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KPR Doctor artwork.png
Artwork of Doctor Kirby from Kirby: Planet Robobot
First game Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016)
Latest game Kirby's Dream Buffet
(2022, reference)
Other game(s) Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
(as Doctor Healmore)
Kirby Battle Royale
Super Kirby Clash
(as Doctor Healmore)
Usage type Unlimited use
Obtained from Chemitory;
amiibo: Dr. Mario, Wii Fit Trainer.
Power(s) Performs attacks related to medicine and doctors
Similar to Circus
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This article is about the Copy Ability. For for other uses of the word "Doctor" and related subjects, see Doctor (disambiguation).
Knowledgeable in medicine and the sciences, Doctor Kirby has a variety of quick and devastating attacks!
— Pause screen text

Doctor is a Copy Ability introduced in the game Kirby: Planet Robobot. Kirby can obtain this ability by inhaling and swallowing Chemitory, the capsule-shaped dispensary enemy, or by swallowing the pills it throws at Kirby. When acquiring this ability, Kirby sports a white coat, a headlamp, and a pair of round blue glasses.

Kirby gains a variety of attacks when developing this ability. His primary attack involves throwing pills at enemies, in a similar vein to Dr. Mario from the Super Smash Bros. games. He also gains a bandage twirling ability, can hit enemies with a giant clipboard, can fire upward with a syringe, and brew chemical concoctions.

Perhaps the most unique move of this ability is the Science Lab move, which allows Kirby to create one of four chemical concoctions. One is a fire potion, which spouts a powerful flame. Another is an ice potion that freezes enemies above Kirby. The third is an electric concoction that fires several small electric projectiles in a fountain-like manner. The last, and by far the rarest (unavailable in some modes), is a green concoction that Kirby drinks to recover Health. All three of the offensive brews can be used on their respective elemental puzzles, making this ability very versatile. Kirby will automatically use the concoction once he is done brewing it, or he can Guard or jump before releasing to store it for later use.

Game appearances[edit]

Kirby: Planet Robobot[edit]

The Doctor ability debuted in this game, along with the primary provider of the ability, Chemitory. This ability gives Kirby access to a large array of possibilities and projectiles. The main draw of the ability is the powerful but somewhat random move "Science Lab", which can be used to light fuses, electrify wires, cool down magma blocks, and even recover health.

Doctor's Moveset in Kirby: Planet Robobot 
(while facing right)
Skill Image Button Execution Description
Bouncing Capsule
KPR Bouncing Capsule clip.png
Press and release B
Kirby throws a small capsule that bounces on the ground twice before disappearing.
Pill Bopper
KPR Pill Bopper clip.png
Press and hold B, and then release
Kirby throws five capsules (2 behind and 3 in front) to act as crowd control.
Science Lab
KPR Science Lab clip.png
↓ + hold B extra long, and then release
Kirby uses a chemistry kit to make one out of the four potions. Each has their own abilities:
Science Lab potions  
Potion Image Description
KPR Science Lab fire clip.png
Kirby holds the potion over himself as it launches a blast of fire that decimates enemies.
KPR Science Lab ice clip.png
Kirby holds the potion over himself as it launches a blast of ice that freezes enemies in contact.
KPR Science Lab spark clip.png
Kirby holds the potion over himself as it launches 6 balls of electricity around him.
KPR Science Lab heal clip.png
Unlike the first three, Kirby drinks the potion to restore the same amount of health as an Energy Drink would. This is the first Copy Ability in the series to have a healing move, though it's not available in The Arena or The True Arena, likely for that reason. This potion occurs less often than the other three, and will not appear if Kirby has full health.
KPR Science Lab fail clip.png
If the B button is released before Kirby is finished brewing a concoction, the set will blow up in his face, leaving him covered in soot for a few seconds. This explosion will also damage enemies.
Research Vault
KPR Research Vault clip.png
A/Guard during Science Lab
Kirby stores the potion for later use.
Spray Medicine
KPR Spray Medicine clip.png
↑ + B
Kirby sprays a mysterious liquid above himself, creating a barrier similar to that of the Prism Shield.
Bandage Spin
KPR Bandage Spin clip.png
Dash + release B in midair
Kirby twirls bandages around himself as he falls.
KPR Pharmacy clip.png
Dash + hold B in midair
Kirby chucks out three capsules out of a jar in front of him. The jar also has a hitbox.
Therefore, 'Pharmacy' can land up to 4 hits (jar+3 capsules) when close to an enemy, making it a preferred move in boss battles.
Clipboard Bash
KPR Clipboard Bash clip.png
Dash + B
Kirby charges through enemies with a clipboard, becoming invincible during the attack.

Kirby Battle Royale[edit]

Ha! Are you wearing those glasses to look smart? If I were a doctor, I'd say to get rest and call me in the morning!
— Knuckle Joe's comment in Kirby Battle Royale
Make potions on the fly to use in battle. It's medical mayhem!
— Collection menu flavor text in Kirby Battle Royale

Doctor is one of the selectable abilities in Kirby Battle Royale, though it needs to be unlocked before it can be used. Doctor Kirby's moveset does not have the Fire and Ice concoctions in this iteration, but retains his Spark concoction and Healing concoction, and a new concoction that creates a cloud that puts opponents to sleep.

Doctor has three alternate pieces of Headgear in this title. These are the "Chemitory Hat", the "Nurse Cap", and the "Sacred Hat".

Doctor Kirby's moveset in Kirby Battle Royale  
Skill Button Execution
Bouncing Capsule
Flash Spark
Hold/release B/Y (first phase)
Sleeping Gas
Hold/release B/Y (second phase)
Hold/release B/Y (third phase)
Clipboard Bash

Kirby's Dream Buffet[edit]

In Kirby's Dream Buffet, Doctor Kirby appears on a Character Treat, using his artwork from Kirby: Planet Robobot. Doctor is not an ability in the game proper.


Main article: Doctor Healmore

In the Kirby Clash series of spin-off titles, Doctor Kirby takes on an alternate look and role as Doctor Healmore. Doctor Healmore is largely the same as its main-series counterpart, but with a few aesthetic changes and a different B charge move. Instead of using "Pill Bopper", Doctor Healmore can cast a spell called "Healing Area" with three levels of charge. This move creates a puddle on the ground which heals any Kirby who steps in it.

Ironically, Doctor Healmore has made more distinct playable appearances in the Kirby series than the standard Doctor ability has.

In the Kirby novel series[edit]

V7 Illustration 13.png
Doctor Kirby making experiments in Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure!
First volume Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure!
Last volume Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!!
Obtained from Director Kane
Power(s) Repelling attacks with a clipboard, creating explosive concoctions
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In the Kirby novel series, the Doctor ability makes an appearance in Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure! and in Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!!.

In Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure!, Kirby obtains the ability from inhaling Director Kane. After gaining the ability, Kirby changes his manners and becomes more serious. He tells Waddle Dee to refer to him as "doctor" and continually calls him his assistant. Waddle Dee is at first suspicious that Kirby's change in manners was a result of somebody taking control over Kirby but is relieved to know that it is really Kirby when Doctor Kirby tells him that he is developing a medicine to make food tastier. Doctor Kirby enters a reference room and analyses the structure of the building, locating where they need to go. Later, when Susie attacks Kirby and Waddle Dee, Doctor Kirby holds a clipboard and uses it to repel Susie's missiles. Kirby begins to experiment with his test tubes, and Waddle Dee tells him to instead focus on the battle, to no avail. When he finishes, Doctor Kirby throws the newly created medicine at the Business Suit, creating a fiery explosion. Doctor Kirby and Susie continue to fight until a missile hits Kirby, knocking out Director Kane and making Kirby lose the copy ability.

In Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!!, the Doctor ability is wielded by one of the Kirby copies who faces Kirby and Waddle Dee in the match of Crazy Theater. Doctor Kirby and Mirror Kirby answer correctly on the first question. During the second round, Kirby spits fake apples at both Kirby copies, trampling and knocking them both out, thus leaving them unable to answer the question. In the third question, Doctor Kirby tries to calculate the answer to the problem, but is distracted by the fight between Kirby and Mirror Kirby. Since he didn't calculate the answer, he copies Waddle Dee's one and stands in the incorrect area. It is revealed that he was outsmarted by Waddle Dee, who noticed that he was being copied, went to the wrong area at the start. By that, Doctor Kirby and Mirror Kirby lose the match.


  • This is among the most elaborate costumes that Kirby can acquire from a Copy Ability, featuring three distinct articles: a white coat, a headlamp, and a pair of round blue glasses. Other Copy Abilities generally only grant Kirby a hat.



Official Kirby Portal video showcasing Doctor

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ドクター
Traditional Chinese 醫生
Simplified Chinese 医生
Dutch Dokter Doctor
French Docteur Doctor
German Doktor Doctor
Italian Dottore Doctor
Korean 닥터
Polish Doktor[1] Doctor
Portuguese Doutor Doctor
Russian Доктор[2][3]
Spanish Doctor -
