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Duma Tower

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Duma Tower

Cm fe02 duma tower exterior.png
The exterior of Duma Tower in Gaiden.

Seat of the Duma Faithful. No records remain of why this ancient towering spire was originally constructed.




Duma Tower (Japanese: ドーマの塔 Doma's Tower) is a Valentian monument of worship to the fell god Duma, situated in the northernmost reaches of Rigel. It is the final dungeon of Fire Emblem Gaiden, and the final destination for both Alm and Celica on their different journeys. In the remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, it is the penultimate dungeon.


In her quest to locate the missing Earth Mother Mila, Celica ultimately arrived at Duma Tower, where after confronting waves of Duma's servants she encountered the dark priest Jedah at the tower's peak. Jedah offered Celica the opportunity to save Alm from being trapped in the Dragon's Maw by a landslide, by offering herself up as a sacrifice to Duma in exchange for Jedah clearing Alm's path.[1] As a result, Celica was trapped in the tower's altar basement, beset by hordes of Mogalls and other servants led by Duma himself.

Later, after conquering Rigel and killing Emperor Rudolf, Alm learned of a path to Duma's altar directly from the basement of Rigel Castle[2] and followed it, obtaining Falchion and emerging at the altar to aid Celica's struggling party. Together, the armies of the two defeated Jedah and Duma himself, ending the war and ridding Valentia of the influence of both gods as the culmination of Rudolf's plan.


Main articles: Land of Sorrow (Gaiden)/Duma Tower and Together to the End/Duma Temple

Fire Emblem Gaiden

Celica's route

In Celica's route, Duma Tower is accessed in late Act 4 as her final destination. Celica must scale the tower by fighting her way through three rooms containing skirmishes, before being trapped by Jedah to allow Alm's route to continue past the Dragon's Maw. There are also three sets of lion heads present across the four intermediary floors: the entrance floor holds two, the second and third floor hold one each which are counted as the same pair in terms of uses, and the top floor contains another two.

Skirmish enemies and allied units fielded
# Units Skirmish enemies
Skirmish 1 6* Dread Fighter ×3 • Fiend ×1 • Arcanist ×2
Skirmish 2 4* Bow Knight ×1 • Necrodragon ×3
Skirmish 3 4* Bow Knight ×1 • Necrodragon ×3

Alm's route

Alm accesses the basement dungeon of Duma Tower in Act 5, comprising the chapter's entirety; unlike Celica's straightforward path through the main tower, Alm's path involves navigating a convoluted puzzle-like layout.

The first goal is to have Alm navigate a series of pits and fall into the right places, fighting through up to three skirmishes with his army as he proceeds, to reach the stairway leading back up to the treasury. Once he enters the treasury, Alm must fight three more skirmishes, except these times he fights alone with no allies. After clearing all three, Alm receives Falchion from a treasure chest, then must backtrack and navigate the pits again to find another stairway leading to the door where Celica's army is trapped. On entering the doorway, the final battle against Duma begins, with Alm and Celica's armies fighting together.

While Alm explores Duma Tower, the player may be notified of the status of Celica's army while they are held captive. There is a random chance that one or two of Celica's units take small amounts of damage every time Alm enters a room in the dungeon, and once Alm reaches the final battle himself, all of Celica's units will still have the damage they took when Alm was exploring.

Skirmish enemies and allied units fielded
# Units Skirmish enemies
Skirmish 1, basement 2 10* Cantor ×1 • Witch ×4 • Dread Fighter ×2 • Fiend ×3
Skirmish 2, basement 3 10* HadesCerberusNaberiusMogall ×1*Dread Fighter ×6
Skirmish 3, basement 4 10* Mogall ×2 • Dread Fighter ×2 • Witch ×4 • Fiend ×6
Skirmish 4, stairway to treasure room 1* Lich ×10
Skirmish 5, stairway to treasure room 1* Deathgoyle ×10
Skirmish 6, stairway to treasure room 1* White Dragon ×2
Final battle 20* DumaJedahMarlaHestiaGharnAurum ×2 • HadesCerberusNaberiusMogall ×9
Maps of Duma Tower (basements)
Floor Map Insert map
Basement 1 Cm fe02 duma tower b1.png Cm fe02 duma tower b1a.png
Basement 2 Cm fe02 duma tower b2.png --
Basement 3 Cm fe02 duma tower b3.png --
Basement 4 Cm fe02 duma tower b4.png --
Basement 5 Cm fe02 duma tower b5.png --

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

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In Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, like in the original Gaiden, Duma Tower is a major dungeon encountered at the end of Celica's route of Act 4, and comprising all of Act 5 for Alm's route.

Flavor text

Game Text
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Seat of the Duma
Faithful. No records
remain of why this
ancient towering
spire was originally


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Duma Tower



Tower of Doma

Used in the Gaiden fan translation.



Officially romanized as Doma; literally "Doma's Tower" or "Tower of Doma". In Gaiden, it is spelled with hiragana as ドーマのとう.


Torre de Duma

Tower of Duma


Tour de Duma

Tower of Duma


Turm des Duma

Tower of Duma


Torre di Duma

tower of Duma



Duma Tower


Torre de Duma

Tower of Duma; used in the "Way of the Heart" Lost Lore event in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Simplified Chinese


Tower of Duoma

Traditional Chinese


Tower of Duoma



  1. "Heheh... Celica. Alm's trapped in Dragon Mountain. Follow me if you want to save him. If you sacrifice yourselves to Lord Duma, Alm's path shall again open up!" — Jedah, Fire Emblem Gaiden
  2. "If you go down these stairs you should get to Duma's Altar. It's said that there's no return once you've entered. Your Highness, please take care!" — A man at Rigel Castle, Fire Emblem Gaiden
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Playable characters AlmAtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaClairCliveDeenDeltheaEstForsythGennyGrayJesseKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMathildaMycenNomahPallaPythonSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassena
Bosses AurumBarthBlakeCerberusDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaGarciaGarthGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRudolfShizasSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters Lima IVLipricaMila
Personal weapons FalchionRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Locations ValentiaMila ShrinesNovisRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineLost TreescapeDuma Tower) • Zofia (Ram)
Groups, objects and concepts DeliveranceMonsters
Lists ActsCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsWeapons
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Playable characters Alm's Party AlmClairCliveDeltheaFayeForsythGrayKliffLukasLuthierMathildaMycenPythonSilqueTatianaTobinZeke
Celica's Party AtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaConradDeenEstFayeGennyJesseKamuiKliffLeonMaeNomahPallaSaberSonyaValbar
DLC EmmaRandalShadeYuzu
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassenaMilaPeddlers
Bosses ArgentumAurumBarthBerkutBlakeBrigand BossCerberusThe CreationDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaFernandGarthGarciaGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJarth*JedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRineaRudolfSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters ForneusLima IVLipricaShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons Beloved ZofiaFalchionGradivusMercuriusParthiaRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Prologue Alm and Celica
Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid • 10: Zofia Castle Battle
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Act 6 1: Archanea Seaway 2 Battle • 2: Archanea Seaway 4 Battle • 3: Archanea Seaway 6 Battle • 4: Thabes Labyrinth
amiibo Duma's OrdealsMila's Ordeals
DLC The Astral TempleThe Inner SanctumBand of BandagesLords of the GraveWretches and RichesWealth Before HealthAltar of the DestrierAltar of the TitanAltar of the SkylordAltar of the SorceressAltar of the FaerieAltar of the OgreAltar of the MarksmanAltar of the SavantAltar of the QueenAltar of the King • 1: Battle of Zofia Harbor • 2: Outpost Rescue • 3: Flight from the Ruins • 4: Siege of Zofia CastleCipher Legends ICipher Legends IIMila's Bounty 1Mila's Bounty 2Mila's Bounty 3Mila's Bounty 4Mila's Bounty 5
Locations ValentiaRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineSecret ShrineLost TreescapeDuma TowerDuma Temple) • Zofia (Deliverance HideoutDragon ShrineNovisRamSylvan ShrineTemple of MilaSeabound ShrineThieves' Shrine) • ArchaneaThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Death MasksBook of Valentian RevelationsDeliveranceMila ShrineMila's TurnwheelTerrors
Lists Base conversationsActsCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSidequestsSkillsSupportsWeapons
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