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Below are the Gifts available to the Kitsune. Kitsune who are members of the Beast Courts, also have access to Hengeyokai Gifts as well. The five Kitsune who have joined the Ahadi have access to Ahadi Gifts.

List of General Gifts[]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Chi Sense: The Kitsune can open herself to the flow of Yin and Yang, carefully feeling the flow of Chi in the world around her. A Kitsune can make good use of this Gift to become an accomplished fang shih (a practitioner of feng shui). This Gift is taught by any spirit of the Middle Kingdom.[1]
  • Ishin Denshin: The Kitsune can communicate telepathically with others of her kind. Both Foxes must posses the Gift and be willing conversationalists. The Kitsune find it very difficult to lie through this Gift (its name means "Mind-to-Heart Communication"), and therefore use it less often than one would expect. Ishin Denshin is taught by Snake-spirits.[2]
  • Scent of Running Water: As the Ragabash Gift.[3]

Level 2[]

  • Moon Dance: The Kitsune becomes completely invisible provided no moonlight falls on her. She may step in and out of Luna's gaze as many times as she likes, appearing and vanishing over and over. Lunes teach this Gift (and presumably included the exception to keep an eye on the little tricksters).[4]
  • Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[5]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[6]

Level 3[]

  • Ghost Speech: As the Doshi Gift.[7]
  • Puppeteer's Secret: All Kitsune pick up a few illusions, and a few fox tricks. Not being noticed is the most important of both. This Gift won't turn the Nine-Tails invisible; even better, it makes him one of the crowd. If a Fox using Puppeteer's Seret is standing around the police station, everyone just knows he's part of the squad. At the Party meeting, everyone assumes he's a faithful, if dull, member. Wherever he goes, he's been there for years - he's the familiar face; the friend of a friend; the loyal, nameless supported; the small-timer trustworthy because he hasn't an angle to call his own. Deet and other well-camouflaged spirits (whose mortal representatives blend into the scenery or die) teach this Gift.[8]

Level 4[]

  • Shadow-Fan-Flowers: As the Gukutsushi Gift.[9]

Level 5[]

  • Possession: The Kitsune may abandon her physical form to take over that of another. It is the most famous, and most infamous power the Nine-Tails wield. Humans across Asia rightly fear it. This Gift is taught by lesser Incarna of Luna or one of Fox's brood, if at all.[10]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Chi Sense: The Kitsune may sense Yin and Yang, feeling the flow of Chi. They may make use of the Gift to practice feng shui. The Gift is taught by any spirit of the Middle Kingdom.[11]
  • Ishin Denshin: The Kitsune communicated telepathically with others of her kind. Both must possess the Gift and be willing to communicate. The Kitsune find it hard to lie when using the Gift, and so uses it less often then might otherwise be expected. The Gift is taught by snake-spirits.[12]
  • Scent of Running Water: As the Ragabash Gift.[13]

Level 2[]

  • Moon Dance: The Kitsune becomes completely invisible so long as no moonlight falls on her. She may step in and out of moonlight, appearing and vanishing as she does. Lunes teach the Gift.[14]
  • Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[15]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[16]

Level 3[]

  • Ghost Speech: This Gift allows Kitsune to speak with the inhabitants of the Yin Realm. It is taught by ancestor-spirits and spirit associated with death or Yin.[17]
  • Puppeteer's Secret: All Kitsune pick up a few tricks. Though not turning a Fox invisible, it makes him one of the crowd. Wherever he uses this everyone simply assumes he belongs and has been there for ages. He's a familiar, loyal face, a supported. Deer and other well-camouflaged spirits teach this Gift.[18]

Level 4[]

  • Shadow-Fan-Flowers: One creature within the Kitsune's line of sight sees a vision and believes. The illusion is perfectly detailed with color, light, and motion. Chimerlings and other illusion spirits teach the Gift.[19]

Level 5[]

  • Possession: The Kitsune abandons her body to take over another's, which is he most famous (and infamous) power the Foxes wield. Humans across Asia still tell frightening legends of fox possession. The Gift is taught by a lesser Incarna of Luna or by one of Fox's brood.[20]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Chi Sense: The Kitsune may sense the ebb and flow of Yin and Yang through the world around her. This Gift is taught by any spirit of the Middle Kingdom.[21]
  • Ishin Denshin: As the Galliard Gift: Mindspeak.[22]
  • Scent of Running Water: As the Ragabash Gift.[23]

Level 2[]

  • Moon Dance:[24]
  • Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[25]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[26]

Level 3[]

  • Ghost Speech: This Gift allows Kitsune to speak with inhabitants of Yin Realm - the Dark Umbra. It is taught by ancestor-spirits and spirits associated with death.[27]
  • Puppeteer's Secret: The Fox fades into the crowd; everyone assumes she belongs, and that her familiar face has been there for quite some time. Deer-spirits teach this Gift.[28]

Level 4[]

  • Shadow-Fan-Flowers: One creature within the Kitsune's line of sight sees a vision and believes. The illusion is perfectly detailed with color, light, and motion. Chimerlings teach this Gift.[29]

Level 5[]

  • Possession: The Kitsune abandons her body to take over another's/ This Gift is taught by one of Fox's brood.[30]

Breed Gifts[]

Path Gifts[]

Doshi Gifts[]

First Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Blessing the Blade: This Jyu-hô consecrates a bladed weapon (daito, tanto, katana, etc.), allowing it to do aggravated damage to its targets. Spend one Gnosis point and roll Wits + Rituals, difficulty 7.[31]
Level 3[]
  • Swarm of Servants: This summons a swarm of little creatures (the type is up to the caster) from the fur of the Kitsune's tail. Spend one Willpower and roll Stamina + Occult, difficulty 8. Each success summons 25 of these creatures. They are under the mental direction of the caster, and can perform simple tasks, such as lifting things (Strength 1 per 10 of them). They must stay within 20 feet of the Kitsune at all times. They can also be used to harass foes, though they cause no damage (-1 from Dice Pool for every 25 beings). The creatures disappear after one scene.[32]
Level 4[]
  • By the Light of the Moon: By spending one Gnosis point and making a successful Perception + Alertness roll, the Kitsune can see any hidden creature who is under the moonlight. This included Garou using Gifts (such as Invisibility, Blissful Ignorance), spirits in the Penumbra and Obfuscated vampires.[33]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Blessing the Blade: With this Gift, the Sorcerer calls on a local spirit to inhabit a blade for a short time, infusing it with supernatural power. The Nine-Tails may do this instantly, for immediate use, or prepare a blade ahead of time. Outside of combat, this Gift functions only if activated with a specific enemy in mind. Special cloth or leather wrappings restrain the spirit until the enemy's name is spoken by the bearer. Only one weapon can be carried at a time. The Gift is taught by a Fire-spirit.[34]
  • Breath of Yu-Chiang: Exactly as the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus; Yu-chaing is the Chinese God of the Sea-Wind.[35]
  • Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[36]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Gift.[37]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[38]
Level 2[]
  • Blood Omen: The Fox can divine the future by ritual sacrifice. Most commonly, the Fox will read the entrails of the victim, but there are also traditions of signs in burnt-offering smoke and scapulimancy. Legend has it that the Doshi stole this secret from the Black Spiral Dancers (who practice it with great enthusiasm using wolf, human and Garou captives). The Sorcerers insist they never use hengeyokai (or wolves or anyone's possible Kinfolk) for divination. As for humans, well - in times of crisis Kitsune ask more questions of Gaia and fewer of each other....
    Black Spiral Dancers find their answers through the power they serve; Doshi are extremely careful to dedicate the ceremony to Celestines, Incarna and totems opposed to the Wyrm, influential in their area, and not offended by a little bloodshed.[39]
  • Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[40]
  • Ghost Speech: Through the Gift: Spirit Speech, Kitsune can communicate with spirits in the Yang Realm; this Gift allows them to talk with the denizens of Yin. This Gift is taught by Ancestor-spirits and those associated with Yin or deathly influences (e.g. a local Mountain-spirit whose territory is mostly tombs).[41]
  • Name the Spirit: As the Lupus Gift.[42]
  • Sight from Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[43]
Level 3[]
  • Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[44]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: As the Theurge Gift.[45]
  • Spirit Ward: As the Homid Gift.[46]
  • Swarm of Servants: This is one of a Doshi's most bizarre powers; from the fur of his tails he may summon armies of tiny vermin to do his bidding (mice, lice, beetles, frogs, grasshoppers, whatever the caster wishes). The spirits of such creatures teach this Gift, if the Kitsune will only stop scratching long enough.[47]
Level 4[]
  • By the Light of the Moon: The Kitsune can see any hidden creature by moonlight. This includes Obfuscated Kin-jin, invisible Kuei-jin, spirits in the Penumbra, mages, changelings, hengeyokai and well, anything. This Gift is taught by Owl- and Bat-spirits.[48]
  • Fooling the Tiger: As the Theurge Gift: Ultimate Argument of Logic.[49]
  • Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[50]
  • Spirit Drain: As the Theurge Gift.[51]
Level 5[]
  • Feral Lobotomy: As the Theurge Gift.[52]
  • The Malleable Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[53]
  • Seal of Inari: Doshi, suspicious by nature, learned early to take nothing and no one at face value. Using this Gift, a Sorcerer can secretly "brand" any shen or mortal he encounters - as a warning to others, as a request for protection, as a death mark - with sigils only Kitsune can see. The ghostly red or black symbols appear to hover just above the skin - over makeup, clothing, body armor or other coverings - and are distinct at any distance (even if rahter small) if the bearer's head is visible. Spirits such as Chimerlings and Epiphlings may share this Gift if they feel like it; Doshi rarely teach it to other.[54]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Blessing the Blade: The sorcerer calls on a local spirit to inhabit a blade for a finite time to enhance it with supernatural power. The Nine-tails can use it instantly (such as in immediate combat) or prepare such a blade ahead of time. Outside of combat, the Gift will only function if the Kitsune activates it with a specific enemy in mind. Special wrappings restrain the spirit until the bearer speaks the enemy's name. Only one weapon of this sort may be carried at a time. The Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.[55]
  • Breath of Yu-Chiang: As the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus; Yu-Chiang is the Chinese God of the Sea Winds.[56]
  • Sense Magic: As the Uktena Gift.[57]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[58]
  • Spirit Speech: As the Theurge Gift.[59]
Level 2[]
  • Blood Omen: The Fox reads the future through a sacrifice and reading the entrails, but readings also come through the smoke of burnt offerings and reading the bones. Legend says the Doshi stole this from Black Spiral Dancers. Doshi insist they never use hengeyokai, wolves or anyone's Kinfolk for this. In times of crisis, however, the odd human may go missing. Doshi are careful to dedicate the sacrifice to spirits opposed to the Wyrm who aren't offended by the bloodshed.[60]
  • Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[61]
  • Ghost Speech: As the Level Three Kitsune Gift.[62]
  • Name the Spirit: As the lupus Gift.[63]
  • Sight from Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[64]
Level 3[]
  • Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[65]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: As the Theurge Gift.[66]
  • Spirit Ward: As the homid Gift.[67]
  • Swarm of Servants: From the fur of his tail a Doshi can summon tiny vermin to serve him. Mice, lice, beetles, frogs, etc. can all be called. The spirits of these creatures teach this Gift.[68]
Level 4[]
  • By the Light of the Moon: The Kitsune can see any hidden creature by moonlight, including obfuscated, invisible, spirits in the Penumbra, mages, hengeyokai, changelings and anything else attempting to hide. Owl and bat-spirits teach the Gift.[69]
  • Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[70]
  • Spirit Drain: As the Theurge Gift.[71]
Level 5[]
  • Feral Lobotomy: As the Theurge Gift.[72]
  • The Malleable Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[73]
  • Seal of Inari: Using this Gift a sorcerer can secretly "brand" any shen or mortal he encounters with sigils only Kitsune can see. These may be warnings, death marks, requests for help and such. Even coverings do not conceal the ghostly marks so long as the bearer's head is visible. They are visible at any distance. Chimerlings and epiphlings teach this Gift. Doshi rarely teach it to other Doshi.[74]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Blessing the Blade: The sorcerer calls on a local spirit to inhabit a blade for a finite time to enhance it with supernatural power. If prepared in advance, special wrappings retrain the spirit until the bearer speaks an enemy's name. Only one such weapon may be carried at a time. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.[75]
  • Breath of Yu-Chiang: As the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus.[76]
  • Sense Wyrm: As the metis Gift.[77]
  • Shroud: As the Uktena Gift.[78]
  • Spirit Snare: As the Theurge Gift.[79]
Level 2[]
  • Blood Omen: The Fox reads the future through blood sacrifice. The actual divination is performed by reading entrails, interpreting the smoke of a burnt offering, casting bones, or in some other way using the resulting body as an oracular tool. Doshi are careful to dedicate the sacrifice to spirits opposed to the Wyrm. Predator-spirits teach this Gift.[80]
  • Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[81]
  • Name the Spirit: As the lupus Gift.[82]
  • Shadows at Dawn: As the Uktena Gift.[83]
  • Sight from Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[84]
Level 3[]
  • By the Light of the Moon: The Kitsune can see any creature touched by moonlight, no matter what mundane skill or magic they use to hide. Bat-spirits teach this Gift.[85]
  • Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.[86]
  • Pulse of the Invisible: As the Theurge Gift.[87]
  • Swarm of Servants: From the fur of his tail the Doshi can summon tiny vermin - mice, lice, beetles, frogs, and so forth - to serve him. Vermin-spirits teach this Gift.[88]
Level 4[]
  • Grasp the Beyond: As the Theurge Gift.[89]
  • Spirit Drain: As the Theurge Gift.[90]
  • Spirit Ward: As the homid Gift.[91]
Level 5[]
  • Feral Lobotomy: As the Theurge Gift.[92]
  • The Malleable Spirit: As the Theurge Gift.[93]
  • Seal of Inari: The sorcerer can secretly "brand" anyone he encounters with sigils only Kitsune can see. These may be warnings, death marks, requests for help, etc. These ghostly marks shine through all concealment so long as the bearer's head is visible. Chimerlings teach this Gift.[94]

Eji Gifts[]

First Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Sense Hostility: A successful Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 6, allows the Kitsune to sense the presence of hostile beings within approximately 100 feet.[95]
Level 2[]
  • Bolt:[96]
  • Enduring Warrior: This Jyu-hô allows the Kitsune to heal as quickly as a Garou: one health level per turn. It acts as Garou healing in every way. The Kitsune must spend a point of Rage and the effect lasts for one scene.[97]
Level 5[]
  • Dragon Ally: A successful Gnosis roll at difficulty of 9 and the expenditure of one Rage point creates a dragon from a nearby element. Water, fire or strong winds are needed to summon it. Its size depends on the number of successes (5 feet in length per success). This dragon is capable of bite and body slam attacks. Its length determines the amount of damage it can cause: two dice of aggravated damage for every five feet. The dragon is friendly to the summoner's wishes, but intense concentration is required to maintain its form; it will dissipate if the Kitsune summoner is distracted (Storyteller's discretion).[98]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Falling Touch: As the Ahroun Gift.[99]
  • Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[100]
  • Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[101]
  • Sense Hostility: Eji using this can sense the presence of hostile beings within (roughly) 100 feet.[102]
Level 2[]
  • Bolt: The Eji can call of great forces to devastate his opponent. A lethal bolt of lightning, fire, ice, wind (or more exotic element - depending on the teacher's nature) strikes the enemy. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.[103]
  • Enduring Warrior: Eji with this power heal as quickly as their hengeyokai cousins. This Gift is taught by a Bear-spirit (some say because the Okuma lent the Eji this Gift to help the Kitsune survive the next war of Shame; some people will say anything...).[104]
  • Sense of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[105]
  • Spirit of the Fray: As the Ahroun Gift.[106]
Level 3[]
  • Call of the Dead: The Kitsune's attunement to Yin enables them to interfere with a being's vital energies. Exposure to the negative forces of the darker Umbra causes chills, injury, confusion, and even serious damage in living creatures (among other things). Rare Water- and Cold-spirits teach this Gift; it is uncommon.[107]
  • Song of Fear: The Eji has such disciplined control of her fear that she may release her fox frenzy on other beings. Caveat vulpes: Garou and similar professional berserkers will not be happy with the Kitsune who uses Song of Fear on them. Enemies react with undying vengeance. Allies (even should the Fox have saved their life by forcing them to run) often seek retribution or sever contact. This Gift is taught by a Hare-spirit.[108]
  • Weak Arm: As the Philodox Gift.[109]
Level 4[]
  • Element Meld: This Gift transforms the Eji into any one of the physical elements - water, fire, earth or air - and allows her to merge with and move through larger bodies of it. This is useful before the fight, in surveillance, and after, as near-perfect escape route. (Imagine, for instance, a water-Fox following the Pentex tanker through the sea, or the cornered Kitsune sinking into the earth before the eyes of the hunters.) With more skill (on attaining Rank Five) the warrior may transmute into more difficult, secondary elements - mist, electricity, moonlight, metal and the like. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.[110]
  • Sorcerous Bite: The Eji can transform his teeth to any substance he desires. Silver and jade are most common, but as the teeth are supernaturally strong and rigid no matter what is chosen, wood, fire, ice and even water are possible. This Gift is also taught by elementals. chosen.[111]
Level 5[]
  • Dragon Ally: Kitsune warriors can find help in the least expected place. With this Gift, an Eji can call forth a mighty fighter from the elements surrounding him. There must be a substantial amount of the raw material available - strong winds, not merely air; a fair-sized pool or stream, not puddles. The creature takes the shape of a dragon, and is formed entirely from its parent force. Not surprisingly, Elementals teach this Gift.[112]
  • Fire Immunity: As the Ahroun Gift: Kiss of Helios.[113]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Falling Touch: As the Ahroun Gift.[114]
  • Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[115]
  • Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[116]
  • Sense Hostility: The Eji can sense hostile beings within 100 feet.[117]
Level 2[]
  • Bolt: The Kitsune can call on great elemental forces to use against his foes. A lethal bolt of lightning, wind, fire or other force strikes the enemy. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.[118]
  • Enduring Warrior: Eji using this Gift heal just like their hengeyokai cousins. The Gift is taught by a bear-spirit.[119]
  • Sense of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[120]
  • Spirit of the Fray: As the Ahroun Gift.[121]
Level 3[]
  • Call of the Dead: The Kitsune's attunement to Yin allows them to disrupt the vital energies of the living with just a touch. This exposure to the Dark Umbra causes chills, confusion and possible damage to living beings. Water and cold spirits teach this uncommon Gift.[122]
  • Song of Fear: The Kitsune has enough control over her fear that she can throw her fox frenzy off onto someone else. Garou and similar berserkers will be most unhappy should such be used on them. Enemies react with undying vengeance. Allies, even if the Fox saved their lives by forcing them to flee may seek retribution or break off contact from the Fox who used them this. This Gift is taught by hare-sprits.[123]
  • Weak Arm: As the Philodox Gift.[124]
Level 4[]
  • Element Meld: This Gift allows the Eji to transform into any physical element (earth, water, fire or air), allowing her to merge with and move through that element. It can serve as a vehicle for scouting or escape. On attaining rank five, the Kitsune can change into secondary elements (mist, electricity, moonlight, etc.). Elemental sprits teach the Gift.[125]
  • Sorcerous Bite: The Kitsune can transform his teeth into any substance he wills; silver and jade are most commonly chosen. The teeth are uncommonly strong regardless of the substance chosen. Elemental spirits teaches this Gift.[126]
Level 5[]
  • Dragon Ally: Kitsune warriors may find help with this Gift by calling forth a mighty warrior from the elements around him. He must have a substantial amount of the raw material (strong winds, a fair sized pool or stream, etc.). The creature takes the shape of a dragon. Elemental spirits teach this Gift.[127]
  • Fire Immunity: As the Ahroun Gift: Kiss of Helios.[128]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Falling Touch: As the Ahroun Gift.[129]
  • Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.[130]
  • Resist Pain: As the Philodox Gift.[131]
  • Sense Hostility: The Eji can sense hostile beings within 100 feet. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift.[132]
Level 2[]
  • Bolt: The Kitsune calls a bolt of lightning, and freezing wind are all possibilities. Elementals teach this Gift.[133]
  • Enduring Warrior: Eji using this Gift heal just like their hengeyokai cousins. A bear-spirit teaches it.[134]
  • Pulse of the Prey: As the Ragabash Gift.[135]
  • Spirit of the Fray: As the Ahroun Gift.[136]
Level 3[]
  • Call of the Dead: The Kitsune uses Yin energies to disrupt the vital energies of the living with just touch. Ice-spirits teach this Gift.[137]
  • Song of Fear: The Kitsune may cast her fox frenzy into another. This Gift is taught by hare-spirits.[138]
  • Weak Arm: As the Philodox Gift.[139]
Level 4[]
  • Element Meld: The Eji may transform into any physical element (earth, water, fire or air), allowing her to merge with and move through that element. On attaining rank five, the Kitsune can change into secondary elements (mist, electricity, moonlight, etc.) as well. Elementals teach this Gift.[140]
  • Sorcerous Bite: The Kitsune can transform her teeth into any substance she wills, most commonly silver or jade. They are uncommonly strong, regardless of the substance chosen. Elementals teach this Gift.[141]
Level 5[]
  • Dragon Ally: As the lupus Gift: Song of the Great Beast, save that it summons forth a dragon made of one of the elements.[142]
  • Fire Immunity: As the Ahroun Gift: Kiss of Helios.[143]

Gukutsushi Gifts[]

First Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Clear the Mind: This clams the mind of a confused, scared, raging or otherwise mentally disturbed creature. A Gnosis point and a successful Manipulation + Empathy roll against a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower (even if the subject is willing, such emotional extremes are difficult to control) are necessary in order for this to take effect. In addition, if the target is anyone other than the Kitsune himself, direct eye contact must be established. This Jyu-hô will not cure insanity.[144]
  • Mother's Touch: As the Gift in the Werewolf rulebook.[145]
Level 2[]
  • Read the Soul: By rolling Perception + Empathy against a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower and spending a Gnosis point, the Kitsune will be able to tell when the target is lying or trying to trick her. This does not grant any insight into what the truth actually is.[146]
Level 3[]
  • Illusion: One target in visual range of the Kitsune will see things in her head and believe them to be real. One Gnosis point is necessary and a successful Manipualtion + Empathy roll must be made against the target's Willpower in order for this to take effect. The illusion s perfectly detailed and cannot be dispelled unless the target can be convinced that it is an illusion (the relevant roll is up to the Storyteller; difficulty should be adjusted for the credibility of the illusion). The illusions last until the Kitsune's concentration is broken.[147]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
Level 2[]
  • Dreamspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[152]
  • Fan-Shadow-Robe: The Kitsune can alter her appearance. This Gift does not allow perfect, detailed control - the Fox may not duplicate another's appearance exactly, reproduce complicated patterns, garments (i.e. uniforms) or equipment, for instance - and does not clock the Dreamweaver's actions. (Her arms are where they appear to be, but the gun may seem to be a democracy leaflet...) Chimerlings and illusion-related spirits (some one has to be in charge of heat haze) teach this Gift.[153]
  • Silver Tongue: As the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue.[154]
  • Taking the Forgotten: As the Ragabash Gift.[155]
Level 3[]
  • Distant Whispers: As the Shinju Gift.[156]
  • Ebisu's Fingers: As the Ragabash Gift: Gremlins, but named with a twist: Ebisu is a Shinto luck god and the Patron of Honest Work. To the Kitsune way of thinking, machines take work away from honest laborers; this Gift puts it back.[157]
  • Shadow-Fan-Flowers: One entity within the Dreamweaver's sight sees a vision and believes. The illusion is perfectly detailed; the Gukutsushi directs motion, color, light, everything. The Gift is taught by Chimerlings and other spirits of dream and illusion.[158]
Level 4[]
  • Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow: As the Glass Walker Gift: Doppleganger.[159]
  • Whelp Body: As the Ragabash Gift.[160]
Level 5[]
  • Madness: As the Metis Gift.[161]
  • Violation: As the Ragabash Gift.[162]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]
Level 2[]
  • Dreamspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[167]
  • Fan-Shadow-Robe: The Kitsune can change her appearance. This does not give perfect imagery; the Fox cannot exactly duplicate someone else's appearance, reproduce complicated patterns, garments or equipment (uniforms, etc.) and doesn't hide her actions. Chimerlings and illusion-spirits teach this Gift.[168]
  • Silver Tongue: As the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue.[169]
  • Taking the Forgotten: As the Ragabash Gift.[170]
Level 3[]
  • Distant Whispers: As the Shinju Gift.[171]
  • Ebisu's Fingers: As the Ragabash Gift: Gremlins. Ebisu is the Shinto luck god and patron of honest work. Kitsune see machines taking work from honest laborers; this Gift gives it back.[172]
  • Shadow-Fan-Flowers: As the Level Four Kitsune Gift.[173]
Level 4[]
  • Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow: As the Glass Walker Gift: Doppelganger.[174]
  • Whelp Body: As the Ragabash Gift.[175]
Level 5[]
  • Madness: As the metis Gift.[176]
  • Violation: As the Ragabash Gift.[177]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
Level 2[]
  • Dreamspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[182]
  • Fan-Shadow-Robe: The Kitsune can change her appearance. She can't precisely duplicate the appearance of another, however, or perfectly replicate complex patterns or garments (such as military uniforms). Chimerlings teach this Gift.[183]
  • Silver Tongue: As the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue.[184]
  • Taking the Forgotten: As the Ragabash Gift.[185]
Level 3[]
  • Distant Whispers: As the Kitsune Shinju Gift.[186]
  • Ebisu's Fingers: As the Ragabash Gift: Gremlins.[187]
  • Liar's Craft: As the Ragabash Gift.[188]
Level 4[]
  • Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow: As the Glass Walker Gift: Doppelganger.[189]
  • Whelp Body: As the Ragabash Gift.[190]
Level 5[]
  • Madness: As the metis Gift.[191]
  • Mist on the Water: As the Fianna Gift: Fog on the Moor.[192]

Kataribe Gifts[]

First Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Fable: The Kitsune tells an appropriate fable or story and spends two Willpower points; all who willingly listened to the story are implanted with a suggestion (much like the similar vampire Discipline: Dominate) for a number of days equal to the Kitsune's Manipulation + Performance Dice Pool.[193]
Level 2[]
  • Lore: Many Katraribe collect old lore and tales. In fact, they are far too many stories for the Kitsune to remember in detail; therefor, many Kitsune learn this Jyu-hô, which allows them to access the memories of other Katraribe, living and dead. Those using this Jyu-hô will remember specific lore related to a certain artifact or location, usually in Japan, in fair detail. The Kitsune must look at the target in question (or a picture of it) and make a successful Intelligence + Rituals roll against a difficulty provided by the Storyteller.[194]
Level 3[]
  • Seek: This opens contract with a local spirit, enabling the Kitsune to ask about the location of one individual. If the individual is outside the territory of the spirit, the spirit will answer so. Spend one Gnosis point and roll Wits + Occult against a difficulty of 6.[195]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Beast Speech: As the Galliard Gift.[196]
  • Fable: With this Gift, the Kataribe may use her natural expressive abilities and will to sway an audience. By telling an appropriate story, signing the right song, etc., she can plant a suggestion into hearts and minds of listeners. (For example, Sondok sings a ballad of reverence for the earth at a folk festival; the attendees find themselves voting Green in the next referendum.) Bird-spirits (Nightingale in particular) favor Kataribe with this Gift.[197]
  • Mindspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[198]
  • Truth of Gaia: As the Philodox Gift.[199]
Level 2[]
  • Centipede's Beckoning: As the Galliard Gift: Call of the Wyrm.[200]
  • Distractions: As the Galliard Gift.[201]
  • Lore: The Kataribe can access the memories of other Bards, living and dead, to find specific information about an artifact, location, person, etc. (This is similar to Widsom of the Ancient Ways, but brings up stories, riddles, mnemonics, nursery rhymes, songs, and the like - things Katraribe would reasure, but not necessarily obviously useful.) This Gift comes from Tortoise-, Elephant- and other long-lived, deep thinking spirits.[202]
  • Tongues: As the Kojin Gift.[203]
Level 3[]
  • Seek: This Gift opens contact with a local spirit, whom the Kitsune may ask for the location of any one individual. Spirits will answer correctly if they can; if the individual is outside their territory they will say so. The spirits of predatory animals teach this Gift.[204]
  • Silence: The Kitsune can completely silence an area so that no sound can be heard whatsoever. Lake- and Mountain-spirits teach this Gift.[205]
  • Uzume Sings: Kataribe voices are particularly beautiful; with this Gift they become paralyzing so. A skilled bard may hold an enemy at a standstill purely with the power of song, or entice him forward to his doom. Nightingale- and Snake-spirits teach this Gift.[206]
Level 4[]
  • Kuei Dance: This Gift calls on the dead to bear witness, usually to the manner of their death, occasionally to the events of their lives. This magic compels truth, not cooperation - but as most Restless ones are frantically eager to have their lives remembered, deaths avenged, graves tended and true stories known, few refuse. The Dance may take any form - the Kataribe may begin a story and have the ghost step forward to continue the tale, act out the events of the story in mime or dance and let the ghost appear in its part, or (and this is the best for convincing others the tale is true) begin a song or narration that readies the audience for the experience, then let them see the ghost's very memories around them. This Gift is taught by Ancestor-spirits.[207]
  • Shadows by the Firelight: As the Galliard Gift.[208]
Level 5[]

Revised Edition and MET Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Beast Speech: As the Galliard Gift.[211]
  • Fable: The Kataribe uses her expression and will to sway onlookers. By telling an appropriate story or signing a particular song, she can plant a suggestion in the minds and hearts of listeners. Bird-spirits (in particular Nightingale) teach this Gift.[212]
  • Mindspeak: As the Galliard Gift.[213]
  • Truth of Gaia: As the Philodox Gift.[214]
Level 2[]
  • Centipede's Beckoning: As the Galliard Gift: Call of the Wyrm.[215]
  • Distractions: As the Galliard Gift.[216]
  • Lore: The Kitsune can access the memories of other bards, living or dead, to find out information. Similar to Wisdom of the Ancient Ways, this brings forth stories, riddles, songs and such rather than obviously useful things. The Gift is taught by tortoise or elephant-spirits.[217]
  • Tongues: As the Level Three Kojin Gift.[218]
Level 3[]
  • Seek: The Gift opens communication with local spirits so the Kitsune may ask for a single individual's location. Spirits answer correctly if they can; should the individual be beyond their territory, they admit such. The spirits of predatory animals teach this Gift.[219]
  • Silence: Kitsune may silence an area so that no sound whatsoever may be heard. Lake and mountain-spirits teach this Gift.[220]
  • Uzume Sings: Kataribe voices become incredibly beautiful, paralyzing an enemy or luring him forward to his doom merely by the voice's power. Nightingale and snake-spirits teach this Gift.[221]
Level 4[]
  • Kuei Dance: This Gift calls on the dead to bear witness. Usually used to discover the manner of their deaths, but occasionally the events of their lives are examined. There is no compulsion, but the dead are pitifully eager to be remembered, so few refuse. The spell may take any form, from story to song to dance, with the ghost acting out her part as appropriate. The Gift is taught by ancestor-spirits.[222]
  • Shadows by the Firelight: As the Galliard Gift.[223]
Level 5[]

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]
  • Beast Speech: As the Galliard Gift.[226]
  • Fable: The Kataribe uses her expression and will to sway onlookers. By telling a tale or singing a song, she can plant a suggestion in the minds and hears of listeners. Nightingale-spirits teach this Gift.[227]
  • Perfect Recall: As the Galliard Gift.[228]
  • Truth of Gaia: As the Philodox Gift.[229]
Level 2[]
  • Centipede's Beckoning: As the Galliard Gift: Call of the Wyrm.[230]
  • Distractions: As the Galliard Gift.[231]
  • Silence: The werefox blankets the area in an eerie silence. Lake- and mountain-spirits teach this Gift.[232]
  • Speech of the World: As the homid Gift.[233]
Level 3[]
  • Seek: The Kitsune asks the local spirits for a single individual's location. The spirits answer correctly if they can; should the individual be beyond their territory, they say as much. The spirits of predatory animals teach this Gift.[234]
  • Uzume Sings: The Kataribe's voice becomes achingly beautiful, paralyzing an enemy or luring him forward to his doom. Nightingale- and snake-spirits teach this Gift.[235]
  • Wisdom of the Ancient Ways: As the Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways.[236]
Level 4[]
  • Kuei Dance: This Gift calls on the dead to bear witness. There is no compulsion, but the dead are eager to be remembered, so rarely refuse. The spell may take any form, from story to son to dance, with the ghost acting out her part as appropriate. This Gift is taught by ancestor-spirits.[237]
  • Shadows by the Firelight: As the Galliard Gift.[238]
Level 5[]

Ju-Fu Gifts[]

Perhaps the most distinct Kitsune trick is the art of Ju-Fu - paper magic. The Foxes were bewitched with the idea of paper when they first found it - much as humans across Asia revere the substance. In Japan, paper is a religious symbol, and it is part of funerary rites across the Middle Kingdom. In Japanese, kami is a homophone for both spirit and paper, and the Kitsune use the term to refer to their paper-spells just as they refer to the Kami, the spirits of Gaia made flesh.

In many ways, the Kitsune look on Ju-Fu as the most elegant sorcery ever devised. The ideograms reflect their manner of thought perfectly, for one. What's more the method of working a miniature rite, storing a mystical effect for later, is highly useful. In times of plenty, the Kitsune can set some of their Gnosis aside for times of want, in the form of Ju-Fu. What's more, spirits that might hesitate to be bound to a fetish don't mind temporary talens like the kami - after all, there's no way they'll be bound into such a fetish for all that long.

Learning each Ju-Fu "trick" is treated much like learning a common Kitsune Gift, although they are learned from other Kitsune rather than spirits.

First Edition Gifts[]

Level 2[]

  • Parchment of the Labyrinth: When placed in a closed room, the parchment causes that room to become an inescapable jail. Opening the door will lead to another room exactly like it. Placing it in a hallway will cause the hallway to become endless. Making the parchment requires the expenditure of one Gnosis point and an Intelligence + Occult roll, difficulty 6. Whether the creation has worked is not known until the parchment is first activated, so the successes are kept secret from the player until he tries to use the parchment. Activating a pre-made parchment requires one Gnosis point.[241]

Level 3[]

  • Parchment of Banishment: This parchment allows the Kitsune to cause a spirit to return to its realm of origin (or the Near Umbra if it has no particular home realm). The parchment is destroyed after activation.[242]

Second Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Element Child: The Kitsune can create a small amount of one of the basic elements by destroying a kami bearing that element's symbol. The Kitsune prepares the kami by writing a mandala showing the elements in relation to each other. When he wants to activate the kami, he must fold it into an appropriate shape (airplane, shuriken, water bomb or the like) and throw it where he wants it to be.[243]
  • Lantern: In Japan, will-o'-the-wisps are considered the work of foxes. By crafting a paper lantern or similar kami, the Kitsune can later infuse it with an eerie light. The light may take the appearance of capture lightning, moonlight, an evil reddish glow, or whatever effect the Fox had in mind when creating the kami.[244]
  • Paper Speech: By crafting an origami figure or special pictogram of a specific creature or animal, the Kitsune may communicate with such creatures at will, apparently in their native tongues. When she activates the kami, an illusion of the represent creature overlays the Kitsune's own image in the subject's mind; the Fox's speech is then translated into the appropriate language of scent, body language, and so on. The Kitsune herself hears the creature's responses as Kitsune-go in her own mind.[245]
  • Umekochi's Mouth: Named for the Japanese goddess of food, this trick allows a Kitsune to craft a small paper cup, dish or other container that can hold four times as much volume as it should.[246]

Level 2[]

  • Attraction: This trick lets a Kitsune attract or repel a certain type of animal by creating an appropriate kami. For instance, the Fox might craft a tiger-repelling kami to travel safely through tiger territory, or fashion a paper firefly to summon enough fireflies to eerily light a graveyard.[247]
  • Eyes of the Wall: This trick really creates two kami: the Fox takes a paper can cuts a hole in it, leaving the cut-out hole someplace useful. The Kitsune can then put her eye to the hole in her half of the kami to see what the cut-out would "see." She can even get each side's view by looking through alternate sides of the hole. Kitsune who fly kites as a hobby are particularly enamored of this trick.[248]
  • Labyrinth: By hiding this kami in a room and speaking a word of binding, the Kitsune can prevent anyone from leaving. A person who climbs out the window finds himself coming back in through the door, and so on. People can still enter the room as usual - leaving is the trick part. As the Kitsune must be present to activate the effect, he is trapped inside along with any other prisoners until the kami is destroyed.[249]
  • Silver Sigil: This trick is much like the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue. The Kitsune can write "badge" on a piece of paper - and the target will see a badge of some sort. She can write "passport" on a scroll of birchbark and get through customs without a hitch. The kami cannot be changed, but it will affect as many people as necessary for the duration of a scene. Combat or other significant distractions end the effect, as does destroying the kami.[250]

Level 3[]

  • Banishment: This kami is used against spirits who have traveled from their home realms. By brandishing the pictogram and demanding that the spirit return home, the Fox may force devils back into the Yomi World or Crab Soldiers back into Umi, for example.[251]
  • Paper Beast: This kami is always fashioned in the form of an origami animal, or with the pictogram of an animal painted across it. When the Kitsune spits on the paper, the replica immediately grows to the full size and likeness of its "original", and obeys the Kitsune's commands.[252]

Level 4[]

  • Beast Shape: The Kitsune may take the form of the animal represented by this kami. Apart from the need to prepare the spell beforehand, and the specific duration (one scene), this Gift is identical to the Black Fury Gift: The Thousand Forms.[253]
  • Walk: This last-minute escape route allows the Kitsune to vanish from sight as she tears the kami, reappearing in the Mirror Lands in the form of her choice.[254]

Level 5[]

  • Kidnap: One of the dirtier tricks in the Kitsune arsenal, this allows a Fox to abduct a person or shen into the Umbra. It matters little where the Kitsune is standing at the time; a Fox in the Mirror Lands can pull a target in with him, while a Fox in the physical world can either throw his target into the Umbra while remaining behind himself, or vanish along with the unfortunate victim. The Kitsune hurls the kami at his target while crying a word of activation; if the Fox is in the Umbra at the time, the paper literally appears from nowhere, striking the target. As the target vanishes in a flash of light and smoke, the now-blank piece of paper drifts slowly to the ground....[255]
  • Paper Flesh: This Ju-Fu is identical to the Level Three sorcery: Paper Beast, save that the summoned creature becomes flesh and blood in all respects.[256]

Revised Edition MET Gifts[]


  • Attraction: Kitsune use this paper trick to repel or attract a particular type of animal through the creation of an appropriate kami. If a Kitsune wishes to travel safely through the jungle, she may create a kami to repel tigers; she may create a fish kami to attract dinner or a nightingale kami to sweeten the sounds in her night garden. The player makes a Standard Social Test (retest with Animal Ken) at the time of kami preparation. The Gnosis cost varies according to the type of animal to serve as the subject of the trick. Insects and vermin cost one Gnosis Trait; most animals cost two Gnosis Traits; particularly large or ferocious animals (tigers, water buffalo, elephants and the like) require an expenditure of three Gnosis Traits. This trick does not work against shen in animal shape. The character activated the kami by spitting on it.
  • Element Child: By destroying a kami that bears the symbol of one of the basic elements, the Kitsune may create a small portion of that element. The Kitsune prepares the kami by inscribing a piece of paper with a mandala depicting the elements in relation to one another. To activate the kami, the Kitsune folds the paper into a shape appropriate to the element: a plane for Air, a stone for Earth, a flame for Fire, a wave for Water. The Fox tosses the paper where he wants the element to appear. The paper is destroyed in the process of producing the element. The player spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Simple Test at the time of preparation. Except for the creation of the kami, this Gift is like the Metis Gift: Create Element (See Laws of the Wild).
  • Eyes of the Wall: This trick results in the creation of two kami. Th e Kitsune cuts a hole in a piece of paper and places the cutout hole in a location she wishes to view later. The Fox can then look through the hole in the paper and see what the cutout piece would "see." By looking through alternate sides of the hole, the Kitsune may alter her point of vision by looking through the other side of the paper and see what the other side of the hole would "see." Kitsune kite-flyers have a great fondness for this trick, using it to view areas from an aerial perspective. The player spends two Gnosis Traits and makes a Simple Gnosis Test when crafting this two-in-one kami. The stealthy view lasts for an entire day and night.
  • Labyrinth: A Kitsune may craft this kami, hide it in a room and, by speaking a word of binding, prevent anyone from leaving the room. If someone in the room attempts to climb out a window, she finds herself entering through the door; if she leaves by the door, she discovers she is entering through a window or another door. Anyone can enter the room normally; leaving it is the hard part. The Kitsune must also be present in the room to activate it, thus trapping herself along with the other "prisoners" in the process. This is a perfect trick for solving a "locked-room" crime. The player spends three Gnosis Traits to prepare the kami and makes a Static Mental Challenge against six Traits (retest with Enigmas). Speaking the binding word activated the kami.
  • Lantern: The Japanese consider will-o'-the-wisps as originating with the foxes. A Kitsune may craft a paper lantern or some other similar kami and later infuse it with an otherworldly luminescence. The light appears as trapped lightning, a baleful crimson glow, gentle moonlight or any other effect imagined by the Kitsune. The player spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Gnosis Test when preparing the kami. Regardless of the appearance of the illumination, the actual light is as bright as if it came from normal paper lantern. The Gift lasts for one scene unless the paper is destroyed before then.
  • Paper Speech: The Kitsune may communicate with any animal or specific creature in their own tongue by crafting an origami replica or pictogram of the desired creature or animal. When the Kitsune activated the kami, and image of the creature depicted appears as an overlay of the Kitsune's own image in the mind of the subject. The speech of the Kitsune becomes transformed into the appropriate language of scent, gestures, body language, coloration and verbal sounds. The Kitsune hears the creature respond to her in her own mind using the fox-tongue, Kitsune-go. The player spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Static Mental Challenge against six Traits (retest with Animal Ken) at the time she crafts the kami. If the Kitsune wishes to use this Gift to speak other human or hengeyokai languages, the player must make a Static Mental Challenge against eight Traits (retest with Empathy) and must spend two Gnosis Traits instead of one. The effect lasts for one scene. The kami disappears at the expiration of the Gift's effects.
  • Silver Sigil: Similar to the Fianna Gift: Glib Tongue (see Laws of the Wild), this trick allows a Kitsune to cause a sort of mass delusion in which a person or group of people see the kami as another paper object. The Kitsune may inscribe "badge" on a piece of paper and others will see it as a badge of the intended sort; she may also inscribe a paper with "driver's license, "membership card," or some other similar document title. The Kitsune cannot change the kami from one fake document to another, but the paper-trick affects as many people as necessary for one scene. Combat ends the effect of the kami as does destroying it. The player spends one Gnosis Trait and makes a Simple Gnosis Test. the first time human eyes see the kami, it activates. From then on, the Fox acts as if using Glib Tongue.
  • Umekochi's Mouth: Umekochi is the Japanese goddess of food. This paper-spell allows the Kitsune to craft a small paper cup, dish, bowl or other eating vessel that can hold four times its apparent volume. The player spends a Gnosis Trait and makes a Gnosis Test.


  • Banishment: Kitsune use this kami against spirits who have wandered afar from their home realms. The Fox inscribes a piece of paper with the spirit's name or ideogram. By brandishing the paper and demanding that the spirit depart for its own home, the Kitsune may banish devils back to their Yomi World, make Crab Soldiers return to Umi or send a Goblin Tribesman back to the Goblin Jungle Realm. The player spends three Gnosis Traits and makes a Simple Gnosis Test at the time of kami creation. When the Kitsune activated the kami, the player makes a Static Willpower Test (against the errant spirit). Success forces the spirit to return immediately to its native Realm, or into the Mirror Lands if the spirit has no native territory but has materialized in the physical world. Unfortunately, this trick does not work to separate the Bane possessing a bakemono from its human host.
  • Beast Shape: This kami enables the Kitsune to assume the form of an animal represented an origami figure or a paper inscribed with the animals' pictogram. Other than the need to prepare the spell ahead of time and its limited duration (one scene), this trick functions exactly as the Black Fury Gift: The Thousand Forms (see Laws of the Wild). The player spends two Gnosis Traits and makes a Static Physical Challenge (retest with Animal Ken).
  • Paper Beast: The Kitsune fashions an origami animal or paints the animal's pictogram on a sheet of paper for this kami. To activate the kami, the Nine-Tails spits on the paper. The replica enlarges to a full-size likeness of the intended animal that obeys the Kitsune's commands. The player spends two Gnosis Traits and makes a Simple Gnosis Test. The creature that issues from the activation of the kami has all the capabilities, including strength, as its model. Paper tigers fight with a normal tiger's power and fury; paper elephants can move logs or carry heavy burdens; paper Chow Chow serve as loyal guardians. Since the creature, however, is made of paper, it has only one health level. Kitsune may only create normal animals using this trick, though some legends claim that Foxes with seven or more tails were known to create paper ki-rin, foo dogs, phoenixes and other creatures form the mythic times.
  • Walk: This kami serves as a last-minute means of escape, allowing the Kitsune to vanish from view as she rips the kami in two. She reappears in the Mirror Lands in the form of her choice. The player must spend four Gnosis Traits and make a Simple Gnosis Test to prepare this spell. Once the power is activated, the Nine-Tails instantaneously steps sideways without having to make any additional tests.


  • Kidnap: This kami is one of the Kitsune's most devious strategies and one which has many uses. This trick enables the Kitsune to snatch a person or shen and abscond with them into the Umbra. A Nine-Tails already in the Mirror Lands can pull a target from the physical world into the Umbra with him or a Fox in the physical world can shove a target into the Umbra and either remain behind or go with his victim. The Kitsune throws the kami at the intended target and cries a word to activate it. If the Kitsune happens to be in the Mirror Lands, the paper appears out of nowhere to strike the target without warning. The target vanishes in a puff of smoke and a flash of light, while the paper - now unmarked - wafts slowly to the ground. The player spends two Gnosis Traits and makes a Simple Gnosis Test against eight Traits to create the kami. In order to activate the kami, the player must make a Static Gnosis Test to overcome the Wall.
  • Paper Flesh: This trick is identical to the Ju-Fu Gift: Paper Beast except that the creature is made of flesh and blood and seems "real" in all respects. The player spends three Gnosis Traits and makes a Simple Gnosis Test to prepare this kami. The animal evoked by the trick possess full abilities and full health levels and is, for all practical purposes, real. If the animal is slain or when the scene ends, the creature reverts back to a simple piece of powerless paper.

20th Anniversary Edition Gifts[]

Level 1[]

  • Lantern: By crafting a paper lantern or similar kami, the Kitsune can infuse it with an eerie light.[257]
  • Umekochi's Mouth: The Kitsune crafts a small paper cup, dish, or other container, which can hold four times as much as it should.[258]

Level 2[]

  • Attraction: The Kitsune attracts or repels a certain type of animal by crafting an appropriate kami. She might repel tigers to travel safely through the jungle, or fashion a paper firefly to summon enough fireflies to eerily light a graveyard.[259]
  • Silver Sigil: The Kitsune can write "badge" on a piece of paper - people will see a badge. She can write "passport" on a bit of bark, and breeze through customs.[260]

Level 3[]

  • Paper Beast: The Kitsune fashions a kami in the shape of a mundane animal, with the animal's pictogram written on it. When the Kitsune spits on the kami, the paper beast immediately grows to full size and obeys the Fox's commands.[261]

Level 4[]

  • Beast Shape: As the Ragabash Gift: Thousand Forms. The Kitsune may take the form of the animal depicted by this kami.[262]

Level 5[]

  • Paper Flesh: As the Gift: Paper Beast, save that it requires three Gnosis points, and the beast is fully flesh and blood (though it reverts to paper at the end of the scene or when slain).[263]



^ Level One

Kataribe: Beast Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Beast Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Kataribe: Beast Speech Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Dôshi: Blessing the Blade Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Doshi: Blessing the Blade Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Blessing the Blade Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Blessing the Blade Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Doshi: Breath of Yu-Chiang Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Breath of Yu-Chiang Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Breath of Yu-Chiang Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Gukutsushi: Blur of the Milky Eye Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Blur of the Milky Eye Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Blur of the Milky Eye Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Chi Sense Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Chi Sense Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 103-104
Chi Sense Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Gukutsushi: Clear the Mind Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Gukutsushi: Clear the Mind Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Clear the Mind Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Clear the Mind Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Element Child Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 171
Kataribe: Fable Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Kataribe: Fable Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Fable Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Kataribe: Fable Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Eji: Falling Touch Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Falling Touch Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Falling Touch Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Ishin Denshin Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Ishin Denshin Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Ishin Denshin Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Ju-Fu: Lantern Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 171
Ju-Fu: Lantern Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Kataribe: Mindspeak Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Mindspeak Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Mother's Touch Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Gukutsushi: Mother's Touch Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Mother's Touch Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Mother's Touch Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Gukutsushi: Open Seal Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Open Seal Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Open Seal Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Paper Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 171-172
Kataribe: Perfect Recall Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Eji: Razor Claws Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Razor Claws Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Razor Claws Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Eji: Resist Pain Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Resist Pain Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Resist Pain Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Scent of Running Water Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Scent of Running Water Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Scent of Running Water Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Eji: Sense Hostility Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Eji: Sense Hostility Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Sense Hostility Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Sense Hostility Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Doshi: Sense Magic Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Sense Magic Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Sense Wyrm Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Sense Wyrm Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Sense Wyrm Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Doshi: Shroud Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Doshi: Spirit Snare Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Doshi: Spirit Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Spirit Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Kataribe: Truth of Gaia Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Truth of Gaia Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Kataribe: Truth of Gaia Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Umekochi's Mouth Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Umekochi's Mouth Changing Breeds (book) p. 135

^ Level Two

Ju-Fu: Attraction Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Attraction Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Doshi: Blood Omen Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Blood Omen Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Blood Omen Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Eji: Bolt Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Eji: Bolt Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Bolt Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Bolt Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Kataribe: Centipede's Beckoning Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Centipede's Beckoning Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Kataribe: Centipede's Beckoning Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Command Spirit Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Doshi: Command Spirit Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Command Spirit Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Kataribe: Distractions Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Kataribe: Distractions Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Gukutsushi: Dreamspeak Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Dreamspeak Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Dreamspeak Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Eji: Enduring Warrior Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Eji: Enduring Warrior Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Enduring Warrior Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Enduring Warrior Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Ju-Fu: Eyes of the Wall Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Gukutsushi: Fan-Shadow-Robe Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Fan-Shadow-Robe Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Fan-Shadow-Robe Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Ghost Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 165
Ju-Fu: Labyrinth Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Kataribe: Lore Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Kataribe: Lore Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168-169
Kataribe: Lore Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Moon Dance Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169-170
Moon Dance Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Moon Dance Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Doshi: Name the Spirit Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Name the Spirit Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Name the Spirit Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Ju-Fu: Parchment of the Labyrinth Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Eji: Pulse of the Prey Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Gukutsushi: Read the Soul Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Sense Magic Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Sense Magic Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Sense Magic Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Eji: Sense of the Prey Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Sense of the Prey Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Shadows at Dawn Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Doshi: Sight from Beyond Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Sight from Beyond Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Sight from Beyond Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Kataribe: Silence Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Silver Sigil Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Silver Sigil Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Gukutsushi: Silver Tongue Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Silver Tongue Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Silver Tongue Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Kataribe: Speech of the World Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Eji: Spirit of the Fray Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Eji: Spirit of the Fray Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Spirit of the Fray Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Spirit Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Spirit Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Spirit Speech Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Gukutsushi: Taking the Forgotten Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Taking the Forgotten Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Taking the Forgotten Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Kataribe: Tongues Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Tongues Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108

^ Level Three

Ju-Fu: Banishment Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Doshi: By the Light of the Moon Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Eji: Call of the Dead Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166-167
Eji: Call of the Dead Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Call of the Dead Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Gukutsushi: Distant Whispers Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Distant Whispers Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Distant Whispers Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Gukutsushi: Ebisu's Fingers Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Ebisu's Fingers Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Ebisu's Fingers Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Exorcism Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Exorcism Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Exorcism Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Ghost Speech Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Ghost Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Doshi: Ghost Speech Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Ghost Speech Changing Breeds (book) p. 130
Gukutsushi: Illusion Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Gukutsushi: Liar's Craft Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Paper Beast Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Paper Beast Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Ju-Fu: Parchment of Banishment Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Doshi: Pulse of the Invisible Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Pulse of the Invisible Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Pulse of the Invisible Changing Breeds (book) p. 132
Puppeteer's Secret Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Puppeteer's Secret Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Puppeteer's Secret Changing Breeds (book) p. 130-131
Kataribe: Seek Caerns: Places of Power p. 160
Kataribe: Seek Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Seek Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108-109
Kataribe: Seek Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Gukutsushi: Shadow-Fan-Flowers Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Shadow-Fan-Flowers Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Kataribe: Silence Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Silence Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Eji: Song of Fear Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 167
Eji: Song of Fear Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Song of Fear Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Spirit Ward Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Spirit Ward Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Dôshi: Swarm of Servants Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Doshi: Swarm of Servants Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Swarm of Servants Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106
Doshi: Swarm of Servants Changing Breeds (book) p. 132-133
Kataribe: Uzume Sings Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Kataribe: Uzume Sings Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Uzume Sings Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Eji: Weak Arm Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 167
Eji: Weak Arm Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Eji: Weak Arm Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Kataribe: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways Changing Breeds (book) p. 135

^ Level Four

Ju-Fu: Beast Shape Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Beast Shape Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Dôshi: By the Light of the Moon Caerns: Places of Power p. 159
Doshi: By the Light of the Moon Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: By the Light of the Moon Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 106-107
Eji: Elemental Meld Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 167
Eji: Elemental Meld Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107-108
Eji: Elemental Meld Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Fooling the Tiger Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Grasp the Beyond Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Grasp the Beyond Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Grasp the Beyond Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Kataribe: Kuei Dance Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Kuei Dance Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Kataribe: Kuei Dance Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Gukutsushi: Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Kataribe: Shadows by the Firelight Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Shadows by the Firelight Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Kataribe: Shadows by the Firelight Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Shadow-Fan-Flowers Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Shadow-Fan-Flowers Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Shadow-Fan-Flowers Changing Breeds (book) p. 131
Eji: Sorcerous Bite Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 167
Eji: Sorcerous Bite Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Eji: Sorcerous Bite Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: Spirit Drain Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Spirit Drain Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Spirit Drain Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Ju-Fu: Walk Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Doshi: Spirit Ward Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Gukutsushi: Whelp Body Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Whelp Body Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Whelp Body Changing Breeds (book) p. 134

^ Level Five

Kataribe: Assimilation Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Assimilation Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Kataribe: Assimilation Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Eji: Dragon Ally Caerns: Places of Power p. 159-160
Eji: Dragon Ally Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 167-168
Eji: Dragon Ally Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Eji: Dragon Ally Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Kataribe: Fabric of the Mind Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 169
Kataribe: Fabric of the Mind Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 109
Kataribe: Fabric of the Mind Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Doshi: Feral Lobotomy Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Feral Lobotomy Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Feral Lobotomy Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Eji: Fire Immunity Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Eji: Fire Immunity Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Eji: Fire Immunity Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Kidnap Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Gukutsushi: Madness Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Madness Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108
Gukutsushi: Madness Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Doshi: The Malleable Spirit Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Malleable Spirit Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Malleable Spirit Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Gukutsushi: Mist on the Water Changing Breeds (book) p. 134
Ju-Fu: Paper Flesh Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 172
Ju-Fu: Paper Flesh Changing Breeds (book) p. 135
Possession Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 170
Possession Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 104
Possession Changing Breeds (book) p. 131
Doshi: Seal of Inari Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 166
Doshi: Seal of Inari Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 107
Doshi: Seal of Inari Changing Breeds (book) p. 133
Gukutsushi: Violation Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East p. 168
Gukutsushi: Violation Players Guide to the Changing Breeds p. 108


Ju-Fu: Attraction Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 220
Kataribe: Beast Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Doshi: Blessing the Blade Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 208-209
Doshi: Blood Omen Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Gukutsushi: Blur of the Milky Eye Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Eji: Bolt Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Doshi: Breath of Yu-Chiang Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Kataribe: Centipede's Beckoning Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Chi Sense Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Gukutsushi: Clear the Mind Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Doshi: Command Spirit Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Gukutsushi: Distant Whispers Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Kataribe: Distractions Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Gukutsushi: Dreamspeak Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Gukutsushi: Ebisu's Fingers Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Ju-Fu: Element Child Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 220
Eji: Enduring Warrior Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Doshi: Exorcism Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Ju-Fu: Eyes of the Wall Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 220
Kataribe: Fable Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Eji: Falling Touch Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Gukutsushi: Fan-Shadow Robe Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Doshi: Ghost Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Ishin Denshin Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Ju-Fu: Labyrinth Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 220-221
Ju-Fu: Lantern Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 221
Kataribe: Lore Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215-216
Kataribe: Mindspeak Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Moon Dance Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217-218
Gukutsushi: Moon-Fan-Face-Shadow Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Gukutsushi: Mother's Touch Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Doshi: Name the Spirit Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Gukutsushi: Open Seal Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Ju-Fu: Paper Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 221
Eji: Razor Claws Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Eji: Resist Pain Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Scent of Running Water Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Eji: Sense Hostility Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Eji: Sense of the Prey Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Sense Magic Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Doshi: Sense Magic Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Doshi: Sense Wyrm Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Ju-Fu: Silver Sigil Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 221
Gukutsushi: Silver Tongue Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Eji: Spirit of the Fray Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211
Spirit Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Doshi: Spirit Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Doshi: Sight From Beyond Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209
Kataribe: Tongues Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Kataribe: Truth of Gaia Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Ju-Fu: Umekochi's Mouth Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 221


Ju-Fu: Banishment Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 221-222
Ju-Fu: Beast Shape Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 222
Doshi: By the Light of the Moon Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 209-210
Eji: Call of the Dead Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 211-212
Eji: Element Meld Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 212-213
Doshi: Feral Lobotomy Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Ghost Speech Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Doshi: Grasp the Beyond Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Kataribe: Kuei Dance Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Doshi: The Malleable Spirit Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Ju-Fu: Paper Beast Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 222
Doshi: Pulse of the Invisible Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Puppeteer's Secret Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Kataribe: Seek Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Shadow-Fan-Flowers Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Kataribe: Silence Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 216
Eji: Song of Fear Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 213
Eji: Sorcerous Bite Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 213
Doshi: Spirit Drain Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Doshi: Spirit Ward Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Kataribe: Shadows By Firelight Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Gukutsushi: Shadow-Fan-Flowers Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214-215
Gukutsushi: Taking the Forgotten Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Kataribe: Uzume Sings Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Ju-Fu: Walk Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 222
Eji: Weak Arm Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 213
Gukutsushi: Whelp Body Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215


Kataribe: Assimilation Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Eji: Dragon Ally Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 213-214
Kataribe: Fabric of the Mind Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 217
Eji: Fire Immunity Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 214
Ju-Fu: Kidnap Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 222-223
Gukutsushi: Madness Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Ju-Fu: Paper Flesh Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 223
Possession Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 218
Doshi: Seal of Inari Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Doshi: Swarm of Servants Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 210
Gukutsushi: Violation Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts p. 215
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Gifts
Breed Gifts Feline · Homid · Roko · Lupus · Ahi/Metis/Shinju · Rodens · Ursine · Vasuki
Garou Auspice Gifts Ahroun · Galliard · Philodox · Ragabash · Theurge
Garou Tribal Gifts Black Fury · Bone Gnawer (Patrol) · Children of Gaia · Fianna · Get of Fenris (Fenrir) · Glass Walker (Boli Zouhisze - Iron Rider - Tetrasomian - Warders of Men) · Red Talon (Howl - Kucha Ekundu) · Ronin · Shadow Lord (Hakken) · Silent Strider · Silver Fang (House - Lodge) · Singing Dog · Skin Dancer · Stargazer (Awakening the Serpent Fire - Kailindo - Mantra) · Uktena · Wendigo
Fifth Edition Garou Gifts Forsworn · Native · Stolen Moon
Fifth Edition Garou Tribal Gifts Black Fury · Bone Gnawer · Children of Gaia · Cult of Fenris · Galestalker · Ghost Council · Glass Walker · Hart Wardens · Red Talon · Shadow Lord · Silent Strider · Silver Fang · Stargazer
Fera Gifts Ahadi · Ajaba · Ananasi (Kumo) · Bastet (Bagheera - Balam - Bubasti - Ceilican - Khan - Pumonca - Qualmi - Simba - Swara) · Corax (Tengu) · Gurahl · Hengeyokai · Kitsune (Ju-Fu) · Mokolé (Gumagan - Makara - Mokolé-Mbembe - Zhong Lung) · Nagah · Nuwisha · Ratkin (Nezumi) · Rokea (Betweener - Same-Bito)
Fera Aspect/Auspice/Path Gifts Ajaba (Dawn - Dusk - Midnight) · Ananasi (Hatar - Kumoti - Myrmidon - Tenere - Viskr - Wytsta) · Gurahl (Arcas - Kieh - Kojubat - Rishi - Uzmati) · Hengeyokai (Courtier - Fist - Lantern - Leaf - Mirror - Pillar) · Kitsune (Doshi - Eji - Gukutsushi - Kataribe) · Mokolé (Decorated Sun - Eclipsed Sun - Midnight Sun - Noonday Sun - Rising Sun - Setting Sun - Shrouded Sun) · Nagah (Kali - Kamakshi - Kamsa - Kartikeya) · Ratkin (Knife Skulker - Munchmausen - Plague Lord - Ratkin Engineer - Shadow Seer - Tunnel Runner - Twitcher - Warrior/Blade Slave) · Rokea (Brightwater - Darkwater - Dimwater)
Lost Breed, Tribe and Aspect Gifts Apis · Bunyip · Camazotz · Croatan · Grondr · Ratkin (Bards} · White Howler
Wyrm-Corrupted and Mockery Breed Gifts Black Spiral Dancer (Stolen) · Buzzard · Hishtpah · Yeren
Non-Fera Gifts Aapilu · Kinfolk
Miscellaneous and Unique Gifts Ahadi · Astrological · Camp · Caern · Hengeyokai · Legendary (LV 6) · Miscellaneous · Moon Bridge · New · Nunnehi Totem · Planetary · Spirit · Stealing the Soul · Storm-Eater · Totem · Unique · Wyrm