Conquering a Cityless Landscape is the 444th chapter of the Kingdom manga.
Shin, with a nervous expression, and Kyou Kai stare at a huge scenery of endless forests with Shin commenting on how there’s nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. With that in mind and while it will cost them sometime, Kyou Kai suggests that they go around it since they don’t know what they’ll run into while inside. However, Ten corrects her idea as she tells her that this is their target and battlefield, Kokuyou Hills. This shocks Shin and Kyou Kai notices some smoke stackes in the far distance. But they are interrupted by a messenger from the Kan Ki Army as he tells them that Kan Ki is summoning them. Later Shin, Kyou Kai and Ten are called to have a strategy meeting with Kan Ki and his commanders. Upon arriving, Kan Ki, while receiving a shoulder massage from Ogiko, comments and questions on how Shin is being followed by “girls” with Rai Do mocking him by an "ero brat" but Shin rebuffs them. The General then tells his advisor, Ma Ron, to explain the strategy to Shin and co. Ma Ron explains that the area of Kokuyou is a host to dense and thick forest and even though Qin High Command has given them orders to invade the area, there are no castles, cities, or forts to capture. Ten then reaches the conclusion that the goal will be to capture the five hills which causes Koku'Ou to spurn her for interrupting him but Ma Ron rebuffs Koku’Ou and agrees with Ten’s statement as he explains that if they are able to capture all five hills it will be their victory. Ogiko comments that the landscape board pieces look like breasts with Shin awkwardly agreeing and Kan Ki recalls his underling to continue the massage.
Continuing Shin asks what the plan is, and Ma Ron explains that the strategy is to open two routes within these huge woods and that is to release two “arrows” from the left and right. The left will handle by Rai Do, and the right will belong to the Hi Shin Unit. Their scouts have reported that Kei Sha has also arrived at the other side of Kokuyou. Due to the thick vegetation, if both “arrows” can infiltrate deep into the forest terrain and construct a frontline beyond the halfway point, past the middle hill, they will be able to secure three hills before the battle even starts. Having heard the entire plan Ten proclaims that they best hurry since the Zhao will likely come to same conclusion with Ma Ron agreeing with her again. Suddenly a soldier from the Rai Do Clan appears and tells his leader that they’re ready to leave. Before leaving himself, Kan Ki tells Shin that they are entrusting him with a very important role and that he should do his best not to disappoint the General. And warns him that if he screws up his role that he shouldn’t expect to be let off with just an apology. But with the usual fearless attitude, Shin replies that the General sit on his ass and wait for good news as he will take the greatest prize of the battle - the head of Kei Sha, the Zhao Commander-in-Chief. Koku’Ou mocks the young commander’s bold statement as she calls him a dumbass.
After leaving the meeting, the Hi Shin Unit marches through the thick forest landscape with some of the soldiers wearing nervous expressions due to the potential dangers of the area. Kyou Kai is given the role of scouting for the unit and Shin tells her to be careful, but she affirms him that she’ll be fine due to growing up in a similar environment. Kyou Kai also warns Shin and Ten that this may not be a simple “capture the hills” battle and leaves. Meanwhile, Ba Tei and Ryuu Tou, arrive near a hill after crossing a river with boats and prepare to ambush Hi Shin Unit.
- Kan Ki Army
- Kan Ki
- Ogiko
- Ma Ron
- Koku'Ou
- Unnamed messenger
- Unnamed others
- Rai Do Clan
- Rai Do
- Unnamed messenger
- Hi Shin Unit
- Rai Do Clan
High Points[]
- Ma Ron, Koku'Ou and Ryuu Tou are identified by their names for the first time.