DC Database

The Batman Saga is a series of films and TV series adapting DC Comics' Batman stories. They comprise a shared universe together, beginning with Matt Reeves' The Batman in 2022.


Early crime in Gotham

All known events in this universe occur in or around Gotham City, a crime-infested, corrupt city in New Jersey that was allegedly founded by the wealthy Arkham and Wayne families. By the late 20th century, the city had become the home of several powerful crime families, most prominently the Maronis and Falcones. Smaller crime lords like Rex Calabrese did more to help Gotham's less fortunate than most politicians, and this led many in the area to turn to crime themselves.[4][5]

The Renewal scandal

In 2001, Thomas Wayne founded the charitable Gotham Renewal Corporation as part of his mayoral campaign, intending to rebuild the city's institutions. After Thomas was killed alongside his wife a year later, the Renewal fund was taken over by Gotham's crime families, who used it to finance their illegal operations. Ultimately, none of the promises the Waynes had made regarding Renewal would come to pass.

Salvatore Maroni held prominent control over the streets through his drops trade, until Carmine Falcone orchestrated a sting operation with the GCPD and politicians, which got Salvatore arrested. The Falcones took over the drops trade, and Carmine helped appoint the city officials he worked with on the bust into major positions of power in the city. Through these officials, Carmine controlled the city from the inside for many years.[4]

Emergence of masks

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Points of Interest




Released films

Upcoming films

Television series

Ancillary material



Augmented reality games



  • There is no evidence that metahumans exist in The Batman Saga, given that the franchise is meant to be more realistic than the comics' reality. However, it has been said that it's not impossible for metahumans to exist, though that would be a large and significant event.
  • The Riddler's website in The Batman, rataalada.com, is a real website that sometimes challenges visitors with riddles for the reward of promotional material that is sometimes canon to The Batman Saga. These have included pictures the Riddler had used to incriminate Carmine Falcone in the film, the announcement of The Riddler: Year One, a deleted scene from The Batman featuring the Joker, and a news article about Alberto Falcone.[18]
  • The Cartoon Network series The Batman is set in its own universe and holds no connection to The Batman Saga.

See Also

Links and References

