Fu Tei, Takes Action Lively is the 336th chapter of the Kingdom manga.
Ten, Mou Ki and the others notice that the arrow attack was a waste because half of the army Ri Boku sent to attack in the night was not in the arrow's range. The Sai troops can't get a rest and sleep because they are afraid of another attack in the night by the enemy army.
Next morning, the fight still ensues. Despite not getting sleep, the Sai's army fight's equally good as the previous day. Observing this, Kaine and Fu Tei decide to move out along with their units.
As they climb on the walls, Ryuu Sen stops their approach along with 100 soldiers that he commands. Fu Tei easily spotting him, cuts through the Qin soldiers with ease on his way and quickly defeats Ryuu Sen, who falls on the ground wounded. Den Yuu notices that something has happened at Ryuu Sen's position, moves forward and duels the Zhao commander.
He tries to cut him with his glaive, but Fu Tei efficiently evades and cuts Den Yuu down too. En notifies Shin of what's happening, who decides to take action and starts going towards Fu Tei's location. He soon arrives and attacks Fu Tei.