Below are the Gifts available to the Rokea.
(See also Same-Bito Gifts.)
List of Gifts[]
First Edition Gifts[]
The Rokea possess Gifts similar to those of the Garou Ahrouns and lupus breeds, with emphasis on those that affect water (i.e. instead of Avalanche, a Rokea might have a Whirlpool or Maelstrom Gift). Rokea also have their own special tribal Gifts, bestowed upon them by the Kraken. Garou speak fearfully of Rokea who can track prey across the earth based on the scent of a single drop of blood, who can call the creatures of the deep to them, or who can animate the very water about them into an amoeboid blob to trap victims.
Age largely determines Rank among the Rokea. For every 10 years of age the Rokea has survived, she goes up a Rank. This is not a social convention so much as it is a measure of whether one Rokea will teach another Rokea high-level Gifts. A young shark who is not yet Rank Two may still learn a third, or higher, level Gift, bit it is much harder to convince the proper Rokea to teach it.
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Breach: Some breeds of shark are better at leaping from the water than others, but this Gift helps. The Rokea propels herself towards the surface and leaps a fantastic distance out. Weresharks use this Gift to see for miles across the sea, and sometimes to board ships. A shark- or marlin-spirit teaches this Gift.[1]
- Fast: Sharks can survive for long periods of time by living off their internal store of oil. Rokea can use this ability on land, as well, to survive without food or water, by consuming their own Gnosis. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[2]
- Killing Bite: Fighting Jaws is the preferred form for combat beneath the waves, but sometimes the need to attack swiftly or fighting in a confined area (a Grotto, perhaps), disallows this form. This Gift, taught by a shark-spirit, allows the Rokea to use a powerful bite in any form.[3]
- Qyrl's Blood: As the Uktena Gift: Shroud.[4]
- Sea's Voice: As the Red Talon Gift: Beast Speech.[5]
- Sense Threat: A race charged only with survival needs to know how to recognize danger, preferably early in life. The Rokea with this Gift can discern whether she is swimming into a dangerous situation, or to know if a being is a threat to her. This Gift, taught by an avatar of Sea, does not reveal a being's intentions, only whether or not said being is dangerous. (For example, a raging Brightwater might have no real desire to hurt the user, but is dangerous nonetheless.)[6]
- Teeth of the Skin: As the Level Four metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine. This Gift comes easily to Rokea, as their skin normally inflicts damage similar to the Garou Gift. The Gift may be used in any form except Homid or Glabrus.[7]
Level 2[]
- Gulp: The Rokea can swallow any object she can fit through her jaws, and regurgitate it later, completely unharmed. Many Rokea use this Gift to transport clothing (so they don't have to steal clothing every time they go ashore). Living beings are not protected by this Gift. This Gift is taught by a tiger shark-spirit.[8]
- Poisoned Flesh: As the Level Three Get of Fenris Gift: Venom Blood. This Gift affects anyone making a successful bite attack against the Rokea.[9]
- Restless Water: As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.[10]
- Shagreen Shield: The hide of some sharks is strong enough to repel a harpoon. Rokea with this Gift can strengthen their skin to the point of repelling nearly any attack.[11]
- Strange Waters: As the Level Three Red Talon Gift: Trackless Waste, but Strange Waters affects the target's sense of direction at sea or under water.[12]
- Unsea's Blessing: Unsea considers the Rokea to be her nieces and nephews, created as they were by her sister, Sea. As such, she does them the favor of healing their wounds if they but ask. The spirit of a stingray or other fish that burrows into the earth teaches this Gift.[13]
Level 3[]
- Consume Taint: Marine garbage dumps often attract sharks looking for easy meals, but they also attract angry Rokea. With this Gift, the wereshark can eat refuse, be it waste oil, garbage, or even barrels full of chemicals, thus rendering them harmless to Sea. This Gift is taught by a tiger shark-spirit.[14]
- Fathom Sight: The vast expanse of the ocean taxes even the sensory powers of the Rokea. With this Gift, a Rokea can project all of her senses, not just sight, for great distances. This Gift works in any direction, including straight up (meaning that it is possible to see and hear events above the surface). Fathom Sight does not translate speech for the Rokea, however, so eavesdropping on a conversation on board a boat deck does no good unless the Rokea understands whatever language the humans are using. The spirit of any swift-moving fish teaches this Gift.[15]
- Kun's Warning: Some islander legends speak of a person born with a shark's mouth between his shoulder blades, who later become a shark and killed and ate other islanders. Likely as not, these tales are garbled stories of the Kun's Warning Gift. Used in modern times mainly by betweeners and their hunters, this Gift causes a shark's maw to appear on the Rokea's back. This allows some early warning for the Rokea, as well as an extra line of defense against multiple opponents. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[16]
- Shark's Bones: Sharks' bones are made of cartilage, and as such sharks are extremely flexible. This Gift allows a Rokea in human form to change her bones into the same substance, allowing her to resist damage from blunt objects and squeeze through openings as small as eight inches square. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[17]
Level 4[]
- Inundate: As the Level Four Red Talon Gift: Avalanche, but Inundate concentrates moisture from the air to surround a target. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit and is usable only on land.[18]
- Kun's Maw: As the Level Five Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.[19]
- Patient Hunter: The Rokea can sink into any solid matter, be it wall, floor or open ground, and watch what happens around her. At any time, she may spring forward and attack. This Gift is taught by an angel shark-spirit.[20]
- Relentless Hunt: Sharks are amazingly simple beings, crafted by evolution (or Sea?) to hunt, swim, and spawn. The Rokea, of course, are slightly more complicated beings. Even so, a Rokea with this Gift can choose a course of action and then not be dissuaded from it, come what may. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[21]
- Salmon's Return: The Rokea blessed with this Gift is never lost. She can always trace her route, in the ocean or on land, and darkness, weather, or deliberate tampering with her trail are insufficient to throw her off course. This Gift is taught by a salmon-spirit.[22]
- Set the Mind Adrift: Occasionally, a Rokea chooses to incapacitate any enemy (or a frenzied ally) without harming him. This Gift allows the Rokea to force a target into a vivid hallucination, in which he is drifting in the ocean with nothing around for miles. The Rokea may also use this Gift as a terror or interrogation technique by making subtle changes in the vision. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.[23]
Level 5[]
- Blood of Darkness: To Rokea, the blood of Darkness is light. This Gift is equivalent to the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun.[24]
- Great Summons: As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast. Obviously, the Rokean version of the Gift calls up aquatic Beasts. Favorites included prehistoric sharks and marine dinosaurs.[25]
- Mindless Fight: A brutal frenzy is often an asset in a fight, but the eldest of the Rokea have honed their frenzies until they reap all of the benefits and few of the drawbacks. The Rokea can channel her Rage into not only speed, but endurance and power as well. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[26]
- Ocean's Peace: The Rokea's place is the Sea. They are at home there, and if not at peace, then at least secure in the knowledge that they belong there. An elder Rokea carries this self-assurance with her wherever she swims, Sea or Unsea. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[27]
- Qyrl's Shell: As the Red Talon Gift: Shield of Gaia.[28]
- Whirlpool's Maw: The Rokea opens her moth, and anything not firmly fixed to the ground is swept into it. She does not actually consume the materials (or beings) thus captured, but they are never seen again. It is believed that Sea takes them, and they are forever lost in the pelagic depths. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[29]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Breach: As the Level One lupus Gift: Hare's Leap.[30]
- Killing Bite: A Rokea can slay most enemies with one bite, but sometimes a more powerful blow is needed to fell determined opponents. This Gift allows the Rokea to deliver a fearsome bite in any form. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[31]
Level 2[]
- Gulp: A favorites of betweeners, this Gift allows the Rokea to swallow any non-living object she can fit into her jaws, and then regurgitate it later, unharmed. A tiger shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[32]
- Restless Waters: As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.[33]
Level 3[]
- Gift the Ray: Stingrays belong to the same family as sharks - elasmobranchs, fish whose skeletons are made of cartilage. This distinction means nothing to the Rokea, but they can and do learn Gifts from any fish-spirit, rays included. The Gift allows the Rokea to deliver a venomous sting with its tail or fingertip, often a good defense against an opponent too tough to simply be beaten down.[34]
- Shark's Bones: Rokea in human form are often annoyed by how hard and brittle their bones become. This Gift allows the Rokea to change her Homid form bones into the pliable cartilage she is used to, if briefly. This allows her to squeeze into small openings (as tiny as eight square inches) and resist blunt damage. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[35]
Level 4[]
- Kun's Maw: As the level four Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.[36]
- Fathoms-Sea's-Mysteries: Safe Passage: This unique Gift has a most unusual end - it is meant to bring the denizens of Unsea into the welcoming embrace of Sea. Affected individuals grow gills just as they would with the Level Three Dimwater Gift: Drown, and in addition they are inured to the crushing pressures and chill waters of the deep ocean, as though they had used the Level One Darkwater Gift: Blood of the Deeps.[37]
- Relentless Hunt: Once a Rokea chooses a course of action, few forces beneath Oversea can change her mind. With this Gift, the Rokea may apply her determination to her chosen course of action, adding sheer persistence to her strength and skill. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[38]
Level 5[]
- Great Summons: As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast. This Gift is usable only at sea, and typically calls up giant sharks or aquatic dinosaurs.[39]
- Ocean's Peace: Before Sea created the Three Daughters, she existed in an ever-changing and yet very serene perfection. The most powerful Rokea can experience just a fragment of that peace, and draw strength from it. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[40]
- Fast: This Gift allows the Rokea to live for long periods of time without eating, surviving on the oil stored in her body. Many Rokea prefer to use this Gift if they have to spend time on land, powering their metabolism through Gnosis rather than earing land-food. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait to activate this Gift, which lasts for a week. No test is necessary. The Rokea may extend her time without food by another week by expending another Gnosis Trait before the expiration of the original Gift's activation. Otherwise, she must eat before re-invoking the Gift.
- Poisoned Flesh: As the Get of Fenris Gift Venom Blood; see Laws of the Wild. Anyone making a successful bite attack against the Rokea suffers the effects of this Gift.
- Sense Threat: This Gift enables a Rokea to perceive the possibility of imminent danger. The Gift does not supply her with the nature of the threat or the motivation behind it, it simply alerts her to whether or not a threat exists. For instance, a raging wereshark and a harpoon-armed human hunter both register as "dangers" to this Gift. The Rokea must concentrate for one full minute, making a Mental test against six Traits for an immediate threat and eight Traits for a more distant threat (retest Primal-Urge; obviously, a Narrator is usually employed to assess the danger value of a particular individual or situation.
- Shagreen Shield: The Rokea can use this Gift to harden their skin enough to repel attacks from almost anything, including harpoons. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Physical test against six Traits (retest Primal-Urge). While the Gift is in effect, all tacks that do fewer than three Health Levels of damage do not affect the Rokea at all. The character receives half damage from attacks that do three or more levels (round down). Bashing damage is halved before the Rokea makes an attempt to soak the damage. The Gift lasts for one combat (regardless of the number of opponents attacking the Rokea at one time).
- Strange Waters: As the Red Talon Gift Trackless Waste; see Laws of the Wild. This Gift only applies to the target's direction sense when at sea or under the water.
- Teeth of the Skin: As the Metis Gift Gift of the Porcupine; see Laws of the Wild. Rokea may not use this Gift in Homid or Glabrus form.
- Unsea's Blessing: Unsea recognizes her relationship to the Rokea through her sister, Sea, and heals her sister's children when they touch her. The Rokea must make direct contact with dry land or the sea bottom to invoke this gift. The character makes a Social test against five Traits (retest Rituals) to heal one Health Level of any kind of damage, including aggravated damage. The Rokea may attempt additional Tests to heal more damage once per turn but can do nothing else during the turn. This Gift may be used a maximum number of times per day equal to twice the Rokea's Gnosis rating; after that, Unsea may demand more in return for such reliance on her bounty.
- Consume Taint: This Gift allows a Rokea to deal with the refuse too often dumped at sea by eating anything from oil spills and chemical waste to organic and inorganic garbage. The tainted materials consumed do not harm the Rokea, nor do they endanger Sea. The Rokea makes a Physical test (retest Survival) against seven Traits. To consume nuclear waste or toxins spawned by the Wyrm, the Rokea must also spend a Gnosis Trait. Needless to say, as necessary as this Gift may be, it is far from pleasant. Rokea forced to enact it too often generally set their sights on bloody vengeance soon afterward.
- Fathom Sight: The Rokea can extend all her senses over a great distance through the use of this Gift, including sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. All directions are covered by this Gift, including up and down, so the Rokea can even tell what's going on above the surface of the water. While a Rokea may hear a conversation aboard a boat, she cannot understand what is being said unless she speaks the language. The Rokea spends one Gnosis Trait and makes a Mental test against seven Traits (retest Alertness). Success enables the Rokea to sense everything that occurs within one mile underwater and 100 feet on land. The character may attempt additional Tests with no further expenditure of Gnosis in order to increase the distance by an additional mile (or 100 feet) per Test. If she fails a Test, she may not continue increasing the distance. The Gift lasts for one scene.
- Inundate: The Rokea can call upon the moisture from the air to gather together and surround the target, enclosing the individual in an envelope of water from which it is difficult to escape. The envelope poses the threat of drowning for its victim. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Social test (retest Occult) against seven Traits. Success means that the victim is trapped in a watery globe unless he can make a Physical test against seven Traits (retest Survival). The victim may try as many times as he has Strength-related traits, but each time he fails he takes a Health Level of damage from drowning until he either drowns or wins a test. This Gift only works on land.
- Kun's Warning: This Gift causes a second shark's mouth to appear on the person of the Rokea. Located on the back, this moth provides the Rokea with a "built-in" alarm system as well as a way of evening the odds against multiple opponents. Used primarily by betweeners and by those Rokea who hunt them, this odd Gift is no doubt responsible for many island legends about monstrous humans with shark's jaws between their shoulder blades. The Rokea spends a Rage Trait and makes a Physical test against seven Traits (retest Primal-Urge). The mouth that appears between the character's shoulder blades protrudes only slightly and can be concealed beneath clothes without making the individual appear hump-backed. Anyone attempting to sneak up on the Rokea from behind causes the teeth to begin gnashing, this providing the Rokea with a "head's up" warning of impending ambush.
If an opponent uses a supernatural power such as Blur of the Milky Eye to remain undetected, the Storyteller should ask the Rokea character to make a Simple Test (compare Gnosis on a tie, no Traits risked). If the character succeeds, the mouth notices the concealed attacker and gives warning. If the Rokea can position herself accordingly, she can gain an extra bite attack from her secondary "mouth," though this can be tricky at best. This Gift lasts for one day unless voluntarily cancelled. - Patient Hunter: This Gift enables the Rokea to meld or sink into any solid substance, such as a floor, wall or the ground. From this concealment, he may watch what foes on in his vicinity and come out of hiding suddenly to attack. The Rokea makes a Physical test against eight Traits (retest Stealth). If successful, the character merges with the selected material, which must be thick enough to cover the Rokea normally; the character could not merge into a 2" plywood partition or thin barrier, for example. Most searches fails to detect the hidden Rokea, including those using supernatural powers, as they are truly merged with the surface in question for the duration of the Gift. At the Storyteller's direction, extremely powerful and perceptive supernatural creatures may notice the anomaly; such instances should be rare indeed. A Rokea who uses this Gift automatically gains a Surprise attack for the first turn of combat, which cannot be prevented by normal means.
- Salmon's Return: With this Gift, the Rokea can always find her way to a familiar place without fear of becoming lost. This Gift works equally well on land or at sea, and is not affected by either natural causes or mundane interference. Once the character learns this Gift it is always active, allowing the Rokea to unfailingly backtrack her steps. Other Gifts such as Trackless Waste, or other supernatural powers that attempt to confuse the Rokea's in an opposed Willpower Test. Even if the attempt to confound the Rokea succeeds, the effect is only temporary, lasting no more than a day at most. That may still be long enough, however, to delay the wereshark's pursuit of an enemy. The Rokea can always recognize a place she has already visited, and she enjoys the benefit of perfect direction sense as a by-product of this Gift.
- Set the Mind Adrift: If a Rokea decides not to kill an enemy outright, she may instead choose to use this Gift to confuse her foe without physically harming him. Instead, the Rokea forces the victim's mind to experience vivid hallucinations, convincing him that he is adrift in the middle of an empty ocean. She may also use this Gift to incapacitate temporarily a frenzied fellow Rokea. By subtly changing the hallucination, the Rokea may use it as a technique for interrogating an enemy.
The character spends a Willpower Trait and makes a Mental test (retest Intimidation). Success means that the victim falls into a hallucinatory state of being cast adrift on the ocean. The affected individual "swims" in circles for the next hour, regardless of whether or not he is actually in the water. His mind believes that he is treading water in the middle of the ocean; if he becomes tired, he may "drown" and fall unconscious, though no actual harm will come to him unless he has a phobia of drowning or a similarly strong aversion to water.
If the Rokea wants to use this Gift as an interrogation technique, she must make a second Mental test (retest Expression) to add details to the hallucination, including the sound of her voice. If she succeeds, she may proceed to ask questions of her victim, who will often answer if they believe the Rokea to be someone who can help them from their predicament. If the victim has any reason to doubt the hallucination, he may attempt to break free by making an opposed Willpower Test. Otherwise, the effects of the Gift last for one scene.
- Mindless Fight: With this Gift a Rokea learns to control her frenzy, using it for more than simply speed in combat. Weresharks that know this Gift may channel their Rage into both endurance and sheet might. This Gift enables the Rokea to spend as many Rage Traits as she wants (provided she has them) during combat to gain extra actions regardless of normal limitations. In addition, the Rokea may ignore wound penalties in any combat turn in which she spends Rage Traits. She receives the additional Physical Traits: Tireless and Ferocious in a turn in which she spends a Rage Trait.
- Whirlpool's Maw: This powerful Gift enables the Rokea to open her mouth and engulf any creature or object not firmly attached to the sea-bed. The wereshark does not actually ingest the items or creatures; instead they disappear forever, presumably somewhere within the depths of Sea. The Rokea must be in Gladius or Chasmus form in order to use this Gift. The gift works only in water, though any body of water of sufficient size will do. She spends a Rage Trait and makes a Physical test against eight Traits (retest Primal-Urge).
Anything that the wereshark could physically life that is not firmly embedded in a larger object or affixed to the bottom travels toward her mouth, impelled by the force of the Gift. Objects are pulled a number of steps equal to the Rokea's Rage each turn, regardless of size or their normal movement rate. A living creature attempting to resist the Gift must hold onto something sturdy and fixed, such as a buried ship's anchor, a large coral formation, etc., and succeed in a Physical test against eight Traits. Should they reach the Rokea's mouth, they may make a Physical test each turn to resist being swallowed, but the Rokea is considered to be up a number of Traits equal to her Rage on this test. Targets also face possibly being battered by other objects being pulled toward the Rokea. This effect even affects objects too large to fit into the Rokea's mouth under normal circumstances. The Gift lasts for a number of turns equal to the Rokea's Rage rating; it is up to the Storyteller to determine the final fate of objects or creatures swallowed by this Gift, but most never return.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Breach: As the lupus Gift: Hare's Leap. Generally used to hurl themselves high out of the water.[41]
- Fast: The wereshark can survive for a long time using only her inner reserves. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[42]
- Killing Bite: The Rokea's mouth briefly becomes a razor-edge nightmare, regardless of her form. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[43]
- Sense Danger: As a race charged with survival, the Rokea need to be able to identify danger. This Gift helps the Rokea know whether or not a being or situation is dangerous to her. It is taught by an avatar of Sea.[44]
- Teeth of the Skin: As the metis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine.[45]
Level 2[]
- Gulp: The Rokea may swallow anything she can fit into her maw, then regurgitate it later, unharmed. A tiger shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[46]
- Poisoned Flesh: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Venom Blood, save that it poisons anyone that bites the wereshark.[47]
- Restless Waters: As the lupus Gift: Scent of Sight.[48]
- Shagreen Skin: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Troll Skin.[49]
- Unsea's Blessing: As the Black Fury Gift: Wyld Resurgence.[50]
Level 3[]
- Consume Taint: As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Resist Toxin, save that the wereshark may also consume toxic waste, spilled oil, and other poisonous, inedible garbage safely.[51]
- Fathom Sight: The Rokea may project all of her senses for great distances. This Gift works in every direction, even straight up and down, and presents a great means of spying on events on the surface from below the waves. The spirit of any swift-moving fish teaches this Gift.[52]
- Gift of the Ray: The Rokea may deliver a venomous sting with her tail or fingertip. Stingray-spirits teach this Gift.[53]
- Shark Bones: As the metis Gift: Rat Head.[54]
Level 4[]
- Form of Sea: The Rokea may change her body into liquid and flow through pipes, under doors, or into any other space that will admit her. She may retain cohesion in this form and "walk" as a humanoid shape, or even drown at opponent by forcing herself down his throat. A freshwater-spirit teaches this Gift.[55]
- Kun's Maw: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Fenris' Bite.[56]
- Patient Hunter: The wereshark merges with solid matter, be it a wall, floor, or open ground, and watches what happens around her. At any time, she may spring forward and attack. This Gift is taught by an angel shark-spirit.[57]
Level 5[]
- Great Summons: As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast. This Gift is only unable at sea, and calls up aquatic terrors.[58]
- Primal Assurance: An elder Rokea is certain of his place in the world as few other beings are, and draw strength from this surety. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Sea.[59]
- Whirlpool Maw: The Rokea opens her mouth, and anything not firmly anchored is swept into it. She doesn't actually consume the materials (or creatures) swallowed, but they are never seen again. A whirlpool-spirit teaches this Gift.[60]
Auspice Gifts[]
Brightwater Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Eyes of the Wound: All sharks' eyes reflect light in much the same way as a cat's, allowing them to see in dim water. A Rokea with this Gift, however, can see in much darker areas. Also, the Rokea's eyes are protected from glaring light and sudden flashes of light. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[61]
- Restraint: A common problem among the Rokea (and especially the fierce Brightwaters) is attacking one's allies in frenzy, particularly when in Kunmind. This Gift allows the Rokea to be selective, even when lost in Rage. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[62]
- Unseen Attack: If the Brightwater can approach her target without being seen, she may attack without fear of retaliation. All her victim will feel is a stirring in the waters behind him... and then teeth. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[63]
Level 2[]
- First Feeling: The ocean may be majestic and beautiful when humans see it from the shore, but when they actually set foot in the water, most humans know fear. The Brightwaters can turn that primeval dread of drowning (or being swept away, or being eaten, etc.) to their advantage, causing an air-breather to run in fear from any body of water, even a puddle. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[64]
- Narke's Gift: The electric ray - called narke by the Greeks - is capable of producing a powerful electric shock that can stun a human being. The Brightwaters long ago learned this secret, though their jolt can do much more than stun a target. This Gift is, obviously, taught by an electric ray-spirit.[65]
- Undertow: The Brightwater calls up a vicious current that sweeps a target in a direction of the Rokea's choice. This Gift can be used to drag a human out to sea, to force a (small) ship to run aground, or even to sweep a foe - or meal - towards the Brightwater's waiting maw. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[66]
Level 3[]
- Bends: Air-breathing creatures have, in recent years, been able to teach great depths. Som Rokea have noticed that if they surface too quickly, Sea becomes angry and causes them great pain and possibly death (humans know this phenomenon as "decompression sickness" or "the bends"). This Gift allows the Brightwater to inflict such agony on a target, whether or not she normally breathes air, or whether she is currently in the water. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[67]
- School's Fear: The Brightwater can cause a group of beings - be it a school of fish, a crowd of people, or even a pack of Garou - to be seized with the fear that something is coming to eat them. Those gripped with the fear will panic and run (or swim) for their lives. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any small, schooling fish.[68]
- Wriggling Teeth: Sharks have many rows of teeth, and commonly lose several in a single bite. A Brightwater blessed with this Gift, however, can cause his teeth to burrow into his victim's flesh even after he releases the bite. The teeth continue to drive themselves deeper until removed, at which point they become inert. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[69]
Level 4[]
- Best Policy: "Honesty is the best policy," or so the human proverb goes. Rokea are not known for duplicity, but even Brightwater betweeners, who lead double lives of sorts, are not well suited to lies of any kind. With this Gift, an honest comment, no matter how inflammatory, is taken in stride and accepted. This Gift is taught by a remora-spirit.[70]
- No Walls: In Sea, nothing is confined. There are no walls or doors, and for the evermoving Rokea, this is perfect. On land, however, things are different. With this Gift, the Brightwater can batter his way through any wall or door, no matter what the material. This Gift does not prevent alarms or traps from being triggered, however. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.[71]
- Oversea's Cycle: The Brightwaters are born in the time of Oversea's greatest pain. As such, they enjoy a strange connection to him, and can use this connection in several ways. When the moon is full or the sun is shining, they may draw upon his anger. When the Wound is covered - the sun is clouded over or the new moon rises - the Brightwater may heal his own pain. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.[72]
Level 5[]
- Blood of Darkness: As the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun (To Rokea, the blood of darkness is light.)[73]
- Pain of the Wound: The Brightwater can inflict the blood of Oversea in its most damaging form - fire - on her foes. With but a wave of the hand (or tail) the wereshark conjures up a mystical flame that burns even in the sunless depths, and doesn't end until its target is consumed. A spirit servant of Helios teaches this Gift.[74]
- Scuttle: The mightiest of the Brightwaters can sink any vessel afloat, simply by biting a chuck from the hull. The few Rokea who do know this Gift use it sparingly, as it exhausts the use. Even so, not all of the ships sunk in the world's naval battles were sunk by enemy fire. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun herself.[75]
- Sea's Winds: The Rokea surrounds herself with a blazing nimbus of light and battering winds (or violent waters, if used in the ocean). No one may approach her unbidden, and any that do risk being tossed aside or - in the case of Qyrl's minions - burnt by the light.[76]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Eyes of the Wound: As the metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat, except that the Gift also immediately compensates for sudden flare-ups of light. A shark-spirit teaches the Rokea this Gift.[77]
- Restraint: Rokea, and Brightwaters in particular, enter frenzy easily. This Gift, taught by a spirit-servant of Sea, allows the Brightwater to ignore her slew-mates and allies entirely, even when lost to Kunmind.[78]
Level 2[]
- Narke's Gift: The Greeks called the electric ray narke, and had great respect for the little fish that could produce a charge powerful enough to stun a man. The Brightwaters respect the ray as well, and long ago learned its deadly secret. Obviously, a ray-spirit teaches this Gift.[79]
- Undertow: The Rokea stirs up a vicious current that sweeps a target in whatever direction the wereshark chooses. The Brightwater might use the Gift to pull a human out to sea, force any opponent towards the surface, or draw a victim towards her waiting maw. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[80]
Level 3[]
- Bends: When air-breathers dive into the depths of Sea, they run the risk of suffering from decompression sickness or the "bends." The humans mumble about nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream, but the Rokea know that Sea simply punishes the humans for trespassing. This Gift allows the Brightwater to inflict these pains on any target, in the water or not. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[81]
- Strength of the Crashing Waves: As the Level Three Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[82]
Level 4[]
- No Walls: Nothing confines the Rokea in Sea, but on Unsea, the humans have erected so many barriers that it drives the Brightwaters to madness. This Gift, taught by a spirit-servant of Kun, allows them to bypass such blockages in the most direct way possible. The character simply batters his way through whatever stands before him, no matter what the material.[83]
Level 5[]
- Blood of Darkness: As the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun (Rokea see light as the blood of Oversea).[84]
- Pain of the Wound: The Wound streams with fiery blood, and the Brightwaters are born in the light of that blood. Elder Brightwaters can harness that destructive power and turn it on their enemies, calling up mystical flame that burns even in the coldest depths of the ocean. A spirit-servant of Oversea (more specifically, a servitor of Helios) teaches this Gift.[85]
- First Feeling: The Rokea may use this Gift to amplify humanity's inherent fear of water, causing a human to run in terror from the ocean, or even a pool of water. The Rokea spends a Rage Trait and makes a Mental test (retest Intimidation). Success means that fear overcomes the target, causing her to flee from even a small body of water. This effect lasts until the end of the scene, and the target must immediately leave the vicinity of the body of water after this Gift's use. Should the target attempt to return before the end of the scene, or be unable to flee, they are at a one-Trait penalty to all actions due to their extreme discomfort. Creatures who possess the capability to breathe water are unaffected by this Gift; additionally, while this Gift affects mages, ghouls and other primarily human supernaturals, it does not affect inhuman beings such as fae or other shapechangers, nor does it affect undead creatures such as vampires or Risen.
- Unseen Attack: This Gift gives the Rokea an edge in executing a surprise attack, provided her opponent does not detect her approach. The character must first approach her target undetected and succeed in a Mental test (retest Stealth). Success means that she not only gains the advantage of Surprise against her foe, but her first attack also deals an additional level of damage. Her victim may not use this Gift again in the same scene unless she is able to withdraw from her target's sight once more and perform another successful Stealth approach.
- Best Policy: This Gift enables the Rokea to tell the honest truth and have the listener accept it in stride, regardless of how inflammatory or offensive the statement may be. The wereshark makes a Social test against six Traits (retest Expression). Anyone hearing the Rokea's statement takes it at face value, so long as the Rokea is not lying. Furthermore, the Veil covers any revelation of the Rokea's true nature that may occur as a result of using this Gift. The effects last for one scene, though the effects of the Veil are permanent. For example. a Rokea may tell a security guard exactly why she wants access to a restricted area within a waste treatment plant. So long as she tells the truth, the security guard accepts the wereshark's explanation as reasonable and allows her access. When the Gift wears off, the guard remembers only that he let someone into a restricted area. He does not remember who he admitted, however, nor will he be able to give an accurate description of the individual.
- Oversea's Cycle: Rokea may use this Gift to replenish Rage or Willpower or to heal lost Health Levels. If the sun or gibbous moon shines, the character may win or tie a Simple Test to immediately regain a Rage Trait. She may continue to make additional tests to regain more Rage until she loses a test. If the Wound (the sun) is clouded over or when the new moon rises, the Rokea may heal Health Levels or regain Willpower in the same fashion. This Gift recognizes the connection some Rokea (notably Brightwaters) have with Oversea. Once used, this Gift cannot be used again until the next phase of the moon or the next day, whichever is appropriate.
- School's Fear: This Gift creates a feeling of panic in a group of individuals, whether a crowd of humans or a school of fish. The group suddenly becomes seized with the belief that someone or something is coming to eat or otherwise destroy them. The Rokea must see the group he wishes to affect, though they need not see her (a favorite tactic for Rokea interfering with cruise ships or military vessels). He then makes a Social test (retest Intimidation) against a number of Traits determined by the Storyteller depending on the make-up of the group - five or six for a school of fish or normal humans, higher for natural predators or trained individuals such as Garou or military personnel. The effect lasts for a number of turns equal to the Rokea's Gnosis rating, although strong-willed individuals such as PCs or significant NPCs may spend a Willpower Trait to think clearly during the confusion. Note that this still in no way immunizes them to the damage that the rest of the mob can cause!
- Wriggling Teeth: This Gift enables the Rokea to cause any teeth dislodged sue to a successful bite attack to continue burrowing into the victim's flesh, causing additional damage to the target. The character spends a Willpower Trait and makes a Physical test against eight Traits (retest Brawl). Success means that a tooth from the Rokea detaches itself and continues to penetrate the victim's flesh. The tooth increases the victim's wound penalties by one, so that a character that is Bruised takes penalties as if she were Wounded.
Victims reduced below Incapacitated by this pain immediately pass out and remain unconscious for at least ten minutes. In addition, the tooth causes a single additional level of aggravated damage to the character as it burrows deeper into the flesh. The tooth must be removed from the victim before the wounds can be healed either naturally or magically. This is a difficult and unnerving process as the tooth attempts to resist being removed, though not to the extent of causing more damage. Add two Traits to the difficulty of all attempts to remove it through conventional means.
- Scuttle: This Gift allows a Rokea to sink a ship of any size simply by biting a piece from its hull. The Rokea spends a permanent Rage Trait and makes a Physical test (retest Brawl) against a number of Traits ranging from four to none as determined by the Storyteller, based on the size of the vessel involved. Small sailboats would naturally have fewer traits than ocean liners, oil tankers or aircraft carriers, for example.
The Rokea need only make one hole in the ship's hull to cause the ship to begin taking on water so that it will sink unless it can reach port quickly; this hole resists all attempts at repairs until the ship reaches port, even supernatural ones. (It is the Storyteller's decision as to the time factor involved, but most smaller vessels will be unable to make it back in time. Even larger vessels will seldom survive such damage once they are far enough out to sea.) Using this Gift exhausts the Rokea, who immediately returns to breed form and can do nothing but swum very slowly for an hour after activating the Gift. - Sea's Winds: This Gift surrounds the Rokea with a brilliant aura of blazing light and violent winds (or pounding waves, if the Rokea uses this Gift in the ocean). No one may approach the Rokea without risking the fury of the elements unless given permission. The Rokea spends a Willpower Trait and makes a Willpower Test against seven Traits. For the remainder of the scene, anyone who wishes to approach the Rokea must make three consecutive successful Physical tests against eight Traits (retest Athletics) and suffer two levels of bashing damage per turn while the attempts are made (success reduces this damage by half). Minions of Qyrl receive aggravated damage from these attempts, since the light burns them in addition to the battering they receive from the winds or water. Anyone who reaches the Rokea may take one action, either making an attack or attempting to reason with the wereshark before being swept away once more.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Eyes of the Wound: As the metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat.[86]
- Restraint: This Gift allows the wereshark to ignore her slew-mates and allies when in frenzy. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches it.[87]
- Shatterbite: As the Ahroun Gift: Spur Claws, save that it enhances bite attacks.[88]
- Unseen Attack: If the Brightwater can approach her target without being seen, her first attack will also generally be her only one. This Gift is taught by a shark-spirit.[89]
Level 2[]
- Narke's Gift: Brightwaters long ago learned the agonizing trick that gives the electric ray its name. A ray-spirit teaches this Gift.[90]
- Shield of Rage: As the Ahroun Gift.[91]
- Terror of the Depths: As the Red Talon Gift: Wolf at the Door, but instilling a terror of the sea. Rather than howling, Rokea use this Gift to target groups that see the wereshark's fin cutting through the water's surface.[92]
Level 3[]
- Strength of the Crashing Waves: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Might of Thor.[93]
- Wriggling Teeth: As the Black Fury Gift: Heart Claw, save that Wriggling Teeth activates after a successful bite.[94]
Level 4[]
- Best Policy: Rokea are blunt and straightforward at the best of times. Sea approves of this, and turns this lack of tact into a benefit. A remora-spirit teaches this Gift.[95]
- No Walls: The Rokea may move about on Unsea as freely as in Sea... in the most direct manner possible. A spirit-servant of Kun teaches this Gift.[96]
Level 5[]
- Blood of Darkness: As the Children of Gaia Gift: Halo of the Sun (Rokea see light as the blood of Oversea).[97]
- Sea's Winds: The Rokea surrounds herself with a blazing nimbus of light and battering winds or currents. No one may approach her unbidden, and any that try risk being burnt by the light.[98]
Dimwater Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- King Fish: Almost all coastal and island cultures have developed myths about sharks, referring to them as gods of some kind. Sharks are indeed at the top of their food chain, and this Gift - taught by a shark-spirit - allows them to command respect.[99]
- Sea's Voice: As the Level One Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.[100]
- Strange Blood: The Rokea can smell the blood of a target and identify them as a supernatural being. Rokea often use this Gift to identify other Rokea at a distance, which helps to prevent embarrassing mishaps (like eating a fellow wereshark). A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[101]
- True Intentions: Similar to the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia, this Gift allows the Dimwater to determine a target's goal during any given action. For example, if used on a human wading after young sharks in the shallows, the Gift shows the Rokea what the human planes to do with them. True Intentions does not work on spoken words, only on actions, and is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[102]
Level 2[]
- Crushing Depths: This Gift allows the Rokea to inflict the pressure of the deeps on a target. The wereshark must lock eyes with this target, after which the target cannot move and can only stand still and fight to breathe. The wereshark, meanwhile, usually slowly closes the distance between herself and the target. This Gift is taught by a deep-sea fish spirit.[103]
- Know Oversea's Mind: By surfacing and conversing with air-spirits, the Rokea may predict the weather for the region with near-perfect accuracy. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.[104]
- Spit Teeth: The Rokea can, as the Gift's name suggests, spit teeth at an opponent from a distance. This Gift is typically used on land, as it can be used in any form (Homid included) but can also be used in the water. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[105]
Level 3[]
- Drown: The Rokea can cause an air-breather to grow gills to breathe, so that she must take oxygen from the water like a fish. While this gift can be used to allow air-breathers to more comfortably visit Sea, the Dimwaters rarely use it for this purpose. Rather, they use it - as the name implies - to drown enemies, or, worse yet, force them to seal their own fates by leaping into the waters with the waiting Rokea. Rokea may learn this Gift from any fish-spirit.[106]
- Lure: The Dimwater creates an illusory replica of herself, which can act somewhat autonomously. It can perform simple, repetitive actions (swimming or walking, commonly). The illusion looks, sounds, and smells exactly like the Rokea. It has no tractile component, but by the time an attacker realizes this, she has already revealed herself to the lurking wereshark. Angler fish-spirits teach this Gift.[107]
- Sea's Wisdom: The Dimwater swims in frenzied circles, creating a small whirlpool. In the swiftly moving water, she can hear the voice of her spiritual mother, Sea, and ask her advice. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[108]
Level 4[]
- Living Sea: The Rokea causes the sea (or any body of water) to come to life around a target. The water becomes semi-solid, and can hold a target in place, propel the Rokea along at great speeds, or even strangle a victim. If the Rokea is on land, she may cause a nearby body of water (a fountain, for example) to extend a tendril of living water to accomplish the same effects. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[109]
- Oversea's Wrath: The Dimwater can call down violent storms upon his foes, capsizing small vessels and churning the waters. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Oversea.[110]
- Swim Undersea's Bloodstream: The Rokea can enter Undersea's bloodstream - he series of mystical tunnels that connects Grottoes - at any Grotto and emerge at another nearly anywhere else in the world. The Rokea must obtain permission from the spirits of both Grottoes, or else she will be shunted off to a totally random and possibly dangerous place somewhere in between the two Grottoes. This Gift is taught by any Grotto-spirit.[111]
Level 5[]
- Common Foe: When battle lines are drawn, Dimwaters see two sides: theirs and the enemy. The eldest Dimwaters remember when the most common enemies were the servants and children of Qyrl, and can call other beings into service against such creatures, no matter their usual allegiance. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.[112]
- Leviathan: Any elder wereshark can learn the Gift: Great Summons and call forth aid from the deep. Dimwaters, however, are often wary of summoning up something that can't be put down later. Instead of calling forth these massive beasts, a Dimwater may choose to become one. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Kun.[113]
- Wound Undersea: This very dangerous Gift is used only in times of truly dire need. The Dimwaters boast that theirs is the only auspice responsible enough to hold the knowledge. With this Gift, the wereshark can open a vent in the sea floor, calling lava from it. This boils the water in the immediate area, as well as causing small earthquakes throughout the region. This Gift is taught, albeit very rarely, by an avatar of Unsea herself.[114]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- King Fish: The shark is regarded as regal or divine in many cultures (though not necessarily benevolent). The Kunspawn grudgingly admit that this is one thing the humans have right. This Gift allows the Dimwater to command respect. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[115]
- Sea's Voice: As the Level One Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.[116]
Level 2[]
- Crushing Depths: The Rokea can inflict the pressure of the ocean depths upon a target, simply by making eye contact. The target cannot move while this power is in effect, and can barely muster the strength to breathe. The wereshark can act normally, but breaking eye contact disrupts the Gift, and so the Dimwater's usual action is to slowly move toward her victim. Any deep-sea fish-spirit can teach this Gift.[117]
- Spit Teeth: The Rokea may spit her teeth at any opponent from a distance. While Spit Teeth can be used in the water, its greatest utility is in the fact that it can be used in any form (Homid included) and therefore is just as useful on land. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.[118]
Level 3[]
- Drown: The Rokea causes an air-breather to grow gills, so that she must breather water to survive. More diplomatic Dimwaters might use this Gift to allow a visitor to come to Sea, but most of the time, the Gift is used to kill air-breathers or force them leap into the water... where the Dimwater's slew awaits. Any fish-spirit can teach this Gift.[119]
- Sea's Wisdom: The Rokea swims about in a tight circle, forming a small whirlpool. In the rushing water, she can hear the advice of her mother, Sea. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[120]
Level 4[]
- Living Sea: The Dimwater causes the waters to become semi-solid, able to attack a target or hold it in place, or even propel it towards the wereshark. On land, the Rokea may cause a nearby body of water (such as a fountain) to extrude a tendril of water, capable of strangling or drowning a target. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[121]
- Quick Currents: As the Level Four Child of Gaia Gift: Strike the Air.[122]
Level 5[]
- Common Foe: The Dimwaters believe that all creatures should know and stay in their places, but Qyrl routinely upsets the natural order. Therefore, the eldest of the auspice can rally any being not corrupted by Qyrl to fight against her, regardless of their usual inclinations towards the other parties on the battlefield. A spirit-servant of Kun teaches this Gift.[123]
- Leviathan: While the Gift: Great Summons allows any elder wereshark to call up aid from the unseen depths, the Dimwaters dislike the disruption in Sea's harmony that such beasts cause. This Gift allows them to take matters into their own jaws, becoming such a beast rather than summoning one. A spirit-servant of Kun teaches this Gift.[124]
- Know Oversea's Mind: Through the use of this Gift, the Rokea may rise to the water's surface and converse with the spirits of the air in order to predict with accuracy the weather for the general region. The Rokea makes a Mental test against seven Traits (retest Primal-Urge) to predict the weather for one day. The character may attempt additional Tests to predict the weather for succeeding days. Three successful Tests mean the Rokea can determine weather conditions for the next three days. A failed Test prevents the Roeka from continuing further in her predictions. Air spirits may occasionally provide other information as well, particularly concerning airborne pollutants or aircraft activity, but they tend to be quite flighty and unable to provide anything but the barest of details.
- Strange Blood: With this Gift, the Rokea can smell the blood of a selected individual and determine if the target is a supernatural being. While Rokea often use this Gift to identify other weresharks, they can also discern other supernaturals by the scent of their blood. The Rokea makes a Mental test against seven Traits (retest Primal-Urge). Success enables the Rokea to identify the target as either another Rokea, a "normal" creature (whether human, fish or others), or some other type of supernatural.
The Storyteller should not immediately give away the precise nature of the supernatural creature. Instead of telling the Rokea that the target is a werewolf, the Storyteller might inform the wereshark that the individual's blood has a feral scent and is laced with the taste of Rage. With enough uses of this Gift, of course, a Rokea may become an expert at identifying the various supernaturals by the smell of their blood. - True Intentions: This Gift enables the Rokea to discern a target individual's true purpose by studying his actions. By watching a human tag a captured shark and then release it into open waters, for example, the Rokea can determine what the person intends to do with regard to the shark. This Gift works on actions only, not on words. The Rokea makes a Mental test (retest Empathy) to understand the true meaning behind a single action or a series of connected actions performed by the target creature during a single minute, with a difficulty determined by the complexity of the actions observed. For example, the Rokea could determine whether a person offering a handshake was giving a sincere greeting or whether they were merely presenting a friendly front, but it would not tell him anything about what the person was saying during that time.
- Lure: The Rokea uses this Gift to create an illusionary duplicate of herself that can act with some autonomy while performing simple repetitive actions, such as swimming or running. Though the image has no tactile existence, it looks, sounds and smells like the Rokea. By the time someone gets close enough to realize the deception, she has likely already placed herself within range of the true Rokea. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait to create the duplicate within her line of sight, which is usually portrayed by a Narrator. The image lasts until the Rokea's concentration is broken or she wills the illusions to disappear; she may perform other actions, but at a two-Trait penalty due to her concentration. The image can perform any simple action that does not require physical exertion to perform, such as lifting objects.
- Oversea's Wrath: This Gift enables the Rokea to call down a storm on his enemies, capsizing small boats and creating turbulent waves on the ocean's surface. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Social test (retest Rituals). Depending on existing weather conditions, the storm called may either be relatively weak or hurricane force. The Rokea may spend additional Gnosis traits to up the strength of the storm to the desired force.
A weak storm can overturn a small fishing vessel or pleasure boat. A medium-sized storm can topple mid-size fishing vessels or moderate-sized passenger vessels. most terribly, a large storm can sink ocean liners and oil rigs, though Rokea are often reluctant to capsize rigs that might release tons of oil into Sea. Those that continually release large storms without good cause find themselves summoned to answer Sea herself. - Swim Undersea's Bloodstream: With this Gift, the Rokea may enter the mystical tunnels that connect one Grotto to another, swimming through Undersea's bloodstream to any destination anywhere in the world. The wereshark must first somehow obtain permission from the spirits of the two Grottos that serve as departure and destination points, or risk being transported into a random and often dangerous location between the two sites. After securing the relevant permissions (or not), the Rokea spends a Willpower Trait and makes a Social Test against a number of Traits equal to the Grotto's level plus four (retest Rituals). She must repeat this test upon reaching her destination in order to return to where she started, though she need only spend the Willpower Trait at the journey's beginning.
- Wound Undersea: The Rokea can open a vent in the sea floor, bringing forth lava that boils the surrounding water and creating a disturbance that causes minor earthquakes in the vicinity. This Gift is only used in times of great need, since the damage it causes to the surrounding area can easily exceed the good it does unless employed very carefully. The Rokea inflicts one level of lethal damage upon herself, slashing open her body so that she bleeds near the floor of the sea. She then spends one Rage and one Willpower Trait and makes a Social Test against eight Traits (retest Rituals). If the Rokea is successful, she opens a crack in the sea bed. Three turns later, enough time for the Rokea to swim to safety, lava boils from the crack, heating the surrounding water so that if inflicts three levels of aggravated damage each turn to any creature in the vicinity. The Storyteller should determine any by-products of the use of this Gift, such as earthquakes, tidal waves and other phenomena.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- King Fish: This Gift allows the Dimwater to command the respect of others. A shark-spirit teaches it.[125]
- Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[126]
- Sea's Voice: As the Galliard Gift: Beast Speech.[127]
- Strange Blood: As the Lupus Gift: Sense the Unnatural.[128]
Level 2[]
- Crushing Depths: The Rokea crushes an enemy beneath the vast weight of the ocean, immobilizing them. The target labors to do anything other than breathe so long as the Dimwater maintains eye contact. Any deep-sea-spirit can teach this Gift.[129]
- Lord of the Seas: As the Philodox Gift: King of the Beasts, save that it commands only aquatic creatures.[130]
- Spit Teeth: The Rokea can fire her teeth at a distant opponent. This Gift may be used in any form - even Homid. It is taught by a shark-spirit.[131]
Level 3[]
- Drown: The Rokea causes an air-breather to grow gills, forcing her to breathe water or suffocate. While the Gift has its diplomatic uses, it is more often used to kill humans, or force them to leap into the water... where the Dimwater's slew awaits. Any fish-spirit can teach this Gift.[132]
- Sea's Wisdom: The Dimwater swims in circles, creating a small whirlpool. He hears the voice of Sea in the rushing water, and asks her advice. This gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[133]
Level 4[]
- Living Sea: The Rokea causes water to come to semi-solid life. This can be used to propel the Rokea at great speeds (tripling her aquatic movement speed), or can be aimed at a target, immobilizing - or even strangling - a victim. On land, nearby sources of water may be made to extend tendrils of living water to similar effect. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[134]
- Quick Currents: As the Children of Gaia Gift: Stroke the Air.[135]
Level 5[]
- Leviathan: The wereshark becomes a hungry terror of primal nightmares. A servant of Kun teaches this Gift.[136]
- Wound Undersea: This Gift is used only in times of truly dire need. The wereshark opens a vent in the sea floor, calling lava from it. This boils the water in the immediate area while also producing earthquakes throughout the region. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Unsea herself.[137]
Darkwater Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blood of the Deeps: Darkwater Rokea are known for braving the crushing pressures and frigid waters of the deep ocean in the search for mystic knowledge. Thus, many of them learn this Gift early on. This Gift is taught by any deep-sea fish spirit.[138]
- Chill: The Darkwater may summon up a brief moment of the numbing depths and saturate his immediate area with it. This has the effect of not only chilling the water (or air) around him but also of unnerving anyone in the area. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift,[139]
- Silent Sending: Secrecy is not a priority for most Rokea, but the Darkwaters dabble in things that make the Dimwaters nervous. This Gift allows the Darkwater to use the Sending selectively, communicating her message only to those she wishes to hear them. Remora-spirits teach this Gift.[140]
- Qyrl's Blood: As the Level One Uktena Gift: Shroud. Like Breach, while this Gift works on land, many Rokea don't think to try. Squid-spirits may teach this Gift.[141]
Level 2[]
- Enter Sea's Soul: Normally, Rokea only enter the Umbra with the permission and assistance of Sea. However, trust the Darkwaters to find their own methods of ingress. This Gift allows the Rokea to enter the Umbra in the same manner as the Garou do. Rokea may learn this Gift from any spirit servant of Sea.[142]
- Piercing Shriek: The Darkwater emits a horrible wail that paralyzes all that can hear it. The Gift affects the character's allies as well as enemies, but the Rokea can use the Sending to cushion the effects, should she choose to do so. This Gift is taught by a dolphin-spirit.[143]
- Voice of the Depths: In the deep oceans, there are spirits who have lain quietly since before the dawn of man. For the Rokea brave enough to find them, the knowledge to be gained is great. Using this Gift, the Darkwaters can converse with their eyes and ears 0 the sea anemones and polyps that line the ocean floor - and gain insight. Their advice is always cryptic and usually incomplete, but the Darkwaters loves a challenge. Anemone-spirits can teach this Gift, but usually the Darkwater must travel to the lighttless deeps to lean it directly from a primordial spirit.[144]
Level 3[]
- No Blood: Most sharks use vibrations and electrical pulses as well as smell to track food. The Darkwater using this Gift renders herself completely invisible to these senses. Even if she bleeds, she still emits no smell at all. Also, her coloration changes so that any attempts to see her coming are stifled as well. In short, as long as the wereshark remains silent, she likely remains undetected. A stingray spirit teaches this Gift.[145]
- Summon Scuttlers: Darkwaters are intrigued by different kinds of foes, and find it useful to study their enemies for information and new ideas. This is hard to do, however, when one's enemy has been consumed. This Gift allows the Rokea to summon scores of tiny Scuttlers - spirit minions of C'et - who swarm over the Rokea's foe, paralyzing him. In the Realm, there is no visible effect, although the victim feels the tiny legs on him. In the Umbra, the crab-like spirits are visible to any observer. This Gift can be used on land, but Darkwaters have found this risky - on land, it summons tiny spider-like spirits who don't always release the target when asked. This Gift is taught by a Scuttler.[146]
- Swim Through the School: In the ocean, Darkwaters keep to themselves, swimming the lightless depths, rarely encountering others. On land, however, this is often impossible, as so many humans occupy such small spaces. This Gift allows the Darkwater to move through crowds with ease, as well as to avoid the worst effects of the Curse. This Gift is taught by an eel-spirit.[147]
Level 4[]
- Waves' Passage: The Darkwater can focus her attention on an object and cause it to age in the way it would if it sat underwater for several years. Wood becomes brittle and easily broken, silver tarnishes, metal rusts, and chemicals dilute. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.[148]
- Sea's Breath: In water, Rokea can glide smoothly around opponents, using their internal oil reserves to float, weighing only a small fraction of what they would on land. By using this Gift, the Darkwater can float, hover, or glide through air just as she would in the water. She cannot gain a great deal of altitude with this Gift, but can float over tripwires or other traps, lie in wait for enemies, or execute graceful combat maneuvers normally impossible when gravity is a concern. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[149]
- Shock Wave: Shock, like sound, carries much farther underwater. Darkwaters studying underwater explosions were fascinated by their power, and tried to understand the principle behind them. At length, through communication with the odd spirits called Breakers, they learned to create a small explosion to stun or kill enemies.[150]
Level 5[]
- Hunger of the Trench: In the black depths, the Sea's presence is far from the nurturing soul that teems with life, the way it seems closer to the surface. The deep ocean hungers, and the Darkwaters have learned to deed it with the soul and will of others. This Gift is taught by a spirit-servent of Sea.[151]
- Oversea's Gift: If the Rokea are jealous of anything, it is the ability some creatures have to swim through Oversea. For some years, land-dwelling Rokea have tried to learn the secret of flight, never suspecting that the Darkwaters discovered the trick years ago. By using this Gift, the Rokea's body becomes lighter, and a thin membrane connects her extremities, giving her a silhouette like a butterfly. She can then fly both through Sea and Oversea, for as long as she wishes. A spirit-servant of Oversea teaches this Gift.[152]
- Pall: The Rokea calls forth a mass of inky blackness, that traps anyone caught within it. The Rokea knows all that occurs within the shroud, in the Realm or the Umbra, and can choose to be anywhere she wishes within the pall. While Qyrlings are rumored to teach this Gift (and can indeed do so), most Darkwaters learn it from the spirits of deep-sea fish.[153]
- C'et's Shell: Some particularly daring Darkwaters have made deals with C'et's minions. What they give up is unknown, but what they receive is immunity from one type of technology. Perhaps no net can hold the Rokea, or no gun can wound her. A powerful spirt servant of C'et teaches this Gift.[154]
Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blood of the Deeps: Most sharks are not built for cold or extremely deep waters, but the most intriguing secrets of Sea can be found below the sunlit zone. The Darkwaters, therefore, learn this Gift to help them reaches those depths. Any deep-sea fish-spirit can teach this Gift.[155]
- Silent Sending: While Rokea dislike keeping secrets, the Darkwaters recognize that the Dimwaters and Brightwaters simply don't need to know all the disturbing things that the mad ones see. This Gift allows the Rokea to use the Sneding selectively, rather than simply broadcasting a message. Remora-spirits teach this Gift.[156]
Level 2[]
- Enter Sea's Soul: Ordinarily, Rokea cannot step sideways without using the Rite of Passing the Net. Darkwaters, however, long ago discovered how to part the thin aquatic Gauntlet on their own. Any spirit-servant of Sea may teach this Gift.[157]
- Piercing Shriek: The Darkwater emits a horrible wail that paralyzes any who hear it. The Rokea's allies are affected by this Gift as well, although the Darkwater can emit a Sending to warn them and mitigate the effect somewhat. This Gift is taught by a dolphin-spirit.[158]
Level 3[]
- Scent of Blood: As the Level Three Shadow Lord Gift: Direct the Storm.[159]
- Swim Through the School: The Darkwater may mover through crowds with ease, slipping through thronging masses as easily as if swimming. This Gift even curbs the effects of the Curse. It is taught by an eel-spirit.[160]
Level 4[]
- Shock Wave: The Darkwater emits a powerful blast of force, much like a depth charge. This Gift is useful both on land and in water, although force carries much farther underwater. This Gift is taught by strange spirits of force in water called Breakers.[161]
- Wave's Passage: By focusing on a object, the Rokea can cause it to age as though left underwater for years. Wood becomes brittle, paper yellows and falls apart, metal tarnishes and rusts, etc. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[162]
Level 5[]
- Madness: As the Level Five metis Gift.[163]
- Oversea's Gift: The Rokea can walk on land or swim the sea, but they cannot visit Oversea, and this expansive territory calls to the curious Darkwaters. This Gift allows them to assume a form capable of flying. The wereshark's body becomes light and a thing membrane stretches from her wrists to her ankles, granting her "wings" much like a butterfly's. A spirit-servant of Oversea teaches this Gift.[164]
- Chill: The Rokea may imbue her body with a numbing chill reminiscent of the ocean depths, projecting that cold to the water around her. This phenomena usually causes a great disturbance to anyone in the area of effect. The Rokea makes a Social Test against six Traits (retest Occult). Success causes a dramatic drop in the temperature around her, whether on land or in the water. All creatures in the area must win a Willpower Test against the Rokea in order to avoid taking a one Trait penalty to all Social and Mental Tests for the next scene, due to the distraction caused by the preternatural cold.
- Qyrl's Blood: As the Uktena Gift Shroud (see Laws of the Wild). Though this Gift works on land as well as in the water, many Rokea don't think to use it on the surface or on land.
- Voice of the Depths: A Rokea may use this Gift to communicate soundlessly with the ancient creatures of the ocean's depths: the sea anemones, polyps and tube worms that inhabit the ocean floor. The Rokea makes a Social test against six Traits (retest Rituals) in order to approach the spirits in the proper manner. If successful, the Rokea usually receives advice and lore from these prehistoric creatures. The Storyteller should determine the precise information given, but such advice is often cryptically worded and requires much study to interpret it correctly.
- No Blood: This Gift enables the Rokea to become invisible to the olfactory senses, vibrations and electrical pulse normally used by the creatures of the deep to track each other. Even if the Rokea bleeds from wounds, she gives off no odor of blood. In addition, this Gift alters the coloration of the Rokea to blend with her surroundings, allowing her to remain undetected s long as she makes no sound. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Mental test against six Traits (retest Stealth). If successful, the wereshark cannot be detected through electrical pulse signals, audio or other vibrations or scent. The Rokea also gets an automatic retest on attempts to detect her by sight. Most effective underwater, this Gift blocks the use of the Gift Scent of Sight on land, and it still puts her two Traits up on all Stealth tests on land. The Gift lasts for one scene or until the Rokea attacks someone, is herself attacked or voluntarily ends the Gift.
- Sea's Breath: This Gift enables the wereshark to glide through the air as if she were floating in water. While she cannot achieve great height with this Gift, she can float over low-lying traps such as tripwires and pressure plates, attack her enemies from a hidden (and raised) vantage point and even execute combat maneuvers that seem to defy gravity. The character makes a Gnosis Test against a number of Traits equal to the local Gauntlet. Success activates the Gift for one scene, during which the Rokea may "swim" through the air at a maximum heights of fifteen feet at her normal movement rate. This Gift also enables the Rokea to assume any of her forms for the duration, even those forms restricted to watery environments, allowing some interesting Surprise attacks but also making it a very bizarre breach of the Veil, unless the Rokea is properly cautious.
- Summon Scuttlers: This Gift allows the Rokea to paralyze an enemy creature temporarily in order to study it and learn more about it without killing or consuming it. The Rokea summons a horde of Scuttlers, tiny crab-like spirits of C'et, who swarm the target, rendering the victim immobile until asked to release their hold. The victim feels a crawly sensation as he is held but sees to anyone. The Rokea may use this Gift on land, but there it summons tiny spidery Weaver-spirits who do not always release their victim when asked.
The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Social test against six Traits in the water, eight Traits on land (retest Enigmas). The Gift lasts for one scene or until the Rokea asks the Scuttlers to release the victim, whichever comes first. In the case of Weaver-spirits, the Rokea must win a Simple Test to convince the spiders to release target. This Gift is immediately ended if the target is attacked in any way. It does not function to stop a fleeing creature if the Rokea's intent is to harm them - it is intended as a means of studying a target, not paralyzing him for a killing strike.
- C'et's Shell: Some Rokea make a bargain with C'et servants to learn this Gift, which protects them from one form of technology. When the Rokea learns this Gift, she spends one permanent Gnosis Trait and chooses one type of technology (i.e., flame throwers, guns, nets, etc.). From that time on, that chosen form of technology cannot harm the Rokea. A net cannot hold her, a bullet cannot damage her or fire from a flame-thrower cannot burn her. (Note as an example that immunity to flame throwers does not grant immunity to natural fire to fire from another source.) Needless to say, the Storyteller should be present to record what form of technology has been selected in order to avoid future confusion. Once this technology has been chosen, it cannot be changed without an appropriate quest and another permanent Gnosis expenditure. This Gift does not give a Rokea protection from Small Wounds - that is beyond the scope of C'et to give to the Rokea.
- Hunger of the Trench: The Rokea can feed the ever-hungry deep waters of Sea with the will of others. By spending a Gnosis point and making a Mental test against six Traits (retest Intimidation), the wereshark may take one temporary Willpower Trait from a chosen target and use it to feed the Trench. This Gift can be used against a target more than once, but if it fails it cannot be used on that target for at least one full cycle of the moon.
- Pall: This Gift enables the Rokea to create an area of total blackness, trapping anyone within it. The Rokea can not only transport herself anywhere within the darkened area instantly, but she also automatically knows exactly what transpires within the pall, both in the Realm and in the Umbra. To invoke this Gift, the Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Gnosis Test against a number of Traits equal to the local Gauntlet. Success produces an inky blackness that extrudes from the Rokea's eyes and mouth, completely filling an area the size of a large room or a spherical portion of similar size in a larger area. Anyone other than the Rokea caught within the darkness is considered blind, even if they can ordinarily see in darkness. Those using the Gift Eyes of the Wound can see normally. Those affected must spend a Willpower Trait and succeed in a Willpower test against the Rokea in order to escape from the darkness without the Rokea's permission.
The Rokea can see and hear all that goes on within the sphere even if creatures within it are communicating silently or using Gifts such as Silent Sending or Mindspeak. The sphere also imparts an understanding of whatever is thought or said, regardless of the language used. This Gift lasts for one scene. Though some other weresharks maintain that Darkwaters learn this Gift from Qyrlings (who can and do teach it), any deep sea fish can impart the knowledge of this Gift to a worthy Rokea.
20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Blood of the Deeps: Most sharks aren't built to operate in environments of extreme cold or pressure, but Darkwaters must go where Sea's greatest secrets are hidden. This Gift allows them to do so. Any deep-sea spirit can teach it.[165]
- Chill: The Darkwater may summon up the essence of the abyssal depths and saturate the area with it. This chills both the water (or air) around him and the souls of those not of his slew. A servant of Sea teaches this Gift.[166]
- Qyrl's Blood: As the Uktena Gift: Shroud.[167]
- Sudden Surge: As the Get of Fenris Gift: Lightning Reflexes.[168]
Level 2[]
- Enter's Sea's Soul: The Rokea may swim sideways to cross the Gauntlet in the same fashion as werewolves do. Any servant of Sea may teach this Gift.[169]
- Piercing Shriek: The Darkwater emits a terrible wail that paralyzes any who hear it. This Gift is taught by a dolphin-spirit.[170]
- Sight From Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[171]
Level 3[]
- Scent of Blood: As the Shadow Lord Gift: Direct the Storm.[172]
- Swim Through the School: The Darkwater moves through crowds with ease, whether schools of fish or crowds of humans. This Gift even mitigates the Curse. An eel-spirit teaches it.[173]
Level 4[]
- Sea's Breath: The Rokea may 'swim' through the air as though it were the open ocean, even breathing normally in her water-bound forms. A flying fish-spirit teaches this Gift.[174]
- Shock Wave: The Darkwater emits a powerful shockwave, like a depth charge. This Gift can be used in or out of water, although water conducts force much better than air. This Gift is taught by a wave-spirit.[175]
Level 5[]
Betweener Gifts[]
Second Edition Gifts[]
Level 1[]
- Find Sea: The Rokea with this Gift can always find the fastest route to the ocean, regardless of how far inland she is. The fastest route might not be the most direct, of course, especially if the Rokea is in a vehicle of some kind. Any bird-spirit can teach this Gift.[178]
- Spirit Speech: As the Level One Theurge Gift. While all Rokea can speak with pelagic spirits naturally, terrestrial spirits present a bit of a challenge, and this Gift is often one of the first a betweener learns.[179]
Level 2[]
- Enter Unsea's Soul: As the Level Two Darkwater Gift: Enter Sea's Soul. Betweeners find that Unsea's Soul isn't always quite as dangerous as Sea's Soul, and since few ocean-dwellers can follow them into the Umbra, this Gift makes a superb escape method.[180]
Level 3[]
- C'et's Mysteries: The betweener can call on land-dwelling Scuttlers to aid her in using human technology. The Rokea can make good use of such oddities as cars, guns, computers, and so forth, even if she has had no prior contact with them. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider.[181]
Level 4[]
- Form of Sea: The betweener can change her body into liquid, and flow through pipes, under doors, or into any other space that will admit water. She may retain cohesion in this form, and "walk" as a humanoid shape made of water. She can even drown an opponent by forcing herself down his throat. A freshwater-spirit teaches this Gift.[182]
Level 5[]
- Wall of Granite: As the level five Philodox Gift. Rokea are used to their surroundings flowing and rising up suddenly, so this Gift comes fairly easily, provided they can find an elemental willing to teach it.[183]
Revised Edition MET Gifts[]
- Find Sea: This Gift allows the Rokea to find the fastest way to the nearest ocean, no matter the distance. Depending on circumstances, the fastest route may not always be the most direct. The Rokea makes a Mental test against six Traits (retest Primal-Urge). If she succeeds, she knows how far she must go and in which direction to reach the sea.
- Enter Unsea's Soul: As the Darkwater Gift Enter Sea's Soul, except that this Gift allows a betweener to enter Unsea's Soul (the Umbra that corresponds to land) rather than Sea's Soul, which sometimes poses a danger for land-based Rokea. Betweeners use this Gift to effect an escape from Rokea who hunt the land-based weresharks.
- Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift Spirit Speech (see Laws of the Wild). This Gift allows Rokea, who can normally converse with only pelagic spirits, to speak with land and air spirits as well. Most betweeners learn this Gift early in their land-bound lives.
- C'et's Mysteries: Betweeners can ask land-based Scuttlers (or pattern spiders) to assist them with technology, even if they have no prior knowledge of computers, cars and other gadgets of air-breathing society. The Rokea spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Mental test against six Traits (retest Science). Succes enables the Rokea to use technology as if she had one Trait in the appropriate Ability. The character may attempt additional Tests to boost her effective Ability. The effects of the Gift last for one scene, and this Gift may not be used relative to more than one form of technology at a time.
- Forms of Sea: A betweener may transform her body into liquid so that she can slide through narrow openings such as pipes, or through cracks or under doors. The Rokea may also maintain cohesion in this form and "walk" in the appearance of a watery human shape. By forcing herself down a target's throat with a Physical test, the Rokea may drown an enemy. The character spends two Gnosis Traits in order to activate this Gift. She may remain in this form for one hour for each permanent Gnosis Trait she possesses. Her body neither evaporates nor freezes naturally, and she receives a Gnosis test to resist supernatural manipulation that would force it to do otherwise. If someone or something splits the body, the character cannot reform until her parts are brought together again. She cannot use attacks that depend on a solid physical form, such as bites or claws, but she can drown an opponent by making a successful Physical test and holding the opponent until he drowns. Immersion in salt water ends the Gift immediately.
- Wall of Granite: As the Philodox Gift (see Laws of the Wild).
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide, p. 173
- WTA: Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition, p. 186
- WTA: Rokea, p. 65-77
- WTA/MET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 4, p. 179-198
- WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds, p. 153-157
- WTA: Apocalypse, p. 204
- Rage CCG: Periphery (Curse of Aeolus)
- Rage CCG: Rainmakers (Sense Prey)
- Rage CCG: Rokea (Form of the Sea, Shagreen Shield, Swim Undersea’s Bloodstream, Whirlpool’s Maw, Wound Undersea)
- W20: Changing Breeds, p. 201-204
^ Level One
Darkwater: Blood of the Deeps | Rokea (book) | p. 73 |
Darkwater: Blood of the Deeps | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Blood of the Deeps | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Breach | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Breach | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153 |
Breach | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Darkwater: Chill | Rokea (book) | p. 73-74 |
Darkwater: Chill | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203-204 |
Brightwater: Eyes of the Wound | Rokea (book) | p. 68 |
Brightwater: Eyes of the Wound | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Brightwater: Eyes of the Wound | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Fast | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Fast | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Betweener: Find Sea | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Killing Bite | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Killing Bite | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153 |
Killing Bite | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Dimwater: King Fish | Rokea (book) | p. 71 |
Dimwater: King Fish | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: King Fish | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Qyrl's Blood | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Darkwater: Qyrl's Blood | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
Darkwater: Qyrl's Blood | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Dimwater: Resist Pain | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Brightwater: Restraint | Rokea (book) | p. 68-69 |
Brightwater: Restraint | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Brightwater: Restraint | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Sea's Voice | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Dimwater: Sea's Voice | Rokea (book) | p. 71 |
Dimwater: Sea's Voice | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Sea's Voice | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Sense Danger | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Sense Threat | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Brightwater: Shatterbite | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: Silent Sending | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
Darkwater: Silent Sending | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Betweener: Spirit Speech | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Dimwater: Strange Blood | Rokea (book) | p. 71 |
Dimwater: Strange Blood | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Darkwater: Sudden Surge | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Teeth of the Skin | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Teeth of the Skin | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Teeth of the Skin | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Dimwater: True Intentions | Rokea (book) | p. 71-72 |
Brightwater: Unseen Attack | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Brightwater: Unseen Attack | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
^ Level Two
Dimwater: Crushing Depths | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Crushing Depths | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Crushing Depths | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Darkwater: Enter Sea's Soul | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
Darkwater: Enter Sea's Soul | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Enter Sea's Soul | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Betweener: Enter Unsea's Soul | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Brightwater: First Feeling | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Gulp | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Gulp | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153 |
Gulp | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Dimwater: Know Oversea's Mind | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Lord of the Seas | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Brightwater: Narke's Gift | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Brightwater: Narke's Gift | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Brightwater: Narke's Gift | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: Piercing Shriek | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
Darkwater: Piercing Shriek | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Piercing Shriek | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Poisoned Flesh | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Poisoned Flesh | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Poisoned Flesh | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Restless Waters | Rokea (book) | p. 65 |
Restless Waters | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153 |
Restless Waters | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Shagreen Shield | Rokea (book) | p. 65-66 |
Shagreen Skin | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Brightwater: Shield of Rage | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: Sight From Beyond | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Dimwater: Spit Teeth | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Spit Teeth | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Spit Teeth | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Stange Waters | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Stange Waters | Rokea (book) | p. 66 |
Brightwater: Terror of the Depths | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Brightwater: Undertow | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Brightwater: Undertow | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Unsea's Blessing | Rokea (book) | p. 66 |
Unsea's Blessing | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Darkwater: Voice of the Depths | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
^ Level Three
Brightwater: Bends | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Brightwater: Bends | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Betweener: C'et's Mysteries | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Consume Taint | Rokea (book) | p. 66 |
Consume Taint | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Dimwater: Drown | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Drown | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Drown | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Fathom Sight | Rokea (book) | p. 66-67 |
Fathom Sight | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Gift of the Ray | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153 |
Gift of the Ray | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Kun's Warning | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Dimwater: Lure | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Darkwater: No Blood | Rokea (book) | p. 74 |
Darkwater: Scent of Blood | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Scent of Blood | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Brightwater: School's Fear | Rokea (book) | p. 69 |
Dimwater: Sea's Wisdom | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Sea's Wisdom | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Sea's Wisdom | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Shark's Bones | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Shark's Bones | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Shark's Bones | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 153-154 |
Shark's Bones | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Brightwater: Strength of the Crashing Waves | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Brightwater: Strength of the Crashing Waves | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: Summon Scuttlers | Rokea (book) | p. 74-75 |
Darkwater: Swim Through the School | Rokea (book) | p. 75 |
Darkwater: Swim Through the School | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Swim Through the School | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Brightwater: Wriggling Teeth | Rokea (book) | p. 69-70 |
Brightwater: Wriggling Teeth | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
^ Level Four
Brightwater: Best Policy | Rokea (book) | p. 70 |
Brightwater: Best Policy | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Betweener: Form of Sea | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Form of Sea | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Inundate | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Inundate | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Kun's Maw | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Kun's Maw | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Kun's Maw | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Kun's Maw | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201 |
Dimwater: Living Sea | Rokea (book) | p. 72 |
Dimwater: Living Sea | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Living Sea | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Brightwater: No Walls | Rokea (book) | p. 70 |
Brightwater: No Walls | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Brightwater: No Walls | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Brightwater: Oversea's Cycle | Rokea (book) | p. 70 |
Dimwater: Oversea's Wrath | Rokea (book) | p. 72-73 |
Patient Hunter | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Patient Hunter | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 201-202 |
Dimwater: Quick Currents | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Dimwater: Quick Currents | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Restless Hunt | Rokea (book) | p. 67 |
Restless Hunt | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Fathoms-Sea's-Mysteries: Safe Passage | Apocalypse (book) | p. 204 |
Salmon's Return | Rokea (book) | p. 67-68 |
Darkwater: Sea's Breath | Rokea (book) | p. 75 |
Darkwater: Sea's Breath | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Darkwater: Shock Wave | Rokea (book) | p. 75 |
Darkwater: Shock Wave | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Darkwater: Shock Wave | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Dimwater: Swim Undersea's Bloodstream | Rokea (book) | p. 73 |
Darkwater: Waves' Passage | Rokea (book) | p. 75 |
Darkwater: Wave's Passage | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156-157 |
^ Level Five
Blood of Darkness | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Brightwater: Blood of Darkness | Rokea (book) | p. 70 |
Brightwater: Blood of Darkness | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Brightwater: Blood of Darkness | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: C'et's Shell | Rokea (book) | p. 76 |
Darkwater: C'et's Shell | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Dimwater: Common Foe | Rokea (book) | p. 73 |
Dimwater: Common Foe | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155-156 |
Great Summons | Rokea (book) | p. 68 |
Great Summons | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Great Summons | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Darkwater: Hunger of the Trench | Rokea (book) | p. 75 |
Dimwater: Leviathan | Rokea (book) | p. 73 |
Dimwater: Leviathan | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 156 |
Dimwater: Leviathan | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |
Darkwater: Madness | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 157 |
Darkwater: Madness | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 204 |
Mindless Fight | Rokea (book) | p. 68 |
Ocean's Peace | Rokea (book) | p. 68 |
Ocean's Peace | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 154 |
Darkwater: Oversea's Gift | Rokea (book) | p. 75-76 |
Darkwater: Oversea's Gift | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 157 |
Brightwater: Pain of the Wound | Rokea (book) | p. 70 |
Brightwater: Pain of the Wound | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | p. 155 |
Darkwater: Pall | Rokea (book) | p. 76 |
Primal Assurance | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Qyrl's Shell | Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition | p. 186 |
Brightwater: Scuttle | Rokea (book) | p. 70-71 |
Brightwater: Sea's Winds | Rokea (book) | p. 71 |
Brightwater: Sea's Winds | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202-203 |
Betweener: Wall of Granite | Rokea (book) | p. 77 |
Whirlpool Maw | Rokea (book) | p. 68 |
Whirlpool Maw | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 202 |
Dimwater: Wound Undersea | Rokea (book) | p. 73 |
Dimwater: Wound Undersea | Changing Breeds (book) | p. 203 |