- For the similarly named Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Map, see Call of the Dead.
- For other uses, see Alcatraz.
- "Battle the undead as you attempt to break free from the physical and metaphorical incarceration of Alcatraz Prison."
- — Map description
Mob of the Dead (also known as Alcatraz Island and Sunset Strip) is the fifteenth (chronologically, the second) Zombies map. It is included in the second Call of Duty: Black Ops II downloadable content pack, Uprising. It was released on April 16, 2013 for Xbox 360 and May 16, 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and PC. Individually, the downloadable content pack costs $14.99 (1200 Microsoft Points), but is also a part of the Season Pass costing $30.00 with Xbox Live gold membership, or $35 without the membership.
Mob of the Dead occurs within the infamous Alcatraz Island and includes the Golden Gate Bridge; the juncture of the map is set during the Prohibition-era of America. The four playable characters are Finn O'Leary, Albert Arlington, Salvatore DeLuca, and Billy Handsome. These mobsters are inmates of Alcatraz and attempt to execute an escape plan during the night of the zombie outbreak.
This map introduces a new game mechanic, Afterlife Mode. A player in Afterlife can power various utilities and walk through certain walls to reach areas that are not normally accessible; however, the duration of the Afterlife is limited. Afterlife is necessary for collecting the plane components that are dispersed across the map. Mob of the Dead also features a new boss-like zombie, Brutus. He attacks players and also targets various utilities to disable, including Perk-a-Cola machines, workbenches, traps, and the Mystery Box.
The map features a number of buildables, including the returning Zombie Shield and the new Acid Gat Kit and Icarus. Any of the numerous workbenches found around the map may be used to craft these buildables, with the exception of Icarus, which must be built on the roof of the prison.
The map also features a new Perk-a-Cola called Electric Cherry, which creates an electric barrier around the player during a reload. Depending on the round, the electric shock can either stun zombies, or kill them.
"Rusty Cage" by Johnny Cash and "Where Are We Going" by Malukah are featured as Easter Egg songs within the map. Furthermore, "Samantha's Lullaby" by Kevin Sherwood can be heard in a secret ending for the map.
A fractured portion of the map is featured in Revelations.
It returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 as Blood of the Dead and Alcatraz.
Mob of the Dead is located on Alcatraz Island during the Prohibition-Era of American history. The four playable characters are Michael "Finn" O'Leary, Albert "Weasel" Arlington, Salvatore DeLuca, and Billy Handsome, all of whom are gangsters who have been locked up on Alcatraz and were planning an escape on the night of the outbreak. Zombies on the island have red eyes, and the Mystery Box has a different look with a red glow, indicating that the zombies are not under Samantha's, Richtofen's or Maxis' control. This map introduces Guard and Prisoner zombies on the island. The map also introduces a new Perk-a-Cola machine called Electric Cherry. Upon reloading, this Perk-a-Cola temporarily stuns or kills zombies with an electric shock that fires in a relatively short radius around the player, with less ammo left in the magazine resulting in a bigger and stronger electric shock. If the reload animation is canceled before it completes, the next time the player reloads the electric shock does not fire.
The map features several additions to the players' arsenal. The Uzi and the AK-47 make their debut in Zombies, as well as the M1927. The Death Machine makes a return as a standard Mystery Box weapon instead of being a power-up. The LSAT is also featured, having previously only appeared in Nuketown Zombies. Also returning from Nuketown Zombies is the Fire Sale power-up.
Wonder Weapon[]
The main Wonder Weapon of the map is the Blundergat, a shotgun hybrid between a Blunderbuss and a Gatling Gun. It can be upgraded into the Acid Gat, via the Acid Gat Kit. There is also a unique tomahawk-like weapon, known as Hell's Retriever. The weapon has a red aura and can pierce through multiple zombies before returning to the player once thrown but it can be upgraded to a more powerful Hell's Redeemer. A secret melee Wonder Weapon called the Golden Spork can also be obtained; it boasts very high damage and is capable of one-hit kills up to round 34. The Ray Gun makes a reappearance as well as the Mark 2, which wasn't available upon release but later got put into all maps.
Traps and Utilities[]
Purchasable traps also return, having last appeared in Ascension. The map features three new traps: the Fan Trap, the Acid Trap, and the Tower Trap; the last of which can be upgraded via Afterlife mode to fire rockets rather than bullets. A new utility is also introduced, the Gondola, which can transport players between the main prison and the docks similarly to the Zipline in Shi No Numa.
New Boss[]
Mob of the Dead features a new boss zombie, known as Brutus, who can disable perk machines, Icarus, workbenches used to craft buildable items, and the Mystery Box. Reactivating them costs 2000 points, though the cost scales up by 2000 with each utility disabled in a single round. He can be killed but does not have his own round. Instead, he appears alongside other zombies, similarly to George A. Romero from Call of the Dead, making him difficult to kill. Upon death, he will drop a power-up. Additionally, Brutus will spawn inside the map if the player(s) spend too much money investing in the Mystery Box. He will also appear randomly throughout various hordes. If Brutus encounters an active trap, he will stop moving for a while and disable the trap.
Afterlife Mode[]
Mob of the Dead also introduces the new Afterlife Mode, a form of gameplay that the player spawns in and enters upon death. In the Afterlife, new areas and objectives will become available for the player to complete[2][3] such as unlocking cell doors and activating Perk Machines throughout the map. However, there is a time limit for how long the player can be in the Afterlife; once the blue meter has depleted, the player will be sent out of the Afterlife and revert to a downed state.
"Escaping" Alcatraz[]
One of the side quests available in the map features the construction of a crude aircraft, known as Icarus. After building the plane, players are able to fly to the Golden Gate Bridge, where the Pack-a-Punch Machine is located. They are able to return to Alcatraz by using the Electric Chairs found on the bridge; they will subsequently be sent to the starting room in Afterlife Mode.
Easter Eggs[]
Pop Goes The Weasel[]
- For information on this Easter egg and steps on how to complete it, see Pop Goes the Weasel.
"Pop Goes The Weasel" is the primary Easter egg featured on Mob of the Dead, and follows the playable character's attempts to escape the island. It is the first time ever in Zombies that the players can complete the level and end the game without being killed by zombies. It also marks the first time in Zombies that a playable character becomes hostile to the other players. To complete it successfully, players that are controlling Sal, Billy and Finn will have to kill the player controlling Weasel or vice versa. The canon ending has been confirmed to be Weasel killing the others, proven by Black Ops 4's Blood of the Dead.
Secret Ending[]
In the beginning of a match, if the players do not move and wait for the Afterlife timer to be consumed, a secret ending will be triggered, in which the screen turns to black and white, the mobsters bleed out, and Samantha's lullaby can be heard while the view is lifted from the Spawn room to the sky.
Music Easter Eggs[]
The song "Rusty Cage" by Johnny Cash can be played by activating three bottles scattered around the map. One is located on a bookshelf in the library (spawn area), another is located in the infirmary, near one of the baths filled with blood, and the last is located on the docks, tucked away between a crate and a fence. As with most of the other music Easter eggs, a strange sound can be heard when the player is near one of the bottles.
The song "Where Are We Going" by Kevin Sherwood can also be played. This can be done by finding the warden's key, then unlocking the power switch with the numbers puzzle next to the elevator. The player needs to input the numbers "935". The song will then play.
"Jump Scare" Easter Egg[]
When on the roof where the plane is assembled, the player can activate a "jump scare" Easter egg. The player is required to have a sniper rifle, such as the Barrett M82A1 or the DSR 50, and they must proceed to the far end of the roof, to the left of the runway. If the player scopes in on the firework display in the distance, a distorted picture of a face will flash up on the screen for a split second, accompanied by a high-pitched scream.[4]
Audio Logs[]
- Main article: Mob of the Dead/Audio Logs
Several audio logs can be accessed by typing the four character's prison numbers into the counter that operates the underground elevator. These audio logs, narrated by an older Stanley Ferguson, reveal information about what had actually occurred at Alcatraz and information about the group's current situation.
The Golden Spork[]
- Main article: Golden Spork
The Golden Spork is a melee weapon that can be obtained through completing specific actions in a certain order. It is powerful enough to deal one-hit kills up to round 34, making it the second most powerful melee weapon in Zombies behind the upgraded One Inch Punch in Origins.
"Brutus 115" Easter Egg[]
To activate the Easter Egg, the player must find the number counter and enter in the number '115', upon entering Brutus can be heard shouting "Not this time!" or "Maybe next time" in a hushed whisper. The number will then change to '666'. Eventually, it will then shift back to normal as if nothing had happened. No other effects occur during and after the Easter egg has been activated.
Ciphers and Scrap Paper[]
- Main article: Mob of the Dead/Ciphers and Scrap Paper
Ciphers and paper scraps can be found scattered around the map. The ciphers give some backstory to the characters while the paper, when formed, shows a comic drawing made by Weasel, with editor's notes scribbled on it.
Starting Weapons |
M1911 (after afterlife mode) Shiv (after afterlife mode) Fragmentation Grenades (after afterlife mode) |
Off-Wall Weapons |
Mystery Box |
M1911 (Only visually available, cannot actually be obtained from mystery box.) Remington 870 MCS (Grief only) Ray Gun Mark II (only available after having downloaded Vengeance DLC) |
Other |
Perk-a-Cola Machines |
Speed Cola - 3000 points Double Tap Root Beer - 2000 points Deadshot Daiquiri - 1500 points Electric Cherry - 2000 points (Not in Grief) PhD Flopper - 2000 points (Easter Egg/Grief Only) |
Traps/Utility |
Buildables |
- No One Escapes Alive (75
/Silver Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, execute the escape plan.
- Feed the Beast (10
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, obtain Hell's Retriever.
- Making the Rounds (30
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, complete the cycle 3 times.
- Acid Drip (20
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, convert a weapon using a kit.
- Full Lockdown (25
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, Brutus completes his patrol.
- A Burst of Flavor (15
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, kill 10 zombies at once with a new beverage.
- GG Bridge (30
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, survive an entire round on the bridge on round 15 or higher.
- Trapped in Time (15
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, use and upgrade all traps before round 10.
- Pop Goes the Weasel (25
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, break the cycle.
- Paranormal Progress (5
/Bronze Trophy
) - In Mob of the Dead, open a door without spending points.
Opening Scene Transcript[]
Transcript |
A black and white shot of the jail cells of Alcatraz Prison is seen as the prison guard, Stanley Ferguson, is making his rounds. A narration by Finn O'Leary discussing the escape plan with Sal DeLuca is heard. Finn O'Leary: "Hey Sal, we must've been through this fifty times already." DeLuca:" And we'll go through with it another fifty if that's what it takes." The shot cuts to Ferguson, walking past cells as the inmates prepare for bed. DeLuca (narration): "9:30, lights out, guard begins his rounds." Cut to DeLuca's jail cell, while making a cup of coffee, he walks up to Ferguson and begins a discussion. DeLuca: "How we doin' tonight, Ferguson? Family good?" Ferguson: "They're doin' great, Mr. DeLuca. My boy Tommy, he's almost six now." DeLuca takes a sip from his cup. DeLuca: "Ain't that swell?" Cut to Ferguson walking past Finn O'Leary's cell, while Finn is on the toilet reading a newspaper. Ferguson: "Hey Finn, got that tip for Saturday's race yet?" Finn O'Leary: "I'm workin' on it, right now." Cut to Ferguson walking past Billy Handsome's cell, moans of pain begin to emerge from Albert Arlington's cell. Billy then emerges from the darkness of his cell, lighting a cigarette. Billy Handsome: "You gonna shut him up, or do I gotta do it?" Ferguson then bangs his police baton off his cell doors in an intimidating manner. Ferguson: "You know the rules, Handsome. No talking." Billy Handsome (narration): "9:35, The Weasel launches into his song and dance routine." Ferguson: "Dammit, Arlington!" Arlington is lying on the ground, pretending to be in pain. Albert Arlington: "You gotta get the doc!" Ferguson proceeds to open the cell doors to Arlington's cell. Ferguson: "It better be the real deal this time." Ferguson walks into the cell, scuffling, fighting and stabbing can be heard from within, and Ferguson's dead body falls to the ground. Arlington exits his cell with a self-made knife and a set of keys. DeLuca (narration): "Once The Weasel gets the keys, we move on to stage two." Arlington proceeds to unlock the cell doors of Billy Handsome, Finn O'Leary and Sal DeLuca, Sal throws his cup away. DeLuca: "Let's get movin'." The group of four meet up in the middle of the cell block. Billy Handsome hands them all snub-nosed Pythons. Handsome: "Here ya go, fellas. Courtesy of the warden's private collection." Arlington: "Your boys in the laundry stashed the parts?" Handsome: "'Course they fuckin' did." Cut to a shot looking towards the four from a distance as a zombie moan is heard. Stanley Ferguson's corpse steps partially into view. Arlington: "What the fuck? I killed him!" Handsome: "Ya been in the joint too long, Al. You've forgotten how to get shit done." The camera zooms in onto Ferguson, he begins screaming as his eyes are glowing. Handsome then shoots his shoulder, with no effect. Handsome: "What the fuck?" The song "Rusty Cage" by Johnny Cash begins to play, as the 4 line up and begin to fire on the zombie Stanley Ferguson. The zombie takes a massive amount of damage before finally falling. The cell blocks then slowly transform into a horrifying, hellish depiction of Alcatraz prison. Arlington: "This ain't right. Somethin' weird's goin' on here..." DeLuca: "You don't say, Weasel." O'Leary: "Where are those screams comin' from?" The camera begins to zoom out of the four, and the black and white tone begins to change to color as hordes of zombies begin to emerge from their cells. Arlington: "Oh, shit!" Billy, Finn and Sal begin to fire on the zombie horde, while Albert tries to make a quick escape. He is stopped as a zombie grabs him, where Albert grabs his head and shoots the zombie through the mouth. The camera then cuts to Sal knocking a zombie onto the ground and shooting it through the head and turns around to shoot a zombie behind him. The camera cuts again to Finn stomping a zombie's head into the ground, and the camera cuts again to Billy pinning a zombie up against a wall with a lead pipe as he proceeds to smash the pipe into its face. It again cuts to Albert running from a horde of zombies, only to be stopped in his tracks by another horde in front of him, he stops to shoot but is ultimately overwhelmed by them. The camera then cuts to Finn throwing a zombie onto the ground and smacking a zombie with his gun, but is then pinned up against a wall by a large group and is killed. It then cuts to Sal and Billy holding off hordes, where Sal then runs towards a cell block and closes the door behind him, leaving Billy to die at the hands of the zombies. Taking one last look at him, Sal runs off, only to be stopped by a large group. The four are then presumed dead as the camera zooms out to a final shot of the entire island of Alcatraz. |
- Main article: Mob of the Dead/Quotes
Audio Logs[]
- Main article: Mob of the Dead/Audio Logs
- In the Grief version for Mob of the Dead Cell Block, there was a cut special item, which is Richtofen's Zombie Head.
- In the beginning cut scene, all four protagonists fire more than six shots using Pythons without reloading.
- The player can see the name of the character they are playing as next to their point counter.
- PhD Flopper and Mule Kick can be seen in the docks, but are unavailable. Both are available in Cell Block, however.
- The song played during the second half of the opening cutscene is a cover of Soundgarden's "Rusty Cage" by Johnny Cash. It is also a side easter egg song.
- This map has different skins for Pack-a-Punched weapons from the past two maps. The guns appear to be cracked and have orange light pulsating from the cracks, with a similar appearance to lava.
- The Perk-a-Cola machines and the Pack-a-Punch machine make distorted noises and flicker between color and black-and-white textures, with the exception of Electric Cherry; it does not flicker, but still makes distorted noises.
- The distorted noised played are variants of the Perk-a-Cola machines' regular jingles.[5]
- Upon entering 115 (referring to Element 115) into the number pad for the plane part, the player will hear "Not this time!", "Maybe next time!", "I don't think so!" and the numbers will change to '666' (referring to the Bible's "number of the beast").
- Furthermore, a "Rule 666" referencing the zombies is found on the entrance to the Citadel Tunnels, near the Warden's Office.
- When near C-D block at the Cerberus' head spawn, there is a lava pit. If the player throws a grenade into in the lava pit, they will receive 20 points.
- In the opening cutscene when Albert Arlington pretends to be in pain, the time is 9:35, a reference to Group 935.
- The clock above the cafeteria door is at 1:15, referring to Element 115.
- The Golden Spork can be seen on the loading screen.
- There is a Tower of Babel painting in the Warden's Office above the barricaded fireplace near Speed Cola. It is a reference to the Tower of Babble Easter Egg in TranZit.
- On the trap switches, there is a print saying "Zom B inc.", a pun over the word Zombie.
- In the library in the spawn room, one of the books on the bookshelf across from the afterlife box reads Alcatraz Swimteam Yearbook.
- When any of the four characters are downed the player can hear them talking to themselves.
- When obtaining the spoon for the Golden Spork easter egg weapon, the player can find a skeleton within the wall. This is a reference to the popular trope wherein a convict uses a spoon to dig out of prison.
- During the reveal trailer for this map, a zombie that gets killed by the Fan Trap has yellow eyes.
- When the AK-47 gets Pack-a-Punched, it becomes Reznov's Revenge, referencing the character Viktor Reznov and his lust for revenge.
- The map is likely based on the real-life 1962 Alcatraz Escape.
- Furthermore, the use of a helicopter could be a reference to the common rumor that the original plan from the real escape was to steal a helicopter and fly it off of the island.
- According to cut quotes in the game files, Carpenter was originally going to appear but was cut from the map for unknown reasons.
- The M1911 pistol appears in the cycle of weapons available in the mystery box, however this is only a visual appearance and the weapon cannot be obtained via the mystery box. [6]
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROhvnuGVX-U
- ↑ http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Call-Duty-Black-Ops-2-Uprising-DLC-Lets-You-Battle-Zombies-Alcatraz-54323.html
- ↑ http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-04-new-call-of-duty-black-ops-2-dlc-uprising-has-an-alcatraz-zombies-map
- ↑ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq4nMYOInPE
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTvmZqHg_Ns
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leTmjJhOU2M 04:45 to 6:31