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Below are the Gifts available to the Theurge Auspice and the Gurahl's Kieh Auspice.

(For Black Spiral Dancer Theurge Gifts, see Black Spiral Dancer Gifts.)

List of Gifts[]

First Edition and GURPS Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Mother's Touch: The Garou is able to heal the wounds of other Werewolves, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area and making an Intelligence + Medicine roll with a difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage. Each success heals one wound level. The Garou may use Mother's Touch on any given person only once per day.
    Each time the character attempts to cure aggravated wounds, she must use a Gnosis point. It is even possible to cure battle scars in this manner. This procedure requires special ingredients and a large number of Gnosis points, depending on the injury. The Garou may not use her healing powers on herself.[1]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the Metis power.[2]
  • Spirit Speech: This gift allows the Garou to communicate with encountered spirits anywhere. The Garou is thus able to address them whether they wish to be addressed or not. Of course, nothing (usually) prevents the spirit from leaving. This power requires the expenditure of a Willpower point.[3]

Level 2[]

  • Command Spirit: The character can manipulate encountered spirits, giving simple commands and expecting their obedience. While she cannot summon them by name as others do, she can interact with those she meets anywhere. Successful controlling requires a Charisma + Leadership roll, and each command requires the expenditure of a Willpower point. Note that the Garou cannot command spirits to leave areas they have been bound to with this gift.[4]
  • Name the Spirit: The Garou is able to detect the type and approximate levels of ability (Rage, Power, etc.) of a spirit by spending a Willpower point and rolling Perception + Occult against a difficulty of 8.[5]
  • Sight From Beyond: When danger stalks the Garou, or momentous events are in the offing, visions begin striking the Garou without warning. Images of the Cainite Elder stalking her haunt her dreams, she begins seeing symbols of the Wyrm wherever she looks, and the sky itself will open to show her the images of the glorious battle to come. Interpreting these signs is best handled through roleplaying, but the Storyteller can require the Garou to make a Wits + Occult roll against a difficulty of 7 if appropriate.[6]
  • Sense Weaver: On a successful roll of Perception + Science, the Garou may sense Weaver spirits or energies in the nearby area. The difficulty is based on the strength of the Weaver's influence. (Sensing a Mind Spider in Dream would have a difficulty of 6.)[7]
  • Sense Wyld: As the Lupus Gift.[8]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: This is the gift of ejecting spirits from where they are. If a spirit does not wish to leave, the character must make a Manipualtion + Intimidation roll against a difficulty of the spirit's Willpower. If the spirit has been bound to its lodging place, then the Exorcist must make a Wits + Subterfuge roll against a difficulty of 8 and gain more successes then the binder did in tying the spirit to its location.[9]
  • Parting the Velvet Curtain: This Gift allows a Garou to transport non-Garou into the Umbra. If the non-Garou wants to resist, she must make a resisted Willpower roll against the bearer of the Gift. This Gift can be used for physical transport through a reflective surface or spirit travel. It requires that the Garou touch the subject and expend a Gnosis point. The Garou may then make a Gnosis roll against the strength of the Gauntlet plus one for each non-Garou. This difficulty is not raised for Kinfolk. A maximum of eight non-Garou may be transported this way. While in the Umbra, the non-Garou are connected to the Garou by silk threads. The non-Garou will stay with the Garou in the Umbra, and when the Garou leaves the Umbra, they return as well. If a Garou wishes to send someone home prematurely, she may do so by spending a Willpower point.[10]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: Spirits fill the world around the Garou, and none know this better than the Theurge. While they usually only interact when the spirit is summoned or chooses to manifest, those Garou with the Pulse of the Invisible remain constantly aware of all spirits o around them and can interact with them at will. While most of what occurs is barely worth watching, the Garou will be aware of any dramatic changes.
    Caerns: Places of Power: A Theurge with this Gift can always tell when a Moon Bridge is opening up. If she can see this location, she can usually see who the travelers are.[11]
  • Umbral Sight: A Garou can spend a Gnosis point and roll Perception + Alertness, versus a difficulty equal to the Gauntlet of the area, to see into the Umbra. This is like Peeking, but from the other side, the physical realm. The ability lasts for the rest of the scene, or until the character moves to an area with a higher Gauntlet rating. Note that, while focused on the Umbra the character cannot see in the physical realm.
    Caerns: Places of Power: A Garou can tell who is arriving via a Moon Bridge with a roll of Perception + Occult (difficulty 7, three successes required).[12]

Level 4[]

  • Orson Gravely and Players Guide: Grasp the Beyond: This allows a Garou to take things from the Umbra without having to step sideways. The Garou can also put things into the Umbra. He must spend one Willpower point to grasp hand-held objects (stones, knives), two for larger objects (swords), and there for huge objects (an unconscious Garou). Fetishes can resist with their Gnosis versus the grasper's Willpower.[13]
  • Spirit Drain: If the Garou succeeds in a resisted Gnosis vs. Gnosis roll while combating a spirit, the spirit loses a number of Power points to the Theurge for the rest of the Scene. For every two points drained, the Garou gains a temporary Willpower point, but loses any points exceeding her maximum at the end of the Scene.[14]
  • Ultimate Argument of Logic: Those who speak with the Garou generally come away sure of some fact they otherwise might not have believed - but now they believe it wholeheartedly. With three successes on a Manipualtion + Performance roll against the target's Wits + Enigmas, the Garou can cause the target to become sure of one aspect of existence from the fact that the sun revolves around the Earth to the wolf's inherent nature being that of the pawn.[15]

Level 5[]

  • Feral Lobotomy: With but a thought, the Garou can turn an opponent's brain to that of an animal. By making a Wits + Medicine roll against the target's Willpower + 3 (maximum 10) and spending Gnosis, the character can permanently destroy a foe's Intelligence. Two Gnosis points must be spent for every point of Intelligence destroyed, and the Theurge cannot destroy more points than he rolls successes. Additionally, the target begins acting more wolf-like for every point taken away.[16]
  • The Malleable Spirit: By succeeding in a resisted Gnosis contest with a spirit, the Garou can change the spirit's form or purpose. The difficulty of the Garou's roll is based on what she tries to accomplish, while the spirit's difficulty is the character's Gnosis.
    Change: Switch Characteristics; Difficulty: 6
    Change: Change Role; Difficulty: 8
    Change: Change Disposition; Difficulty: 10[17]
  • Shadowplay: The Garou can cause his shadow to come to life and perform actions. The shadow is an exact replica of the Garou in every attribute and ability. The Garou must play "shadow puppets" to get it to act, mimicking any action it makes with his hands. No light need be present, though. To activate the shadow, roll Dexterity + Enigmas, difficulty eight, and spend a Gnosis point. This is similar to the Shadow Lord Gift: Shadow Pack, but multiple shadows may not be summoned, and the Garou must create the shadows actions. However, the shadow can operate out of the sight of its puppet master; its range is ten yards per success on the roll.[18]
  • Spirit Vessel: The Garou can channel a particular spirit and temporarily gain some of its abilities. This is similar to Past Lige, but allows the Garou to use spirit Charms. Thus, a Garou can temporarily gain the Charm Airt Sense or Fire Lightning Bolts, if he channels an Electricity Elemental. The effect lasts for one scene. Roll Gnosis and spend a Gnosis point; use the Rite of Summoning chart to determine the target difficulty for the spirit channeled. The number of successes equals the power of the Charm that the Garou can use. One success allows the Garou to use a one point cost Charm (such as Airt Sense), while three successes allows a three point Charm. However, if the player botches his roll, the Garou accidentally channels a Bane. The Bane will completely take over the Garou's body, just as if it had possessed him, and run rampant; it is up to the Storyteller to run this stray Bane.[19]

Level 6[]

  • Grimfang: Rebirthing: This gift is a special one bestowed upon Grimfang by Gaia herself. Upon his death, he will be reborn in the form of a cub somewhere within 2,000 miles of his demise. This is not a Past Life, but an actual reincarnation. At maturity, the cub will come into Grimfang's true powers.[20]

Second Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Mother's Touch: The Garou is able to heal the wounds of others, aggravated or otherwise, simply but laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself with this Gift. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.[21]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the Level One Metis Gift.[22]
  • Spirit Speech: This Gift allows the Garou to communicate with encountered spirits. The Garou is this able to address them whether they wish to be addressed or not. Of course, nothing (usually) prevents the spirit from leaving. This Gift can be taught by any spirit.[23]

Level 2[]

  • Command Spirit: The character can manipulate encountered spirits, giving simple commands and expecting their compliance. While she cannot summon spirits by name with this Gift, she can interact with those she meets. This Gift is taught by any Incarna avatar.[24]
  • Name the Spirit: As the Level Three Lupus Gift.[25]
  • Sight From Beyond: When danger stalks the Garou, or momentous events are in the offing, visions begin striking the Garou without warning. Her dreams are haunted by images of the Cainite elder stalking her; she begins seeing symbols of the Wyrm wherever she looks; the sky itself opens to show her images of the glorious battle to come. This Gift is taught by a Crow-spirit.[26]
  • Umbral Tether: Although most Theurges would never admit it, even they can become lost in the spirit world from time to time. This Gift allows the werewolf to spin a spiritual line, resembling spider silk, behind her as she explores the Umbra. Only the Garou using the Gift can see the trail, thus increasing the Theurge's reputation as master of the spirit world. A Spider-spirit teaches this Gift.[27]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places or objects, whether they are there voluntarily or are bound there. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.[28]
  • Astrological: Prophetic Vision: This Gift enables the Garou to receive a vision of the future based on the study of the night sky. The vision usually reveals itself in astrological terms ("Lu-bat's influence suggests an attitude of acceptance toward the events of the next several days" or "The intervention of Shantar indicates that changes may occur rapidly in the near future.") This Gift is taught by a Star-spirit.[29]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: Spirits fill the world around the Garou, and none knows this better than the Theurge. Those Garou with Pulse of the Invisible remain constantly aware of all that spirits do around them and can interact with them at will. While most of what occurs is barely worth watching, the Garou will be aware of any dramatic changes. This Gift is taught by any spirit.[30]
  • Spirit Path: The Umbra can often confuse the senses of even the most perceptive tracker. The Theurge who possesses this Gift can track a particular spirit anywhere in the spirit world. As long as the Garou knows the spirit's name, she can find that spirit no matter which Umbral realm it takes refuge in. A Cockroach-spirit can teach this Gift.[31]
  • Umbral Sight: Although all Garou can Peek from the Penumbra into the Realm, the Theurge is capable of shifting his sight into the Penumbra from the physical world. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.[32]

Level 4[]

  • Grasp the Beyond: The Garou may take things to and from the Umbra without having to dedicate them to herself (see Rite of Talisman Dedication, pg. 144). This includes humans and animals, both willing and unwilling. Garou often use this power to take loyal Kinfolk with them on Umbral quests or to heal injured Kinfolk - both body and soul - in mystic Glens.[33]
  • Shadowplay: The Theurge breathes life into her shadow, which can then perform tasks for her. The shadow moves about independently with the same abilities as its creator. The Theurge's emissary can cause lifesaving distractions, pick up remote objects and even fight battles.[34]
  • Spirit Drain: The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed his own resolve. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Uktena totem.[35]
  • Ultimate Argument of Logic: Those who speak with the Garou leave convinced of some fact they might otherwise have disbelieved. If successful, the Garou can cause the target to believe implicitly in one aspect of existence (true of false) - from the "fact" that the sun revolves around the Earth to the "truism" that the wolf's inherent nature is that of the pawn. This Gift is taught by a Coyote-spirit.[36]

Level 5[]

  • Feral Lobotomy: With but a thought, the Garou can devolve an opponent's mind to that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Griffin totem.[37]
  • The Malleable Spirit: The Garou can change a spirit's form or purpose. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.[38]
  • Spirit Vessel: One of the best kept secrets of the Theurge elders is the ability to channel spirit. For a short time, Garou and spirit become one creature with the abilities of both. Usually, the Garou remains in control, adding the spirit's Charms to her repertoire - but sometimes things go awry. Elementals, especially fire elementals, understand the workings of this Gift. Banes can also teach this Gift - but at a dangerous cost.[39]

Level 6[]

  • Rebirthing: This most holy and rare of Gaia's Gifts enables the Garou upon his death to be instantly reincarnated in the body of a newborn cub living within 2,000 miles of where the Garou died. The reincarnation is most often of the same breed as the Garou had in his former life, but it can be into another breed - even metis - if the only newborn within range is not of the original breed. If there are no newborn cubs in range within one turning of the moon from the moment of death, then the Garou is not reborn and goes where all Garou go upon death.[40]

Werewolf: The Wild West and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Mother's Touch: The werewolf can heal the wounds of others (but not herself), aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.[41]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the Level One Metis Gift.[42]
  • Spirit Speech: This Gift allows the Garou to speak with encountered spirits. This Gift doesn't compel the spirit to answer, or prevent it from leaving. This Gift can be taught by any spirit.[43]

Level 2[]

  • Command Spirit: The werewolf can give simple commands to encountered spirits and be obeyed. This conveys no summoning power - the spirit must be present to be commanded. This Gift is taught by any Incarna avatar.[44]
  • Name the Spirit: The Theurge can sense the type and approximate Trait levels (Rage, Power, etc.) of a spirit. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Uktena totem.[45]
  • Sight from Beyond: When danger stalks the Garou, or momentous events are in the offing, visions come to him without warning. When the Storm Eater was freed, Theurges across the land were struck by visions of the sky ripping open; even now, many crescent Moons hope to gain clues of how to best the great Bane in their dreams. This Gift is taught by a Crow-spirit.[46]
  • Tinker's Touch: The Theurge can mend a broken object with a touch, as long as the item contains metal. This Gift is especially useful for emergency wagon repairs or for fixing guns during a siege.[47]
  • Whispers From Thoth: This Gift allows the user to hear across the Shroud. Conversations (if any) happening in the Shadowlands become audible to the Garou. This is a very versatile and discrete Gift, as there is no visible effect: The wraiths do not know that they are being eavesdropped upon. This gift is taught by Owl-spirits.[48]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places or objects, whether they are there voluntarily or are bound there. This Gift is taught by any Incarna avatar.[49]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: The Theurge need no longer focus to communicate with spirits upon mastering this Gift; she is now constantly aware of all that spirits do around her and can interact with them at will. While most spirit-business is hardly of note, she will notice any dramatic changes in the environment. This Gift is taught by any spirit.[50]
  • Umbral Camouflage: Although perfectly visible in the physical world, this Gift renders the Garou undetectable by spirits. In conjunction with other Gifts, Umbral Camouflage can make the user vanish from all perception. Garou who use this Gift in the Umbra might as well be someplace else entirely. A Wind-spirit teaches this Gift.[51]

Level 4[]

  • Grasp the Beyond: The Theurge may take things to and from the Umbra without having to dedicate them to herself (see Rite of Talisman Dedication, pg. 173). This includes humans and animals, both willing and unwilling. Garou often use this power to take loyal Kinfolk with them on Umbral quests or to heal injured kin - both body and soul - in mystic Glens. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.[52]
  • Obscure the Spirit World: This Gift allows the elder to confuse the minds of young Garou, making it impossible for them to step sideways. The victims of this Gift are blind to the spirit world and all of its denizens. Quite often used as a punishment, the Gift has obvious tactical advantages when fighting other Garou. A Coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.[53]
  • Spirit Drain: The Theurge may drain power from a spirit to feed his own resolve. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Uktena totem.[54]

Level 5[]

  • Mold the Spirit: The Garou can change a spirit's form or purpose. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.[55]
  • Savage the Mind: With but a thought, the Theurge can shred an opponent's human reasoning, giving him the effective mind of a beast. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Griffin totem.[56]


  • Malleable Spirit: See Laws of the Wild, p. 101.
  • Spirit Vessel: See Laws of the Wild, pp.101-102.

Werewolf: The Dark Ages and Dark Ages: Werewolf[]

Level 1[]

  • Mother's Touch: The Garou channels healing energy through her hands, easing the wounds of any other living creature. Even aggravated wounds can be healed in this fashion, although the werewolf cannot heal spirits or the undead. (Not that any right-thinking Garou would heal a Leech!) This Gift is taught by a unicorn-spirit.[57]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[58]
  • Spirit Speech: The Gift allows the Garou to understand the language of the spirit world (although, like the Garou tongue, it does not rely on sound alone to communicate meaning). He can also eavesdrop on the conversations of spirits, though that is not something to do lightly. This Gift does not influence spirits' attitudes toward the Garou in any way, nor does it ensure that they will stay to listen to him. Any spirit can teach this Gift.[59]

Level 2[]

  • Command Spirit: The Garou can give commands to spirits she encounters and expect them to obey. As always in dealings with the spirit world, it is essential for the commands to be precisely clear, as an unwilling spirit may twist an ambiguous wording to suit its liking. This Gift does not grant the ability to summon spirits. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.[60]
  • Sight from Beyond: Upon learning this Gift, the Garou becomes an oracle. In times of great danger or great opportunity, she receives visions that strike without warning. The message is veiled in metaphor, like most oracular sendings. A great battle might be foretold by a full moon red with blood, or the subtle encroachment of enemies might be represented by insects gnawing away at a foundation. A crow- or snake-spirit teaches this Gift.[61]

Level 3[]

  • Expel Spirit: Use of this Gift forces a spirit from a place or object, whether it entered voluntarily or was bound against its will. An Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.[62]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: While all Garou are children of both the spirit realm and the physical world, the werewolf who learns this Gift can perceive them both while standing firmly in Gaia's realm. While watching spirits is often as entertaining as watching the grass grow, those with this Gift will be immediately aware of notable events in the spirit world. Any spirit can teach this Gift.[63]

Level 4[]

  • Grasp the Beyond: The Garou can take things into the Umbra without first dedicating them to himself (see the Rite of Talisman Dedication, p. 149). This Gift can also be used to transport willing or unwilling living beings into the spirit world. Garou often use this Gift to take favored kin with them on Umbral quests or to shake the faith of annoyingly persistent clergy. An opossum-spirit teaches this Gift.[64]
  • Spirit Wassail: The Garou drains power from a spirit to strengthen her will. The process is difficult even if the spirit is willing to help. A certain amount of pain seems necessary to transform the spirit's essence into the Theurge's mystic resolve. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.[65]

Level 5[]

  • Malleable Spirit: The Garou can change a spirit's essential nature, remolding its form, its purpose and even its allegiance to suit her needs. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.[66]
  • Nightmare Possession: A Garou with this degree of mastery over the spirit world can call up a dreadful spirit of the Wyld and bind it immediately to his target, sentencing his enemy to a twilight existence of constant nightmare. The victim suffers an immediate loss of intellect and most memory, and he begins to act in a bestial manner. Even if the spirit is later expelled, the damage to the victim's soul cannot be undone. This Gift is taught by a Wyldling.[67]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Airt Perception: Using this Gift, a Theurge can roughly identify a spirit by its airt - the trail left in the wake of a spirit's passing. This works essentially like tracking in the corporeal world, and is no more informative - a hunter can tell deer tracks from bison tracks, but can't learn anything meaningful about an unknown creature. Also, powerful and subtle spirits are often able to disguise their airts. Any ancestor-spirit renowned as a great hunter can teach this Gift.[68]
  • Mother's Touch: The Garou is able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.[69]
  • Sense Chiminage: Theurges have ways of knowing all manner of secret things other Garou would wish stayed hidden; with this Gift, they can learn where the balance of chiminage lies with any spiritually aware being with a glance. The Gift reveals if the target has paid all proper obligations to the spirits, if he has ignored a debt or engaged in blasphemy against his totem or other spiritual patrons. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.[70]
  • Sense Weaver: The Garou may sense Weaver energies or spirits in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by any Gaian spirit.[71]
  • Sense Wyld: As the Lupus Gift.[72]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[73]
  • Spirit Speech: This Gift allows the Garou to communicate with encountered spirits. The Garou is thus able to address them whether they wish to be addressed or not. Of course, nothing (usually) precents the spirit from ignoring the Theurge or leaving. Any spirit can teach this Gift.[74]
  • Umbral Tether: The Umbra is a shifting world where logic does not always apply, and losing one's way in it is an easy affair. Theurges have worked around this by using this Gift, which creates a silvery "umbilical cord" connecting the Garou to their point of entry into the Umbra. Only the Theurge who creates the tether can see it, though some spirits have a tendency to trip over it, which can sever or alter the cord. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.[75]

Level 2[]

  • Command Spirit: The Theurge can give simple commands to encountered spirits and expect a measure of compliance. This Gift does not grant the ability to summon spirits. It enables the user only to coerce them to obey. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.[76]
  • Name the Spirit: As the Level Three lupus Gift.[77]
  • Sight from Beyond: When danger stalks the Garou or momentous events are in the offing, visions begin striking the Garou without warnings. The nature of the danger is veiled in metaphor - a powerful vampire may appear in the Theurge's dream as a bloody skeleton, while an impending battle might be heralded by dreams of carrion crows. Crow-spirits teach this Gift.[78]
  • The Spirits' Displeasure: Theurges use this Gift as a form of mystical warning against those who have offended the spirits. It causes the victim to suffer ill luck, and to witness an omen from his own culture indicating foreboding or cosmological displeasure. Note that many modern people may not recognize an omen as an omen, but they will still find it unsettling by it's very nature. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.[79]
  • Spirit Knife: Using this Gift, a Theurge can imbue a knife - or any other weapon she hand-crafted herself - with the power to strike across the Gauntlet, affecting enemies on the other side. This Gift conveys no ability to see across the Gauntlet beyond what the Garou normally possesses, however. A Wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.[80]
  • Spirit Skin: Generally, spirits are fairly friendly to Garou, at least ones that aren't automatically hostile to anything. That doesn't mean, however, that they treat a Garou exactly the same as they treat other spirits, and that's when this Gift comes in handy. By activating it within the Umbra, the Theurge disguises herself as a spirit (usually a wolf-spirit) to all concerned. She still physically looks exactly like her Lupus form, she simply gives the impression of a spirit rather than Garou. Some Theurges have also used the Gift to throw off pursuit by hiding in a pack of wolf-spirits. A chameleon-spirit teaches the Gift.[81]

Level 3[]

  • Castigate: The Theurge calls upon the spirits to revoke their favor from another Garou; she must verbally state the target's offenses against the spirit worlds, and the target must be present; if successful, the target loses both Renown and spiritual Gifts. A hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.[82]
  • Evocation of Ceremony: Rituals are not used only to evoke supernatural effects; they also have an inherent value to Theurges in and of themselves. Using this Gift, the Garou evokes a sense of awe, reverence and holy mystery through ritualistic - anything from a Garou rite to a Catholic sacrament. Along with any normal mystical effect, the ceremony produces a sense of reaffirmation and cosmological belonging in everybody who participates. While Theurges usually use this effect to strengthen sincere spiritual devotions or build community among Garou, it's just as easily abused to keep participants in a rite in ignorant, dogmatic fear of the supernatural world - the Theurge's intent, not the nature of the Gift, determines which is the case. An enigmatic spirit teaches this Gift.[83]
  • Exorcism: This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places or objects, whether they are there voluntarily or are bound there. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.[84]
  • Parting the Velvet Curtain: The Garou with this Gift may open the Gauntlet, physically transporting creatures other than shapeshifters into the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.[85]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: Spirits fill the world around the Garou, and none knows this fact better than the Theurge. This Gift grants constant awareness of the spirit world. Even in the physical world, the Theurge with this Gift can interact with spirits in the Penumbra at will. While most spirit activity is barely worth watching, the Theurge will be aware of any dramatic changes. Any spirit can teach this Gift.[86]
  • Umbral Tracking: Usually only a Garou who created an Umbral tether can see it. If a Theurge has this Gift, that is no longer true. This Gift is taught by a fly-spirit.[87]
  • Web Walker: The Garou may move across the Pattern Web through the Umbra, ignored and unmolested by any Weaver-spirits in the area. This Gift is taught by any Weaver-spirit.[88]

Level 4[]

  • Grasp the Beyond: The Garou may take things to and from the Umbra without having to dedicate them to herself (see the Rite of Talisman Dedication, p. 160). This Gift affects humans and animals, both willing and unwilling. Garou often use this power to take loyal Kinfolk with them on Umbral quests or to heal injured Kinfolk - both body and soul - in mystic Glens.[89]
  • Placation: Shamans from many diverse cultures are said to know secrets for placating angry ghosts and ancestors - this Gift is one of them. A Theurge with this Gift always knows exactly what kind of sacrifice is necessary to make atonement for an offence against the spirit world, and is skilled in the secret methods of offering it. A spirit from the realm of Erebus teaches this Gift.[90]
  • Prophecy: This Gift offers the Theurge true insight into the future. Such visions are sporadic and sometimes enigmatic, but unless a specific effort is made to change what is ahead, they are always accurate. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.[91]
  • Spirit Drain: The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed his own resolve. A spirit servant of the Uktena totem teaches this Gift.[92]

Level 5[]

  • Feral Lobotomy: With but a thought, the Garou can devolve an opponent's mind to that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence. A spirit servant of the Griffin totem teaches this Gift.[93]
  • Healing the Soul: Through a week-long ordeal of fasting, trance states and spirit communion, the Theurge is able to set the elements of the Trait into perfect balance within one individual's soul. Obviously, the subject to be healed must be willing, and the two individuals must remain in solitude (save for contact with spirits) for the duration. This Gift can cure insanity, ease emotional wounds, heal the effects of trauma and remove desensitization. If the spiritual injury was caused by ill conduct on the subject's part, however, this Gift can only benefit them once: even the greatest empath has little sympathy for those who willingly slide back into self-degradation after being helped out the first time. An avatar of Unicorn teaches this Gift.[94]
  • Malleable Spirit: The Garou can change a spirit's form or purpose. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.[95]
  • Poisoned Legacy: This most terrible Gift allows the Theurge to lay a great and malicious curse upon a victim of her choice. Such a stigma is irreversible, and will remain with the victim for all her life. The victim must be present, and the Theurge must verbally state her malediction. A spirit of hatred, or an animal spirit of a highly venomous animal, teaches this Gift.[96]

Level 6[]

  • Invoked Presence: By using this awesome Gift, the Theurge can call upon an Incarna or Celestine directly, bringing their focus to ear on the area around him. This does not summon an Avatar; rather, the presence is a mystical permeation of the principle the invoked spirit represents. The Theurge will later need to repay the debt owed to the spirit he invoked before he can use this Gift again; this typically entails a strong geasa, an extended spirit quest or the sacrifice of a valuable fetish. Any Celestine's avatar can teach this Gift.[97]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Hear the Silence: In tune with all things hidden, the Theurge can hear the tell-tale whispers of secret-spirits whenever someone nearby bears the burden of hidden knowledge. A crow- or raven-spirit teaches this Gift.[98]
  • Mother's Touch: The Theurge channels spiritual power through her hands, mending the wounds of any other living creature. This Gift may not heal the werewolf herself, spirits, or the undead. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches it.[99]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[100]
  • Spirit Snare: The Theurge casts out an invisible, mystic net which entangles hostile spirits, confounding them with a mixture of magical force and long-broken but still potent Gaian law. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.[101]
  • Spirit Speech: This Gift bestows understanding of the language of the spirit world, permitting the Garou to clearly understand and speak with any spirit he encounters. The Gift doesn't influence spirits' attitudes toward the werewolf in any way, not ensure that they have any desire to communicate with him. Any spirit can teach it.[102]
  • Umbral Tether: The Umbra is a shifting world where logic doesn't always apply and losing one's way is easy. Theurges ensure they can always find their way back to the point where they entered the Umbra with this Gift, which creates a silvery "umbilical cord" connecting the Garou to the point where they last crossed the Gauntlet. Only the werewolf who creates the tether can see it. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.[103]

Level 2[]

  • Battle Mandala: A mystical sigil burns itself into the ground around the Theurge, visible only to those with Gnosis ratings. This circle drains the Essence from spirits caught within its web. A spider- or antlion-spirit teaches this Gift.[104]
  • Blood Life: Many things reside in the blood, both mundane and mystical. Heritage, power, magical connections, and life-giving nutrients all pulse through the veins of living creatures, encompassing their life experiences. The Theurge can gain insight from these experiences by tasting the blood if her prey. An insect-spirit teaches this Gift.[105]
  • Command Spirit: The Theurge can give commands to spirits she meets and expect obedience. The Gift doesn't grant the ability to summon spirits - only to compel them to obey. As always when dealing with spirits, clear wording is essential, as some clever spirits may attempt to twist the spirit of issued commands while obeying them to the letter. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.[106]
  • Eyes of the Lynx: Lynx-spirits, embodying the Umbral ideal of their earthly counterparts' powerful eyesight, can see eve beyond physical obstacles. Theurges who learn this Gift can peer through walls or beneath the earth. A lynx-spirit teaches this Gift.[107]
  • Name the Spirit: As the lupus Gift.[108]
  • Sight From Beyond: This is a Gift of prophecy. The werewolf becomes an oracle, prone to dreams and visions which hint at future opportunities, challenges and threats to come. These visions are always ceiled in symbolism - an impending war against the local vampires might be presaged by visions of skyscrapers weeping blood from their upper stories, while a death in the sept might be heralded by dreams of a chorus of mournful howls rising to a ghost-pale moon. Owl-spirits teach this Gift.[109]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places, objects, or even people, whether they are bound or in voluntary possession. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift.[110]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: Spirits fill the world, and none know this fact better than the Theurge. This Gift grants constant awareness of the spirit world. Even in the physical world, the Theurge can interact with spirits in the Penumbra at will. While most spirit activity isn't worth watching, the Theurge will be automatically aware of any dramatic changes or upheavals nearby. Any spirit can teach this Gift.[111]
  • Umbral Camouflage: Although perfectly visible to all others, this Gift renders the werewolf undetectable to spirits. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.[112]
  • Watchful Eyes: As a mouthpiece for the spirit world, the Theurge may invite its denizens to witness the wrongs of her enemies and render silent judgment. She appears mysterious and terrible as a force of nature to those who would stand against her, whether they are consciously aware of the spiritual audience at her side or not. Any feline spirit can teach this Gift.[113]
  • Web Walker: The Garou may travel on the Pattern Web through the Umbra without physical difficulty, and without attracting the unfriendly attention of Weaver-spirits in the area. Any Weaver-spirit can teach this Gift.[114]

Level 4[]

  • Blurring the Mirror: This Gift allows the Theurge to cloud the minds of other beings, making it impossible for them to find the Umbra or step sideways into it. Once used as a form of punishment for arrogant pups, this Gift is more often deployed as a weapon against Black Spiral Dancers in the days of the coming Apocalypse. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.[115]
  • Grasp the Beyond: The werewolf may carry things in and out of the Umbra without having to dedicate them to herself (see the Rite of Talisman Dedication, p. 211). This Gift affects objects, people and animals, both willing and unwilling. An opossum- or kangaroo-spirit teaches this Gift.[116]
  • Spirit Blossom: The Theurge plants a part of herself as a seed of spiritual puissance that blooms into power she can harvest. She must protect her offshoot, though; as a part of her, its pain is hers. A Glade Child teaches this Gift.[117]
  • Spirit Drain: The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed her own resolve. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.[118]
  • Spirit Ward: As the homid Gift.[119]

Level 5[]

  • Feral Lobotomy: Unleashing a surge of pure Wyld energy, the werewolf can devolve an opponent's mind into that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.[120]
  • Malleable Spirit: The werewolf can change a spirit's form or purpose. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.[121]
  • Ultimate Argument of Logic: Those who speak with the Theurge leave convinced of some fact they might otherwise have disbelieved. If successful, the Garou can cause the target to believe implicitly in one aspect of existence (true of false) - that the Earth is the center of the universe, that there is such a thing as a spirit world, or that cities are unnatural affronts to nature, for example. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.[122]

Level 6[]

  • As In the Beginning: The Theurge can tear away aeons of the Weaver's works for a short while. This Gift rips down the Gauntlet entirely, merging the worlds of flesh and spirit as they were in the days of legend. Moreover, this mended region acts as a shining beacon to Gaian spirits, calling a flood of nature-spirits and other allies to assist the Theurge. An avatar of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.[123]

5th Edition Gifts[]

In 5th edition, Gift requirements are based on the Garou's total Renown, rather than rank:

Total Renown 2[]

  • Ensnare Spirit: Halt a spirit and weaken its defenses. Taught by a Weaver-spirit of law.[124]
  • Mother's Touch: Heal the wounds of another creature. Taught by a bear-spirit.[125]
  • Shadow Sense: Detect nearby supernatural activity and pierce supernatural illusions. Taught by a raven-spirit.[126]
  • Sight From Beyond: Receive prophetic or clairvoyant visions, often unprompted. Taught by a dream-spirit.[127]

Total Renown 5[]

  • Banish Spirit: Force a spirit to abandon its possession and retreat into the Umbra.[128]
  • Grasp From Beyond: Pull objects into or out of the Umbra. Taught by a magpie-, beaver-, or possum-spirit.[129]
  • Mindspeak: Telepathically communicate with another anywhere in the world. Taught by a dream-spirit.[130]
  • Umbral Tether: Put in place a means to retrace one's steps in the Umbra. Taught by a pigeon-spirit.[131]

Total Renown 8[]

  • Command Spirit: Force a spirit to obey one's commands. Taught by an Incarna's avatar.[132]
  • Drain Spirit: Leech a spirit's energy to replenish one's own. Taught by a leech- or lamprey- spirit.[133]
  • Feral Regression: Devolve a target's mind to an animalistic level. Taught by a Wyld gaffling.[134]
  • Living Ward: Concentrate to prevent all spirits from approaching oneself. Taught by a legendary wolf-spirit.[135]

Kieh Gifts[]

The stage of a Gurahl's life that corresponds with the Crescent Moon.

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Diagnose: By studying an individual, the Gurahl can determine the general state of health, frequently enabling her to identify any ailments or diseases present in the person's body. A Bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[136]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Garou Theurge Gift.[137]

Level 2[]

  • Refresh: In battle, the winner usually manages to achieve victory by outlasting the loser. Wounds weaken a combatant, making him more vulnerable to further damage and eventual death. This Gift enables a Gurahl to perform the equivalent of "battlefield medicine," temporarily alleviating damage to an ally (or to himself). Although wounds are not permanently healed through this Gift, the recipient may ignore any damage, giving him a second wind which often means the difference between victory (and survival) and defeat (or death). A Bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[138]
  • Sense the Unnatural: As the Garou Lupus Gift.[139]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: As the Garou Theurge Gift.[140]
  • Name the Spirit: As the Garou Lupus Gift.[141]

Level 4[]

  • Spirit Healing: The Gurahl not only serve as Gaia's healers in the physical world, they also have the ability to repair damage done to Umbral spirits. This Gift allows a Gurahl to repair damage done to Umbral spirits. This Gift allows a Gurahl in the Umbra to replenish the Power of a "wounded" spirit. A Bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[142]
  • Spirit Shape: The Gurahl may assume the countenance and form of a creature native to the Umbra, appearing to other spirits as ne of their own kind. In this fashion, a werebear can travel in parts of the Umbra which might otherwise prove inimical or hostile. A Coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.[143]

Level 5[]

  • Image of the Sky Bear: The Gurahl's body glows with the light of the Great She-Bear, outlining his form with seven pinpoints of light that correspond to the seven stars of Ursa Major. Using the borrowed power of the spirit of the Great She-Bear, the Gurahl may perform extra acts of healing or protection, depending on the circumstances. A Jaggling of Ursa Major teaches this Gift.[144]
  • Restore Sanity: This Gift allows the Gurahl to completely restore the mind of an individual who has suffered an intense mental catastrophe or who has been deliberately driven insane by an enemy. Unlike the Gurahl Gift: Ease the Fevered Mind, this Gift does not affect chronic mental stats or permanent forms of insanity; it simply restores a traumatized mind to its former state. A Jaggling of Ursa major teaches this Gift.[145]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Diagnose: The Gurahl can determine a person's general health by studying that individual carefully.[146]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Garou Theurge Gift.[147]

Level 2[]

  • Refresh: The Gurahl may enable a target to ignore wound penalties until the end of a combat, thus aiding in victory and survival for that individual.[148]
  • Sense the Unnatural: As the lupus Gift.[149]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[150]
  • Name the Spirit: As the lupus Gift.[151]

Level 4[]

  • Spirit Healing: The Gurahl may replenish the Essence of a wounded spirit in the Umbra.[152]

Level 5[]

  • Image of the Sky Bear: The Great She-Bear grants the Gurahl a body that glows with seven pinpoints of light similar to the seven stars of Ursa Major's constellation, allowing the Garou to perform additional actions of healing or protection.[153]


  • Spirit Shape: This Gift allows the Gurahl to assume the appearance of a creature native to the Umbra, thus appearing to spirits as one of their own kind. This Gift allows Gurahl to travel in parts of the Umbra that might otherwise prove hostile or inimical to them. The Gurahl must enter the Umbra, spend a Gnosis Trait and win a Static Social Challenge versus six Traits (retest with Enigmas). Success allows the Gurahl to take on the appearance of an Umbral creature. For example, a Gurahl may assume the form of a Pattern Spider when in a part of the Umbra rules by the Tapestry Maker. If the Gurahl loses the test, she runs the risk of alerting hostile spirits to her presence unless she leaves the Umbra quickly. This Gift lasts until the Gurahl leaves the Umbra.


  • Restore Sanity: With this Gift, a Gurahl may completely restore the mind of an individual affected by an unexpected catastrophe, mental trauma or deliberately induced insanity. Unlike Ease the Fevered Mind, this Gift cannot remove derangements or pre-existing mental problems; it simply restores a traumatized mind to its pre-trauma state. The Gurahl must spend a Gnosis Trait and win a Mental Challenge (retest with Empathy) against the target. Success brings the target back from a state of induced insanity or trauma. This Gift may not heal a metis's madness (if that is his deformity), a Malkavian vampire's primary derangement or permanent forms of insanity. This Gift may be used to treat Harano (with a Static Mental Challenge against eight Traits and the expenditure of three Gnosis). The Storyteller should act as the final judge as to whether or not a particular mental problem falls within the parameters of this Gift. The effects of this Gift are permanent until something occurs to change them. The Gurahl may not treat another individual without re-invoking the Gift.

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Diagnose: The Gurahl can determine anyone's general health with little more than glance. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[154]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[155]

Level 2[]

  • Refresh: The Gurahl's blessing helps a target ignore pain until the end of battle. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[156]
  • Sense the Unnatural: As the lupus Gift.[157]

Level 3[]

  • Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[158]
  • Name the Spirit: As the lupus Gift.[159]

Level 4[]

  • Spirit Healing: The Gurahl may replenish the Essence of a wounded spirit in the Umbra. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.[160]
  • Spirit Shape: The Gurahl may assume the countenance and form of a creature native to the Umbra, appearing to other spirits as one of their own kind. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.[161]

Level 5[]

  • Image of the Sky Bear: The Great She-Bear grants the Gurahl a body that glows with seven pinpoints of light similar to the seven stars of Ursa Major's constellation, allowing the Gurahl to perform additional acts of healing or protection. Ursa Major teaches this Gift herself.[162]


^ Level One

Airt Perception Book of Auspices p. 56
Gurahl: Diagnose Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Diagnose Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 94
Gurahl: Diagnose Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Hear the Silence Changing Ways p. 152
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 175
Mother's Touch GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 119
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 144-145
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 138
Mother's Touch Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 119-120
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Sense Chiminage Book of Auspices p. 56-57
Sense Weaver Umbra Revised p. 133
Sense Wyld Umbra Revised p. 133
Sense Wyrm Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 175
Sense Wyrm GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 119
Sense Wyrm Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Sense Wyrm Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Sense Wyrm Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 138
Sense Wyrm Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Sense Wyrm Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Spirit Snare Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Spirit Speech Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 175
Spirit Speech GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 119
Spirit Speech Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Spirit Speech Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Spirit Speech Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 138
Spirit Speech Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Spirit Speech Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Gurahl: Spirit Speech Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Spirit Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 94
Gurahl: Spirit Speech Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Umbral Tether Players Guide to Garou p. 186
Umbral Tether Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164

^ Level Two

Battle Mandala Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Blood Life Changing Ways p. 153
Command Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Command Spirit GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Command Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Command Spirit Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Command Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 138-139
Command Spirit Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Command Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Eyes of the Lynx Changing Ways p. 152-153
Name the Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Name the Spirit GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Name the Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Name the Spirit Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Name the Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Name the Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Gurahl: Refresh Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Refresh Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Refresh Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Gurahl: Sense the Unnatural Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Sense the Unnatural Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Sense the Unnatural Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Sense Weaver Umbra: The Velvet Shadow p. 137
Sense Wyld Umbra: The Velvet Shadow p. 137
Sight from Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 175-176
Sight from Beyond GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 119
Sight from Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 119
Sight from Beyond Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Sight from Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Sight from Beyond Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Sight From Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 164
Spirit Knife Book of Auspices p. 57
Spirit Skin Players Guide to Garou p. 186-187
The Spirit's Displeasure Book of Auspices p. 57
Tinker's Touch The Wild West Companion p. 72
Umbral Tether Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 36
Whispers From Thoth Ghost Towns p. 101

^ Level Three

Castigate Book of Auspices p. 57
Evocation of Ceremony Book of Auspices p. 57
Exorcism Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Exorcism GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Exorcism Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Exorcism Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Exorcism Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Exorcism Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Gurahl: Exorcism Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Exorcism Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Exorcism Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Expel Spirit Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Gurahl: Name the Spirit Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Name the Spirit Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Name the Spirit Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Parting the Velvet Curtain Umbra: The Velvet Shadow p. 137
Parting the Velvet Curtain Umbra Revised p. 133-134
Astrological Gift: Prophetic Vision Rage Across the Heavens p. 111
Pulse of the Invisible Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Pulse of the Invisible GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Pulse of the Invisible Caerns: Places of Power p. 13
Pulse of the Invisible Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Pulse of the Invisible Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Pulse of the Invisible Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Pulse of the Invisible Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120
Pulse of the Invisible Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Spirit Path Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 36
Umbral Camouflage The Wild West Companion p. 72
Umbral Camouflage Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Umbral Sight Werewolf Storyteller's Screen p. 2
Umbral Sight Caerns: Places of Power p. 13
Umbral Sight Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 36
Umbral Tracking Players Guide to Garou p. 187
Watchful Eyes Changing Ways p. 153
Web Walker Umbra Revised p. 134
Web Walker Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165

^ Level Four

Blurring the Mirror Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Orson Gravely: Grasp the Beyond Valkenburg Foundation (book) p. 96
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf Players Guide p. 37
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 36-37
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Grasp the Beyond Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 120-121
Grasp the Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Obscure the Spirit World The Wild West Companion p. 72
Placation Book of Auspices p. 57-58
Prophecy Book of Auspices p. 58
Shadowplay Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 36
Spirit Blossom Changing Ways p. 153
Spirit Drain Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Spirit Drain GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Spirit Drain Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Spirit Drain Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Spirit Drain Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Spirit Drain Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Gurahl: Spirit Healing Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Spirit Healing Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Spirit Healing Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Gurahl: Spirit Shape Gurahl (book) p. 99
Gurahl: Spirit Shape Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
Spirit Wassail Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 121
Spirit Ward Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Ultimate Argument of Logic Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Ultimate Argument of Logic GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 120
Ultimate Argument of Logic Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120

^ Level Five

Feral Lobotomy Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
Feral Lobotomy GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 121
Feral Lobotomy Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Feral Lobotomy Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Feral Lobotomy Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 165
Healing the Soul Book of Auspices p. 58
Gurahl: Image of the Sky Bear Gurahl (book) p. 99-100
Gurahl: Image of the Sky Bear Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 95
Gurahl: Image of the Sky Bear Changing Breeds (book) p. 118
The Malleable Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook p. 176
The Malleable Spirit GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse p. 121
The Malleable Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition p. 120
Malleable Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised Edition p. 139
Malleable Spirit Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 121
Malleable Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 166
Mold the Spirit Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Nightmare Possession Dark Ages: Werewolf Rulebook p. 121
Poisoned Legacy Book of Auspices p. 58
Gurahl: Restore Sanity Gurahl (book) p. 99
Savage the Mind Werewolf: The Wild West Rulebook p. 145
Shadowplay Werewolf Players Guide p. 37
Spirit Vessel Werewolf Players Guide p. 37
Spirit Vessel Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition p. 37
Ultimate Argument of Logic Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 166

^ Level Six

As In the Beginning Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition p. 166
Invoked Presence Book of Auspices p. 58
Grimfang: Rebirthing Caerns: Places of Power p. 111
Rebirthing Werewolf Storytellers Handbook p. 122

^ Total Renown 2

Ensnare Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 152-153
Mother's Touch Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 153
Shadow Sense Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 153
Sight From Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 153

^ Total Renown 5

Banish Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 153-154
Grasp From Beyond Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 154
Mindspeak Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 154
Umbral Tether Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 154

^ Total Renown 8

Command Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 154-155
Drain Spirit Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 155
Feral Regression Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 155
Living Ward Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition p. 155


Command Spirit Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Gurahl: Diagnose Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 85-86
Mother's Touch The Apocalypse p. 89
Mother's Touch Laws of the Wild p. 100
Mother's Touch Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Mother's Touch Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Name the Spirit The Apocalypse p. 89
Name the Spirit Laws of the Wild p. 100
Name the Spirit Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Name the Spirit Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Gurahl: Refresh Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86
Gurahl: Sense the Unnatural Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86
Sense Wyrm The Apocalypse p. 89
Sense Wyrm Laws of the Wild p. 100
Sense Wyrm Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Sense Wyrm Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Sight from Beyond The Apocalypse p. 89
Sight from Beyond Laws of the Wild p. 100
Sight from Beyond Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Sight from Beyond Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Spirit Speech The Apocalypse p. 89
Spirit Speech Laws of the Wild p. 100
Spirit Speech Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Spirit Speech Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 126
Gurahl: Spirit Speech Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86


Command Spirit The Apocalypse p. 89
Command Spirit Laws of the Wild p. 100
Command Spirit Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Exorcism The Apocalypse p. 89
Exorcism Laws of the Wild p. 100
Exorcism Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Exorcism Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127
Gurahl: Exorcism Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86
Grasp the Beyond The Apocalypse p. 89
Grasp the Beyond Laws of the Wild p. 101
Grasp the Beyond Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Grasp the Beyond Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127
Gurahl: Name the Spirit Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86
Pulse of the Invisible The Apocalypse p. 89
Pulse of the Invisible Laws of the Wild p. 100
Pulse of the Invisible Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Pulse of the Invisible Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127
Spirit Drain Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127
Gurahl: Spirit Healing Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86
Gurahl: Spirit Shape Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86


Feral Lobotomy The Apocalypse p. 89-90
Feral Lobotomy Laws of the Wild p. 101
Feral Lobotomy Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127
Gurahl: Image of the Sky Bear Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 86-87
Malleable Spirit The Apocalypse p. 90
Malleable Spirit Laws of the Wild p. 101
Malleable Spirit Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
The Malleable Spirit Laws of the Wild Revised Edition p. 127-128
Gurahl: Restore Sanity Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 p. 87
Savage the Mind Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Spirit Drain The Apocalypse p. 89
Spirit Drain Laws of the Wild p. 101
Spirit Drain Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Spirit Vessel The Apocalypse p. 90
Spirit Vessel Laws of the Wild p. 101-102
Spirit Vessel Laws of the Wyld West p. 148
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Gifts
Breed Gifts Feline · Homid · Roko · Lupus · Ahi/Metis/Shinju · Rodens · Ursine · Vasuki
Garou Auspice Gifts Ahroun · Galliard · Philodox · Ragabash · Theurge
Garou Tribal Gifts Black Fury · Bone Gnawer (Patrol) · Children of Gaia · Fianna · Get of Fenris (Fenrir) · Glass Walker (Boli Zouhisze - Iron Rider - Tetrasomian - Warders of Men) · Red Talon (Howl - Kucha Ekundu) · Ronin · Shadow Lord (Hakken) · Silent Strider · Silver Fang (House - Lodge) · Singing Dog · Skin Dancer · Stargazer (Awakening the Serpent Fire - Kailindo - Mantra) · Uktena · Wendigo
Fifth Edition Garou Gifts Forsworn · Native · Stolen Moon
Fifth Edition Garou Tribal Gifts Black Fury · Bone Gnawer · Children of Gaia · Cult of Fenris · Galestalker · Ghost Council · Glass Walker · Hart Wardens · Red Talon · Shadow Lord · Silent Strider · Silver Fang · Stargazer
Fera Gifts Ahadi · Ajaba · Ananasi (Kumo) · Bastet (Bagheera - Balam - Bubasti - Ceilican - Khan - Pumonca - Qualmi - Simba - Swara) · Corax (Tengu) · Gurahl · Hengeyokai · Kitsune (Ju-Fu) · Mokolé (Gumagan - Makara - Mokolé-Mbembe - Zhong Lung) · Nagah · Nuwisha · Ratkin (Nezumi) · Rokea (Betweener - Same-Bito)
Fera Aspect/Auspice/Path Gifts Ajaba (Dawn - Dusk - Midnight) · Ananasi (Hatar - Kumoti - Myrmidon - Tenere - Viskr - Wytsta) · Gurahl (Arcas - Kieh - Kojubat - Rishi - Uzmati) · Hengeyokai (Courtier - Fist - Lantern - Leaf - Mirror - Pillar) · Kitsune (Doshi - Eji - Gukutsushi - Kataribe) · Mokolé (Decorated Sun - Eclipsed Sun - Midnight Sun - Noonday Sun - Rising Sun - Setting Sun - Shrouded Sun) · Nagah (Kali - Kamakshi - Kamsa - Kartikeya) · Ratkin (Knife Skulker - Munchmausen - Plague Lord - Ratkin Engineer - Shadow Seer - Tunnel Runner - Twitcher - Warrior/Blade Slave) · Rokea (Brightwater - Darkwater - Dimwater)
Lost Breed, Tribe and Aspect Gifts Apis · Bunyip · Camazotz · Croatan · Grondr · Ratkin (Bards} · White Howler
Wyrm-Corrupted and Mockery Breed Gifts Black Spiral Dancer (Stolen) · Buzzard · Hishtpah · Yeren
Non-Fera Gifts Aapilu · Kinfolk
Miscellaneous and Unique Gifts Ahadi · Astrological · Camp · Caern · Hengeyokai · Legendary (LV 6) · Miscellaneous · Moon Bridge · New · Nunnehi Totem · Planetary · Spirit · Stealing the Soul · Storm-Eater · Totem · Unique · Wyrm