Qin's Obstacle is the 491st chapter of the Kingdom manga.
- Royal Palace
- Ei Sei
- Sai Taku (corpse)
- Shou Bun Kun
- Shou Hei Kun
- Kai Oku
- Unnamed officials
- Unnamed elderly servant
- Unnamed servant girls
- Hi Shin Unit
- Shin
- Ka Ryo Ten
- Bi Hei
- En
- Unnamed others
- Kan Ki Army
- Kan Ki (mentioned)
- Mou Bu Army
- Mou Bu (mentioned)
- Ou Sen Army
- Ou Sen (mentioned)
- Royal Palace
- Royal Palace
- Unnamed officials
- Ka Rin Army
- Ka Rin (shown)
- Unnamed members (shown)
High Points[]
- Both Zhao and Qin start to strengthen their respective militarites.
- The Hi Shin Unit start recruiting in the Taikin region (in the Teika, Kan and Tibi region).
- Target Teika village: recruiting 300 new soldiers (fact 2000 volunteers in this place).
- Overall target for unit: recruit 1000 soldiers.
- First appearance of Sou Jin and Sou Ta. They are not identified by their names in this chapter.