Below are the Gifts available to the Mokolé.
List of General Gifts[]
First Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Bellow: This is a loud noise that terrifies all who hear it, including vampires, mages, and werewolves. The Mokolé may use Rage or Willpower to add to his bellow. The difficulty is the hearer's Willpower; if the roll is successful, then the hearer suffers as affected by the Delirium Reaction Chart in Werewolf, using Willpower, minus the number of successes, as a guide.[1]
- Cooking: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[2]
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[3]
- Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[4]
- Talk: Normally, a Homid form Mokolé cannot communicate with a Archid or Suchid form Mokolé. With this Gift, the Mokolé can communicate with any other Mokolé in any form. This also allows Mokolé to speak a human language when in Archid form. Often possessed by homids.[5]
Level 2[]
- Armor of the Tortoise: This Gift enables the Mokolé to form a hard, shell-like growth around his skin in Archid or Suchid form with a roll of Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). The number of successes is the amount of armor gained (added to the dice pool of soak rolls). This is in addition to any Archid armor characteristics the Mokolé{may already possess.{ref|lvl2}}
- Become Log: As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, but the Mokolé must be in water near camouflage (floating logs, etc.). The Mokolé is indistinguishable from a wooden log or any other natural object proper to the terrain. She can't move while using this Gift save to drift in water at a human walking pace.[6]
- Tame Sunbeam: This rare Gift causes the rays of the sun to obey the possessor. The Sun, which the Mokolé call Olodumare, of the Face of God, is unalterably opposed to evil and darkness. The Mokolé must roll his Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6) and expend a Gnosis point to use this Gift. The effect lasts for one scene, though it can last longer if more Gnosis is spent during the roll (roughly one Gnosis per scene duration).
Successes: 1, Effect: Illuminate any dark area with sunlight
Successes: 2, Effect: Rays of sunlight can pierce clouds or trees and shine to point out targets or destroy the Kindred.;
Successes: 3, Effect: The sun's rays are as strong through water, glass, clouds or cover as from a clear sky.;
Successes: 4, Effect: The sun's rays can be used to light fires or bring heat in times of cold.;
Successes: 5, Effect: The sun can be persuaded to shine at night.[7]
Level 3[]
- Clear Mind: The Mokolé may spend Willpower points to add to a Mental dice pool; the effect lasts for the duration of the scene.[8]
- Dragon's Breath: This amazing Gift enables the Mokolé to emulate the Dragon Kings by spitting flame from her mouth. The flame burst cost one point of Rage per burst. The flame is as hot as a chemical fire, has a difficulty of nine, and does two aggravated wound levels, as if it were a bonfire. The damage can be increased by spending Rage points (one extra wound level per point spent).[9]
- Eyes of the Cobra: As the Galliard Gift.[10]
Level 4[]
- Hot Ichor: This Gift makes a Mokolé able to gain a pool of energy, usable in combat or during the hunt. It resembles a vampiric Blood Pool. Using the points in the pool, the Mokolé can spend them to add to Physical Attributes (bit not heal wounds). The pool maximum is equal to the Mokolé's natural Stamina +5 (Stamina additions due to shifting forms do not count toward this total). The points are replenished with Rage (one per Rage point spent).[11]
- Infest: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[12]
Level 5[]
- Rule: As the Shadow Lord Gift: Obedience.[13]
- Sleep of the Dragon: This Gift enables to Mokolé to enter a state of hibernation or estivation, with a period limited by time (three moons) or by conditions (when the lake fills with water). The sleeping Mokolé is awakened by movement or physical injury, but not by people walking or animal noises. Usually the Mokolé will be buried in mud as he sleeps. The sleeping Mokolé completely regain spent Gnosis when he awakens and does not age while in hibernation. Some elder Shining who possess this Gift are old even by Mokolé standards.[14]
- Song of the Great Beast: As the Lupus Gift. Usually, only suchid can possess this Gift and it can be used only to summon Dinosaur Great Beasts.[15]
- Walking Between Worlds: This allows the Mokolé to step sideways, as the werewolves do. The Mokolé remember when Coyote taught this to the Garou, and by remembering, they learn the trick themselves. Once this Gift is achieved, then the ability is natural to that Mokolé.[16]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Falling Touch: As the Garou Gift. Normally taught by a spirit of the Dinosaur Kings or Bird Kings.[17]
- Fatal Flaw: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[18]
- Find Land: By focusing his attention onto the balance of land and water, the Mokolé can locate the nearest fixed land amidst the waters of swamp or sea. This Gift is taught by a Turtle-spirit.[19]
- Find Water: As the Gift: Find Land, save that the Mokolé can find any water within twenty miles, and likewise tell if the water is contaminated if he achieves enough successes. This Gift is taught by a Lizard-spirit.[20]
- Inspiration: As the Ahroun Gift.[21]
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift; needless to say, this works only in Archid form.[22]
- Scent of Sweet Nectar: As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Scent of Sweet Honey. It is taught by a Bee-spirit.[23]
- Sense Dissolver: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.[24]
- Sense Moon: This Gift enables the user to detect a child of the Moon - usually a fellow shapechanger (save for Corax, Ananasi or Nuwisha). This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.[25]
- Sense Prey: The Mokolé knows the trick of locating prey animals in a given area. An Alligator-spirit teaches this Gift.[26]
- Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Gift.[27]
- Shed: By quickly shedding his outer skin, the Mokolé can escape an enemy's hold or slip through a tight area. A lizard-spirit or Snake-spirit teaches this Gift.[28]
- Sight of the True Form: As the Garou Gift: Scent of the True Form. This Gift is taught by a spirit of the Predator Kings.[29]
- Speed of Thought: As the Silent Striders Gift, save that the Mokolé must spend two Gnosis rather than one to activate the land speed.[30]
- Tailbiter's Mumble: The Mokolé may bite her tail in her mouth and roll any distance desired as quickly as her human form runs. This Gift is taught by Hoopsnake.[31]
- Talk: This Gift permits the Mokolé to speak any human language he knows while in Suchid or Archid form. This Gift is taught by a Bird-spirit.[32]
Level 2[]
- Axis Mundi: By attuning himself to the land, the Mokolé can learn precisely where Sun is in relation to Earth. A Sun-spirit teaches this Gift.[33]
- Sense Gold: As the Ahroun Gift: Sense Silver, save that it detects the presence of gold.[34]
- Silver Claws: As the Ahroun Gift. No common "Gold Claws" variant exists; the Mokolé have fought against other shapechangers much more often than they've fought against one another.[35]
- Stinking Breath: The Mokolé can breather out stinking gases that repel anything that breathes, making them flee. This Gift is taught by a Garbage-spirit or a Monitor-lizard spirit.[36]
- Tides of Lust: This Gift is most common among the Gila monsters and Mexican beaded lizards of the American Southwest, the Unktehi, who learn it from a Rooster-spirit. It gives them power over the tides within someone's body.[37]
- Waxwork Monster: Brought to light recently by the Shining, this Gift lets a Mokolé take advantage of the fact that "dinosaurs are extinct" to hide in plain sight even in Archid form. Essentially, the Mokolé takes on the appearance of a model or dummy. A Tuatara-spirit teaches this Gift.[38]
Level 3[]
- Bark of the Mudpuppy: This Gift allows the Mokolé to bark loudly at any one person or object, shattering glass, splintering light wood or even opening wounds on a living being. This Gift is taught by Mudpuppy.[39]
- Dragon's Breath: This Gift allows the Mokolé to spit fire, as do the Dragon Kings. This Gift is taught by Dragon himself.[40]
- Dragonfear: This Gift invokes an aura of menace so terrible that the Mokolé's Archid form is capable of inducing the night-fear in any creatures, supernatural or otherwise. This Gift is taught by Dragon.[41]
- Walking Between Worlds: Mokolé with this Gift are finally able to breach the Gauntlet and enter the Umbra. Most typically, they go into water instead of using a mirror in order to step sideways. This Gift is taught by any spirit who knows how to materialize in the physical world.[42]
Level 4[]
- Attunement: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[43]
- Cocoon: As the Homid Garou Gift. Mokolé adepts often use the Cocoon to protect them when sleeping the Sleep of the Dragon.[44]
- Serenity: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[45]
- View the Seed: This Gift comes from the belief that all things are but a dream of the idea or object that birthed them. It allows the user to see the "seed" of anything, from the parents of a child to the mastermind of a plot. Note that some things result from the growth of several "seeds." A Mokolé looking at America, for instance could see any number of things (John Locke in his study, Native Americans planting maize, Africans bought with Boston rum...). The Gumagan are most likely to learn this Gift, which is taught by Finch.[46]
Level 5[]
- Grasp the Beyond: As the Level Four Theurge Gift.[47]
- Song of the Great Beast: As the lupus Gift. Usually the Dinosaur Kings will teach this Gift only to suchids, and they can use it to summon dinosaur Great Beasts. Noe, however, that such monsters as sea scorpions and giant sharks also lie within Mnesis, and if the Kings decided to teach these Songs, then they could do so.[48]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Falling Touch: As the Garou Gift. Usually taught in dreams by the spirit of a Dinosaur King or Bird King.[49]
- Fatal Flaw: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[50]
- Inspiration: As the Ahroun Gift.[51]
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift; only useable in Archid form.[52]
- Sense Dissolver: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.[53]
- Sight of the True Form: As the Garou Gift: Scent of the True Form; taught in dreams by the spirits of Predator Kings.[54]
- Speed of Thought: As the Silent Strider Gift, but the Mokolé must spend 2 Gnosis to activate this Gift (instead of 1 Gnosis).[55]
Level 2[]
- Sense Gold: As the Ahroun Gift: Sense Silver, save that it detects the presence of gold.[56]
- Silver Claws: As the Ahroun Gift. There is no common "Gold Claws" Gift, because Mokolé do not typically attach each other with the intent to kill.[57]
Level 3[]
- Dragon's Breath: The Mokolé can spit fire; taught by Dragon himself.[58]
- Sense Gold: As the Ahroun Gift: Sense Silver, save that it detects the presence of gold.[59]
- Walking Between Worlds: The creature can breach the Gauntlet and enter the Umbra just as Garou can. Mokolé prefer pools of water to other reflective surfaces.[60]
Level 4[]
- Attunement: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[61]
- Cocoon: As the Garou homid Gift; used when a Mokolé is sleeping the Sleep of the Dragon.[62]
Level 5[]
- Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[63]
- Song of the Great Beast: As the lupus Gift. Usually taught to suchids by Dinosaur Kings; used to summon dinosaur Great Beasts.[64]
- Axis Mundi: With this Gift, a Mokolé attunes himself to the relation and timing of earth, sky and sun. The Mokolé need only spend a Gnosis point and automatically learns the time of day, season, where on the Earth he is and the direction he is facing.
- Find Land: With this Gift, a Mokolé can sense and locate a fixed land mass while in the swamp or out at sea on long journeys. The Mokolé makes a Mental Challenge (retest with Survival), then spends one Mental Trait to learn the general direction of land, two Traits to determine the distance to reach the land and three Traits for general information about the land's condition (such as the presence of toxins).
- Find Water: As the Gift: Find Land, save that this Gift allows the Mokolé to find a source of water while on land.
- Scent of Sweet Nectar: With this Gift, the Mokolé encourages all manner of vermin to plague a target. She spends a Gnosis point and makes a Mental Challenge. If she succeeds, the target begins to exude a sweet aroma and its skin becomes slightly sticky. This attracts all manner of insects like swarms of gnats, flies and bees. The Storyteller should work out the exact effects, but some include stings and bites, maddening buzzing and a real challenge to one's social life. The Gift lasts for one scene.
- Sense Moon: With a Mental Challenge, the Mokolé can determine if a nearby creature shares a relationship with Moon (which is all the Bête, with the exception of the Ananasi, Corax and Nuwisha). Risking two Traits will identify the creature's species; four Traits will grant the Mokolé a general sense of the creature's abilities and Rank.
- Sense Prey: As the Lupus Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Shed: With this Gift, a Mokolé can escape the grip of a foe by shedding his skin. With a Physical Challenge (retest with Brawl), the Mokolé can automatically escape a grappling attack, or gain a two-Trait bonus on slipping out of chains or bonds.
- Stinking Breath: The Mokolé with this Gift expels a noxious gas that is so repellent that air-breathing creatures must flee. The cost is one Gnosis point; other Mokolé and Bête may resist, but only by defeating the Gifted Mokolé in a Gnosis Challenge.
- Tailbiter's Mumble: When her legs are injured and movement would otherwise be reduced, a Mokolé may bite her tail and roll away as fast as her human form could run. The cost is a Willpower Trait, and the speed will continue for as long as the Mokolé cares to roll. The Mokolé must be in Suchid or Archid form to use this Gift.
- Talk: Mokolé normally cannot speak in a human tongue while in Archid or Suchid; this Gift allows the Mokolé to speak any language he knows while in these forms. This becomes part of the Mokolé's nature. With a successful Mental Challenge, the Mokolé may speak any other Bête's language for a scene.
- Tides of Lust: This Gift uses expression and dance to sway the tides within a person, raising the need for sexual fulfillment and removing inhibitions. The Mokolé performs a dance, and the player makes a Static Social Challenge against eight Traits (add one to the difficulty if the target is in love with someone else; add one if the target is elderly or attracted to partners of the same gender - at Storyteller discretion, each level of Performance: Dance may lower the difficulty by one). Success puts the target in a lustful state for one hour; by spending additional Social Traits, the Mokolé may increase the time. Impotence is no longer a factor, and the target becomes fertile if normally sterile. This does not influence the target's views on the Mokolé performing the Gift, save to lower inhibitions and create an opportunity for seduction. This Gift does not work on metis.
- Waxwork Monster: This Gift enables the Mokolé to hide in plain sight, transforming her current appearance to look like a mannequin or a scale model. The Mokolé spends a Gnosis Trait and stands rigid. The player bids a Trait for each hour the Mokolé wishes to remain concealed and performs a Static Social Test versus 10 Traits. The Mokolé will remain frozen as a replica of her current form, for that time. Homids take on the appearance of a mannequin or waxwork; an Archid transforms into a giant dinosaur model (no Delirium reaction); and a Suchid transforms into a life-size figure of her varna. The timing and placement of the statue is key; simply transforming anywhere risks detection since people will want to know how the statue got there.
- Bark of the Mudpuppy: This Gift allows the Mokolé to issue a sharp, loud bark at any one person or object, inflicting a single level of aggravated damage within hearing range. This can open wounds, shatter glass, even splinter light wood. There is no cost to activate this Gift.
- Dragonfear: Just as the Delirium can induce an instinctive fear of Crinos werewolves due to ancestral memory, Mokolé can induce a similar ancestral terror of the night all creatures (including the Awakened). By spending a Rage Trait, the Mokolé invokes the Delirium on all witnesses for one scene. Even creatures immune to Delirium, like fomori, will still experience it.
- View the Seed: With this Gift, a Mokolé can identify the "seed" of something, the element that brought a thing or an idea into existence. The narrower the scope, the simpler the answer; the broader the idea, the more difficult to understand the seed. The Mokolé performs a Static Mental Challenge versus seven Traits to learn simple answers (such as the parents of a child) with greater difficulty for greater scope (12 Traits for determining who controls the drug trade in a particular city). Note that some things result from several "seeds" - a Mokolé looking at America would get a welter of images (early European explorers, the Continental Congress, African slaves arriving via the Middle Passage, the Civil War, Native Americans planting corn...).
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Falling Touch: As the Ahroun Gift.[65]
- Fatal Flaw: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[66]
- Inspiration: As the Ahroun Gift.[67]
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift: only usable in Archid.[68]
- Sense Dissolver: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.[69]
- Shed: As the metis Gift.[70]
- Sight of the True Form: As the Philodox Gift: Scent of the True Form.[71]
- Speed of Thought: As the Silent Strider Gift, but costing 2 Gnosis rather than 1.[72]
Level 2[]
- Blessings of the Nest: Hissing a blessing in the Dragon Tongue, the Mokolé bestows a gift of fertility. In addition to ensuring conception on most recipients, the Gift also removes impotence from those who suffer from it and grants fertility to the normally barren. A rooster-spirit teaches it.[73]
- Reptoid Form: Through careful refinement of her shapeshifting capabilities, the Mokolé learns to assume a form between Homid and Archid. This "near-man" form, roughly equivalent to the Garou Glabro form, lacks hair, had tough, lightly scaled skin, and sports small but sharp claws. It can only pass for human at a distance, under heavy clothing, or in poor light, but still avoids the size and subtlety issues associated with Archid. This Gift is taught by memory-spirits.[74]
- Sense Gold: As the Ahroun Gift: Sense Silver, save that it detects gold.[75]
- Silver Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[76]
- Stinking Breath: As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Odious Aroma.[77]
Level 3[]
- Dragonfear: As the Ahroun Gift: True Fear.[78]
- Dragon's Breath: The Mokolé can spit fire. This Gift is taught by Dragon himself.[79]
- Walking Between Worlds: The Mokolé can breach the Gauntlet and enter the Umbra in the same manner as Garou. Lunes teach this Gift.[80]
Level 4[]
- Attunement: As the Silent Strider Gift.[81]
- Cocoon: As the homid Gift.[82]
- Serenity: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[83]
Level 5[]
Stream Gifts[]
- For Gumagan Gifts, see Gumagan Gifts.
- For Makara Gifts, see Makara Gifts.
- For Mokolé-Mbembe Gifts, see Mokolé-Mbembe Gifts.
- For Zhong Lung Gifts, see Zhong Lung Gifts.
Solar Auspice Gifts[]
Rising Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Bellow: The Mokolé can shake the swamps with his powerful voice, terrifying all who hear him. A Crocodile-spirit or Alligator-spirit teaches this Gift.[86]
- Eye of the Raptor: By calling on her feathered cousins' talents, the Mokolé gains the ability to see for a number of miles as if the distance were a mere twenty yards or so. This Gift is taught by a Bird-spirit.[87]
Level 2[]
- Paint the Meadows: The Mokolé can utter pitiable moans to lure her prey. Usually used from hiding, this Gift is suitable for hunters and fighters. Blue Jay teaches this Gift.[88]
- Sense Silver: As the Ahroun Gift.[89]
Level 3[]
- Dragon's Tongue: This enables the Mokolé to call lightning down on a target. This Gift is taught by a Lightning-Bringer.[90]
- Call the Tides: This Gift makes the Mokolé able to bend the tides to his will. The Gift is taught by Tidekeeper.[91]
- Combat Healing: As the Level Three Ahroun Gift.[92]
- Hot Ichor: This Gift makes the Mokolé able to gain a pool of heat energy, increasing his prowess in hunting or battle. A Raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.[93]
- Might of the Kings: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[94]
Level 4[]
- Anger of the Wani: As the Level Five Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm. Upon using this Gift, the Mokolé falls into a trance until Sun rises once more. He offers his dreams to the Dragon Kings as thanks for this Gift.[95]
- Scream of Gaia: As the Get of Fenris Gift.[96]
Level 5[]
- Jointsnake's Mojo: This Gift enables the Mokolé to rejoin severed body parts without even touching them. A severed arm will twitch and quickly wriggle back to the stump, rejoining the 'gator's body as neatly as you could ask. This Gift is taught by Jointsnake.[97]
- Wall of Granite: As the Philodox Gift.[98]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Bellow: The Mokolé terrifies all who hear him with a powerful reptilian roar; taught by a crocodile-spirit or alligator-spirit.[99]
- Eye of the Raptor: The creature can see for miles, as if the distance were a mere twenty yards; this Gift is taught by a bird-spirit, usually one known for its amazing eyesight.[100]
Level 2[]
- Sense Silver: As the Ahroun Gift.[101]
- Paint the Meadows: This peculiar Gift allows the Mokolé to utter pitiable moans to lure prey closer.[102]
Level 3[]
- Combat Healing: As the Arhoun Gift.[103]
- Might of the Kings: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[104]
Level 4[]
- Scream of Gaia: As the Get of Fenris Gift.[105]
Level 5[]
- Wall of Granite: As the Philodox Gift.[106]
- Anger of the Wani: As the Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm in Laws of the Wild. The Mokolé who uses this Gift immediately falls into a deep sleep until the next sunrise.
- Call the Tides: With the aid of Luna, the Mokolé can change tidal waters, such as oceans, seas or river inlets, to her will. The player makes a Static Gnosis Test versus eight Traits; her control of the water depends on how much Gnosis she bids.
- Dragon's Tongue: Spending a Willpower Trait, the Mokolé calls a bolt of lightning down on a target and engages in a Physical Challenge; if successful, the target is struck by lightning and suffers three levels of aggravated damage. For living creatures with a central nervous system, electric shock often causes unconsciousness, temporary paralysis and even death. However, most supernaturals are sturdier than the average human or animal and can compensate for the damage. Storytellers are encouraged to make a Simple Test for this with electrical damage that fall into Wounded to retain consciousness.
- Hot Ichor: This Gift allows the Mokolé to build a battery of energy within his own blood, released suddenly in a time of need. For each Rage Trait spent, the Mokolé adds one point to his pool of Ichor Traits; at no time can a Mokolé store more than double his Rage total. These Ichor Traits can be spent in part or in whole to increase Physical traits. The advantages last for one turn.
- Jointsnake's Mojo: With this Gift, a Mokolé can effortlessly reattach a severed limb. By spending a Gnosis Trait, the Mokolé calls the limb back to his body. As long as the limb is nearby (within 10 feet), whole and mostly intact (i.e., not crushed, eaten or being digested), the lost part will spasm and writhe back to the Mokolé to be reattached to the body. This does not heal any health levels and the pain of a severed limb is considerable, but with the expenditure of a second Gnosis Trait, the wound will not scar.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Bellow: The Mokolé releases a powerful and terrifying reptilian roar. This Gift is taught by a crocodile-spirit.[107]
- Eye of the Raptor: The Mokolé can see clearly for miles. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.[108]
- Master of Fire: As the homid Gift.[109]
Level 2[]
- Paint the Meadows: The Mokolé may utter pitiable moans and groans to draw prey closer. Margay-spirits teach this Gift.[110]
- Sense Silver: As the Ahroun Gift.[111]
Level 3[]
- Combat Healing: As the Ahroun Gift.[112]
- Dragon's Tongue: As the Bastet Pumonca Gift: Thunderbolt.[113]
- Hot Ichor: The Mokolé may use her Rage to heat her blood, enhancing her prowess in battle or on the hunt. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.[114]
- Lash of Ages: As the Red Talon Gift: Render Down.[115]
Level 4[]
- Anger of the Wani: As the Wendigo Gift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm[116]
- Scream of Gaia: As the lupus Gift.[117]
Level 5[]
- Jointsnake's Mojo: The Mokolé may rejoin severed body parts without even touching them; they simply wriggle back to the stump, reattaching themselves. This Gift is taught by jointsnake-spirits.[118]
- Wall of Granite: As the Philodox Gift.[119]
Noonday Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Gold Claws: As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws, save that the Mokolé claws become gold. This Gift is mainly used against fallen or undutiful Mokolé.[120]
- Sight of the True Form: As the common Gift.[121]
- Truth of Olodumare: As the Garou Gift: Truth of Gaia. This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.[122]
Level 2[]
- Calm: As the Children of Gaia Gift. This Gift is taught by a Tuatara-spirit.[123]
- Strength of Purpose: As the Level Two Philodox Gift.[124]
- Tame Sunbeam: Sun, whom the Mokolé call The Face of Gid, is opposed to evil and darkness. He teaches his children to call upon his aid when they need it. A sun-spirit teaches this Gift.[125]
Level 3[]
- Clear Mind: This Gift allows fair judgment, no matter what the distractions. A Crow-spirit teaches this Gift.[126]
- Dragon's Tongue: As the Rising Sun Gift. The difficulty may be lessened, at the Storyteller's option, if the target is a Mokolé who has failed the Duties.[127]
- Eyes of the Cobra: As the Galliard Gift.[128]
Level 4[]
- Raptor's Gaze: As the Fianna Gift: Balor's Gaze.[129]
- Serenity: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[130]
- Strength of the Dominator: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[131]
Level 5[]
- Geas: As the Philodox Gift.[132]
- Sleep of the Dragon: This Gift allows the Mokolé to enter a state of estivation. She sleeps for a time limited by duration (for instance, "three moons") or condition ("When the lake fills with water"). In either case, she sets the waking condition herself. The Mokolé does not age as she sleeps, though she may dream. Usually the Mokolé buries herself in mud as she sleeps. The sleeping Mokolé{is awakened by being moved or touched, but not by ordinary noises. A Dragon-spirit teaches this Gift.[133]
- Wisdom of the Sun: As the Stargazer Gift: Wisdom of the Seer, save that the Mokolé must gaze directly on Lord Sun's face.[134]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Sight of the True Form: As the common Gift.[135]
- Truth of Olodumare: As the Garou Gift: Truth of Gaia; taught by a sun-spirit.[136]
Level 2[]
Level 3[]
- Clear Mind: This Gift encourages clarity of thought, no matter what the distractions; it is taught by a crow-spirit.[139]
- Raptor's Gaze: As the Fianna Gift: Balor's Gaze.[140]
Level 4[]
- Serenity: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[141]
Level 5[]
- Geas: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[142]
- Gold Claws: As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws in Laws of the Wild, except the claws become gold.
- Tame Sunbeam: With this Gift, a Mokolé requests the aid of Olodumare himself to banish darkness, bringing down the sun on an area. The player spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Mental Challenge, spending additional Gnosis for greater effect. Any vampires in the area take one level of aggravated damage for each turn they are in direct sunlight.
- Dragon's Tongue: As the Rising Sun Gift; the storyteller may declare a Noonday challenger two Traits up if the victim has failed to fulfill Mokolé duties.
- Eyes of the Cobra: As the Fianna Gift: Balor's Gaze; see Laws of the Wild.
- Strength of the Dominator: As the Shadow Lord Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Sleep of the Dragon: The Mokolé uses this gift to enter a long-term sleep called estivation; this can be measured in days, months, years or centuries. A waking condition is set ("when the lake fills with water," "for four moons"). He does not age as he sleeps, although he does dream. Most Mokolé bury themselves in mud as they sleep. Touching or moving a dormant Mokolé will immediately awaken him. No test or expenditure is needed - the Mokolé may enter as an act of will.
- Wisdom of the Seer: The Mokolé spends an hour gazing into a sunlit sky, then asks a question of the sky and receives an answer. After looking into the sky, the Mokolé spends a Gnosis Trait and make a Mental Challenge. If successful, she may ask a single question of the Storyteller. It is rare to gain a completely straightforward answer from the sky spirits.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Fangs of Judgment: As the Philodox Gift.[143]
- Persuasion: As the homid Gift.[144]
- Truth of Olodumare: As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.[145]
Level 2[]
- Calm: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[146]
- Strength of Purpose: As the Philodox Gift.[147]
- Tame Sunbeam: The sun has long been the staunchest ally of the Mokolé, and sends his light when they need it most. A servant of Helios teaches this Gift.[148]
Level 3[]
- Clear Mind: This Gift encourages clarity of thought, no matter the distractions; it is taught by a crow-spirit.[149]
- Weak Arm: As the Philodox Gift.[150]
Level 4[]
- Raptor's Gaze: As the Fianna Gift: Balor's Gaze.[151]
- Strength of the Dominator: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[152]
Level 5[]
- Geas: As the Philodox Gift.[153]
- Wisdom of the Sun: As the Stargazer Gift: Wisdom of the Seer, save that the Mokolé must meditate beneath Lord Sun's face.[154]
Setting Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
Level 2[]
- Clap of Thunder: As the Rising Sun Gift.[157]
- Paint the Meadows: As the Rising Sun Gift.[158]
- Spew: The Warding may guard the nest with a spew of slippery ooze. He can drink a few gallons of water and spit it out as a slimy mess. This Gift is taught by Frog or Snail-spirits.[159]
Level 3[]
- Armor of the Tortoise: This Gift enables the Mokolé to form a hard shell around his skin while in Archid or Suchid form, protecting himself even further from harm. The Gift is taught by a Turtle or Tortoise-spirit.[160]
- Combat Healing: As the Ahroun Gift.[161]
- Might of the Kings: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[162]
Level 4[]
Level 5[]
- Halo of the Sun: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[165]
- Fossilize: This Gift allows the Mokolé to consign an enemy to memory - by fossilizing him for the edification of further generations. Paleontologists, needless to say, would probably be baffled by the results. A Death-spirit teaches this Gift.[166]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
Level 2[]
Level 3[]
- Combat Healing: As the Ahroun Gift.[171]
- Might of the Kings: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[172]
Level 4[]
- Clenched Jaw: As the Ahroun Gift.[173]
Level 5[]
- Halo of the Sun: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[174]
- Spew: After Swallowing several gallons of water and successfully performing a Static Physical Challenge, the Mokolé spews out a slippery, oozing slime that hinders a walking predator from digging at an egg-nest. Urine, vomit or other bodily fluids may also be created with this Gift.
The Storyteller should record the Physical Traits of the Mokolé's form and use these as a Static Challenge to anyone attempting to walk in this area; any time movement is attempted in this area - including escape - a test is made. The Mokolé must be in Archid or Suchid forms when performing this Gift.
- Armor of the Tortoise: Through the memory of Turtle, a Mokolé grows a hardened exterior shell that repels attacks. The Mokolé makes a Physical Challenge (retest with Primal-Urge) and spends a turn in concentration. With success, he gains two extra health levels. This can be added in addition to other armor, but the Gift may only be activated once per scene. This Gift lasts for one scene; changing forms during this time causes the shell to fall apart. This shell will kill a Mokolé in Homid form as it is far too heavy for any human body to carry. It can be used only in Archid or Suchid forms.
- Hot Ichor: As the Rising Sun Gift.
- Fossilize: This Gift allows a Mokolé to fossilize an enemy by pointing a bone at an enemy and entering a Gnosis Challenge versus the target's Willpower. Each success causes one health level of aggravated damage. If the target dies from the Gift, she turns into a fossil relic.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Burrow: As the metis Gift.[175]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[176]
- Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[177]
Level 2[]
- Clap of Thunder: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[178]
- Paint the Meadows: As the Mokolé Rising Sun Gift.[179]
- Rage of the Nest Mother: As the Boli Zousizhe Gift: Fu Xi's Honor.[180]
- Warding Dance: As the Fianna Gift: Flame Dance.[181]
Level 3[]
- Armor of the Tortoise: The Mokolé may form a hard shell around his skin, protecting himself from harm. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.[182]
- Clarity: As the Stargazers Gift.[183]
- Combat Healing: As the Ahroun Gift.[184]
- Might of the Kings: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[185]
Level 4[]
Level 5[]
- Halo of the Sun: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[188]
Midnight Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Darksight: The Shining can draw on the ambient light of the Penumbra to see clearly in darkness. This Gift is taught by a Moon-spirit.[189]
- Lambent Flame: As the Silver Fang Gift. This is taught by a Fire-spirit or by a Sun-spirit.[190]
- Sense Sun: As the common gift: Sense Moon, save that it allows the user to discern the presence of Sun creatures such as Mokolé and Corax. This Gift is taught by a Moon-spirit.[191]
- Spirits of Laughter: This Gift allows the Midnight Sun to invoke Laughter-spirits which make everything seem funny. A Mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.[192]
- Talk: As the generic Gift.[193]
Level 2[]
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: This is a foretelling Gift, taught by a Crane-spirit. It enables the Mokolé to remember the future, however inaccurately.[194]
- Dreamspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[195]
- Glib Tongue: As the Fianna Gift. This is taught by a Parrot-spirit.[196]
Level 3[]
- Become Log: As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, save that the Mokolé must be on a forest floor, in a stream or lake, or in another environment familiar to his varna. This Gift is taught by an Alligator-spirit.[197]
- Invisibility: As the Uktena Gift.[198]
- Open Sun Bridge: As the Ragabash Gift: Open Moon Bridge.[199]
Level 4[]
- Fool's Luck: The Shining, being owed favors by many spirits of fortune, becomes largely immune to ill luck in all its forms. This Gift is taught by a Trickster-spirit.[200]
- Shadows by the Fire Light: As the Galliard Gift, save that Mokolé often tell stories as sunshafts burn dazzlingly through the trees into the wallow's darkness. When this Gift is combined with Mnesis, the result is a unique art called inwitting, in which the teller sends her audience into the memory-dreams of the Dragon Folk. This enables a storyteller to set tales in the past as far back as the Mokolé who is telling the story can remember. A Shadow-spirit teaches this Gift.[201]
Level 5[]
- Sleep of the Dragon: As the Noonday Sun Gift.[202]
- Steal Shape: This Gift is rate: only two lineages possessing it are known to have survived the Wars of Rage. It enables a Mokolé to study the shape of another being for a span of time, and then to take that shape as her new breed form. In this way, the Mokolé have survived millennia of evolution on Gaia's Face. This Gift is taught by a Lungfish-spirit.[203]
- Take the True Form: As the Level Four Philodox Gift.[204]
- Thousand Secret Faces: This Gift is taught only to trusted friends. It allows the user to assume the illusion of almost any shape that she has personally seen. This is not true shapeshifting but is an almost perfect simulation. This gift is taught by a spirit of deception.[205]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Darksight: For the Mokolé using this talent, the ambient light of the Penumbra illuminates the physical world, even when darkness surrounds her. A moon-spirit of some sort teaches the Gift.[206]
- Lambent Flame: As the Silver Fang Gift; taught by a fire-spirit or sun-spirit.[207]
Level 2[]
Level 3[]
Level 4[]
- Fool's Luck: This Gift grants a temporary immunity to "bad luck."[212]
Level 5[]
- Take the True Form: As the Level Four Philodox Gift.[213]
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: A Midnight Sun, with a burnt offering of a bird's feather, can see events in the future, signs and omens. The Mokolé spends a Gnosis point and makes a Mental Challenge (retest with Enigmas). With success, she may peer beyond tomorrow and gain one insight (usually vague).
- Sense Sun: As the General Gift: Sense Moon, except that it determines sun-creatures, such as the Mokolé and the Corax.
- Spirits of Laughter: Far more potent and direct than nitrous oxide, this Gift causes a target to burst into fits of hysterical laughter with the expenditure of a Gnosis Trait and a successful Gnosis versus Willpower test. The effects are triggered by any comment made after the Gift is performed, which will seem unbelievably funny. The target may take no action other than defending himself due to laughing uncontrollably. The effect lasts for one turn.
- Talk: As the General Gift.
- Become Log: As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, except that the Mokolé must be in an environment suited to her varna.
- Open Sun Bridge: As the Ragabash Gift: Open Moon Bridge; see Laws of the Wild.
- Shadows by the Firelight: As the Galliard Gift, but in the hands of a Mokolé, it transforms to one of the purest forms of storytelling possible, bringing the tale into the past to watch the story unfold as it does in Mnesis. When this Gift is combined with Mnesis, the result is a unique art called inwitting. The tale-teller and listeners are transported into the story, seeing it all from the firsthand experiences of Mokolé present at the time.
- Sleep of the Dragon: As the Noonday Sun Gift.
- Steal Shape: Just as Mokolé dream their Archid form into being, the Mokolé with this Gift can also dream himself into a new shape by studying the shapes he sees. With long study of the new form (at least a year) and the expense of a permanent Gnosis Trait, the Mokolé form changes permanently to that of another creature. The creature must look something like the old one so that the Mokolé soul will inhabit it (the Storyteller is free to rule on this). This is the shape a Mokolé mother will pass on to her offspring. Some claim this is how a new varna comes to have shapeshifter souls. As few Mokolé with this Gift survived the War of Rage, it is extremely rare and should not be used or taught but in the rarest circumstances. Storytellers may wish to limit the appearance and use of this Gift.
- Thousand Secret Faces: Just as Steal Shape, allows a permanent change to a new form, this Gift a Mokolé to cast an illusion of being in a new form. By studying a shape, spending both a Gnosis and a Willpower trait and making a Social Challenge (retest with Subterfuge), the Mokolé puts on a false form. The Gift lasts for one day, although the Mokolé may spend Social Traits to prolong it. Should someone attempt to penetrate this Gift with another, the Mokolé is three Traits up to avoid penetration.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Brother's Scent: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[214]
- Darksight: The ambient light of the Penumbra illuminates the physical world, even when darkness surrounds the Mokolé. A Lune teaches this Gift.[215]
- Spirits of Laughter: The Midnight Sun invokes spirits of good humor, lightening everyone's mood. A mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.[216]
Level 2[]
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: The Mokolé swims upstream through the river of Mnesis, catching vague glimpses of the future. A crane-spirit teaches this Gift.[217]
- Dreamspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[218]
- Glib Tongue: As the Fianna Gift.[219]
Level 3[]
- Become Log: As the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, save that the Mokolé must be in a natural environment, or one comfortable to his varna (such as a golf course's pond for an alligator varna).[220]
- Invisibility: As the Uktena Gift.[221]
- Open Moon Bridge: As the Ragabash Gift.[222]
Level 4[]
- Fool's Luck: This Gift grants temporary immunity to bad luck. A rabbit-spirit teaches it.[223]
- Shadows by the Firelight: As the Galliard Gift.[224]
Level 5[]
Shrouded Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Call the Rain: A power that has been responsible for more than one crocodile cult, this Gift allows the Mokolé to summon rain from a clear sky. It is taught by Rainbird or Rain-spirits.[227]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[228]
- Sense Designer: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm, save that it detects Weaver manifestations.[229]
- Sense Dissolver: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.[230]
- Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[231]
- Shroud: As the Uktena Gift. Just as Sun brings light, his servants can teach the Mokolé how to bring darkness when neccessary.[232]
- Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[233]
- Talk: As the generic Gift.[234]
Level 2[]
- Become Log: As the Mokolé Gift.[235]
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: As the Midnight Sun Gift.[236]
- Command Spirit: As the Midnight Sun Gift.[237]
- Dream the Matre's Mind: This Gift, taught by human Ancestor-spirits or an animal spirit especially renowned for a long memory, such as Elephant, allows the Mokolé to leave her body behind as her spirit slips into the astral realm, or Deep Umbra.[238]
- Send the Dream: As the Level Three metis Gift: Mental Speech.[239]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Level Three common Gift.[240]
Level 3[]
- Call Water Spirit: As the Uktena Gift: Call Fire Spirit, save that a Water-spirit is called. The Mokolé must have a water source. The water spirit will move water, dampen a foe, or short out a power at the Mokolé's command.[241]
- Deeper Lungs: The Mokolé may reserve air within himself, allowing him to live for a period of time without breathing. This Gift is taught by Turtle-spirits.[242]
- Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[243]
- Open Sun Bridge: As the Midnight Sun Gift.[244]
- Shadow Wings: This Gift allows a Mokolé to fly through the "nothing" of the Umbra, ignoring the various paths and tracks in favor of a more direct route from Realm to Realm. This Gift is taught by a Skyy-spirit.[245]
Level 4[]
- Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[246]
- Recapitulate: The Mokolé can attack enemies with their own evolutionary heritage, forcing them to retreat back down the tree of life toward the primordial ooze of Gaia. The foe is transformed into a lower form of life by force of will. A designer-spirit named Haeckel teaches this Gift, and will demand a favor in return.[247]
- Walk the Matre's Mind: Similar to the Gift Dream the Matre's Mind, this Gift lets the Mokolé actually enter the astral realm, the Deep Umbra in physical form. Alternately, if she is already astral, she can remove her cord relatively safely. The use of this Gift is rare, as fewer are versed in it, but it allows the Mokolé to enter the embodiment of Gaia's memory without leaving a helpless body behind and without a silver cord. Some Mokolé{postulate that the silver cord becomes invisible, but is still there. This Gift is taught only by various spirits familiar with the Deep Umbra.[248]
Level 5[]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[251]
- Sense Designer: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm, save that it detects the presence of Weaver-spirits.[252]
- Sense Dissolver: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.[253]
- Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[254]
Level 2[]
- Send the Dream: As the Level Three metis Gift: Mental Speech.[255]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Level Three common Gift.[256]
Level 3[]
- Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[257]
Level 4[]
- Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[258]
Level 5[]
- Malleable Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[259]
- Become Log: As the Midnight Sun Gift.
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: As the Midnight Sun Gift.
- Call the Rain: With this Gift, the Mokolé can bring down rain at will, affecting rainfall from the current weather patterns. This has brought about more than one crocodile cult. Make a Social Challenge and spend Social Traits to bring about the desired effect. If it is already raining when this Gift is invoked, the rain doubles in effort; flooding is a real possibility.
- Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Dream the Matre's Mind: Mokolé may travel into the Deep Umbra through a form of astral projection. The player makes a Gnosis Test against the Gauntlet rating and the Mokolé enters the Deep Umbra as an astral being from her current location. Her physical body remains behind and unconscious. Losing on a tie means the attempt fails; losing the test outright means becoming lost in the Deep Umbra without a tether.
- Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Talk: As the General Gift.
- Call Water Spirit: The Mokolé may summon a water spirit to perform a single task for him. He must have a water source available, even as small as a coffee mug full of water. The water spirit may drench a foe, short out a power system or move water before departing. To summon the spirit, the Mokolé spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Social Challenge.
- Deeper Lungs: This Gift allows the Mokolé to hold and reserve air for a time equal to the number of Stamina-related Traits she possesses (hours in the real world, days in the Umbra). When the Gift's duration expires, the Mokolé must be able to breathe air again for five minutes before invoking this Gift again.
- Open Sun Bridge: As the Midnight Sun Gift.
- Recapitulate: With this Gift, a Mokolé can send a creature back across its evolutionary growth, to early rodent and reptile forms, all the way down to primordial oozing proteins. The Mokolé shouts out the enemy's name and makes a Social Challenge (retest with Mnesis). The Mokolé's level of Mnesis determines the result. The effect lasts for one scene.
- Shadow Wings: This Gift allows a Mokolé to fly directly through the Umbra on spiritual wings that unfold when needed. With this Gift she may avoid the various paths and tracks for a more direct route (which is no less hazardous). Once the Mokolé knows this Gift, the wings come on command whenever the Mokolé enters the Umbra. The Mokolé must enter the Umbra to invoke this Gift (such as by Walking Between Worlds) and must be in a place where flying is possible. These are dragon-style wings, and do not inhibit the arms of the Mokolé.
- Walk the Matre's Mind: This allows a Mokolé to enter the Deep Umbra directly as a physical entity (instead of as an astral projection). If she is already present as an astral being, she may remove her silver cord. No challenge is necessary; the Gift becomes automatic when it is learned. This Gift lasts only while the body can withstand the strain of being separated from the spirit (one scene per Stamina-related Trait).
- Gorgon's Gaze: With this terrifying Gift, the Mokolé can turn her foes to stone with a single glance. Like Medusa's victims, the targets turn to statues where they stand. The Mokolé makes eye contact with her victim and makes a Mental Challenge. With success, the victim turns to stone for a number of turns equal to the Mokolé's Willpower. The Mokolé can double this time by spending a Willpower Trait.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Call the Rain: As the Ajaba Midnight Gift: Tears of the Heavens.[260]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[261]
- Sense Designer: As the metis Gift: Sense Wyrm, save that it detects the presence of the Weaver.[262]
- Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[263]
- Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[264]
Level 2[]
- Breaking the Tomorrow Wall: As the Mokolé Midnight Sun Gift.[265]
- Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[266]
- Send the Dream: As the metis Gift: Mental Speech.[267]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Mokolé general Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.[268]
Level 3[]
- Deeper Lungs: The Mokolé may reserve air within herself, allowing her to live for a period of time without breathing. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.[269]
- Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[270]
- Shadow Wings: As the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird.[271]
Level 4[]
- Living Treasure: As the Hakken Gift.[272]
- Recapitulate: The Mokolé can attack enemies with their own evolutionary heritage forcing them to retreat back down the tree of life toward a clump of cells. The foe is transformed into a lower form of life. A lungfish-spirit teaches this Gift.[273]
Level 5[]
Decorated Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Cooking: As the Bone Gnawer Gift.[276]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[277]
- Persuasion: As the homid Garou Gift. This Gift is taught by a Snake-spirit.[278]
- Pilot Snake: This Gift allows Mokolé to summon the helpful pilot snake, a creature who knows how to get places. He can help find safe havens, drinkable water, wallows, and so on. The Gift is taught by a Snake-spirit.[279]
- Talk: As the common Gift.[280]
- Wind Beneath My Wings: This Gift, originated by a Pteranodon Mokolé, helps Mokolé travel more easily by marching or flying in formations. The strength of the whole group can serve to help each member. This Gift is taught by Goose.[281]
Level 2[]
- Call to Duty: As the Philodox Gift.[282]
- Dragon Drill: This Gift allows the Gathering to organize her clutch into a potent work force. She can take an ability known to one clutch member and share it with all. The Gift can empower Kin as well as Mokolé. It is taught by Ant-spirits.[283]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Level Three generic Gift.[284]
Level 3[]
- Long Running: This Gift allows the Mokolé to reduce the travel time of a journey, whether on foot or in a vehicle. It is taught by a Sea turtle-spirit.[285]
- Reshape Object: As the homid Garou Gift.[286]
Level 4[]
Level 5[]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.[291]
- Persuasion: As the Garou homid Gift; taught by a Snake-spirit.[292]
- Pilot Snake: The pilot snake is known to Mokolé mystics as a helpful creature, eager to help find shelter, wallows, drinkable water, or fresh meat. This Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.[293]
Level 2[]
- Call to Duty: As the Philodox Gift.[294]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Level Three common Gift.[295]
Level 3[]
- Long Running: Reduce the travel time of a journey, whether on foot or in a vehicle.[296]
- Reshape Object: As the Garou homid Gift.[297]
Level 4[]
- Strength of the Dominator: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[298]
Level 5[]
- Obedience: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[299]
- Cooking: As the Bone Gnawer Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Dragon Drill: This Gift allows the Gathering to organize her clutch into a united work force. She can take an Ability known to one clutchmate and share it will all. She gives a "pep talk" to her clutch, describing the Ability and task, then spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Social Challenge with each clutch member in turn. With success, the clutchmate gains the Ability at the donor's level for one scene. This Gift affects Kin as well as Mokolé. Certain Abilities, such as trying to impart Drive to suchids, may not succeed (Storyteller discretion). Only Abilities are passed on, not Gifts, rites, Backgrounds or other advantages. The Storyteller has the final say on what Abilities may be passed on.
- Talk: As the General Gift.
- Wind Beneath My Wings: This Gift allows a group to travel in formation, and bank on the strength of each other. By forming a flocking "V" shape, the Gifted Mokolé spends a Physical Trait for each person in the group. While they remain in their formation, each Mokolé gains the strongest member's number of permanent Physical Traits (for comparing ties only). This lasts until any member of the group breaks formation or loses consciousness.
- Infest: As the Bone Gnawer Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Calm the Flock: As the Glass Walker Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Mercy: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[300]
- Pack Tactics: As the Ahroun Gift.[301]
- Persuasion: As the homid Gift.[302]
Level 2[]
- Call to Duty: As the Philodox Gift.[303]
- Command the Gathering: As the Philodox Gift.[304]
- Dragon Drill: The Mokolé may organize her allies into a potent workforce, sharing any Ability known to a single member of the group with all members. This Gift can empower Mokolé, Kin, and any character with whom the Mokolé shares a totem. Ant-spirits teach this Gift.[305]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Mokolé general Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.[306]
Level 3[]
- Long Running: The Mokolé can make long trips far more quickly than should be possible. An air-spirit teaches this Gift.[307]
- Reshape Object: As the homid Gift.[308]
Level 4[]
Level 5[]
Eclipsed Sun Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Aura of Confidence: As the Shadow Lord Gift. This Gift is taught by a Dinosaur King or some other royalty.[313]
- Bellow: As the generic Gift.[314]
- Lambent Flame: As the Silver Fang Gift.[315]
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[316]
Level 2[]
- Awe: As the Silver Fang Gift.[317]
- Dazzle: As the Level Three Children of Gaia Gift; it is taught by a spirit servant of Dragon.[318]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Level Three generic Gift.[319]
Level 3[]
- Eye of the Cobra: As the Galliard Gift.[320]
- Hot Ichor: As the Rising Sun Gift.[321]
- Wrath of Dragon: As the Silver Fang Gift: Wrath of Gaia.[322]
Level 4[]
- Mastery: As the Silver Fang Gift.[323]
- Sun Enfleshed: This powerful Gift allows a Mokolé to embody Sun's holy fire. As the Mokolé prays to Sun, she appears to burse into silent, solar flames, lighting up the area as brightly as noon and burning her opponents with a touch. This Gift is taught by a Sun-spirit.[324]
Level 5[]
- Army of the Ancestors: This rare Gift allows a Mokolé to materialize her Archid-form characteristics in an entirely different way. The Mokolé can call on the ancestors who gave him the shape he wears, bringing them out of the mists of the Memory to challenge his opponents. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor-spirit.[325]
- Dream Semblance: This Gift may be exercised once in a Mokolé's lifetime. It allows the Mokolé to become a True Dragon for the duration of one scene. Once the confrontation is over, the dream will depart. This Gift is taught by Dragon.[326]
- Stop Continental Drift: This Gift invokes the spirits of the continents as they float across Gaia's Face and through the millennia. The Crowning can act as though continental drift did not exist, traveling as the Kings did. This Gift is taught by a spirit of the land (such as Mountain or Stone).[327]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Aura of Confidence: As the Shadow Lord Gift; taught by the spirit of a Dinosaur King.[328]
- Lambent Flame: As the Silver Fang Gift.[329]
Level 2[]
Level 3[]
- Eye of the Cobra: As the Galliard Gift.[332]
- Wrath of Dragon: As the Silver Fang Gift: Wrath of Gaia.[333]
Level 4[]
- Mastery: As the Silver Fang Gift.[334]
Level 5[]
- Stop Continental Drift: The Crowning with this powerful Gift can travel between the continents almost as though they were one, as they were in the time of Pangaea. A journey from the shores of Africa to South America, for instance, may only take a matter of days.[335]
- Bellow: As the General Gift.
- Dazzle: As the Children of Gaia Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift; see Laws of the Wild.
- Hot Ichor: As the Rising Sun Gift.
- Sun Enfleshed: A Mokolé with this Gift prays to Olodumare and receives the blessing of super-hot flesh as bright as the noonday sun. The Mokolé's skin burns with incredible intensity and her touch will start fires. This Gift costs three Gnosis. All bite, claw and tail attacks inflict an additional level of aggravated damage, and should be treated as gold. Vampires in the presence of the Mokolé react as if looking at the sun: They will suffer two levels of aggravated damage per turn that they remain in the Mokolé's presence, plus Rotschreck.
- Army of the Ancestors: While in Archid form, the Mokolé using this Gift declares and displays various ancestors who have added to his shape. The Mokolé may make a Static Gnosis Test (versus eight Traits) and call forth an ancestor from memory by declaring and displaying some aspect of its form. These dinosaurs bear the same intelligence as the Mokolé and will usually cooperate (as long as they are being asked to do something within their abilities). They will return to Mnesis after the scene, unless motivated by something they see to remain.
- Dream Semblance: This Gift is the most sacred of all Mokolé Gifts, allowing a Mokolé to transform into a True Dragon for one scene. By praying Mnesis Trait she possesses. The Traits of a True Dragon are up to the Storyteller, but they should be extremely powerful in keeping with a creature of legend. This Gift can be invoked only once and may even kill the Mokolé who invoked it once her foes are routed.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Aura of Confidence: As the Shadow Lord Gift.[336]
- Heightened Senses: As the lupus Gift.[337]
- Lambent Flame: As the Silver Fang Gift.[338]
Level 2[]
- Awe: The Mokolé becomes an unmistakable avatar of primal glory and majesty, crowned by the sun and cloaked in years. An avatar of Helios teaches this Gift.[339]
- Dazzle: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[340]
- Walking Between Worlds: As the Mokolé general Gift. Shrouded, Decorated, and Eclipsed Suns alone may buy this as a Level Two Gift.[341]
Level 3[]
- Dragon-King's Majesty: As the Shadow Lord Gift: Icy Chill of Despair.[342]
- Eye of the Cobra: As the Galliard Gift.[343]
- Wrath of the Dragon: As the Silver Fang Gift: Wrath of Gaia.[344]
Level 4[]
- Mastery: As the Silver Fang Gift.[345]
- Sun Enfleshed: The Mokolé becomes a living embodiment of the sun's holy fire. She bursts into silent, solar flames, burning her opponents with a touch. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Helios.[346]
Level 5[]
- Halo of the Sun: As the Children of Gaia Gift.[347]
- Stop Continental Drift: The Crowned with this powerful Gift can travel the world as though it were still the dawn of time. A journey from the shores of Africa to South America, for example may take only a matter of days. Crocodile-spirits teach this Gift.[348]
Tame Sunbeam from Mokolé (book). Art by James Stowe.
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 170-171
- Rage CCG: War of the Amazon (Bellow, Dragon’s Breath, Kiss of Life, Walking Between Worlds)
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition, p. 161-163
- WTA: Mokolé, p. 79-89
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2, p. 156-172
- WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds, p. 117-119
- Rage CCG: Periphery (Dreamspeak)
- Rage CCG: Coda (Falcon’s Grasp)
- Rage CCG: Rainmakers (Armor of the Ancients)
- Rage CCG: Hellcats (Armor of Kings, Rising Sun)
- W20: Changing Breeds, p. 148-151
^ Level One
Eclipsed Sun: Aura of Confidence | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Eclipsed Sun: Aura of Confidence | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Aura of Confidence | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Aura of Confidence | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Bellow | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Rising Sun: Bellow | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Rising Sun: Bellow | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Bellow | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Bellow | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Eclipsed Sun: Bellow | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Midnight Sun: Brother's Scent | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Setting Sun: Burrow | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Call the Rain | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Call the Rain | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Cooking | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Decorated Sun: Cooking | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Midnight Sun: Darksight | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Midnight Sun: Darksight | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Midnight Sun: Darksight | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Rising Sun: Eye of the Raptor | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Eye of the Raptor | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Eye of the Raptor | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
The Falling Touch | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Falling Touch | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Falling Touch | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Falling Touch | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Fangs of Judgment | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Fatal Flaw | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Fatal Flaw | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Fatal Flaw | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Find Land | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Find Water | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Noonday Sun: Gold Claws | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Eclipsed Sun: Heightened Senses | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Inspiration | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Inspiration | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Inspiration | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Midnight Sun: Lambent Flame | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Midnight Sun: Lambent Flame | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Midnight Sun: Lambent Flame | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Eclipsed Sun: Lambent Flame | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Lambent Flame | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Lambent Flame | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Rising Sun: Master of Fire | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Decorated Sun: Mercy | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Setting Sun: Mother's Touch | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Mother's Touch | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Mother's Touch | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Mother's Touch | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Mother's Touch | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Mother's Touch | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Mother's Touch | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Decorated Sun: Pack Tactics | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Noonday Sun: Persuasion | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Decorated Sun: Persuasion | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Decorated Sun: Persuasion | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Decorated Sun: Persuasion | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Persuasion | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Pilot Snake | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Decorated Sun: Pilot Snake | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Razor Claws | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Razor Claws | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Razor Claws | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Razor Claws | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Razor Claws | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Eclipsed Sun: Razor Claws | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Resist Pain | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Setting Sun: Resist Pain | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Setting Sun: Resist Pain | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Resist Pain | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Resist Pain | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Scent of Sweet Nectar | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Scent of Sweet Nectar | Mokolé (book) | p. 79 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Designer | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Designer | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Designer | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Sense Dissolver | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Sense Dissolver | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Dissolver | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Dissolver | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Sense Dissolver | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Magic | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Sense Magic | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Sense Moon | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Sense Moon | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Sense Prey | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Midnight Sun: Sense Sun | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Sense Wyrm | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Shed | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Shed | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Shed | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Shrouded Sun: Shroud | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Sight of the True Form | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Sight of the True Form | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Sight of the True Form | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Sight of the True Form | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Noonday Sun: Sight of the True Form | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Speed of Thought | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Speed of Thought | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 117 |
Speed of Thought | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Midnight Sun: Spirits of Laughter | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Spirits of Laughter | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Spirit Speech | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Spirit Speech | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Spirit Speech | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Tailbiter's Mumble | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Talk | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Talk | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Midnight Sun: Talk | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Talk | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Decorated Sun: Talk | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Decorated Sun: Talk | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Noonday Sun: Truth of Olodumare | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Noonday Sun: Truth of Olodumare | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Noonday Sun: Truth of Olodumare | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Noonday Sun: Truth of Olodumare | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Decorated Sun: Wind Beneath My Wings | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
^ Level Two
Armor of the Tortoise | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Eclipsed Sun: Awe | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Awe | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Awe | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Axis Mundi | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Become Log | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Shrouded Sun: Become Log | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Shrouded Sun: Become Log | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Blessings of the Nest | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Midnight Sun: Breaking the Tomorrow Wall | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Breaking the Tomorrow Wall | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149-150 |
Shrouded Sun: Breaking the Tomorrow Wall | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Breaking the Tomorrow Wall | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Call to Duty | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Decorated Sun: Call to Duty | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Call to Duty | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Noonday Sun: Calm | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Noonday Sun: Calm | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Noonday Sun: Calm | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Clap of Thunder | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Setting Sun: Clap of Thunder | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Clap of Thunder | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Clap of Thunder | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Decorated Sun: Command the Gathering | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Shrouded Sun: Command Spirit | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Command Spirit | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dazzle | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dazzle | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Decorated Sun: Dragon Drill | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Dragon Drill | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Midnight Sun: Dreamspeak | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Dreamspeak | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Midnight Sun: Dreamspeak | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Shrouded Sun: Dream the Matre's Mind | Mokolé (book) | p. 86-87 |
Midnight Sun: Glib Tongue | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Glib Tongue | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Midnight Sun: Glib Tongue | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Rising Sun: Paint the Meadows | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Paint the Meadows | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Paint the Meadows | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Setting Sun: Paint the Meadows | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Paint the Meadows | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Paint the Meadows | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Setting Sun: Rage of the Nest Mother | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Reptiod Form | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Shrouded Sun: Send the Dream | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Send the Dream | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Send the Dream | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Sense Gold | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 161 |
Sense Gold | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Sense Gold | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Sense Gold | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Rising Sun: Sense Silver | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Sense Silver | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Sense Silver | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Silver Claws | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Silver Claws | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Silver Claws | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Silver Claws | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Setting Sun: Spew | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Stinking Breath | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Stinking Breath | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Strength of Purpose | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Noonday Sun: Strength of Purpose | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Noonday Sun: Strength of Purpose | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Tame Sunbeam | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Noonday Sun: Tame Sunbeam | Mokolé (book) | p. 84-85 |
Noonday Sun: Tame Sunbeam | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Tides of Lust | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Shrouded Sun: Walking Between the Worlds | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Shrouded Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Eclipsed Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Walking Between Worlds | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Setting Sun: Warding Dance | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Waxwork Monster | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
^ Level Three
Setting Sun: Armor of the Tortoise | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Setting Sun: Armor of the Tortoise | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Armor of the Tortoise | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Bark of the Mudpuppy | Mokolé (book) | p. 80 |
Midnight Sun: Become Log | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Become Log | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Rising Sun: Call the Tides | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Shrouded Sun: Call Water Spirit | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Setting Sun: Clarity | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Clear Mind | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Noonday Sun: Clear Mind | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Noonday Sun: Clear Mind | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Clear Mind | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Noonday Sun: Clear Mind | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Rising Sun: Combat Healing | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Combat Healing | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Combat Healing | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Setting Sun: Combat Healing | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Combat Healing | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Combat Healing | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Deeper Lungs | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Deeper Lungs | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Dragonfear | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Dragonfear | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Dragonfear | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Dragon's Breath | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Dragon's Breath | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Dragon's Breath | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Dragon's Breath | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Dragon's Breath | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Rising Sun: Dragon's Tongue | Mokolé (book) | p. 83 |
Rising Sun: Dragon's Tongue | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Dragon's Tongue | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dragon-King's Majesty | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Shrouded Sun: Exorcism | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Exorcism | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Exorcism | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Eye of the Cobra | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Noonday Sun: Eyes of the Cobra | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Eclipsed Sun: Eye of the Cobra | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Eye of the Cobra | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Eye of the Cobra | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Rising Sun: Hot Ichor | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Rising Sun: Hot Ichor | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Hot Ichor | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148-149 |
Eclipsed Sun: Hot Ichor | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Midnight Sun: Invisibility | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Invisibility | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Midnight Sun: Invisibility | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Rising Sun: Lash of Ages | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Decorated Sun: Long Running | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Long Running | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Long Running | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Rising Sun: Might of the Kings | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Might of the Kings | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Might of the Kings | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Might of the Kings | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Might of the Kings | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Midnight Sun: Open Moon Bridge | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Midnight Sun: Open Moon Bridge | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Midnight Sun: Open Sun Bridge | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Shrouded Sun: Open Sun Bridge | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Noonday Sun: Raptor's Gaze | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Decorated Sun: Reshape Object | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Reshape Object | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Reshape Object | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Shrouded Sun: Shadow Wings | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Shadow Wings | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Walking Between the Worlds | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Walking Between the Worlds | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Walking Between Worlds | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Walking Between Worlds | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Weak Arm | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Eclipsed Sun: Wrath of Dragon | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Wrath of Dragon | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Wrath of the Dragon | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
^ Level Four
Rising Sun: Anger of the Wani | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Anger of the Wani | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Attunement | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Attunement | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Attunement | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Attunement | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Setting Sun: Clenched Jaw | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Clenched Jaw | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Clenched Jaw | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Cocoon | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Cocoon | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Cocoon | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Midnight Sun: Fool's Luck | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Fool's Luck | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Midnight Sun: Fool's Luck | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Shrouded Sun: Grasp the Beyond | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Grasp the Beyond | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Setting Sun: Hands of the Earth Lords | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Hot Ichor | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Setting Sun: Hot Ichor | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Infest | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Decorated Sun: Infest | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Infest | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Eclipsed Sun: Mastery | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Eclipsed Sun: Mastery | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Mastery | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Shrouded Sun: Living Treasure | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Noonday Sun: Raptor's Gaze | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Raptor's Gaze | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Recapitulate | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Recapitulate | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Rising Sun: Scream of Gaia | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Scream of Gaia | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Scream of Gaia | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Serenity | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Serenity | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Noonday Sun: Serenity | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Serenity | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Midnight Sun: Shadows by the Fire Light | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Shadows by the Firelight | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Shadows by the Firelight | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Noonday Sun: Strength of the Dominator | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Strength of the Dominator | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Decorated Sun: Strength of the Dominator | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Strength of the Dominator | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Sun Enfleshed | Mokolé (book) | p. 88-89 |
Eclipsed Sun: Sun Enfleshed | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
View the Seed | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Shrouded Sun: Walk the Matre's Mind | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
^ Level Five
Eclipsed Sun: Army of the Ancestors | Mokolé (book) | p. 89 |
Decorated Sun: Calm the Flock | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Chaos Mechanics | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dream Semblance | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dream Semblance | Mokolé (book) | p. 89 |
Setting Sun: Fossilize | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Geas | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Geas | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Noonday Sun: Geas | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: Gorgon's Gaze | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Gorgon's Gaze | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Grasp the Beyond | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Grasp the Beyond | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Grasp the Beyond | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Setting Sun: Halo of the Sun | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Setting Sun: Halo of the Sun | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Setting Sun: Halo of the Sun | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Eclipsed Sun: Halo of the Sun | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Rising Sun: Jointsnake's Mojo | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Jointsnake's Mojo | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Shrouded Sun: The Malleable Spirit | Mokolé (book) | p. 87 |
Shrouded Sun: Malleable Spirit | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Shrouded Sun: Malleable Spirit | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Decorated Sun: Obedience | Mokolé (book) | p. 88 |
Decorated Sun: Obedience | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Decorated Sun: Obedience | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Rule | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 170 |
Sleep of the Dragon | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 171 |
Noonday Sun: Sleep of the Dragon | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Midnight Sun: Sleep of the Dragon | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 163 |
Midnight Sun: Sleep of the Dragon | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Song of the Great Beast | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 171 |
Song of the Great Beast | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 162 |
Song of the Great Beast | Mokolé (book) | p. 81 |
Song of the Great Beast | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Song of the Great Beast | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 148 |
Midnight Sun: Steal Shape | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Eclipsed Sun: Stop Continental Drift | Mokolé (book) | p. 89 |
Eclipsed Sun: Stop Continental Drift | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Eclipsed Sun: Stop Continental Drift | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 151 |
Midnight Sun: Take the True Form | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 119 |
Midnight Sun: Take the True Form | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Midnight Sun: Thousand Forms | Mokolé (book) | p. 86 |
Midnight Sun: Thousand Forms | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 150 |
Walking Between Worlds | Werewolf Players Guide | p. 171 |
Rising Sun: Wall of Granite | Mokolé (book) | p. 84 |
Rising Sun: Wall of Granite | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 118 |
Rising Sun: Wall of Granite | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Noonday Sun: Wisdom of the Sun | Mokolé (book) | p. 85 |
Noonday Sun: Wisdom of the Sun | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 149 |
Eclipsed Sun: Army of the Ancestors | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 171-172 |
Decorated Sun: Calm the Flock | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 171 |
Eclipsed Sun: Dream Semblance | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 172 |
Setting Sun: Fossilize | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 166 |
Noonday Sun: Geas | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 165 |
Shrouded Sun: Gorgon's Gaze | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 169 |
Grasp the Beyond | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 159 |
Setting Sun: Halo of the Sun | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 166 |
Rising Sun: Jointsnake's Mojo | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 164 |
Shrouded Sun: Malleable Spirit | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 170 |
Noonday Sun: Sleep of the Dragon | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 165 |
Midnight Sun: Sleep of the Dragon | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 167 |
Song of the Great Beast | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 160 |
Midnight Sun: Steal Shape | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 167 |
Eclipsed Sun: Stop Continental Drift | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 172 |
Decorated Sun: Strength of the Dominator | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 171 |
Midnight Sun: Take the True Form | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 167 |
Midnight Sun: Thousand Secret Faces | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 167-168 |
Rising Sun: Wall of Granite | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 164 |
Noonday Sun: Wisdom of the Seer | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 | p. 165 |