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This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Pure Evil villain. Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an administrator) if new elements appear in their series that can change their status as non-PE villains. Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. |
“ | Sometimes your biggest threat is right under your nose. | „ |
~ Toffee to Ludo Avarius, foreshadowing his true nature. |
“ | Surprise!!! | „ |
~ Toffee's most famous quote. |
Toffee is the main antagonist of the Disney XD animated series Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
He is a Septarian warlord who wants to rid Mewni and the world of magic. He is the archenemy of the Butterfly family, particularly Queen Moon Butterfly and Princess Star Butterfly.
He was voiced by Michael C. Hall, who also played Dexter Morgan in Dexter and Ken Castle in the film Gamer.
Just like most of the Septarians, Toffee is a humanoid monster with a lizard-like appearance. His skin is bluish-gray, his eyes are yellow, and his hair is black and neatly slicked back. He has four fingers on each hand (with the exception of his missing middle finger).
He is notable for wearing a tuxedo - complete with a red tie - that Marco Diaz comments makes him look like a lawyer. After possessing Ludo Avarius, his eyeballs turn a glowing yellow-green, and the wand made from his right hand morphs into Ludo's arm, forming Toffee's original hand still sans the finger, with the crystal half embedded in the center.
Unlike many of the more comedic and wacky villains - the harmless Ludo among them - presented on the show, Toffee stands out from most due to his competency and serious nature. Toffee is always in control of his situation and is incredibly duplicitous and manipulative, using psychology and practicality to gain the trust of Ludo and his men, and then finally control of the castle and Ludo's army. Toffee's voice actor described his character as a "megalomaniacal, reptilian, slithery, infiltrating, flattering, backstabbing bad guy".
No matter what situation he is in, Toffee presents himself as a gentleman through and through. He puts up with Ludo's idiocy without complaint, offers a sandwich to Marco when he holds him prisoner, and even holds his end of the bargain when Star agrees to his terms. However, it is implied that Toffee is hiding a personality significantly more unhinged underneath, evidenced when he briefly grows a massive smile while ordering Star to destroy her wand, before returning to his stoic nature in a literal second. He also displays some sociopathic and obsessive tendencies, manipulating Ludo's men into abandoning him, threatening to kill Marco in front of Star without flinching, and even giving a momentary glimpse of amusement at Star's confusion.

A tapestry representing Toffee's defeat by Moon Butterfly, the Undaunted.
As revealed in the film "The Battle for Mewni", before the start of the series, Toffee (also known as "The Lizard") was a general in the monster army of Archduke Batwin fighting against the Mewmans. However, after his king decided to sign a peace treaty with the Mewmans, he and his group split off to fight on their own. When Archduke Batwin and the then-queen of Mewni, Comet Butterfly, were about to sign a peace treaty, he murdered her, making Comet's daughter Moon Butterfly (then only a child) the new queen.
Using a dark spell given to her by Eclipsa Butterfly, Moon approached Toffee and his equally immortal army to kill him. However, realizing the magic was making her dark and that Eclipsa would be free if she did (which was part of the bargain she made with Eclipsa), she simply used the spell to separate the middle finger from his right hand. When Toffee proved unable to regenerate it, his army ran away, scared of Moon's powers, forcing Toffee to withdraw begrudgingly and beginning a lifelong grudge against Moon.
Season 1[]

Toffee in his first appearance.
Years later, when Moon has grown up and had her own daughter Star Butterfly, Toffee first appears in the series as an "evil efficiency expert" hired by Ludo in the season one episode "Fortune Cookies". Discovering that Star took fortune cookies seriously, he had Ludo's minions give her a fortune cookie that read "Love is always the answer," hoping she would refuse to fight back against the monsters and instead give them hugs. However, when the two-headed monster told Star the truth, she blasted the monsters away, foiling Toffee's plan.
In "Mewnipendence Day", Toffee replaced Ludo's right-hand man Buff Frog, who did not trust him, with an electronic eye to spy on Star. He also introduced a mace with a hidden portal and sent Buff Frog to use it to deliver Star's wand to Ludo. However, he sabotaged the device so it would not work for Buff Frog, causing him to fail his mission. Toffee then convinced Ludo to fire Buff Frog.

Toffee and Ludo's minions turn against Ludo.
After Ludo's attempt to take Star's wand when the house became a labyrinth of Marco's beard was foiled, Toffee told Ludo's minions that Ludo was incompetent as a leader and urged them to choose between the two of them. The monsters chose Toffee as their new leader, and Ludo was kicked out of his castle.

Toffee's evil grin as the wand is about to explode, knowing he will enter the wand.
In the Season One finale, Toffee captured Marco and held him for ransom, demanding Star's wand. Star, Ludo, and Buff Frog joined forces to defeat him, during which Star blasted his left arm off. He regenerated it and threatened to crush Marco, revealing that he wanted Star to destroy her wand rather than give it to him. Star used the Whispering Spell to destroy her wand, which caused an explosion that blew up Ludo's castle, presumably killing Toffee. However, it is later revealed that the explosion caused by the Whispering Spell could absorb any nearby body inside the wand, and Toffee knew all about that, as it was just another part of his plans.
Season 2[]
In the second episode of Season Two, "Ludo in the Wild", after being banished to another dimension by Star following the Season One finale and the destruction of his castle, Ludo discovers a dark wand made from the right half of Star's wand and Toffee's skeletal right hand, which he continues to use from that point on. It is also revealed that the wand "speaks" to him, hinting that Toffee's ghost is manipulating Ludo from inside the wand.
In the episode "Into the Wand", Star tries to fix her own wand and discovers Toffee's finger inside it, so she removes it and places it in her secrets closet.
In the episode "Page Turner", Toffee is pictured in a crystal ball while trying to find the source of the universe's depletion of magic. At some point, the wand tells Toffee to guide Ludo to an ancient monster temple to live in.

Toffee in Ludo's body.
In the episode "The Hard Way", it is confirmed that Toffee is indeed inside Ludo's wand: when Ludo becomes tainted by the dark magic of Queen Eclipsa's chapter in the Magic Instruction Book, this allows Toffee to take possession of his body. Toffee tells Glossaryck that he'll never get Ludo on his side, but Glossaryck says he doesn't have a side. In response, Toffee laughs and says, "Excellent."

Toffee fuses himself with the wand while he defeats all of the Magic High Commission members.
In "Starcrushed", Toffee completely takes control of Ludo's body, and his skeletal hand regenerates onto Ludo's arm, fusing the magic crystal to his palm. He then proceeds to beat and drain the magic of all the Magic High Commission members, leaving Hekapoo, Rhombulus, and Omnitraxus Prime in a comatose state. Chancellor Lekmet uses up the last portion of his life energy to revive Moon and dissolves into dust, leaving behind a single horn. Moon rises to take on Toffee but is easily defeated, and she grabs her allies to escape. Before Moon leaves through a portal, Toffee tells her to tell Star that he will be coming for his finger.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni[]

Toffee possesses Ludo again after the latter has burned the Book of Magic.
In the movie "The Battle for Mewni", it is revealed that Toffee instructed Glossaryck to stay hidden during the events of "Starcrushed" in order to initiate a scheme to absorb the powers of the Magic High Commission. After Ludo furiously throws the Book of Spells into a fire, Toffee re-possesses Ludo and says that while he did not intend for Glossaryck to disappear, it still works to his advantage. Toffee's manipulations prove successful to the point where Ludo overthrows King River and takes over his position.

Toffee restored, claiming that Star Butterfly is "gone."
Star then uses the Whispering Spell and lets it absorb her into the wand crystal, where Toffee appears and emerges as an enormous slimy version of himself and takes her on, all the while convincing Moon to give him back his finger through Ludo. Moon finally agrees, and as the finger merges with his hand, he says goodbye to Star and leaves her trapped inside the now-inactive wand, as his true body emerges and forms around Ludo before spitting him out and declaring Star to be gone, crushing the wand's remnants from his hand to reaffirm this fact.
As he leaves, an enraged Moon uses the Darkest Spell taught by Eclipsa but is surprised when it does nothing to him. Toffee easily defeats Moon and Marco and prepares to leave them behind forever, having both recovered his finger and fulfilled his revenge on Moon. However, Star successfully breaks free from the inside, causing the wand halves to merge together and allowing Star to gain a new Mewberty form, in which she uses to burn the villainous lizard and sear his skin clean off, leaving him as a horrendous black ink-like creature with part of his ribs showing.
He merely laughs and says that it's not over, stating that he made all the plans and only he knows how everything will turn out. Before he can continue, Ludo pushes a pillar onto him, destroying most of his body and leaving only part of his destroyed hand and his eyeballs, with the rest of his body melting into sludge. Ludo proclaims that Toffee is dead.

Toffee's final moments before his death.
With Toffee's destruction and Comet Butterfly avenged, Eclipsa's prison begins to crack, as Moon's bargain with Eclipsa is finally fulfilled. However, Toffee's last words about unknown plans still remain a mystery, especially with his claim that he is the only one who knows the plan. Furthermore, the fact that he already possesses all Magic High Commission members' powers, which were powerful enough to rule Mewni and easily kill Moon, yet chooses to walk away calmly after getting his finger back suggests that ruling Mewni or seeking revenge on Moon are not his ultimate goals. As of the show's final season, it seems likely that Toffee's actions were ultimately at the behest of a higher power.
Season 4[]
A younger version of Toffee appears in the season four episode "Meteora's Lesson", after Glossaryck and Meteora Butterfly time-travel to an unknown point in the past. It is revealed that Toffee was once a "bad boy" teenager who had broken Glossaryck's arm due to the latter making a leaf hat. However, when Toffee was about to break Glossaryck's other arm, Meteora shoots green beams from her eyes at the Septarian, surrounding him with green-colored energy and rendering him unconscious for a moment. As soon as he regains consciousness, Toffee states that magic is the reason for the ongoing war between the Mewmans and the Septarians.

The last appearance of Toffee, saying "Surprise!" to Star after she realized that he was right.
In "The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse", Star develops a hatred towards magic similar to Toffee's motives, believing that destroying it is the only way to defeat Mina Loveberry and her Solarian Warriors. Inside Glossaryck's magic eye, Star even admits that he was right, looking at the tapestry where he is defeated by Moon. Suddenly, the pictured Toffee comes to life and yells out "Surprise!" in a manner similar to his outburst in "Storm the Castle". This startled Star, sending her out of Glossaryck's eye. After the end of the show and seeing what Star did, it seems that Toffee ultimately and posthumously succeeded in his objective of destroying all magic.
Powers and Abilities[]
The extent of Toffee's powers is never given, but it is clear that he is very dangerous when provoked. He has a firm grasp of magic and technology, having access to both with the wit and knowledge to use them to their fullest potential.
He seemingly has the ability to teleport, appearing in different places instantaneously with no visibly shown method as to how. Not unlike actual lizards, Toffee is able to regenerate whole body parts, such as when Star blew his entire left arm off with her wand, only to regenerate it within seconds. Despite his regenerative abilities, he is still missing his middle finger. It is revealed that it was separated from him with a powerful spell, so perhaps very strong spells can permanently injure him and his species as a whole.
According to the verse in the episode "Into the Wand", Toffee is immortal.
After taking over Ludo's body and fusing the wand into his arm, he proves himself to be easily the most powerful threat in the series, with magic powerful enough to defeat and drain three Magic High Commission members (Hekapoo, Rhombulus, and Omnitraxus Prime), rendering them either temporarily dead or unconscious and in a coma (although they can be revived). He drained Moon of all her energy, forcing Lekmet (the fourth Commission member) to sacrifice himself to restore her.
Once Moon transforms into her winged form to battle Toffee, she is still easily defeated by his giant green energy blade. Even after burying him in rubble, he rises out unscathed, and she is forced to recover her defeated teammates and escape. Toffee is also skilled at hand-to-hand combat, as shown during his final battle with Moon in Battle for Mewni. Moon has demonstrated several times that she's a capable and powerful warrior. Yet, Toffee easily counters all of her attacks and subdues her with no effort. He also throws Marco hard enough against a wall that it cracks upon impact. This level of strength and skill most likely stems from Toffee's experience as a monster general.
“ | Yes, well, you're not the first monster to fall victim to their magic. | „ |
~ Toffee |
“ | Ludo: What a pathetic display back there! You guys make me sick! No more milkshake privileges for you. I want you to use that time to think about what you’ve done! Toffee: Perhaps they should use that time to think about what you’ve done. Ludo: Exactly! Wait, what? Toffee: Let me ask you a question: what kind of leader throws you into a pit of hair, make you do all the work, and shows you no appreciation for your sacrifices? Ludo: Are you talking about me? Toffee: What kind of leader has all the power in Universe at his finger tips, and gets tickled right out of it? Ludo: Toffee, what are you saying? Toffee: Your soldiers deserve better. Ludo: W-w, you are fired! Toffee: Let’s put it to your soldiers. Who’s the better leader: Ludo, or me? |
„ |
~ Toffee manipulating Ludo’s army to make him their new leader. |
“ | Ludo: You can’t do this! This is my castle. Those are my monsters! Toffee: Not anymore. |
„ |
~ Toffee taking Ludo’s castle and army, and kicking him out. |
“ | Do you think I'm like Ludo? I don't want your wand, destroy it. | „ |
~ Toffee to Star. |
“ | Yes you do. It’s the first spell your mother taught you. | „ |
~ Ludo telling Star to use the Whispering Spell to destroy the wand. |
“ | Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. | „ |
~ Toffee, before the wand blows up. |
“ | Ludo's not here right now. But if you'd like, you can leave a message. | „ |
~ Toffee possessing Ludo. |
“ | Hello, Moon. It's been a while. | „ |
~ Toffee to Queen Moon. |
“ | Tell Star I'm coming for my finger. | „ |
~ Toffee to Moon. |
“ | Time to give it up, old man. You'll never get him on your side. | „ |
~ Toffee to Glossaryck about Ludo. |
“ | You don't, do you? Excellent. | „ |
~ Toffee after Glossaryck say he does not have a side. |
“ | I didn't want this. This was all Ludo. But now that you're gone, I can finally get him to do what I wanted. I'd love to chat more, but it looks like you're out of time. | „ |
~ Toffee to Glossaryck, after Ludo burns the book. |
“ | Have you learned nothing? | „ |
~ Toffee to Moon. |
“ | Hello, princess. | „ |
~ Toffee to Star. |
“ | Poor little butterfly, you've lost your wings. | „ |
~ Toffee to Star. |
“ | You don't even recognize your own magic when you're swimming in it. | „ |
~ Toffee revealing that the green slime is the corrupted magic. |
“ | You think you've won? HA! You don't make the plans, I do! Me! Only I know how this all turns out! | „ |
~ Toffee's last words before being crushed by Ludo. |
“ | See? This is the threat of magic! This is what we are at war against. | „ |
~ Toffee after being attacked by Meteora Butterfly. |
- It was speculated by some that Toffee is a son or descendant of Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness, a Mewman who took a monster as her love interest and left the kingdom. This speculation arose from an image of Eclipsa appearing among clips of him in "Into the Wand". However, it was later revealed that their only connection is that Eclipsa gave Moon the spell that defeated Toffee. Ironically, during the event of Monster Bash, Heinous is revealed to be Eclipsa's daughter.
- In Daron Nefcy's book The Magic Book of Spells, it was confirmed that Comet, Moon's mother, was defeated and killed by Toffee, who is also named as the prince of the nation of dark monsters.
- According to the information shown in The Magic Book of Spells, it is speculated that Toffee is part of Seth of Septaris's faction that dedicated themselves to vanquishing Mewni. The book reveals that Seth opposed the peace treaty between Mewmen and Monsters and sent his forces to kill Comet. Much of Toffee's more mysterious actions can be better understood if viewed from the perspective that he was ultimately serving Seth and his agenda.
- In interviews, Daron Nefcy calls Toffee a "Magneto-type character" who is "not wrong, but he’s going about things the wrong way".
External Links[]
- Toffee on the Disney Wiki
- Toffee on the Star vs. the Forces of Evil Wiki
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Septarians Ludo's Army St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses Solarian Army Magic High Commission Other |