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Sonic Wiki Zone
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Sonic Wiki Zone

A Sonic Surprise! This spring-loaded box of tricks will confuse rivals who run into it!

— Description, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

The Sonic-in-the-box is an Item Box power-up that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a Trap Item used primarily to obstruct opposing rivals' path.


The Sonic-in-the-box's icon takes form of yellow box (with two blue stripes outside and a red stripe between in front of the box) with yellow-red springs appeared with Jester Sonic's toy head. What a surprise! In gameplay, this power-up becomes the aforementioned boxes down the track. Watch out for some opened box appeared the surprise!


In gameplay, the Sonic-in-the-box can only be obtained at random from Item Boxes by Jester Sonic. As with most other Items, Metal Sonic and Metal Sonic Mach 3.0 can also use the Sonic-in-the-box if they use the Steal Item, or Fortune Teller Amy if she uses Lucky Draw or Wall of Cards to steal it from the aforementioned user.

Once obtained, the player can utilize the Sonic-in-the-box by pressing its icon on the bottom of the HUD. When used, the Sonic-in-the-box will drop its boxes some distance ahead of the user's current location on all the lanes that the user is not currently on. Notably, some or all of appeared boxes will open that appear Jester Sonic's toy head which the players cannot be jumped over. If a character collides with any of the boxes, including the user themselves, they will have their controls flipped, and will also have their Item slots on the bottom of the HUD disappear for a short time. However, the player can still use the power-ups stored in them by tapping on the place the slots are located. To avoid the Sonic-in-the-box, the playable character must jump over the unopened boxes or run in-between them.

The Sonic-in-the-box can also be upgraded by leveling the user up to level 4, 10 and 16 respectively. For each upgrade, the Sonic-in-the-box will increase the damage it deals.


  • Upon its inclusion in the 4.25.0 update, the Sonic-in-the-box, mistakenly, did not have a confusion effect placed onto it, as its description implies. Instead, it takes regular damage. This was later fixed during the 4.26.0 update
