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"Soccer Season" is the first segment of the tenth episode of Pepper Ann. It aired on November 15, 1997.


Pepper Ann lets fame go to her head when she becomes the star player in the school soccer team.


The Hazelnut Otters soccer team has not won a single game, much to Milo's surprising glee. As they face off against the Philbert Weasels, Cissy suddenly gets dizzy from using really bad lip gloss. With no other choice, Coach Doogan has Pepper Ann go from goalie to field member and everyone realizes that she is actually really good; successfully landing multiple goals before the game ends. The next day, Pepper Ann is adored by her peers which at first, she tries to ignore, but after gaining the attention of Craig Bean, she soon gets a big head (figuratively for her, but literally for Alter Ego) and begins to earn the ire of her teammates as she begins hogging the ball.

Pepper Ann becomes a star as she keeps winning games and disregarding her team and Dieter becomes something of her agent, though he has her doing degrading things. Milo and Nicky confront her about her recent behavior and telling her that she is becoming a glory hog. Pepper Ann denies any wrongdoing and leaves. Alter Ego also turns on her by revealing her swollen head, adding that if she continues to act this way, "[she's] gonna explode."

In the finals against the Pinenut Possums, Pepper Ann arrives late and detached. Doogan, having enough of Pepper Ann's poor sportsmanship, benches her in favor of Nicky, who had been benched for the previous games. The team suffers without their disgraced star player, who angrily waits for an apology she is not owed. Alter Ego gives Pepper Ann a harsh wake-up call; that she will serve as a reminder of how big-headed she had become. Pepper Ann quickly apologies to Coach Doogan, and is forced to sub in when Nicky is injured during the game.

Back in the game, Pepper Ann makes it up to her teammates (who are still rather peeved with her) by passing the ball to the other players and manage to rank high on the scores through teamwork. Pepper Ann even passes up a winning shot to give Tessa and Vanessa a shot; they miss, and the teams end up tying, but Pepper Ann is cheered by her teammates regardless. The moment is ruined when Trinket (who had been acting as the announcer on the games) loudly admits that by being an announcer she has fulfilled her P.E. requirements without having to break a nail. A soccer ball, presumably from Pepper Ann, is kicked at Trinket, causing her nails to shatter.


Main cast[]

Additional voices[]

*Marks an uncredited voice role

Other appearances[]

Desk Gag[]

"All right, Mardi Gras beads!"


  • When Pepper Ann and Dieter are riding in the limo and the scene focuses on Dieter's side of the car, the buildings are going by in the wrong direction.



  • Going by package order, various characters make their debut in this episode:
    • Gwen Mezzrow makes her debut in this episode (ahead of her proper introduction in the following segment), serving as the soccer team's equipment manager, and as a temp goalie.
    • School bully Shelf McClain also appears in this episode before his formal introduction.
    • Going by broadcast order, Coach Doogan also makes her debut in this episode.
      • Going by production order, the aforementioned characters would've made their debuts in previous episodes.
  • During UPN broadcasts, this episode segment and "Crush and Burn" were swapped in order.
    • This episode is also the sixteenth segment in broadcast order.


  • The Philbert Weasels indirectly foreshadow the neighboring town of Philbert, which is explored in a later episode.
  • Deanna, the goalie for the Philbert Weasels, is later seen in Considering Constance; albeit sporting a different look and uniform.
  • After passing out from tainted lip gloss, Cissy mentions her Uncle Frank.
  • Pepper Ann absent-mindedly calls Nicky "Micky" by accident, a gag previously done in "Old Best Friend".

External links[]

v - e - d
Pepper Ann • Pepper Ann Main Theme • Pepper Ann (song)
Pepper Ann Pearson • Alter Ego • Nicky Little • Milo Kamalani • Moose Pearson • Becky Little • Dieter Liederhosen • Trinket St. Blair • Cissy Rooney • Tessa and Vanessa James • Pink-Eye Pete • Alice Kane • Gwen Mezzrow • Stewart (Stuart) Walldinger • Shelf McClain • Constance Goldman • Lamar Abu Dabe • Sketch • Craig Bean • Crash • Lydia Pearson • Chuck Pearson • Janie Diggity • JoJo Diggity • Ned Diggity • Brenda • Mean Girl • Effie Shrugg • Abriola Stark • Carlotta Sneed • Roland Carter • Coach Doogan • Bronte Bladdar • Sherman Finky • Vera Groober-Schwartz • Principal Hickey • Hazelnutians
Season 1: "Ziterella" • "Romeo & Juliet" / "Food Barn" • "Old Best Friend" / "Crunch Pod" • "Psychic Moose" / "Doll & Chain" • "Megablades of Grass" / "Family Vacation" • "Sani-Paper" / "The Big Pencil" • "Uniform, Uniformity" / "Snot Your Mother's Music" • "The Environ-Mentals" • "In Support of" / "Nicky Gone Bad" • "Soccer Season" / "Crush & Burn" • "Thanksgiving Dad" • "Have You Ever Been Unsupervised" / "The Unusual Suspects" • "Sketch 22" / "Manly Milo"

Season 2: "Quiz Bowl" / "License to Drive" • "Cocoon Gables" / "Green-Eyed Monster" • "Hazelnut's Finest" / "Cat Scan" • "An OtterBiography" / "GreenSleeves" • "Vanessa Less Tessa" / "Peer Counselor P.A." • "A 'Tween Halloween" / "Mash into Me" • "Framed" / "Radio Freak Hazelnut" • "Presenting Stewart Waldinger" / "P.A.'s Life in a Nutshell" • "Like Riding a Bike" • "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Milo" / "The Sisterhood" • "Impractical Jokes" / "Cold Feet" • "Doppelganger Didi" / "Pepper Ann's Day Off-Kilter" • "A No Hair Day" / "That's My Dad"
Season 3: "Burn, Hazelnut, Burn" / "The Wash-Out" • "G.I. Janie" / "Miss Moose" • "Pepper Shaker" / "Flaw and Order" • "Def Comedy Mom" / "Career Daze" • "Baggy Bean Buddies" / "The Spanish Imposition" • "The Beans of Wrath" / "Effie Shrugged" • "The Velvet Room" • "One Angry Woman" • "The Sellout" / "The Telltale Fuzzy" • "Dances with Ignorance" / "Girl Power" • "Sammy's Song" / "Permanent Record" • "Live and Let Dye" • "Remote Possibilities" / "Considering Constance" • "You Oughta Be in Musicals!" • "Beyond Good and Evel" / "One of the Guys" • "The First Date Club" / "Unicycle of Life" • "To Germany with Love" • "A Valentine's Day Tune" • "Bye, Bye Trinket" / "P.A.'s Pop Fly" • "My Mother, Myself" • "The Amazing Becky Little" • "A Kosher Christmas" • "The Untitled Milo Kamalani Project" / "Guess Who's Coming to the Theater" • "Single Unemployed Mother" / "Mom Knows What P.A. Did Two Nights Ago" • "The Great Beyond" / "Jaybirds of a Feather" • "The Way They Were"
Season 4: "The One with Mr. Reason" / "Sense and Senselessness" • "Dear Debby" / "Reality Bytes" • "Complimentary Colors" • "Searching for Pepper Ann Pearson" / "Forging Ahead" • "Carmello" / "Too Cool to Be Mom" • "The Word" / "The Perfect Couple" • "The Merry Lives of Pepper Ann" • "Strike it or Not" / "Moose in Love" • "Two's Company" / "A is for Average" • "That's My Mama Destructo" / "Unhappy Campers" • "The Finale" • "Spice of Life" / "Alice Kane Went Down to Calcutta" • "T.G.I.F." / "Zen and the Art of Milo"

Hazelnut Middle School • Pepper Ann's House
See also
House of Mouse