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"Have You Ever Been Unsupervised" is the first segment of the twelfth episode of Pepper Ann. It aired on January 17, 1998.


Pepper Ann freaks out when she's invited to Dieter's unsupervised 13th birthday party and Dieter plans to play Spin the Bottle.


While swimming in P.E., Pepper Ann claims that she does not need to use the kiddy dive and wants to try the high dive instead. Unfortunately, Pepper Ann chickens out as she could not even climb the first couple of rungs and the fire department is called to get her down (Milo adds that she threw up in the truck). At lunch, Dieter invites everyone to his "unsupervised" birthday party. Pepper Ann at first likes the idea, but when Trinket mentions that kissing is involved, Pepper Ann becomes nervous. She agrees to go but admits to her reflection that she prefers a supervised environment. She tells Lydia about the party in an attempt to be prevented from going, but she ends up supporting her decision to go because as her mom she knows that life is always unsupervised.

Pepper Ann decides to practice kissing and after numerous failed, and comical, attempts is finally satisfied. She, Milo and Nicky arrive at the party together and end up having an average party there with festivities like pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs. As soon as Dieter's mother leaves, he immediately sets up the game spin the bottle. As the game begins the bottle spins and supposedly lands on Pepper Ann. She gets up and admits that she hates being unsupervised and liked the more kid friendly games that they were playing and refuses. However, Nicky shyly reveals that the bottle landed on her and not Pepper Ann severely embarrassing the latter.

The party erupts when they learn that Dieter got the latest game console and Trinket calls spin the bottle "so last year" and asks if they can put on some music. Pepper Ann asks Nicky what it was like to kiss a boy and she admits that it was not that great as she had no emotional attachment to that person. Everyone leaves with Milo the only one who was disappointed (he tried to impress Gwen who was still into Dieter). Pepper Ann once again brags about being okay with kisses when her grandmother, Lillian, arrives and gives Pepper Ann a giant kiss on the cheek, freaking her out.


Main cast[]

Additional voices[]

* Marks an uncredited voice role

Non-speaking appearances[]

Desk Gag[]

"Wow, a dreidel!"


  • This episode marks the first of a few things:
    • The first appearance of the JavaNutt Boy, whom Nicky kisses while playing Spin the Bottle. He will become a recurring background character in future episodes.
    • The first appearance of Dieter's mother, Gerta Liederhosen.
    • The first time it's directly implied that Dieter is an exchange student from Germany, aside from his accent.
    • The first direct mention of Klaus, a Jeep-driving monkey who is a famous cartoon icon in Germany.
    • The first episode in which Craig Bean, Mr. Carter and Mr. Finky respectively appear, but do not speak.
    • The first major appearance of Alice Kane since her first appearance.
    • The first appearance of the running "Lydia is baking" joke.
  • This episode also marks the final appearances of Lydia, Ned Diggity, Emmit Swink, Alice Kane and Grandma Lillian in the first season.
  • When Dieter's mother leaves, she utters "I won't be back" in her thick accent. This is a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous line "I'll be back" from The Terminator.
  • This episode continues the Milo, Gwen and Dieter love triangle subplot first established in "Crush & Burn".


External links[]

v - e - d
Pepper Ann • Pepper Ann Main Theme • Pepper Ann (song)
Pepper Ann Pearson • Alter Ego • Nicky Little • Milo Kamalani • Moose Pearson • Becky Little • Dieter Liederhosen • Trinket St. Blair • Cissy Rooney • Tessa and Vanessa James • Pink-Eye Pete • Alice Kane • Gwen Mezzrow • Stewart (Stuart) Walldinger • Shelf McClain • Constance Goldman • Lamar Abu Dabe • Sketch • Craig Bean • Crash • Lydia Pearson • Chuck Pearson • Janie Diggity • JoJo Diggity • Ned Diggity • Brenda • Mean Girl • Effie Shrugg • Abriola Stark • Carlotta Sneed • Roland Carter • Coach Doogan • Bronte Bladdar • Sherman Finky • Vera Groober-Schwartz • Principal Hickey • Hazelnutians
Season 1: "Ziterella" • "Romeo & Juliet" / "Food Barn" • "Old Best Friend" / "Crunch Pod" • "Psychic Moose" / "Doll & Chain" • "Megablades of Grass" / "Family Vacation" • "Sani-Paper" / "The Big Pencil" • "Uniform, Uniformity" / "Snot Your Mother's Music" • "The Environ-Mentals" • "In Support of" / "Nicky Gone Bad" • "Soccer Season" / "Crush & Burn" • "Thanksgiving Dad" • "Have You Ever Been Unsupervised" / "The Unusual Suspects" • "Sketch 22" / "Manly Milo"

Season 2: "Quiz Bowl" / "License to Drive" • "Cocoon Gables" / "Green-Eyed Monster" • "Hazelnut's Finest" / "Cat Scan" • "An OtterBiography" / "GreenSleeves" • "Vanessa Less Tessa" / "Peer Counselor P.A." • "A 'Tween Halloween" / "Mash into Me" • "Framed" / "Radio Freak Hazelnut" • "Presenting Stewart Waldinger" / "P.A.'s Life in a Nutshell" • "Like Riding a Bike" • "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Milo" / "The Sisterhood" • "Impractical Jokes" / "Cold Feet" • "Doppelganger Didi" / "Pepper Ann's Day Off-Kilter" • "A No Hair Day" / "That's My Dad"
Season 3: "Burn, Hazelnut, Burn" / "The Wash-Out" • "G.I. Janie" / "Miss Moose" • "Pepper Shaker" / "Flaw and Order" • "Def Comedy Mom" / "Career Daze" • "Baggy Bean Buddies" / "The Spanish Imposition" • "The Beans of Wrath" / "Effie Shrugged" • "The Velvet Room" • "One Angry Woman" • "The Sellout" / "The Telltale Fuzzy" • "Dances with Ignorance" / "Girl Power" • "Sammy's Song" / "Permanent Record" • "Live and Let Dye" • "Remote Possibilities" / "Considering Constance" • "You Oughta Be in Musicals!" • "Beyond Good and Evel" / "One of the Guys" • "The First Date Club" / "Unicycle of Life" • "To Germany with Love" • "A Valentine's Day Tune" • "Bye, Bye Trinket" / "P.A.'s Pop Fly" • "My Mother, Myself" • "The Amazing Becky Little" • "A Kosher Christmas" • "The Untitled Milo Kamalani Project" / "Guess Who's Coming to the Theater" • "Single Unemployed Mother" / "Mom Knows What P.A. Did Two Nights Ago" • "The Great Beyond" / "Jaybirds of a Feather" • "The Way They Were"
Season 4: "The One with Mr. Reason" / "Sense and Senselessness" • "Dear Debby" / "Reality Bytes" • "Complimentary Colors" • "Searching for Pepper Ann Pearson" / "Forging Ahead" • "Carmello" / "Too Cool to Be Mom" • "The Word" / "The Perfect Couple" • "The Merry Lives of Pepper Ann" • "Strike it or Not" / "Moose in Love" • "Two's Company" / "A is for Average" • "That's My Mama Destructo" / "Unhappy Campers" • "The Finale" • "Spice of Life" / "Alice Kane Went Down to Calcutta" • "T.G.I.F." / "Zen and the Art of Milo"

Hazelnut Middle School • Pepper Ann's House
See also
House of Mouse