“ | And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit! | „ |
~ Judge Claude Frollo. |
~ CatNap. |
Fanatics, also known as “Zealots” or “Idolaters”, are people highly devoted to religious, political, ideological, and other Idolatrous causes to oppressive and extreme degrees. They are one of the more dangerous types of villains that the protagonists have to face since they believe everything they do, no matter how horrendous can somehow be morally justified.
They often play the victim (or more specifically the martyr) when their deeds are exposed and brainwash others into believing only their beliefs are correct and make Scapegoats out of those who don't agree with their beliefs as being ironically evil and conspiring to destroy or kill them. They are extremely defensive, watchful and willing to commit horrendous acts of violence (including terrorism) to preserve their beliefs from "enemies".
In many cases, Fanatics may be rogue elements, not being good representatives of their respective beliefs and doing things that would normally be considered wrong by their own belief systems yet finding ways around it by using the same system.
Thragg -
Conquest (Invincible) -
Susan "Sadie" Atkins -
Dark Might -
CatNap -
Qu -
Omni-Man (original) -
Thunderbolt Ross (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
All items (4515)
- A Brighter Dawn
- A.K.I.
- A.R.C.
- Aamir Barkawi
- Abasi Hakim
- Abbot Emmanuel
- Abbot of Amboise
- Abdulla
- Abdulla's Grandmother
- Abel (Fairy Tail)
- Abel Bluefield
- Abernathy
- Abigail Williams (Murdered: Soul Suspect)
- Abir (Dead Air)
- Abner
- Abraham Reyes
- Abu Fayed
- Abu Nazir
- Abu Ramal
- Ace (Mad Max: Fury Road)
- Acha and Kocha
- Achmed the Dead Terrorist
- Acnologia
- Acolytes (Marvel)
- Acolytes (Warframe)
- Acqua of the Back
- AD-W4
- Ada Mason
- Adam (Silent Hill)
- Adam (Trauma Center)
- Adam (Welcome to the Game)
- Adam Collins
- Adam Meiks
- Adam Smasher
- Adam Susan
- Adam Sutler
- Adam Taurus
- Adel (Kamen Rider Ghost)
- Adenoid Hynkel
- Adler (Ace Combat)
- Adler (SIGNALIS)
- Admin T. Irving
- Admiral Garrick Versio
- Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema
- Admiral Majin
- Admiral Orlock
- Admiral Piett
- Admiral Trench
- Admiral Wilhelm
- Adolf Hitler (DC)
- Adolf Hitler (Duke Nukem)
- Adolf Hitler (Family Guy)
- Adolf Hitler (Hunters)
- Adolf Hitler (Indiana Jones)
- Adolf Hitler (Jojo Rabbit)
- Adolf Hitler (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Adolf Hitler (Marvel)
- Adolf Hitler (The King's Speech)
- Adolf Hitler (The Simpsons)
- Adria (Diablo)
- Aerisi Kalinoth
- Aeron Greyjoy
- Aerys II Targaryen
- Agata
- Agency Against Hank Wimbleton
- Agent Black
- Agent Franklin
- Agent Henderson
- Agent Liberty (Supergirl)
- Agent Morrisey
- Agent Smithson
- Agent Terex
- Agent Trout
- Agent Underville
- Agents of DIO
- Agito
- Agnese Forces
- Agnese Sanctis
- Agni
- Agniezjka Bogdani
- Agnus
- Agram
- Aguilera
- Agustin Allende
- Ahab Marsh
- Ahide Alobo Agatze
- Ahmed (The Sky Lighter)
- Ahura Mazda (Record of Ragnarok)
- Aido Kagerou
- Aigaron
- Airy (Bravely Default)
- Ajeel Ramal
- Akahoshi
- Akainu
- Akajusha
- Akeel Min Riah
- Akhenaten (Assassin's Creed)
- Akihiro Kanou
- Akikatsu Manabe
- Al Mualim
- Al-Qatala
- Alabama Cobb
- Alain
- Alarak
- Alaric
- Alastair Adana
- Albie Kinsella
- Albion
- Albrecht Von Beck
- Alchemists (Noita)
- Alden Bitterroot
- Aldmeri Dominion
- Alec Baldwin (Team America: World Police)
- Alec Stoke-d'Urberville
- Alejandro Rojas
- Aleksander Lukin
- Aleksei Bessolov
- Aleksis Dorsey
- Alema Rar
- Alenia
- Alex (Dragalia Lost)
- Alexander Anderson
- Alexander Isaacs (Clone)
- Alexander Luthor, Sr.
- Alexander Pierce (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Alexander Rausch
- Alexandra Springer
- Alexis Butler
- Alfanso
- Alfred, Duke of Meinz
- Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods
- Alice (DC)
- Alice (Murder Drones)
- Alicia Songbird
- Aliens (ufology)
- Alison DiLaurentis (Literary)
- Alistair Smythe (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
- Alixus
- All-Black
- Allegiant General Pryde
- Almighty Tallests
- Alora
- Aloys la Touche
- Altaaf Khan
- Alternate Reality Mr. Turner
- Alto Stratus
- Altruist Cult
- Alva (Arifureta)
- Alyona (Winter Moon)
- Alyona Ivanovna
- Amagami Shiro
- Amalthus
- Amanda the Adventurer
- Amane Momose
- Amaterasu Okami (Record of Ragnarok)
- Amazon Killer
- Ambassador Darkness
- Ambassador Hell
- Amber Freeman
- Ambessa Medarda
- Ambulance Clown
- America Now
- American Boeing B-29 Superfortress
- American Chemical Corps
- American Client
- Amon (StarCraft)
- Amon (The Legend of Korra)
- Amon Goeth (Schindler's List)
- Amos Hackshaw
- Amset-Ra
- Amy Hughes
- Amycus Carrow
- Ana Joaquina Velarde
- Anarchy 99
- Anarky (Arkhamverse)
- Anarky (Beware the Batman)
- Anarky's Gang
- Anatoly (Call of Duty)
- Anatoly Cherdenko
- Anavel Gato
- Ancient Order of the VHS
- Anders Behring Breivik (July 22)
- Andou Midori
- Andrei (Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodines)
- Andrej Evilenko
- Andrew "Combo" Gascoigne
- Andrew Diggle
- Andrew Forson
- Andrew Taronne
- Andrew Tully
- Andross (Benimaru Itoh)
- Andross (Star Fox)