This page contains a listing of all known members of the Suicide Squad.
If you find a member of this team that is not shown here, please edit that character adding "[[Category:Suicide Squad members]]" at the bottom of the page.
If you find a member of this team that is not shown here, please edit that character adding "[[Category:Suicide Squad members]]" at the bottom of the page.
Mainstream Suicide Squad members
Trending pages
Jason Todd (Prime Earth) -
Catwoman (Selina Kyle) -
Koriand'r (Prime Earth) -
Harleen Quinzel (Prime Earth) -
Nia Nal (Prime Earth) -
Victor Stone (Prime Earth) -
Barbara Minerva (Prime Earth) -
Failsafe (Prime Earth)
All items (553)
- Abel Tarrant (New Earth)
- Abigail O'Shay (Prime Earth)
- Abner Krill (DC Extended Universe)
- Abner Krill (Injustice)
- Ace High (New Earth)
- Acero (Prime Earth)
- Adam Cray (New Earth)
- Aerie (Prime Earth)
- Afterthought (Prime Earth)
- Akando (Prime Earth)
- Aladdin (Prime Earth)
- Albert Rothstein (DC Legends)
- Albert Rothstein (New Earth)
- Alejandra Cortez (Prime Earth)
- Alinta (Future State)
- Amanda Waller (Arkhamverse)
- Amanda Waller (Arrowverse)
- Amanda Waller (Batman: The Telltale Series)
- Amanda Waller (Blackest Day)
- Amanda Waller (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Amanda Waller (DC Bombshells)
- Amanda Waller (DC Extended Universe)
- Amanda Waller (Earth-16)
- Amanda Waller (Get Joker!)
- Amanda Waller (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Amanda Waller (Injustice)
- Amanda Waller (Lego Batman)
- Amanda Waller (My Adventures with Superman)
- Amanda Waller (New Earth)
- Amanda Waller (Prime Earth)
- Anatoli Knyazev (Arkhamverse)
- Anatoli Knyazev (Prime Earth)
- Anthony Ivo (My Adventures with Superman)
- Aquaman (Earth 14)
- Archie Waller (Prime Earth)
- Argent (Prime Earth)
- Arthur Brown (New Earth)
- Arthur Brown (Prime Earth)
- Arthur Light (New Earth)
- Asa (Prime Earth)
- Astrid Arkham (Prime Earth)
- Baby Boom (Prime Earth)
- Bane (Batman: The Telltale Series)
- Bane (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Bane (Injustice)
- Bane (New Earth)
- Barbara Gordon (New Earth)
- Barbara Gourdon (DC Bombshells)
- Barbara Minerva (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Barbara Minerva (Future State)
- Barbara Minerva (Injustice)
- Barbara Minerva (Prime Earth)
- Batman (Earth 14)
- Battleaxe (Prime Earth)
- Beast (New Earth)
- Beatrice Butler (Prime Earth)
- Benjamin Krullen (New Earth)
- Benjamin Turner (Arkhamverse)
- Benjamin Turner (Arrowverse)
- Benjamin Turner (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Benjamin Turner (Lego Batman)
- Benjamin Turner (New Earth)
- Benjamin Turner (Prime Earth)
- Bette Sans Souci (DCAU)
- Bette Sans Souci (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Bette Sans Souci (New Earth)
- Bette Sans Souci (Prime Earth)
- Bette Sans Souci (Smallville)
- Bizarro II (Prime Earth)
- Black Manta (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Black Manta (Earth-16)
- Black Manta (Injustice)
- Black Manta (Injustice: Earth One)
- Black Siren (Earth 3)
- Black-Cloud-In-Morning (Prime Earth)
- Bloodletter (Prime Earth)
- Blowhard (New Earth)
- Bobo T. Chimpanzee (Prime Earth)
- Boone (Prime Earth)
- Branch (Prime Earth)
- Brian Durlin (DC Extended Universe)
- Brian Durlin (Prime Earth)
- Brian Smith (Prime Earth)
- Briscoe (New Earth)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth 43)
- Caitlin Snow (DC Legends)
- Caitlin Snow (Lego Batman)
- Caitlin Snow (Prime Earth)
- Cameron Chase (New Earth)
- Cameron Mahkent (New Earth)
- Cameron Mahkent (Smallville)
- Captain Cold (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Carl Draper (Prime Earth)
- Carol Ferris (New Earth)
- Carrie Cutter (Arrowverse)
- Carter Hall (New Earth)
- Catalyst (New Earth)
- Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
- Chang Jie-Ru (Prime Earth)
- Chaos Kitten (Prime Earth)
- Charles Murray (Prime Earth)
- Chato Santana (DC Extended Universe)
- Chato Santana (Injustice)
- Chato Santana (Lego Batman)
- Chato Santana (Prime Earth)
- Cheetah (Arrowverse)
- Chemo (New Earth)
- Chemo (Prime Earth)
- Chien Na Wei (Arrowverse)
- Christopher Smith (Blaze)
- Christopher Smith (DC Extended Universe)
- Christopher Smith (DC Legends)
- Christopher Smith (Get Joker!)
- Christopher Smith (Prime Earth)
- Christopher Weiss (DC Extended Universe)
- Christopher Weiss (New Earth)
- Clarence Simms (Prime Earth)
- Clayface (Future State: Earth 23)
- Cleo Cazo (DC Extended Universe)
- Clifford Carmichael (New Earth)
- Clifford DeVoe (New Earth)
- Clifford DeVoe (Prime Earth)
- Clifford Zmeck (Prime Earth)
- Clock King II (Prime Earth)
- Clyde Phillips (New Earth)
- Coldsnap (Prime Earth)
- Cole Parker (New Earth)
- Copperhead (New Earth)
- Copperhead (Prime Earth)
- Copperhead II (Arkhamverse)
- Cory Pitzner (DC Extended Universe)
- Coyote (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Crystal Frost (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Cyrus Gold (Injustice)
- Cyrus Gold (New Earth)
- Cyrus Gold (Prime Earth)
- Damian Wayne (Injustice)
- Daniel Brickwell (Earth-16)
- Daniel West (Prime Earth)
- Danton Black (New Earth)
- David Clinton (New Earth)
- David Hyde (Future State)
- David Hyde (Prime Earth)
- Deadline (New Earth)
- Deadly Six (Prime Earth)
- Dennis Ellis (Prime Earth)
- Depth Charge (Prime Earth)
- Diana of Themyscira (Injustice)
- Digger Harkness (Arrowverse)
- Doctor Rodriguez (Prime Earth)
- Doris Zuel (Prime Earth)
- Dru-Zod (Prime Earth)
- Drury Walker (Injustice)
- Dubbilex (Prime Earth)
- Duela Dent (Prime Earth)
- Dufus P. Ratchet (New Earth)
- Dulce (Prime Earth)
- Duncan Pramble (New Earth)
- Dwayne Wainright (New Earth)
- Edgar Cizko (Prime Earth)
- Edward Nashton (Arkhamverse)
- Edward Nigma (Injustice)
- El Dorado (Prime Earth)
- Eliza (New Earth)
- Emil LaSalle (Prime Earth)
- Emil LaSalle (Smallville)
- Emilia Harcourt (Prime Earth)
- Emily Briggs (Prime Earth)
- Enchantress (DC Extended Universe)
- Enchantress (DC Legends)
- Enchantress (Injustice)
- Enchantress (Prime Earth)
- Eric Needham (Arkhamverse)
- Eric Needham (Prime Earth)
- Ethan Avery (My Adventures with Superman)
- Etrigan (Prime Earth)
- Evan McCulloch (New Earth)
- Eve Eden (New Earth)
- Eve Eden (Prime Earth)
- Failsafe (Prime Earth)
- Fifteen Minutes Man (Prime Earth)
- Film Freak II (Prime Earth)
- Fin (Prime Earth)
- Fisherman (Future State)
- Fisherman (Prime Earth)
- Flash (Earth 14)
- Flex II (New Earth)
- Florence Crawley (New Earth)
- Floyd Lawton (Arkhamverse)
- Floyd Lawton (Arrowverse)
- Floyd Lawton (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Floyd Lawton (DC Extended Universe)
- Floyd Lawton (DC Legends)
- Floyd Lawton (DCAU)
- Floyd Lawton (Get Joker!)
- Floyd Lawton (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Floyd Lawton (Injustice)
- Floyd Lawton (Injustice: Earth One)
- Floyd Lawton (Lego Batman)
- Floyd Lawton (New Earth)