“ | It's been a pleasure chatting with you, Hardeen. But you will forget everything you heard in here. Or Moralo Eval will have you slaughtered. | „ |
~ Moralo Eval to Obi-Wan Kenobi (disguised as Rako Hardeen) |
Moralo Eval is the main antagonist of the Obi-Wan Undercover arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He is a male Phindian bounty hunter and crime lord who took part in a conspiracy to kidnap the Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine, on behalf of Count Dooku and the Separatist Alliance.
Early life[]
Moralo Eval was born on the planet of Phindar during the final years of the Galactic Republic, where he had a rough life growing up. As a child, Moralo had developed psychotic tendencies and murdered his own mother at a young age.
He was later arrested by the authorities and said that he killed his mother because he was "bored" and remained imprisoned for some time. Moralo later escaped and turned to a life of crime. He became a fugitive where he developed proficient survival, technical and engineering skills while on the run. He also became more and more deranged and began referring to himself in third person.
Clone Wars Service[]
During the Clone Wars, Moralo Eval had originally served as a bounty hunter and collaborator with the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic. He was contacted by Count Dooku at some point to take part in a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic as a means of having the Separatists gain ground in the war, but was later imprisoned.
He, along with Cad Bane, would be set free after taking part in a prison riot instigated by Rako Hardeen (who was Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise) and the three of them escaped. He later tagged along with Hardeen and Cad Bane as they traveled across the galaxy to regroup on Serenno to take part in the plot.
Testing the Hunters[]
The trio of bounty hunters managed to make it to Nal Hutta and escaped with their lives after Hardeen (Obi-Wan) forced them to tag along with him and made it to Serenno where Dooku was awaiting them along with other bounty hunters selected for the special mission.
On the planet, Moralo and Dooku head to a facility simply known as "The Box" and has the hunters forced into it to take part in many lethal tests to see who's strongest and most worthy for the mission. During the tests, Hardeen repeatedly proved himself to be worthy by not only passing the tests, but leading some of the other bounty hunters to pass them as well. This led Dooku to wondering if he should take over Moralo's position as the head of the mission, which angered him greatly.
In the final test, Moralo appeared and challenged Hardeen's target practicing with a blaster sniper. However, after successfully hitting the target three times, Moralo introduced two moving targets and demanded that he hit them five more times. Hardeen managed to get four hits in a row, but finds himself out of charges since Moralo rigged it so that he only had four charges and couldn't possibly get five hits. Justifying this by saying that it was important for a bounty hunter to be lucky and that his luck had run out, Moralo tried to drop Hardeen into the floor panels below that were spewing fire. Unfortunately, Can Bane interfered as he saved Hardeen from falling by catching him with a rope and then told Moralo to kill Hardeen like a man. Dooku agreed as he appeared on a giant screen and forced Moralo and Hardeen to fight. The two exchanged blows, with it culminating in Hardeen beating Moralo senseless, but when Dooku told Hardeen to finish him, Hardeen let him live because he "just wanted to do his job and get paid".
The Naboo Job[]
Accompanying the survivors of the Box as well as Count Dooku to Naboo, Moralo found himself demoted from the ringleader of Dooku's kidnapping operation in favor of Cad Bane. Irritated, he nonetheless complied with Dooku's orders to fill Bane in on what his plan entailed and let him relay it to the rest of the group, but not without acting combative towards Bane.
Singling out a specific warehouse as a potential base of operations, Moralo would help Embo and Derrown eliminate the workers stationed there while getting a sense of sadistic enjoyment out of it. Once the job was done, all members of the conspiracy would meet up so Cad Bane could tell them the specifics of their individual roles. Moralo would serve as the group's getaway driver, leaving him fairly uninvolved with the Chancellor's kidnapping until the very end of the job.
The plan would initially go off without a hitch, with Eval transporting Cad Bane and a disguised Palpatine to the rendezvous point that Dooku was supposed to meet up with them. Dooku, however, would prove to be a no-show, irritating Bane and worrying Eval before worry made way for indignant fury. His plan would further go off the rails when Hardeen suddenly arrived far ahead of schedule, turning hostile and taking Palpatine back once he and Bane revealed that Dooku had double-crossed them. The scuffle that followed quickly turned into a humiliating defeat for both Bane and Eval, with Eval being reduced to pathetically begging for mercy once cornered by Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu, who were part of the chancellor's security detail.
Upon being arrested and taken away, "Hardeen" would reveal his true identity as Obi-Wan Kenobi to Eval and Bane, who could only fume in impotent rage before being taken back to prison.
While friendly at a glance, Moralo Eval is a textbook example of a sociopath and is as cold-blooded, callous, sadistic, and heartless as they come. Friends and family were meaningless to him and he'll gladly dispose of them purely on a whim, as shown by him murdering his own mother purely out of boredom, killing his accomplices, or the times he abandoned "Hardeen" for the flimsiest reasons. But as emotionally detached as he is, he's quick to grow aggressive and spiteful the second his ego takes any sort of blow, which is what fueled his constant attempts at sabotaging Hardeen during the tournament inside The Box.
Eval's also quite the eccentric individual and has his fair share of quirks, such as his constant twitching and tendency to refer to himself in the third person.
As cruel and cunning as Eval is, however, he's also a coward. Despite his hatred for "Hardeen", he refuses to fight him directly and keeps trying to hide behind droids, flamethrowers, and The Box's hostile terrain until every last option is yanked away from him, necessitating a proper one-on-one fight. Likewise, when he found himself cornered by two Jedi, he didn't bother fighting back and instead began pleading for mercy.