Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode
For the map(s), see Der Riese and The Giant.

The DerRiese Server is a computer server found in the terminal in Call of Duty: Black Ops.


The DerRiese Server, is mentioned in files that Dr. Vannevar Bush and others have found in the Verrückt archives, under the name of the Data Servant.


When connected to any other known data server, the DERRIESE system can be accessed by typing rlogin derriese within the in-game computer console and then entering a valid username and password.


A list of usernames has been found in the game files:

  • drmaxis
  • sophia
  • samantha
  • peter
  • edward
  • erichtofen
  • nbelinski
  • tdempsey
  • tmasaki

They have no corresponding passwords, so attempting to log in will always result in an "Invalid Password" error.

Empty server[]

Despite having a dedicated server for DerRiese, players could not find any passwords tied to the users, and upon observing the game's files, players could not find more Zombies related files, apart of the ones by Ludvig Maxis and John "Banana" found in Vbush and Roppen.

Into the DLC season of Call of Duty: Black Ops III, during a "lightning round" interview with a burst of quick questions, Jason Blundell said the Der Riese passwords exist[1]. In a later interview he backtracked his confirmation, saying there are no accessible files within the DerRiese servers. However, Blundell shared that the intended files still exist in Treyarch's offices, and that they may be shared one day. This has yet to happen, and the content of the files is unknown.


