revenge, but Murdock explained that he had when he was a child and failed to find him and avenge his father's death.


Elektra and Matt Murdock fighting playfully

When Murdock told her that she did not have to feel sorry for him, Elektra told Murdock that she did not feel sympathy and attacked him, having a suspicion he could fight. This suspicion was confirmed as Murdock managed to dodge her fast kick to the head and then removed his sunglasses, telling her that although he was indeed blind, he did have ways in which he could see. As they began to fight, Elektra explained how she had taken ballet lessons when her Capoeira master returned to Angola, attacking Murdock again only to be pushed back and spanked as Murdock laughed.

Elektra Love

Elektra and Matt Murdock have sex together

As they discussed how Elektra had trained in Muay Thai every other Thursday while she was growing up, Elektra managed to elbow Murdock in the face and pushed him to strike her back. Murdock responded by kicking Elektra in the chest and knocking her to the floor before they began brawling in the ring, striking hits on each other until Elektra pinned Murdock to the ground. The two then began kissing and having sex midway through their fight, ripping each other's clothes off as Murdock passionately wrapped his hands around Elektra's throat, much to her erotic delight.[1]

A Deadly Test[]


Elektra and Murdock break into big mansion

"Keep going. He knows your name, cut his throat. Kill him."
"I... I can't, I can't do that."
"We can do anything together, remember?"
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

The happy and carefree couple continued causing trouble, and one day they were in a car together, being driven by Elektra, speaking French to each other, when they pulled up to a large house. Elektra explained to a confused Matt Murdock that the mansion belonged to one of her father's associates who were off to Monte Carlo. Just as they reached the door, Murdock questioned if Elektra had the house key, at which point she just simply let out a cheeky grin.

Elektra Playing House

Elektra and Murdock discuss their future

The two broke the glass door and entered with Murdock carrying Elektra. Elektra began to look in the refrigerator and asked what was going to happen when Murdock graduated from Columbia University as a world-class lawyer and the two of them finally got married. She said that this is how they would live, in a luxury home and Murdock asked about children as Elektra responded that they could stock the fridge while Murdock and Elektra would do better things. Enjoying themselves, Elektra had Murdock lie on the kitchen counter while she cut cheese on his chest and seductively fed it to him.


Elektra swiftly subduing Roscoe Sweeney

The two had a drink and Elektra began to smash the glasses and they began to kiss, showing how little regard they had for the homeowner and how free they felt in each other's company. However, they paused when Murdock said that heard footsteps; Elektra told him that she would deal with it peacefully as she could use her father's name. But, as Murdock walked in hearing groans, he saw Elektra standing on a man's throat, having knocked him to the ground, Elektra then proudly revealed the man to be Roscoe Sweeney, who had killed Murdock's father some years earlier.


Elektra watches Matt Murdock hit Sweeney

Elektra tied Sweeney to a chair and explained to a shocked Murdock that Sweeney now went by the name Al Marino. Sweeney had not remembered Murdock, saying that he killed a lot of people's dads, until Elektra said his first name. At Elektra's urging, Murdock began to hit Sweeney. Murdock continued to hit Sweeney much to Elektra's enjoyment. Elektra wanted Murdock to kill Sweeney but Murdock refused and then dropped the knife, much to her disappointment. Murdock called the police to report the location of a wanted felon. Elektra vanished by the time Murdock turned around.[1]

Reporting to Stick[]


Elektra updating Stick about Matt Murdock

"I did everything you said, I made him give in to his darkest impulses, but he's stubborn. I can't change his mind or who he is."
"Instead you let him change who you are."
―Elektra and Stick[src]

Having failed with her mission to recruit Matt Murdock as a soldier in the Chaste's army, Elektra went to meet with Stick on the outskirts of New York City to update him on the situation. When Stick questioned why she had not brought Murdock to him, Elektra informed him that he was not ready to join their fight, much to Stick's annoyance. When Stick insisted that the Chaste still needed Murdock in their war, however, Elektra told him that she had simply tried and failed to convince him to join.


Elektra agreeing to fight against the Hand

Stick noted that he had seen Elektra succeed at harder missions than this, noting that this was the first time she had come to him making excuses for her failures, claiming that although Elektra had tried to show Murdock all of his darkest impulses, by allowing him to finally confront Roscoe Sweeney, the man who killed his father, Murdock had actually just changed who Elektra was by making her fall in love with him. Stick noted that their war with the Hand and they needed to be prepared for the death that was going to be coming from that war, telling her to forget about Murdock for the time being.[7]

Battling the Hand[]

Reunion with Matt Murdock[]


Elektra breaks into Matt Murdock's home

"I've spent years trying to convince myself that things happen for a reason, that you and I were not meant to be. But I know now. That wasn't fate. It was a choice. My choice. And I'm sorry. I'm alone in the world, Matthew. Do you know what that feels like? "
―Elektra to Matt Murdock[src]

As Matt Murdock returned his apartment from his date with Karen Page, Murdock found Elektra, who had broken into his apartment, having returned to New York City and greeted him with a flirtatious smile.[9] Elektra began to flirt with Murdock by teasingly commenting on his choice in furniture and clothes, but Murdock was having none of it. Elektra eventually came out with her story, saying she was here for a meeting and that she wanted to apologize for leaving him, although Murdock just insisted that she could not stay.

Elektra 2

Elektra asks for Matt Murdock's legal help

She admitted that she had finally been able to admit to herself that them leaving each other was not fate but a choice that she had made back at Roscoe Sweeney's home. Elektra told Murdock that she was now alone in the world, which Murdock could relate to so Elektra also made the comparison that he also knew about deal with his own father's mistakes. Moving on, Elektra began to explain her father's old investment in the Roxxon Corporation. She asked Murdock for his legal help and offered to give him money. Murdock refused, however, and told her to leave his apartment.[1]

Meeting with Roxxon[]

Elektra meeting Roxxon

Elektra begins her meeting with Hirochi

"I'm sure you all have places to be, things to do. With your wives, your mistresses. But I have questions."

The next day, Elektra deposited a large sum of money into Nelson and Murdock's bank account, which was soon discovered by Foggy Nelson. Upon seeing this, Matt Murdock knew this was from Elektra, and told Nelson to not spend that money, saying that it was from a potential client before quickly leaving. Murdock then used his advanced hearing to listen to the meeting with Elektra's meeting with the Roxxon Corporation, in which she was told how valuable her father's business was to them.

Elektra hacks Roxxon

Elektra hacks Roxxon for information

Upon arriving at the meeting, Elektra was met by Hirochi, who introduced her to Stan Gibson. Elektra glimpsed Murdock on the rooftop as she chuckled nonchalantly with the board. Elektra took out a pen and said that she had questions about Roxxon's business practices. Suddenly, several phones began to ring simultaneously, and she was told there was a problem that had to be attended to, and that the meeting would have to be rescheduled. Elektra was then escorted back downstairs in a hurry by Hirochi.[1]

Testing Daredevil[]

Elektra welcome Murdock

Elektra meets Matt Murdock in her apartment

"There was always this glorious darkness inside you."
"That's why I took you to Roscoe Sweeney's. And, yes. That's why I loved you. That's why you loved me, too. Don't deny what we have."
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

While she was pouring herself a drink, Matt Murdock visited Elektra in an apartment not in her name to ask her about why she took him to Roscoe Sweeney's mansion all those years ago, although Elektra tried to lighten the mood by asking how his date with Karen Page had gone. Elektra explained that it was simply for fun but Murdock was offended that she would find the concept of him killing Sweeney as fun.


Elektra tries to seduce Matt Murdock

Elektra tried to change Murdock's own view on the matter by then claiming that she did not push him to murder, but that Murdock had wanted to do it to avenge his father, which greatly offended Murdock as he insisted this was just Elektra's manipulation once again and told her that she did not have a window into his soul like she seemed to believe. Elektra insisted that this was not the case and went on to tell him that he had glorious darkness inside of him and that was why she took him there, and that was also why she had loved him and why, at that point in their lives, he had loved her.

Elektra is Ready

Elektra and Daredevil await the Hand's arrival

Murdock interrupted to warn Elektra that he could now hear several armed people arriving on motorbikes and Elektra walked upstairs and began to take off her robe and got dressed. Murdock explained what he heard and asked if Elektra knew who was coming, to which Elektra guessed Yakuza. Elektra explained that she had infiltrated Asano in the Yakatomi Building. Murdock figured Elektra knew what she had been doing, planning everything and manipulating Murdock in the process. As Murdock began to leave, Elektra opened a bag and revealing it contained his Daredevil's Suit inside.[1]


Elektra and Daredevil battle the Yakuza

As the Yakuza entered the building, Daredevil used the element of surprise that they had been granted and jumped down and attacked a man with Elektra following and hitting the second man, knocking him out. Elektra and Daredevil fought the Yakuza side by side as they soon overpowered a member each and then Elektra fought the only female member alone. As Elektra quickly got the Yakuza member on the floor, another member attacked her until she got up, but Elektra quickly knocked her out and kicked another member, bringing him to the ground and breaking his arm, making him scream.

Elektra 6

Elektra and Daredevil defeat their attackers

With the numbers of the Yakuza now greatly depleted by Elektra and Daredevil's combined strength, the final member charged at Elektra, however, Daredevil knocked him to the ground with one single solid punch and Elektra landed the last kick on the man she had brought down, leaving all their attackers lying beaten and unconscious on the ground around them. Pleased with their results, Elektra pulled her hood down panting and smiling at Murdock, satisfied by their victory and asked if he was hungry, while Murdock remained furious by her deception and forcing him into another violent conflict.

Elektra 5

Elektra has breakfast with Matt Murdock

The next morning, Murdock and Elektra got food at a diner and Murdock confronted Elektra about her lies. They discussed how she knew about his Daredevil identity and the Yakuza, with Elektra explaining that she had always known everything about him and that he had only made the "Yakuza" go into hiding when he had defeated them and Wilson Fisk. Murdock ordered her to leave New York City but Elektra told him that she wanted to bring down the Yakuza with him, as partners. Murdock agreed to work with her, as long as she left once they had completed their task.[10]

Infiltrating the Yakatomi Building[]

Tux Murdock

Elektra gives Matt Murdock a tuxedo

"Ms. Natchios, delighted to have you here with us this evening."
"You know I never pass up a chance to have my ass kissed, Mr. Hirochi."
―Hirochi and Elektra[src]

Elektra sent a car to collect Matt Murdock while he was visiting his client Frank Castle in the hospital. She gave him a suit and explained her plan to attend a gala and get a key card off Stan Gibson which would gain them access to a secret floor in the Yakatomi Building. Elektra explained that she planned to pickpocket Gibson's key card during the gala, which Murdock scoffed at as security would be tight there following the fight the previous night, but Elektra only laughed and noted that Murdock was being a lot less fun.

Matthew Murdock with Elektra

Elektra and Matt Murdock enter the Gala

As they walked in, Murdock said that she caused a lot of attention, turning a lot of heads and raising a lot of heart rates, although he noted it was a shame she would not be able to enjoy the party. As they were speaking, Hirochi came over to personally welcome Elektra to the party, politely kissing her on the hand before he complimented her appearance. Continuing with their mission, Elektra noted where Gibson was and told Murdock to finish his drink so they now had an excuse to walk over to the bar beside Gibson so Elektra could then attempt to steal the key card from him, so Murdock did as Elektra wished and stood by while she prepared to make her move.


Elektra sees Murdock meeting Stan Gibson

However, Murdock stopped Elektra before she could make her move, telling her Gibson was being watched closely by security, with Elektra noting that clearly Roxxon Corporation had worked out which of their key cardholders held the biggest risk. Needing to get Gibson alone, Murdock used his blindness to his advantage and, leaving the bemused Elektra where she was, stepped forward and spilled red wine on Gibson's white suit, forcing him to go to the bathroom to clean up, all while Elektra watched from the bar with a smile.[10]

Locating the Ledger[]


Elektra tries to avoid all the Hand's guards

"If invoices for druhs and guns and human trafficking aren't encrypted, then what is?"
"Wow, what are they hiding? Same time tomorrow, Matthew?"
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]

Once Matt Murdock had just acquired the key card from the now unconscious Stan Gibson, both he and Elektra snuck into the 13th floor of the building where Elektra used a device to hack into the security camera and cover up their movements. Murdock, however, could hear several security guards walking through the hallways so together they hid through the building to stay out of sight for as long as was possible, using Murdock's abilities to their advantage.


Elektra fails to locate the Hand's ledger

Eventually, Elektra and Murdock made it into Hirochi's office where they began searching for the Hand Ledger. While Elektra kept a lookout, Murdock used his highly sensitive ears to crack the safe but to her horror, Elektra discovered that the ledger was not inside there and began instead desperately searching through Hirochi's desk for it, noting she had been assured by the Chaste that the ledger would be in there. Giving up hope that they would find the ledger, Elektra then recommended that they escape now, as if the Yakuza found Gibson in the bathroom, they would be discovered very quickly.

Ledger found

Elektra and Murdock finally find the Ledger

Before they left, however, Murdock sensed a small electrical current running through the wall and found a way to open it, revealing a new secret doorway to another room. Upon seeing the new room, Elektra delightedly exclaimed that she was a genius, seemingly ignoring the fact that it was Murdock who had discovered the room. Yet again using Murdock's heightened senses, Elektra found the book quickly, which was filled with all of Roxxon Corporation's notes and most important information, but Murdock, having heard guards were now incoming, took it and forced them to leave after a lockdown.


Elektra and Matt Murdock prepare for a fight

As the lights went out across the Yakatomi Building, Elektra and Murdock were forced to run and hide as the security arrived on the scene. Knowing they would eventually be discovered, Elektra ripped her dress to allow for better movement before Murdock gave her the signal to go. Using the darkness and the element of surprise to their advantage, Elektra and Murdock fought the security in the office, disarming them before they could fire and using their impressive teamwork to bring them all down before they quickly made their way downstairs to try and make their hasty escape.


Elektra and Matt Murdock pretend to be drunk

Needing a new tactic to get out of the building as quickly as they could without being found and arrested, Elektra and Murdock then ducked into an empty office and pretended to be a drunk couple looking for privacy to have sex. When security found them, they drew their guns and attempted to arrest the pair, with Elektra playing the drunk woman and claiming that Murdock was very rich and could donate money to their organization. Despite finding them there, the security guards believed their new ruse, especially after one security guard noticed Murdock's blindness and let them go.

DDevil Ledger Coded

Elektra learns the ledger has been encoded

The two went back in the car and read through the book, with Elektra translating the Japanese words much to Murdock's surprise. Elektra noted that much of the information listed dealings in guns and drugs and even some words on the movement of various people, possibly laborers. When she got to the last page, Elektra discovered that she could not translate code in the book, noting whatever was there must be worse than gun running which was not encoded. Arriving at Matt Murdock's Apartment, Elektra jokingly invited him to join her at the same time the next day to learn some more.[10]

Finding a Translator[]

Elektra Waits

Elektra attempting to translate their ledger

"The guy who encoded that ledger of ours? Some pervy NYU professor, master cryptographer who teaches Asian studies. I'm gonna go beat the cipher out of him."
"You wanna come?"
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

Elektra called Matt Murdock while he was at work at Nelson and Murdock and asked him to go with her again, this time to translate the ledger before the Hand noticed it was missing, noting that she had found the professor who had encrypted it. Tracking him down, Elektra and Daredevil attacked Professor Philip Cabroni at his home just after he had sent home two prostitutes. At first, Cabroni simply refused to help as he feared the Hand would kill him, but after Daredevil threw him on a glass window and began punching it, Cabrini then finally relented.


Elektra and Daredevil question Philip Cabroni

He then began to translate it, explaining that he put the letters into a cipher and the characters through a matrix which could be decoded. The code ended up saying that all the weekly shipments took place, and one was that night at 11:00 at Bay Ridge Rail Yard. He gave the number of the boxcar and said that they could now find the train they were looking for. When Daredevil questioned what they would find, Cabroni insisted that he need not know. As they left, Daredevil then ordered Cabroni to find better employment while Elektra had told him to kill his decorator as she had hated how his apartment looked.[11]

Ambush at Bay Ridge Rail Yard[]


Elektra searches all across the Rail Yard

"You okay?"
"The best things in life leave you breathless, right?"
"I'm glad you feel that way, 'cause I got something for ya."
―Daredevil and Elektra[src]

Arriving at the Bay Ridge Rail Yard, Elektra and Daredevil discussed what the Hand could have in the case, with Elektra wanting to make bets until Daredevil noted he and Stick had once found the Hand were transporting the Black Sky. Using his own heightened senses, Daredevil was able to determine which of the boxcars was filled and which were empty, nothing whatever was inside one car had filled it up enough to buckle the train tracks. Elektra decided that they should open it.

Daredevil Elektra Train Yard

Elektra and Daredevil opening up the boxcar

The pair then opened the boxcar, only to discover that it was actually just filled to the brim with dirt, which poured out onto the ground and caused a cloud to rise into the sky. Surprised by what they had found, Elektra questioned if this was possibly a decoy and they had walked into a trap when they opened it, only for Daredevil to pause when he heard incoming footsteps. Realizing that the Yakuza had begun to chase them while armed with guns, Elektra and Daredevil were both forced to hide as they ran on top of the train and jumped from one boxcar to the next in order to get ahead of the Yakuza and set up an ambush of their own for their would-be attackers.


Elektra fights the Yakuza at the train station

Hiding in one of the carriages, Elektra and Daredevil leaped forward and attacked the Yakuza, using the element of surprise to avoid their erratic gunfire and disarm them. During the fight, Elektra had her hair grabbed by one attacker, but she was able to break his arm and then knock him out before saving Daredevil from one Yakuza member who nearly shot him in the back. Elektra briefly collapsed from exhaustion, jokingly noting that she believed all of the best things in life left you breathless, but she was forced to get back onto her feet as Daredevil noted there were more soldiers coming to attack them.


Elektra tries and fails to execute one man

With the next wave coming in, Elektra hid while Daredevil took on the first wave, causing one man to fire his gun and alert the others. Elektra then stormed forward and knocked several of the men to the ground before taking one of their guns, she aimed it at the man's head but found it was already out of ammunition, with Elektra noting it was clearly his lucky day and knocking him out cold. While distracted, Elektra did not see the other man coming for her and slashing her neck with a knife, but she kept fighting and quickly beat him into submission, ignoring the pain from the cut.


Elektra's wounds are looked at by Daredevil

Even with the man barely able to sit up, Elektra continued brutally beating him almost to the point of death until Daredevil charged in, kicking over another man and leaving Elektra to allow the man to collapse. With the Yakuza defeated and them now victorious, Elektra teased Daredevil by asking what had taken him so long before he examined the nasty gash on her shoulder and neck. Although the wound was not life-threatening, they then decided to leave their investigation there and return to Matt Murdock's Apartment where he could stitch up the wound as carefully as he could.[11]

Continued Investigation[]

Elektra stitched

Elektra is stitched up by Matt Murdock

"I didn't hear anything about your work that would make me want to tie a noose and test it on my neck. I won't even mention what I didn't hear about your girlfriend."
"I warned you not to interrupt my life."
"This is not your life, Matthew."
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

At his home, Matt Murdock stitched up Elektra's scratch on the back of her neck while they discussed what she would now tell people who asked about it. Elektra asked him what he told people about his scars, and he jokingly replied that since he wore suits to his work at Nelson and Murdock, it had not been a problem, while also joking that the women he brought home would be having too much fun to ask, which made Elektra laugh while he treated her arm.


Elektra and Murdock discuss their battle scars

When Elektra noted some new scars, Murdock explained how he had gotten some from the Russian Mafia members and others from a fight against Nobu Yoshioka, with Elektra noting that she also knew Yoshioka from his reputation in the Hand and pointed out her own scars. Having commented on how they had clearly both been busy since their college days, Murdock asked where she went after she leaving Roscoe Sweeney's house the day they almost committed murder. She replied that she went as far away as she could, finding herself to be alone, saying that Murdock deserved better.


Elektra tells Matt Murdock to get to work

Exhausted from their battle against the Hand, Elektra lay down and fell asleep on the couch, with Murdock resting on the chair. The next morning, Elektra awoke to find that Murdock was frantically pulling his clothes on as fast as he could since he had overslept and needed to be at the New York State Supreme Court Building representing the case for the People v. Frank Castle. Seeing that he was clearly too busy to deal with their investigation at this time, Elektra told Murdock that she would look into the exports before she told him to have a good day in court and let him leave to get to the courthouse.


Elektra mocks Murdock and Karen Page

Elektra kept herself hidden while Murdock talked to Karen Page that night and waited until Page had left before she revealed herself, as Murdock knew Elektra was there listening. He explained to Elektra that even though she did not care, Murdock's new life and Page were important to him. Elektra then tells him she looked into Roxxon Corporation's construction sites and found a few sites to investigate. Murdock noted how he knew one of the sites as his client had lived there before Wilson Fisk took it over and had the client murdered, and maybe Fisk had gotten the area for the Hand.[11]

Angering Daredevil[]


Elektra watches over all the Hand's actions

"You don't get what you want by day. You take it by force at night. This is who you are, Matthew. And don't fool yourself into thinking it's anything else."
―Elektra to Daredevil[src]

Seeking to assist Murdock in his case for Frank Castle, Elektra found the home of Doctor Gregory Tepper and attacked him, tying his hands up and then threatening to kill him if he did not admit in court that Samantha Reyes had forced him to fake the medical documents in the wake of the Massacre at Central Park which had killed Castle's family. Tepper did as instructed, but noted how he had been threatened meaning his statement was dismissed. That night, Elektra focused back on the original mission.

DDevil angry Elektra

Elektra is furiously scolded at by Daredevil

That night, Daredevil confronted Elektra and furiously told her that because of what she did, that evidence was useless. Elektra told Daredevil that he should stop deluding himself into thinking that he can get what he wants a day by being a lawyer at Nelson and Murdock and be with Karen Page when in truth, he got what he wanted by force. Daredevil rejected her words, stating that his life is off limits to her. Elektra agreed to stop interfering in his day job, before reminding him that they have the Yakuza to be concerned about as they were still planning on tearing all of New York City apart.


Elektra and Daredevil find the Hand's pit

Together, Elektra and Daredevil went down to the streets to fight the Yakuza guards standing outside of the apartment block. Elektra, however, allowed Daredevil to fight them alone as she took her time catching up to him when Daredevil asked why she did not join the fight, she used his own words against her and noted how he did not want her to get involved, much to Daredevil's annoyance. Together they entered the Midland Circle to find nothing but a massive hole in the ground. Unsure of its size, Daredevil grabbed the flashlight, dropping it inside and waited for it to strike the bottom, Elektra questioned if it had yet to which Daredevil noted that it was still falling.[11]

Choice of Love or War[]

Near Fatal Wound[]


Elektra fights against members of the Hand

"Because I did the thing I promised him I'd never do. I fell in love with you, Matthew. Listen to my heartbeat, if you must. You know it's true."
―Elektra to Matt Murdock[src]

As Elektra and Daredevil continued looking down the hole and tried to understand why it was there, they were attacked by members of the Hand. Taking cover, Daredevil revealed he could not hear the ninja's heartbeats so Elektra recommended he listen out for their swords instead. Charging into battle, Elektra grabbed a metal bar and used that to fight The Hand. When Daredevil was almost knocked down the pit, Elektra threw a chain to him and caught him.


Elektra is slashed across her own stomach

As the fight progressed, Elektra took down a ninja and stole his own sword before attempting to kill him. Not wishing for anyone to die, Daredevil called out to stop her and she was attacked by another member who used her distracted to slice across her stomach with a poisoned blade. Elektra groaned and was then kicked down while Daredevil was beaten into submission and was almost executed by The Hand. Before they could both be killed, however, Stick charged into the fight and quickly massacred all the remaining few Hand members before turning his attention to Elektra's wound.


Elektra is driven away towards some safety

Elektra was taken in a car driven by Quinn as Stick along with Daredevil drove quickly back to Matt Murdock's Apartment. Along the way, their car was chased down by several of the Hand's ninjas who Stick and Quinn attempted to avoid. Elektra lay on Murdock's lap as she began to bleed out from the wound on her stomach, ignoring the assassins who fired arrows at the car and even tried to jump on the roof and steal her away. Rather than going straight to Metro-General Hospital, Stick insisted that they go to Murdock's apartment to save Elektra's life as they got away from all of the Hand's assassins.

Stick Elektra Cure

Elektra's deadly wounds are treated by Stick

Arriving at his apartment, Stick told Murdock to quickly bring him all of the ingredients which he would use to help Elektra get the toxins out and heal her from the wound she had just gained during the mission. Elektra was moved from the sofa and then placed in Murdock's bed where Stick poured all the homemade liquid on her wound. Despite Murdock warning of the pain it might cause, Stick removed the cause of the wound and had saved Elektra's life, causing her some great pain while doing so. Once the procedure was finally over and Elektra was safe once again, Murdock held her down and prayed and heard her heartbeat becoming regular, proving she would be okay.


Elektra explains the truth about Stick's life

Having left her to sleep and recover, Murdock later greeted Elektra and noted that he had learned she was a member of the Chaste and questioned how much of their relationship had been real and what was preplanned by Stick. Elektra admitted that her meeting Murdock at Columbia University was a mission set up by Stick, but she had actually fallen in love with him during this time. Due to Murdock now missing court during the Frank Castle trial, Karen Page then visited him to then see Elektra in his bed, which led to Page storming out, assuming Murdock was in a relationship with Elektra.[3]

Inner Conflict[]


Elektra tells Stick her decision for the future

"This is who I am. Do you still want me?"
―Elektra to Matt Murdock[src]

Elektra stood up from her bed and went to talk with Stick, despite him noting that she was clearly in too much pain due to the wound she had gained since their last fight and recommended that she go back to bed. Elektra, however, refused and instead claimed that she did not want to be with Stick anymore, but with Matt Murdock, despite Stick telling her that he was soft, and had made her soft by letting her guard down, ordering her to go get back into bed, noting that Elektra could not be with Murdock due to her being a killer while Murdock still refused to kill anyone.


Elektra demands that Stick leave

Elektra insisted to Stick that she believed she could become a better person if she stayed and that they could still fight the Hand without the Chaste's assistance. Standing up, Elektra furiously told Stick to leave and threatened him if he ever dared to return. Stick proceeded to slam his own knife into the table and collected his things, however, when Stick pondered the thought of what if Murdock found out about the killer that Elektra really was, she slapped him, claiming that she could protect herself. Stick then noted she did not know what he had protected her from for years before he then walked out.


Elektra and Matt Murdock discuss their future

When Murdock returned to the apartment, having just lost Frank Castle's trial, he found Elektra all by herself, back in his own bed and attempting to get some sleep. When she was questioned about what had happened to Stick, Elektra told Murdock that she made her choice choosing him over Stick and explained that Stick had left and was seemingly never coming back. Elektra noted that Murdock had lost Castle's case as well as his relationship with Karen Page, but Murdock told her not to worry. They promised to figure out their relationship before Murdock told Elektra to sleep.


Elektra cuts the throat of a Hand assassin

However, a Hand ninja had been secretly watching over Murdock's apartment waited until the pair were off guard as he had entered the apartment and attacked Murdock, shooting him through the shoulder with a poisoned arrow. Murdock managed to defeat and disarm the assassin, however, when he unmasked him, he discovered that the assassin was a young man. Ignoring Murdock's pleas, Elektra then ruthlessly sliced open the assassin's throat, claiming that this is who she was and asked him if he still wanted her before Murdock began to pant heavily and then collapsed from the poison.[3]

True Colors Revealed[]


Elektra cleans Matt Murdock's deadly wound

"You and I, we've seen it. The Hand is very real. And they know we're onto them. The battle has begun, Matthew. There's nothing we can do about it now but fight. Look, I wish I could tell you that I'm not going to pull my sword, but I will if I have to."
―Elektra to Matt Murdock[src]

Having been poisoned by the Hand assassin's arrow and was close to death as a result, Elektra treated Matt Murdock's wound, pouring a chemical on the wound which burned through the poison, despite causing Murdock physical pain. While Murdock's body recovered, Elektra contacted the Chaste members who turned up inside Matt Murdock's Apartment and began cleaning up the blood and repairing the crime scene.


Elektra explains how she had killed people

Murdock woke up and asked Elektra about the Hand member and the whereabouts of his body, to which she replied that it had been taken care of. While Elektra insisted that the assassin had tried to kill him and therefore his death was self-defense, Murdock told her that he was a scared child, while Elektra noted that in court it would work in her favor. Murdock insisted that they call the New York City Police Department but Elektra noted that the police would never believe what had happened, telling him that the war had begun and that they both now needed to fight together against the Hand.


Matt Murdock tells Elektra to leave his home

Murdock noted that Elektra's desire to be a good person was always outweighed by her desire to kill, noting he had sensed that when they attacked Roscoe Sweeney and noting that her adrenaline had spiked and that she enjoyed killing the child assassin. Elektra then admitted her first kill was when she was twelve years old under Stick's orders and claimed she wanted to know if she could do it. Seeing this side of her, Murdock told Elektra that he did not want to see her anymore and she left his apartment. As she left, Murdock then told Elektra he would deal with both The Hand and the Yakuza himself.[12]

Target of the Chaste[]


Elektra prepares to leave New York City

"Listen to me, asshole. I don't care what the Hand wants, with me or anyone else. This is not my war."
"The Hand didn't send me. Stick did."
―Elektra and Jacques Duchamps[src]

With nothing left for her there, Elektra decided that her best move was to leave New York City and Matt Murdock behind for good. At the airport, Elektra went to a bar and ordered a Tequila or a Mezcal if they had it. She was then approached by Jacques Duchamps who ordered the same and paid for the bottle for her. Turning to face Elektra, Duchamps began asking where she was going, Elektra claimed that she was getting far away from New York City but did not give a reason as to why.


Elektra is introduced to Jacques Duchamps

Still speaking in French to her, Duchamps deduced that Elektra was heading for Courchevel for a skiing holiday, with Elektra seemingly confirming that she was just looking for somewhere to shop and ski. Duchamps then continued flirting as he offered to draw her a bath when they arrived. Duchamps then introduced himself, while Elektra gave him a fake name of Louise Badeaux. Duchamps revealed that he knew who Elektra was and that she had been a Chaste assassin, explaining that he was there to kill her and Elektra then confidently finished her drink and welcomed him to try his best.


Elektra fights against Jacques Duchamps

Elektra and Duchamps began to fight throughout the hanger, proving themselves to be equally matched in skill and each determined to be the victor. At one stage, Elektra managed to stun Duchamps and run across a plane wing, wrapping her legs tight around his head in an attempt to choke him out, only for Duchamps to recover and smash Elektra hard against the wing. Seeking to gain the advantage and kill his target, Duchamps brought out a pair of twin sai, but Elektra then quickly managed to disarm him, at which point she took them and painfully stabbed him in both the back and his chest.


Elektra learns that Stick had sent Duchamps

Taking the blades and twisting them in order to cause her would-be assassin as much agony as she could, Elektra told Duchamps that she would not answer to the Hand and wanted nothing to do with their war. Despite being close to dying from his wounds, Duchamps, however, corrected her and revealed that it was not The Hand who sent him, but it was Stick, seeking to assassinate his former student. Mortified by the reveal of her mentor's sudden betrayal, Elektra then ripped out the blades out of Duchamps' chest and back, killing him, and kept his sai, intending to use them to kill Stick.[4]

Elektra vs. Stick[]


Elektra successfully tracks down Stick

"You're just another old man jealous of his disciple. You'd rather see me dead than outgrow you. Well, guess what? When it comes to killing, I've always been better."
"Put up or shut up."
―Elektra and Stick[src]

Tracking down Stick to one of the Chaste's hideouts, Elektra hid in a car as two of his men entered to drive away and warn the members of Elektra's rage. However, as soon as the pair stepped into the car Elektra stabbed them through the back, with her twin sai cutting straight through their stomachs. She then entered the building to find her target, unaware that Quinn survived and was using his last moments to find help.


Elektra furiously fighting against Stick

Inside, Elektra found Stick meditating while sharpening his sword as she kicked open the door and prepared to begin the upcoming fight against his former student, having already heard from Quinn that his own soldier, Jacques Duchamps, had failed with the assassination attempt against Elektra. Having found the man she was hunting, Elektra looked at her former teacher with pure hatred, while Stick then calmly welcomed her to attack him.[13] Elektra began to hit Stick and kicked him across the room as the two fought with her sais and his sword while Stick still continued to berate and mock his former pupil, telling Elektra to stop talking and instead fight him.


Elektra attempts to strangle Stick to death

As the fight progressed Stick struggled to compete with Elektra's speed and used tricks such as headbutts and using tight spaces to gain the upper hand. As their fight briefly paused, Elektra demanded to know when he had tried to kill her, but Stick only said it was a long story and they then went back to fighting each other. When one of Elektra's sais got stuck which allowed Stick to gain an upper hand and forced his sword towards her throat, but Elektra was able to wrap a cable around his neck and began choking him to see which of them would be killed first in this prolonged deathmatch.

Daredevil with Elektra

Elektra is confronted by Daredevil

Before either of them could kill the other, Daredevil arrived and pulled them apart from each other, telling Elektra that he would not allow her to kill Stick as he stood between the killers. Elektra refused to listen and attempted to get past by slashing her sais at Daredevil's face, furious that despite being raised by Stick he had attempted to have her killed while Stick continued to claim that Elektra was now impossible to control and that he should have killed her when she was a child. Elektra accused Stick of being jealous of her as she had grown into a far superior killer compared to him, which Stick pushing her to prove her words by continuing their violent fight.


Elektra stabs a Hand assassin in the eye

Just as tensions rose to the breaking point, the three were suddenly attacked by the Hand, who had been sent by Nobu Yoshioka. As Daredevil and Elektra are separated from Stick while fighting their enemies, Elektra killed one member by stabbing her sai into his eye while Daredevil subdued them without killing them. But when the lights were briefly cut out, Elektra managed to find a flame at which point she discovered that Stick had been captured and the ninjas had scattered, leading to Elektra and Daredevil then charging outside to then confront each other about the previous fight.


Elektra argues with Daredevil about her killing

Charging outside, Daredevil demanded to know why she was trying to kill Stick and she explained that she was doing it before he could kill her, but she could not explain why or mention that attack against her life which Stick had ordered. Daredevil told her that the Hand must have taken him alive for a reason and that they would torture him until they found what they were looking for. Elektra told him that she was happy Stick would suffer and reminded Daredevil that Stick abandoned him when he was a child, promising that she would kill him if he attempted to stop her from finally killing Stick.[2]

Tempted by the Hand[]


Elektra finds and confronts Stick

"I pretended my whole life. I tried. I tried to control this inside me. Maybe I don't have to anymore. Maybe this is my chance."

Elektra tracked Daredevil just as he rescued Stick from Hirochi and the Hand. Elektra confronted the two of them, noting that there was a time when she really believed that Stick would never betray her but now she felt naive that she had fallen for his lies, she then threw her twin sai at Stick, but Daredevil caught it mid-air as he reminded her that he had sworn that he would not allow her to kill their former mentor no matter what.

Daredevil Elektra Black Sky

Elektra is told she is a Black Sky

While Daredevil and Elektra argued, Stick, however, revealed to her that The Hand had set up his kidnapping simply because they had wanted her there, just as Nobu Yoshioka entered and greeted the group with his own small army, calling Elektra an it. Insulted by him, Elektra threatened to cut Yoshioka in half if he dared to call her it again, but Yoshioka merely laughed at this threat, noting this and her fighting skills proved his theory of who she was. When questioned by Yoshioka about who he was and why he was there, Elektra noted that Yoshioka was the Hand, serving a mystical warrior.


Elektra considers joining Nobu Yoshioka

Yoshioka, however, insisted that this warrior was not a myth, and to her shock, he then revealed that Elektra was the Black Sky whom the Hand served and offered her his sword as he and all of the Hand soldiers bowed before her. Elektra wondered if this is who she was meant to be and realized it explained much of her life while serving the Chaste, including why Stick killed Star to protect her. Seeking to save her, Daredevil told her if she was going to join The Hand as she had become tempted to do, then she would have to kill him as well, allowing her to push Yoshioka's sword against his throat.

Daredevil Black Sky Threat

Elektra is given a chance to join with Daredevil

Unwilling to kill the man she had loved, Elektra heartbeat quickened, which Daredevil took as a chance to disarm her as he held the sword against her throat while Yoshioka's men surrounded them. Daredevil gave Elektra the choice to prove Yoshioka right by killing them both or prove him wrong by saving Stick's life. Telling Daredevil that he never knew when to stop, Elektra instead sided with Daredevil and Stick and aided them against The Hand, pulling Stick to safety once he had used the Specialist's knives to then defend himself, while Daredevil battled against all of the ninjas and Yoshioka.

Elektra saves Stick

Elektra drags Stick away towards safety

Elektra got Stick out away from the fight and towards safety, killing some members of the Hand as they went. Having gotten to a safe distance by dragging the wounded Stick with her, they then took a moment to rest in a hallway and Stick admitted that he still wanted to kill Elektra by sending Jacques Duchamps to assassinate her. Stick claimed that Murdock had not come to save him after the Hand, but he had gone to save Elektra from herself, knowing that if she had killed him, she would never be able to come back from that and they would never be able to be a good person as she desired.[2]

Reassured by Matt Murdock[]


Elektra considering to take her own life or not

"We can take them down. Not Stick's way. We can do it our way."
"You would trust me... after all I've put you through?"
"The Hand's ninjas can mask their heartbeats... Yours is always loud and clear."
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]

While they took Stick back into Matt Murdock's Apartment where he was tied up to ensure he would not try and escape, Elektra stood on top of a building overlooking New York City and began contemplating committing suicide until Matt Murdock came up to talk to her about Stick and the Black Sky. Murdock had tried to reassure Elektra that whatever she was feeling now would pass and asked her to consider the possibility that there was no such thing as the Black Sky as he then claimed it was nothing but mysticism and nonsense.

Elektra rooftops

Elektra speaks to Daredevil on the rooftops

Elektra noted how she had always been trained by the Chaste to kill the Black Sky and was told she had a gift by Stick, but Murdock then commented that he had been given the same speech. Elektra had still, however, explained to Murdock that once the Hand had control of the Black Sky, they would be able to do anything, and she would be their false idol even if she was locked in a cage, although Murdock had insisted that they would not be able to claim her as Elektra did not belong to anybody, while noting that she was stronger and more powerful had anybody the Hand had previously encountered.


Elektra is again reassured by Matt Murdock

While Elektra explained that the Hand had been around longer than most countries had, Murdock insisted that they had simply hidden in the shadows like the Chaste had and allowed their legend to grow, promising they could bring them down together. Elektra questioned why Murdock would still trust her after everything, before noting how legend said that Nobu Yoshioka had lived three lifetimes and taking him down was their best chance of destroying the Hand. Together they agreed to capture Yoshioka, as Murdock insisted that killing him would make him a martyr, which Elektra eventually agreed with.[6]

Preparing for Battle[]


Elektra being fitted for a suit by Melvin Potter

"How does it feel? Knowing that the kids you've trained are going to fight your war for you, while you're sitting here?"
"Biggest mistake of your life, child."
"Maybe. But it'll be my mistake, because this is my life."
―Elektra and Stick[src]

Seeking to prepare themselves for the final battle as best they could, both Elektra and Daredevil had together then went straight to Melvin Potter's Workshop where Elektra was fitted with a new uniform which would provide her with extra protection, although Melvin Potter had still continued to complain that the uniforms had been designed specifically to keep Betsy Beatty safe and he did not want to simply just give them away to anybody, although Elektra promised that Potter would still get them back eventually without a single scratch.


Elektra demanding to get her own billy club

As Elektra watched while examining some of Potter's other designs, Daredevil was given a prototype billy club which Potter had made for him. Seeing that the billy club was an incredibly useful weapon which Daredevil could use for either close quarter combat or as a grappling hook, Elektra began to complain that she wanted one as well, while Daredevil told Potter to simply ignore her complaints while Potter had explained that he only had time to make one. Elektra then watched while Potter noted that the people of Hell's Kitchen still understood and appreciated what Daredevil was doing to keep them safe.


Elektra continues mocking the captured Stick

Back inside of Matt Murdock's Apartment, Elektra had then given the restrained Stick a sandwich and informed him that the children he had trained to be warriors for the Chaste were now going to fight his wars for him their way and not his, questioning how this made him feel. Stick informed Elektra that this would prove to be the biggest mistake of her life, although Elektra had still insisted that if this was true then it would simply have to be her mistake to make, claiming that this was her life to live and that Stick no longer had control over her anymore, which had appeared to greatly annoy Stick.


Elektra handing over Matt Murdock's phone

They were interrupted once Daredevil returned and told Elektra it was time for them to go; however, just as they prepared to go, Daredevil got a phone call from Foggy Nelson which he answered. As Elektra listened, Daredevil was informed that Brett Mahoney had just been seemingly attacked by the Hand as Nelson requested that Daredevil go and investigate. Leaving Elektra behind, Daredevil then went to speak with Mahoney and discovered out that The Hand kidnapped several people, including Karen Page and Turk Barrett who Daredevil had previously encountered, to use as bait to then capture him.

Murdock cant hear

Elektra assisting Daredevil to find his focus

Elektra soon found Daredevil on the roof of his building, while he was desperately attempting to use his enhanced hearing to listen out for the Hand's location all across New York City but was struggling to focus. Elektra noted that the Hand was using the hostages as bait for him, but Daredevil insisted that he could not abandon them to be killed by Nobu Yoshioka. Seeing that he was still struggling, Elektra told Daredevil to slow his breathe and focus, promising that he would find them, although Daredevil claimed there was too much noise for him to concentrate on hearing a specific voice in the city.

Elektra wants to stay

Elektra questioning Daredevil plan of attack

Taking ahold of his hand, Elektra recommended that Daredevil tune out everything that was not essential, including all the New York City Police Department sirens, and focus on all the people he needed to find. Through his advice, Daredevil then located the Hand as he and Elektra then furiously ran to their location until they got to Yoshioka's location, as Daredevil noted there were at least twenty hostages and an entire army of Yoshioka's soldiers. Elektra insisted that they focus on bringing down Yoshioka, despite Daredevil wanting to rescue the hostages, but Daredevil refused to leave any of them behind.[6]

Attack on the Hand[]


Elektra rescues Daredevil from Hand ninja

"I don't know what we are together, and if we have any chance in the future... I don't... But I... I do know that I'm free with you. Like with no one else."
"You hide from yourself. You don't let anyone in."
"You. I let you in."
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]

While Elektra disagreed with Daredevil's plan to focus on rescuing all the hostages rather than going to Nobu Yoshioka and defeating him, she still came to his aid regardless once Karen Page and the others were on their way out and saved Daredevil as he was surrounded by the Hand ninjas. Elektra entered and used her twin sai to kill these ninjas by stabbing them both through the back, claiming that she had simply gotten bored of not being involved with the fight.


Elektra fights against the Hand ninjas

Elektra then covered her face with her mask as more Hand soldiers charged into the room and attacked them, with Elektra and Daredevil once again fighting side by side to defeat their enemies. During the clash, several Hand soldiers smashed their way through a wall and grabbed Elektra from behind, still seeking to capture her, however, Daredevil came to her aid and knocked them out. As Daredevil heard more soldiers coming their way, Elektra and Daredevil then run up the stairs with Hand members following them, knowing the only way out would be for them to go upstairs away from all soldiers.

Murdock Elektra happy

Elektra and Daredevil relax for a moment

Together they locked themselves in a room as Daredevil informed Elektra that there were still a lot more soldiers coming their way to them, as Elektra noted that it seemed they were both about to die. Elektra and Daredevil agreed to make their last stand on the roof of the building as Elektra noted that even if they managed to survive, they may never see each other again. Hearing this, Daredevil then removed his Helmet and asked if they run together for the rest of their lives, expressing his desire to spend the rest of his life with her as he claimed Elektra was the only one who gave him life.


Elektra and Daredevil discuss their future

Elektra noted how Matt Murdock had always hidden inside himself and had never let anybody in, to which he noted that he had left her in. Elektra still insisted that if they ran, then Yoshioka and the Hand would still search for them and would eventually catch them both, to which Murdock claimed they would keep running, change identities, just as long as they were together. Elektra agreed and suggested that they move to London or Madrid together to begin their new lives with each other, although she noted that Murdock loved New York City. Murdock then told her that he would die for his city but that she made him feel more alive.[6]

Final Showdown[]


Elektra and Daredevil facing Nobu Yoshioka

"They have nothing now. I took it all away."
"It's okay. It's okay. Try not to talk."
"I know... I know now... what it feels... to be good."
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

As Elektra and Daredevil then run out to the roof of the building, they had stood side by side to face down Nobu Yoshioka with his army of members of The Hand. Having dodged several arrows fired at them, they were then confronted by Yoshioka himself who challenged them to a final showdown, with Yoshioka armed with his own Kyoketsu-Shoge which he swung around his head while greeting the pair, with his army still ready to fight. As he moved towards them, Yoshioka insisted that Elektra had still belonged to the Hand while Daredevil belonged in the ground before then furiously attacking them both.


Elektra overpowering all the Hand soldiers

Yoshioka focused his attack on Daredevil, wanting him dead while he then ordered his soldiers take contain Elektra so that the Hand could finally capture the Black Sky. Unwilling to go down without any fight, however, Elektra furiously fought back and managed to break free of her attackers' grip. Despite being heavily outnumbered, Elektra then continued to fight with all of her might against the Hand, determined to not allow Yoshioka to kill Daredevil as she managed to eventually overpower and kill several more members of The Hand before then coming straight back to the aid of Daredevil with fighting Yoshioka.


Elektra's arm being broken by Nobu Yoshioka

The Hand then stand away while Yoshioka fights both Daredevil and Elektra, with the pair managing to knock Yoshioka down as Daredevil demanded that he leave New York City and that neither he nor his army of Hand soldiers ever returns, however, Yoshioka refused as he got back on his feet and had continued fighting them both. Despite them working together, Yoshioka eventually ended up bringing both Daredevil and Elektra onto the ground, managing to break Elektra's arm before knocking off Daredevil's Helmet, as he overpowered the pair of them and had then prepared to finally claim his victory.


Elektra dying while held in Daredevil's arms

Standing over the injured Daredevil, the confident Yoshioka had then grabbed her sai and then approaches Daredevil, preparing to execute him. Seeing this, however, Elektra then stood up and ran in front of the blade, sacrificing her life by letting Yoshioka plunge the blade through her stomach. Elektra then knocked Yoshioka away before collapsing into Daredevil's arms as he begged her to stay with him. With her dying breath, she told Murdock that she now knew how it had felt to be good and that this was not an end, before closing her eyes and dying, as the furious Daredevil had defeated Yoshioka.[6]

Resurrected by the Hand[]

Found by the Hand[]

Elektra Risen

Elektra's body gets taken away by the Hand

"You'll need your strength. Language will come back to you. So will your instincts. But everything else I'm afraid it wasn't worth keeping anyway."
―Alexandra Reid to Elektra[src]

At Elektra's funeral, Matt Murdock and Stick were the only attendees who paid their respects for their fallen ally, as Murdock had then told the story of how he had brought her flowers while they were dating in college before then explaining to Stick that despite all of the pain and the violence, it was all worth it to love her. However, that same night, Elektra's body had been found and dug up from her grave by the Hand, who then proceeded to return her to their hideout, where they had then dressed her in a traditional red uniform and placed her in the Sarcophagus in order for her to be reborn as the Black Sky.[6]


Elektra being finally resurrected by the Hand

Upon retrieval of her corpse, Elektra was collected by Sowande who brought her before Alexandra Reid, the leader of the Hand who had personally sought their Black Sky for centuries. Despite knowing this was a great risk, and Murakami and Madame Gao would not approve of her decision with the Black Sky, Reid had then ordered the Hand to use the last of the Resurrection Elixir to return the Black Sky to life to become their warrior. Elektra lifted the cover from the sarcophagus and leaped out, heavily covered in blood and the substance and now unaware of where she was and without memory of her previous life.


Elektra attempting to attack Alexandra Reid

Unfamiliar with her surroundings, Elektra fell out of the sarcophagus and was calmly spoken to by Reid who promised that the fear and pain she was feeling would eventually pass, claiming that the Hand was now her family. Still untrusting of those around her, Elektra then furiously attacked Reid, enraged and confused. However, Reid was able to overpower the disorientated Elektra as she flipped her onto her back with a well-executed defense. While Elektra had continued attempting to fight back, Reid managed to hold her in her arms and comforted Elektra until she had finally begun to calm back down.


Elektra asks Alexandra Reid for some answers

With Elektra finally calm, Reid cleaned her up from the blood and sat down with her, offering her food. Elektra was promised by Reid that language and skills would soon come back, although she noted that everything Elektra had remembered about her past life had now been removed and forgotten, claiming this did not matter. Reid and Elektra discussed the concept of death, with Reid noting that she had also experienced death and vowed to never die again. Elektra questioned who she was, as Reid had claimed that Elektra was her child and the answer to everything the Hand had desired for so many years.[14]

Trained to Kill[]


Elektra is offered a choice of bladed weapons

"It doesn't matter what you choose. You are the Black Sky. In the end, you are the weapon. Wakizashi. Good choice. They won't know what's coming till it's too late."
―Alexandra Reid to Elektra[src]

There inside the warehouse, Elektra prepared to begin her training in order to become the Black Sky, as she was helped to chose a new weapon by Alexandra Reid to fight with. As Elektra looked over the various swords and daggers available to her, including a pair of twin sai, Reid told Elektra that it did not matter what she chose as being the Black Sky, she was the weapon herself. Eventually, Elektra chose the Wakizashi, which Reid had then complimented as being a good choice.


Elektra begins sparring with Hand soldiers

Under the watchful eye of Reid, Elektra began her training to turn her back into the formidable warrior that she had once been before her death and subsequent resurrection. To begin with, Elektra had fought against a single Hand warrior, both armed with wooden weapons, however, Elektra had struggled to remember how to fight, using wide strikes and failing to block her opponent's counter strikes. However, Elektra's rage at being hit gave her a newfound strength as she then furiously fought back and subdued the Hand warrior, much to Reid's satisfaction. Elektra continued to fight for some time, progressing in strength as she had fought against multiple enemies at once.


Elektra is forced to fight against armed ninjas

Needing to know if Elektra was truly the warrior that the Hand had needed her to be, Reid continued to test Elektra, sending in multiple men to attack her at once, many of whom were considerably larger than her, and watching as Elektra was able to beat them all back with ever-increasing ease. Believing that Elektra was now ready, Reid had her weapons taken away and she became surrounded by an entire horde of warriors armed with swords. While Elektra had prepared for the fight, the lights were cut out, forcing Elektra to fight unarmed in the dark against several of the Hand's current finest warriors.


Elektra is given a uniform by Alexandra Reid

Despite being vastly outnumbered by all of the armed Hand warriors and at a considerable disadvantage in the fight, Elektra was still able to defeat the horde of men in the pitch black, as the lights were turned back on revealing that Elektra had managed to kill them all without being injured herself, having taken their swords away from them and cut them down one by one, leaving Elektra covered in their blood. As a reward for proving herself as the Black Sky, Elektra was presented with dark robes from Reid herself and tasked to serve life itself, having been told that this was who she truly was.[14]

Destroying the Chaste[]


Elektra hunts down members of the Chaste

"I let that woman escape."
"You didn't let anyone do anything. Whoever she was, she moved faster than anyone I've ever seen."
"Yeah. She hit like it, too. It had to be the Hand."
―Danny Rand and Colleen Wing[src]

Under the direct order of Alexandra Reid, Elektra eventually managed to track down and slaughter almost all of the remaining members of the Chaste and eliminated the greatest enemy of the Hand once and for all. With only two more Chaste members still remaining, Elektra was able to track Shaft inside the sewers of Cambodia, where the two fought to the death. Although the highly skilled Shaft had put up a good fight against Elektra, she proved herself to be the superior fighter and eventually he was knocked down onto the ground.

IF vs Elektra

Elektra being challenged by the Iron Fist

Before she was able to strike him down, Elektra was shoved aside and forced to fight against Iron Fist who had come to save Shaft. Elektra proved herself to be a superior fighter than the Iron Fist had expected and despite his attempts to guard him, Elektra struck her sword deep into Shaft's chest before storming through the complex maze. Elektra, however, encountered Rand again along with Colleen Wing and was managed to use her blade to slash at Rand's chest. However, Elektra was soon knocked into the shadows by Rand, vanishing from the sewers.


Elektra being comforted by Alexandra Reid

Returning to New York City, Elektra rejoined Reid in a tower where Reid completed a meeting with Madame Gao regarding moving their plans forward, which Gao had objected to. Once they were alone, Elektra and Reid watched over the city as an Earthquake had caused mass panic and created some large scale destruction which had then endangered thousands of innocent lives. Although Elektra appeared distressed by watching the earthquake, Reid reassured her by gently touching her face and claiming that New York was nothing more than a city, and they would get used to watching them all collapse, which had seemed to comfort Elektra as they smiled together.[15]

Excavation of Midland Circle[]

Hunting John Raymond[]


Elektra furiously attacking John Raymond

"You can't have this."
―John Raymond to Elektra[src]

The night following the Earthquake, Elektra was then tasked by the Hand to go out and assassinate John Raymond, the Architect who had built Midland Circle and who had now planned to destroy it with explosives in order to stop the Hand's diabolical plans. Elektra soon managed to locate Raymond at Alias Investigations Office where he was currently holding Malcolm Ducasse hostage with a gun pointed directly to Ducasse's head while Raymond begged for some help, she slashed the door locks and burst into the room, where she lifted him up from the floor ready to kill him as she had been ordered to do so by the Hand.


Elektra escaping Jessica Jones' apartment

Raymond, however, refused to allow Elektra to end his life, instead of turning the gun onto himself and shot himself in his skull. Witnessing Raymond shoot himself, Elektra then turned to leave the Apartment Building, but not before being confronted by Jessica Jones on her way out. Despite all of Jones' enhanced strength, Elektra was still able to overpower her and made a hasty escape back into New York City before Jones could catch up to her, leaving Jones to be found by Misty Knight who took her into custody under suspicion of causing the death of Raymond among several other crimes.[16]

Capturing Stick[]


Elektra looking at her reflection in the mirror

"You make a new friend?"
"No Stick, I took one of yours."
"The vessel you knew is gone, only the Black Sky lives."
―Stick and Alexandra Reid[src]

With the Chaste now almost completely wiped out, the Hand were finally able to capture Stick, who was handcuffed onto a steel pole while he was being questioned by Alexandra Reid. While waiting for her orders, Elektra looked at her reflection in the mirror, still unable to remember the person she had been before being resurrected by the Hand. Eventually Sowande came out and informed Elektra that Reid was ready for her to step in and assist with the interrogation of her former mentor Stick as Elektra walked away from the mirror.


Elektra threatens to slice Stick's throat open

Elektra waited in the shadows while Reid questioned Stick, mocking him over the Chaste's defeat and asking about Iron Fist, although Stick insisted that he did not know where he currently was, noting that Rand would continue to destroy the Hand. As Stick had still continued to mock Reid and refused to answer her questions, Elektra came out of the shadows and held her blade up to his throat, unnerving Stick, as he had last heard that Elektra had been murdered by Nobu Yoshioka, although Elektra did not listen to a word Stick had said to her as he tried to get through to the person she was.


Elektra witnesses Stick's successful escape

Reid continued to demand to know where Rand was, while Elektra held her blade to Stick's throat, however, Stick insisted that he would rather die than hand Rand over to them. Noting that despite having spent his own lifetime serving K'un-Lun, Stick clearly did not actually know what-what the Iron Fist's purpose was, Stick commented that he knew what he himself was before he then head-butted Elektra and stole her sword, using it to cut off his own hand to free himself before escaping from the Hand's warehouse during the confusion. Elektra and Reid then realized Stick had escaped through the vent.[14]

Escape from Midland Circle[]

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Elektra joins the fight against the Defenders

"Oh, shit."
"Oh, whose that?"
"Bad news, we gotta go."
―Jessica Jones and Luke Cage[src]

Having been stationed at Midland Circle to act as back up, Elektra was eventually summoned by Alexandra Reid to enter into the fight which had broken out against Luke Cage and Iron Fist after several henchmen are down at the Midland Circle Headquarters. While Reid looked over all of her henchmen who had already been defeated by Cage and Rand, she told Elektra that she knew what she needed to do, as Elektra stepped out and challenged her enemies who were trying to escape.


Elektra furiously fighting against Matt Murdock

Elektra was soon recognized by Jessica Jones, who remembered her when Elektra had attacked John Raymond and recommended that they make their escape just as more of Reid's soldiers had appeared, forcing the team to continue fighting in order to get away. While the others fought Reid's soldiers, Elektra soon engaged in a one-on-one fight with Matt Murdock through the hallways of Midland Circle, soon finding Murdock to be a difficult opponent as he was able to counter many of her moves until Elektra landed a powerful punch which sent Murdock flying through a glass doorway into another office.


Elektra gains the upper hand on Matt Murdock

Elektra still continued to fight against Murdock, furiously slashing at him armed with her Wakizashi blades. The two fought furiously; with Murdock kicking over some computer screens while Elektra slashed through the walls as they desperately attempted to gain the upper hand during their fight. Despite Murdock getting strong hits in an almost causing Elektra to lose balance several times, Elektra gained the upper hand when she split her Wakizashi blades which confused Murdock, allowing Elektra to swing at him before kicking him into a bookcase which had knocked all of the wind out of Murdock.


Elektra becomes overpowered by the Iron Fist

While Elektra swung her blades and prepared to execute Murdock, however, he momentarily paused, sensing something familiar about Elektra. When Murdock spoke her name and realized he had been fighting against the woman he had loved, she hesitated for a moment and stared at him, briefly recognizing the man she had loved as well. Before she could strike him down, however, as her obligation to the Hand won over, her sword was shattered by a powerful strike from the Iron Fist, projecting her through a wall and ending the fight while Murdock and the rest of the vigilantes made their escape.[14]

Learning of Her Past[]


Elektra and Alexandra Reid discuss her history

"I'd erase all the marks of your past if I could. Your life is new. But sadly, your body is not."
"This is how I died?"
"Don't worry about that. All that matters now is how you live."
"The Black Sky. This is all I am?"
―Alexandra Reid and Elektra[src]

Once back at the Midland Circle, Elektra stood before a mirror, contemplating a scar on her abdomen which she knew had caused her death before being resurrected by the Hand and turned into their greatest warrior. While still looking at her reflection, Elektra was joined by Alexandra Reid who noted that she wished she could erase all the scars from her past but that she could not, while also claiming that while Elektra's life was new, her body was not.


Elektra is told about her own life and death

Elektra questioned if these scars were how she died, as Reid insisted that it did not matter how she had died, but how she lived from now onwards as the Black Sky, although Elektra expressed her desire to know more about her own previous life. Reid then informed her that the previous person in her body had been lost, and led astray by men in her life like Stick and Matt Murdock before she had died in the battle against Nobu Yoshioka. Reid insisted that through her life and death, Elektra had landed right where she belonged, with her and the Hand, and that she was the Black Sky who had served the Hand.[17]

Threatened by the Hand[]


Elektra examining the weapons of the Hand

"Perhaps you'd be more effective on the battlefield if you killed your enemies, rather than letting them escape. Alexandra insisted we use the last of our resources on you. The ultimate weapon of the Hand. But after your recent failure well, I can't help but ask myself if you are a weapon at all."
―Sowande to Elektra[src]

While she was exploring the Headquarters of the Hand, Elektra then began examining several of the weapons which were now on display there, taking a particularly close look at the pair of twin sai that were there. While looking at the Sai, Elektra considered the possibility that these may have in fact been the actual weapons which had been used by Nobu Yoshioka to kill her, which resulted in her resurrection and becoming the Hand's greatest warrior, although she still could not remember the exact details of this.


Elektra is personally threatened by Sowande

While looking at the Sai, Elektra sensed somebody coming behind her and found Sowande entered the room with two Hand warriors. Sowande immediately insulted Elektra by reminding her of how she had let the Defenders escape during their previous encounter, while Sowande noted that Alexandra Reid had forced them to use the last of the Resurrection Elixir on her and he questioned if it had been a worthwhile decision. Annoyed, Elektra proceeded to easily subdue Sowande's men, even managing to break one of their backs before then looking Sowande straight into the eyes and walking out.[17]

Ambush at the Royal Dragon[]


Elektra preparing to face the Defenders

"This is not who you are. I know you. You died. I held you in my arms. I buried you, Elektra! Elektra. That's your name."
―Matt Murdock to Elektra[src]

Eventually, all the Defenders were successfully tracked down as they had been attempting to hide out inside of the Royal Dragon Chinese Restaurant and had been rejoined by Stick. As their team was first greeted by Alexandra Reid, she had attempted to end their conflict in a peaceful manner by requesting that the Iron Fist agree to join the Hand's side, despite the strong objections of Stick and the others. However, since all Reid's attempts to persuade Rand to the side of the Hand, Elektra was ordered to "serve life itself," ready to attack the Defenders along with Stick, as Elektra then proceeded to smash down the door with a single powerful kick.


Elektra is struck with a car from Jessica Jones

Reid then calmly stepped aside while all the Defenders had prepared themselves for the battle against the Hand's greatest warrior, while Elektra held onto her Wakizashi blades and simply awaited the ideal moment to begin the fight. However, just before she was able to start the fight, Jessica Jones returned to the Royal Dragon and proceeded to launch an SUV through the restaurant, knocking Elektra down onto the floor, while Jones stood alongside all of her new teammates while Elektra had gotten back to her feet, and once again prepared herself to begin the battle against the Defenders and destroy them all.[17]

Elektra at Restaurant

Elektra personally fights all of the Defenders

As the fight began, Elektra fought against all the five single handedly, able to hold her own until she was joined by Murakami, who dropped down from the ceiling window and had then begun to furiously fight against both Danny Rand and Matt Murdock while Elektra focused on fighting against both Jones and Luke Cage on her own. The fight was briefly dispersed, as Sowande and Madame Gao's soldiers then entered the battle, guns blazing through the building. Elektra kneeled until the firing stopped, as Gao and Sowande's soldiers then rushed into the scene, leaving all the Defenders completely surrounded.


Elektra is forced to fight against Matt Murdock

During a brief standoff against all of Gao and Sowande's own forces, Elektra watched on while Stick attempted to reassure the Defenders that they would survive if they continued to work together, however, Murdock chose to ignore this advice and instead charged straight towards Elektra, pushing her away from their fight to confront her in person. While everyone else still continued to furiously fight for their lives, Elektra was violently pinned against the wall by Murdock who told her he only wanted to talk. Despite his efforts to remain passive towards her, Elektra had still pushed to finally defeat and kill him.

Elektra cant remember

Elektra being reminded of her true past life

The fight moved in the back of the restaurant; as Elektra was ready to strike him down, she heard Murdock say the name Elektra again and he confessed to holding her in his arms as she died. She then paused, eyes staring at Murdock, as he told her this was her name. When he gradually became closer to her, the two were interrupted by Murakami, visibly frustrated as he demanded Elektra that she had not struck down their enemy. Elektra, finally animating, directed her attack on Murakami, knocking him to the side unconscious before disappearing from the scene without actually killing Murdock.[18]

Waking Revelation[]


Elektra almost slicing Alexandra Reid's neck

"You had no choice in returning from death. I realize that. But I hope you understand that this is the life you were chosen to lead, as a weapon against our enemies. If you do not fulfill that role you're of no use to the Hand. Or to me."
―Alexandra Reid to Elektra[src]

Having returned into her room in the Headquarters, Elektra had carefully sharpened her sword on the floor, before then overhearing the sound of Alexandra Reid entering the room. In the blink of an eye, Elektra armed herself and stood tall, wielding her sword underneath Reid's throat, freezing in the moment before she would have sliced open Reid's throat. Reid praised her for her talent, eventually taking away Elektra's blade once Elektra had then commented that Reid had trained her well in order to become such a formidable warrior.


Elektra's life is threatened by Alexandra Reid

There, Elektra heard the story that Reid once had a daughter during her first that had died before the pilgrimage to K'un-Lun and before she had formed the Hand. Reid explained that she had learned she preferred immortality and the destiny of raising the Black Sky. While Elektra expressed her gratitude to Reid, she was then informed that she was living the life that she was always meant to lead and that if she was unable to eliminate the targets she is assigned, she would be no use to the Hand as Reid threatened her life with Elektra's own blade, as Elektra vowed that she understood what Reid meant.


Elektra making eye contact with Murakami

Having agreed on the situation moving forward, Elektra and Reid had then embraced one another intimately, however, they were both then unexpectedly interrupted when Murakami intruded, asking to speak to Reid. Murakami had then informed them that Sowande had been taken captive by the Defenders following his own unsuccessful fight against Luke Cage. Reid had remained calm, however, promising that Sowande would return, and that Bakuto was also on his way back. Once Reid left the room, Elektra glared at him for a while, with Reid telling Murakami that she would continue to speak with him later.


Elektra standing alone above New York City

Despite Reid's words of comfort, Elektra still found herself becoming highly confused and determined to learn more about her previous life before being resurrected. To this end, Elektra soon disappeared from Hand's Penthouse and disappeared into New York City in her quest to find answers regarding who she actually was, as she soon found herself standing atop Matt Murdock's Apartment, somewhere which she knew held a connection to her past life and had remembered the location of. She intruded inside, gradually remembering everything in the apartment from when she had last been take inside of there.


Elektra searches for answers from her past life

Having made it into the apartment, Elektra then began slowly walking around the strangely familiar environment, while Elektra had found herself remembering many of the items inside the apartment, as she looked around and softly touched the furniture, taking special notice of a green chest which was kept in the side of the room. Eventually, Elektra wandered inside the bedroom, recalling it as the bed she had almost died on when wounded by the Hand before being saved by Daredevil and Stick who had cared for her injury together, giving her strong memories of both terrible pain and love at the same time.

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Elektra sleeps inside Matt Murdock's own bed

Feeling the sense of comfort with the room, Elektra sat her blade on the nightstand and resting in the bed, calmed by the sense of familiar that came from the bed of the man she had once been loved by.[18] Waking from the memory of being with Matt Murdock some time ago before her death at the hands of Nobu Yoshioka. Elektra wandered to a green chest, where she discovered the initial body suit of Daredevil and his billy club and a Bible in braille with a bookmark on a verse--Revelation 21:4, which had actually come from Sacred Saints Cemetery, she took this with her before leaving his apartment.[19]

Alexandra Reid's Confession[]


Elektra visiting her own former gravestone

"If we don't find more of this substance, we'll both die?"
"Yes. You need to make sure that doesn't happen. You are the Black Sky. And when this is over, you and I, the two of us will serve life."
―Elektra and Alexandra Reid[src]

Believing there was something significant about this location, Elektra then traveled to Sacred Saints Cemetery where she eventually found her own grave. While she wiped the dead flowers off the gravestone, Elektra was joined by Alexandra Reid who explained that while the person who had been buried was Elektra Natchios, she was not who she was now, while promising that she was much more than Natchios had ever been. Reid claimed that it was Daredevil who had allowed Natchios to die.


Elektra learns the truth about Alexandra Reid

Reid claimed that Daredevil would attempt to deceive her and turn her away from the Hand if were to battle each other again, although Elektra insisted this would not happen. Reid had then confessed to Elektra that she was dying, which confused Elektra as she noted that the Hand should be able to live forever, however, Reid confirmed it was true, noting that her own body was now shutting down from the inside. Reid noted that she needed the Resurrection Elixir which had been discovered in K'un-Lun which could return her to life and allow her to continue living her own life for thousands of more years.


Elektra vowing to continue serving the Hand

Reid then confessed that the Hand had used the last of their Elixir to return Elektra back from the dead, while Elektra questioned why she would do this. Reid then told Elektra that she had always believed the Black Sky would be their salvation, and that upon seeing her, Reid had known that she was simply tired of being alone within this world, despite the objections of Murakami and Madame Gao. Elektra confirmed that if they did not find the Elixir they would both die, as Reid insisted they needed to live on forever so they could continue to serve life itself, as they embraced by Elektra's former grave.[19]

Kidnapping of Iron Fist[]


Elektra prepares for her fight against Stick

"You can't have him, girl."
"You no longer get to tell me what to do."
―Stick and Elektra[src]

Elektra soon managed to locate the Iron Fist inside an abandoned building where he was being kept locked up by the Defenders in an attempt to keep him safe from the Hand as they had just recently learned from Sowande that the Iron Fist was what the Hand needed. Elektra arrived just as Stick had decided to execute Iron Fist to stop the Hand from taking him and completing their goals; however, before Stick was able to strike him down, Elektra had charged in and blocked the blade and fought Stick, noting that Stick could no longer tell him what to do.


Elektra being almost beheaded by Stick

The two furiously clashed swords and had found themselves evenly matched throughout much of the fight, with Stick proving himself to still be a highly skilled warrior even after cutting off one of his own hands. Dodging away from his blows, Elektra managed to impale Stick through his leg, however, he responded by swinging his blade and stopping mere inches from Elektra's throat. The pair then briefly paused their fight as Elektra realized that her former master was still unsure if he actually wanted to kill her or not before Elektra and Stick had then continued their furious sword fight to the death.


Elektra preparing to finally execute Stick

While their fight had reached its end, Elektra had gained the upper hand and stopped Stick from killing Danny Rand once again, before kicking him down to his back as Elektra pinned Stick onto the floor. With Stick disarmed and defeated, Elektra prepared to end the fight only for Matt Murdock to charge into the room and pled with her not to kill Stick. Smiling, Elektra greeted Murdock claiming she was happy to see him once again, before Elektra then brutally plunged her sword straight through Stick's chest, finally killing him, before she then engaged Murdock and Jessica Jones in another match.


Elektra manages to defeat the Defenders

Elektra easily defeated the emotional Murdock by kicking him in the chest and sending him flying backward, before then fighting against Jones, who managed to block her sword strikes, but Elektra was still able to gain the upper hand and kicked her across the room. While Elektra dealt with the two heroes, Luke Cage had eventually woken up from unconsciousness from being poisoned by Stick, and joined the fight, blocking her sword strikes with his unbreakable skin. However, Cage was eventually overpowered and then defeated by Elektra, who knocked him out with a hard kick to the head.


Elektra escaping with the captured Iron Fist

With all of the Defenders now unconscious, and Stick lying dead in a pool of his own blood, Elektra overlooked her work and prepared to continue her own mission for the Hand. Directing her attention back to Rand who had also lost consciousness due to being exposed to the knock out gas Stick had used to take out Cage, Elektra had cut the ropes that bound him, carried his body over her shoulder before she took a final look back at the unconscious Murdock lying across the room. With her mission now finally completed, Elektra had then leaped through a window and made her escape from the building.


Elektra bringing Iron Fist to Alexandra Reid

Having gotten away before the New York City Police Department had arrived and discovered the scene Elektra then brought Rand's still unconscious body back to Alexandra Reid, finding her during Reid's dinnertime as she was currently being confronted by Murakami who had just challenged her to a fight to the death having lost faith in both Elektra and Reid. As Elektra dropped the unconscious Rand at Reid's feet, Reid looked at the surprised Murakami and calmly noted that if Murakami had known her at all, he would know that she always won her fights, as Elektra and Reid had both smiled at one another.[19]

Taking Over the Hand[]

Murder of Alexandra Reid[]


Elektra looking closely at a pair of twin sai

"Well, this may come as a bit of a shock, but I don't care about the Hand. I care about the substance. Because from now on, nothing will stand in my way. Not even death."
―Elektra to Bakuto[src]

With all the remaining members of the Hand having been regrouped back at the Midland Circle, Elektra joined them, but not before taking a look at a pair of twin sai which were on display, as Elektra secretly took the twin sai with her to the meeting. As their meeting then took place, Elektra then stood just behind Alexandra Reid as they then presented the Iron Fist and greeted him to the Hand, telling the still defiant Danny Rand that despite everything he had done, he would still serve the Hand.


Elektra getting orders from Alexandra Reid

Once the Iron Fist being taken away, she witnessed the leaders argue over the overuse of their limited amounts of Resurrection Elixir which were remaining as well as fearing when the inevitable visit from the Defenders would happen who would undoubtedly come to rescue Rand, questioning what should be done next. An upset Reid scolded them, tasking Elektra to kill Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, before demanding that Daredevil also be killed, although noting she did not know Daredevil's true identity. Elektra first appeared to obey as she turned around and then left the room immediately following this.

Elektra kills Alexandra Reid

Elektra betrays and murders Alexandra Reid

Instead of obeying her order to hunt down and slaughter all of the remaining members of the Defenders, however, Elektra had instead grabbed the twin sai and furiously plunged them straight through Reid's body just as Reid was giving her speech to the other leaders of the Hand, informing her that Daredevil's name was Matthew. As blood poured out of the open wound and dripped from her mouth, Reid simply looked back at her beloved Black Sky in utter horror and complete confusion before Elektra proceeded to rip the sai out from her back as Reid then collapsed and bled out on the floor.


Elektra taking complete control of the Hand

Elektra's attention then turned to the remaining fingers of the Hand who stood in complete shock, proclaiming her own adoptive name Elektra Natchios and also that from this point onwards, they would now all be obeying her orders instead of Reid's. As Reid's body lay bleeding on the floor, Elektra ensured that she could not be brought back to life as she then drew her Wakizashi and cut off Reid's head. Having beheading the leader of the Hand, Elektra calmly wiped away the blood from her face and asked the remaining leaders of the Hand if there were any questions regarding what had just happened.[19]


Elektra wipes away Alexandra Reid's blood

Once Reid's corpse was removed, Elektra wiped her blood from her face while the other members of the Hand looked on in horror until finally Bakuto spoke up and told Elektra that this was not how the Hand conducted their business, to which Elektra insisted that it was now. Clearly mortified after Reid's death, Murakami then told Elektra that regardless of her being the Black Sky, there were still three of them and only one of her, while Elektra questioned if Murakami was challenging her, remaining highly confident that she would still come out victorious against them if they dared to attempt to kill her.


Elektra scoffing at Madame Gao's concepts

While Bakuto noted that they would do whatever they needed to in order to protect the Hand, he noted that this was not their first coup, although Elektra noted that it was the first time they no longer than the Resurrection Elixir, questioning if they all would be willing to take that gamble. Seeking to make peace, Madame Gao then informed Elektra about how the Hand was a global organization, noting how Reid built relationships with crime lords such as Wilson Fisk as well as corporate partners like Roxxon, which Elektra then merely scoffed at while Gao questioned how they would explain Reid's death.


Elektra taking over full control of the Hand

Clearly uninterested in this, Elektra told Gao that there would be no need for any explanation about Reid's death, although Gao insisted that these relationships allowed their business to continue without being challenged. However, when Gao claimed that this work gave them power, Elektra scoffed and mocked their sense of power, as she noted how they were living underground in Midland Circle. As she said this, however, Bakuto reminded Elektra how she no longer existed, having been killed by Nobu Yoshioka during her previous life, until Reid had returned her to live with their final drops of Elixir.


Elektra putting Bakuto back into his place

Elektra, however, had simply stepped up to Bakuto as he continued to claim that regardless of what Elektra had done, what mattered was how she did it. Bakuto then explained to Elektra how the Hand had survived for so many centuries because of their own leadership and survival, to which Elektra then mockingly claimed that she did not actually care about the Hand. Elektra told the Hand leaders that all she cared about was finally regaining the Elixir so that she could live forever, promising that from this point onwards nothing would stand in her way, not even death which clearly unnerved all the others.[7]

Rematch Against Rand[]

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Elektra is confronted by Iron Fist

As the two rode down an elevator beneath Midland Circle, Elektra pushed a restrained Danny Rand to the caverns, explaining the blockage that held an ingredient for the Resurrection Elixir. Though Rand protested that he would not assist the Hand in breaking through, she brought up how they chose their respective paths in life, choosing to run from their destiny while she unstrapped him.

They eventually fought, however, with Rand enraged by Elektra's words. Throughout the battle, Elektra continued to taunt her opponent. Rand summoned his Iron Fist and pushed forward into the fight; Elektra, with her sai, gripped his fist and pulled him into the wall, smashing the blockage down and revealing the dragon bones that lie beneath New York City.[7]

Destruction of Midland Circle[]


Elektra prepares herself for their next battle

"You've always wanted to find light in me. Look where it brought you."
"There is goodness in you. I know, 'cause I felt it."
"I don't care about good or bad. Truth is, I've never felt more whole, more alive, than right now."
"Then let's live. We can still make it out of here."
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]

Elektra discussed with Madame Gao about the dragon bones, before noticing that the elevator was moving. She realized that her enemies were coming, so she ordered the members of the Hand to prepare for the fight. She waited in front of the elevator until it arrived and was surprised when she only saw Jessica Jones. However, this was just a distraction, as Daredevil and Luke Cage came from behind the elevator and started attacking the hand. Elektra mostly fought against Daredevil but was ultimately defeated and pushed aside from the battle by the blind hero.

Elektra chokes DD

Elektra fights against Daredevil

After all the members of the Hand were killed or subdued, the Defenders went back to the elevator, except for Daredevil, who chose to stay behind and talk to Elektra, knowing that the building was about to explode. However, Elektra attacked him again, and the two fought until they became exhausted. Matt tried to convince Elektra that she was not the Black Sky and that the Hand didn't create her. She admitted that she knew her past life and who she was, and that she accepted it. Murdock then told her that he could feel that she still loved him, but Elektra denied and attempted to choke him.


Elektra passionately kisses Daredevil

However, she let him go with a laugh, saying that that was what they got for thinking they can ever be together. Murdock told her that they were together at that moment and that they could always be. Elektra than apologized to Murdock for all the times she had hurt him. As the bomb set off and the building began to collapse, Murdock told Elektra that they were going to die, but she replied that they were still living. The two kissed, as the cave collapsed, burying them alive.[20] Although Murdock survived and got out from the ruins of Midland Circle, Elektra's body was never found.[21]


"If this is who you truly are, why haven't you killed me yet? You've had your chance."
"I've had many."
"If I truly mean nothing to you, if there's truly no light inside of you, why not just do it?"
"Because the game is fun."
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]

Elektra is shown to be a very confident woman, in both her skills and looks, once telling Matt Murdock that every man she's ever met has wanted to sleep with her. This has led her to be arrogant at times as she believed that she was superior to Stick and that the only reason he attempted to have her killed by sending his own assassin Jacques Duchamps after her was because of his jealousy of his pupil becoming a better killer than he was.

However, Elektra states that she is alone in the world and believes that Murdock and she are kindred spirits as she viewed him as the only person who understands her for who she is deep down. She was deeply upset when he refused to kill Roscoe Sweeney, claiming "I thought you understood me." Elektra also had a habit of becoming bored quite easily which Murdock picks up on their first meeting. Thus, she has developed a fun-loving, free-wheeling and wildly unpredictable personality and is more than capable of having a good time throughout her crusade with Daredevil, enjoying both the fight and the physical challenge that came with it.

Being raised by the Chaste for most of her life, Elektra learned to be the perfect assassin and killer. She can be cold blooded to her enemies and enjoyed killing them; the first time she did was when she was twelve and that was in self-defense but admits that she liked doing so. She doesn't possess Murdock's moral compass but at the same time seems to respect him for his refusal to kill whereas Stick would degrade him for it. Elektra tends to think of her goals as first and furthermost importance with little sympathy to others and little care or even realization over breaking the law. For example, to assist in Murdock's case she forces a confession out of Doctor Gregory Tepper but her involvement made his confession useless entirely and after killing a Hand assassin she believed that it being in self-defense would absolve her over any punishment which Murdock corrected.

Unbeknownst to Elektra herself, she was in actuality the Black Sky, a mythical deity within the order of the Hand who is worshiped by its followers. Though she herself had known to have darkness in her heart; this side was violent, volatile and the main reason why she was said to enjoy killing so much. When Nobu Yoshioka finally revealed the truth, Elektra accepted it almost immediately as she seemed to feel that it was truly who she was because her mentor always told her to hide who she was after being adopted to a wealthy family, but it was ultimately Daredevil's words that no one could tell her who she was that put her down the path of good.

In the end, Elektra was a much more selfless and brave woman who was willing to sacrifice herself for the man she loved and assuring that the Hand would never be in possession of the Black Sky, allowing Yoshioka stab impale her with her own twin sai during the battle. She died claiming she knew what it meant to be good. However, Elektra was still more concerned about her goals than anything else as she was willing to ignore the hostages that the Hand had kidnapped but she ultimately decided to help Daredevil save them.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Whoever she was, she moved faster than anyone I've ever seen."
"Yeah. She hit like it, too."
―Colleen Wing and Iron Fist[src]
  • Mystically Enhanced Physiology: Her resurrection as the Black Sky by the Resurrection Elixir granted Elektra numerous enhanced attributes. Due to the dragon chi contained within the elixir, it possesses mystical properties that can resurrect its host and augment their chi, which greatly enhances their physical capabilities.
    • Enhanced Strength:
      Elektra’s strength

      Elektra sends a man flying with one strike

      Elektra had impressive feats of strength. She was able to overpower and knock out all the members of the Defenders, including Luke Cage, albeit the latter was still recovering from being drugged by Stick. During the Escape from Midland Circle, she punched Daredevil in the chest with such force that he flew back several meters, breaking through a glass wall. However, normal individuals are still able to fight on the equal ground as her, as Daredevil is able to fight Elektra and land a few blows on her and weaken her. He is also able to take a few hits from her, whereas someone like Jessica Jones could kill someone with just one punch by caving in their chest when she used all of her strength, and toss grown men around casually, suggesting Elektra's strength is between that of a normal human and a superhuman like Luke Cage or Jessica Jones.
    • Enhanced Durability:
      Elektra’s durability

      Elektra taking a hit from the Iron Fist

      Elektra was incredibly resilient to injury, especially during her fights with the Defenders. She was able to carry an unconscious Danny Rand effortlessly, before jumping through windows, falling several floors, and landing on a car while remaining unharmed. Later, during her fight against Rand, Elektra was able to withstand an Iron Fist punch without suffering any major injury. However, normal humans were still able to compete with her, as Daredevil could counter her for an extended period of time while his fellow Defenders warded off groups of armed guards. She also quickly got back up after being hit by a car by Jessica Jones.
    • Enhanced Speed: Rand stated that Elektra was faster than anyone he had ever encountered when they fought in Cambodia for the first time. She was able to quickly combat the Defenders and succeed, albeit while Iron Fist was restrained and Luke Cage was recovering from being drugged by Stick. However, skilled fighters such as Danny Rand or Daredevil are able to dodge her attacks and counter her for an extended period of time.
    • Enhanced Stamina: Elektra was active in fighting after her resurrection, training with numerous members of the Hand and managing to keep up with many sessions no exerted fatigues.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: She was able to fight all four members of the Defenders, while not only being able to dodge all of their attacks but ultimately gaining the upper hand. She could also deflect attacks from the Iron Fist and Daredevil, who were fighters with years of martial arts training. However, Daredevil was still able to land several blows on her during the Escape from Midland Circle.
    • Longevity: Another side-effect of the elixir used by the Hand, granted Elektra's lifespan to be extended.
  • Chi Manipulation: Like Madame Gao, Elektra is capable of manipulating Chi, thus enhancing her strength. Elektra was able to palm strike Danny Rand to keep him off balance during their first encounter in Cambodia. She also did this technique against Daredevil and when she "pushed" the furniture that was blocking the entrance to the Royal Dragon Chinese Restaurant.
    • Enhanced Agility: Her Chi allows Elektra to further enhance her agility with more evasive, maneuver, and mobility skills even already being an excellent gymnast.


"You're skilled, my child. It's clear, watching you fight, that you know much more than anyone can learn in a single life."
―Alexandra Reid to Elektra[src]
  • Master Martial Artist:

    Elektra fighting against Daredevil

    Elektra is an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, having trained in martial arts by Stick to become a warrior of the Chaste, making her one of the most powerful and best fighters on the planet. She employs a mixed martial arts style that derives elements of jiujutsu, muay thai, capoeira, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, karate, Judo, Wushu, Boxing, Hapkido, Taekwondo and Okinawan martial arts, such as sai fighting. Hence, she was able to overpower thugs, Yakuza members, and highly skilled Hand ninjas, and gained the upper hand against her former mentor, Stick himself, in a duel. Elektra was even able to help Daredevil fight Nobu Yoshioka himself, though she was defeated by the Hand leader relatively quickly. After her resurrection, Elektra's powers as the Black Sky further enhanced her already astounding skills. She was able to defeat dozens of Hand members, outfight Danny Rand on her own, and later managed to briefly parley the entire Defenders before being overpowered.
  • Sai Mastery:

    Elektra fighting Iron Fist with her twin sai

    Elektra is extremely skilled at using twin sai in combat, one of the Okinawan martial arts she employs. She was able to effectively wield Duchamps' twin sai during the Attack on the Hand and the Destruction of Midland Circle.
  • Sword Mastery: Elektra has become extremely skilled at using swords in combat with the Hand. Her weapon of choice after her resurrection was a pair of wakizashi. She was able to use them against the Defenders and members of the Hand.
  • Master Acrobat: Elektra is an extremely skilled acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist, being able to use her skill to evade attacks or for offensive purposes. She was able to knock out a member of the Yakuza with a butterfly twist kick and evading an incoming hit from a hand ninja with an aerial and landing it perfectly.
"I know what you've done, and who you have killed. The list is long."
―Jacques Duchamps to Elektra[src]
  • Master Assassin:
    Elektra kills again

    Elektra kills several assassins

    Elektra is an extremely skilled assassin. She has assassinated many people on behalf of the Chaste. Some of her marks include a pilot in Buenos Aires, a lawyer in Berlin, and at least six people in Morocco.
"You read Japanese?"
―Matt Murdock and Elektra[src]
  • Multilingualism: Elektra is fluent in her native Greek, as well as English, Japanese, French, and understanding Spanish to some extent.



"It doesn't matter what you choose. You are the Black Sky. In the end, you are the weapon."
―Alexandra Reid to Elektra[src]
  • Elektra's Twin Sai:
    Elektra gears up

    Elektra chooses her weapons to use in battle

    Elektra kept the twin sai that Jacques Duchamps used during his failed assassination attempt on her, and used them as her own whilst she hunted down Stick, becoming her weapon of choice over fist-fighting. Later she used such sais to murder Alexandra Reid, leader of the Hand.
  • CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1: During the Ambush at Bay Ridge Rail Yard, members of the Hand disguised as Yakuza attacked Daredevil and Elektra, Elektra managed to disarm one of them and was about to shoot him with his own gun. However, as the gun was out of ammunition, Elektra resorted to striking him across the face with it, knocking him out.
  • Katana: Elektra was handed the Katana by Nobu Yoshioka when he told her she was the Black Sky. Elektra took the sword and threatened Daredevil with it before being disarmed.
"Wakizashi. Good choice. They won't know what's coming till it's too late."
―Alexandra Reid[src]
  • Twin Wakizashi Swords: Elektra chose these weapons among a full arsenal when she assumed her role as the Black Sky, two wakizashi swords that could combine into one, using them to battle the recently-formed Defenders.

Other Equipment[]

  • Resurrection Sarcophagus: Following her death, the Hand put Elektra in a resurrection sarcophagus to bring her back to life. However, it also removed her memory of her past life.


  • Wall of the Chaste: Elektra was brought up in the Wall of the Chaste by Stick and the rest of the Chaste, where she was trained to fight the Hand. Elektra was attacked at the Wall, but murdered her attacker. Elektra remained at the Wall until Stick made her get adopted by Hugo and Christina Natchios.
  • Columbia University: Wanting to keep tabs on Matt Murdock, Stick sent Elektra to enroll at Columbia University, where Elektra and Murdock met at a party and took a Spanish class together.
  • Elektra Natchios' Penthouse: Elektra bought a penthouse in New York City under a fake name, where Matt Murdock approached her and asked her about an incident involving Roscoe Sweeney years prior. The pair were attacked by the Yakuza, but easily defeated them.
  • Matt Murdock's Apartment: Elektra regularly visited Matt Murdock's apartment, where she once asked for help dealing with the Roxxon Corporation, but Murdock refused. She was later brought to the apartment by Murdock, where he stitched an injury and allowed her to spend the night at the apartment. She was later rushed to the apartment instead of the hospital, where Murdock and Stick treated her near-fatal injury. When she woke, she and Stick discussed Murdock, and Elektra chose to be with him rather than fight Stick's war. Murdock and Elektra were about to spend the night together, when they were attacked by a Hand ninja, which Elektra killed despite him being a kid. This led to an argument between Murdock and Elektra, and Elektra left the apartment. Murdock and Elektra fought the Hand together and captured Stick, bringing him back to Murdock's apartment. Elektra considered killing herself on the roof of the apartment building, but Murdock stopped her and they agreed to stop the Hand together. Elektra stayed with Stick while Murdock investigated an attack on Brett Mahoney, but joined Murdock in a fight later that night. After losing her memory, Elektra returned to the apartment and explored it, finding it to be a connection to her past life.
  • Sacred Saints Cemetery: Elektra went to Sacred Saints Ceremony and discovered her own grave, where Alexandra Reid admitted to resurrecting Elektra.
  • Midland Circle: Elektra was resurrected in Midland Circle, and trained underneath the building for months. Elektra betrayed Alexandra Reid and took control of the Hand, defending Midland Circle from the Defenders in a fight which led to her death.






Appearances for Elektra


  • In the comics, Elektra was killed by Bullseye, stabbing her with her own sai on top of a rooftop. The Hand managed to resurrect Elektra as their puppet but Daredevil, Black Widow, Stone and Kingpin intervene, restoring her completely.
  • Elektra liked orchids, but hated roses.[6]

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Élodie Yung described Elektra as "kind of a sociopath. This world is a game for her. It's like a chess game, and what motivates her is what she wants. She'll use anything she needs to use to get to her goal, and if she needs to kill people, she would". She added that Elektra is neither good nor bad, but a "person with different traits" and layers.[22]
  • Douglas Petrie called Elektra "the best bad girlfriend you can possibly have. She does everything wrong and attractive, she's [Matt's] id, the wild side. Matt is always taming his wild side. Elektra just lets it out. He's both repulsed and deeply drawn to that."[23]
  • Elektra in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Jennifer Garner.
  • Lauren Mary Kim and Aja Frary were stunt doubles for Élodie Yung and Rissa Kilar was a stunt double for Lily Chee in the role of Elektra.
  • In-universe, Elektra's status is unknown as her body was never found. When asked about her possible survival, showrunner Erik Oleson replied, "I have to answer this one carefully. Elektra is missing. No body was found. This is, of course, all off-screen, so we will see what the future holds. But as far as Matt is concerned, at the beginning of the season, he presumes she’s dead".[24] Ultimately, Daredevil was cancelled before Oleson could expand on Elektra's fate.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Elektra.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Elektra.

External Links[]
