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Advertisement the course of my duties, I have encountered a rebel cell.
~ Agent Kallus, to the Inquisitor.
I am Fulcrum.
~ Kallus to Ezra and Kanan, revealing he is a double agent that supports the Rebellion.

Agent Alexsandr Kallus is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Arihnda Pryce) of the 2014-2018 animated television series Star Wars Rebels.

He was a high-ranking agent of the Imperial Security Bureau in the Galactic Empire, who would later defect to the Rebel Alliance and is also the former archenemy of Ezra Bridger and Garazeb Orrelios.

He was voiced by David Oyelowo, who also played Steven Jacobs in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Emerson in Jack Reacher, IT in A Wrinkle in Time and Scar in The Lion Guard.


Like most ISB agents, Kallus was initially steadfast and devoted to serving the Emperor and protecting his New Order from the Rebel Alliance at all costs. He has a strong loathing for anybody who opposes the Galactic Empire, fueled by his inflated ego and sense of superiority, both of which came from his senior rank. He is cold-blooded and heartless to those who oppose him, and apparently has no qualms with inflicting torture, physical or emotional, apparently showing a sadistic streak when he dueled Zeb. Despite his hatred for the Lothal rebels that constantly escape his grasp, he admits to Grand Moff Tarkin that they have proven themselves "elusive", showing some form of respect or at least acknowledging their skills.

However, in Legacy, Kallus admits that he respects the rebels, even though they represent his constant failures. In "Spark of a Rebellion", he also shows a disregard for soldiers under his command, such as when he kicked a stormtrooper on a pole under him to the latter's demise when the trooper only asked an easy question. He is also unfailingly affectionate and loyal to his superiors, but is bold enough to (subtly) criticize Tarkin after the events of Mustafar by bringing up how Tarkin's failure has caused whispers on Lothal, how the people are beginning to see the Empire as weak and vulnerable. Kallus' single-minded loyalty to the Empire also made him (at least for the most part) unsympathetic and undemonstrative even to his own allies, such as when he expressed little to no remorse over his role in Maketh Tua's death, and appeared to take a sadistic pleasure in her fear of Wilhuff Tarkin, later Darth Vader.

However, deep under his tough persona, Kallus is truly kind, merciful and compassionate, and he occasionally shows a more vulnerable side. Before the crew of the Ghost detonated explosive paint in the lower hangar of his personal Star Destroyer, the Lawbringer, he instructed his troops to take cover. Additionally, upon confirming that a Rodian civilian was not Tseebo, he told him to enjoy the Empire Day celebrations in an almost friendly tone. Despite his somewhat insensitive and treacherous demeanor towards the Stormtroopers under his command, he was visibly shocked by the sudden and brutal execution of Cumberlayne Aresko and Myles Grint at the command of Wilhuff Tarkin. Kallus also displayed a particularly ineffectual and vulnerable side when he was forced to cooperate with Garazeb Orrelios in order to survive, regretfully revealing his first unpleasant encounter with a Lasat and expressing a degree of remorse over the fact that genocide was used to conquer Lasan.


Destruction of Lasan[]

I was there when Lasan fell. I know why you fear those disruptors. I gave the order to use them!
~ Kallus, to Garazeb Orrelios.

Kallus participated in the destruction of Lasan, and the Lasan Honor Guard with it. After defeating a member of the Honor Guard, the lasan gave him his Bo-Rifle following the Lasan tradition of honoring a superior opponent.

Investigating Capital City[]

Years after the destruction of Lasan, Kallus found himself on the planet Lothal, following a series of rebel assaults. While in Capital City, Kallus spoke with Commander Cumberlayne Aresko. The two discussed the frequent nature of the assaults, and how they may signify the spark of a rebellion against the Empire.

Capturing the Rebels[]

Not long after, Kallus managed to catch up to the rebels, who were, at the time, attempting to save Wookiee slaves from an Imperial freighter. Arriving in an Imperial Star Destroyer, Kallus caught both the Ghost and the freighter in a tractor beam.

After assembling his unit, Kallus waited behind a locked door, prepared to ambush the rebels. His plan was foiled, however, when Ezra informed Kallus and Zeb about the trap. The trio then made a run for the Ghost, deactivating the artificial gravity to get the upper hand on their opponents. The crew eventually reached their ship, with Kallus not far behind. Unfortunately, Ezra was grabbed just before he could get inside because Zeb pushed past him.

After being captured, Ezra was brought to a prison cell, on board the Star Destroyer. While with Ezra, Kallus informed the young rebel about his intentions to use him as bait, a plan Ezra considered foolish, not believing the others would come for him. Kallus then ordered Ezra to be searched, before leaving the room.

Following Ezra's escape, Kallus made a run for the docking bay, where the Ghost was temporarily at. Once there, Kallus and his men overpowered the Rebels, forcing them to fall back into their ship. However, before Kallus could stop them, Sabine's improvised explosive went off, exposing the entire docking bay. One of the stormtroopers managed to get the shields online, however, saving Kallus' life.

Kallus' hope was quickly reignited, however, when he discovered Ezra's helmet, which hinted at the crew's whereabouts.

Battle on Kessel[]

All troopers, focus your fire on... on the Jedi!
~ Kallus, ordering his men.

After tracing the rebels' location to Kessel, Kallus ambushed the group with an Imperial freighter, as well as a couple of TIE Fighters. This eventually led to a confrontation between the factions, with Kallus and his men on one side of the platform, and the rebels and Wookiees on the other.

In order to buy some time for the crews' pilot Hera Syndulla to arrive, Kanan took out his lightsaber, revealing himself to the Empire. Kallus then ordered his men into battle, as he tracked down Ezra.

His pursuit of the boy eventually brought him to a long walkway, towering above an enormous pit. Kallus then prepared to kill Ezra, as he aimed his blaster towards the boy. His plan was once again foiled, however, when Kanan arrived with the Ghost. Kallus decided to try shooting Kanan, who was standing atop the ship. This backfired, however, when Kanan deflected one of Kallus' shots, knocking Kallus over the railing.

Kallus managed to survive the blast, however, by hanging onto a metallic structure. A stormtrooper, who was in the same predicament as Kallus, then asked if this was Kallus' first encounter with a Jedi, to which Kallus responded to by kicking the stormtrooper in the face down the abyss.

Meeting with Tua[]

Not long after the battle on Kessel, Kallus spoke with Lothal's Prime Minister Maketh Tua, following yet another Imperial shipment raid, this time on Gorell.

After confirming the identity of Tua's attackers, Kallus quickly dispersed from his star destroyer and onto an Imperial Freighter, equipped with two AT-DP. Armed with heavy artillery, Kallus made haste for Tarkintown, where he believed the rebels were currently located.

Ambushing the Rebels[]

Kallus eventually arrived at the rebels' location just as they were finishing their deal with crime lord Cikatro Vizago. Vizago didn't hesitate to withdraw his IG-RM, not wanting to go up against the wrath of the Empire.

With the rebels now alone, Kallus dispersed his ship's two AT-DP's onto the battlefield. The rebels managed to thwart the machines, however, by using the T-7 Disruptors they previously stole. Kallus then dispersed some stormtroopers, whom he joined on the battlefield. While the troopers kept the rest of the rebels occupied, Kallus challenged the team's Lasat member Zeb to a Bo-Rifle duel. During this duel, Kallus provoked the rebels by claiming he gave the order to use the disruptors on his people which resulted in the near annihilation of his race durig the siege of Lasan. After disarming Zeb, Kallus prepared to finish off his foe. He was stopped however, by Ezra, who used his Force abilities to push Kallus onto a large boulder.

Kallus eventually awakened, only to watch the Ghost fly off, yet again.

Theft of the Decoder[]

Undercover as an imperial cadet, Ezra Bridger broke into his office and stole an imperial decoder Kanan and Hera needed for one of their missions while his ally Zare Leonis distracted Kallus. The boy later successfully escaped the imperial academy along with his friend Jai Kell.

Empire Day Parade[]

While most citizens were enjoying Tua's Empire Day parade, he and his men tried to find the defected imperial technician Tseebo who had stolen many imperial secrets. This was shortly interrupted when the rebels bombed the experimental TIE-Fighter that was intended to be the main attraction. When Tua got angry over the disruption of Empire Day, Kallus agreed that they all wanted to find the Rebels, but that Tseebo's capture was their main goal. Later, he pursued the Rebels when they attempted to escape the city with the Rodian onboard on board of a ITT with his own ITT. While his ITT fired, he and his men boarded the top of the stolen vehicle, but their ITT was destroyed and he was stopped by Zeb, who fired at him from the Ghost, which caused him to fall from the top while the rebels used it to reach the Ghost. Kallus managed to climb back onto the vehicle and fired a few shots at the rebels that were easily deflected by Kanan Jarrus. As the Ghost flew away, he contacted The Grand Inquisitor who then followed the Ghost in his TIE-Fighter, but was unable to capture the Rodian despite nearly killing Kanan.

Setting a trap[]

Having come to the conclusion that the Inquisitor's method of defeating the rebels was flawed, Kallus set a trap for the entire Crew with the help of the imperial Senator Gall Trayvis, who was posing as a voice of rebellion in order to lure rebels into traps and minister Tua. Trayvis organized a meeting with the rebels through a hacked Holo-Net transmission in the old senate building on Lothal while Kallus pretended to attempt the capture of him. When Ezra, Kanan and Hera Syndulla entered the building and warned Trayvis about the supposed danger of his situation Kallus, Tua and their forces quickly attacked and surrounded them. Kallus recognized Hera as the pilot of the crew due to her clothing and when Tua pointed out the absence of Zeb and Sabine he threatened them with execution before the two entered the room and helped their friends to escape with the help of smoke grenades and thermal detonators. Kallus and his men then forced the rebels to retreat into the sewers where Hera, who had been suspicious of Trayvis tricked the senator into revealing his true allegiance and knocked him unconscious. Kallus' forces arrived soon after that but weren't able to prevent their targets from escaping through a huge fan.

Working under Tarkin[]

The Rebels activities eventually drew the attention of Grand Moff Tarkin, who decided to pay Lothal a visit. Kallus, Tua and the Inquisitor where present at the Grandmoff's reception. During this event Tarkin scolded Kallus for his failure to stop the Rebels to which he replied that he had done everything he could.

He later went to another meeting called in by Tarkin, which ended with Tarkin ordering the Inquisitor to brutally execute the imperial officers Cumberlayne Aresko and Myles Grint to show Kallus and Tua that from now on failure would have its consequences. Similar to Tua, Kallus was horrified, altough he was able to hide his shock better. When an imperial droid located the rebels near the communication tower, Kallus quickly informed Tarkin, who decided to use this opportunity to set a trap. During this encounter, Kallus personally confronted Kanan before deciding to leave him to the Inquisitor who defeated and captured the former Jedi. As Kanan was brought to Tarkin, Kallus reported that the rebels had taken control of the tower who quickly decided to destroy it. He later interrogated the Jedi, but as Tarkin was dissatisfied with his result, he replaced him with the Inquisitor, who proceeded to sadistically torture Kanan.

While Tarkin and the Inquisitor brought Kanan to the Mustafar system, Kallus stayed at Lothal. When Tarkin returned after the destruction of his star destroyer, the death of the Inquisitor and Kanan's escape Kallus noted that the events on Mustafar would cause people to see the empire as weak to which Tarkin responded that the Emperor had sent an alternative solution before Darth Vader exited Tarkin's shuttle.

Siege of Lothal[]

After Tua's attempt to capture the Rebels by doubling security and creating control points, Kallus informed her that Tarkin was displeased with her methods. While Tua tried to defend herself, Vader entered the room and told her she lacked imagination. As Tua correctly assumed, the Rebels had already left the planet, which Vader responded to by saying that they would force them to go out of hiding by terrorizing the planet. When Tua tried to explain that she had no experience with such brutal measures, Vader informed her that she would have to explain that to Tarkin himself at he had called for her to come to him to explain herself and left the room. Afraid for Lothal and afraid to suffer the same fate as Aresko and Grint, she asked Kallus what would happen to Lothal without her, to which he replied that he and Vader would take care of that with a cold smile. Tua then quickly contacted the rebels and asked them to get her off-world in exchange for the names of numerous rebel sympathizers. However, Kallus had anticipated this and send a probe droid to keep an eye on her. The next day, he accompanied her to a shuttle that would bring her to Tarkin alongside many stormtroopers. When the rebels tried to help her escape, he fought against them while Tua ran to the shuttle. The moment she entered, it exploded, killing her, as the empire had placed a bomb in it so it could use her death to discredit the rebels. Faking anger, Kallus accused the rebels of killing Tua while they escaped.

Under orders of Vader, he later had the refugee camp Tarkintown, to which the rebels had delivered food in the past, burned in order to draw them out after they had stolen another imperial shuttle. They later used this vehicle to escape Lothal and joined the fleet of the Phoenix cell, only to be attacked by Vader and Admiral Kassius Konstantine, who had placed a in the shuttle. Despite Vader destroying many of their starfighters and their commando ship, most of them escaped due to Vader focusing on the Ghost after learning his former apprentice Ahsoka Tano was in the ship. The Ghost itself managed to escape too because of Konstantine's incompetence.

Mission on Seelos[]

Having been promoted to commander, Kallus was given the task to assist Konstantine to find the rebels. While on the bridge of the Relentless Konstantine's star destroyer they received a transmission from Clone Trooper Wolffe who informed them that he had encountered two Jedi on the planet Seelos. Despite Konstantine being sceptic due to Wolffe's history of delusional distress call's, Kallus sent a probe droid to Seelos to investigate the accuracy of Wolffe's statement. The droid was able to verify Wolffe's claim and located the ghost crew. Soon after that, the Relentless arrived at Seelos. Kallus proceeded to demand from Wolffe and his fellow clones Rex and Gregor to give them the rebels or to be destroyed. Instead, Rex challenged Kallus and mocked his stormtroopers to which Kallus simply replied that they were loyal and he had a lot of them. First, Kallus ordered a squadron of TIE-Fighters to deal with the clones and the AT-TE walker they inhabited. After the TIE's were destroyed, Kallus personally led three AT-AT's against the AT-TE. Knowing that this was a battle they couldn't win, the clones moved their walker back into a sandstorm where neither the AT-AT's or their AT-ET were able to detect or see them. However Kanan was able to locate a AT-AT with the force and Ezra then quickly destroyed with a shot to the neck. As the shot had told him the approximate position of the walker, Kallus ordered the remaining AT-ATs to attack and they chased the walker out of the sandstorm. The rebels then escaped with the Phantom and Kallus let them go as he thought that Konstantine would stop them, unaware that the Admiral had left the system under orders of the Fifth Brother. Kallus then ordered the destruction of the clones to show them how "obsolete" they had become. Despite being damaged, the walker rammed the legs of Kallus' AT-AT to overbalance it. Just before Kallus could finish the clones, the phantom and the other AT-AT that had been overtaken by the rebels attacked and managed to destroy the AT-AT, forcing Kallus to abandon it and flee along with the rest of his crew.

Working for the Inquisitors[]

After this defeat, Kallus served under the Fifth Brother together with Konstantine. As one of the crewmembers of the Relentless informed them about a power surge on an abandoned republic medical station, he and Konstantine both expressed skepticism, but the fifth brother decided to investigate this situation alone and had an encounter at the station with the Seventh Sister and the ghost crew, who managed to escape.

Kallus was later put in charge of the blockade of the planet Ibaar and tried to prevent the rebels from delivering supplies to the population. The rebels had to retreat and lost several ships in the process, although Kallus correctly predicted that they would return. At their second attack, the rebels managed to get through the attack with the help of a prototype for the B-Wing starfighter, which proved to be both agile and very destructive. Later, Kallus was informed by the imperial Admiral Brom Titus that Titus had captured the rebel leader Jun Sato and a young rebel who called himself Jabba. Remembering the alibi from their first encounter, Kallus revealed to Titus that he had captured Ezra Bridger and warned the admiral to triple the guards at Bridger's cell, which the arrogant Titus ignored. Kallus then traveled to the interdictor cruiser of the admiral, but found it destroyed, the admiral in an escape pod and the rebels escaped, which amused Kallus.

When the Seventh Sister found out that the rebels and the phoenix cell were hiding on Garel, Kallus convinced the Inquisitors to join forces with him and his men and admitted his respect for the rebels despite them being responsible for many of his failures. Kallus led the ground assault, but Ezra threw him against a wall with the help of the force, which knocked him out. When he regained consciousness, he asked Konstantine who had been responsible for the blockade of Garel for the position of the rebels, but Konstantine informed him that they had already escaped the planet.

After the rebels had rescued, the two Lasan refugees Gron and Chava with the help of the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Kallus and Konstantine were in charge of an imperial light cruiser that attempted to prevent them from escaping the planet Nixus. However, they were unable to prevent them from jumping into hyperspace. Kallus then forced Ohnaka, who had been captured by stormtroopers after helping the rebels escape, to locate the Ghost with the help of a tracker he had planted in his communication device. Kalus then found the rebels nearby an imploded star cluster and gave them an ultimatum to surrender or die, but they managed to enter the cluster unharmed while the TIE-Fighters Kallus send after them were ripped apart and Kallus had to retreat as his ship faced the same risk. Kallus took pleasure in the thought that he rebels would be destroyed too, which proved to be inaccurate.

Alliance on Bahryn[]

Kallus decided to set a trap for the rebels on an imperial construction sphere over the planet Geonosis, where he ambushed the rebels with many stormtroopers and a few AT-DP's. While most of the rebel fought against his men, Kallus engaged in a duel with Zeb. The lasat stayed behind while the other rebels escaped and made his way to a escape pod where Kallus attacked him and they continued their fight while the pod flew in the direction of Geonosis' surface. However, the fight eventually damaged the pod which then crash-landed onto Bahryn a frozen ice moon of Geonosis. The impact of the crash broke Kallus' leg, leaving him at the mercy of Zeb, who chose to spare him as he wished to defeat his rival in a fair fight. During their time on Bahryn, they were only kept warm by a small meteorite which was still glowing and giving off heat. To survive the cold of the planet and the bonzami, large beasts who lived on the moon, the two enemies had to work together. This resulted in them bonding and Kallus admitting how he came into the possession of his Bo-Rifle and that he wasn't actually responsible for the use of the disruptors like he previously claimed and also of a traumatic experience during his first days in the Empire in which his entire squad, including the heavily injured, were killed by a lasat who was a part of the militia of Saw Gerrera. When they made their way to the surface of the moon from which they could send a signal, Kallus had the chance to kill Zeb and leave the moon without him, but chose to spare him instead. When the ghost arrived to pick up Zeb, he gave Kallus the choice to come with him and told him he would be treated fairly, however Kallus chose to wait for the Empire and watched Zeb receiving a friendly welcome by his fellow rebels. When he returned to the Empire after being rescued by a trader ship. he encountered Konstantine, who doesn't acknowledge his greeting. He then returned to his quarters and placed the meteorite from Bahryn on his shelf comparing the camaraderie Zeb gave to him and received from his friends to Konstantine's cold welcome, now beginning to doubt the Empire.

Betraying the Empire[]

After this incident, Kallus started to work as a spy for the rebels under the codename Fulcrum. Kallus was present when Arihnda Pryce revealed that Grand Admiral Thrawn would be taking care of the rebels and voiced his concerns over the high rate of civilian causalities of Thrawn's latest victory on Batonn, not knowing that those were primarily caused by Pryce. Kallus also accompanied Pryce to an imperial reclaim station on Yarma where the rebels where attempting to steal some Y-Wings for their fleet. They had the chance to destroy the rebels, but Thrawn ordered them to let them escape. Kallus later accompanied Pryce to the skystrike academy to investigate the rumor that several cadets planned to defect. Unknowingly to Pryce, Kallus had informed the rebels of the cadets himself. When Kallus didn't find anything, Pryce ordered the instructor of the academy to perform a new maneuver in space. During the maneuver, the rebels attacked and 4 Tie-Fighters tried to escape. However, this was a trap set for them by Pryce, who disabled the TIE's with a button, ordered the destruction of one of the TIE's and had the rebel ship attacked and badly damaged. The remaining defectors were then brought in a cell by Kallus and Pryce, where Pryce managed to identify one of the cadets as Sabine Wren and ordered Kallus to take the other two to the cell while she interrogated her. Before Kallus left, Wren taunted Kallus by saying that it looked like the empire now had someone to do Kallus' job. The cadets eventually escaped their imprisonment and were caught between blast doors on their way out when Kallus appeared and helped them to escape, claiming that he was repaying a debt to Zeb. Later, when Pryce and he discovered a distress call from the planet Agamar, he tried to convince her that it was nothing, although Pryce still ordered some troops to investigate.

He learned that Thrawn was developing a new weapon in the imperial factory on Lothal and send a message to the rebels. He then accompanied Thrawn, Pryce and the imperial lieutenant Yogar Lyste when Thrawn was send to investigate for saboteurs after numerous imperial speeder bikes malfunctioned during field missions. Upon his arrival at the factory, Thrawn called in all the workers for a demonstration, during which he forced the worker Morad Sumar to test the speeder bike he had previously worked on. As Sumar had rigged the bike to explode and Thrawn didn't allow him to leave it as it overheated, the bike blew up, killing Sumar in the process. While Pryce took pleasure in Sumar's death, Kallus was shocked. Thrawn declared that from now on, the workers had to test their products and ordered a lockdown of the factory. As Kallus tried to find out more about the new weapon from Thrawn, the admiral informed him that it was a new starfighter. When Kallus questioned whether some small improvements could change the war, Thrawn demonstrated how important those minor details where by testing a AT-DP walker which collapsed, leading Thrawn to order the arrest of its architect. Kallus and Lyste later visited Thrawn's office, and after a small conversation between Kallus and Thrawn over the symbol of the rebels, Lyste informed Thrawn that he had found evidence of rebel infiltrators. Kallus proposed to put the factory on high alert, but Thrawn declined this as he correctly assumed that the rebels had already disguised themselves and sent Kallus and Lyste to section A2 where the plans for the new fighter were hidden. When he spotted Kanan and Ezra disguised as stormtroopers, he ordered them to follow him in a turbolift where he told them that he knew they were rebels and revealed himself as Fulcrum after a quick fight. While Kanan and Ezra were sceptical, they still asked him to help them to send a signal to their allies. Kallus brought them to a communication room where the jedi stunned the imperials present while Kallus pretended to fight them. After the rebels had made contact, Kallus told them to go to the east gate where they would find an AT-DP before Ezra threw him through a glass monitor to make it look more convincing. Due to Kallus' help, the rebels escaped and told their allies of Kallus being Fulcrum, although they were still skeptical of his allegiance. After the rebels escaped, Thrawn questioned Kallus over the incident, informed him of his suspicions that the rebels had a mole and told him that he would set a trap for the spy to turn him from an obstacle to an asset, to which Kallus replied that the admiral's plan was "flawless", feigning loyalty.

Kallus later oversaw Thrawn's plan to find the rebel base by having multiple systems explored through E-XD-Infiltrator droids, assassin droids with the ability to disguise themselves as protocol droids. When one of the droids didn't report back in time, he suspected that it had found the rebel base and ordered to wait a circle before searching for him and informed the rebels of the droid. Thanks to Kallus' information, the rebels were able to identify and overpower the droids, who then started a self-destruct countdown which the rebels delayed and sent him back to the star destroyer he came from, only to then reactivate it, causing the destruction of the destroyer and all the droids on it. After witnessing the explosion from the star destroyer next to it, Kallus told the rebels that their plan succeeded and congratulated them for their handling of the situation before reporting to Thrawn, who agreed that the rebels handled the situation really well. As Kallus asked him why he was in such a good mood despite the failure of his program, Thrawn explained that now knew that the rebels had their base in one of the systems he had sent the droids to, narrowing down the possible systems for the rebel base from thousands to 94.

After the rebels had heard rumors that Thrawn was about to learn the identity of the rebel spy, Ezra disguised himself as a bounty hunter and then allowed himself to be captured by the imperial Lieutenant Lyste alongside his droid companions Chopper and AP-5 , in order to help Kallus to escape. Kallus "interrogated" Ezra in his cell, where he learned of the danger he was in, but before they could escape, Thrawn summoned Lyste and Kallus to his star destroyer the Chimaera. Lyste took Ezra with him since he thought his prisoner could help him to gain Thrawn's favor. On the Chimaera, Lyste and Kallus entered Thrawn's office and briefly witnessed him training in hand-to-hand combat with two assassin droids. The meeting consisted of Thrawn, Kallus, Lyste, Konstantin and the ISB-Colonel Wullf Yularen who had been responsible for Kallus' training. During the meeting, Thrawn informed them of his investigations into Fulcrum and revealed that he was close to discovering the rebel base. After the meeting Kallus had a brief talk with Yularen and then decided to frame the naive Lyste as Fulcrum, telling him that Pryce was Fulcrum and instructing him to spy on her while he stole his code cylinder. With the zylinder, Kallus freed Ezra from his cell and asked him where the rebel base was located so that he could erase the planet from Thrawn's data. While Ezra initially declined this as he din't fully trust him, the AP-5 that had come with him convinced him to help Kallus. Kallus then obtained an imperial uniform for Ezra and the two went to Thrawn's office where Ezra mindtricked the guard into believing he was Lyste and then let him in. Inside the office Kallus deleted the rebel base from Thrawn's data, but the Grand Admiral returned before they could leave. To distract Thrawn and allow Ezra to escape, Kallus reprogrammed the assassin droids Thrawn had previously used to train into attacking him. While Thrawn fought the droids, Ezra ran out of the office with Thrawn briefly seeing him from behind, mistaking him for Lyste. Kallus and his rebel allies made their way to the hangar where Rex and Kanan were waiting with a stolen imperial shuttle, disguised as stormtroopers. Thrawn realized the new set of intruders and ordered Pryce and Yularen to stop them. Pryce reached the shuttle where she stunned Kanan and fought Rex, before being stunned by Lyste who thought she was Fulcrum. Kallus then tackled Lyste and told Ezra that he would stay behind as he now had "caught Fulcrum" after the rebels escaped. Kallus proceeded to frame Lyste and arrest him. Thrawn arranged a new meeting with Yularen, Pryce and Kallus where he praised Kallus for arresting Fulcrum and then dismissed him and Pryce. However, unbeknownst to Kallus, Thrawn had figured out Kallus' identity as Fulcrum and planned to use him to find the rebel base.

Sometime later Thrawn, Pryce and Konstantine had a meeting with Tarkin on Lothal, which Kallus listened to on a reprogrammed mouse droid. During the meeting, Thrawn informed Tarkin on the planned rebel attack on the TIE-Defender factory on Lothal. Kallus tried to warn the rebels by sending a transmission from Ezra's old home, but due to his signal being jammed, he wasn't able to send the whole message. As he tried to fix the transmitter, Thrawn entered the room and revealed to him that he knew everything. Kallus attacked Thrawn and was able to land a few good hits on him, but was ultimately defeated by Thrawn. who then used Kallus' signal to pinpoint the location of the rebel base.



           StarTheForce Villains

Bounty Hunters
4-LOM | AD-W4 | Asajj Ventress | Ax Tagrin | Aurra Sing | Bazine Netal | Beilert Valance | Black Krrsantan | Boba Fett | Bossk | Burg | C-21 Highsinger | Cad Bane | Caij Vanda | Castas | Cato Parasitti | Chata Hyoki | Derrown | Deva Lompop | Durge | Dengar | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greedo | HELIOS-3D | HELIOS-3E | IG-11 | IG-86 | IG-88 | Jango Fett | Latts Razzi | Migs Mayfeld | Moralo Eval | Ochi of Bestoon | Q9-0 | Qin and Xi'an | Rako Hardeen | Robonino | Sarco Plank | Shahan Alama | Shenda Mol | Sy Snootles | Tasu Leech | Todo 360 | Toro Calican | Twazzi | Zam Wesell | Zuckuss

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Darth Sidious | Count Dooku

Executive Separatist Council
Viceroy Nute Gunray | Archduke Poggle the Lesser | Foreman Wat Tambor | Chairman San Hill | Magistrate Passel Argente | Presidente Shu Mai | Chairman Po Nudo | Senator Tikkes | Senator Lott Dod | Rune Haako

Military Officers
Admiral Trench | Aut-O | Captain Mar Tuuk | Commandant Osi Sobeck | Commander Darts D'nar | Commander Riff Tamson | General Grievous | General Kalani | General Kraken | General Lok Durd | General Whorm Loathsom | K2-B4 | Lieutanent Sun Fac | TA-175 | Tey-Zuka | TF-1726 | TI-99 | TJ-55 | TJ-912 | TR-350 | TV-94 | TV-94B | TX-20 | TX-21 | TZ-33

Officials and Operatives
224 | 4A-7 | AD-W4 | Asajj Ventress | Atai Molec | Captain Faro Argyus | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Durge | Endente | EV-A4-D | Keeper Agruss | King Sanjay Rash | Minister Rish Loo | Prince Tal Merrik | Queen Miraj Scintel | R3-S6 | Senator Bec Lawise | Senator Gume Saam | Senator Nix Card | Senator Rush Clovis | Senator Voe Atell | Sergeant Slick | Ziro the Hutt

Battle Droids | Droidekas | Geonosians | MagnaGuards | Super Battle Droids | Tactical Droids | Ultra Battle Droids | Commando Droids

Trade Federation | Techno Union | InterGalactic Banking Clan | Commerce Guild | Corporate Alliance | Zygerrian Slave Empire

Galactic Empire
Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Darth Vader

Officials and Military Officers
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Admiral Garrick Versio | Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Captain Bragg | Captain Gilad Pellaeon | Captain Juno Eclipse | Captain Lorth Needa | Captain Mann | Captain Slavin | Captain Mod Terrik | Captain Vanis Tigo | Colonel Wullf Yularen | Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko | Commander Brom Titus | Commodore Visler Korda | Counselor Gallius Rax | Director Armand Isard | Director Orson Callan Krennic | Director Sliro Barsha | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | General Cassio Tagge | General Maximilian Veers | General Valin Hess | Governor Arihnda Pryce | Governor Grotton | Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit | Grand Admiral Thrawn | Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin | Lieutenant Nolan | Moff Gideon | Moff Raythe | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | Moff Ubrik Adelhard | Taskmaster Myles Grint | Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart

Operatives and Other Officials
Agent Alexsandr Kallus | Backstabber | Attendant Corv | Captain Wilco | Commander Appo | Commander Crosshair | Commander Fox | Commander Lank Denvik | Commander Iden Versio | Commander Scorch | Commander Vult Skerris | Endo Frant | Governor Tiber Saxon | Grand Vizier Mas Amedda | Grand Vizier Sate Pestage | Lieutenant Elia Kane | Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero | LT-319 | Major Partagaz | Minister Maketh Tua | Minister Veris Hydan | Mithel | Pik and Waffle | Protectorate Gleb | Senator Daho Sejan | Senator Orn Free Taa | Senator Gall Trayvis | Sly Moore | Tenn Graneet | Trask Imperial Captain | Vaneé | Terisa Kerrill | Viceroy Gar Saxon

The Grand Inquisitor | The First Brother | The Second Sister | The Third Sister | The Fourth Sister | The Fifth Brother | The Sixth Brother | The Seventh Sister | The Eighth Brother | The Ninth Sister | The Tenth Brother | The Eleventh Brother | The Thirteenth Sister | Tualon Yaluna | Barriss Offee

Rick the Door Technician | Clone X | CX-1 | CX-2 | CX-3 | CX-4 | CX-5 | CX-6

Imperial Military
Imperial Army | Imperial Navy | Imperial Navy Troopers | Imperial Special Forces | Imperial Commandos | Weyland Commandos | Joint Chiefs of the Imperial Military | 501st Legion | 7th Fleet | Clone X Troopers | Dark Troopers | Death Troopers | Purge Troopers | Stormtroopers | Emperor's Royal Guard

Advanced Science Division | COMPNOR | Imperial Security Bureau | J-Sec | Shadow Council | Imperial Ruling Council

The Client | Count Vidian | Doctor Cylo | Doctor Emerie Karr | Doctor Gorst | Doctor Penn Pershing | Doctor Royce Hemlock | Dr. Scalder | Lama Su | Morgan Elsbeth | Naare | Nala Se | Rukh | Syril Karn | Venomor

First Order
Emperor Sheev Palpatine

Supreme Leaders
Snoke | Kylo Ren

Military Officers
Admiral Frantis Griss | Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Captain Moden Canady | Captain Edrison Peavey | Captain Phasma | Colonel Erich S. Datoo | Colonel Kaplan | Commander Gideon Hask | Commander Pyre | General Brendol Hux | General Armitage Hux | Grand Admiral Rae Sloane | Major Baron Elrik Vonreg

Officials and Operatives
Agent Terex | Agent Tierny | BB-9E | FN-2199 | Jace Rucklin | Lady Carise Sindian

Elite Praetorian Guards | Stormtroopers

Leema Kai | Teroj Kee | Ax Tagrin | Knights of Ren | J-Sec | Protectorate Gleb | Warbird gang (Kragan Gorr)

Sith Eternal
Darth Sidious

Final Order
Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Admiral Frantis Griss | Captain Chesille Sabrond | Ochi of Bestoon | Sith Troopers | Sovereign Protectors | Sith Cultists

Mother Talzin | Mother Zalem | Great Mothers

Asajj Ventress | Merrin | Old Daka | Morgan Elsbeth | Nightsister Zombies | Nightsister Spirits

Shadow Collective
Darth Maul | Prime Minister Almec | Savage Opress | Pre Vizsla

Bo-Katan Kryze | Gar Saxon | Rook Kast | Ziton Moj | Lom Pyke | Marg Krim | Fife | Dryden Vos

Death Watch | Mandalorian Super Commandos | Black Sun | Pyke Syndicate | Hutt Clan | Crimson Dawn | Nightbrothers

Fett Gotra
Daimyo Boba Fett | Fennec Shand

8D8 | Black Krrsantan | Drash | Skad | The Mayor's Majordomo

Mos Espa Street Gang | Mos Espa Crime Families | Tatootine Aqualish Family | Tatootine Klatooinian Family | Tatootine Trandoshan Family

Thrawn's Confederation
Grand Admiral Thrawn | Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Officials and Military Officers
Commandant Brendol Hux | Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth | Moff Gideon

Operatives and Other Officials
Captain Enoch | Captain Lang | Doctor Penn Pershing | Lieutenant Elia Kane | LS-757 | The Client | Trask Imperial Captain

Dark Side Adepts
Baylan Skoll | Shin Hati | Marrok

Elite Praetorian Guards | Stormtroopers | 501st Legion | 7th Fleet | Dark Troopers | Death Troopers | HK-87 Assassin Droids | Beskar Trooper | Night Troopers

Gorian Shard | Great Mothers | Shadow Council

Barb Mentir | Captain Brutus | Chaelt | Gorian Shard | Gunter | Hondo Ohnaka | Izuma | Jod Na Nawood | Kragan Gorr | Kona | Pax | Tak Rennod | Turk Falso | Vane

Garnac's Hunting Guild

Dar | Gilas | Goron | Krix | Lagon | Lo-Taren | Ramy | Ratter | Smug | Sochek

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
Ajunta Pall | Barriss Offee | Bode Akuna | Dagan Gera | Darth Andeddu | Darth Bane | Darth Desolous | Darth Krall | Darth Momin | Darth Noctyss | Darth Phobos | Darth Plagueis | Darth Revan | Darth Sanguis | Darth Sion | Darth Tanis | Darth Tenebrous | "Dark Underlord" | Exar Kun | Exim Panshard | Jek-14 | Jod Na Nawood | Kiza | Komari Vosa | Pong Krell | Ren | Son | Taron Malicos | The Stranger | Vitiate

Jabba's Criminal Empire
Jabba the Hutt | Bib Fortuna

8D8 | B'omarr Monks | EV-9D9 | Kithaba | Klaatu | Ree-Yees | Salacious B. Crumb | Sy Snootles | Thok | Vedain | Velken Tezeri | Vizam | Wooof

Clone Troopers
Captain Wilco | Clone X Troopers | Clone X | CX-1 | CX-2 | Commander Appo | Commander Crosshair | Commander Faie | Commander Fox | Commander Scorch | Sergeant Slick

Grysk Hegemony

Duloks | Gamorreans | Geonosians | Hutts | Neimoidians | Pyke | Rakata | Summa-verminoth | Trandoshans | Tusken Raiders | Umbarans | Ewoks (Star Wars: Battlefront II)

0-0-0 | Arvel Skeen | Ashiga Clan | Azmorigan | Bala-Tik | Bedlam Raiders | Blackguards | Cad Bane's Crew | Cassie Cryar | Chi Cho | Chelli Lona Aphra | Ciddarin Scaleback | Closed | Cornelius Evazan | Daultay Dofine | Deren | DJ | Drengir | Fanry | Garindan Ezz Zavor | Gha Nachkt | Gardulla the Elder | Gorak | Graxol Kelvyyn | Grecker | Guavian Death Gang | Haxion Brood | Head of the Pyke Syndicate | Helgait | Jaylen Vrax | Kanjiklub | Kintan Striders | Krayt's Claw | Lady Proxima | Lolo Purs | Lord Nyax | Mandalore the Great | Max Rebo Band | Meritt Col | M-OC | Morley | Mokko | Mok Shaiz | Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Mos Espa Crime Families | Mos Espa Street Gang | Mother Pran | OOM-9 | Open | Order of the Night Wind | Ponda Baba | Prince Xizor | Qi'ra | Rayvis | Razoo Qin-Fee | Roland Durand | Saw Gerrera | Sebulba | Silvo's pirates | Sylar Saris | Thurible | Tobias Beckett | Unkar Plutt | Vanguard Axis | Warbird gang

See Also
Star Wars Legends Villains | Angry Birds Star Wars Villains | LEGO Star Wars Villains
