DC Database

Quote1 Solomon Grundy is tragically forever cursed to die and be resurrected over and over again. Randomly reborn into something new. Good. Bad. Smart. Innocent. An infinite amount of possible combinations. Quote2
— Poison Ivy src

Cyrus Gold, better known as Solomon Grundy, was a mindless zombie hellbent on destruction who usually operates in Gotham City, making him an enemy of Batman.

Solomon Grundy made his first public appearance in Gotham during Batman's second year as a vigilante, during the "War of Jokes and Riddles" between the Joker and the Riddler. The two criminals went to war over the right to kill Batman and recruited every villain in Gotham they could to join their fight. Grundy was brought on to fight for the Joker. The war waged on for weeks before Batman was forced to side with the Riddler to end the needless casualties. Grundy was apprehended and brought to Arkham Asylum.

He later resurfaced and attacked the Outlaws, almost killing Red Hood and Artemis, before being defeated by Bizarro.[2]

At some point Grundy started working as groundkeeper at Gotham Academy.[3]

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  • Zombie Physiology: Cyrus Gold's curse turned him into an undead hybrid of man and plant, cursed with being reborn again and again with different characteristics that vary upon each resurrection.[4]
    • Superhuman Strength: Solomon Grundy possesses vast levels of superhuman strength, he can easily break through metal and concrete with his blows and lift incredible weights. He has been able to punch Gotham through the Statue of Justice[5] and has clashed with powerful opponents like Bizarro[6] and Mister Bloom.[7]
    • Superhuman Stamina: Grundy is almost tireless, he can walk on the Himalayan mountains at the mercy of a blizzard and be completely unbothered by the cold.[8]
    • Superhuman Durability: Grundy is highly resistant to all forms of damage and only extremely powerful forces can harm him, he is completely undamaged by bullets and blows from powerful Amazons like Artemis.[9] Despite his high resistance to damage he is not invulnerable and more powerful opponents like Gotham Girl have been known to be able to hurt him.[5][10]
    • Regeneration
    • Resurrection: Even if killed, Grundy's curse will cause him to eventually come back from the dead.[11]


Other Characteristics

  • Diminished Intellect: One thing that unites most of his incarnations is his low intelligence, when speaking he spends most of the time repeating his iconic rhyme like a litany and when he actually wishes to communicate he expresses himself in short sentences with a poor grammar.



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