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The Glorious Ascension

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The Glorious Ascension

Cm fe06 16x.png


Tower of the Saint

New units




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This is the Tower of the Saint. Saint Elimine's weapon, the Aureola spell book, lies here.
— Douglas to Roy

The Glorious Ascension (Japanese: 至高の光 Supreme light) is Chapter 16x of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. In order to play this chapter, Douglas must have survived the previous chapter.

Which set of the next four chapters (and potentially sidquest) is played after this one depends on the combined experience of four units: if the sum of the experience gained by Shanna and Thea is greater than or equal to that of Sue and Sin, the Ilia route will be played; otherwise, the Sacae route will be played.


Main article: The Glorious Ascension/Script

Roy's forces, guided by Douglas, arrive at the Tower of the Saint, currently under control of the bishop Windham. Windham has readied the tower's special weapon, the Heavenly Arrows, against the Lycian Army, even if they may also harm his own soldiers.

The Lycian Army defeats Windham and retrieve Aureola, the legendary weapon wielded by Saint Elimine during the Scouring. Roy initially wants to return it to the Elimine Church, but receives permission from either Douglas or the bishop Yoder to use it in the fight against Bern.

Later, Roy meets with Princess Guinivere. She accepts that, with Etruria safe, it is time for the Lycian Army to march on Bern itself. Guinivere gives Roy the Fire Emblem, which serves as the key to Hartmut's sword, with the expectation that Roy will use it to defeat Zephiel's dragon ally. Then, she expresses her regret at Zephiel's violent actions and at having betrayed her nation. Lastly, she asks Roy not to harm any civilians in Bern, and he promises not to do so.

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize the throne Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Roy dies 1–10+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 31+4
Cm fe06 16x.png
Map dimensions:
31 columns by 32 rows

On each turn, magical arrows will deal 10 damage to all units in a random number of columns; the arrows can strike columns 5, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 25, and 27.

Character data

New units
Portrait douglas fe06.png
Silver Axe
Silver Lance
Automatically from turn 1
Required characters
Roy ​
Available characters
Marcus ​Alen ​Bors ​Wolt ​Lance ​Merlinus ​Elen ​Ward ​Lot ​Dieck ​Shanna ​Chad ​Lugh ​Clarine ​Rutger ​Saul ​Dorothy ​Sue ​Zelot ​Trec ​Noah ​Astolfo ​Lilina ​Gwendolyn ​Barthe ​Ogier ​Fir ​Sin ​Gonzalez ​Klein ​Thea ​Larum ​Echidna ​Elffin ​Bartre ​Geese ​Raigh ​Cath ​Melady ​Perceval ​Cecilia ​Sophia ​Igrene ​Garret ​Fae ​Hugh ​Zeiss ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Cavalier
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Cavalier
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Mercenary
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Mercenary
Is gba aureola fe06.png Aureola Automatically at end of chapter

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Normal Hard

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Windham Bishop 12 1 41 20 12 12 15 13 8 8 6 Divine Berserk
Does not move; stands on the throne, the chapter's seize point.
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Etruria Bishop 6 1 29~34 10~14 9~12 7~11 7~12 4~6 15~20 6 6 Purge Lightning Physic
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Etruria Bishop 6 1 29~34 10~14 9~12 7~11 7~12 4~6 15~20 6 6 Purge Divine Physic
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Etruria Knight 15 1 26~30 9~12 6~8 1~3 3~4 12~14 0~1 13 4 Horseslayer
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Etruria Knight 15 1 26~30 9~12 6~8 1~3 3~4 12~14 0~1 13 4 Silver Lance
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Etruria Sage 4 1 28~32 13~17 8~13 8~11 2~5 6~9 9~12 7 6 Silence Aircalibur
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Etruria Sage 5 1 28~33 13~18 9~13 8~12 2~5 6~9 9~13 7 6 Bolting
Does not move.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 12 1 21~23 6~8 5~7 6~8 1~3 3~4 6~8 6 5 Aircalibur
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 13 1 21~24 6~9 6~8 6~8 2~3 3~4 6~8 6 5 Aircalibur
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 14 1 22~25 7~10 6~8 6~9 2~3 3~4 6~9 6 5 Bolting Fire
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 13 1 21~24 6~9 6~8 6~8 2~3 3~4 6~8 6 5 Bolting Thunder
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 13 1 21~24 6~9 6~8 6~8 2~3 3~4 6~8 6 5 Elfire
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Etruria Mage 14 1 22~25 7~10 6~8 6~9 2~3 3~4 6~9 6 5 Elfire
Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Etruria Paladin 6 2 37~42 12~15 9~13 9~13 5~8 9~12 5~8 11 8 Silver Lance
Begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba cavalier enemy.gif Etruria Cavalier 15 2 29~32 9~11 6~9 8~10 3~5 7~9 1~2 9 7 Axereaver Vulnerary
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba cavalier enemy.gif Etruria Cavalier 13 2 27~31 8~10 6~8 7~9 3~5 7~9 1~2 9 7 Steel Lance Javelin
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Etruria Archer 13 1 25~28 7~9 7~9 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~2 7 5 Steel Bow
Begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Etruria Archer 12 1 24~27 7~9 6~8 6~7 3~5 4~5 0~2 7 5 Steel Bow
Begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba cavalier enemy.gif Etruria Cavalier 14 1 28~31 8~11 6~8 8~10 3~5 7~9 1~2 9 7 Steel Lance Javelin
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba cavalier enemy.gif Etruria Cavalier 15 1 29~32 9~11 6~9 8~10 3~5 7~9 1~2 9 7 Steel Lance Javelin
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba sniper enemy.gif Etruria Sniper 14 2 38~45 14~19 13~18 10~13 7~12 8~12 5~9 8 6 Longbow
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Etruria Mercenary 12 1 25~28 7~9 11~13 11~12 2~4 5~7 1~2 9 5 Steel Sword
Begins moving unprovoked when he can attack a unit within two turns.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Etruria Mercenary 15 1 27~31 8~11 12~15 11~14 3~5 6~7 1~3 9 5 Steel Sword
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Etruria Mercenary 14 1 27~30 8~10 12~14 11~13 3~5 6~7 1~3 9 5 Steel Sword Vulnerary
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Etruria Mercenary 15 1 27~31 8~11 12~15 11~14 3~5 6~7 1~3 9 5 Steel Sword Vulnerary
Does not move, except to heal.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Etruria Knight 14 2 26~29 9~11 5~8 1~3 2~4 12~14 0~1 13 4 Steel Lance
Moves to attack units in range.
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Etruria Bishop 8 2 30~35 11~15 9~12 8~11 8~13 4~6 16~21 6 6 Lightning Silence Physic
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Etruria Bishop 8 2 30~35 11~15 9~12 8~11 8~13 4~6 16~21 6 6 Divine Silence Physic
Moves to attack units in range.

On turn 25, if Windham is alive, all enemies begin moving unprovoked.


  • Enemy phase of turns 8 and 18
  • Enemy phase of turns 10 and 20

Boss data

Main article: Windham
Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.[1]

Normal Hard

Portrait windham fe06.png
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Bishop
Level 12
Max HP 41 Luck 15
Magic 20 Defense 13
Skill 12 Resistance 8
Speed 12 Constitution 8
Movement 6 Aid 7
Weapon Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows
Anima magic Light magic Dark magic Staves


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

Consult the map above to see where beams might damage units at the conclusion of the enemy's turn. The frequency of these beams is random—there may be one, two, or none. When activated, these beams inflict 10 damage on any unit in their path, including enemy units. Ensure your units are positioned outside these areas to prevent unnecessary damage.

Avoid deploying units with low resistance, as they are vulnerable to the numerous magic-wielding enemies on this map. Instead, utilize units with good movement, like Pegasus Knights and Nomads. If you have a unit that can use a Longbow, target the Sage positioned at the center of the map.

The most formidable challenge is the boss. He is equipped with a Berserk staff that can cause your allies to turn against each other. He has a large casting range, covering 15 spaces from his stationary position on the throne, encompassing nearly the entire top section of the map. To counteract him, consider placing a unit with high resistance close by to deplete his staff or advance strategically, utilizing the Barrier staff or Pure Waters. Remember, units with lower resistance are more susceptible to staves, irrespective of their evasion abilities.

Equip at least two different units with Restore staves to dispel any status effects inflicted on your team. If you rely on a single Restore staff, you may find yourself in a vulnerable position.

Lastly, using Douglas is not recommended due to his susceptibility to significant damage. Ensure he remains out of the magic attack range and use him only as a defensive barrier.


The eighth floor of the Tower of Valni from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Light of Supremacy

Used in leftover text from the data transfer menu in the English version of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.


The Glorious Ascension




Supreme light



  1. The Glorious Ascension,, Retrieved: December 24, 2020
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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Playable characters AlenAstolfoBartheBartreBorsCathCeciliaChadClarineDayanDieckDorothyDouglasEchidnaElenElffinFaeFirGarretGeeseGonzalezGwendolynHughIgreneJunoKarelKleinLanceLarumLilinaLotLughMarcusMerlinusMeladyNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSinSophiaSueTheaTrecWardWoltYoderZelotZeiss
Trial Map characters BrunnyaEliwoodGalleGuinivereHectorMurdockNarcianZephiel
Non-playable characters EliwoodGuinivereHectorMaryMordred
Bosses ArcardoBorsBrakulBrunnyaChanDamasDebiasDoryEinErikFlaerGalleGuerreroHenningIdunnKabulKelKudokaJahnLeganceMaggieMarralMartelMonkeMorganMurdockNarcianNordOatesOrloPeresRaithRandyRoartzRobertsRoseRuudScollanScottSiguneSlaterThorilTickWagnerWindhamZephielZinque
Background characters AthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ApocalypseArmadsAureolaBinding BladeDurandalEckesachsForblazeMaltetMulagirRapierStaff of the Saint
Chapters Tutorial • 1: Breath of Destiny • 2: Princess of Bern • 3: Latecomer's Sorrow • 4: Crumbling League • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Ensnared • 7: The Ostian Revolt • 8: Reunion • 8x: The Blazing Blade • 9: The Misty Isles • 10A: Western Resistance • 11A: The Hero of the West • 10B: Amidst a Struggle • 11B: Flight Toward Freedom • 12: The True Enemy • 12x: The Thunder Axe • 13: Rescue Mission • 14: Arcadia • 14x: The Infernal Truth • 15: The Dragon Child • 16: Storming the Capital • 16x: The Glorious Ascension • 17A: Ocean's Parting • 18A: The Frozen River • 19A: Bitter Cold • 20A: Ilia's Salvation • 20Ax: The Freezing Lance • 17B: The Bishop's Teachings • 18B: The Laws of Sacae • 19B: Battle in Bulgar • 20B: The Silver Wolf • 20Bx: The Bow of Swift Wind • 21: The Binding Blade • 21x: The Elder Revelation • 22: Unattained Dream • 23: The Ghosts of Bern • 24: Legends and LiesF: Beyond Darkness
Trial Maps Valley of DeathRainy IslandSnowy DefensivePirate's ChallengeRoy's Trial
Locations ElibeBern (Dragon TempleShrine of Seals) • Etruria (Aquleia) • IliaLycia (AraphenLausOstiaPheraeThria) • Missur (ArcadiaNabata) • Sacae (BulgarTaras) • Western Isles
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