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Needle-Cutter K64 artwork.jpg
Kirby preparing to snap his Needle-Cutter jaws
First game Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Type(s) Unlimited uses
Obtained from Combine Needle and Cutter
Power(s) Creating and snapping a giant jaw upwards
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This article is about the Power Combo from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, and should not be confused with Clutter Needle.

Needle-Cutter[1] is a Power Combo featured in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. It is a combination of the Needle and Cutter abilities.

When using this ability, Kirby's arms transform into a pair of giant jaws with sharp teeth. The player can press the B button to make Kirby clench his jaws above him.

Kirby must first prepare this move by holding the jaws out to the sides. While this is happening, Kirby cannot move, though if he was dashing, he can use his momentum to slide forward a little upon executing this move. Upon release, the jaws snap shut, damaging any enemies above. At both points of the move, enemies are damaged if they touch Kirby's jaw-arms.

Like the other abilities in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, this ability does not change Kirby's physical appearance in any way until it is used.



  1. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards American English manual, page 16