The Night Before the Decisive Battle is the 713rd chapter of the Kingdom manga.
The Heki Army starts a traditional assault on Sekirei but before they get to the walls the castle opens it's gate. The city surrenders because they are undefended as their garrison and citizens left before the Qin army arrived. While the Kan Ki Army plunders the city, Mou Ten and Ka Ryo Ten start organising a search of the city because they suspect the surrender being a trap, but they don't find anything suspicious.
In Kanyou, Ei Sei and Shou Hei Kun talk about the early success of the invasion, but they know that Zhao will have assembled all their armies at Gian and the important battle is yet to come.
In Sekirei Na Ki and Kan Ki have a talk.
Yans general Ordo arrives at Kaikou, a city on the Yan-Zhao border, to be closer to the battle between Zhao and Qin despite the Emperor calling him back to the capital. Ordo informs the officials there that Gian is a trap and Ri Boku has used his ability of blocking information to hide Zhao's military movements in northern Zhao. Ordo predicts that Kan Ki will fall in the same trap, which killed Ou Ki 11 years ago at the Battle of Bayou.
- Ou Ki flashback
Characters Introduced[]
- Numeiyu