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Orion's Bolt

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Orion's Bolt

FEMN Orion's Bolt.png
Artwork of an Orion's Bolt from the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

Promotes lvl 10+ Archers or Hunters



First game

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

The Orion's Bolt (Japanese: オリオンの矢 Orion's Arrow) is a class change item which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light. It was originally specifically for use by Archers; in later games, other base bow-wielding classes, such as Hunters and Nomads, also used it to promote after reaching Level 10.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light -- 1 2,000 Initiates class change for Archers at Level 10 or higher.
Mystery of the Emblem Is snes01 orion's bolt.png 1 10,000 Initiates class change for Archers and Hunters at Level 10 or higher.
The Binding Blade Is gba orion's bolt.png 1 10,000 Initiates class change for Archers and Nomads at Level 10 or higher.
The Blazing Blade Is gba orion's bolt.png 1 10,000 Initiates class change for Archers and Nomads at Level 10 or higher.
The Sacred Stones Is gba orion's bolt.png 1 10,000 Initiates class change for Archers at Level 10 or higher.


Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Treasure Chapter 12, chestChapter 19, enemy Sniper
Secret shop Chapter 23

Mystery of the Emblem

Dropped by Book 2: Chapter 7, enemy ThiefChapter 12, enemy Fire Dragon
Treasure Book 1: Chapter 10, chestChapter 14, chest
Book 2: Chapter 20, chest
Secret shop Book 1: Chapter 17
Book 2: Chapter 5Chapter 18

The Binding Blade

Steal Chapter 20B, enemy Sniper
Treasure Chapter 10B, villageChapter 11A, village
Event Chapter 10B, Klein recruited and all of his units survive the chapter • Chapter 11A, Klein recruited and all of his units survive the chapter
Secret shop Chapter 16Chapter 21

The Blazing Blade

Dropped by Eliwood's tale: Chapter 18, enemy UhaiChapter 23 (Lloyd's version), enemy Sniper*
Hector's tale: Chapter 19, enemy UhaiChapter 24 (Lloyd's version), enemy Bishop*
Steal Eliwood's tale: Chapter 27, enemy Sniper*
Treasure Eliwood's tale: Chapter 23 (Linus's version), village
Hector's tale: Chapter 24 (Linus's version), village
Secret shop Eliwood's tale: Chapter 29
Hector's tale: Chapter 31

The Sacred Stones

Dropped by
Wight*Cyclops*Elder Bael*
Event Chapter 6, end of chapter if all Civilians survive
Secret shop
Chapter 14AChapter 14BChapter 19
Secret Shop
(World map)
Grado KeepJehanna HallRausten Court

Flavor text

Game Text
Mystery of the Emblem
Promotes lvl
10+ Archers
or Hunters*
The Binding Blade
For archers and nomads
Lv. 10 and up.*
The Binding Blade
(Use screen)
Use this on a worthy
archer or nomad.*
アーチャー 遊牧民を
The Blazing Blade
For archers and nomads
Lv. 10 and up.
The Blazing Blade
(Use screen)
Use this on a worthy
archer or nomad.
アーチャー 遊牧民を
The Sacred Stones
For archers
Lv. 10 and up.
The Sacred Stones
(Use screen)
Use this on a worthy

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Orion's Bolt

In Greek mythology, Orion was a giant archer and huntsman.



Orion's Arrow


Cerrojo de Orión

Arrow of Orion. Abbreviated to C de Orión in gameplay due to space restrictions.


Flèche Orion

Arrow of Orion


Flèche d'Orion

Orion's arrow; used in the Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light physical manual.


Orions Pfeil

Orion's Arrow


Dardo Orione

Orion's dart



Items in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Regalia items GeosphereLightsphereStarsphere
Items in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Dragonstones DivinestoneEarthstoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereEmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Unused items Aum FragmentShadowstoneSilver Key
Items in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Stat boosters Angelic RobeBody RingBootsDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingsTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipGuiding RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's Bolt
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Blue GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Delphi Shield
Unused items Bridge Key
Items in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Stat boosters Afa's DropsAngelic RobeBody RingBootsDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingsTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Earth SealElysian WhipFell ContractGuiding RingHeaven SealHero CrestKnight CrestOcean SealOrion's Bolt
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Blue GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Delphi ShieldEmblem SealFilla's MightIron RuneNinis's GraceSet's LitanyThor's Ire
Hazard items Light RuneMine
Items in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Stat boosters Angelic RobeBody RingDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconMetis's TomePure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingSwiftsoleTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipGuiding RingHero CrestKnight CrestLunar BraceMaster SealOcean SealOrion's BoltSolar Brace
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Black GemBlue GemGold GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Fili ShieldHoplon Guard
Unused items Heaven SealFilla's MightLight RuneMineNinis's GraceSet's LitanyThor's Ire