Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Vanguard The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode
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For a similar feature in Extinction, see Schematics.

Buildables are a mechanic featured in the Zombies modes of Call of Duty, first appearing in Call of Duty: Black Ops in a simplified form in the map "Five" where the Electro-Shock Defenses Trap required the switch to be found and returned to it to become operational. Buildables often require multiple parts that are located throughout a map. Sometimes, in order to craft a buildable, players need to place the parts onto specific workbenches.

Buildables appear in many forms in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: WWII, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Call of Duty: Vanguard, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 where the objects. Examples vary from weapons such as the Elemental Staffs and the Sliquifier, utilities such as the Rocket Shield and Trample Steam, to even a character in the form of the Maxis Drone.


Call of Duty: Black Ops[]


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2[]


Die Rise[]

Mob of the Dead[]



Call of Duty: Black Ops 3[]

Shadows of Evil[]

Der Eisendrache[]

Zetsubou No Shima[]

Gorod Krovi[]


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare[]

Zombies in Spaceland[]

Attack of the Radioactive Thing[]

Call of Duty: WWII[]

The Final Reich[]

The Darkest Shore[]

The Shadowed Throne[]

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4[]

Voyage of Despair[]


Blood of the Dead[]


Dead of the Night[]

Ancient Evil[]

Alpha Omega[]

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War[]


Die Maschine[]

Firebase Z[]

Mauer der Toten[]


Call of Duty: Vanguard[]


Shi No Numa[]

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6[]


Liberty Falls[]


The Tomb[]


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2[]

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3[]

  • Strike! (25Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst.
  • My Brother's Keeper (75Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Der Eisendrache, the one must be erased.
  • Not Big Enough (20Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Der Eisendrache, trap and kill a Panzersoldat using the Ragnarok DG-4.
  • Time to Slam (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Der Eisendrache, revive two players protected by the Ragnarok DG-4.
  • Seeds of Doubt (75Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Zetsubou No Shima, the one must be saved.
  • Crop Duster (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Zetsubou No Shima, kill 10 zombies with a single shot of the KT-4.
  • Assault with Battery (5Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Zetsubou No Shima, electrocute a zombie with a shield.
  • Web of Defeat (5Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Zetsubou No Shima, remove webs in every possible way in one game.
  • Love and War (75Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Gorod Krovi, the one must be freed.
  • Blown Away (5Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Gorod Krovi, kill 10 zombies at once with the Guard of Fafnir.
  • Keep Close (5Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Revelations, assist a Keeper in defeating every type of enemy.
  • Little Lost Girl (15Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Origins, release Samantha

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4[]

  • Acidic Alchemy (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In IX, Get a kill with the Acid Trap in each of its craftable locations
  • Gat Trick (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Blood of the Dead, kill the Warden with the Blundergat, Acidgat and Magmagat in a single game
  • Most Escape Alive (30Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In "Blood of the Dead", escape.
  • Paranormal Patch Up (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Blood of the Dead, revive another Player with a shield
  • Shock Value (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Classified, kill 115 zombies with electrical traps in a single game
  • Trial by Ordeal (30Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Dead of the Night, defeat the evil within.
  • Alchemical Opus (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Dead of the Night, create Prima Materia 3 times.
  • Master Your Craft (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Dead of the Night, use every crafting table.
  • Shrinking Feeling (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Dead of the Night, shrink 15 zombies with a single shot from Alistair's Annihilator.
  • Well Done (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Dead of the Night, stake a Nosferatu in the Dining Room.
  • Greek Tragedy (30Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Ancient Evil, finish what was started
  • The Best Offense is a Good Defense (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Ancient Evil, kill a Gegenees using only the Apollo's Will
  • Experimental Prototype (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Alpha Omega, construct a Ray Gun.
  • Ray Gun Bonanza (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Alpha Omega, construct all Ray Guns in a single match.
  • Ray-gnarok (15Gamerscore/BronzeBronze Trophy PS3 icon) - In Alpha Omega, stun 10 zombies at once with the Ray Gun Mk. II-V.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War[]

  • Seal the Deal (30Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Die Maschine, close the rift.
  • Craftwork (30Gamerscore/SilverSilver Trophy PS3 icon) - In Die Maschine, craft 14 different types of items in one match.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6[]
