Rage Across Las Vegas: Equinox was the final commercially-released card set for Rage: Tribal War (aka Rage Across Las Vegas CCG). It consists of cards originally slated for release as Phases 7, 8, and 9 under the "Rolling Thunder" program.
By the end of 1998, Five Rings Publishing Group had ceased to exist as an actual unit within Wizards of the Coast, and in 1999 WTC was acquired by Hasbro. Hasbro proceeded to cancel most of WTC's collectible card games, including Rage, so three final planned phases were combined into Equinox. Not long after Equinox's release, White Wolf pulled the Rage license, and Hasbro destroyed the back stock they were no longer able to sell; as a result, Equinox cards tend to be particularly hard to find on the secondary market.
In the conclusion of the metaplot, the time traveling pack returns to the present to find the inter-tribal conflict spiraling out of control. The Fianna and the Black Furies have gotten involved in the fighting at the Ragnarok, prompting the mayor of Las Vegas to shut the casino down; the Stargazers are fighting amongst themselves; and the Silver Fangs attempt to prevent Natasha Moon Chaser and her allies from performing the Rite of Still Skies to finally put the Storm Eater back down.
This set included some reprints of cards from previous phases; these are marked in the table below with an asterisk next to their rarity. It also included a few reprinted cards from the previous incarnation of Rage, such as Banana Split, Sings-for-the-Beast and Virus-to-Wyrm, with modified stats and text to fit the current rules. It also included the final three Tribe cards and the remaining three Auspice cards. Finally, it introduced Past Life cards, which had been present in the previous incarnation of Rage from the first set.
Booster Box[]
"Las Vegas: the fastest-growing city in America. The Wyrm writhes here. For months the Storm Eater has grown in power beneath the streets, using its evil influence to turn the Garou against each other. While the tribes warred, thirteen Garou overcame the Wyrm's taint and gathered together. They alone stand between the Wyrm and the world. They alone are willing to perform the rite that will pit them against the Storm Eater.
Thirteen Garou. Thirteen lives. Thirteen blades sworn to an alliance.
One enemy. One world. One survivor.
Equinox is a complete expansion for the Rage: Across Las Vegas storyline. It includes three new tribes to struggle for dominance in the gothic punk World of Darkness, and three additional tribe cards in the decks. Customize your deck then take on all opponents in this exciting, fast-paced, fighting game!"
Fianna Pre-Constructed Deck[]
"The Fianna are werewolves descended from the fierce warriors of the British Isles. Hardened by millennia of warfare, their members stood against the fury of the Vikings and led special forces against Napoleon, Hitler, and others. Now they have emigrated everywhere, including Las Vegas, where the liquor is cheap and parties last forever."
Silver Fangs Pre-Constructed Deck[]
"The oldest and most venerable of the werewolf tribes, the Silver Fangs ruled Eastern Europe and Asia for untold centuries. Their great warlords commanded fear and obedience as far as their sword could reach. Now inbred and but a shadow of their former selves, they still have the wealth of centuries and can demand the respect that is their due."
Stargazers Pre-Constructed Deck[]
"The Stargazers are an oddity among the Garou: they have mastered their Rage. Tracing their roots to the Far East, they practice peculiar martial arts and a transcendent mysticism. While others dismiss them as aloof and eccentric, they know they alone have received enlightenment. And those who think Stargazers can't fight without rage, well..."
All Pre-Constructed Decks[]
"Rage is the fast-paced fighting game of werewolf combat based on White Wolf Game Studio's acclaimed World of Darkness property Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Players form packs of werewolves and attempt to defeat the other players in open combat, through politics and intrigue, and by accumulating renown for defeating various enemies in the Hunting Grounds."
Booster Packs[]
"Las Vegas: While the tribes war, thirteen Garou stand between the Wyrm and the world. They alone are willing to perform the rite that will pit them against the Storm Eater.
Thirteen Garou. Thirteen lives. Thirteen blades sworn to an alliance.
One enemy. One world. One survivor."
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Acid Bane | Enemy | Rare-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Bane – Umbra – Unique | Dennis Calero |
Adapt | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed, Mind | Jason Edmiston |
Ahroun | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: Any Ahroun | Blake Beasley |
Alexandra Rasputin | Character | Rare-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Ragabash – Homid – Female | Jeremy Jarvis |
Arm Block | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed, Strength | Michael Gaydos |
Ashen Taylor | Past Life | Chase card | - 3 | Shadow Lords | NA | NA | Drew Tucker |
Awe | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Clint Langley |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Backhand | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Fast | Jason Edmiston |
Backpedal | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Mind | Craig Maher |
Balance | Gift | Uncommon-2 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Steve Prescott |
Balefire Elemental | Enemy | Common-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Elemental | Richard Thomas |
Balor's Gaze | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Quinton Hoover |
Banana Split | Character | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Bone Gnawers – Ahroun – Metis – Male/Female | Joshua Gabriel Timbrook |
Bandit Blackmane | Character | Scarce | 5 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ahroun – Lupus – Male | Thomas M. Baxa |
Bane of Pain | Enemy | Uncommon-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Bane – Umbra – Unique | Craig Maher |
Bane Spider | Enemy | Scarce* | 5 | NA | NA | Wyrm, Umbra, Bane | Larry MacDougall |
Banshee | Enemy | Common-1 | 6 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Corrupted Spirit – Umbra | Lawrence Snelly |
Bear Hug | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | Full | Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Big Honkin' Club | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Speed, Prop | Brian LeBlanc |
Big Ol' 2X4 | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | New | Prop – Speed | Craig Maher |
Big Tony Casaldi | Enemy | Uncommon-1 | 5 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Mobster Boss – Male | Joe Corroney |
Black Furies Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Female Garou | NA | Tattoo | Richard Thomas |
Black Spiral Soldier | Enemy | Common-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Black Spiral Dancer | Steve Prescott |
Blanket of Peaceful Dreams | Equipment | Uncommon-2 | NA | Garou | NA | Fetish – Unique | Shino Arihara |
Blissful Ignorance | Gift | Rare-2 | NA | Ragabash | NA | NA | Brian LeBlanc |
Blood Lust | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Blood of Kings | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Craig Maher |
Body Shift | Gift | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | NA | Scott M. Fischer |
Box the Ears | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Speed – Claw | Michael Danza |
Brian the Iceman | Enemy | Uncommon-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Mobster – Male | Lawrence Snelly |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Call to Glory | Moot | Uncommon-2 | NA | Get of Fenris or Ahroun | NA | Warring | Larry MacDougall |
Calm Before the Storm | Moot | Uncommon-1 | NA | Ally | NA | Peaceful | Larry MacDougall |
Cautious Defiance | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | NA | Vincent Evans |
Chant of the Run | Event | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | Minor Rite, Long Event | Matt Roach |
Cheap Kitchen Knife | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | Full | Prop – Claw | Dennis Calero |
Children of Gaia Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Children of Gaia cohort | NA | Tattoo | Richard Thomas |
Chimera | Totem | Common-2 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | John Matson |
Choose Your Side | Moot | Uncommon-2 | NA | Silver Fang, Shadow Lord or Fianna | NA | Arbitration | Clint Langley |
Cindermane | Character | Rare-2 | 4 | NA | NA | Fianna – Theurge – Lupus – Female | Larry MacDougall |
Cindy Paradise | Character | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Galliard – Homid – Female | Dennis Calero |
Clarence Darius | Character | Scarce | 5 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Galliard – Homid – Male | Dennis Calero |
Claws-of-Clay | Character | Rare-1 | 6 | NA | NA | Red Talons – Ahroun – Metis – Female | Richard Clark |
Cleaning up the 'Rok | Event | Common-2 | NA | Garou | NA | NA | Larry MacDougall |
Closing the Moon Bridges | Moot | Common-2 | NA | NA | NA | Peaceful, Umbra | Clint Langley |
Cobra Spirit | Ally | Uncommon-2 | 4 | Stargazers or Silent Striders | NA | NA | Anthony Hightower |
Command | Event | Scarce | NA | Silver Fang or any Garou of 8+ Renown | NA | Long Event | Drew Tucker |
Corcoran Smithy | Character | Rare-1 | 8 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ragabash – Homid – Male | Dennis Calero |
Crazy Gregor | Character | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Theurge – Lupus – Male | Michael Danza |
Cries-of-Death | Enemy | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Silver Spiral – Wyrm – Unique – Female | Jason Edmiston |
Crush | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Cub's Roar | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | Full | Strength | Richard Kane Ferguson |
Culling the Unclean | Moot | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Warring | Brian LeBlanc |
Cunning Koan | Gift | Common-2 | NA | Stargazers or Theurge | NA | NA | Brian Wackwitz |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Daniel Coleman | Enemy | Chase card | 9 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Sabbat – Vampire – Unique – Male | Fred Harper |
Danny O'Doul | Character | Rare-2 | 6 | NA | NA | Fianna – Theurge – Metis – Male – Brewmaster | Joe Corroney |
Dark Times Ahead | Event | Uncommon-1 | NA | Theurge | NA | Long Event | Clint Langley |
Darmoth Moorswalker | Character | Rare-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ahroun – Lupus – Male | Richard Clark |
Death Dust | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | Talen – Fetish | Ron Spencer |
Deceptive Strike | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | Full | Claw – Speed- Mind | Daerick Gross |
Defensive Posture | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Strength – Speed | Richard Clark |
Deflect the Blow | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Claw | Brian Wackwitz |
Directing the Soul | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Craig Maher |
Disco Suit | Equipment | Uncommon-2 | NA | Garou | NA | Garish | Richard Clark |
Disquiet | Gift | Scarce* | NA | Homid | NA | NA | R. Dean McCreary |
Ditch Fight | Moot | Scarce* | NA | NA | NA | Warring | James Daley |
Douglas MacDougal | Character | Rare-2 | 1 | NA | NA | Fianna – Philodox – Homid – Male | Richard Kane Ferguson |
Dr. Lydia Tsien | Character | Rare-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Glass Walker – Theurge – Homid – Female | Vincent Evans |
Dreams of the Past | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Garou | NA | NA | R. Dean McCreary |
Duck | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Mind | Brian LeBlanc |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Eat This! | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Strength | Brian Wackwitz |
Elvis Impersonator | Victim | Common-1 | 1 | NA | NA | Human – Garish – Male | Fred Harper |
Eye Gouge | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Claw, Speed | Brian LeBlanc |
Eye of the Falcon | Gift | Uncommon-2 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Steve Prescott |
Eyes-of-Crystal | Character | Rare-2 | 1 | NA | NA | Children of Gaia – Theurge – Metis – Female – Cub | Dennis Calero |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Faerie Fyre | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Brewmaster in pack | NA | Talen – Beer | Patrick Kochakji |
Faerie Kin | Gift | Uncommon-2 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Jeff Holt |
Falcon | Totem | Common-2 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Lawrence Snelly |
Falcon Arrows | Equipment | Uncommon-2 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | Talen – Fetish | Patrick Kochakji |
Fang the Far-Sighted | Character | Rare-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Red Talons – Ragabash – Metis – Male | Matt Milberger |
Feng Shui | Rite | Uncommon-2 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Shino Arihara |
Fetal Position | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Fianna | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: Bone Gnawers +1, Get of Fenris +1, Shadow Lords +1 | Blake Beasley |
Fianna Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Fianna Cohort | NA | Tattoo | Richard Thomas |
Fight with the Wind | Combat | Common-2 | NA | Kailindo | NA | Mind | Drew Tucker |
Fighting Dirty | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Prop – Mind | Brian LeBlanc |
Finger Snap | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Speed – Strength | Joe Corroney |
Fire Fist | Character | Rare-2 | 1 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ahroun – Metis – Male – Cub | Michael Danza |
Focus Your Rage | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | Full | Mind – Strength | Brian Wackwitz |
Forceful Wind | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | Full | Mind | Richard Clark |
Formal Challenge | Gift | Common-2 | NA | Ahroun | NA | NA | R. Dean McCreary |
Furmling | Enemy | Scarce* | 4 | NA | NA | Wyrm - Corruptor | Richard Thomas |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Gaia's Best | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Brewmaster in pack | NA | Talen – Beer | Richard Clark |
Gnosis Blade | Equipment | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | NA | Brian LeBlanc |
Going Underground | Moot | Common-2 | NA | NA | NA | Peaceful | William O'Connor |
Gremlins | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Ragabash | NA | NA | Dennis Calero |
Gut Like a Fish | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | Full | Speed – Claw | Kirby Kiser |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Haymaker | Combat | Common-2 | NA | NA | Full | Strength – Claw | Dennis Calero |
Hogling | Enemy | Scarce* | 4 | NA | NA | Wyrm | SCAR |
Honor for the Tribe | Event | Common-1 | NA | Silver Fang, Silent Strider or Shadow Lord | NA | Moot Event | Dennis Calero |
Hunt Blessing | Event | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | Minor Rite, Long Event | Craig Maher |
Hunting Party | Moot | Scarce* | NA | NA | NA | Warring, Long Event | Aaron Boyd |
Hunts-Without-Lobes | Character | Rare-1 | 5 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ragabash – Metis – Male | Steve Prescott |
Hyena Spirit | Ally | Scarce* | 5 | Ragabash or Philodox | NA | NA | Aaron Boyd |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Impromptu Concolation | Rite | Scarce | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Larry MacDougall |
Inner Light | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Richard Thomas |
Inner Strength | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Conan H. Venus |
Instinctive Backlash | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | Full | Mind – Speed | Brian LeBlanc |
Iron Willpower | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Strength – Mind | Brian LeBlanc |
Ivor Brice | Character | Rare-1 | 6 | NA | NA | Shadow Lords – Ragabash – Homid – Male | Jeremy Jarvis |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Jackie Keaton | Character | Rare-2 | 4 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ragabash – Homid – Male – Kailindo | Daerick Gross |
Joseph Sandstone | Character | Rare-2 | 1 | NA | NA | Uktena – Ragabash – Homid – Male – Cub | Michael Danza |
Justin Spirit-Friend | Character | Rare-2 | 4 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Theurge – Lupus – Male | Richard Clark |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Kathy Williams | Past Life | Chase card | -3 | Glass Walker | NA | NA | William O'Connor |
Kayla the Singer | Character | Rare-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Fianna – Galliard – Lupus – Female | Brian LeBlanc |
Kidney Punch | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Claw | Ron Spencer |
Kidneys of Steel | Gift | Common-2 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Jeff Holt |
Kimmie the Blackjack Dealer | Victim | Rare-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Female – Blackjack dealer | Andrew Bates |
King of the Clurichaun | Ally | Uncommon-1 | 5 | Fianna | NA | Fae – Unique – Male | Richard Thomas |
Klaive of Yuri Tvarivich | Equipment | Rare-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | Unique, Fetish | Dennis Calero |
Knee to the Head | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | NA | Brian LeBlanc |
Knockback | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Kick – Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Knot of Protection | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Talen | Anthony Hightower |
Knowledge of the Wind | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Stargazers or Philodox | NA | NA | Brian Wackwitz |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Lady Canvas | Character | Rare-1 | 9 | NA | NA | Black Furies – Theurge – Metis – Female | Shino Arihara |
Laugh at Pain | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Mind – Strength – Speed | Matt Milberger |
Laura FaeQueen | Character | Rare-2 | 6 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ragabash – Homid – Female | Steve Prescott |
Laying the Guilt | Moot | Rare-2 | NA | NA | NA | Penalty | Anthony Hightower |
Leader of the Pack | Moot | Rare-1 | NA | NA | NA | Political – Unique | Dennis Calero |
Learn from Experience | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Mind | Michael Danza |
Learning the Trade | Rite | Common-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Brian LeBlanc |
Luigi "Wise Guy" Tuscano | Enemy | Uncommon-2 | 2 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Mobster – Male | Sam Hubbell |
Luna's Avenger | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Dennis Calero |
Luna's Bullets | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | NA | Ammo | Steve Prescott |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Metis to Society | Event | Uncommon-1 | NA | pack with no Metis | NA | Long Event | Richard Thomas |
Mick Buffet | Victim | Uncommon-2 | 3 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Male | Fred Harper |
Mind Block | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang or Theurge | NA | NA | Drew Tucker |
Mist Man | Victim | Common-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Male – Graffiti Artist | Anthony Hightower |
Mob Enforcer | Victim | Common-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Human – Mobster – Male | Michael Gaydos |
Molotov Cocktail | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Prop | Ron Spencer |
Mychal | Ally | Uncommon-1 | 5 | Stargazers | NA | Human – Unique – Stargazer Acolyte – Male | Steve Prescott |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Naturae Boon | Equipment | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | NA | Ron States |
Neon Elemental | Enemy | Common-1 | 6 | NA | NA | Wyrm – Elemental | William O'Connor |
Nicah Sunset | Character | Rare-1 | 9 | NA | NA | Wendigo – Ragabash – Lupus – Female | R. Dean McCreary |
Nicholas Lonewalker | Character | Rare-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Galliard – Homid – Male | Brian LeBlanc |
Nicole VanHausen | Character | Rare-2 | 6 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Theurge – Homid – Female | Jeremy Jarvis |
Nuthin' Special | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Mind - Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Ol' Lady Woodford | Character | Rare-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Fianna – Galliard – Lupus – Female | Jeremy Jarvis |
Om | Rite | Common-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Anthony Hightower |
Om Chakala Phat | Rite | Uncommon-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Shino Arihara |
One-Armed Bandit | Event | Rare-2 | NA | Homid or human | NA | NA | Steve Prescott |
Onset of Harano | Event | Rare-1 | NA | Umbra 4+ | NA | Long Event | Andrew Bates |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Passive Aggression | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Mind | Drew Tucker |
Pattern of Theft | Rite | Uncommon-1 | NA | Bone Gnawer, Children of Gaia, Ragabash | NA | NA | Andrew Bates |
Paws of the Newborn Cub | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Daerick Gross |
Phantasm | Gift | Rare-2 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Steve Prescott |
Pipes of Terror | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Fetish | Andrew Bates |
Police Crackdown | Event | Uncommon-2 | NA | 5+ Gnosis | NA | Long Event | R. Dean McCreary |
Preternatural Awareness | Event | Scarce | NA | Stargazers | NA | Long Event | Richard Clark |
Protectors of the Weak | Event | Common-1 | NA | Bone Gnawer | NA | Long Event | Larry MacDougall |
Puma Angryheart | Character | Rare-1 | 7 | NA | NA | Uktena – Ahroun – Homid – Male | Richard Kane Ferguson |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Questioning | Gift | Uncommon-2 | NA | Stargazers or Theurge | NA | NA | Andrew Bates |
Quick Jaw | Character | Rare-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Children of Gaia – Ragabash – Lupus – Male | Brian LeBlanc |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Ragabash | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: any Ragabash Garou | Blake Beasley |
Raindancer | Character | Rare-2 | 2 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Theurge – Homid – Male | Richard Kane Ferguson |
Rake the Eyes | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Claw | Joe Corroney |
Randy on the Run | Victim | Rare-2 | 2 | NA | NA | Human – Unique – Squealer – Male | Michael Danza |
Reason | Gift | Common-2 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Steve Prescott |
Rebecca Johnson | Character | Scarce | 6 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Theurge – Homid – Female | R. Dean McCreary |
Regis Wallace | Character | Scarce | 8 | NA | NA | Fianna – Philodox – Homid – Male | Richard Kane Ferguson |
Respect for the Downtrodden | Event | Uncommon-1 | NA | Ragabash | NA | Moot Event | Richard Clark |
Rite of Leadership | Rite | Common-2 | NA | NA | NA | NA | Clint Langley |
Rite of Renunciation | Rite | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | NA | Matt Milberger |
Rite of the Opened Sky | Rite | Common-1 | NA | Theurge | NA | NA | Lawrence Snelly |
Rite of the Stolen Wolf | Rite | Rare-1 | NA | Theurge or Philodox | NA | NA | Michael Gaydos |
Roll with the Blow | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | NA | Vincent Evans |
Rommel's Scepter | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | Unique, Fetish | Michael Danza |
Ruins of the Hotel Lazon | Battlefield | Rare-1 | NA | NA | NA | Unique, Lair, Vampire, Wyrm | Larry MacDougall |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Samhain | Moot | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Victory | Patrick Kochakji |
Sarah Parker | Ally | Uncommon-2 | 4 | Silver Fang | NA | Human – Kinfolk – Female – Unique | Shino Arihara |
Secret of Gaia | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Drew Tucker |
Sees-by-Stars | Character | Rare-2 | 3 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ragabash – Metis – Male – Cub | Dennis Calero |
Sees-Your-Heart | Character | Scarce | 9 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ahroun – Lupus – Female | Steve Prescott |
Sergei the Executioner | Past Life | Chase card | -3 | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Jeremy Jarvis |
Set 'Em Up... | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | Mind, Speed | Clint Langley |
Shared Blood | Gift | Scarce* | NA | Ahroun | NA | NA | Larry MacDougall |
Sheryl | Character | Chase card | 4 | NA | NA | Corax – Galliard – Homid – Female | Ron Spencer |
Shootin' Craps | Event | Rare-2 | NA | Garou or human | NA | Game | Daerick Gross |
Silence the Doubter | Event | Uncommon-2 | NA | Silver Fang or Shadow Lord | NA | Moot Event – Long Event | Andrew Bates |
Silent Stan | Character | Rare-1 | 8 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Philodox – Metis – Male – Kailindo | Dennis Calero |
Silver Fang Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Silver Fang cohort | NA | NA | Richard Thomas |
Silver Fangs | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: Bone Gnawers +1, Glass Walkers +1, Iron Riders +1, Wendigo +1 | Blake Beasley |
Sings-for-the-Beast | Character | Rare-2 | 4 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Galliard – Metis – Female | John Cobb |
Skull Pig | Enemy | Common-2 | 3 | NA | NA | Wyrm | Richard Thomas |
Sleep of the Hero | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Richard Thomas |
Speed-of-the-Wind | Character | Rare-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ragabash – Lupus – Male – Kailindo | Steve Prescott |
Spinning Block | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Mind – Slow | Michael Gaydos |
Spirit of Chance | Ally | Rare-2 | NA | Theurge | NA | Spirit – Unique | Richard Clark |
Spirit of the Lake | Ally | Uncommon-2 | 5 | Fianna | NA | NA | Jeff Holt |
Spirit of Thunder | Ally | Common-1 | 6 | Theurge | NA | NA | Andrew Bates |
Spirit Smack | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | Umbra, Speed, Mind | William O'Connor |
Spirit Vessel | Gift | Rare-1 | NA | Theurge | NA | NA | Michael Danza |
St. Mary's Orphanage | Battlefield | Rare-1 | NA | NA | NA | Unique – Black Spiral Dancer, Wyrm | Larry MacDougall |
Stag | Totem | Common-2 | NA | Fianna | NA | NA | Anthony Hightower |
Stalling for Time | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | NA | Jon Foster |
Standing Together | Event | Common-1 | NA | Children of Gaia, Silent Strider or Silver Fang | NA | Moot Event, Long Event | Richard Clark |
Stargazer Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Stargazers cohort | NA | Tattoo | Richard Thomas |
Stargazers | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: Children of Gaia +1, Silent Striders +1, Uktena +1, Wendigo +1 | Blake Beasley |
Steel Arm to the Chest | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | New | Claw | Steve Prescott |
Steel Jaw | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | New | Mind – Strength | Brian Wackwitz |
Steven Altmeyer | Ally | Uncommon-1 | 5 | Silver Fang | NA | Kinfolk – Human – Unique – Male | R. Dean McCreary |
Strength of Will | Gift | Scarce* | NA | Ahroun | NA | NA | Clint Langley |
Strip of Standing | Moot | Scarce* | NA | NA | NA | NA | James Stowe |
Stumpy McGee | Character | Rare-1 | 3 | NA | NA | Bone Gnawers – Theurge – Metis – Male | Ron Spencer |
Superior Position | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Strength, Speed | Drew Tucker |
Surface Attunement | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Michael Gaydos |
Swipe | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | NA | Brian LeBlanc |
Sword of William Wallace | Equipment | Rare-1 | NA | Fianna with 6+ Renown | NA | Fetish, Sword, Unique | Jeff Holt |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Take the Pain | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | New | Mind – Strength | Brian LeBlanc |
Talons of the Falcon | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Silver Fang | NA | NA | Clint Langley |
Tamara Leeches-for-Pawns | Character | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Silent Striders – Theurge – Homid – Female | Conan H. Venus |
Tara Malesbane | Character | Rare-1 | 5 | NA | NA | Black Furies – Ahroun – Lupus – Female | Brian LeBlanc |
Taste for Blood | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Bite | Thomas M. Baxa |
Taylor Spirit-Friend | Character | Rare-2 | 4 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Theurge – Lupus – Female | Richard Clark |
"The" Dean Michaels | Character | Rare-2 | 7 | NA | NA | Stargazers – Ahroun – Homid – Male – Kailindo | Richard Clark |
The Lightning Spear | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Fetish – Weapon | Richard Clark |
The Ragnarok Casino | Battlefield | Rare-2 | NA | NA | NA | Unique – Tech – Human Guard | Larry MacDougall |
Theurge | Tribe | Scarce | NA | NA | NA | Cohort: Any Theurge Garou | Blake Beasley |
Thomas Reichal | Character | Rare-1 | 6 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Philodox – Homid – Male | Matt Milberger |
Tina Clear-Skull | Character | Rare-1 | 7 | NA | NA | Silent Striders – Ragabash – Metis – Female | Ron Spencer |
Tire Iron | Combat | Uncommon-2 | NA | NA | Full | Prop – Strength | Michael Danza |
Toad Spirit | Ally | Common-1 | 4 | Fianna | NA | Spirit | Patrick Kochakji |
Toe Stomp | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | Full | Kick – Speed – Kailindo | Brian LeBlanc |
Torc of Wisdom | Equipment | Uncommon-2 | NA | Fianna | NA | Fetish | Richard Clark |
Tracker-by-Moonlight | Character | Scarce | 7 | NA | NA | Fianna – Ahroun – Homid – Male | Barbara Armata |
Two Tails | Character | Rare-2 | 1 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Ragabash – Metis – Male | Ron Spencer |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Uktena Tattoo | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Uktena cohort | NA | Tattoo | Richard Thomas |
Ulf Hammarskald | Character | Rare-1 | 5 | NA | NA | Get of Fenris – Theurge – Homid – Male | Brian LeBlanc |
Umbral Manipulation | Moot | Common-1 | NA | Theurge | NA | Umbra | Jeff Holt |
Umbral Slash | Combat | Scarce* | NA | NA | Full | Speed, Umbra | Clint Langley |
Unbalance | Combat | Rare-1 | NA | NA | Full | Speed – Mind | Drew Tucker |
Uncluttered Mind | Combat | Uncommon-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Mind | William O'Connor |
Uncontrollable Fury | Combat | Rare-1 | NA | NA | Full | Strength – Claw | Ron Spencer |
Unicorn's Milk | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Brewmaster in pack | NA | Talen – Beer | Richard Clark |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Vegas Showgirls | Ally | Common-2 | 3 | Glass Walker or Galliard | NA | Human – Dancers – Female | Steve Prescott |
Velocitor | Character | Rare-1 | 2 | NA | NA | Silent Striders – Ahroun – Metis – Male | Craig Maher |
Verbena Druid | Ally | Uncommon-1 | 3 | Fianna or cohort | NA | Mage – Human – Unique – Male | Lawrence Snelly |
Victim of the Wyrm | Event | Rare-1 | NA | NA | NA | NA | Fred Harper |
Victoria Anne | Character | Scarce | 7 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Philodox – Metis – Female | Joe Corroney |
Vinny Vincent | Character | Rare-2 | 8 | NA | NA | Shadow Lords – Ahroun – Homid – Male | Drew Tucker |
Virus-to-Wyrm | Character | Rare-2 | 5 | NA | NA | Glass Walker – Ahroun – Homid – Female | Quinton Hoover |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Wakshaani | Enemy | Scarce* | 4 | NA | NA | Wyrm | Scott M. Fischer |
Wallace's Battle Standard | Equipment | Uncommon-1 | NA | Fianna | NA | Fetish – Unique | Anthony Hightower |
War Paint | Equipment | Scarce* | NA | Garou | NA | Fetish | Brian LeBlanc |
War Whiskey | Equipment | Common-2 | NA | Brewmaster in pack | NA | Talen – Beer | Jeff Holt |
Whispering Wind | Gift | Rare-1 | NA | Kailindo | NA | NA | Drew Tucker |
Wilhelm Nighthunter | Character | Scarce | 3 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Ahroun – Lupus – Male | Clint Langley |
Wisdom of the Seer | Gift | Uncommon-1 | NA | Stargazers | NA | NA | Correct Credit is Shea Anton Pensa |
Wisdom of the Spirits | Event | Uncommon-1 | NA | Uktena or Theurge | NA | NA | Richard Clark |
Words-of-Fury | Character | Rare-1 | 4 | NA | NA | Red Talons – Ahroun – Lupus – Male | Brian LeBlanc |
Wrath of Gaia | Gift | Common-1 | NA | Silver Fang or Ahroun | NA | NA | Richard Thomas |
Wyrm Vitalizer | Enemy | Common-2 | 2 | NA | NA | Wyrm | Dennis Calero |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
Xavier Wyrmslayer | Character | Scarce | 10 | NA | NA | Silver Fangs – Ahroun – Homid – Male | Clint Langley |
Card Name | Type | Rarity | Renown | Requires | Moon Phase | Notes | Artist |
You're So Predictable | Combat | Common-1 | NA | NA | New | Speed – Mind | Steve Prescott |
- CCGamez.com
- Unofficial Nuwisha Homepage: Who's Who and What's What
- Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist & Price Guide by John Jackson Miller and Joyce Greenholdt (Krause Publications, 2001: pages 9 and 372)
- Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist & Price Guide Second Edition by John Jackson Miller and Joyce Greenholdt (Krause Publications, 2003: pages 9 and 472)
Previous Product: Rage: Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 6 |
Collectible card game Rage (game) |
Next Set: Rage: Rage Across the Dreamlands (Canceled) |
Rage Official Expansion Sets | |
White Wolf/Upper Deck |
Basic (1995) (Limited · Unlimited) · Umbra (1995) · Wyrm (1995) · War of the Amazon (1996) · Legacy of the Tribes (1996) |
Rage Across Las Vegas: Phase 1 (1998) · Phase 2 (1998) · Phase 3 (1998) · Phase 4 (1998) · Phase 5 (1998) · Phase 6 (1998) · Equinox (1999) | |
Miscellaneous Cards: |
Azrael Productions Fan Expansion Sets | |
Apocalypse Fan Sets: |
New England Block: Intermezzo (2003) · Periphery (2004) · Gauntlet (2004) · Coda (2005) |
Tribal War Fan Sets: |